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Tender Document KoniFinal

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(A successor Co. of CSEB) (A CG Govt. undertaking)


Ph.No.0771-2574240/4214 Fax No.0771-2574246



132/33 KV S/S AT

DATE & TIME OF SUBMISSION OF TENDER Date 12-06-2012-(TIME 15.00 HRS.) DATE & TIME OF OPENING OF TENDER (Techno-Commercial Bid) Date 12-06-2012 (TIME 15.30 HRS.)

PRICE : Rs. 5,000/-


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C.E. (Transmission)



// INDEX //
TR-11/44 for 132/33KV S/S at Koni
S.N. 1 2 3 Tender Form N.I.T. General Description of Project PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 6 7-8 9-11

Part I
4 SECTION- I (A) Instruction to Bidders (B) Earnest Money Deposit (C) Pre-Bid Qualification Requirements. (D) Taxes & Duties SECTION-II General Condition of Contracts SECTION-III Technical Specification for Civil works, Erection & Commissioning of 132/33KV S/S at KONI 1) Scope 2) Civil Works 3) Yard & Control Room Equipments 4) Erection of structures & equipments. 5) Climatic Conditions, 6) Cabling & Cable schedule 7) Quality Assurance. 8) Lightning protection and Earthing of Substation. 9) Work Schedule (B) Technical Specifications for Switchyard & Control Room Equipments. 1 2 Principal Parameters Technical specification for 40 MVA 132/33 KV power Xmer 3 4 Technical Specifications For 145 KV Circuit Breakers Technical Specifications For 33 K.V. Vacuum Circuit Breakers). 141-149 72-112 113-140 70-269 71 38-69 39 39-65 65-66 66-67 67 68 68 68-69 69 12-19

5 6 (A)



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Technical Specification For Instrument Transformers. - Basic design features & acceptance criterion for CT & PTs
- Principal technical parameters of Current Transformers. - Principal technical parameters of Potential Transformers


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Technical Specification For Surge Arrestors, 132 KV & 33 K.V. Technical Specification For 10 MVAR, 33 K.V. Capacitor Bank. Technical Specification For Air Break Disconnector (Isolators). Technical Specifications For Indoor Control Room Panels. Transformer Oil Filtration Plant. Technical Specification For (110 Volt And 48 Volt) Batteries. Technical Specifications For (110 Volts And 48 Volts) Battery Charger. Technical Specification For Communication Equipments. Power Line Carrier

156-158 159-161 162-175 176-209 210-205 211-212 213-219 220-228 229-250 251-253 254-256 257-261

Communication System: (RTU, Coupling Capacitor/Wave Trap

/ Coupling Device / Coaxial cables/ Tele. cables/Unarmoured copper control cables/ Automatic Data Logging System).

15 16 17 18

Types of Clamps, Connectors And Spacers. Technical Parameters of Station Transformer Specific Requirement For Lighting Luminaries For Switch Yard And Control Room Lighting & High mast Specification For Supply Of Galvanised Steel Structures And Earthing Steel: Erection, Testing And Commissioning of 132 KV / 33 KV Sub Station And Associated Bays and AC, DC Distribution Board and Marshalling Box. Technical Specification of Solid Core Insulator, Disc Insulators- 70 KN & 90 KN. Schedule of Equipments. Major Equipments Equipments Switch Yard Room


19 III -C (A) (B) III - D III- E

271-274 275 276 277 278-279

Schedule of Major Equipments. List of Vendors. Details of steel structure

- Control


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Techno-Commercial Bid (Annexure A-1 to A-23).

A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 General Information Declaration Form Abstract of Terms & Conditions Personnel Capabilities Equipment Capabilities (Manufacturing, Erection, Testing & Commissioning) A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 Financial Capability Experience Record Departure from Specification (TECHNICAL) Departure from the condition of Contract (COMMERCIAL) A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 Litigation History Agreement Proforma Proforma for B.G. towards Security Deposit Proforma for B.G. towards Performance Proforma for B.G. for Loss/Damage to Trans. Co. Proforma for Indemnity Bond Proforma for Deed of Extension of B.G. Price Variation Formula for Power Transformers Complete with all Accessories & Components A-18 Price Variation Formula for Instrument Transformers 72.5 KV & above. A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 Price Variation Formula for Isolators Price Variation Formula for GI Structures Price Variation Formula for PLCC Equipments Price Variation Formula for Wave Traps Inspection Plan for Equipments 280-319


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TR11/44 S.N. PARTICULARS Part-II 8 B B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 C-1 D-1 D-2 9 I. II. III.


Price Bid (Annexure B, B-1 to B-10, C-1, D-1 & D-2) Abstract of Price Bid 132 KV side Equipments 33 KV Side Equipments & Control Room Equipments Conductor, Clamps & Connectors Disc Insulators & Hard ware Cable, Battery & Battery Charger Luminaire (BAJAJ/ G.E./ PHILIPS Make) & Miscellaneous Equipments G. I. Steel Structure T & Ps, Instruments Furniture Automatic Data Logging System Other items Left out, if any, to complete turn key completion of project considered by the bidder Civil Works Erection Charges Testing & Commission Charges DRAWINGS Type IV (Four) Control Room Building Drg. Of C type & E type Qtr. Tentative switchyard plan layout 320-357


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Tender No.TR-11/44 for construction of 132KV S/S KONI

Tender document SL.No.. ISSUED to M/s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cost of Tender documents Rs. Received vide D.D.No..Dtd.. Name of Bank ----------------------------------------Signature & Seal of Issuing Authority CHHATTISGARH STATE POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY RAIPUR 492 013 C.G.(INDIA) TENDER FORM The undersigned hereby tender and offer (subject to erstwhile Boards conditions of tendering), the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company to test and supply, plant, machinery, materials, deliver and execute and do the several works and things which are described or referred to in the enclosures & Annexures to the specification TR-11/44 copies of which are annexed hereto and which under the terms thereof are to be supplied, executed and done by the contractor in a thoroughly good and workman like manner, and to perform and observe the provisions and agreements or the part of the contract contained in or reasonably to the inferred from the said tender documents for the sum and at the rates set out in schedules annexed hereto. It is confirmed that: (I) (II) (III) Questionnaire for Commercial terms and conditions. Questionnaire for Technical specifications of the Equipments, and All other conditions wherever described in the tender documents have been replied in full giving clear details. It has been noted that in case any reply is not given or any reply is incomplete/ambiguous the Company will have right to take the same to be advantageous for the Company. Companys decision in this regard will be final. The bidder will have no right to furnish any technical or commercial clarification after opening of the bid which may in any way alter the offered prices. Bidders Signature Bidders Address.

Dated, this day of .


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(A Govt. of Chhattishgarh undertaking) (A successor company of CSPCL)

O/o The Chief Engineer (Transmission) Daganiya: Raipur 492013

Ph. 0771-2574240-4214-4212-4241 Fax 0771 2574246

No.02-04/NIT/TR-12/05,07,08,09&11/44/ NOTICE INVITING TENDER


Sealed tenders are invited from experienced eligible Bidders for taking up the following projects on turnkey basis.

Sr Tender No No. . 1 11/44


Cost of Tender Documents Rs.5,000/(Non refundable)

Earnest money

Due date of opening





Construction of 132/33KV Sub Station Koni (Distt. Bilaspur) comprising of 01 No. 40 MVA 132/33 KV transformer, 04 Nos. 132 KV bays, 07 Nos 33 KV bays & 1 No. 10MVAR Capacitor Bank. Construction of 132/33 KV Sub Station Kasdol (Distt. Baloda Bazar) comprising of 01 No. 40 MVA 132/33 KV transformer, 3 Nos. 132 KV bays & 06 Nos. 33 KV bays & 1 No. 10MVAR Capacitor Bank. . Construction of 132/33KV Sub Station Patharia (Distt. Mungeli) comprising of 01 No. 40 MVA 132/33 KV transformer, 04 Nos. 132 KV bays, 07 Nos 33 KV bays & 1 No. 10MVAR Capacitor Bank. Construction of 132/33 KV Sub-station Ratanpur (Distt. Bilaspur) comprising of 01 No. 40 MVA 132/33 KV transformer, 06 Nos. 132 KV bays, 08 Nos 33 KV bays & 1 No. 10MVAR Capacitor Bank. Construction of 132/33 KV Sub Station Gariyaband (Distt. Gariyaband) comprising of 01 No. 40 MVA 132/33 KV transformer, 03 Nos. 132 KV bays, 09 Nos 33 KV bays & 1 No. 10MVAR Capacitor Bank.

Rs. 5.00 lacs


Rs.5,000/(Non refundable)

Rs. 5.00 lacs


Rs.5,000/(Non refundable)

Rs. 5.00 lacs


Rs.5,000/(Non refundable)

Rs. 5.00 lacs


Rs.5,000/(Non refundable)

Rs. 5.00 lacs


SCOPE OF WORK: (i) All civil works including drawing,design & construction of foundation, control room,
water supply arrangements & road etc. as per approved lay out drawings by CSPTCL. All Drawing & Designing of S/S, Supply of galvanized steel structures as per CSPTCLs design, all equipments including 40 MVA 132/33 KV transformer & material conforming to relevant I.S.S./International Standards as approved by CSPTCL. (iii) Erection, testing & commissioning of complete sub-station. (ii) NOTE:-


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i) In case any of the above dates is declared as holiday then the particular date will automatically get shifted to next working day. ii) The quantities mentioned above are tentative & may vary according to final requirement.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS:(i) The tender documents can be obtained from the office of the CE (Transmission) in person on payment of cost of tender documents in the form of D.D. only made out in the name of MANAGER (RAO : HQ), CSPTCL, Raipur accompanied with firms application on its letter head. If tender document is required by post, Rs.250/- is to be paid by D.D. along with the cost of documents. If more than one tender document is required, separate DDs should be furnished for each tender. CSPTCL shall not be responsible for any postal delay regarding receipt/ non-receipt of tender documents. (ii) The tender document can also be downloaded from official website of CSPTCL
www.cseb.gov.in ( go through Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Co. Ltd. - Tender Notice) and required tender fee (Rs 5,000 /-) in form of DD in favour of

Manager (RAO: HQ), CSPTCL, Raipur payable at Raipur should be submitted along with EMD in envelope containing DD of EMD. The envelope containing
DDs of cost of tender document & EMD should be suitably super scribed DDs containing cost of tender document and EMD. The details of DDs be mentioned on the outer side of the envelope also. Please note carefully in absence of aforesaid

requisite tender fee, further bid shall not be considered for opening. (iii) Tender documents and the detailed specification can be obtained on any working day one day before the due date. The tenders, duly filled shall be dropped/get dropped in the specified tender box up to 15:00 Hrs. on the due date. Any other means of delivery shall not be accepted. The tender box shall be locked/sealed at 15:00 hrs of due date. (iv) After publication of NIT & before the date of opening of TC Bid, Corrigendum/ other information (if any) shall be displayed on our official web only. (v) CSPTCL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers, in part or full without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Chief Engineer (Transmission) C.S. Power Transmission Co. Ltd., Raipur


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THIS COMPLETE TURN KEY PROJECT COVERS DRAWINGS, DESIGN, SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENTS, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF ALL EQUIPMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH 132/33KV SUBSTATION AT KONI (DISTT BILASPUR) The Scope of Work Associated with 132/33KV Substation KONI Project, on TURNKEY Basis shall be as under. A) SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENTS:Supply of all equipments and accessories for 132/33 KV, sub-station at KONI, which includes 40MVA 132/33KV Transformer, 132KV SF6 Circuit Breakers, 132 KV CT & PT, Wave Traps, Coupling Capacitor, L.A. and Isolators, 33 KV V.C.B., CT & PT, Isolator, L.A., 10 MVAR Capacitor Bank, 200KVA 33/0.4 KV Station Transformer & Associated Equipments, Luminaries, High Mast lights, GI Steel structures, Control & Relay Panels, Data logging system, RTU, PLCC equipments (Carrier Cabinet, Coupling Device & Coaxial Cables),110V & 48V Battery, Battery Chargers, Control Cables, conductor and other equipments to complete construction of sub-station on TURN KEY basis. B) 132 KV SIDE SWITCHYARD:- Total of 04 Nos. 132KV bays will be constructed in new 132KV S/S, CSPTCL, KONI (DISTT BILASPUR (C.G.) as detailed here under:i) 02 Nos 132KV feeder bays, 3-Phase with gantry structure, PLCC equipments, isolators, CB, CT, CC and C&R panel is to be constructed as per tentative switchyard plan layout enclosed. One number 132KV bay for a 40MVA 132/33KV Transformer is to be constructed (Fully equipped). 132KV Bus Transfer Bay complete 01 No. One Set of 132KV (3 numbers) PT is to be constructed. The Bus Arrangement at KONI 132KV substation is single Main bus & Aux. bus as indicated in tentative switchyard plan layout. The bus conductor shall be Double Zebra for 132KV Main bus and single zebra for 132KV Aux. bus. One No. additional 1X40 MVA, 132 KV X-mer bay shall also be constructed with civil foundation and structures but without equipments. Plinth of 40 MVA Xmers shall be suitable for 63 MVA Xmer.

ii) iii) iv) v)


vii) C)

33KV SIDE SWITCHYARD: - Total of 07 Nos. 33KV bays will be constructed in new 132KV S/S, KONI (Distt: BILASPUR) C.G. as detailed here under: i) One number 33KV Incoming Bay for 40MVA Transformer is to be constructed. ii) Four numbers 33KV Feeder Bays are to be constructed. Page No. 9 C.E. (Transmission)


TR11/44 iii) iv) v) vi) vii)

132KV KONI S/S One number 33KV Bus Transfer bay is to be constructed. One number bay for 33KV 10MVAR capacitor bank is to be constructed. One Sets (3 Nos.) 33KV PT are to be provided. One 200 KVA, 33/0.4KV Station Transformer with DO Fuse protection is to be provided. The 33KV main & transfer bus shall be constructed to accommodate one No. Future Xmer bay and one No. additional 33KV bay, which may be added in future. The 33 KV future X-mer (40 MVA) bay shall be constructed with civil foundations and structures but without equipments. The 33KV Main bus shall be Double Zebra and transfer bus shall be single zebra.

A Tentative switchyard plan layout is enclosed herewith showing all the 132 & 33KV feeders & transformer bays to be constructed. All Steel structure should be as per CSPTCL design & drawing of structures. Weight of steel structure shall be as per Schedule III-E. D) CIVIL WORKS: - The scope of civil works shall be as follows: i) Construction of 01 No.Control Room Building type-IV (Four) with internal water supply, internal and external sanitation, electrification, plinth protection, pre construction anti termite treatment, drainage arrangement etc. complete in all respects as per specifications and direction of Engineerin-charge of CSPTCL. The drawing of Type-IV control room is enclosed. ii) 5.0 metre wide concrete approach road from main road to control room and to main Xmer foundation up to the fence with roadside (brick type drain) RCC culverts with wing wall & apron of adequate size for draining out storm water of the substation area. Switchyard levelling up to desired finished yard level. Brick masonry Cable trenches inside control room and in the Switchyard in case of hard strata suitably designed to take the super imposed loads and RCC cable trenches in case of black cotton soil or alluvial strata of adequate inside dimension concrete coping, concrete base, plastering, weep hole arrangements at suitable intervals angle nosing, chases support MS angle for cable tray, RCC covers etc. complete with proper bed slope for efficient drainage in such a manner that all the water falling in the trenches shall be finally collected in a RCC pit (base of pit shall not be of RCC) of size 3.5m x 3.5m x 4 meter with adequate rain water harvesting and soak pit arrangement (the pit shall be filled with sand & pieces of bricks) and over flow spill channel of adequate size, slope and length up to natural drainage. Foundation of all structure with suitable design as per soil strata at site and as per applicable IS codes. Two number 150 mm dia tube wells, each with minimum 5000 litre per hour yield, separate pump houses, overhead water tanks of 1000 litre capacity each, above control room building complete water supply arrangements from both the bores to water tanks, from water tank to Control Room Building and from both the bores as well as from tank to all Page No. 10 C.E. (Transmission)

iii) iv)

v) vi)



132KV KONI S/S the earth pits, with submersible pumps, panels, cables, water tanks, GI pipe lines, all fittings, fixtures etc. of approved make as per specifications, in standard manner, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL.


MS Main gate with RCC pillar with mesh covered decorative lamps on control room entrance side of size 2.4m x 7.5M with wicket gate min. 1500 wide and rollers. 2.4 m high GI chain link mesh yard fencing with angle iron post around the yard. Arrangement of slope protection such as pitching, retaining wall, drains diversion works etc. due to topography of the site and surrounding area or change in yard level at different points or any other reason, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Concrete walking strip (0.5 mtr.) inside the switch yard along the 132 and 33 KV breakers are to be provided. Construction of earth pits with water supply & pit for rain harvesting. Construction of RCC sump tank for collecting burnt oil with NP1 Hume pipe of min. 450 mm dia laid at required slope to drain out oil in 30 minutes from soak pit to burnt oil pit. Level survey of sub-station site and adjoining area up to nearest available natural outlet from storm water drain shall be done as per specification.

viii) ix)

x) xi) xii)


Some item which are intended to be got done as per scope of work and not specifically brought out in bill of quantities shall have to be done by the turn key contractor at their own cost as per approved drawing, specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. VARIATION IN QUANTITIES: The quantities of equipment indicated in the schedules/Annexure are provisional and there may be slight variation. The contractor shall have to complete the works as per site and field conditions and will have to ensure complete supply & erection of steel structures and also erection & commissioning of equipment in the S/S.


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TO BIDDERS Sealed Tenders in duplicate on four parts basis (each complete with all details in the manner specified together with drawings, test reports, descriptive literature if any) and declarations form duly signed by the bidder are to be submitted in the office of the C.E. (Transmission), CSPTCL, Dangania, RAIPUR 492 013 (CG) in double sealed cover & superscribed on each of the covers the relevant tender specification number and due date of opening as indicated in Notice Inviting Tenders. The Specification is divided into four sections, namely:a) b) c) d) Section- I Section-II Section- III Section IV Instruction to Bidders. General Conditions of Contract Technical Specification (Part A,B&C) Annexure and forms etc.


1.3 1.4

The Company reserves the right to alter the quantities with respect to materials/equipments/ volume at the time of placing of order. Tenders will be opened in the O/o C.E. (Transmission), CSPTCL in the presence of such of the bidders or their authorised representatives (limited to two persons only with a valid authorisation from their employer). At the time of opening, the techno-commercial bid and other relevant details will be read out. Price bid of successful Techno commercial bidder would be opened at a later date with due information to the successful bidders. The bidder may deviate from the specification while quoting if in his opinion such deviation is in line with the manufacturers standard practice and conductive to a better and more economical offer. All such deviations should however be clearly indicated giving full justifications for such deviations in separate sheet(s) under Deviations/ Departures enclosed in A-series Annexure-(A-8 & A-9). Only those who have purchased/downloaded the copy of relevant Specification No. TR-11/44 can submit their tender. Tenders submitted by others will be rejected. The original Tender form duly signed by the bidder with the seal of the company must be furnished with the bid failing which the tender may be rejected. The purchaser reserves the right to reject the lowest or any other tenders or all tenders without assigning any reason what so ever if it is considered expedient in the overall interest of CSPTCL. The tender should be in four parts, Part-I for EMD, Part-II for supporting document for pre-qualifying requirements, Part-III for Techno-commercial details and Part-IV for prices. The Tenders shall be submitted in DUPLICATE in two parts and should be enclosed in double sealed cover both addressed to the Chief Engineer (Trans.), CSPTCL, Dangania, RAIPUR 492013. Both inner and outer cover should be sealed and super scribed with tender specification number TR-11/44 and date of opening. No.1 envelope should contain EMD, envelope No. 2 shall contain the original and copies of documents in support of PQR, envelope No.3 shall contain original and copies of technical & commercial parts of the specification Page No. 12 C.E. (Transmission)








as per enclosed A-series Annexure-(A-1 to A-23) & Un-priced schedules of and the No.4 envelope should contain original and copies of price bid as per the enclosed Annexure-B, B1 to B-10, C-1, D-1 & D-2. These should be put in the large envelope No.5. The tender should be dropped in specified tender box kept at the O/o the CE(Trans.),CSPTCL, Raipur, before due date & time of submission of tender or by post or courier. No receipt shall be issued for tender received through post/courier. It is the responsibility of the bidder to drop/get dropped the tender in the specified tender box. Any other means of delivery shall not be accepted. The tender box shall be locked/sealed at 15.00 Hrs. of due date. 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Tenders received after due date and time shall be returned without being opened. Telegraphic or FAX tenders shall not be accepted under any circumstances. The submitted offer by the bidders should contain page numbers along with Index. Discount (if any) offered by the bidder should be furnished/enclosed on the first page of the price bid inside the price bid envelope. No discount offer shall be considered which is pasted or stapled/enclosed outside the price bid envelope. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: The tender shall be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 5 lacs (Rs. Five Lakh) only. The Earnest Money Deposit shall be offered in one of the following forms subject to the conditions mentioned below:i. ii. iii. iv.


Bank Draft to be drawn in favour of Manager (RAO- HQ) CSPTCL, RAIPUR (CG). No interest shall be paid on Earnest Money Deposit. No adjustment towards Earnest Money Deposit shall be permitted against any outstanding amount with CSPTCL. In the case of unsuccessful bidder, the Earnest Money will be refunded after finalization of tender. In case of successful bidder Earnest Money will be refunded only after furnishing Bank Guarantee against performance guarantee & its acceptance. Earnest Money/ Performance Guarantee will be forfeited if the bidder fails to accept the letter of intent and / or purchase order (s) issued in his favour. Tenders not accompanied by Earnest Money shall be disqualified.



3.0 3.1

Cost of tender document is not refundable. Fully owned Under Taking of the State Govt. / Central Govt. e.g. BHEL etc. are exempted from furnishing the EMD as per rules on furnishing documentary proof. VALIDITY: The tenders should be kept valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of the tenders as notified in the tender notice and subsequent amendment thereof, failing which the tenders will be rejected. Page No. 13 C.E. (Transmission)



TR11/44 3.3


Bidders are expected to be fully conversant with the meaning of all the clauses of the specifications before submitting their tenders. In case of doubt regarding the meaning of any clause, the bidder may ask for clarification in writing from the Chief Engineer (Trans.), CSPTCL, Dangania, RAIPUR 492 013 (C.G.) that must reach at least 15 days before the scheduled date of opening of tender. This however, does not entitle the bidder to ask for time beyond due date fixed for receipt of tender. PRE-BID QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS:The bidder should comply the following requirements along with the offer:Financial criteria The sole bidder / partners of joint venture or consortium collectively must have minimum average annual turn over (MAAT) for best 3 years out of last 5 years equal to Rs.18.92 Cr. (Rs. Eighteen Crores Ninty Two Lacs only). Copies of the Balance Sheets of each of the partners of the joint venture should be furnished in support, duly certified by chartered accounts of the firm. The bidders (sole bidder/ joint venture members collectively) shall have liquid assets (L.A.) not less than Rs.3.15 crore (Rs.Three Crores Fifteen Lacs only). i) In case of joint venture / consortium, the lead partner should meet not less than 60% of minimum financial criteria (Rs.11.40 crore) regarding turn over requirement. The other partner should meet not less than 25% of minimum financial criteria (Rs.4.75crore) regarding turn over requirement In case, bidder is a subsidiary of a holding company, the MAAT and LA referred above shall be that of subsidiary company only (i.e. excluding its holding company).

