Integrated B (1) - Tech First Year (12 June 2009)

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(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) CH- I101 : CHEMIS TRY Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 0 3 Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External : 150 : 50 : 100

Objectiv e: Applied Chemistry is considered as one of the core subjects for students in engineering and technology for developing in them scientific temper and appreciation of chemical properties of materials, which they have to handle in their professional career. Effort should be made to teach this subject through demonstration and with the active involvement of students. PART- A Un it 1: Atomic Str uct u r e Introduction to atom and its constituent particle, Daltons, Rutherfords model. Bohrs model (postulates only), atomic number, mass number, isotopes, isobars, concept of atomic orbitals, shapes of s and p orbitals, quantum numbers, electronic configuration-Aufbau Principle, Hunds rule and Paulis exclusion principle. Un it 2: Che mic al Bondin g Electronic concept of bonding, elementary account of electrovalent, covalent and coordinate bond formation on the basis of the electronic concept of valency with the help of suitable examples to each. Orbital concept of covalent bond, sigma and pi bond, hybridization (sp3, sp2 and sp). Un it 3: Sol utio ns Concept of homogeneous solution: colloids, suspensions, brownian movement, osmosis, acidity, basicity, equivalent weight and gram equivalent weight with suitable examples, mole, Avogadro number, pH. strength of a solution: normality, molarity, molality, mole fraction and related numerical problems. PART- B Un it 4: Electrol ys i s Electrolytes, non-electrolytes conductors and non-conductors with suitable examples, Faradays Laws of Electrolysis and related numerical problems, industrial applications of electrolysis, types of batteries and elementary account of lead acid battery & Ni-Cd battery. Un it 5: Adsorpt ion and Catal y si s Adsorption and its types, theories of adsorption, catalysis and their general properties, kinetics of catalysis, industrial applications of adsorption and catalysis. Un it 6: Poly me r s and Pol yme r i z a t io n Polymers and their classification, various types of polymerization, effect of structure on properties of polymers, preparation, properties and technical applications of Thermoplastics (PVC, PC & PMMA), Thermosets (PF & UF), preparation, properties and technical applications of Elastomers (SBR & GR-N) and Silicones. Text Book s: 1. Principles of Physical Chemistry: B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma & M. S. Pathania, S. Nagin Chand & Co., 33rd Ed 1992. 2. ABC of Chemistry: Pradeep, Pradeep Pubications. 3. Progressive Applied Chemistry I and II: G.H. Hugar, Eagle Prakashan, Jalandhar. Refe re n ce Book s: 1

1. Engineering Chemistry: Sangita Banga, Manav Rachna Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2. Engineering Chemistry: M. M. Uppal, Khanna Publishers, Sixth Edition, 2001.
3. Chemistry of Engineering Materials: C.P. Murthy, C.V. Agarwal and A. Naidu BS Publication Hyd. 2007. 4. Engineering Chemistry: Sunita Rattan, S.K. Kataria Publications, New Delhi. 5. Physical Chemistry: P.W.Atkins, Oxford University Press. Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.


(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) PH- I101 : PHYS ICS - I Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 1 4 Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External :150 : 50 :100

Objectiv e: To provide the knowledge of fundamental principles and concepts of Physics which are relevant to an engineer. A joint effort of Physicists and engineers gives the technological development to the modern world. So, proper study of Physics would certainly enhance the capabilities of students as an engineer. PART- A Un it 1: Un it s, Di me n s i o n s and Vectors Fundamental and derived units, principal systems of units (CGS, MKS, FPS and SI systems), dimensions and dimensional formulae, principle of homogeneity, dimensional equations and their application, limitations of dimensional analysis, scalars and vectors, addition, subtraction and multiplication of two vectors (scalar and vector products). Un it 2: Force and Motion Force, resolution and composition of forces, law of parallelogram of forces, law of triangle of forces, law of polygon of forces, Lamis theorem. Newtons laws of motion, impulse, projectiles horizontal and oblique: equation of trajectory, time of flight, maximum height and horizontal range, circular motion, linear and angular velocities, angular acceleration, centripetal and centrifugal forces. Un it 3: Rotation al Motion Torque, moment of inertia and its physical significance, radius of gyration, rotational kinetic energy and angular momentum of rigid body (derivation), conservation of angular momentum and its applications. PART B Un it 4: Work , Energy and Power Work definition and its units, work done by constant and variable forces, kinetic and potential energy, work energy theorem, potential energy of a spring, conservation of mechanical energy, elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions, power - definition & units. Un it 5: Propert ie s of Sol ids and Liq ui ds Elasticity deforming forces, stress and strain, Hookes law, Youngs modulus, bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity, stress-strain diagram. Pressure due to a fluid, Pascal's law, viscosity, Stokes theorem, terminal velocity (derivation), streamline and turbulent flow, Bernoullis theorem and applications, Reynolds number. Surface tension: its determination by capillary rise method, applications of surface tension. Un it 6: Princ ip l e s of Optics Reflection of light, image formation in convex and concave mirrors, focus, focal length, formula connecting u, v and f for mirrors, refraction and refractive index, image formation in lenses, lens formula (thin lenses), power of a lens, total internal reflection, defects of images and their correction, simple and compound microscopes, astronomical telescope, derivation of magnifying power in each case. Text Book s: 1. Applied Physics Vol-I: TTI Publications, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, Delhi. 2. Basic Applied Physics: R K Gaur, Dhanpat Rai Publications. 3. A Textbook of Optics: BrijLal and Subramanium, S Chand Publications. 4. Fundamentals of Physics: Resnick Halliday, Willey. 3

Refe re n ce Book s: 1. Pradeeps Fundamental Physics: K L Gomber & K L Gogia. 2. Concepts of Physics: H C Verma, Bharti Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.