(C ) 4.0 4.1 a.

Note:- In the instant tender the turnover of last 5 years i.e. 07-08, 08-09, 09-10 10-11 and 11-12 shall be considered for calculation. b Technical experience criteria:- Sole bidder/lead partner should have constructed minimum 1 No. 132KV/110KV (or above) sub-station on turn key basis (with or without supply of power transformer) in any power utility / transmission licensee / generating company in India and the same should be in successful operation for at least one year as on the date of issue of NIT. In case of JV, the experience of lead partner should be either as a sole bidder or lead partner. Other partner of joint venture should have constructed minimum 1 No. Sub station of 33/11KV (or higher) with minimum 1x10 MVA or 2x5 MVA transformers and other associated bays on turn key basis in any power utility / transmission licensee / generating company in India (with or without supply of transformer) and the same should be in successful operation for at least one year as on the date of issue of NIT. (i) The sole bidder / lead partner of the joint venture / consortium should submit a certified copy of A class electrical contractor license issued by C.G. Anugyapan Mandal / State level licensing Board along with his offer and the license should be valid as on the date of opening of tender OR the bidder shall submit an Undertaking to deposit A class electrical contractors license within 30 days after issue of LOI.


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TR11/44 ii)

132KV KONI S/S The sole bidder / lead partner of the joint venture / consortium should have EPF code number allotted by EPF Commissioner and the same should be mentioned in the TC Bid. The sole bidder / joint venture or consortium partners should collectively have adequate tools & plants, financial and technical resources and infrastructure backed with qualified agencies to execute the work properly and expeditiously within the specified time frame.



Requirements for joint ventures: a. (i) Sole bidders or joint ventures / consortium of not more than 2 firms shall be eligible for participation. The joint venture / consortium shall be represented by one of its member as lead partner. All the correspondences, payments shall be made in the name of lead partner. The authorization of lead partner shall be evidenced by submitting duly registered power of attorney signed by legally authorised signatories of all the partners. (ii) (iii) The bid shall be signed so as to be legally binding upon all the members of the joint venture / Consortium Company. Joint venture / consortium members shall be liable jointly and separately for the execution of the contract and the lead partner shall be authorised to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of all the members, and the entire execution of the contract including payments shall be done exclusively with the lead partner. A joint venture / consortium agreement on non judicial stamp paper duly attested by Notary Public with seal and revenue stamp affixed thereon shall be submitted along with the tender. No joint venture /consortium will be accepted after submission of the tender bid. The joint venture /consortium should remain valid for entire contractual period and the same should be mentioned in the agreement. In case of any breach of contract by any of the joint venture/consortium partner during execution of the contract, it will be the sole discretion of CSPTCL to allow the other partners to complete the work or to terminate the total contract and get the balance works executed through the alternate agencies at the cost and risk of the partners of the joint ventures / consortium.


b. The successful bidder are required to submit the Project License Certificate from Chief Electrical Inspector & Safety / Industrial Relations Officer of Government of C.G. within one month from the date of acceptance of LOI in respect of the said work. c. The bidders are required to submit tenders in the following manner. All documents / information enclosed in section IV & as described below shall be placed in a double sealed cover containing four separate sealed covers as mentioned below. 4.3 In certain cases confusion takes place regarding furnishing of earnest money since the Envelopes are not properly super-scribed and sealed by the bidder. It is, therefore, intimated that envelopes are to be submitted as under: CSPTCL Page No. 15 C.E. (Transmission)

TR11/44 a)

132KV KONI S/S Envelope-I: - This envelope should contain a covering letter with earnest money and cost of tender document if downloaded from website. The cover of envelope should be suitably super-scribed with details of E.M.D. The envelope should be sealed properly. Envelope-II: - This envelope should contain the documents in support of Pre Qualifying Requirements. The main documents to be furnished should contain:i)




Copy of Valid A class Electrical Contractor License issued by CG anugyapan mandal/ CG state licensing board or an undertaking to submit A class electrical contractor license issued by C.G. Anugyapan Mandal / CG State licensing Board within 30 days after issue of LOI. Separate statements of 110KV or above voltage level EHV substation executed / & under execution on turnkey basis in India. This statement should invariably indicate Name of Organisation, Name of Project and Order No. & Date, Total Contract Value, Date of Award & Date of completion. Certificates issued by competent authorities towards successful operation of at least one substation of 110 KV class or above for last one year (along with copy of detailed order) in respect of sole bidder/lead partner. The other partner should have constructed minimum 1 No. Sub station of 33/11 KV (or higher) with minimum 1x10 MVA or 2x5 MVA transformers and other associated bays on turn key basis in any power utility / transmission licensee / generating company in India (with or without supply of transformer) and the same should be in successful operation for at least one year as on the date of issue of NIT, the certificate for successful operation of the same issued by competent authority should be submitted along with copy of detailed order. Experience certificates for lead partner and for other partner of joint venture may please be enclosed separately. List of Tools & Plant available. Statement showing Annual Turnover for last 5 years, supported by Annual Balance Sheets for lead partner as well as for the other partners duly certified by CA. Statement showing Liquid assets, for sole / lead partner as well as for the other partners duly certified by CA. Copy of EPF code number allotted by EPF Commissioner. Power of attorney, joint venture/ consortium agreement and authorisation of lead partner.

iv) v)

vi) vii) viii)


Envelope-III: - This envelope should contain the Technical Bid complete in all respects in duplicate. This envelope should also contain the Commercial Bid complete in all respects in duplicate. Un-priced schedules B, B1 to B-10, C-1, D-1 & D-2 should invariably be enclosed with A-series Annexure (A-1 to A-23) in the techno-commercial bid to assess the quantities and makes being offered. Envelope-IV: - This envelope should contain the Price Bid in duplicate, complete in all respects along with discount offer if any. Page No. 16 C.E. (Transmission)



TR11/44 e) f)

132KV KONI S/S Envelope-V: - This large envelope should contain all the above four envelops. In case the above instructions are not followed properly and any of their envelope is not available for inspection and opening, no representation at due time of tender opening shall be accepted and such offers shall not be opened. The large envelope should be super scribed with Tender No., Due Date & Name of Project in Bold & should bear complete address of the Bidder.


Discount (if any) offered by the bidder should be furnished/enclosed on the first page of the price bid inside the price bid envelope. No discount offer shall be considered which is pasted or stapled/enclosed outside the price bid envelope. Bidders must quote their price in line with the specifications and conditions. Any deviation from the above shall be considered as an alternate bid. The bids will be evaluated based on the main offer only. i. The tender should be filled either in black ink or preferable type written. For computerised printing the font size shall be at least 10. ii. Over-writing shall be avoided. iii. Over-writing, erasures and other changes shall bear the dated initial of the person signing the tender. iv. In the event of discrepancy or arithmetical error in the schedule of price, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be accordingly corrected by the purchaser. The above arithmetical correction shall be accepted but the decision of CSPTCL shall be final and binding on the bidder. v. For evaluation the price mentioned in words shall be taken if there is any difference in figures and words in the price bid. vi. The quoted price should be kept valid till the date of completion of the project. vii. Price quoted by the bidders for each item of works should be supported with detail cost analysis to form a part of the offer otherwise the offer shall be treated as incomplete and liable for rejection. viii. All columns shall be completely filled up properly and neatly. TAXES AND DUTIES:The prices for supply, civil works and erection, testing & commissioning should be quoted as per the break up mentioned here under:



Supply: The break up of ex-works price, excise duty, cess, sales tax, freight and any other taxes except entry tax should be given in the price bid. For all such items for which break up of taxes has been given in the price bid, taxes at the rates prevailing at the time of supply during the contractual completion period shall be applicable. The items for which ED & ST have been mentioned as Inclusive, the rates will be FIRM as mentioned in the price bid and no variation on account of variation in taxes shall be paid. Claims for higher rate of Excise Duty due to change in turn over will not be accepted. In case of reduction of taxes as per Govt. regulations, the reduced rate of taxes during contractual completion period shall be payable. In case Page No. 17 C.E. (Transmission)




supplies against the contract are affected late i.e. beyond contractual completion period and the rate of Excise Duty/Sales Tax undergoes upward revision, the payment will continue to be made only on the basis of rates prevailing during contractual delivery period. In case the rate of statutory levies undergoes down ward revision then the delayed supplies beyond contractual period will attract reduced rate of levies. However, in case of bought out items (the items which are procured by the bidder from their vendors) if the ex-works rats are quoted inclusive of excise duty & sales tax, no additional claim towards any taxes or variations thereof shall be entertained. The entry tax on the supply items shall be borne by CSPTCL. Therefore, the rates should be invariably quoted exclusive of entry tax. C form will be issued by CSPTCL for rebate of taxes. The items for which the applicable taxes have been mentioned as Inclusive, the rates will be FIRM as quoted in the price bid and no variation on account of variation in taxes shall be paid. (b) Civil works: The rates for civil works should clearly indicate the unit price, service tax and any other applicable tax. In case of composite rates for civil works i.e. rates comprising of both material component and labour component service tax shall be applicable on 33.33% of total composite rate.

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996/Bhavan and Sannirman Tax:- The contractor for carrying out any construction work in Chhattisgarh State must get themselves registered from the Registering office under section 7(1) of the Building and other Construction Workers Act,1996/Bhavan and Sannirman Tax and rules made thereto by the Chhattisgarh Govt. and submit certificate of Registration issued from the registering officer of the Chhattisgarh Govt. (Labour deptt.) for enactment of this Act. The contractor shall be required to pay cess @ 1% of the cost of construction work to be deducted from each bill.
The items for which service tax and any other applicable tax have been mentioned as Inclusive, the rates will be FIRM as mentioned in the price bid and no variation on account of variation in taxes shall be paid. (c) Erection, testing & commissioning: The rates for erection, testing & commissioning works should clearly indicate the unit price, service tax and any other applicable tax. If applicable, the contractor will be required to pay cess @ 1% of the cost of construction work which shall be deducted from each running bill as per Building & other construction works Act 1996. It has been noted in past that many bidders mentioned Nil against the service tax or any other taxes. No such ambiguous terminology should be used in the price bid. The break up of taxes should be clearly mentioned. In case of any such ambiguous statement, it will be presumed that rates are inclusive of taxes and no claim for such taxes shall be entertained. Any variation in statutory taxes/ New tax Any new taxes/levies being imposed by the state/central govt. at later stage the same shall be in the account of CSPTCL against documentary evidence within the stipulated completion CSPTCL Page No. 18 C.E. (Transmission)



period. However if the rates quoted are inclusive of applicable taxes no variation on account of variation in taxes shall be paid. Tax Beyond contractual completion period beyond contractual completion period if the rate of applicable Taxes undergoes upward revision, the payment will continue to be made only on the basis of rates prevailing during contractual delivery period. In case the rate of statutory levies undergoes down ward revision then the delayed supplies beyond contractual period will attract reduced rate of levies. Applicable Tax at the time of TC bid opening The bidder should be aware of the various taxes, duties, levies imposed by the Central Govt., State Govt./ local bodies applicable in present contract as on the date of TC bid opening. Further, in the price bid, it should be specifically stated regarding each tax/duty whether it is inclusive or exclusive. However, if there is no specific mention of any duties/levies as exclusive in the price bid, it will be presumed to be inclusive if it is applicable as on the date of TC bid opening and will not be paid extra. But, if any new tax/duty/levy is imposed either by Central Govt. or by State Govt./local authorities after the date of opening of T.C. bid, the same shall be payable by CSPTCL extra. on production of documentary evidence. However tax due to increase of turnover or withdrawal of tax exemption earlier available to the vendor etc. will not be reimbursed.


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S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 PARTICULARS Definition Of Terms Contract Document Manner Of Execution Variation, Additions & Omissions Inspection During Erection Completion Of Work Contractors Default Liability Force Majeure Rejection Of Works Extension Of Time Guarantee Period Performance Guarantee Terms Of Payment Penalty For Delay In Completion Of Contract Security Deposit Insurance Inspection of equipments Dispatch instructions Payment Due From The Contractor Jurisdiction of High Court of Bilaspur Contractors Responsibility: Responsibility to rectify loss & damage Non-Assignments Certificates Not To Affect Rights Of CSPTCL Settlement of dispute Arbitration Laws Governing Contract Language And Measures Correspondence Secrecy Agreement Time Schedule & Clarifications Claims For Items Not Entered In The Schedule Of Items Safety Precautions Engagement Of Workers By Contractor Nature Of Contract Price Design of 132 K.V. Sub Station Switch Yard Issue of structural drawings Discrepancy with approved drawing Evaluation of Bids Variation in Wt of str./Qty. of equipment Engagements of sub vendors Power & water supply for construction work Award of contract. 19 to 36 PAGE No.


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46 47 48 49 50 51 Storage & shipment of equipment Unsatisfactory performance Drawing & Literatures Electrical Inspector Fee Full time Site Engineer Compliance with regulations



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DEFINITION OF TERMS: In writing this General Condition of Contract, the specification and bill of quantity, the following words shall have the meaning hereby indicated, unless there is something in the subject matter content inconsistent with the subject.

CSPTCL shall mean the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company represented through the Chief Engineer (Transmission). The Engineer- in- Charge shall mean the Engineer or Engineers authorised by the Chief Engineer (Trans.) for the purpose of this contract. CSPTCL Engineer shall mean an Engineering person or personnel authorised by the CSPTCL to supervise and inspect the erection of the substation. The Contractor shall mean the successful bidder awarded with the contract or their successors and permitted assigns. Contract Price shall mean the sum named in or calculated in accordance with the provisions of the contract as the contract price. General Conditions shall mean these General Conditions of Contract. Specification shall mean the specification annexed to these General Conditions of Contract and shall include the Schedules and drawings attached thereto or issued to the contract as well as all samples and patterns, if any. Month shall mean calendar month. Writing: shall include any manuscript, typewritten, printed or other statement reproduced in any visible form whether under seal or under hand.


CONTRACT DOCUMENT: The term Contract shall mean and include the General Conditions, specifications, Annexures, drawings, work orders issued against the contract Annexures of price or the final general conditions, any special conditions applying to the particular contract specification and drawings and agreement to be entered into. Terms and conditions not here in defined shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Indian Contract Act.


MANNER OF EXECUTION: The manner of execution shall be such that the supply of materials/ equipments reaches the site only when the foundation/Control Room etc are ready to take up erection work of the respective equipment. Erection of the 132 KV S/S, KONI shall be carried out in an approved manner as outlined in the technical specification or where not outlined, in accordance with latest relevant Indian Standard Specification, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Engineer.


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TR11/44 3.2


The contractor shall within 15 days after the date of acceptance of letter submit to the C. E. (Transmission), a detail program for the execution of work for his consent. This detailed programme should be in the form of a detailed P.E.R.T. Network/Bar Chart within the time frame agreed considering of adequate number of activities covering various key phases of the works such as Design, procurement, manufacturing, shipment & Erection activities. The P.E.R.T. chart shall be approved by C.E. (Transmission) & shall form a part of contract document. Based on this P.E.R.T. network fortnightly progress shall be submitted by the contractor to o/o C.E. (Transmission). The contractor shall whenever required by the engineer also provide in writing for his information if general description of the arrangements and methods which the contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the work. If at any time it should appear to the engineer that the actual progress of works does not conform to the program to which consent has been given under subclauses 3.2, the contractor shall produce at the request of the engineer a revised program showing the modifications to such program necessary to ensure completion the works within the time of completion. VARIATION, ADDITIONS & OMISSIONS: The CSPTCL shall have the right to alter, amend, omit, or otherwise vary the quantum of work by notice in writing to the contractor. The contractor shall carry out such variation in accordance with the rates specified in the contract so far as they may apply and where such rates are not available those will be mutually agreed between the CSPTCL and the contractor.




INSPECTION DURING ERECTION: The Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative(s) shall be entitled at all reasonable times to inspect and supervise and test during erection of substations. Such inspection will not release the contractor from their obligations under this contract. In addition to the routine inspection to be carried out by the officer-in-charge, the field officers from Civil, EHT & Testing of the level of Superintending Engineer shall carry out inspection at least once in two months at different stages of construction i.e. marking of civil foundations, excavation, structure erection, transformer erection, breaker & CT PT erection, testing & commissioning. The Senior Engineer from the contractors side shall be present during such inspection and the guide lines issued by the SEs shall be noted and complied by the contractor. A copy of the inspection note and its compliance shall also be submitted to the C.E. (Transmission).

6. 6.1

COMPLETION OF WORK: Time being the essence of contract the erection of the Substation shall be completed within the period specified in the work order that is 12 (Twelve) months from the date of handing over of site. The letter of handing over of site shall be issued separately by CSPTCL. Taking over, upon receipt of intimation about completion of erection of the substation and after inspection, CSPTCL Engineer- in-charge shall issue a taking over certificate in which he shall certify the date on which the



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Substation has been so taken over. This certificate shall be issued within 30 days of the intimation from the contractor. 6.3. The issuance of taking over certificate shall in no way relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the satisfactory operation of the Sub-Station in terms of the specifications. CONTRACTORS DEFAULT LIABILITY: The CSPTCL may upon written notice of default to the contractor terminate the contract in circumstances detailed here under:a. If, in the judgement of the CSPTCL, the contractor fails to complete the erection within the time specified in the contract agreement or with in the period for which extension has been granted by the CSPTCL to the contractor. If, in the judgement of the CSPTCL, the contractor fails to comply with any of the provisions of this contract. In the event CSPTCL terminates the contract in whole or in part as provided in paragraph (a) above, CSPTCL reserves the right to engage another contractor or agency upon such terms and in such a manner as he may deem appropriate and the contractor will be liable to the CSPTCL for any additional costs as may be required for the completion of erection of the Substation and/or for penalty as defined under this contract until such reasonable time as may be required for the final completion of the Substation. In the event CSPTCL does not terminate the contract as provided in paragraph (b) the contractor shall continue the performance of the contact in which case he shall liable to the CSPTCL for penalty for delay as set out in this contract until the line/substation is completed.

7. 7.1

b. c.



FORCE MAJEURE: The contractor shall not be liable for any penalty for delay or for failure to perform the contract for reasons of FORCE MAJEURE such as acts of God, acts of public enemy, act of Government, cyclones, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes provided that the contractor shall within 10 (ten) days from the beginning of such delay notify the CSPTCL in writing of the cause of delay. The CSPTCL shall verify the facts and grant such extension as facts justify.


REJECTION OF WORKS: In the event of any of the material supplied/work done by the contractor is found defective in material or workmanship or otherwise not in conformity with the requirement of this contract specification, the CSPTCL shall either reject the material and/or work and request the contractor to rectify the same. The contractor on receipt of such notices rectify or replace the defective material and rectifies the work, free of cost. If the contractor fails to do so the CSPTCL may:


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TR11/44 a)

132KV KONI S/S As its option replace or rectify such defective materials and/or works and recover the extra cost so involved from the contractor plus fifteen percent from the contractor and/or terminate the contract for balance work/supplies with enforcement of penalty as per contract. Defective materials/workmanship will not be accepted under any conditions and shall be rejected outright without compensation. The contractor shall be liable for any loss/damage sustained by CSPTCL.



EXTENSION OF TIME: If the completion of erection is delayed due to reason beyond the control of the contractor the contractor shall without delay give notice to the CSPTCL in writing of his claim for an extension of time. The CSPTCL on receipt of such notice may agree to extend the contract delivery date of the substation as may be reasonable but without prejudice to other terms and conditions of the contract.


GUARANTEE PERIOD: a) The work done, material supplied by the contractor as per the contract specification should be guaranteed for satisfactory operation and against any defect in material and workmanship for a period of 12 (TWELVE) months from the date on which the substation has been put to service. Any defect noticed during this period should be rectified by the contractor, free of cost to CSPTCL upon written notice. CSPTCL will arrange 132 KV supply to substation within one month on the date of completion of substation. If the substation is taken over un-energised condition due to non completion of feeding line then guarantee will be for 18 (EIGHTEEN) months from the date of taking over or 12(TWELVE) months from the date of energization of substation which ever is earlier. b) Guarantee for power transformers:- As detailed in the specification for the power transformers i.e. 40 MVA, 132/33 KV Transformer, these shall be guaranteed for a period of 24 months from the date of commissioning or 30 months from the date of handing over of substation whichever is earlier. c) Particular equipment guarantee: - If any equipment is not charged/commissioned at the time of S/s charging, the guarantee period of that particular equipment shall be counted from its date of commissioning. In case of failure of any equipment/transformer with in guarantee period, the contractor will be liable for the replacement/repairing of that particular equipment/transformer. However the guarantee period shall be extended for a further period of 12 months in case of equipments and 24 months in case of transformer, from the date of commissioning of repaired/replaced equipment/transformer, for its faithful performance.


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Before issue of final taking over certificate by the engineer in charge of CSPTCL, contractor shall provide CSPTCL a performance bank guarantee from a nationalised/Scheduled for an amount of 5% (FIVE PERCENT) of the contract price in the approved proforma of the CSPTCL. This bank guarantee shall be executed in a stamp paper worth Rs.250/- or any other amount as per the CG state stamp duty act and shall be kept valid till 90 days after completion of the guarantee period mentioned in the foregoing Clause. No interest shall be paid by CSPTCL for the aforesaid Bank Guarantee. In case of non-performance of the substation as per the contract specification, the performance Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited. 13. 13.1 TERMS OF PAYMENT: The payment on running bills will be allowed in the following manner to relieve the contractor from financial hardship if any so as to facilitate him for timely completion of the work. SUPPLY: - The payment against supply of equipments /materials shall be released in the following manner. i) 70% of the value of equipments / materials supplied every month duly verified by O.I.C. at accepted rates shall be paid within a period of One month from presentation of bill. The contractor shall present at the end of each calendar month a bill for the equipments/ materials supplied for verification & processing to the engineer in charge. 20% of value of equipments / materials shall be released after erection of the corresponding equipment/material within a period of one month from erection of equipment/material & its due verification by OIC. Balance 10% of the value of equipments / materials shall be released after successful completion of contract and taking over of sub-station by CSPTCL.




Note :- 90% payment for RTU & Data logging system shall be released only after its successful commissioning and integration of RTU with running system of CSPTCL. Part payment against supply of these two items will not be done.

CIVIL:- The contractor shall present at the end of each calendar month a bill for the completed civil works during the month. On the basis of accepted rates, 90% of cost of completed civil works duly verified by the O.I.C. shall be released within one month from presentation of bill balance 10% payments shall be released after successful completion of contract and taking over of sub-station by CSPTCL. ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING: - The contractor shall present at the end of each calendar month a bill for the completed Erection, Testing & Commissioning works etc. during the month. On the basis of accepted rates, 90% of cost of completed works duly verified by the O.I.C. shall be released within one month from presentation of bill, balance 10% payments shall be released after successful completion of contract and taking over of sub-station by CSPTCL. Page No. 26



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13.2.1 ADVANCE PAYMENT:- If requested by the contractor, CSPTCL may at its option grant an advance payment of maximum 10% of contract value after obtaining approval of competent authority. Separate order shall be issued to this effect. The advance shall be granted at an interest rate equal to prevailing PLR of SBI plus 2% per annum on monthly outstanding amount of advance. The contractor will furnish an unconditional & irrevocable Bank Guarantee from a scheduled bank, in favour of CSPTCL. for an amount equal to the advance granted plus interest calculated on it for the period equal to the completion time of the project. The bank guarantee shall be valid till completion period with a claim period of 6 months. The bank guarantee shall be released after recovery of amount given as advance plus interest accrued on it. The advance, if granted, shall be recovered from the running bills along with accrued interest as per CSPTCLs terms & conditions which shall be brought in the order for advance payment. 13.2.2 DEDUCTION OF ADVANCE PAYMENT: - The advance payment with interest accrued on the advance made to the bidder will be adjusted against their running bills for construction of 132/33 KV S/S KONI on turn key basis. The adjustment of advance will be done from the running bills of the contract proportionately to the extent of 20% in supply of materials, 20% of civil works and 20% on ETC charges only till the total advance plus interest gets adjusted. 14. PENALTY/LIQUIDATED DAMAGE FOR DELAY IN COMPLETION OF CONTRACT: If the contractor fail to complete civil work, supply and erection, testing & commissioning within the completion period specified in the work order or any extension granted thereto, the CSPTCL shall recover from the contractor as penalty / liquidated damage as a sum of (0.5%) of the total contract price of the supply and work for each calendar week (or part thereof) of delay. For this purpose, the date of taking over shall be reckoned as the date of completion. The total penalty shall not exceed 5% (Five percent) of the total contract price. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The contractor shall furnish a bank guarantee from a nationalised / scheduled bank for an amount of 10% (TEN PERCENT) of the estimate cost of the work as a contract security. This bank guarantee shall be submitted within 30 days of receipt of individual work order and shall be kept valid for a period exceeding the scheduled completion date by two months with claim period of 6 months. In the event of extension of completion date, the validity of the bank guarantee shall be suitably extended on stamp paper worth Rs. 250/- or as per the prevailing legal requirements. Any other amount as per the C.G. State Stamp Duty Act and shall be from a Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank in the prescribed form of CSPTCL. No interest shall be paid by CSPTCL on the security deposit. In case of non-fulfilment of contractual obligations by the contractor the security deposit shall be forfeited. The security deposit will be released only after completion of entire works, issue of NO dues certificate from Engineer in charge of work & after submission of performance guarantee.



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TR11/44 16. 16.1 INSURANCE:


The contractor shall arrange insurance coverage for the materials at his custody and substation under execution as per the conditions laid down in the relevant clause of the technical specification. The contractor shall take up insurance or such other measures of his work force covers the claim for damage arising under workmens compensation Act and other applicable State/Central laws. CSPTCL shall not bear any responsibility on this account. The contractor shall insure the entire sub-station during construction and shall kept it insure against loss by theft, destruction or damage by fire, flood, riot, civil commotion, sabotage or rebellion for the full value of the sub-station from the time of delivery until the S/S is taken over. The contractor shall ensure following insurances also :Workmen compensation insurance:- This shall protect against claims Applicable against workmens Compensation Act, 1948 (Govt. of India). Workmens compensation Employees liability : As per statutory provisions : As per statutory provisions



INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENTS:The pre despatch inspection of the equipments / materials shall be carried out at the works of the manufacturer in accordance with the inspection schedule placed at A-series Annexure (A-23). The equipment / material in the scope of supply to CSPTCL shall be inspected by Companys authorised engineer / agency. For this purpose the contractor shall submit inspection call at least 15 days in advance, in the O/o C. E. (Transmission) CSPTCL The expenses of CSPTCL Engineers for inspection shall be borne by CSPTCL In case on scheduled date of inspection, the material is not ready for inspection the call shall be treated as fake call and the contractor shall be required to remit a sum of Rs.5,000/- per such call or actual expenditure incurred in the visit of the inspector whichever is more. DESPATCH INSTRUCTIONS:After inspection, the equipment / material shall be despatched to the site only on issue of Despatch Clearance from o/o C. E. (Transmission). The despatch clearance of equipments, power transformers, structures, C&R panels shall be given on the basis of readiness at site. i) Power Transformers: - D.I. will be issued after the readiness of all the foundations of the Sub-station and completion of structural erection of equipments and the erection of gantries. ii) Structure :-D.I. will be issued after completion of respective foundations. iii) C&R panels, Carrier panel, AC DC panels, RTU, Exchange, Battery & Battery charger :- D.I. will be issued after the readiness of Control



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Room Building for the placement of C&R panels directly in the control room. iv) Equipments :- D.I. will be issued after the readiness of foundations and structural erection is under progress. v) Cables :- D.I. will be issued after readiness of main cable trenches. For issue of D.I., the contractor will submit the progress of work to this office duly counter signed by Engineer- in -charge indicating the readiness of site for that particular equipment / structure. 19. PAYMENT DUE FROM THE CONTRACTOR: All costs of damages for which the contractor is liable to the purchaser will be deducted by the purchaser from any amount due to the contractor under the contract. 20. JURISDICTION OF THE HIGH COURT OF BILASPUR: Suit, if any, arising out of this contract shall be filed by either party in a Court of Law at Raipur within the jurisdiction of the High Court of Bilaspur. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY: Not withstanding anything mentioned in the specification or subsequent approval or acceptance of the substation by CSPTCL, the ultimate responsibility for satisfactory performance of the substation shall rest with the contractor. RESPONSIBILITY TO RECTIFY THE LOSS AND DAMAGE: If any loss or damage happens to the work or any part thereof or materials/plant/equipments during storage, construction, erection & commissioning, the contractor shall be responsible for the damage / loss and he shall at his own cost shall rectify / repair or replace the same for which the contract may arrange necessary insurance cover at his cost. NON-ASSIGNMENTS: The contractor shall not assign or transfer the work orders issued as per this contract or any part thereof without the prior approval of CSPTCL. CERTIFICATES NOT TO AFFECT RIGHTS OF CSPTCL: The issuance of any certificate by CSPTCL or any extension of time granted by CSPTCL shall not prejudice the rights of CSPTCL in terms of the contract nor shall this relieve the contractor of his obligations for due performance of the contract. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES: Except as otherwise specifically provided in the contract, all disputes concerning question of fact arising under the contract shall be decided by CSPTCL provided a written appeal by the contractor is made to CSPTCL. The decision of CSPTCL shall be final to the parties hereto. Any disputes or difference including those considered as such by only one of the parties arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be to the extent possible be settled amicably between parties. If amicable settlement cannot be reached then all disputes issues shall be settled by Arbitration as provided in this contract. Page No. 29 C.E. (Transmission)





25. 25.1



TR11/44 26. i. ARBITRATION:


No dispute or difference arising between the contractor and the Owner under or relating to or in connection with the Contract shall be referred to Arbitration unless an attempt has first been made to settle the same amicably. Where any dispute is not resolved amicably then such dispute shall be referred to & settled by Arbitration under and in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and any statutory modification thereof, by three Arbitrators. One to be appointed by each party and the third to be appointed by the two Arbitrators appointed by the parties at the commencement of Arbitration proceedings and failing agreement between them, in accordance with said Act, the third Arbitrator so appointed shall act as the presiding arbitrator. The award shall be final and binding upon the parties. The venue of Arbitration shall be Raipur.


iii. The language of the arbitration proceedings and of all documents and communications between the parties shall be English. Arbitration award shall be speaking, final and binding. iv. Not withstanding anything to the contrary contained herein the work under the Contract shall continue during the pendency of any disputes or differences in Arbitration proceedings and no payment due from the Owner shall be withheld on account of such proceedings except to the extent which may be in dispute and the Owner shall be entitled to make recoveries of amounts, if any, due from the Contactor, as per the provisions of the Contract. 27. LAWS GOVERNING CONTRACT: The contract shall be governed according to and subject to the Laws of India and jurisdiction of the High Court of Bilaspur & Civil Court at Raipur. LANGUAGE AND MEASURES: All documents pertaining to the Contract including specifications, Annexures / schedules, notice correspondence, operating and maintenance instructions, drawings or any other writings shall be written in English language. The metric system of measurement shall be used exclusively in this contract. CORRESPONDENCE: Any notice to the contractor under the terms of the contract shall be served by registered mail or by hand to the authorised local representative of the contractor and copy by post to the contractors place of business. Any notice to CSPTCL shall be served to the Chief Engineer (Trans.), CSPTCL, Dangania, Raipur in same manner. SECRECY: The contractor shall treat the details of the specification and other documents as private and confidential and they shall not be reproduced without written authorisation from CSPTCL. AGREEMENT: The successful contractor shall have to enter into an agreement with the C.E. (Transmission) in the approved contract agreement form within 15 days of the receipt of the individual work order.


29 29.1

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It is necessary that the tender documents are read by Bidders carefully and clarifications, if any, required before furnishing of tenders is promptly obtained. For any delay in this regard, Company will not be responsible and any request for extension of due date will not be entertained. In case, the specification for the same item/material/work are noticed to be different in two schedules, the contractor should ask clarification before furnishing the tender, otherwise whatever is beneficial to CSPTCL shall be considered and decision of CSPTCL shall be final in this regard.


CLAIMS FOR ITEMS NOT ENTERED IN THE SCHEDULE OF ITEMS Items shown in the schedule of items are purely for the purpose of indicating the type of work to be carried out and no claim shall be entertained for any item or work executed being not mentioned in the aforesaid schedule. 34. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: The contractor shall strictly follow, at all stages of erection of steel structures, the stipulations contained in the latest editions of IS-7205 Indian Standard Safety code for erection of structural steel work. 35. ENGAGEMENT OF WORKERS BY CONTRACTOR:a) The contractor shall at his own expense provide or arrange for the provision of footwear for labour doing cement mixing work which the contractor has undertaken to execute under this contract to the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge. b) When ever demanded by the Engineer-in-charge the contractor shall submit a true statement showing: 1. Number of Labours employed by him on the work 2. Their working hours 3. The wages paid to them, and 4. The accidents that occurred during the working period of which information required stating the circumstances under which they occurred and the extent of damage and injury caused by them. The contractor should intimate all concerned about any accident & take immediate actions as governed by Rules. Failure to supply such information or supplying materially incorrect statements may amount to breach of contract. The decision of the Engineerin-charge shall be determining whether a breach has taken place. c) In respect of all labourers directly employed in the works of the performance of the contractors part of this agreement the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with all the rules framed by the Government from time to time for the protection of Health and Sanitary arrangement of the workers employed by the contractors. 36. NATURE OF CONTRACT:- Notwithstanding anything stated elsewhere in the bid document, the contract to be entered will be treated as divisible in Supply, Civil works and Erection Testing & Commissioning contract award shall be placed on successful bidder as follows:Page No. 31 C.E. (Transmission)





2. 3.

Supply of 132 KV & 33 K.V. substation equipments, C&R Panels, conductors, hardware etc. & other accessories, Supply of G.I. steel structures, Supply of T&P and furniture. Cost of Civil Works. Erection charges for equipments & structure Testing & commissioning charges.

All the 3 contracts will contain interlinking cross fall breach clause specifying that breach of one contract will constitute breach of other contracts also. 37. 37.1 PRICE & IEEMA VARIATION :The quoted price should be kept valid till the completion of the project. Bidders are requested to quote price only in prescribed formats. The prices for the following equipments shall be variable on the basis of Price Variation formula prescribed by IEEMA with base date as first day of the month, one month prior to the due date of opening of tender. a. 40MVA 132/33 KV Transformer. b. 132KV & 33KV Current Transformer & Potential Transformer, CC c. 132KV & 33KV Isolators d. All GI structures. e. Power Line carrier equipments & Wave Trap For all other equipments / materials prices should be offered on FIRM basis. The price variation formulas applicable are enclosed in the A- series Annexure (A-17 to A-22). The payment shall initially be done on the basis of base rate offered by bidder subject to price adjustment to reflect changes in the cost. Price variation shall be applicable for ex-works component. The price adjustment shall be invoked by either party subject to the following further conditions:a. For calculation of Price adjustment, date of inspection at the works of the manufacturer shall be taken as the date of delivery. However in case of delay of project beyond the scheduled date of completion, no price increase shall be allowed beyond scheduled date of inspection. CSPTCL shall however be entitled to any decrease in the price which may be caused due to lower price adjustment amount in case of delivery beyond scheduled completion period, therefore, in case of delivery of equipments beyond the scheduled completion period the liability of CSPTCL shall be limited to the lower of the price adjustment amount which may work out either on scheduled completion date or actual date of delivery (inspection). If price adjustment works out to be positive the same is payable to the contractor by CSPTCL and if it works out to be negative, the same is to be recovered by CSPTCL from the contractor. The contractor shall submit price adjustment invoices for supplies positively within 3 months from date of supply of equipment whether positive or negative. The invoices should be supported with calculation of price variation along with documentary evidence of different indices applicable for price adjustment. Payment of price adjustment invoices shall be made after due verification, as follows:Page No. 32 C.E. (Transmission)




TR11/44 (a) (b) 37.2

132KV KONI S/S 90% of the price adjustment for respective equipment shall be paid after verification of invoices & receipt of material. Balance 10% amount shall be paid after successful commissioning and handing over of substation.

The prices should be clearly mentioning Ex-Works Price, Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Composite Tax, any levies or other taxes etc. making total unit price chargeable for the items quoted service tax and works contract tax whichever is applicable should be included. The prices of standard and reputed manufacturers items shall be quoted so that quality assurance and performance of equipments are guaranteed in future. For the items where the B.Q. has not been specified by CSPTCL if the quantities quoted by the bidder varies at the time of final engineering/ execution the approval of the same has to be taken from CSPTCL keeping in view that the total price of the schedule will remain un-altered. For the items where the B.Q. has not been specified by CSPTCL if the quantity quoted by the bidder varies than the actual and comes to the notice before placing of order, then loading will be done on the bidder as per self quoted rate. DESIGN OF 132/33 K.V. SUB STATION SWITCH YARD:The contractor will submit the design & switchyard plan layout for 132/33 K.V. switchyards for PATHARIAS/S. The equipments installation should be based on the tentative switchyard plan layout attached with the tender form. All steel structure of 132/33 KV Switchyard shall be as per drawing & design of CSPTCL. The weight of steel structure shall be as per Schedule III E. The successful shall be provided 2 sets of CSPTCL approved drawings of structure for above purpose. Equipment & structures should be offered according to the tentative layout. The layout should take into consideration the Indian Electricity Rules, incorporating latest amendments, regarding ground clearances, sectional clearances and inter-phase clearances. ISSUE OF STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS:- The structural drawings shall be issued to L1 bidder by CE Transmission. Since designing of S/s is in the scope of contractor, it is the sole responsibility of the contractor for

37.3 37.4




Observing all the required clearances (phase to phase, phase to earth, sectional clearances & ground clearances) as per tender specifications. Calculation of force at all the joints/sections and their load carrying capacity as per the tender specification. In case, the structures not complies with points (i & ii) given above, the contractor shall have to modify/replace the structure as the case may be and acceptable to CSPTCL without any cost implication. If any modification required the same should be submitted for prior approval from this office.

ii) iii)


Designing of complete S/s shall comply latest IE rules, IS guidelines and safety rules in force . Page No. 33 C.E. (Transmission)




The suppliers are required to submit the drawings of the items strictly as per tender specifications. However, after approval of drawing, at a later stage, if it is detected that due to incorrect/incomplete/partially matching drawing with the tender specifications or due to any other reason the items actually supplied do not fulfil the requirements as per tender specifications the whole lot shall be liable for rejection unless the deviation is specifically approved by CE (Transmission). 41 EVALUATION OF BIDS:i) The evaluation of bids will be done by comparing the prices of all the items which are needed for construction and final commissioning of sub-station job. ii) The past performance of the bidder in CSPTCL shall be taken in consideration while evaluating the bids. iii) The Loading of The Items For Which The Prices Are Not Being Quoted By Bidder: - In such cases, the loading will be done at higher prices quoted among the participated bidder. But, while ordering, lowest price among the bidders will be offered.
iv) v)


If the quantity quoted is less than B.O.Q. /or required, for Turnkey completion of the job the loading will be done on the pro-rata basis. In case the bidder makes contradictory statement in the Technical & Commercial Bid, CSPTCL will have full right to interpret / take that statement into consideration which will be in the interest of CSPTCL. If there is discrepancy between the Unit Price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price & Quantity, the Unit Price shall prevail and total price shall be corrected accordingly. If there is discrepancy between words and figures the amount in words shall prevail. All the equipments and accessories required for completion of S/S have been included in the price schedule i.e. B-1 to B-9. However, if in the opinion of bidder some of the items essential for completion of S/S have been left in the price schedule but are required to be offered, the same may be offered in Left out items schedule (B10). Please note that the total price offered in this schedule shall be included in the cost of S/S offered by the bidder for price evaluation purpose and position of bidder shall be arrived at after loading of prices for left out items. The CSPTCLs decision in such shall be final. The capitalisation of losses in case of power transformer will be considered for the evaluation as follows:Guaranteed Maximum Permissible Losses & Penalty For Power Transformer:- For purpose of comparison, loss capitalisation for transformer will be done as follows:1. Rs. 2,40,000/- (Rs. Two lakh Forty thousand) per KW of noload basis. 2. Rs. 120,000/- (Rs. One lakh Twenty thousand) per KW for Load and Aux. Losses. Page No. 34 C.E. (Transmission)


viii) ix)





The Loss Capitalisation In Case Of Capacitor Banks will be done as per the formula given in the technical particulars of the capacitors. The loss capitalisation for capacitor will be done @ Rs. 2,20,000/- (Rs. Two lakhs and Twenty thousand only) per KW of capacitor losses. 42. (a)Variation in weight of structures:- Since the quantity & weight of the structure have been worked out by CSPTCL and unit rates have been quoted by the bidder; if during actual execution the structure weight varies the bidder will be paid the extra charges/ less charges due to increase/decrease in weight. (b) Variation in quantity of equipments :- If the quantity of equipments have been worked out by CSPTCL and the bidder have quoted on the basis of unit rate, if during actual execution the quantity of equipment varies the payment will be made according to the actual quantity. However care shall be taken that the relative L1, L2 position does not change due to this. (c) Where the tender quantity has given as Lumpsum and quantity have been worked out by the bidder himself, no extra payment will be done if the quantities are exceeded during actual execution. But incase the actual quantity required is less than the quoted quantity then proportionate payment will be done. 43 ENGAGEMENT OF SUB-VENDORS CLEARANCE OF THEIR DUES AND OBSERVANCE OF INDUSTRIAL/LABOUR LAW. 1) The main contractor shall furnish list of various agencies/sub-vendors proposed to be engaged for execution of different type of works under scope of this work order to the CE (EHT: C&M) CSPTCL, Raipur or any office authorized by controlling officer. 2) Wages and fringe benefits according to the Labour Law / Industrial Law and fixed by concerned District Collectorate as in force during the execution of the work shall to be paid by contractor or his appointed sub-vendor. It shall be the sole responsibility of the main contractor for observing the prevailing laws and contractor shall be abided for such statutory requirements absolving CSPTCL fully in case of any dispute, if so arises. 3) The termination/completion of the sub-vendors job shall be informed to CSPTCL promptly. The contractor shall furnish a certificate jointly signed by sub-vendor and himself having settled all the dues and liabilities accrued due to sub-vendors engagement for the execution of tendered work. The B.G. shall be released only after submission of the aforesaid clearance certificate received from all such sub-vendors engaged on execution of tendered work under the scope of this order. The B.G./ final payment shall be released only after submission of aforesaid clearance certificate to the concerned field Division. 4) The contractor shall observe Labour Law/Industrial Law and Wages Law strictly with regard to payment and fringe benefits to be delivered to the labourers/workers engaged by the Contractor or his sub-vendor. It shall be the sole responsibility of main contractor for arranging due insurance of personnel CSPTCL Page No. 35 C.E. (Transmission)




/ materials to meet out any exigencies. It shall be the sole responsibility of main contractor for observing all the prevailing Laws and CSPTCL shall not be held responsible for any liability / disputes or claim in any way if arises due to nonobservance of such Laws. However, the decision of Honourable District Court / appropriate court of law shall be final and binding on CSPTCL, Contractor and sub-vendor in case of any dispute. 44. POWER & WATER SUPPLY FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK: For providing power supply required for construction, erection, testing & commissioning work, CSPTCL shall extend supply up to the site of the Substation. Any line extension work etc required for this purpose shall be done by CSPTCL at their own cost. However, the connection required for availing supply shall be availed by the contractor. The expenditure on this account and the energy charges shall be borne by the contractor. Water supply shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. 45. AWARD OF CONTRACT:The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder, if such bidder comes out to L-1 on the basis of above evaluation. However, CSPTCL reserves its right to accept or reject any or all the offers, in part or full, without assigning any reason whatsoever. 46 STORAGE AND SHIPMENT OF EQUIPMENT:- The indoor equipments received at site for the work under execution has to be stored under a temporary shed in proper manner so as to avoid entry of rain water, flood water and safe from theft & fire hazards etc. The outdoor equipments can be stored in open space free from water logging and fire hazard The Executing Division of the work to ensure that the bill raised by the contractor is passed only after storage of the equipments in proper manner. The site of the store shall be selected in consultation with engineering incharge of the work, in no way the store area shall create obstacles for construction of main switch yard. DI of materials shall be issued by this office only after getting confirmation of construction of storage shed from Engineer- in -charge . Materials /equipment has to be transported in proper manner with suitable package /cartoon to protect the equipment from damages due to injury during transportation. Impact recorder shall be provided with power transformer during the transportation to site from the manufacturers works to record shock/jerk/vibration. The report of the impact recorder is to be analysed at the time of receipt of transformer in the presence of CSPTCL engineer. The officer in charge of the work will ensure that the MRC is issued only after ensuring the shocks/vibration/jerk during the transportation is within limit. The contractor shall arrange the technical expertise required for the analysis of impact recorder. If the data of the impact recorder is not within the tolerable limit the transformer may not be received.