(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) MA- I101 : MATHS - I Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 1 4 Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e: The student will be able to acquire knowledge of Mathematical terms, concepts, principles and related methods. PART- A Un it 1: Per mu t a t ion s & Combi na t ion s Fundamental principle of counting. Factorial n. permutations formulae and their relations, simple applications. Un it 2: Bi no mi al Theor e m & Parti al fract io ns Statement and proof of the binomial theorem for positive integral indices. General and middle term in binomial expansion, simple applications. Partial fractions Denominator having linear factors, repeated linear factors & non reducible quadratic factors. Un it 3: Seque nc e and Seri es Sequence and series. Arithmetic progression, general term of a A.P., sum of n terms of a A.P Arithmetic mean, geometric progression, general term of a G.P., sum of n terms of a G.P., geometric mean, relation between A.M. and G.M. PART- B Un it 4 : Tr igono met r i c Fu nctio ns Definitions of trigonometric functions and their relations. Values of trigonometrical functions at particular angles ( 0 0 ,30o, 45o, 60o, 90o, 180o, 270o, 360o),trigonometric identities ,graphs of trigonometric functions sin x , cos x & tan x .Trigonometric functions of sum of two angles , difference of two angles and multiple of angles. Operations on trigonometrical functions (addition and subtraction formulae, product formulae), solution of triangles. Un it 5: Strai g ht Li ne s General equations of a straight line. Slope of a straight line , lines parallel to co-ordinate axes, Equation of a straight line in various standard forms (two points form, point-slop form,intercepts forms & normal form etc.). Perpendicular distance of a point from a straight line. Un it 6: Conic Sectio ns and Th re e - dime n s io n al Geometr y General second degree equations in x & y and its classification. Standard equation of circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola and their simple properties . Pair of intersecting lines as a degenerated case of a conic section. Coordinate axes and coordinate planes in three dimensions. Coordinates of a point. Distance between two points and section formula. Text Book s: 1. Mathematics for class XII, XI, R D Sharma, Dhanapat Rai Publication. 2. Mathematics for class XII, XI, P K Garg, Arya book Deopt Publication. 3. Mathematics Textbook for Class XII, XI NCERT Publication

Pr and combinations nCr , derivation of

Refe re n ce Book s: 1. Mathematics for Polytechnic: S.P. Deshpande, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan. 2. Mathematics for Polytechnic: H K Das, CBS. Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.


(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) HM- I101 : COMMUN ICA TION SKILL S - I Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 1 4 Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e: The aim of the course is to make the students effective communicators in all spheres of life personal, social and professional. The syllabus is designed to make them proficient in both spoken and written language. PART- A Un it 1: Readi ng Sk il l s An attempt has been made to select prose writings by outstanding writers as it would cater to the needs of English in the modern context for technical students. The study of the text will help the students extend and consolidate their grasp of English. Prose Text Book: A Book of English for Polytechnics Prose Selection. Published by Macmillan India Ltd. The following chapters are prescribed: 1. Adventure in Space, 2. God Lives in the Panch, 3. Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture, 4. A Pair of Mustaches, 5. Subhas Chandra Bose Un it 2: Compr eh e n s i o n Understanding of a given passage; questions to be asked on vocabulary, usage, content and central idea. Un it 3: Se ma n t i cs & Syn tax Narration, use of active & passive voice, homophones and homonyms, one word substitutes, tenses, synonyms and antonyms, proper use of prepositions, correction of sentences. PART- B Un it 4: Parag rap h Wri ti n g Descriptive- Instruments, appliances, places, persons analytical and argumentative- dialogue and debate. Un it 5: Letter Wr it i ng Letter heads, format, style and language of a letter, writing informal and formal letters and applications. Un it 6: Oral Commu n i c at io n The stress in the practical module is on skill development and practical use of language skills. Phonetics- Acquaintance with 44 sounds of pronunciation; Speaking Skills- dialogue, debate, formal and informal speech. Text Book s: 1. 2. 3. 4. A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students: F.T. Wood, Orient Longman A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students: T. Balasubramanian, Macmillan Essentials of Communication: D.G. Saxena, Top Quark. Yearly Collection of Essays (2008-2009): Competition Success Review.

Refe re n ce Book s: 1. A Practical English Grammar: A.J Thomson & A.V Martinet, Oxford University Press. 2. Developing Language Skills: Delhi University, Manohar Publisher, New Delhi. 7

3. A Course in Phonetics & Spoken English: J. Sethi & P.V. Dhamija, Prentice Hall India. 4. Essentials of Business Communication: Pal & Rorualling, Sultan Chand and Sons.
Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.