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All the oil connecting conduit pipes, radiators oil conservators & turrets are to be blocked with the dummy MS flanges & gaskets in order to avoid ingress of moisture. 47. UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE: The bidder whose equipments/substation are installed in CSP Trans CL and found to be defective or lying unattended / work not taken up / left uncompleted within guarantee or beyond guarantee period if so reported by the field Division their price bid will not be considered for opening. 48. DRAWING & LITERATURES :The contractor is required to submit 04 sets of approved drawings before execution of the work. The contractor is also required to submit 05 sets of as built drawings before handing over the Sub-station to CSPTCL. 49. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR FEE:All pre-commissioning tests on equipment shall be carried out by the contractor. Commissioning of the equipments shall be carried out after receipt of clearance from the Engineer-in charge and Chief Electrical Inspector. Payment of statutory Electrical Inspector Fees and filing of papers of such inspection shall be done by the contractor. All other materials required for erection, testing, and commissioning shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost. Services of commissioning engineer wherever required would be on the contractors account.


Compliance with regulations:Unless other wise specified all works shall be carried out in accordance with the Indian Electricity Act 1910, Indian Elect. Rules 1956 with amendments OR revision thereof which may be issued during the period of contract.


Full Time Site Engineer:Immediately on award of contract and handing over of the site, the contractor shall nominate one experienced (at least 3 years) site Engineer, who will be stationed near the substation site. The site Engineer will execute all the works related to this substation on a full time basis. Immediately after handing over of the land, various activities are required to becarried out including preparation of lay out plan, soil investigation, fixing of level etc. It is noted that some of the bidders have undertaken 2-3 projects but are carrying on with one site Engineer only with the result that for achieving progress at one site, the works are delayed at other sites. Therefore, full time site Engineer for each substation is a must. After award of the contract, the firm shall immediately inform the CSPTCL about nomination of a full time site Engineer and his contact numbers who will be approachable to CSPTCL for all works related to the substation.
[[ 51.



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1. 2. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Scope Civil Works Drawings Oil recovering system Rain water harvesting Roads and culverts Variation in quantities Statutory Rules Yard & Control room equipments Erection of structure & equipments Climatic conditions Earth resistivity test Cabling & Cable schedule Lightning protection . Earthing of substation Work Schedule

39 39-64 40 40 44 45 64 64 64 66 67 68 68 68 68 69


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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING OF 132/33KV S/S AT KONI 1. i) SCOPE:This specification covers civil works like construction of Control Room Building Type-IV (FOUR). Peripheral fencing with iron main gate of the switchyard, construction of earth pits, concrete road, cable trenches, sanitation & water supply arrangement, excavations, back filling, yard levelling/ metalling, foundations of all equipments/structures including all foundation materials like steel, cement, metal, sand etc. & erections of 132/33 KV substation as per attached drawings and schematic diagram. Water supply and Electricity for construction work is to be arranged by the bidder at his own cost. Also, storage space for equipments and bidders site office will be arranged by the bidder at this own cost.

ii) This specification also covers supply and erection of all G.I. steel structures, design, supply & erection of switch yard and control room equipments, conductor, cables & steel wires their erection, testing & commissioning etc. 2. 2.1 CIVIL WORKS: - The technical specifications for civil works, shall be as follows:Construction of 01 No. Control Room Building (Type-IV) and all civil works at 132/33 KV switch yard viz; x-mer/equipment foundations cable trenches, yard fencing, yard levelling, metalling, earth pits, gate, sump tank, approach roads, rain water harvesting pit, sign boards, arrangement of slope protection works, drainage arrangement of yard, complete water supply arrangement etc. is covered in the scope of contract. All materials shall be of best quality conforming to relevant Indian Standards and Codes. In case of any conflict between Standards/ Code and Technical Specification the provisions of Standards/ Code shall prevail. The Contractor shall furnish all labour, tools, equipment, materials, temporary works, constructional plant and machinery, fuel supply, transportation and all other incidental items not shown or specified but as may be required for complete performance of the Works in accordance with approved drawings, specifications and direction of in charge. All materials including cement, reinforcement steel and structural steel etc. shall be arranged by the Contractor. All testing of constructional material required shall be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost. All the construction material shall have to be got approved prior to use, from Engineer- incharge of CSPTCL. The bidder shall fully appraise himself of the prevailing conditions at the proposed site topographical conditions climatic conditions, including monsoon patterns, local conditions and site specific parameters, availability of all construction materials as per specifications and shall include for all such CSPTCL Page No. 39 C.E. (Transmission)



conditions and contingent measures in the bid, including those which may not have been specifically brought out in the specifications/ Bill of Quantity. Bidders are advised to visit the substation site prior to submission of offer & take into account all factors like required levelling, retaining wall, approach road, if required, slope protection etc while quoting the rates. 2.2 Drawings The Contractor shall execute the work at site as per approved drawings only. Photocopies shall not be used at Site. The drawing for all the works shall be developed by the contractor and submitted to owner for approval in four copies, which will be scrutinized and corrected. After incorporating corrections indicated in corrected drawings 4 prints shall be submitted by contractor for issuing as approved drawings which only shall be used at site for carrying construction. The scrutiny/approval of drawings by CSPTCL does not absolve the contractor in any manner from owning complete responsibility towards safety and security of all the civil structures designed and constructed by them. Safety, security and adequacy of all civil structures from design, construction and erection point of view lies entirely with the contractor even after approval of drawings by CSPTCL. The drawings required to be submitted shall be for following works in general:i. Foundations for Transformer, Tower, equipment, loading /unloading gantry etc. ii. All architectural as well as structural drawings for Control room building. iii. Contour drawings lay out drawings, cable trench crossings, roads, culverts, cable trenches, burnt oil pit, (oil recovery system/sump) trench covers etc. iv. Roads and culvert: Layout of road. v. Bore hole logging details: Bore hole location, drawing etc vi. Drains and drainage system vii. Chain link fencing and gate viii. Rain water harvesting system ix. External water supply arrangement & earth pit water supply arrangement x. Septic tank and soak pit xi. Metal spreading and ant weed treatment xii. Slope protection and drainage arrangement works such as Retaining Walls, stone pitching, diversion works, drains etc. 2.3 Description of Oil Recovery System:The oil recovery system shall be provided for all Transformers in order to avoid spread of fire by the oil in case of any major failure of transformer. Oil collection pit surrounded by retaining walls shall be constructed around transformer. The oil collection pit will be appropriately designed to collect the transformer oil coming out in the event of bursting of bushing / tank / radiator so that the danger of spreading of fire due to spillage of burning oil could be limited. The area of the pit shall be designed in such a way to cover the main Page No. 40 C.E. (Transmission)




tank and radiator of the transformer. The height of pit walls should be enough to collect about 33% of the volume of the transformer oil. Necessary steel grating shall to be provided above the oil pit surrounding the transformer. Minimum 100mm thick 30mm size crusher broken metal shall be tightly packed over the grating. Further, oil collection pit shall be connected to a common oil sump. The leaked oil from the transformers shall be collected into oil sump pit. A 3HP electric pump shall be provided at the oil sump pit to evacuate the rain water collected inside the pit as well as the transformer oil in case of any incidence of failure of transformer involving leakage of oil. The oil collecting pit and sump shall be so constructed that the oil from collection pit easily flows into sump and collection pit remains dry. Drawing of the oil recovery system should be got approved from CSPTCL. 3.0 3.1 Site Preparation :Clearing, levelling 1) Material unsuitable for laying of foundations shall be removed and replaced by suitable fill material as per approval by the Owner. 2) Backfill material around foundations or other works shall be suitable for the purpose for which it is used and compacted to the density described under Compaction. Excavated material not suitable or not required for backfill shall be disposed off in areas as directed by Owner. 3) Site clearing, levelling: - Before the work is commenced, the area described and shown on plan shall be cleared by the contractor at his own cost, of all obstructions, including abandoned brick masonry/ concrete/ steel structures, loose stones, materials, vegetation such as grass, shrubs, bushes and stumps of trees, roots etc. as directed. Bushes above 0.9m in height shall be considered as trees and shall not be cut down or be removed without instructions from the Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. The product of the clearing shall be stacked in such places and in such manner as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL and the ground left in a perfectly clean condition. The useless materials obtained by the clearing should be removed from the area and disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. All holes or hollows whether originally existing or produced by digging up roots shall be carefully filled up with earth well rammed and levelled off as directed. On completion of the works, the site around the building structures shall be cleared by the contractor at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. The excavated material shall be the property of CSPTCL & its storage, use or disposal, shall be done as directed by the Engineer in charge of CSPTCL 4) The contractor shall level the entire area up to desired level through cutting/filling .The excavated material if found suitable may be used by the contractor for levelling .However royalty/taxes levy able on such use shall be borne by the contractor. Excavation and backfill: 1. Excavation and backfill for foundations shall be in accordance with the relevant code. 2. Whenever water table is met during the excavation, it shall be dewatered and water table shall be maintained below the bottom of the Page No. 41 C.E. (Transmission)






excavation level during excavation, concreting and backfilling. 3. When embankments are to be constructed on slopes of 15% or greater, benches or steps with horizontal and vertical faces shall be cut in the original slope prior to placement of embankment material. Vertical faces shall measure not more than 1 m in height. 4. Embankments adjacent to abutments, culverts, retaining walls & similar structures shall be constructed by compacting the material in successive uniform horizontal layers not exceeding 15 cm in thickness. (of loose material before compaction). Each layer shall be compacted as required by means of mechanical tampers/rollers approved by the Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL following procedure outlined under compaction. Rocks larger than 10 cm in any direction shall not be placed in embankment adjacent to structures. 5. Earth embankments of roadways and site areas adjacent to buildings shall be placed in successive uniform horizontal layers not exceeding 20 cm in thickness in loose stage measurement and compacted to the full width specified. The upper surface of the embankment shall be shaped so as to provide complete drainage of surface water at all times. Compaction: 1. The density to which fill materials shall be compacted shall be as per relevant IS and as per direction of Owner. All compacted sand filling shall be confined as far as practicable. Backfilled earth shall be compacted to minimum 95% of the Standard Proctors density at OMC. The sub grade for the roads and embankment filling shall be compacted to minimum 95% of the Standard Proctors density at OMC. Cohesion less material sub grade shall be compacted to 70% relative density (minimum). 2. At all times unfinished construction shall have adequate drainage. Upon completion of the roads surface course, adjacent shoulders shall be given a final shaping, true alignment and grade. 3. Each layer of earth embankment when compacted shall be as close to optimum moisture content as practicable. Embankment material which does not contain sufficient moisture to obtain proper compaction shall be wetted. If the material contains any excess moisture, then it shall be allowed to dry before rolling. The rolling shall begin at the edges overlapping half the width of the roller each time and progress to the centre of the road or towards the building as applicable. Rolling will also be required on rock fills. No compaction shall be carried out in rainy weather. Requirement for fill material under foundation: The thickness of fill material under the foundations shall be such that the maximum pressure from the footing, transferred through the fill material and distributed onto the original undisturbed soil will not exceed the allowable soil bearing pressure of the original undisturbed soil. For expansive soils the fill materials and other protections etc. to be used under the foundation is to be got approved by the Owner.



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TR11/44 4.0 4.1


Anti weed treatment & metal spreading: Scope of work: The Contractor shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for complete performance of the work in accordance with the approved drawings, specification and direction of the Owner. Metal spreading along with stone dust or moorum or sand layer shall be done in the areas of the switchyard under present scope of work. However the metal spreading along with underlying layer in future areas within fenced area shall also be provided in case step potential without metal layer is not well within safe limits. General requirement: The material required for site surfacing/ metal filling shall be free from all types of organic materials and shall be of standard quality, and as approved by the Owner.


4.2.1 The material to be used for metal filling/ site surfacing shall be crusher broken hard metal of 40mm nominal size (ungraded single size) conforming to Table 2 of IS:383 1970. Hardness, flakiness shall be as required for surfacing courses are given below: (a) Sieve Analysis limits (Gradation) (IS : 383 Table 2) Sieve Size % passing by weight 63mm 100 40mm 85-1 00 20mm 0-20 10mm 0-5 One Test shall be conducted for every 500 cu.m. (b) Hardness Abrasion value (IS: 2386 Part-IV) not more than 40% Impact value (IS: 2386 Part-IV) not more than 30% and frequency shall be one test per 500 cu.m. with a minimum of one test per source. Flakiness Index

One test shall be conducted per 500 cu.m. Of aggregate as per IS: 2386 Part I and maximum value is 25%. 4.2.2 After all the structures/equipments are erected, anti weed treatment shall be applied in the switchyard where ever metal spreading along with underlying layers is to be done and the area shall be thoroughly de-weeded including removal of roots. The recommendation of local agriculture or horticulture department may be sought where ever feasible while choosing the type of chemical to be used. The anti weed chemical shall be procured from reputed manufacturers. The doses and application of chemical shall be strictly done as per manufacturers recommendation. Nevertheless the effectiveness of the chemical shall be demonstrated by the contractor in a test area of 10MX10M (approximately) and shall be sprinkled with water at least once in the afternoon everyday after forty eight hours of application of chemical. The treated area shall be monitored over a period of two to three weeks


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for any growth of weeds by the Engineer in- charge. The final approval shall be given by Engineer in charge based on the results. 4.2.3 Engineer-in-charge shall decide final formation level so as to ensure that the site appears uniform devoid of undulations. The final formation level shall however be very close to the formation level indicated in the approved drawing. After anti weed treatment is complete, the surface of the switchyard area shall be maintained, rolled/compacted to the lines and grades as decided by Engineer-in charge. The sub grade shall be consolidated by using half ton roller with suitable water sprinkling arrangement to form a smooth and compact surface. The roller shall run over the sub grade till the soil is evenly and densely consolidated and behaves as an elastic mass. In areas that are considered by the Engineer-in-Charge to be too congested with foundations and structures for proper rolling of the site surfacing material by normal rolling equipments, the material shall be compacted by hand, if necessary. Due care shall be exercised so as not to damage any foundation structures or equipment during rolling compaction.



4.2.6 Over the prepared sub grade, first 100 mm thick layer of stone dust shall be laid as per direction of engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL in the area excluding roads, drains, cable trenches as per detailed engineering drawing. However in case of BC soil in top strata the thickness of this layer shall be 200 mm. For easy drainage of water, min. slope of 1:1000 is to be provided from the ridge to the nearest drain. The ridge shall be suitably located at the centre of the area between the nearest drains. The above slope shall be provided at the top of stone dust layer. 4.2.7 A final layer of 100mm thickness of crusher broken hard metal of 40mm nominal size (ungraded size) shall be spread uniformly over underlying layer of stone dust. 4.2.8 The quantity of filling shall be measured in cubic metres through stack measurements and voids shall be deducted as follows from stack measurements:Sl. No. Particulars % age voids to be deducted 1 Metal 8% 2 Moorum 16 % 3 Stone dust 25 % 5.0 5.1 5.2 Rainwater harvesting: In addition to drainage of rainwater, the contractor shall make arrangement for rainwater harvesting also. Rainwater harvesting shall be done by providing one number recharge structure with rain water harvesting and soak pit arrangement. The recharge structure shall be suitably located within the substation. Branch drains from the main drain and cable trenches carrying rainwater from entire switchyard shall be connected to the recharge structure. Overflow arrangement from recharge structure shall be provided and the overflow shall be taken through trench/closed conduit (NP3 pipe) of approved size/dia up to nearest available natural drainage at such a level to completely ensure effective drainage in all seasons. It shall be total responsibility of contractor to Page No. 44 C.E. (Transmission)








decide & design yard level & drainage system of entire yard as detailed above & also as per approved drawing and direction of Engineer in charge of CSPTCL. The recharge structure shall be pit of size 3.5 m x 3.5 m in plan. The overall depth of recharge structure shall be 4 meter below invert level of drain. The recharge structure shall be of RCC (base shall not be of RCC to facilitate soaking of water in to the soil below) with thickness as per design requirement and approved drawing. The recharge structure shall be covered with RCC slab designed for a live load of 300 kg / Sq.m. One opening of size 0.7 x 0.7 meter shall be provided in the RCC cover slab as per approved drawing. An iron cover made of 6mm thick chequered plate with hinges shall be provided on the openings. M.S. rungs of 20mm diameter at spacing of 300 mm and min 200 mm projecting outside wall face shall be provided in the wall of recharge structure to facilitate cleaning of recharge structure. 4 nos. 100 mm dia medium duty (Clause B) MS pipe conforming to IS 1161 shall be lowered in the recharge structure 4 m deep from bottom of recharge structure. The pipe shall have 1.58mm holes for 3.0 meter length starting from 1.0 meter from bottom of bore well. The recharge structure shall have all arrangement as per standard practice and as per approved drawing for serving as additional earth pit and will be connected to earthing mat of the yard. Roads and culverts: All the roads in the scope of contract shall be concrete road. The road shall be 5.0 m wide. Brick masonry side drains shall also be provided on both sides of all the roads, of section and at gradient required as per site condition to drain out all the water falling in entire Sub-station area, with necessary culvert crossings using RCC slab culvert with stone/ Brick masonry wing wall as per approved drawings. The main drains/cable trenches carrying water from Sub-station area shall be connected to rain water harvesting pit. In case of all the roads the shoulder would be compacted hard moorum 1000 mm wide, min 100 mm compacted thickness on both the sides. Layout of the roads shall be as per approved General Arrangement drawing for the substation. Adequate turning space for vehicles shall be provided and bend radii shall be set accordingly. Road to the Auto transformer / Reactor shall be as short and straight as possible. The sub station roads shall have 100mm thick RCC (1:1.5:3 nominal mix with reinforcement of 8mm dia. 300 C/C both ways placed with 50 mm clear cover below top and not above bottom). Below it 100mm thick PCC (1:3:6) shall be provided. 160 mm thick water bound macadam (WBM) in two equal layers shall be laid below P.C.C. over 200 mm thick well compacted layer of oversize metal and moorum (soling). In case of B.C. soil in foundation/top the thickness of soling layer shall be 300 mm. It may please be noted that the metal to be used in road work shall be Black Trap, basalt or Granite only. Availability of these metals at site may be ensured by Bidder prior to quoting rates.

6.0 6.1 6.2




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PCC, WBM and soling shall be placed projecting at least 300 mm beyond edge of RCC layer. Polythene sheet of 125 microns shall be placed between the RCC and PCC slab. Expansion joint (min. 12mm thick) shall be provided at every 40 m with dowel bars as per relevant applicable IS code. 100mm dia RCC Hume pipe (NP-3) shall be provided at every 100 m interval across the length of the road for cable crossing. 7.0 7.1 Foundation / RCC construction: General: (a) Work covered under this Clause of the Specification comprises the construction of foundations and other RCC constructions for switchyard structures, equipment supports, trenches, drains, jacking pad, pulling block, control cubicles, bus supports, Autotransformer/Reactors, marshalling kiosks, auxiliary equipments & systems buildings, tanks or for any other equipment or service and any other foundation required to complete the work. This clause is as well applicable to the other RCC constructions. (b) Concrete shall conform to the requirements mentioned in latest IS: 456 and all the tests shall be conducted as per relevant Indian Standard Codes .A minimum grade of M20 concrete (1: 1.5: 3 mix) shall be used for all construction works unless specified otherwise. It may please be noted that the metal to be used for P.C.C. /R.C.C. works shall be Black Trap, basalt or Granite only. Availability of these metals at site may be ensured by Bidder prior to quoting rates. If the site is sloping, the foundation height will be adjusted to maintain the exact level of the top of structures to compensate such slopes. The switchyard foundations top shall be minimum 200mm above finished yard level. The building plinths shall be minimum 600mm above road top level/ yard level which ever is higher. Minimum 100 mm thick lean concrete (1:4:8) shall be provided below all underground structures, foundations, trenches etc. to provide a base for construction. Only OPC or PPC 53 grade of approved and reputed brand shall be used in construction works and test certificate from manufacturer shall have to be submitted to engineer in charge of CSPTCL for kind of cement being used. The design and detailing of foundations shall be done based on the approved soil data and sub-soil conditions as well as for all possible critical loads and the combinations thereof. The spread footing foundation as may be required based on soil /sub-soil conditions and superimposed loads shall be provided. For determining soil characteristics detailed soil investigation of entire Sub-station area shall be got done by the contractor from a reputed firm with min. 4 nos. bore holes of min. 5.0 m depth and two no. Plate load test spread all over the yard area . The soil investigation report shall be got approved from CSPTCL authorities and as per approved parameters only foundation shall be got designed by the contractor. Page No. 46 C.E. (Transmission)

I (d)





TR11/44 (h)


If pile foundations are adopted, the same shall be cast- in situ bored or pre-cast or under reamed type as per relevant parts of IS code 2911. Only RCC piles shall be provided. Necessary initial load test shall be carried out by the contractor at their cast to establish the piles design capacity. Only after the design capacity of piles has been established, the contractor shall take up the job of piling. Routine tests for the piles shall also be conducted. All the testing work shall be planned in such a way that these shall not cause any delay in project completion. (i). Brick masonry cable trenches in the Switchyard in case of hard strata and RCC cable trenches in case of filled up area, black cotton soil or alluvial strata, suitably designed to take super imposed load, with adequate inside dimensions, concrete coping ( min. 75 mm thick in PCC 1:2:4), concrete base, plastering (20 mm outside and 15 mm inside), weep hole arrangements with 100 dia weep holes @ 1.5 c/c spacing horizontally and 1.0 m vertically with inverted filter at back, angle nosing, chases support MS angle for cable tray, RCC covers (min. 90 mm thick) etc. complete with proper bed slope for efficient drainage upto recharge structure. (j) All foundation shall rest on hard non-expansive soil. 7.2 Design: 7.2.1 All foundation shall be of reinforced cement concrete. The design and construction of RCC structures shall be carried out as per IS: 456 and minimum grade of concrete shall be M-20. Higher grade of concrete than specified above may be used at the discretion of Contractor without any additional financial implication to the Owner. 7.2.2 Limit state method of design shall be adopted unless specified otherwise in the specification. For detailing of reinforcement IS: 2502 and SP: 34 shall be followed. 7.2.3 Two layers of reinforcement (on inner and outer face) shall be provided for wall & slab sections having thickness of 150 mm and above. Clear cover to reinforcement shall be as per IS: 456 (latest). 7.2.4 RCC water retaining structures like storage tanks, etc. shall be designed as uncracked section in accordance with IS: 3370 (Part I to IV) by working stress method. However, water channels shall be designed as cracked section with limited steel stresses as per IS: 3370 (Part I to IV) by working stress method. 7.2.5 The procedure used for the design of the foundations shall be the most critical loading combination of the steel structure and or equipment and/or superstructure and other conditions which produces the maximum stresses in the foundation or the foundation component and as per the relevant IS Codes of foundation design. Detailed design calculations shall be submitted by the bidder showing complete details of piles/pile groups proposed to be used. 7.2.6 Design shall consider any sub-soil water pressure that may be encountered following relevant standard strictly. 7.2.7 Necessary protection to the foundation work, if required shall be provided to take care of any special requirements for aggressive alkaline soil, black cotton soil or any other type of soil which is detrimental/harmful to the concrete RCC


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foundations. 7.2.8 columns shall be provided with rigid connection at the base. 7.2.9 All sub-structures shall be checked for sliding and overturning stability during both construction and operating conditions for various combinations of loads. Factors of safety for these cases shall be taken as mentioned in relevant IS Codes or as stipulated elsewhere in the Specifications. For checking against overturning, weight of soil vertically above footing shall be taken and inverted frustum of pyramid of earth on the foundation should not be considered. 7.2.10 Earth pressure for all underground structures shall be calculated using coefficient of earth pressure at rest, co-efficient of active or passive earth pressure (whichever is applicable). However, for the design of substructures of any underground enclosures, earth pressure at rest shall be considered. 7.2.11 In addition to earth pressure and ground water pressure etc., a surcharge load of 2T/Sq.m shall also be considered for the design of all underground structures including channels, retaining wall, sumps, tanks, trenches, substructure of any underground hollow enclosure etc., for the vehicular traffic in the vicinity of the structure. 7.2.12 Following conditions shall be considered for the design of water tank in pumps house, channels, sumps, trenches and other underground structures: a) Full water pressure from inside and no earth pressure & ground water pressure & surcharge pressure from outside (application only to structures which are liable to be filled up with water or any other liquid). b) Full earth pressure, surcharge pressure and ground water pressure from outside and no water pressure from inside. c) Design shall also be checked against buoyancy due to the ground water during construction and maintenance stages. Minimum factor of safety of 1.5 against buoyancy shall be ensured ignoring the superimposed loadings. Base slab of any underground enclosure shall also be designed for empty condition during construction and maintenance stages with maximum ground water table (GWT). Minimum factor of safety of 1.5 against buoyancy shall be ensured ignoring the super-imposed loadings. 7.2.14 Base slab of any underground enclosure like water storage tank shall also be designed for the condition of different combination of pump sumps being empty during maintenance stages with maximum GWT. Intermediate dividing piers of such enclosures shall be designed considering water in one pump sump only and the other pumps sump being empty for maintenance. 7.2.15 The foundations shall be proportioned so that the estimated total and differential movements of the foundations are not greater than the movements that the structure or equipment is designed to accommodate. 7.2.16 The foundations of transformer/reactor and circuit breaker shall be of block type foundation. Minimum reinforcement shall be governed by IS: 2974 and IS: 456.

7.3 Admixture & additives: 7.3.1 Only approved admixtures shall be used in the concrete for the Works. When more than one admixture is to be used, each admixture shall be CSPTCL Page No. 48 C.E. (Transmission)



batched in its own batch and added to the mixing water separately before discharging into the mixer. Admixtures shall be delivered in suitably labelled containers to enable identification. 7.3.2 Admixtures in concrete shall conform to IS: 9103. The water proofing cement additives shall conform to IS: 2645. Concrete Admixtures/ Additives shall be approved by Owner. 7.3.3 The Contractor may propose and the Owner may approve the use of a water-reducing set-retarding admixture in some of the concrete. The use of such an admixture will not be approved to overcome problems associated with inadequate concrete plant capacity or improperly planned placing operations and shall only be approved as an aid to overcoming unusual circumstances and placing conditions. 7.3.4 The water-reducing set-retarding admixture shall be an approved brand of Ligno - sulphonate type admixture. 7.3.5 The water proofing cement additives shall be used as required/ advised by the Owner. 7.3.6 Substation earthing includes pipe fittings for all earth pits in the proposed yard with water supply arrangements from the overhead water tanks and both the bores. 7.3.7 Random Rubble Retaining wall shall be constructed in 1:4 cement mortar with raised and cut pointing on exposed face side up to full height in cement mortar 1:3.Below wall PCC (1:3:6) of min. 100 mm thickness shall be provided with 100 mm projection on either side of base width of wall. PCC coping of min. thickness 75 mm in concrete grade M-15 (1:2:4) shall be provided at the top of wall. The wall base shall be taken at least 750 mm inside natural ground level. The height of wall shall be measured from ground level on non retaining side to bottom of coping. Weep holes using 100 mm dia PVC pipes shall be provided in the wall at 2000 mm C/C spacing vertically as well as horizontally with suitable screening mesh and well graded inverted filter at the back. The excavated base of wall shall be well compacted prior to laying PCC. The wall shall be designed for superimposed earth pressure and ground water pressure and other incidental load and pressures. A surcharge of 2 T/Sq. m shall be considered in design of wall if the location of wall happens to be in vicinity (within 1.0 m distance) of vehicular movement during construction or operation stages. Stones used for wall shall be hammer dressed on the sides and bed in such a way as to close up with the adjacent stone in masonry as strongly as possible. The face of stone shall be so dressed that bushing on the exposed face shall not project by more than 4 cm from the general wall surface. The size of stone shall normally vary from .05 to .01 cum. No stone larger than max. Size of .05 cum shall be used. The stone shall weigh less than 25 kgs.Spalls with min. dimension of 200 mm to 100 mm shall be used to wedge into thick mortar spaces .They shall normally not exceed 10 % by volume of stone masonry. 8.0 Chain link Fencing and Gate: Fencing and gate shall be provided as per details given below: 8.1 Areas requiring Fencing
Fencing shall be provided for complete switchyard as per approved drawing leaving at least 6.0 m clear space after equipment. Separate gate shall be provided


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for men and equipment.



Product materials: The minimum requirements are as follows: a) Chain link mesh (with galvanization) in accordance to IS: 2721. 1. 2. 3. b) Posts (i) The posts shall be galvanized angle iron posts of size 65x65x6 at 2.5m c/c spacing with 45x45x5 galvanized angle iron posts bracings at top and bottom of mesh. The vertical posts shall have further V shaped extension of 450 mm (vertical height) over the chain link mesh top. Six nos. barbed wires with weight not less than 9.38 kg per 100 m shall be provided in the V shaped portion Two Nos. GI wire of min 4 mm dia shall be provided between top & bottom bracing angles along the entire length of mesh which shall be tightened to provide stiffness to mesh. Strainer posts shall be provided at every corner and at every 10th post. Strainer posts shall be provided on either side of vertical post and from inner side as well. (ii) The whole assembly of angles shall be hot dip galvanized. The zinc coating shall be minimum 610 gram per sq. meter. The purity of zinc shall be 99.95% as per IS: 209. c) Brick Wall below mesh Brick masonry wall of Min. 200 mm thickness shall be provided at bottom of mesh with plastering, 75 mm thick coping of PCC 1:2:4 grade, painting with exterior paint of reputed and approved brand etc. complete in all respects. The wall shall be min. 200 mm below natural ground level, and, 100 mm above FYL. PCC (1:3:6) of 100 mm thickness and 300 mm width shall be provided below wall in hard soil for depth of wall upto 400 mm . However if the overall depth of wall exceeds 400 mm, the thickness of wall and width of PCC shall be designed to bear the superimposed loads. In case of black cotton soil in foundation 200mm thick brick wall shall be provided over RCC bracing beam of min size 200x 200 mm.The height of wall shall be such that the top of wall shall be 100 mm above FYL. Size of mesh Nominal wire size Height of chain link mesh : : : 75mm x 75mm 4.0 mm diameter 2400mm

8.2.3 Installation: (i) Mesh:a) Mesh shall be installed leaving at least 6 m clearance from equipment/ structures along the switchyard line as per approved General Arrangement drawing. b) Post holes shall be excavated by approved method.


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c) All posts shall be 2.50m apart measured parallel to ground surface. Posts shall be set in 1:3:6 Plain Cement Concrete block of minimum 0.40x0.40x1.0m depth in hard soil, completely inside natural ground level. In case of black cotton soil in foundation pile foundation shall be provided. d) Posts shall be braced and held in plumb position and true alignment and elevation until concrete has set. e) Mesh shall not be installed until concrete has cured a minimum of 7 days. f) Mesh shall be fixed to the posts and bracing angles at 4 locations in each angle using MS flat each of 30x3 mm, 100 mm long through 2 nos. of bolts (12 mm diameter) on each flat. g) The painting pattern of brick masonry wall shall be decided by Engineer-in- charge. It shall be preferable to paint the alternate wall in different colour pattern such that it gives better aesthetic look. The paint shall be Ultima/ weather coat brand. (ii) i. ii. Gate:The gate shall be made as per approved drawing. The gates shall be fabricated with welded joints to achieve rigid connections. The gate frames shall be painted with one coat of approved steel primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint. The gates shall be provided with suitable locking arrangement. Main gates shall be 6.0m wide and shall be of double leaf type (as per approved drawing). Next to the main gate, a side gate (1.5m wide single leaf) shall also be provided. Steel rollers shall be provided with gates. Gate shall be installed as per approved G.A. drawing. Gates shall be provided on RCC columns of min. dimension 400 mm x 400 mm. with min. RCC footing size 1200x1200 depth 300 and at least 1500 mm below natural ground level but up to hard strata. The dimensions indicated are min to be provided and may be more as per site condition and design requirement. The gate shall be made of medium duty M.S. pipe confirming to relevant IS with welded joints. The main frame (outer frame) of the gate shall be made of 50mm dia pipe medium quality & vertical pipes of 25mm dia medium quality pipes @ 100mm c/c spacing. Other details shall be as per approved drawing.

iii. iv.

v. vi. vii.



WATER SUPPLY FOR BUILDINGS & EARTH PITS Two number 150 mm dia tube wells at different locations, each with minimum 5000 litre per hour yield, separate pump houses, overhead HDPE water tank of 1000 litre capacity above control room building, one no. over head water tank of at least 5,000 litre capacity at suitable location above control room building roof for supplying water to all the earth pit through gravity, complete water supply arrangements from both the bores to all the water tanks, from over head water tanks to Building and from both the bores as well as from 5000 litre tank


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to all the earth pits, with submersible pumps, panels, cables, water tanks, GI pipe lines, all fittings, fixtures etc. of approved make as per specifications, in standard manner, as per direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. The supply network to all the earth pits shall be closed loop type ensuring supply from both the ends with designed sizes of pipes to ensure effective supply of water to all the earth pits. Schematic drawing shall be prepared by the contractor indicating the layout and details of each water supply scheme which shall be got approved before actual start of work including all other incidental items not shown or specified but as may be required for complete performance of the works. Each Bore well shall be provided with 3-phase water cooled submersible pumps of KSB/Kirlosker make of minimum 2 H.P. or more as per requirement /directions of CSPTCLs Engineer-in-charge with Crompton Greaves /Havells make control panels, Finolex/ Havells make cables. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 OTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS 15mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1cement: 6 fine sand) shall be provided on the smooth side of internal walls. 6 mm cement plaster of mix 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) to all ceiling. 20mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) on rough side of wall. CONTROL ROOM: Type IV is to be constructed. The Control room drawing (type-IV) as per Companys standard practice has been furnished with the tender specification for guidance only, indicating minimum requirement of floor area. However, the size of control room should be adequate for accommodating C&R Panels, PLCC equipments, Station batteries, and ACDB & DCDB etc. properly and if considered necessary the area of control room shall have to be increased to accommodate panels, equipments batteries etc. conveniently as per direction of competent authority of CSPTCL. The rates for control room building should be offered accordingly. The Filter room included in the control room-building should be constructed at a height of min. 450 mm above finished yard level with a ramp having sloped not more than 1 in 20. The filter room shall be provided with an Iron shutter and windows. Iron shutters may be provided in C/R hall also if required. The switchyard lay out and section has to be decided by the bidder based on S.L.D. (Single Line Diagram) furnished with the tender documents. Internal dimensions/ design may be altered as per requirement of the design proposed by the contractor and approved by C.S. Electricity Company. Mineral fibre false ceiling shall be provided in C/R hall, A.E. and Carrier room .The clear height between floor top and Ceiling bottom shall be not less than 3.6 metre The false ceiling shall comprise 600 x 600 x 12 mm mineral fibre tiles of type RH 90 of Armstrong or equivalent make as per direction and approval Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL The tiles shall be laid over Armstrong Prelude XI exposed grid system with main runner spacing as 1200 mm c/c securely fastened to structural ceiling at 1200 mm c/c. Perimeter trim shall be Armstrong wall angle secured to wall at 450 mm c/c. In the Store Room, loft Page No. 52 C.E. (Transmission)




shall be provided at the lintel level all around. Further, racks up to lintel level should be provided in 2 walls (one long & one short) as per approved drawing which will be covered with wooden shutters as per direction of Engineer-incharge of CSPTCL. 10.5 In case of difference/conflict between specifications mentioned in tender document & specification mentioned in drawings enclosed with tender document works shall be carried out as per specifications mentioned in tender documents/ in approved drawings and not as per specification mentioned in drawings enclosed with tender document. 10.6 All internal wall surfaces / ceiling of Control Room Building shall be applied Birla/J.K cement based water proof putty. Painting on all internal walls and ceilings with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade (two or more coats) over and including priming coat with cement primer. 10.7 Painting on all external walls two or more coats of Ultima or Weather Coat or Weather Shield brand paint over two under coats of Plasto proof make primer over new cement plaster surfaces of the C/R building inclusive of required tools, scaffolding, materials and other painting accessories etc. as per recommendations of manufacturer.

10.8 Enamel Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade shall be provided on the steel glazed doors, windows, ventilators and rolling shutters in various buildings as per approved drawings. Two or more coats over an under coat of suitable shade with primer paint of approved brand and manufacture. 10.9 Two or more coats of Touch wood brand polish with a coat of wood filler shall be provided on the wooden doors. Final coating shall be of poly urethrin (pu) spray. 10.10 Filter room in Control Room building shall be provided 92 mm thick cement concrete flooring with "Hardcrete" concrete hardener topping under layer 75 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded metal aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and top layer 12 mm thick metallic concrete hardener consisting of mix 1: 2 ( 1 cement hardener mix : 2 metal aggregate 6 mm nominal size) by volume with which "Hard Crete" hardening compound of "Snowcem India Ltd" is mixed @ 2 litre "hard Crete" per 50kg of cement including cement slurry, complete. Cement plaster skirting (up to 15 cm height) with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) mixed with metallic concrete hardener in same ratio as for floor finished with a floating coat of neat cement. 21 mm thick in Filter room.

1st Quality Ceramic glazed floor Group V tiles (anti-skid) 300x 300 mm ( thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) conforming to IS : 13755 of NITCO, KAJARIA, BELL, JOHNSON, REGENCY , make shall be provided in toilet area in all colour shades as approved by Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand )
including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc complete.

10.12 1st quality ceramic glazed tiles conforming to IS : 13753 of minimum thickness 5mm of approved make like NITCO, BELL, JOHNNSON, REGENCY,


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KAJARIA make shall be provided in toilet area in all colours shade of any size as approved by Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL in dados (height upto 2.1 m) over 12mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) and jointing with grey cement slurry @3.3kg per sq m including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 10.13 All Brick Work shall be with cement mortar 1:6 (1cement:6 coarse sand). Half brick work masonry shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). Bricks to be used shall be 2nd class kiln burnt bricks having compressive strength of 35 kg/Sq.Cm or Fly ash bricks having compressive strength of 50 kg/Sq.Cm as per approval of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. 10.14 The toilet frames and shutters will be PVC as per following specifications. (a) PVC door frame made from rigid PVC hollow sections fixed to wall using 10 x 100 mm wood screws screwed to wooden plug prefixed in wall at a distance of not more than 500 mm centre to centre with door frame made from rigid PVC hollow section of size 55 x 40 mm having an average outer seam thickness of 3 mm horizontal and vertical section jointed together using aluminium angles of size 25 x 25 x 2 mm. (b) PVC shutters made up of rigid PVC hollow sections used for shutters frame with paneling of rigid PVC multichamber hollow sections having tongue and groove joints fixed with aluminium cleats brackets self tapping screws MS butt hinges complete fixed in position wooden pieces of required sizes to be inserted in PVC hollow section for screws and hardware. The PVC hollow frame section shall be of size 75 x 37 mm with an outer seam average thickness of 2.0 mm for horizontal and vertical styles of shutter frame and lock rail of 105 x 37 mm with an average seam thickness of 2 mm long with paneling made from rigid PVC hollow multichamber sections of 100 x 12 mm size with an average seam thickness of 1.00mm to be fixed to the frame work using rigid PVC self locking snap beading of size 15 x 13 mm complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. 10.15 Anti termite treatment shall be carried out for all buildings and also wherever required and as per direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. 10.16 M.S. Rolling shutters as per approved drawing shall be provided and fixed interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets alongwith ball bearing for rolling shutter, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push & pull operation including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs grade No. 2 & G. I. top cover of MIN. 1.25 mm thickness for rolling shutters. 80 x 1.25 mm M. S laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover. 10.17 Flooring of Control Room Building is to be provided with Vitrified tiles (Size 800 X 800 mm or 925 X 925 mm) having thickness of 10 mm confirming to IS 15622:2006 (except in Battery Room, toilet and filter room) with proper sub base and base concrete. After preparing proper base a bed of cement & sand (1:4) of thickness 30 mm shall be made on which the tiles shall be fixed with cement paste. Only KAjaria/Asian/Granito/NITCO make Vitrified tiles shall be used. The skirting shall be done up to 150 mm from FFL.


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10.18 Anodised anufactu work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions shall be provided and fixed in buildings with extruded built up standard tubular and other sections of approved make conforming to IS:733 and IS : 1285, anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS : 1868. (Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions at top, bottom and sides with required PVC/neoprene felt etc and joined mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / anufactu, C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws including glazing and fittings as specified. Shutters of doors, windows and ventilators shall be provided and fixed with hinges/pivots fittings wherever required including PVC/neoprene gasket. SECTION FOR ALUMINIUM WINDOWS: I) Aluminium anodised doors/Ventilators made out of extruded aluminium section conforming to IS : 733 IS : 1285 & IS : 1868 with outer frame size 101.6 x 44.45 x 1.90 mm weighing 1.54 kg/m and shutter frame made from aluminium section 47.62 x 44.45x1.9 mm weighing 0.97 kg/m for vertical style and top rail, bottom and lock rail are made from aluminium section 101.6 x 44.45 x 1.9 mm weighing 1.64 kg/m including jointing with extruded aluminium cleats neoprene rubber gasket bevelled edge beading screws and 5.0 mm thick tinted glass for door and reflective glass for ventilator of good quality (weight 13.50 kg/sq.m) and make including all fittings of superior quality (decorative type) such as door handle tower bolts hinges etc. Complete including applying a coat of lacquer, duly fixed in walls with 16x3.15 lugs 10 cm long embedded in cc blocks 15x10x10 cm size in cc 1:3:6 or with wooden plug and screws or with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with bolts and nuts as required as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. Aluminium anodized two track sliding window made out of extruded aluminium section conforming to IS : 733 IS : 1285 & IS : 1868 with outer frame size 63.50 x 38.10 x 1.80 mm weighing 1.148 kg/m and track top section of size 62x31.50x1.50 mm weighing 0.77 kg/m , track bottom section of size 62 x 31.50 x 1.50 mm weighing 0.81 kg/m, shutter handle section 39.40 x 17.70 x 1.50 mm weighing 0.58 kg/m, interlock section 39.40 x 17.70 x 1.50 mm weighing 0.60 kg/m, top & bottom section 39.40 x 17.70 x 1.50 mm weighing 0.55 kg/m, superior quality guide locks, neoprene whether strips and 5mm thick reflective glass of good quality and make (weight 13.50 kg/sq.m), complete including applying a coat of lacquer duly fixed in walls with 16 x 3.15 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in CC blocks 15 x 10 x10 cm size in CC 1:3:6 or with bolts and nuts as required as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. Aluminium anodized three track sliding window made out of extruded aluminium section conforming to IS : 733 IS : 1285 & IS : 1868 with outer frame size 101.6 x 44.45 x 1.99 mm weighing 1.66 kg/m and track top section of size 91.8x31.7x1.50 mm weighing 0.983 kg/m , track bottom section of size 91.8x31.7x1.50 mm weighing 1.125 kg/m, shutter frame handle section 39.40 x 17.70 x 1.50 mm weighing 0.58 kg/m, interlock section 39.40 x 17.70 x 1.50 mm weighing 0.60 kg/m, top & bottom section 39.40 x 17.70 x 1.50 mm weighing 0.55 kg/m, including superior quality guide locks, neoprene whether strips and 5mm thick reflective glass of good quality and make (weight 13.50 Page No. 55 C.E. (Transmission)






kg/sq.m), complete including applying a coat of lacquer duly fixed in walls with 16 x 3.15 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in CC blocks 15 x 10 x10 cm size in CC 1:3:6 or with bolts and nuts as required as per direction of EngineerIn-Charge. IV) Anodized aluminium framed grill of any size, DG 102-7 mm, fixed in suitable Y/U type channel as approved by Engineer-In-Charge, including providing and fixing in walls with 16.3.15 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in CC block 15 x 10 x 10 cm size in cement concrete 1:3:6 (grill is to be fixed with suitable Y/H channel) complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. V) Aluminium anodized fixed partition and like made out of extruded aluminium section conforming to IS : 733 IS : 1285 & IS : 1868 with outer frame of size 63.5 x 38.1 x 1.80 mm weighing 1.148 kg/m including jointing with extruded aluminium cleats neoprene weather stripping gasket bevelled edge beading screws and 5 mm thick reflective glass (weight 13.50 kg/sq. m) including all fittings of superior quality (decorative type) such as door handle tower bolts hinges etc. Complete including applying a coat of lacquer as per Direction of Engineer-In-Charge duly fixed in walls with 16 x 3.15 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in CC blocks 15 x 10 x 10 cm size in CC 1:3:5 or with wooden plugs and screws or with rawal plugs and screws or with fixing clips or bolts as required.

10.19 Cement based water proofing treatment of roofs, terraces etc. shall be provided with average thickness of 120mm and minimum thickness at Khurra as 65mm and laid consisting of following operations: a) A slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/m2 of cement admixed with proprietary water proofing compounds conforming to IS: 2645 shall be applied and grouted over the RCC slab including cleaning the surface before treatment. Plain Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 Cement: 5 fine sand: 10 burnt brick aggregate of 40mm nominal size) admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to IS: 2645 over 20mm thick layer of cement mortar of min 1:5 (Cement: 5 coarse sand) admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to IS: 2645 to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs. After two days of proper curing, a second coat of cement slurry admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to IS: 2645 shall be applied. The surface shall be finished with 20mm thick joint less cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 course sand) admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to IS: 2645 and finally the surface shall be finished with trowel with neat cement slurry and making of 300 x 300 mm square. The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test. All above operations shall be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL.