(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) CS - I101 : Fund a me n t a l s of Compu te r and Progra m m i n g - I Periods/week Credits Max. Marks L: 3 T: 1 4 Internal Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e: To give introduction to computer hardware & software and developing programming skills in C language and also Basics of Internet and Word-Processor. PART- A Un it - 1: An Over vi ew of Comp ut er Syste m Anatomy of a digital Computer, computer organization, block diagram of a computer, CPU, memory unit, primary and secondary memory: RAM, ROM, PROM; device controllers, serial port, parallel port, system bus. Input /Output devices: keyboard, mouse, hard-disc, pen drive; output devices; VDU and printer, scanner, plotter. Secondary storage devices: Hard-disc tracks and sectors, optical disk (CD and DVD Memory), computer hardware and software. Un it - 2: Radix nu mb e r syste m Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal numbers and their inter-conversions; arithmetic in binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems. Representation of information inside the computers. ASCII and EBCD codes. Un it - 3: Comp ut er Gener at io n s Hardware-wise generations; and Software-wise. single user and multi-user systems, GUI based software. Machine-, Assembly-, high level- language, assembler, compiler, interpreter, debuggers, PART- B Un it - 4: Operat i ng Syste m Basic s Function of an operating system; User interface, running programmer, managing files. Introduction to PC operating Systems: Unix/Linux, DOS, Windows 2000. Various commands in MS-DOS and Windows Un it - 5: Progra m m i n g Langu ag es Programming fundamentals: problem definition & specification. Algorithm and programming development, algorithm development. Steps in development of a program. Flow charts and the symbols, importance of Flow Charts in development of program. Flow Charts for some simple problems. Un it - 6: C Progra m m i n g Langu ag e C fundamentals, Program Structure, I/O statements, assign statements, Constants, variables and data types, operators and expressions, formatted input/output, Various control statements, loops and their applications. Arrays, one and two dimensional arrays, functions, program writing for some simple problems. Text Book s:

1. Fundamentals of Computers: E. Balaguruswamy, TMH. 2. Fundamentals of Computing Science and Programming with C: A.K. Sharma, Dhanpat Rai.
Refe re n ce Book s:

1. Fundamentals of Computing C Programming & MS Office: Alexis Leon, 2004, TMH.

2. Let US C: Yashwant Kanetkar: BPB 3. Programming in C: Stephen, Pearson Publication Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from 9

each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) CH- I111 : CHEMIS TRY LAB Periods/week Credits P: 2 1 Duration of Examination: 2 Hrs List of Exper i me n t s : 1. Volumetric analysis and study of apparatus used therein. 2. Determine the strength of a given solution of sodium hydroxide with the help of a standard solution of oxalic acid. 3. Determination of copper in the given brass solution, or sample of blue vitriol volumetrically. 4. Determine the pH of different water samples using pH meter. 5. To electroplate the given strip of Cu with Ni using electroplating technique. 6. To determine the Total, Temporary and Permanent hardness of given water sample by EDTA method. 7. To determine the strength of HCl using conductometer. 8. Determination of saponification no. of lubricating oil. 9. Determination of Total dissolved solids in different ground water samples using TDS meter. 10. To determine the alkalinity of water volumetrically and using alkalinity meter. 11. To determine the flash point & fire point of given lubricating oil using Pensky Marten's apparatus. 12. To determine the viscosity of given lubricating oil using Redwood viscometer. 13. Determination of emf using Potentiometric titration. 14. Determination of Eutectic point of two component system by cooling curve method. 15. To study the extent of corrosion of different metals in different media. Note: Every student needs to do minimum 10 numbers of experiments in a semester. Max. Marks Internal External : 50 : 25 : 25



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) PH - I111 : PHYSICS - I LAB Periods/week Credits P: 2 1 Duration of Examination: 2 Hrs List of Exper i me n t s : 1. Vernier calipersits use to measure internal and external diameter and depth of a vessel. 2. Screw gaugeits use to determine thickness/diameter of thin sheet/wire. 3. To determine the thickness of glass strip and radius of curvature of a concave surface using a spherometer. 4. Meter Scale - mass of a given object by principle of moments. 5. To determine the height of a mark or tower with the help of a sextant. 6. To study the variation of T with l for a compound pendulum (Bar Pendulum) and then to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) in the laboratory. 7. Young's modulus of elasticity of the material of a metallic wire. 8. Surface tension of water by capillary rise method. 9. Co-efficient of Viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity of a given spherical body. 10. To determine and verify the time period of cantilever by drawing graph between load (w) and depression (D). 11. To plot a cooling curve for the relationship between the temperature of a hot body and time. 12. To determine the atmospheric pressure at a place using Fortins Barometer. 13. To find the coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper using Searles conductivity apparatus. 14. To determine the temperature coefficient of a resistance for platinum using a platinum resistance thermometer and a Callendar and Griffiths bridge. 15. To determine the frequency of AC mains using sonometer. Note: Every student needs to do minimum 10 experiments in a semester. Max. Marks Internal External :50 :25 :25



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) CS - I1 11: Compu te r Progra m m i n g - I Lab Periods/week Credits P: 2 1 Duration of Examination: 2 Hrs List of Exper i me n t s : 1. Write Program for the following: (i)To converts user supplied measurements in inches into (a) foot, yard; (b) cm & M (ii) To calculate taxes based on income of a person. 2. WAP using conditional statements (if-then, and switch statements) 3. WAP using looping ( for-loop, do-while, while statements) WAP to Add, Subtract and Multiply two matrices and print the resultant matrix 4. WAP to find maximum of three numbers. 5. WAP to find the number of characters in a sentence. 6. WAP to print table of values of a function (say) y=5+ 3*x+ 5*x*x for x=1 to 10 7. WAP to find the sum and product of two arrays 8. WAP to find the sum of ten numbers given through key board 9. Practice the various MS-DOS command about files and directories 10. Practice various command about searching files and listing 11. Practice various Windows command about cut, copy and pasting of different files 12. Practice various Windows Command searching of files 13. Practice various Windows Command page setup. 14. Practice various Windows Command formatting. Every student is required to maintain Practicals File and write the following steps in each Practical: (i) Problem statement, (ii) Formula(s) used, (iii) Algorithm, (iv) Flow Chart, (v) Source codes in students handwriting, (vi) Program listing (print-out), and (vii) Input & Output. Note: Every student needs to do minimum 10 experiments in a semester. Max. Marks Internal External :50 :25 :25



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) WS - I111 : WORKS HOP PRACTICE Periods/week P: 6 List of Jobs: Machi n e Shop 1. (a) 1. (b) To study different types of measuring tools used in metrology and find the least count of vernier calipers, micrometers & vernier height gauges. To measuring the various dimensions of cylindrical, flat & sheet metal using the above tools. Credits 3 Max. Marks Internal :100 :100

2. To study different type of machine tools. (Lathe, Milling, Shaper & Drilling Machine). 3. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 4. (b) To prepare a job on Lathe m/c involving, facing, turning, grooving and knurling. To prepare a job on Lathe m/c involving, facing, turning, taper turning, radius, making & parting off. To prepare a job involving face milling, side milling, and slot cutting using milling m/c. To prepare a job of horizontal/ vertical surface & grooving on shaper m/c. Fitti ng Shop 1. To study different types of marking and fitting tools used in fitting practice. 1. To prepare a job involving filing, drilling and tapping. 2. To prepare a job of assembly involving two or more matching parts. Wel di ng Shop 1. To study the working principles of Arc & Gas welding and familiarization of tools and equipment involved. 2. To prepare job of butt and lap joints using Arc welding. (a) To prepare a job of pipe welding. (b) To prepare layout on metal sheet by marking and preparing a rectangular tray/ pipe shaped component like funnel. Carpen tr y Shop 1. To study different types of hand tools used in carpentry. 2. To prepare different types of Joints- four nos (cross-joint, T-lap joint, T dovetail joint and Mitred joint.) Found r y Shop 1. 2. 3. 4. To study different types of Hand Tools & Materials used in pattern making and mould making. Conditioning and mixing of sand for mould and core assembly. To prepare Mould and core assembly to put metal in the mould and fettle the casting. Analysis of casting defects and suggesting the causes and remedies. Compu te r Shop 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Demonstration of Computer system and its various components Study of power supply system(SMPS), measurement of currents etc, Study of Motherboard, processor, RAM, Hard disk, different type of cables & connectors etc. Study of Keyboard, Monitor, Printers, LAN Cards. Demonstration for Trouble shooting: various common problems and their rectification 14

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Diagnostics of Mother Board, RAM, Power Supply unit and power supply to various parts. Diagnostics of connectivity for various components, printers and monitor etc. Maintenance of SMPS Maintenance of Printers (Laser, Inkjet, Dotmatrix) Maintenance of Keyboard , mouse, connectivity of various components Installation of Operating System and other Software Setting up of LAN, Working as server and client Transfer of Data/File from one system to another in LAN and Stand alone. Electric al Shop

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Study of electrical safety measures and shock treatment. Introduction of tools, electrical materials, symbols and abbreviations. To study stair case wiring. To study house wiring i.e., batten, cleat, casing-caping and conduit wirings. To study fluorescent tube light. To study repairing of home appliances such as heater, electric iron, fans etc. Study of Fuse, MCB, ELCB- Selection of fuse rating for circuits. Insulation testing of electrical equipments. Determinations of fuse characteristics and fusing factor of different specimens (open, enclosed, HRC fuses and MCB). Study of construction of dc machines. Study of various types of starters used for electrical machines. Identification of three phase ac machines. To study construction of moving iron, moving coil, electrodynamic & induction type meters. El ectron ic s Shop

1. Study & identification of Electronics Components (Resistance, Diodes, Zener diode, Crystal,
Transistors, Capacitors, Inductors etc.). 2. Study of Test Equipments (CRO, Multimeter, Function Generator, Frequency Counter, Power Supply etc). 3. Soldering Practices. 4. Identification of waveguides, coaxial cable, fiber optical cable, types of antenna. 5. Study of various parts of TV. 6. Fabrication of Minor Project (Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, power supply) 7. Making Printed Circuit Board (PCB)



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Periods/week SW- I101 : EXTRA and CO- CURRIC ULA R ACTIVIT IES Credits 1

Every student will associate himself / herself in one or more extra-curricular activities which shall be conducted after college hours under Student Welfare team, it will entitle a student for one assigned credit.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) CH- 101 : INDUS TRI A L CHEMIS TRY Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 0 3 Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External : 150 : 50 : 100