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Un plasticized rigid PVC rain water pipes 110mm dia shall be provided and fixed on the wall face conforming to IS: 13592 type A as per approved drawing including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS: 5382 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion single socketed pipes. Un plasticized PVC Moulded fittings/accessories including 110mm bend and 110mm shoes shall be provided and fixed for un plasticized rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS:13592 type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS: 5382 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion. Un plasticized PVC pipe clips of approved design shall be provided and fixed to un plasticized 110mm PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50mm hard wood plugs, screwed with MS screws of required length including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1 :4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. Double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and manufacture IS: 6315 marked "Hardwyn" make (Model 3000) or equivalent for doors shall be provided and fixed at the following doors including cost of cutting floors as required, embedding in floors and cover plates with brass pivot and single piece MS sheet outer box with slide plate etc. as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. With stainless steel cover plate : Control Room Doors Plinth protection 75 mm thick min. 1.0 m wide of cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded metal) aggregate 20 mm nominal size) shall be laid over 100 mm bed of PCC (1:3:6) and shall be grouted with fine sand including finishing the top smooth. Plinth protection shall be provided all around for all the buildings. Coloured vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type)/Orisa pan (Indian type) of Parryware/Hindware/Jal make with seat and lid, 40mm flush bend, 10 litre low level flushing arrangement (cistern) with specials of standard make and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors shall be provided for all toilets.






10.26 Coloured vitreous china wash basin of Parryware/Hindware/Jal make size 630 x 450mm with C.I/M.S brackets along with single 15 mm C.P brass pillar tap, JAL/Jaquar/Plumber make, 32 mm C.P brass waste of standard pattern, shall be provided and fixed wherever required including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required along with C. P brass trap and C.P brass union. 10.27 Urinals shall be coloured vitreous china flat back half stall urinal of 580x380x350mm with 10 litre PVC automatic flushing cistern, Parryware/Hindware/Seabird/Orient (Coral) with fittings, standard size C.P. brass flush pipe, spreaders with unions and clamps (all in C.P. brass) with waste fitting as per IS: 2556 C.I. trap with outlet grating and other couplings in C.P. brass including painting of fittings and cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required. Following fittings shall be provided in the toilets: Page No. 57



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132KV KONI S/S CP brass bib cock 15mm nominal bore of approved quality conforming to IS: 8931. CP brass angle valve of 15mm nominal bore provided and fixed in position for basin and cistern points of approved quality conforming IS :8931. Best quality marble partition slab provided and fixed in position for urinals, of size 610x1150mm, 20mm thick, polished on both sides & machine cut, exposed corners rounded etc. wherever required. 6mm thick anufact edge mirror 1000x600mm shall be provided and fixed mounted on 12mm thick water proof plywood backing and hardwood beading all-round and mirror fixed to the backing with 4 Nos. of CP cap screws & washers, including fixing the mirror to the wall with necessary screws, plugs & washers etc, with each wash basin .


10.29 GI Pipe work for Internal and External works: All G.I. pipes shall be Jindal/TATA make only i) All concealed GI pipes and fittings shall be ISI marked and shall be painted with anticorrosive bitumastic paint including cutting of chases and making good the wall. ii) All exposed GI pipes and fittings shall be painted with synthetic enamel paint of desired shade over a ready mixed priming coat, both of approved quality for new work. iii) Wherever GI pipes are buried the same shall be provided and laid in position including trenching sand cushion and refilling, painted with anticorrosive bitumastic paint etc. iv) Gun metal ball valve with operating levers, non-return valves conforming to IS specification shall be provided and fixed in position as per approved drawing or direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. 10.30 Masonry chamber for sluice valve shall be 600x600mm size in plan and depth 750mm, or matching with the site condition inside with 2nd class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 fine sand) with CI surface box 100 mm. Top diameter, 160 mm bottom dia and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1cement : 2 coarse sand: 4 graded metal aggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded metal aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design with 2nd class bricks. 10.31 Polyethylene water storage tanks (1000 litres capacity) provided and placed on roof of control room building shall be of Sintex brand and manufacture with cover and suitable locking arrangement, float value and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes. 10.32 PVC floor traps of self cleansing design shall be provided & fixed in position with outlet size of 75mm diameter of approved make, including making connection with PVC soil/waste pipes using rubber gaskets, embedding the trap in 150 mm thick PCC 1:2:4, providing & fixing of top tile & strainer of CP or PVC on top of the trap etc. 10.33 Square-mouth SW gully trap grade 'A' 100x100mm size P type with 2nd class shall be provided and fixed complete with CI grating brick masonry CSPTCL Page No. 58 C.E. (Transmission)



chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300X300mm size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.5 Kg and frame to be not less than 2.70 Kg as per standard design. 10.34 Glazed stoneware pipes of 150mm diameter grade 'A' shall be provided, laid and jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1cement :1 fine sand ) including testing of joints etc. complete. 10.35 Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded metal aggregate 40 mm nominal size) shall be provided and laid around S.W pipes including bed concrete. 10.36 Brick masonry manhole shall be constructed in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand ) RCC top slab with 1:2:4 mix ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded metal aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1cement : 4 coarse sand :8 graded metal aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement: 2 coarse sand :4 graded metal aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design. a) Inside size shall be 90 x 80 cm and 60 cm deep including CI cover with frame (light duty) 455 x 610 mm internal dimensions total weight of cover and frame shall not be less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg).

b) Inside size shall be 120 x 90 cm and 90 cm or deeper including CI cover with frame (medium duty) 500mm internal diameter total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 116 kg (weight of cover 58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg). 10.37 MS foot of 20 x 20mm square rests shall be provided and fixed in manholes with 20 x 20 x 10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 ( 1 cement :3 coarse sand :6 graded metal aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) as per standard design. 10.38 Steel glazed doors, windows and ventilators of standard rolled steel sections shall be provided and fixed wherever required, joints mitred and welded with 15 x 3 mm lugs, 10cm long, embedded in cement concrete blocks 15 x 10 x1 0 cm of 1:3:6 (1 cement 3 coarse sand : 6 graded metal aggregate 20mm nominal size) or with wooden plugs and screws or rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with bolts and nuts as required, including providing and fixing of glass panes with glazing clips and special metal sash putty of approved make complete including applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, necessary hinges or pivots as required. 10.39 All the internal walls of buildings ( except for cladded portion) shall be rendered smooth using water proof putty of Birla / JK brand as per direction of Engineer in charge. 10.40 The battery room shall have acid resistant ceramic tiles of Group V in approved colour and shade of reputed and standard make with acid resistant joint filler on floor and wall up to 2100 mm height. Above 2100 height acid proof paint shall be painted up to roof level. 10.41 Anti skid tiles of reputed and approved make, quality class, pattern, color CSPTCL Page No. 59 C.E. (Transmission)



and shade shall be provided below porch in area one metre wider than porch on all sides as per approved drawing and direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. 10.42 Electrical wirings including fittings: MS conduit concealed system with 7/20 PVC copper wire shall be used for power circuit and 3/20 PVC copper wire for L&F circuits. T-5 tube lights, CFLs, fans exhaust fans, Fixtures are to be provided as per approved lighting layout, and Luminaries are to be provided in excess so as to meet out minimum LUX level prescribed by CBIP even with 40% outages of light. Similarly 1200 mm sweep size ceiling fans in adequate nos. are to be provided in Control room (12 Nos.), Back & front lobby (1 No. each), AC/DC room (4 Nos.), carrier room (2 Nos.), store room (1 No.) and AE room (2 Nos.) (Ceiling fans are not required in filter & battery room). Exhaust fans of standard and approved make are to be provided in Battery room, toilet, store, record room etc. and wherever required as per approved drawings. In addition to the AC Wiring as above, 2 nos. 100-Watt bulbs shall be connected in the control room from the DC Supply output through automatic change over contactor. Also concealed wiring and connection outlets for telephone & LAN points shall be provided as per direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. Electrical lay out plan for all the buildings shall be submitted by the successful bidder for approval. 10.43 In Control Room building building doors shall be of Aluminium Sections/flush door with teak veneer finish on both sides / PVC doors etc (as per approved drawing).The windows, ventilators shall be of Aluminium Sections .The doors/windows/ventilators shall be semi glazed /fully glazed/ paneled/ louvered with reflective glasses minimum 5.5 mm thick in case of doors and 4 mm thick in case of windows. All the windows, ventilators, exhaust fan openings etc. shall be provided with Steel grills. In store room, 40 mm thick fully panelled grade-I bija wood door with grade-I sal /sarai wood frame (Choukhat) shall be provided. No plywood shall be used in door panels. All the outer doors, windows, ventilators, openings shall have reflective glasses. Front entrance, back entrance, front and back side of control room and front side of A.E. room shall have openings of min. width 3.4 metres. The opening shall be covered with reflective glass along with fixed & open able doors & aluminium grill. The front and back entrance doors and entrance doors in control room shall be 2400 mm high. The front and back entrance doors shall also be provided with collapsible iron grill. 10.44 In the Store Room of control room, loft shall be provided at the lintel level all around with cup Company of min. 300 mm width with at least 3 partitions vertically & 4 partitions horizontally on two adjoining walls as per approved drawing. 10.45 All the materials such as HYSD bars, MS rounds, MS angles, cement, barbed wire, G.I. wire mesh, chequered plates, bricks, etc. shall conform to relevant IS specifications. The water supply fittings, fixtures, PVC pipes, fittings, fixtures, G.I. pipes (medium class), fittings, fixtures, water tank, exhaust fans, wires, cables, electrical fixtures etc. will be ISI marked and approved by the purchaser. Approved quality of Kiln burnt brick of 2nd class with minimum compressive strength of 35Kg per square centimetre or Fly ash bricks having minimum compressive strength of 50 kg/Sq.Cm shall be used in construction as per approval of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. The metal for construction CSPTCL Page No. 60 C.E. (Transmission)



work shall be crusher broken Black Trap, Granite, Basalt variety only and sand shall be from river bed and free of silt. Soft and light variety of sand stone metal and lime stone metal i.e. reddish/pinkish metal shall not be used in any manner in construction activity. 10.46 Foundations shall be raised above finished yard level up to height as per standard practice/as per approved drawings. 10.47 It shall be responsibility of successful bidder to ensure effective and efficient drainage of all rain water accumulating in sub station area through drainage system up to nearest available natural outlet as per approved drawing and directions of Engineer in charge of CSPTCL. 10.48 Main gate supported on RCC posts with mesh covered decorative lamps in front of control room. 10.49 Sub-station Glow Sign Company 1800 x 1200 mm size on top of 132 KV control
room front side with GI structure supports with internal T-5 tube light arrangements for illumination with name of S/S written as CSPTCL 132 KV SubStation KONI . with mono of CSPTCL on either side of name.

10.50 132 KV substation Sign Board (1800 x 1200 mm size) in front of sub station with GI steel structure support with adequate illumination arrangement shall be provided. 10.51 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM: 1800 x 1200 mm board showing the single line diagram of the substation shall be provided by the contractor in the control room. 10.52 Level survey of sub station site and nearest available natural outlet for drainage shall be done and contour drawing shall be prepared. Based on existing levels of ground, approach road and nearest available natural drainage, proposal for fixing various levels of sub station shall be submitted for approval of competent authority of CSPTCL. Levels shall be finalized in such a manner that all the rain water in case of worst possible rain storm gets discharged through drainage system up to nearest available natural drainage outlet and no rain water gets accumulated in sub station area. 10.53 All roof parapet wall junctions, chajja-wall junctions shall be provided with hollers of adequate dimensions as per direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. Minimum 40 mm thick coping in 1:1.5:3 mix concrete shall be provided over parapet. 10.54 The roof slabs of control room building shall be projected at least 300 mm beyond outer side of outer wall and drip course shall be provided on extended portion. 10.55 Backfilling shall be done as per direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL using approved backfill material which shall be well compacted at optimum moisture content in layers of thickness not exceeding 200 mm loose thickness using proper compactor as per direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. 10.56 The loading/unloading gantry structure shall be designed for minimum 5 tonne load lifting capacity. 10.57 Standard construction practices as per relevant IS codes and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL shall be followed wherever not CSPTCL Page No. 61 C.E. (Transmission)

TR11/44 specifically mentioned in the tender documents.


10.58 All the construction materials, fixtures, fittings etc. shall be of reputed make and shall be got approved from Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL prior to use. 10.59 The septic tank and soak pit arrangement for C/R shall be designed for 50 users separately. 10.60 All the FLUSH doors shall be of NIKI / NUCOR/DURIAN /, KUTTY /, SUITALL make and will have teak veneer on both sides. 10.61 All the sanitary fittings shall be of Parryware/Hindware/Euro make. 10.62 All the switches shall be Modular switches of Havells Crabtree/Salzer make. 10.63 All the G.I. pipes and fittings shall be of TATA/Jindal make. 10.64 All the ceiling fans shall be of Havells/Polar make and shall not be less than 1200 mm sweep size. 10.65 All the electric wires/cables shall be of Havells/Finolex make. 10.66 All the exhaust fans shall be of Khaitan/Havellss/Polar/Bajaj/Crompton make and shall not be less than 300 mm sweep size. 10.67 The T-5 tube lights shall be of Phillips/Havells make and CFL bulbs shall be of Wipro/Havells make. 10.68 All the PVC pipes & fittings shall be of Kissan/Maharaja/Prince make. 10.69 All the PVC doors shall be of Sintex/ANADOORS/Duroplast make. 10.70 The outdoor tiles below Ultima/Scorpio/Roopam make. porch of control room shall be

10.71 The plastic paints, enamel paints and acrylic distempers shall be of Asian/Burger/ Nerolac make. 10.72 The filling below plinth and ramp shall be well compacted hard moorum/Boulder filling. The filling shall be done in compacted layers of max. 200 mm thickness. The compaction shall be done mechanically using light compactor at optimum moisture content upto 95% proctor density. 10.73 All the toilet fittings shall be MARC/Jaquar/Plumber make. The HDPE water tanks shall be of Syntex/Sarita gold make. 10.74 Only TMT bars having ISI specification shall be used as reinforcement. However, in specific areas, mild steel (Grade I) conforming to IS: 432 can also be used. Test certificate from manufacturer shall have to be submitted to engineer in charge of CSPTCL for kind of steel being used. 10.75 In case of Black cotton soil strata, RCC slab of 75 mm thickness in concrete grade M-15 (1:2:4) with 8 mm diameter bars at 200 mm C/C both ways over 150 mm thick PCC (1:3:6) shall be provided below flooring in all the buildings. 10.76 In case of B.C. soil in top layer, the plinth beam shall be kept min. 80 mm above Ground level with provision of ledges as per relevant I.S code. 10.77 No columns shall be provided inside control room hall and no inverted beams shall be provided in the control room building at roof level. CSPTCL Page No. 62 C.E. (Transmission)



10.78 Reflective fixed glasses shall be provided on either side of entrance at front, and back, on one side of control room along with aluminium grill on back side. 10.79 The number of doors, windows in control room building may be increased if required. 10.80 The slab of entire control room building shall be cast at one level as per approved drawing. 10.81 On front entrance and back entrance fully glazed aluminium doors shall be provided along with collapsible shutters. 10.82 In case of B.C. soil/expansive soil strata minimum 600 mm thick and 600 mm wider than foundation dimensions, well compacted hard moorum and boulder filling shall be provided below all foundation rafts. The filling shall be compacted at optimum moisture content using proper compactor as per approval and direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. 10.83 PVC rib false ceiling shall be provided in control room hall, carrier room, A.E. room. 10.84 All the cup boards/Almirah/wardrobes in control room on one wall shall be covered with block Company shutters of min. thickness 25 mm of BOROTIK / GARNET / GREENPLY / DUROBORD make, with locking arrangement etc.complete. 10.85 Minimum clear height from finished floor level to bottom of false ceiling shall be 3600 mm. 10.86 Standard construction practices as per relevant IS codes and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL shall be followed wherever specifications are not specifically mentioned in the tender documents. 10.87 The cable trench walls shall have angles of adequate size as per approved design/drawing embedded in wall in P.C.C. (1:2:4) of size 150 X 150 X 200 mm (in case of brick masonry walls) for supporting cables/cable trays. M.S. angles of min. size 50x50x6 @ 500 mm c/c shall be provided in cable trenches to support cables where cable trays are not provided. Suitably designed angles shall be provided to support cable trays. Easy access shall be provided for power/ control cable from the cable trench to the control panel to permit their entry from bottom side of the panel and crossing of control and power cable is not permitted. 10.88 Chequered plates of min. 6 mm thickness with designed supports / Stiffeners shall be provided over trenches inside building. 11.0 11.1 MISCELLANEOUS TECHINAL/GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:Dense concrete with controlled water cement ratio as per IS -code shall be used for all concrete structures such as, water retaining structures, cable and pipe trenches etc. for achieving water-tightness. All joints including construction and expansion joints for the water retaining structures shall be made water tight by using PVC ribbed water stopper with central bulb. However, kicker type (externally placed) PVC water stopper shall be used for the base slab and in other areas where it is



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required to facilitate concreting. The minimum thickness of PVC water stopper shall be 5 mm and minimum width shall be 230 mm. 11.3 All mild steel parts used in the water retaining structures shall be hot-double dip galvanized. The minimum coating of the zinc shall be 750 gm/sq. m. for galvanized structures and shall comply with IS:2629 and IS:2633. Galvanizing shall be checked and tested in accordance with IS:2633. The galvanizing shall be followed by the application of an etching primer and dipping in black bitumen in accordance with BS:3416. Angles 50x50x5 mm (minimum) with lugs shall be provided for edge protection all round cut outs/openings in floor slab, edges of drains supporting grating covers, edges of RCC cable/pipe trenches supporting covers, edges of manholes supporting covers, supporting edges of manhole precast cover and any other place where breakage of corners of concrete is expected. Anti termite chemical treatment shall be given to column pits, wall trenches, foundations of buildings, filling below the floors etc. as per IS: 6313 and other relevant Indian Standards. For all civil works covered under this specification, nominal mix by volume batching as per specification is intended. The relationship of grade of concrete and ratio of ingredients shall be as below: Coarse aggregate of 20 mm down grade 1. M 10 1 3 6 2 M 15 1 2 4 3. M 20 1 1.5 3 The material specification, workmanship and acceptance criteria shall be as per relevant clauses of Indian standards/codes. 11.7 Items/components of all civil works viz. buildings, structure foundations, yard anufactu /filling, yard fenci ng, roads, trenches, water supply arrangement, drainage arrangement, slope protection , diversion works etc., not explicitly covered in the specifications but required for completion of the project shall be deemed to be included in the scope. 11.8 VARIATION IN QUANTITIES: The quantities of equipments/foundations/items of works indicated in the schedules/Annexure are provisional and there may be variation. The contractor shall have to complete all the construction / supply / erection / commissioning works in all respects as per site and field conditions and as desired by CSPTCL. Bidders are advised to visit the yard site prior to submission of offer 12.0 STATUTORY RULES S. No. Mix Cement Sand





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Contractor shall comply with all the applicable statutory rules pertaining to factories act (as applicable for the State), Fire Safety Rules, Indian Electricity Act, Pollution control act etc. The contractor shall deploy at site at least one degree holder in civil engineering to supervise civil works all the time. Requirement of sulphate resistant cement (SRC) for sub structural works shall be decided in accordance with the Indian Standards based on the findings of the detailed soil investigation. All building/construction materials shall conform to the best qu ality specifications if not mentioned in this specification. All the tests required as per applicable relevant Indian standards/codes to ascertain quality of construction material being used /works being carried out/materials being as per specifications, shall have to be carried out at specified frequency and proper record of all these tests shall be maintained. Quality control lab shall be provided at site for testing of constructional material. In the lab equipments tools and plants shall be provided for compressive strength testing of bricks, concrete, fine ness modulus of sand, equipments for measuring optimum density after compaction, proctor density apparatus etc and any other equipment required for measuring parameters mentioned in approved drawings, specifications and as per direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. The civil works shall conform to following standards. a) I.S 269 Specifications for Portland Cement. b) I.S. 383 Specifications for coarse and fine aggregate for concrete. c) I.S. 4091 & 456 Specifications for tower and equipments foundations. d) I.S. 432 (Part-iii) Specifications for mild steel and medium tensile steel bar concrete reinforcement. e) I.S. 456 Code of practice for plain & reinforced concrete. YARD AND CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT:Supply of sub station equipments and other materials include:a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 40 MVA 132/33 KV transformer with oil & fittings complete. 132 & 33 KV Potential Transformers (PT) 132 & 33 KV Current Transformers (CT) 132 & 33 KV Lightning Arrestors (LA) 132 & 33 KV Circuit Breakers (CB) 132 & 33 KV Isolators with & without Earth Switches. 132 & 33 KV Post/ Polycone Insulators. 132 KV Wave Traps. 132 KV CC. 200 KVA, 33/0.4 KV Station transformer. Page No. 65 C.E. (Transmission)

12.2 12.3

12.4 12.5





TR11/44 k.

132KV KONI S/S GPS base time synchronising equipment with accessories which is suitable for synchronization of internal clocks of meters, relays and computer. 10 MVAR, 33 KV Shunt capacitor bank with series reactors and associated all equipments. Control & Relay panels with Relays like DPR, back up O/C, E/F Differential relays, tripping relays, panel indication instruments (MW, A, V, F, Electronic Energy meters etc.) Breakers Control switch, trips supervision, annunciation, windows relays, mimic diagrams, semaphores, cartridge fuses, internal wiring with A grade multi stranded copper insulated wires, foundation bolts etc. 300AH 110V & 48V Battery set with electrolyte & teak wood stands & Battery charger & its commissioning. AC/DC Boards, Bay marshalling Kiosks with standard connectors & channel etc. Supply, preparation of cable schedules & laying etc. Supply of 2.5 mm sq armoured copper control cables with numbered core including power cables laying & termination of control cables after construction of cable trenches as required. Supply of Zebra ACSR conductors, earth wires, hard wares & their stringing & jumpering works including supply of suitable clamps & connectors. Sub-station earthing materials, ensuring an Earth Resistance of 0.5 Ohm or less. Luminaries of Switchyard & Control Room illumination. T&P, safety appliances, office & control room furniture, fire fighting equipments. Testing kits & measuring instrument etc., are also to be supplied by the contractor as per enclosed Annexures.

l. m.

n. o. p. q.


s. t. u.

14.0 14.1

ERECTION OF STRUCTURE & EQUIPMENTS:The structures are to be fabricated according to the CSPTCL design & drawing. All these drawings have to be submitted for approval along with TechnoCommercial Bids. ISS 7205 Indian Safety Code for structural steel works has to be followed strictly. After the columns / supporting structures are erected respective equipment (132/33 KV) are to be erected carefully be suitable crane. But breaker and isolators are to be erected as 3 phase-unit basis, and other item like 132/33 KV CT, PT, CC, LA & PI etc. are to be erected on I-phase unit basis and rigidly mounted on the supporting structures to be supplied by the developer. Simplex/ Duplex control relay panels are to be mounted inside the control room in the same order as in the switchyard. After the earth mat design is finalised, the earth mats with 65 x 8 mm GI Flat are to be put for each equipment. Then flats are to be interconnected with each other as per latest amended ISS.




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TR11/44 14.4


132 & 33 KV Bus, Bars are to be strung after all the columns and beams are fitted. Both the buses should have suitable tension insulators. On approval of cable schedules various sizes of PVC armoured control cable and power cable as required are to be laid and connected with suitable supporting devices after the various equipments, CR panels, AC/DC Company, PT/CT console etc. are mounted. Before this work cable trenches are to be completed for the purpose. The contractor for approval shall submit drawing showing cable schedule and connections of both ends of control cables. Control & Power cables should not run on the same tray for safety and easy maintenance. All the equipments of each 132/33 KV bays are to be connected by suitable jumpers and clamps with Zebra conductor only. All the equipments / structures will be provided by the contractor for erection. The loading / unloading & transportation of all the materials are to be arranged by the Contractor himself for which CSPTCL will not provide any departmental vehicle. As safe custody of the equipments will be under the scope of the contractor, he is advised to take a composite insurance policy for the transit-storage-cumerection for these equipments to cover all the risk at his cost.

14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8


14.10 The following important points regarding the erection work of switch yards should be taken care of. (a) (b) As far as possible 132KV CTs should be placed below the gantry. Proper arrangement should be made to connect transformer neutral to earth pits at two different points having 4 Nos. of 100mm size GI pipe electrodes of length 3 Mtr. through 2 No. separate conductors routed through the supporting pin insulator through a small cable trench with cover. I Earth screen should be provided on 33KV side also. (d) For 33KV feeders, over current and earth fault relay with high set should be provided. (e) PT secondary connection from switch yard to control room should be through 4 core 10 sq mm copper cable. (f) All breaker secondary connectors should be stud type. No screw type connectors shall be used. (g) All high bus and main/ auxiliary bus T- clamps should be strengthened by a by pass conductor with double PG clamps at both ends. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) CSPTCL Max. Temp. of air in shade Minimum Temp. of air in shade Max Temp. of air in sun Max Humidity Av. No. of Thunder storm days per annum Average rainfall per annum Average of dust storm days per annum Minimum rainfall per annum Page No. 67 = = = = = = = = 45 C 6C 50 C 100% 92 days 2000 mm 20 days 1500 mm


C.E. (Transmission)

TR11/44 ix) x) 15.1 Max. Ambient temp. Daily average Wind Pressure (MAX.)

132KV KONI S/S = = 45 C 260 Kg/m2

CABLING/ CABLE SCHEDULE etc.:1. Contractor shall furnish a cable schedule for the work involved for approval of the purchaser. Each cable / termination shall be numbered to facilitate easy identification. 2. Dowels make cable sockets viz. Copper ring tongue terminal ends or Copper ring tongue fork terminal ends for soldering-less crimping to copper / aluminium conductors shall be supplied as required by the contractor for use in control cable connection. 3. Like wise compression type aluminium fabler terminal ends for Aluminium conductors for L.T. power cables as required shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost. 4. Power cables as required shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost. 5. Number / Letter ferrules required for cable connections shall be supplied by the contractor.


QUALITY ASSURANCE:All design, supply, construction & erection of equipments shall conform to latest ISS Quality of works be ensured. Equipments are to be supplied as per Vendor List only.

16. 16.1

LIGHTENING PROTECTION & EARTHING OF SUB STATION:LIGHTENING PROTECTION:The system of lightening protection of sub station switch yard equipment shall be through conventional earth wire installed at adequate height & in adequate numbers to protect the complete switch yard. Earth resistivity test:This test shall be conducted to determine the Electrical resistivity of soil for designing of grounding system for safe touch & step potential for the entire station area. The specifications for the equipments and other accessories required for performing electrical resistivity test, the test procedure and reporting of field observations shall conform to IS:3043. The test shall be conducted using Wagners four electrode method as specified in IS:1892, Appendix B2. The earth resistance test shall be witnessed by OIC, EE(MRT) or EE (S/S) of the area. Unless otherwise specified at each test location, the test shall be conducted along two perpendicular directions parallel to the coordinate axis. On each direction a minimum of 8 to 10 readings shall be taken by changing the spacing of the electrodes from an initial small value of 0.5 in upto a distance of 10.0 m. The earth resistance test shall be repeated at multiple suitable locations to assess the average value of the earth resistivity of the switch yard area. EARTHING OF SUB STATION:The contractor shall construct the following earth pits :-




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TR11/44 i)


1 No. earth pit of two electrode with B-class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for each set of 132 KV PTs & 33 KV PTs. ii) 1 No. of earth pit of two electrode with B- class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for each set of 132 KV LAs . iii) 1 No. of earth pit of two electrode with B- class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for each 4sets (12 Nos.) of 33 KV LAs iv) 1 No. of earth pit of two electrode with B- class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for 33/0.4 KV Station Transformer . v) The other earth pits for gantry structures, Bus bar structures and other equipments/structures shall be constructed as per latest IS/ CBIP standard. vi) 2 No. of earth pits of 04 electrode of B-class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia of 3mtr. length for 40 MVA Xmer HV & LV neutral. The earth pit shall be excavated up to the full depth of 3 mtr. of size 1.25 mtr X 1.25 mtr. The earth pit shall be filled with black cotton soil mixed with wooden charcoal powder and bentonite clay. Apart from the above pits, there shall be a GI earth mat designed with at least 100 nos, 25mm diameter 2500mm long GI Earth Spikes & 65 x 8 mm GI Flats for underground earthmat. 50x 6 mm size GI flat shall be used for equipment & structure earthing above the ground. All the pits & earth mat shall be interconnected. The spacing of the GI Flats shall be at a distance of not more than 7 meters in the 132 KV yard and 5 meters in the 33 KV yard. However, the actual spacing of the earth mat grid conductor shall depend upon the soil resistivity of the area and the requirement of safe step and touch potential as per the earth mat design. There shall be a Tube Well Boring with associated motor pump & water pipe lines for watering of Earth Pits. The combined earth resistance under maximum dry soil conditions shall be less than 0.5 ohms. The earth resistance should be taken in presence of OIC, EE(MRT) or EE (S/S) of that area. The earth mat shall be designed as per IEEE 80 -2000 for safe step & touch potential any where in the yard and also on the boundary for a fault current of 31.5 KA. The earth resistance of the earthing mat shall be measured in the presence of OIC / EE(S/S) / EE (MRT) of the area. 17. WORK SCHEDULE:The work schedule for the completion of erections of 132/33 K.V. sub-station at KONI & commissioning shall be 12 (Twelve) months from the date of handing over of site. Completion of erection and commissioning as per the approved work schedule (P.E.R.T. chart). Earlier completion may be done by utilising proper management & resources by the bidder. *****




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S. N.

1 2 3 4 5

PARTICULARS Technical specification for 132 & 33 KV side equipments and T&P to be supplied by contractor :Principal Parameters 40 MVA Transformer Technical Specifications For 145 KV Circuit Breakers Technical Specifications For 33 K.V. Vacuum Circuit Breakers). Technical Specification For Instrument Transformers. - Basic design features & acceptance criterion for CT & PTs - Principal technical parameters of Current Transformers. - Principal technical parameters of Potential Transformers

Page No.

69-258 70 71-111 112-139 140-148 149-154

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Technical Specification For 132 KV & 33 KV Surge arrestor. Technical Specification For 10 MVAR, 33 K.V. Capacitor Bank. Technical Specification For Air Break Disconnector (Isolators). Technical Specifications For Indoor Control Panels. Transformer Oil Filtration Plant. Technical Specification For (110 Volt And 48 Volt) Batteries. Technical Specifications For (110 Volts And 48 Volts) Battery Charger. Technical Specification For Power Line Carrier Communication Equipments. Communication System : (RTU, Coupling Capacitor/ Wave Trap / Coupling Device / Coaxial cable/ Tele. Cables/ Unarmoured copper control cables/ Automatic Data Logging System).

155-157 158-160 161-174 175-202 203-204 205-206 207-213 214-222 223-244

15 16 17 18

Types Of Clamps, Connectors And Spacers. Technical Parameters Of Station Transformer Specific Requirement For Lighting Luminaries For Switch Yard And Control Room Lighting & High Mast Specification For Supply Of Galvanised Steel Structures And Earthing Steel: Erection, Testing And Commissioning of 132 KV / 33 KV Sub Station And Associated Bays and AC, DC Distribution Board and Marshalling Box. Technical Specification For Solid Core Insulator, Disc Insulators 70 KN & 90 KN. Schedule of Major Equipments - Switch Yard Equipments. Schedule of Major Equipments - Control Room Equipments. List of Vendors. Details of steel structure

245-247 248-250 251-255 256-265 265-268 269 270 271 272-273

19 III C (a) III - C (b) III - D III-E



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TR11/44 1)



Principal Parameters :S. N 1 2 PARAMETERS System Operating Voltage Maximum System Highest Voltage for which equipments are to be rated for continuous operation Rated Frequency No. of Phase 3 RATED INSULATION LEVELS Full wave impulse withstand voltage (1.2 / 50 micro-sec) One minute power frequency dry & wet withstand voltage (rms) Corona Extinction voltage Minimum creepage distance 650 KVp 275 KV 105 KV 25 mm /KV (3625 mm) 8 I Ii iii Iv 9 10 Phase to Phase Phase to Earth Sectional Clearance Ground Clearance System Neutral Earthing Rated Short Circuit Current for 1 Second CLEARANCES 1300 mm 1300 mm 4000 mm 4600 mm 320 mm 320 mm 3000 mm 3700 mm 170/250 KVp (Y/D) 80 KV 25 mm /KV (900 mm) 132 KV 132 KV 145 KV 33 KV 33 KV 36 KV

3 4 5 I Ii 6 7

50 Hz. 3

Solidly Earthed 31.5 KA 25.0 KA


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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 40 MVA 132/33 KV POWER TRANSFORMER FOR EHV SUBSTATION SCOPE:This specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, stage testing inspection and testing before supply and delivery of the 132/33 KV 3 phase, 40MVA power transformer complete with all fittings, accessories and associated equipments which are required for efficient and trouble free operation. a. It is not the intent to specify completely herein all detail of the design and construction of equipments. However, the equipment shall conform in all respects to standards of engineering, design and workman ship listed in clause no.2 and shall be capable of performing in continuous commercial operation up to the bidders guarantee in a manner acceptable to the purchaser, who will interpret the meanings of drawing and specification and shall have the power to reject any work or material which, in his judgement, is not in accordance therewith. The equipments offered shall be complete with all components necessary for their effective and trouble free operation. Such components shall be deemed to be within the scope of bidders supply, irrespective of whether those are specifically brought out in this specification and/or the commercial order or not. The transformers shall conform in all respects to high standards of engineering, design, workmanship and latest revision of relevant standards at the time of offer and purchaser shall have the power to reject any work or material which, in his judgement, is not in full accordance therewith.




STANDARDS The transformers and associated accessories shall conform to the latest issues of standards as given below: Indian Standard No. IS-2026 (Part I to V) IS-3639 IS-335 IS-2099 IS-2705 Internationally Recognized Standard IEC-76 power BSBS-

Title Power Transformers Fittings & Accessories for transformers Insulating oils for Transformers.

IEC-296, 148 Bushings for alternating Voltage above 1000 IEC-137, V 223 Current Transformers IEC-185 Page No. 72


C.E. (Transmission)

TR11/44 Indian Standard No. IS-325 IS-375

132KV KONI S/S Internationally Recognized Standard IEC-34


Three phase Induction Motors Marking & arrangements for Switchgear, bus bars, Main Connections and auxiliary Wiring. IS-3737 Gas operated relays IS-1886 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of transformers IS-2147 Degrees of protection. IS-5 Colors for ready mix paints IS-6272 Industrial cooling fans IS-6600 Guide for loading of oil Immersed BSCP-0160 transformers IS-778 Gun metal gate, glob and check valves for general purpose IS-3401 Silica gel. IS-4253 Park & Rubber IS-5561 Electric power connector IS-5578 IS- Marking & arrangement for switch gear, bus 11353 bar, main connections and auxiliary wiring. IS-9434 Guide for sampling and analysis of dissolved gas in oil filled equipments. IS-12676 Oil impregnated paper insulated condenser Bushing Dimension and requirements Insulation Co-ordination IEC-71 Indian Electricity rule, 1956 CBIP publication no 275 Manual on power transformers DOC.ETD 16(3487) DOC.ETD 16(3574) DOC.ETD 16(3575) DOC.ETD 16(3576) DOC.ETD 16(3577) DOC.ETD 16(3578) Draft standard by BIS for revision of IS-8468 for OLTC

Draft standard by BIS for revision of IS-3639 for fitting & accessories for transformers part-I-standardization of conservator ---DO--- part 2: dehydrating breather ---DO--- part 3: earthing terminals ---DO--- part 4: temperature indicators ---DO--- part 5: rating & diagram plate

Equipment meeting with the requirements of other authoritative International standards which ensure equal or better performance than the standards mentioned above shall also be considered. When the equipment offered by the bidder conforms to other standards adopted and the standards salient points of difference between standards adopted and the standards specified in this CSPTCL Page No. 73 C.E. (Transmission)



specification shall be clearly brought out in the offer. Two copies of such standards with authentic translation in English shall be furnished along with the offer. 3. AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY :Auxiliary electrical equipment shall be suitable for operation on the following supply system:Power Devices Like drive motors Lighting, space heaters and fractional KW motors Alarm, control and protective Devices 415 V, 3 Phase 4 wire 50 Hz, neutral grounded AC supply. 240 V, single phase, 50 Hz neutral grounded AC supply. 110 V DC, 2 wire

Each of the foregoing supplies shall be made available by the bidder at the terminal point for each transformer for operation as accessories and auxiliary equipment. Bidders scope include supply of interconnecting cables, terminal boxes etc. The above supply voltage may vary as below and all devices shall be suitable for continuous operation over entire range of voltages. i) AC supply: ii) DC supply: 4. PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS The transformer shall conform to the following specific parameters: SN 1. 2 3. 4. 5. ITEM Rated Voltage Ratio: KV Maximum system operating voltage for continuous operation: KV No.of windings Type of cooling MVA rating corresponding to cooling system: a) ONAN Cooling b) ONAF Cooling Method of connection Connection Symbol (Vector group) System earthing Specification of 32/40 MVA Xmer 132/33 145/36 Two winding transformer. ONAN/ONAF 80% 100% HV & LV Star YN yn 0, Effectively earthed Voltage +10% -20% frequency + 5% - 15% to +10%

6. 7. 8.


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TR11/44 SN 9. ITEM

132KV KONI S/S Specification of 32/40 MVA Xmer




13. 14

(i) Percentage Impedances, Voltage On normal tap and MVA base Corresponding to HV rating And applicable tolerances: Tolerance % Impedance a) HV-LV +10% of 10 (ii) Insulation resistance at an ambient HV/LV- Min. 4000 M.Ohms, temp of 30 Deg C with 5 KV Megger HV/E, LV/E- Min 3000 M. Ohms for 60 sec duration (iii) Polarisation index i.e. ratio of megger values 600 sec to 60 sec >=1.5 Anticipated continuous loading of 110% of its rated capacity in windings: any tap. a) HV and LV Rated current of HV side at (-)15% volts Please furnish tape & what will be the temperature rise & losses if 10% continuous over loading done on (-) 15% tap Tap changing gear:I) Type On load Provided on HV neutral end. II) Tap range & steps -15% to + 5%, steps 1.25% 110% rated voltage Continuous Over voltage operating capability and 125% rated voltage for 60 secs. duration
140% rated voltage for 5 secs.

Transformer KVA rating at 105% over voltage

15. 16.



Minimum Air core reactance of HV windings. a) Max. Flux density in any part of core and yoke at rated MVA, frequency and normal voltage (Tesla) b) No load current of the transformer at 105 % of rated voltage c) Current density in winding Insulation levels: For windings 1.2/50 microsecond wave shape impulse withstand (KVp) Switching impulse withstand (KVp) Power frequency voltage withstand (KV rms.) Type of winding insulation:I) HV winding II) LV winding

The Xmer shall be capable of delivering rated current at a voltage=105% of the rated voltage 20% 1.6 0.5% of rated current(Maximum)

<= 3 Amp/ sq. mm HV LV 650 170 275 230 70 95



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TR11/44 SN 19. ITEM System short circuit level and duration for which the transformer shall be capable to withstand thermal and dynamic stresses (KA rms/sec) Maximum partial discharge level at 266 KV rms. Phase to ground voltage. Noise level at rated voltage and frequency Permissible temperature rise: Over ambient temp 50 0 c i) Of top oil measured by thermometer. ii) Of winding measured by resistance. Minimum clearances in air (mm): I) II) 24. HV LV

132KV KONI S/S Specification of 32/40 MVA Xmer 132KV side of Xmer shall be connected on a infinite bus & 33KV shall capable to withstand terminal short circuit for 3 sec. duration. 500 pico coulombs 81 dB 40 0 c 45 0 c Phase to Phase/ Phase to ground 1430/1270 530/480 145 KV

20. 21. 22.


Terminals:a) HV Winding Line end (OIP condenser bushing) b) HV/LV Winding Neutral c) LV Winding

52 KV OIP condenser bushing 52 KV OIP condenser bushing with center spacing of 1000 mm. 1000 micro volts


26. 27. 28.

Max. Radio Interference voltage level at 1 MHz & 266 KV rms phase to ground voltage for HV winding Minimum Visual Corona extinction voltage Cooling Equipments: Number of Banks with Adequate number of Fans. Bushings: I) Voltage Rating (KV rms) II) Current Rating III) Insulation level: a) Lightning impulse with stand (KVp) b) Switching Impulse with stand (KVp) c) 1 Minute power frequency withstand voltage (KV rms) d) Creepage distance (mm)

105 KV rms Two Banks each 50% HV anu 170 52 1250 1250 750 ----275 250 ----105

3625(132 KV) 1300(33KV)


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TR11/44 SN 29 ITEM (I) Maximum Losses at rated voltage & frequency a) No Load Losses (Iron Losses) b) Load (Copper Losses)+Auxiliary Losses (II) No load losses at 110% of rated voltage & rated frequency Appearance Density at 27o C max. Kinematic viscosity max. a) At 27 o C b) Sub-zero temp. Interfacial tension @ 27 degree min, Flash point Penskymartn (closed),min. Pour point max. Neutralization value (total acidity) max. Corrosive anufac (in terms of classification of copper strip) Electric strength(break-down voltage) New untreated oil - After treatment 1) Dielectric dissipation factor (tan delta)at 90o C max Specific resistance (resistivity) 2) At 90 o C min. 3) At 27 o C min. Oxidation stability 4) Neutralization value after oxidation (max) 5) Total sludge after oxidation (max) Presence of oxidation inhibitors 0.002

132KV KONI S/S Specification of 32/40 MVA Xmer

20 KW 135 KW Not more than 130% of the losses at rated voltage & frequency The oil shall be clear and transparent and free from suspended matter or sediment. 0.89g/cm3 27 cSt. Under consideration. 0.04N/m 140 degree centigrade -10 degree centigrade 0.01mg. KOH /g Non corrosive


50 KV (rms)

13x1012 ohms-cm 1500x1012 ohms-cm 0.20 KOH/g 0.05 % by weight The oil shall not contain antioxidant additives 40 ppm < 10 ppm More than 60 KV rms

6) Water content (max) (untreated) 7) After filtration 8) BDB after filtration


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Duty Requirements

5.1.1 The interconnecting transformers would be used for Bi directional flow of rated power. 5.1.2 The transformers and all the its accessories like CTs etc. shall be designed to withstand without injury, the thermal and mechanical effects of any external short circuits at the terminals of any winding for a period of 3 sec. The short circuit level of the HV system to which the subject transformer will be connected is 31.5 KA (Sys, rms, 3 phase fault) for 132KV system & also 31.5 KA for 33 KV system. 5.1.3 The transformer shall be capable of bearing loads in accordance with IS: 6600. There shall no limitation imposed by bushings, tap changer etc. 5.1.4 The transformer shall be capable of being operated without danger on any tap at the rated KVA with voltage variation of + 10% corresponding to the voltage of that tap. Transformer & its accessories shall be liberally rated to allow 10% overloading at all taps on continuous basis. 5.1.5 RADIO INTERFERENCE AND NOISE LEVEL: a. The transformers shall be designed with particular attention to suppression of maximum harmonic voltage, especially the third and fifth so as to minimize interference with communication circuits. The noise level, when energized at normal voltage and frequency with fans and pumps running shall not exceed, when measured under standard, conditions, the values specified in NEMA, TR-1


5.1.6 Transformer shall be capable of operating under the natural cooled condition upto the specified load. The forced cooling equipment shall come into operation by preset contacts of winding temperature indicator and the transformer shall operate as a forced cooled unit, at specified load. Cooling shall be so designed that during total failure of power supply to cooling fans, the transformer shall be able to operate at full load for at-least ten(10) minutes without the calculated winding hot spot temperature not exceeding 140 deg. C. Also stopping of one or two cooling fans should not have any effect on the cooling system. 5.1.7 Transformer shall be capable of withstanding thermal and mechanical stress caused by symmetrical of asymmetrical faults on any winding. 5.1.8 Transformer shall accept, without injurious heating, combined voltage and frequency fluctuation of +/- 4%, which may produce the following overfluxing condition: i) ii) 125% for 1 minute 140% for 5 seconds) for all transformer where base voltage and frequency refers to rated voltage and frequency Over fluxing withstand characteristics curve up-to 170% shall be submitted along with the bid.