Objectiv e: Industrial Chemistry is an integrated science that ties together with fundamental concepts of physics, biology, engineering, medicine and environmental science and plays an important role in all engineering fields. The basic knowledge of water treatment, corrosion, eutectics, alloys, industrially important materials, specialty polymers and tools of nanochemistry would help students in solving problems of engineering applications. PART- A Un it 1: Wate r Trea t me n t Che mi s t r y Natural sources of water, impurities in water, water quality standards, hardness, types and its determination by EDTA method, alkalinity and its determination, numerical problems based on hardness & alkalinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), domestic water treatment, water softening methods: zeolite, ion-exchange, and mixed bed ion exchange process, desalination of water, reverse osmosis (RO) & electro-dialysis process. Un it 2: Corros ion and its Control Causes of corrosion, dry and wet corrosion, electrochemical theory of corrosion, galvanic corrosion, pitting corrosion, differential aeration corrosion, stress corrosion, soil corrosion, microbial corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, preventive measures of corrosion, material selection and design. Un it 3: Phase Rul e and its Appl icatio n Terminology of Gibb's phase rule and problems based on phase rule equation, one component system (water), two component systems (Pb-Ag, Zn-Mg and Na-K) and their applications in engineering, defence, food and pharmaceutical industries. PART- B Un it 4: Che mi s t r y of Ind us t r i a l l y Impo rta n t Mate ri al s Composites: Constituents and classification of composites, types of fibres used as reinforcing materials, advantages over conventional materials and applications in automobile, marine, aviation, electronic and computer industries. Lubricants: Importance and types of lubricants, theories of lubrication, important properties (viscosity, viscosity index, saponification number, cloud point & pour point, flash point & fire point, aniline point). Un it 5: Specia l ty Poly me r s and thei r Indu st r i a l Appl icat ion Introduction, properties and applications of specialty polymers: fire retardant polymers, electrically conducting polymers, photo-conducting polymers, electroluminescent polymers, liquid crystal polymers, biodegradable polymers. Un it 6: Nano- che mi s t r y Introduction to nano-science and its applications, a brief about conventional techniques, chemical techniques like sol-gel and electro-deposition used to prepare highly porous materials, principles and applications of SEM, AFM techniques to understand the structure and chemistry of nanomaterials (no experimental details required) Text Book s:

1. Engineering Chemistry: Sangita Banga, Manav Rachna Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2. A text Book of Engineering Chemistry: Jain and Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi. 3. Engineering Chemistry: B. Sivasankar, Tata McGraw-Hill Co, New Delhi

4. Engineering Chemistry: J. C Kuriacose & J. Rajaram, Tata McGraw-Hill Co, New Delhi (2004).
Refe re n ce Book s:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Survey of Industrial Chemistry: Chenier, Philip J. 3rd edition 2002 Springer Publications. Nano-science & Technology: V.S. Muralidharan and A Subramania, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. Nanomaterials: A K Bandyopadhyay, New Age International Publishers. Engineering Chemistry: Sunita Rattan, S.K. Kataria Publications, New Delhi. Nanotechnology: Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner, Pearson Education.

Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) PH- I201 : PHYSICS - II Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 1 4 Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e: To provide the fundamental truths and basic concepts of Physics and help to ignite fortitude of utilizing these scientific principles for discovering, innovating and developing practical devices and systems . PART- A Uni t 1: Electrosta tic s Coulombs law, principle of superposition, electric field intensity, electric potential , electric flux, gauss law, electric field of a point charge, line charge, plane sheet of charge, conducting and non-conducting sphere, dipole. Capacitance, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor (with and without dielectric), spherical capacitor, series and parallel combination of capacitors. Un it 2: Electr ici ty Electric current, drift velocity, relation between current and drift velocity, ohms law, resistance, specific resistance, series and parallel combination of resistances, kirchhoffs law, wheatstone bridge, meter bridge, ,heating effect of electric current, thermoelectric effects - Seeback effect, Thomson effect, Peltier effect. Un it 3: Oscil l at ion s Periodic motion - time period, frequency, displacement as a function of time, simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation, phase, energy in S.H.M. - kinetic and potential energies, oscillations of a spring, simple pendulum - derivation of expression for its time period, free, forced and damped oscillations, resonance (qualitative discussion). PART B Un it 4: Physi cal Optics Wave front and Huygens principle. Interference - Youngs double slit experiment and expression of fringe width, coherent sources and sustained interference of light, conditions for constructive and destructive interference. Diffraction diffraction of light, types of diffraction, diffraction due to single slit (Fraunhofer Diffraction), width of central maximum. Polarisation Brewsters law and law of Malus, plane polarized light, double refraction, Nicol prism. Un it 4: LASER and Optical Fib re Einsteins coefficients, principle of lasers, population inversion, laser pumping, characteristics of lasers, types of lasers: ruby laser, He Ne laser, application of lasers. Optical Fibre : Introduction to optical fibre, acceptance angle and numerical aperture, types of optical fibre, applications of optical fibre. Un it 6: Inte ract ion of Radiatio n wit h matte r Interaction of particles and radiations with matter, absorption of gamma rays through matter: photoelectric absorption, Compton scattering and pair production. Nuclear radiation detectors: gas filled detectors, ionization chamber, proportional counter, GM counter, scintillation counter and solid state detectors. Text Book s: 1. Applied Physics Vol-I: TTI Publications, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, Delhi 19

2. Basic Applied Physics: R K Gaur, Dhanpat Rai Publications 3. A Textbook of Optics: BrijLal and Subramanium, S Chand Publications 4. Fundamentals of Physics: Resnick Halliday, Willey. 5. Fundamentals of Engineering Physics: Meenakshi S Khurana, Manav Rachna Publication House. 6. Engineering Physics: Satya Prakash, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut Refe re n ce Book s: 1. Modern Physics for Engineers: S P Taneja, R Chand & Co, New Delhi 2. Introduction to Laser: B B Loud, Wiley Easter Ltd. Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) MA- I201 : MATHS - II Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 1 4 Duration of Ext. Exam: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e: Develop the ability to apply mathematical methods to solve technical problems, to execute management, plans with precision. PART- A Un it 1: Dete r mi n a n t s Definition of a determinant and a Matrix . Order of a matrix , Square matrix ,Minors, Cofactors, Expansions of a determinant (up to 3rd order using minors & cofactors), properties of determinants, row and column operations , application of determinants in finding the area of a triangle. Solution of system of linear equations using Cramers rule, consistency and inconsistency of a system of equations, Cases of infinite solutions of a system of linear equations (by examples). Un it 2: Matr ices Types of matrices (Null, Diagonal, Identity, Triangular matrix), transpose of a matrix ,symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Addition, subtraction ,multiplication and scalar multiplication of matrices, equality of matrices ,simple properties of matrix algebra, non-commutativity of multiplication of matrices, Singular and non-singular matrices. Adjoint of a matrix, Inverse of a matrix if it exists. Un it 3: Compl e x Numbe r s Definition, real and imaginary parts of a complex number, Polar and Cartesian representation of a complex number, conversion from one form of a complex number to another form ,conjugate of a complex number, modulus and argument of a complex number, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of a complex number. PART- B Un it 4: Diff e r e n t i a l Calcu l u s Limit and continuity, definition of derivative as a rate of change of function , its physical Interpretation, derivative of polynomials ,trigonometric functions ,exponential function & logarithmic function etc. from first principle, derivative of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions. Higher order derivatives of functions. Un it 5: Appl icatio ns of Deri va ti v e s Applications of derivatives, increasing/decreasing functions, tangents & normals, approximation, maxima and minima (first derivative test and second derivative test). Un it 6: Lin ea r Progra m m i n g Probl e ms Introduction, optimization problems, formulation of linear-programming problem, linear-programming problem in two variables & their solution by graphical method. Text Book s: 1. Mathematics for class XII, XI, R D Sharma, Dhanapat Rai Publication. 2. Mathematics for class XII, XI, P K Garg, Arya book Deopt Publication. 3. Mathematics Textbook for Class XII, XI NCERT Publication Refe re n ce Book s: 1.


Mathematics for Polytechnic: S.P. Deshpande, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan. Mathematics for Polytechnic: H K Das, CBS. 21

Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) HM- I201 : COMMUN ICA TION SKILL S - II Periods/week Credits L: 3 T: 1 4 Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs Max. Marks Internal External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e : Our objective is to help the students enhance their verbal, non-verbal, communicative competence so that they use the language confidently and proficiently in various spheres of life. PART- A Un it 1: Int roduct ion to Commu n i c at io n A. Everyday Conversation: Communication in various situations and on different occasions like; interacting with elders, peer group, work place, fixing an appointment, asking for directions, shopping center, banks, airport, travel agency, entertainment centers. B. Importance, components and process of communication. C. Types; formal, informal (greetings, requests, order, narratives, exclamatory,etc). Un it 2: Lex is Idioms and phrases; phrasal words; foreign words; words often confused. Un it 3: Wr it i ng Sk il l s A. What is a prcis? How to write a prcis? B. Interpreting graphs, tables, pie charts, bar diagrams, developing outlines and key expressions and slogan writing PART- B Un it 4: Tech n ic al Wr it i ng Calling quotations, placing orders, delay in delivery, claim letters, personal letters in official capacity; resume and covering letter; email and SMS writing Un it 5: Report Wri ti n g Definition of report, types of reports, format of report, first information report, survey report, inquiry report, press report Un it 6: Oral Commu n i c at io n The stress in the practical module is on skill development and practical use of language skills. Listening and Speaking Skills : Greeting, civility and introduction; telephonic conversation; listening to a recorded talk in english and comprehending the same; extempore speech Presentation Skills: Data collection; organization; presentation of ideas with an emphasis on voicemodulation and body language. Text Book s:

1. Communications Skills in English: D. G. Saxena; Top Quark.

2. The Essence of Effective Communication: Ludlow and Panthon; Prentice Hall of India 3. A Practical English Grammar: Thomson and Martinet, Oxford University Press, USA. Refe re n ce Book s: 1. Spoken English: V Sasikumar and P.V Dhamija; Tata McGraw Hill 2. English Conversation Practice: G. Taylor; Tata McGraw Hill 3. Essentials of Business Communication: Pal and Rorualling; Sultan Chand and Sons Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from 23

each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) CS - I201 : FUN DA MEN TA LS OF COMPUTER and PROGRA MMIN G- II Periods/week Credits Max. Marks L: 3 T: 1 4 Internal Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e: To give introduction to Computer Hardware & Software and developing programming skills in C and C++ Language and also Basics of Internet and Word-Processor. PART- A Un it 1: Progra m m i n g in C Langu ag e C fundamentals, in-built data types, various types of variables and expressions; conditional statements and I/O statements, loop, nested loops and their applications; basic Data Structures in C: one-, twodimensional arrays, structures and union; structure variables and operations on structures; nested array structures, unions and enumerations. Functions, function prototypes, recursive functions, local and global variables; problems using functions. Un it 2: El eme nt s of C Lang ua ge User defined functions and their various forms; function prototypes, nesting of functions, recursive functions, local and global variables; simple problems using functions. Structures and union; structure variables and operations on structures; nested array structures, unions and enumerations. Problems using Functions, arrays, union and structures. Un it 3: Str i ng s and Str i ng Handl i n g String literals, string variables, I/O of strings, array of strings; applications. Simple string manipulation problems. File handling: Input/output streams, creation of files, file operations, formatted input / output of data; character I/O, string I/O and line I/O. Pre-processor directives, Standard Library functions. Header files; user-defined header files. PART- B Un it 4: Pointe r s in C Pointers, declaration of pointers; accessing variables through pointers; pointer expressions, use of arrays, structures and functions through pointers; simples problems using pointers. String handling using pointers. Un it 5: Fil e Manage me n t Defining of files; opening & closing of files; Input/Output streams, creation of files, file operations, formatted input / output of data; error handling during file operations. Un it 6: Ele me n t s of C++ Lang ua ge Various instructions in C++, main difference between C and C++ language; Concept of Class and objects in C++, creation of classes and objects; private, protected and public data-elements and methods; Program writing in C++. Encapsulation and inheritance; simple programs encapsulation and inheritance. Text Book s:

1. Object Oriented Programming with C++: E. Balaguruswamy, TMH. 2. Fundamentals of Computing Science and Programming with C: A.K. Sharma, Dhanpat Rai.
Refe re n ce Book s:

1. Programming in C: Stephen, Pearson Publication 2. Fundamentals of Computing C Programming & MS Office: Alexis Leon, 2004, TMH.

3. Let US C: Yashwant Kanetkar: BPB Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) EE- I201 : BAS ICS OF ELECTRICA L ENGINEERIN G Periods/week Credits Max. Marks L: 3 T: 1 4 Internal Duration of Examination: 3 Hrs External :150 :50 :100

Objectiv e: To provide knowledge of fundamental concepts of electricity magnetism and various principles related to it. PART- A Un it 1: Appl icatio ns and Advant ages of Electric al Energy Different forms of energy, different forms of energy, advantages of electrical energy, difference between AC and DC, basic Electrical Quantities, Basic concept of charge, current, voltage, resistance, power, energy and their units, Conversion of units of work, power and energy from one form to another. Un it 2: Batte r ie s Basic idea about primary and secondary cells, working principle, construction and applications of Lead acid battery and Nickel Cadmium cells. Silver Oxide Cells, Charging methods used for lead acid accumulator, Care and maintenance of lead acid battery, Grouping of cells in series and parallel. Un it 3: DC Circ ui t s Ohms law, resistances in series and parallel, Kinchhoff laws and their applications in solving electrical network problems. Star-delta transformation. PART- B Un it 4: El ectro ma g n et i s m Introduction to electromagnetism, Magnetic field around a straight current carrying conductor and a solenoid and methods to find its direction, force between two parallel current carrying conductors. Force on a conductor placed in the magnetic field. Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenzs law, Flemings Right and left Hand Rule, Principle of self and mutual induction, Principle of self and mutually induced e.m.f. and simple problems, Inductances in series and parallel, Energy stored in a magnetic field. Un it 5: AC Fund a me n t a l s Concept of alternating current and voltage, equation of instantaneous values, representation of alternating sinusoidal quantities by vectors, Phasor algebra (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of complex quantities), AC through pure resistance, inductance and capacitance, concept of susceptance, conductance and admittance, Alternating voltage applied to RL, RC and RLC series and parallel circuits (impedance triangle, phasor diagram and their solutions), power in pure resistance, inductance, capacitance, RL, RC, RLC circuits, Active and reactive components of current and their significance, Power factor and its practical significance, Resonance in series and parallel circuits. Un it 6: Poly - phase Syste m Advantages of 3 phase over single phase system, Star and delta connections (relationship between phase and line voltages, phase and line currents), Power in 3 phase circuits, measurement of power and power factor of a 3 phase load by two wattmeter method. Text Book s: 1. Basic Electrical Engineering: I J Nagrath, TMH 2007. 2. Fundamentals of Electrical Technology: Sanjana Malhotra, MR Pub., 2008. 3. Basic Electrical Engineering: A. Chakrabarti, S. Nath, C. K. Chanda, TMH, 2009.


Refe re n ce Book s: 1. Electrical Science: S. Chandhni, R. Chakrabarti and P. K. Chattopadhyay, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. LTD. New Delhi 2. Basic Electrical Engineering:P. S. Dhogal , TMH New Delhi 3. Electrical Science: J. B. Gupta, SK Kataria & Sons, New Delhi 4. Electrical Technology: B. L. Theraja , S Chand & Co., New Delhi 5. Electrical Science: Sahdev, Unique Intemational Publication, Jalandhar 6. Electrical Science: V. K. Mehta , S Chand & Co., New Delhi Inst r uc t io n s for paper setti n g: Seven questions are to be set in total. First question will be conceptual covering entire syllabus and will be compulsory to attempt. Three questions will be set from each PART-A and PART-B (one from each unit). Student needs to attempt two questions out of three from each part. Each question will be of 20 marks.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) PH- I211 : PHYSICS - II LAB Periods/week Credits P: 2 1 Duration of Examination: 2 Hrs List of Exper i me n t s : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To determine the magnifying power of an astronomical telescope To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter of a given range To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter of a given range To find the grating element of a given grating using a laser. To study characteristics of a pn junction diode and determine the static and dynamic resistance. To determine the resistance of a wire with the help of Meter bridge To determine the resistance of a galvanometer using a Post Office box To measure the high resistance by Substitution method To compare the capacitances of two condensers by De-Sauty method To study the variation of magnetic field with distance and to find the radius of coil by Stewart and Gees method. To study the charging and discharging of a condenser through resistance To determine the refractive index of the material of the prism for given colours of mercury lights with the help of a spectrometer. To draw the characteristics of a solar cell and find the fill factor. To find the band gap of an intrinsic semiconductor using four probe method. To study Hall effect in a semiconductor and to find (i) Hall voltage and Hall coefficient (ii) number of charge carriers per unit volume (iii) mobility. Max. Marks Internal External :50 :25 :25


13. 14. 15.

Note: Every student needs to do minimum 10 experiments in a semester.



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) CS - I2 11 : Compu te r Progra m mi n g - II Lab Periods/week Credits P:2 1 Duration of Examination: 2 Hrs List of Exper i me n t s : 1. WAP using conditional statements (if-then, nested if-then and switch statements) 2. WAP using looping and nested looping ( for-loop, do-while, while statements) 3. WAP to Add, Subtract and Multiply two matrices and print the resultant matrix in rectangular form in formatted form. 4. Write Programs using structure and union 6. Write Programs using functions and user-defined functions 7. Write Program for File handling problems: create, update and print file in different forms 8. WAP to print calendar of a month (use loops) 9. WAP using recursion to(i) implement Fibonacci series (ii) Factorial of N. 10. WAP to search an element in an array. 11. Write a program for displaying the output using printf function in a following format /*----------------*/ Out Put is:A=? B=? Sum=A+B Value of sum is=? 12. Write a program for manipulation of an array using pointers. 13. Write a program for exchanging of position of two strings using pointers. 14. Write a program for searching a given character in a string using pointers. 15. Write a program for creating a structure using pointers. 16. Write a program for passing a address to structure variable. 17. Write a program for swapping two numbers using call by reference. 18. Write a program for count the frequency of each characters in a given string. 19. Write a program for reversing an array using pointers 20. Write a program for the using of indirection operator (*) for printing the values. Every student is required to maintain Practicals File and write the following steps in each Practical: (i) Problem statement, (ii) Formula(s) used, (iii) Algorithm, (iv) Flow Chart, (v) Source codes in Students handwriting, (vi) Program listing (print-out), and (vii) Input & Output. Note: Every student needs to do minimum 10 experiments in a semester. Max. Marks Internal External :50 :25 :25



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) WS - I111 : WORKS HOP PRACTICE Periods/week P: 6 Credits 3 Machi n e Shop 1. (a) 1. (b) To study different types of measuring tools used in metrology and find the least count of vernier calipers, micrometers & vernier height gauges. To measuring the various dimensions of cylindrical, flat & sheet metal using the above tools. Max. Marks Internal :100 :100

2. To study different type of machine tools. (Lathe, Milling, Shaper & Drilling Machine). 3. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 4. (b) To prepare a job on Lathe m/c involving, facing, turning, grooving and knurling. To prepare a job on Lathe m/c involving, facing, turning, taper turning, radius, making & parting off. To prepare a job involving face milling, side milling, and slot cutting using milling m/c. To prepare a job of horizontal/ vertical surface & grooving on shaper m/c. Fitti ng Shop 1. 2. 3. To study different types of marking and fitting tools used in fitting practice. To prepare a job involving filing, drilling and tapping. To prepare a job of assembly involving two or more matching parts. Wel di ng Shop 1. To study the working principles of Arc & Gas welding and familiarization of tools and equipment involved. 2. To prepare job of butt and lap joints using Arc welding. (a) To prepare a job of pipe welding. (b) To prepare layout on metal sheet by marking and preparing a rectangular tray/ pipe shaped component like funnel. Carpen tr y Shop 1. To study different types of hand tools used in carpentry. 2. To prepare different types of Joints- four nos (cross-joint, T-lap joint, T dovetail joint and Mitred Joint). Found r y Shop 1. 2. 3. 4. To study different types of Hand Tools & Materials used in pattern making and mould making. Conditioning and mixing of sand for mould and core assembly. To prepare Mould and core assembly to put metal in the mould and fettle the casting. Analysis of casting defects and suggesting the causes and remedies. Compu te r Shop 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Demonstration of Computer system and its various components Study of power supply system(SMPS), measurement of currents etc, Study of Motherboard, processor, RAM, Hard disk, different type of cables & connectors etc. Study of Keyboard, Monitor, Printers, LAN Cards. Demonstration for Trouble shooting: various common problems and their rectification 31

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Diagnostics of Mother Board, RAM, Power Supply unit and power supply to various parts. Diagnostics of connectivity for various components, printers and monitor etc. Maintenance of SMPS Maintenance of Printers (Laser, Inkjet, Dotmatrix) Maintenance of Keyboard , mouse, connectivity of various components Installation of Operating System and other Software Setting up of LAN, Working as server and client Transfer of Data/File from one system to another in LAN and Stand alone. Electric al Shop

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

10. 11. 12. 13.

Study of electrical safety measures and shock treatment. Introduction of tools, electrical materials, symbols and abbreviations. To study stair case wiring. To study house wiring i.e., batten, cleat, casing-caping and conduit wirings. To study fluorescent tube light. To study repairing of home appliances such as heater, electric iron, fans etc. Study of Fuse, MCB, ELCB- Selection of fuse rating for circuits. Insulation testing of electrical equipments. Determinations of fuse characteristics and fusing factor of different specimens (open, enclosed, HRC fuses and MCB). Study of construction of dc machines. Study of various types of starters used for electrical machines. Identification of three phase ac machines. To study construction of moving iron, moving coil, electrodynamic & induction type meters. El ectron ic s Shop

1. Study & identification of Electronics Components (Resistance, Diodes, Zener diode, Crystal,
Transistors, Capacitors, Inductors etc.). 2. Study of Test Equipments (CRO, Multimeter, Function Generator, Frequency Counter, Power Supply etc). 3. Soldering Practices. 4. Identification of waveguides, coaxial cable, fiber optical cable, types of antenna. 5. Study of various parts of TV. 6. Fabrication of Minor Project (Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, power supply) 7. Making Printed Circuit Board (PCB)



(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Periods/week SW- I201 : EXTRA and CO- CURRICU LA R ACTIVI TIE S Credits 1

Every student will associate himself / herself in one or more extra-curricular activities which shall be conducted after college hours under Student Welfare team, it will entitle a student for one assigned credit.


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