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5.1.9 PARALLEL OPERATION: These transformers are required to run in parallel with the future additional 40 MVA transformers. 5.1.10 GUARANTEED LOSSES AND PENALTY a) The no load loss in kilowatts at rated voltage and rated frequency and the total losses in kilowatts at rated output, rated voltage and rated frequency shall be guaranteed under penalty for each transformer. For the purpose of penalty computations the test figures of the no-load and the total losses will be compared with the corresponding guaranteed figures. If test figures exceed the guaranteed figures beyond the permitted tolerance, penalty will be levied. The transformer shall be subjected to heat run test. The penalties shall be separately evaluated from (I) the excess of the test figures of the no-load kilowatts over the corresponding guaranteed value and (ii) the excess of the difference between the test value of the total losses and the no-load loss in kilowatt, over the differences of the corresponding guaranteed values. No tolerance shall be permitted over the guaranteed figures for computation of penalty, since as specified the losses on maximum basis are to be offered on which IS tolerances shall not be permitted. The penalties shall be calculated at the rate of Rs.2,40,000/- per kilowatt for the excess of no-load loss and at the rate of Rs.1,20,000/- per kilowatt for the excess of difference in the total and no-load losses. For fraction of a kilowatt, the penalties shall be applied pro-rata. For the purpose of comparison of tenders, the quoted prices shall be adjusted for differences in the guaranteed losses at the rate of Rs.2,40,000/per kilowatt of no-load losses and the rate of Rs.1,20,000/- per kilowatt of differences between total losses (i.e. load + auxiliary + no load) and noload losses on the basis of the guaranteed loss figures. The bidder should note that the values assigned for the capitalization of losses are based on the present worth method and therefore capitalization of investment will not be made separately. The bidder must clearly specify that the offered losses are FIRM and no tolerances as per IS shall be applicable on the offered values. In case of any ambiguity loading as per IS tolerances shall be considered for price comparison. MAXIMUM LOSSES:- Power transformers with lowest loss figures would be given preference. While the bidders may offer their own design, it may be noted that the transformer losses at 75 deg.C. should not exceed the following maximum limits which include tolerances as per IS: a) No load losses (Iron losses) h) Clearances The over all dimensions of the transformer shall allow for sufficient clearances for Installation in:20KW b) Load (Copper losses) + Auxiliary losses. 135KW








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132KV KONI S/S a) 132KV switchyard with bay width of 11000 mm and boom height of 11000 mm.


Construction Details. The features and construction details of power transformer shall be in accordance with the requirements stated hereunder:

5.2 TANK AND TANK ACCESSORIES A) TANK 5.2.1 Tank shall be of bell shape construction and fabricated from tested quality low carbon steel of minimum thickness of 20mm (Base & Tank cover) & 10 mm for sides. All seams and those joints not required to be opened at site shall be factory welded and whenever possible they shall be double welded. After completion of tank construction and before painting, dye penetration test shall be carried out on welded parts of jacking bosses, lifting lugs and all load bearing member. The requirement of post weld heat treatment for tank/stress relieving parts shall be based on recommendations of BS: 5500 table The Tank stiffeners shall be provided for general rigidity and these shall be designed to prevent water retention. The tanks shall be designed to withstand a) Mechanical shocks during transportation b) Vacuum filling of oil at 1.0 milli bar c) Continuous internal pressure of 35 kN/m2 over normal hydrostatic pressure of oil. d) Short circuit forces. e) Wherever possible the transformer tank and its accessories shall be designed without pockets wherein gas may collect. Where pockets cannot be avoided, pipes shall be provided to vent the gas into the main expansion pipes. f) Adequate space shall be provided at the bottom of the tank for collection of sediments. g) The base of each tank shall be so designed that it shall be possible to move the complete unit by skidding in any direction without injury when using plates or rails. h) Tank shields shall be such that no magnetic/fields shall exist outside the tank. If required impermeable shields shall be provided at the coil ends. Tank shield shall not resonate when excited at the natural frequency of the equipment. Bidder may confirm use of tank shields in the schedule of additional information. i) Suitable guides shall be provided in the tank for positioning the core and coil assembly. 5.2.5 Each tank shall be provided with a) Lifting lugs suitable for lifting the equipment complete with oil


5.2.3 5.2.4


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b) A minimum of four jacking pads in accessible position at 500 mm height to enable the transformer complete with oil, to be raised or lowered using hydraulic or screw jacks. c) Suitable haulage holes shall be provided. B) TANK COVER 5.2.6 The tank cover shall be sloped to prevent retention of rain water and shall not distort when lifted. 5.2.7 At least two adequately sized inspection openings, one at each end of the tank shall be provided for easy access to bushings and earth connections. The inspection covers shall not weigh more than 25 kg. The inspection covers shall be provided with two handles. 5.2.8 The tank covers shall be fitted with pockets at the position of maximum oil temperature of MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating) for bulbs of oil and winding temperature indicators. It shall be possible to remove these bulbs without lowering the oil in the tank. 5.2.9 Bushings, turrets, covers of inspection openings, thermometer, pockets etc. shall be designed to prevent ingress of water into or leakage of oil from the tank. 5.2.10 All bolted connections shall be fitted with weather proof, hot oil resistant gasket in between, for complete oil tightness. If gasket is compressible metallic stops shall be provided to prevent over-compression. 5.2.11 The transformer main tank cover shall be of BELL shape design. 6. AXLES AND WHEELS

6.0.1 The transformers are to be provided with flanged bi-directional wheels and axles. These shall be so designed as not to deflect excessively to interfere with the movement of the transformer. Wheels shall be provided with suitable bearings, which shall be rust and corrosion resistant. Fittings for lubrication shall also be provided. 6.0.2 Suitable locking arrangement along with foundation bolts shall be provided for the wheels to prevent accidental movement of transformer. 6.0.3 The wheels are required to swivel and they shall be arranged so that they can be turned through an angle of 90oC when the tank is jacked up to clear of rails. Means shall be provided for locking the swivel movements in positions parallel to and at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the tank. 6.0.4 The rail track gauge shall be 5ft 6 inches (1676 mm) along longer axis as well as along shorter axis. 6.1 ANTI EARTHQUAKE CLAMPING DEVICE: To prevent transformer movement during earthquake, clamping device shall be provided for fixing transformer to the foundation. The Bidder shall supply CSPTCL Page No. 81 C.E. (Transmission)



necessary bolts for embedding in the concrete foundation. The arrangements shall be such that the transformer can be fixed to or unfastened from these bolts as desired. The fixing of the transformers to the foundations shall be designed to withstand seismic, events to the extent that a static co-efficient of 0.3g, applied in the direction of least resistance to that loading will not cause the transformer or clamping devices as well as bolts to be over stressed. The details of the device used and its adequacy shall be brought out in the additional information schedule. 6.2 CONSERVATOR TANK 6.2.1 The conservator tank shall be minimum of 8 mm thickness & shall have adequate capacity between highest and lowest visible levels to meet the requirement of expansion of the total cold oil volume in the transformer and cooling equipment from minimum ambient temperature to 100oC. Conservator shall be with volumetric capacity at least 7 percent of a total volume of oil in the main tank of the transformer. 6.2.2 The conservator tank shall be bolted into position so that it can be removed for cleaning purposes.

6.2.3 The conservator shall be provided with air cell / pronol to avoid direct contact of atmospheric air with the transformer oil. The air cell / pronol should be of best quality from a reputed manufacturer. 6.2.4 The conservator shall be fitted with magnetic oil level gauge (MOG ) with low oil level alarm contact. Also prismatic glass oil level indicator is to be provided on main conservator. 6.2.5 Conservator shall be provided in such a position as not to obstruct the electrical connections to the transformer. 6.2.6 Separate conservator tank/compartment in the main conservator shall be provided for OLTC. 6.2.7 Conservator shall be fitted with a dehydrating, filter breather. It shall be so designed that: a) b) c) d) e) Passage of air is through a dust filter and silica gel. Silica gel is isolated from atmosphere by an oil seal. Moisture absorption indicated by a change in colour of the tinted crystals can be easily observed from a distance. Breather is mounted not more than 1250 mm above rail top level. Minimum quantity of silica gel to be 1 Kg for every 3500 lts of oil in the tank.

6.2.8 PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE - Our specification calls for provision of adequate numbers of pressure relief devices to be provided with each unit (not less than 02 Nos for main tank). Bidders must submit calculations to prove that the capacity of pressure relief device and location of the same in the transformer will adequately meet out requirement.


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Constructional and design details of pressure relief device must be furnished and it should be proved by calculation that the size and setting of pressure relief device is adequate, considering the rating of the transformer and quantity of oil in the transformer. Furnishing of this information is a must. One set of electrically insulated contacts shall be provided for alarm /tripping along with the recommended settings. 6.2.9 AIR CELL :- Our technical specification calls for supply power transformers with air cell type oil preservation system. It is obligatory on the part of the bidders to clearly submit complete constructional and technical details of sealing arrangements duly supported with technical details, pamphlets and dimensional drawings. While furnishing details for the above sealing arrangement the bidders must confirm clearly that the size and capacity of sealing arrangement is adequate for the transformer and for the quantity of transformer oil required for the transformers. 6.2.10 BUCCHOLZ RELAY A double float type Buccholz relay shall be provided. All the gases evolved in the transformer shall collect in this relay. The relay shall be provided with a test cock suitable for a flexible pipe connection for checking its operation and taking gas sample. A copper or stainless steel tube shall be connected from the gas collector to a valve located about 1200 mm above ground level to facilitate sampling, with the transformer in service. The device shall be provided with two electrically independent ungrounded contacts, one for alarm on gas accumulation and the other for tripping on sudden rise of pressure. 6.3 TEMPERATURE INDICATOR 1) OIL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR (OTI) All transformers shall be provided with a 150-mm dial type thermometer for top oil temperature indication. The thermometer shall have adjustable, electrically independent ungrounded alarm and trip contacts, maximum reading pointer and resetting device mounted in the cooler control cabinet. A temperature-sensing element suitably located in a pocket on top oil shall be furnished. This shall be connected to the OTI by means of capillary tubing. Accuracy class of OTI shall be +1.5% or better. 2) WINDING TEMPERATURE INDICATOR (WTI) A device for measuring the hot spot temperature of each of the windings shall be provided (HV & LV). It shall comprise of the following: a) b) c) d) Temperature sensing element. Image coil Auxiliary CTs 150mm dia. local indicating instrument with maximum reading pointer mounted in Cooler control cabinet and with two adjustable electrically independent ungrounded contacts (besides that required Page No. 83 C.E. (Transmission)



132KV KONI S/S for control of cooling equipment), one for high winding temperature alarm and one for trip. Calibration device. In addition to the above, the following indication equipment shall be provided for each winding. Remote winding temperature indicator. It shall be suitable for flush mounting on RTCC panel. The difference between local and remote WTI indication at any given time shall not exceed 1o C. One RWTI shall be provided for each winding in the middle phase (HV & LV). Auxiliary supply if required, at Owners panel, for RWTI, shall be 110V DC only. Accuracy class of WTI shall be + 1.5% or better. Any special cables required for shielding purpose for connection between cooler control cabinet and remote winding Temperature Indicator control circuit shall be in suppliers scope or work. The contacts used for cooling control shall have a differential setting not less than 5o C which is settable at site.

e) f) g)

h) i) J)

K) 3)

In addition to the winding temperature indication device, 40 MVA 132/33 KV power transformer should provide the fibre optic hot spot temperature measuring device with minimum 08 Nos. probes, 1 No. for each phase of HV & LV winding, 01 No. for core and 01 No. for oil. The 08 Nos. out puts of this device should be brought to RTCC panel. The reading may be displayed on RTCC panel on 2 digital meters with 2 Nos. selector switches with 4 Nos. inputs each. The hottest point anticipated as per the design should be indicated and the probe shall be placed accordingly. Further, the hot spot measuring device shall have the facility to give an alarm out put if the set value of temperature in any channel exceeds. The setting of each channel shall be of independent and independent indication shall also be available. The specification of system should comply tests of IEEE C-37.90.11989/IEC.



6.4.1 Two (2) earthling pads (each complete with two (2) Nos. tapped holes, M 10 bolts, plain and spring washers) suitable for connection to 110 x 12 mm copper/brass grounding flat shall be provided each at position close to the two (2) diagonally bottom corners of tank. Earthling strip shall be connected to grounding mat by the Bidder. 6.4.2 Two earthling terminals suitable for connection to 50 x 6 mm galvanized steel flat shall also be provided on cooler, marshalling box and any other equipment mounted separately and shall be connected to grounding mat suitably. 6.5 CORE

6.5.1 The core shall be constructed from high grade non aging cold rolled super grain oriented silicon steel laminations (Hi B). The core material should be of PRIME grade only. Bidder will offer the core for inspection & approval by the purchaser during manufacturing stage. Bidder call notice should be


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accompanied with the following documents as applicable as a proof towards use of PRIME core material. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Invoice of the supplier Mills test certificate Packing list Bill of lading Bill of entry certificate by customs

6.5.2 The design of the magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges, development of short circuit paths within itself or to the earthed clamping structure and production of flux component at right angles to the plane of laminations which may cause local heating. 6.5.3 CORE EARTHING ARRANGMENT: The manufacturer should bring out leads from core, end frame and tank to top of the transformer through insulated bushing. It may be noted that internal earthing of any nature from core and frame should not be provided. Earthing at site shall be done by taking connections from the top of the tank and this arrangement will also facilitate checking of possibility of any multiple core earthing in transformer. 6.5.4 6.5.5 The insulation of core to bolts and core to clamps plates shall be able to withstand a voltage of 2 KV RMS for one minute. Core and winding shall be capable of withstanding the shock during transport, installation, service and adequate provision shall be made to prevent movement of core and winding relative to tank during these conditions.

6.5.6 All steel sections used for supporting the core shall be thoroughly sand blasted after cutting, drilling and welding. 6.5.7 When bell type tank construction is offered, suitable projecting guides shall be provided on core-assembly to facilitate removal of tank. 6.5.8 Each core lamination shall be insulated with a material that will not deteriorate due to pressure and hot oil. 6.5.9 The supporting frame work of core shall be so designed as to avoid presence of pockets which would prevent complete emptying of the tank thorough drain valve or cause trapping of air during oil filling. 6.5.10 The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yoke at rated MVA, voltage and frequency at any tap shall not exceed 1.6 tesla. 6.6 WINDING:a) The supplier shall ensure that windings of all EHV class transformers are made in dust proof, conditioned atmosphere. He shall furnish the facilities available in this regard at his works along with the Bid. b) The conductors shall be of electrolytic grade copper.


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c) The insulation of transformer windings and connections shall be free from insulating compounds which are liable to soften, ooze out, shrink or collapse or be catalytic and chemically active in transformer oil during service. d) Coil assembly and insulating spacers shall be so arranged as to ensure free circulation of oil and to reduce the hot spot of the winding. e) The stacks of windings shall receive adequate shrinkage treatment before and after final assembly. Adjustable devices if necessary shall be provided for taking up possible shrinkage of coils if any, in service. The provision made in this respect shall be clearly brought out in the Bid. f) TERTIARY WINDING:- Tertiary winding on transformer is not required.

6.7 INSULATING OIL:6.7.1 EHV Grade I oil shall be used. The quality of the oil supplied with transformer shall conform to the oil parameters specified in this clause. No inhibitors shall be used in the oil. The oil samples will be drawn as follows i) Prior to filling ii) Before and after heat run test iii) Before energizing. All tests as per IS: 335 shall be conducted on all samples. 6.7.2 The insulating oil shall be subjected to testing in the oil manufacturers works before supply in the presence of the representative of the transformer manufacturer. 6.7.3 Sufficient quantity of oil necessary for first filling of all tanks, coolers and radiator at the proper level along with 10% extra oil by weight for topping up shall be supplied in non-returnable containers suitable for outdoor storage. 6.7.4 Power Transformers shall be supplied with oil. 6.7.5 The bidder shall warrant that characteristic of oil furnished shall comply with the requirements specified in IS-335, 1993 (Fourth Revision) with latest amendment/revision and shall be suitable for EHV grade transformers. 6.8 TERMINAL ARRANGEMENTS:-

6.8.1 BUSHINGS i) The electrical and mechanical characteristics of bushings shall be in accordance with IS: 2099 and IS: 3347 (Part III/Section I). Dimensions and requirements of condenser bushings shall be in accordance with IS 12676, 1989. Page No. 86 C.E. (Transmission)


TR11/44 ii) 145 KV bushings shall be oil filled condenser type.


36 KV bushings shall be of oil filled condenser bushing of 52KV class. iii) Condenser type bushings shall be provided with a. Oil level gauge. b. Oil filling plug and drain valve if not hermetically sealed. c. Tap for capacitance/tan delta test. iv) v) vi) vii) When bushings have an under-oil end of re-entrant form, the pull through lead shall be fitted with a gas bubble deflector. Where turret type current transformers are specified, the bushings shall be removable without disturbing the current transformers. Bushings of identical rating shall be interchangeable. Porcelain used in bushing manufacture shall be homogeneous, free from laminations, cavities and other flaws or imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified tough and impervious to moisture. Glazing of porcelain and bushing shall be of uniform brown colour free from blisters, and burrs Special precaution shall be taken to eliminate moisture from paper insulation during manufacture, assembly, transport and erection. Bushing turrets shall be provided with vent pipes, which shall be connected to route any gas collection through the Buzhholz relay. Specific requirements of bushings and their ratings etc. are given in the schedule-I.

viii) ix) x) xi)

6.8.2 TERMINAL CONNECTORS i) Bushing terminals shall be provided with terminal connectors of approved type and size for connection to external parts. Terminal connectors must have been successfully type tested strictly as per IS: 5561. The drawing of terminal connector offered shall have to be got approved from this office. a. b. Connectors shall be electrolytic grade copper forged and silver plated for 10 Microns. No part of a clamp shall be less than 15mm thick.

ii) TVS nuts, bolts & washers shall be used. Nuts and bolts shall have hexagonal head with threads as per IS and shall be fully threaded type. Also instead of spring washers check/lock nuts shall be provided. iii) The connectors shall be designed for minimum 120% of the maximum current carrying capacity of the ACSR conductor and the temperature rise


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132KV KONI S/S under these conditions shall not be more than 50% of that of the main conductor.

BUSHING CURRENT TRANSFORMER a) Current transformers shall comply with IS: 2705. Bushing current transformers of adequate ratio are to be provided in all HV, LV & neutral bushings for restricted earth fault protection. It shall be possible to remove turret mounted CTs from the transformer tank without removing the tank cover. Necessary precautions shall be taken to minimize the eddy currents and local heat generated in the turret. All secondary leads shall be brought to a terminal box near each bushing. These terminals shall be wired out to cooler Control Cabinet using separate cables for each core. Bushing CT parameters indicated in the specification are tentative and liable to change within reasonable limits. The Bidder shall obtain Purchasers approval before proceeding with design of: Bushing CTs. There shall be 2 nos. bushing CTs one each on HV side & LV side bushings of the transformer for WTI.




e) 8

TERMINAL MARKING The terminal marking and their physical position shall be in accordance with IS:2026 unless otherwise specified.

NEUTRAL EARTHING ARRANGEMENT i. The neutral terminals of the star connected windings shall be brought to the ground level by a copper grounding bar which shall be supported from the tank by porcelain insulators of highest system voltage of 36KV. The end of the copper bar shall be brought to the ground level, at a convenient point, for connection to ground network through two (2) 100 x 12 mm galvanized steel flats. The connection shall be made by using two (2) bolted neutral grounding terminals with necessary accessories. Suitable flexible copper strip connection of adequate size shall be provided for connecting to Neutral Bushing terminals to avoid terminal load on the Bushings.




AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY FOR OLTC, COOLER CONTROL AND POWER CIRCUIT a) Auxiliary Power Supplies, shall be as indicated in clause 3.0 provided by the purchaser at any one place for OLTC Control and Cooler Control. All loads shall be fed by one of the two feeders through an electrically interlocked automatic transfer switch housed any one of the local control cabinets for tap changer control and cooler circuits. b) Design features of the transfer switch shall include the following: Page No. 88 C.E. (Transmission)


TR11/44 i) ii)

132KV KONI S/S Provision for the selection of one of the source as normal source and other as standby. Upon failure of the normal source, the loads shall be automatically transferred after an adjustable time delay to the standby source. Indication for failure of normal source and for transfer to stand by source and also for failure to transfer shall be provided locally as well as in remote panel. Both the transfer and the re-transfer shall be dead transfers and AC feeders shall not be paralleled at any time. Necessary isolating switches, MCBs and other components for the above power supply shall be supplied by the bidder.


iv) v)


TAP CHANING EQUIPMENT:TAP CHANGER SWITCH (General Requirement): a) The on load Tap changer shall be provided in the HV neutral end for HV compensation as specified at Sr. No. 12 of Principal Parameters of power transformer. OLTC gear shall be motor operated for local as well as remote operation. An external hand-wheel/handle shall be provided for local manual operation. An indicating device shall be provided to show the tap in use.



c) II)

ON LOAD TAP CHANGING GEAR (OLTC): The details of the method of diversion of the load current during tap changing, the mechanical construction of the gear and the control features for OLTC gear shall be submitted with the bid. Information regarding the service experience on the gear and a list of important users shall be furnished. The tap changer shall change the effective transformation ratio without producing phase displacement.


The current diverting contacts shall be housed in a separate oil chamber not communicating with the oil in main tank of the transformer

b) The contacts shall be accessible for inspection without lowering oil level in the main tank and the contact tips shall be replaceable. c) The bidder shall indicate the safeguards in order to avoid harmful arcing at the current diverting contacts in the event of operation of the OLTC gear under over load conditions of the transformer. Necessary tools and tackles shall be furnished for maintenance of OLTC gear.


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d) The OLTC oil chamber shall have oil filling and drain plug, oil sampling valve, relief vent and level glass. It shall also be fitted with s surge relay the outlet of which shall be connected to a separate conservator tank. e) The diverter switch or arcing switch shall be so designed as to ensure that its operation once commenced shall be completed independently of the control relays or switches, failure of auxiliary supplies etc. Drive mechanism chamber shall be mounted on the tank in accessible position. It should be adequately ventilated and provided with anti-condensation metal clad heaters. All contactors, relay coils and other parts shall be protected against corrosion, deterioration due to condensation, fungi etc.


g) Each transformer unit shall be provided with a local control cabinet and a remote OLTC control panel. The control feature shall provide following: i. Local-remote selector switch mounted in the local control cubicle shall switch control of OLTC in the following manner: When the selector switch is in LOCAL position, it shall be possible to operate the RAISE LOWER control switches specified in section (ii) below. Remote control of RAISE-LOWER functions shall be prevented. ii. When the selector switch is in REMOTE the local control cubicle mounted RAISE LOWER Switches specified in Section (ii) shall be inoperative. Remote control of the raise lower function shall be possible from the remote control panel. The LOCAL-REMOTE selector switch shall have at least two spare contacts per position which are closed in that position but open in the other position. iii. A RAISE- LOWER CONTROL SWITCH shall be provided in the Local Control Cubicle. The switch shall be spring loaded to return to the center OFF position and shall require movement to the RIGHT to raise the voltage of the transformer. Movement to the left shall lower the voltage. This switch shall be operative only when local remote, selector switch is in local position. h) Operating mechanism for on load tap changer shall be designed to go through one step or tap change per command. Subsequent tap change shall be initiated only by a new or repeat command. On load tap changer shall be equipped with a time delay for INCOMPLETE STEP in alarm consisting of a normally open contact which, closes, if the tap changer fails to make a complete tap change. The alarm shall not operate for momentary loss of auxiliary power. The selsyn units or approved equivalents shall be installed in the local OLTC control cabinet to provide tap position indication for the transformer. The OLTC load tap changer shall be equipped with a fixed resistor network capable of providing discrete voltage steps for input to the supervisory system.


j) k)


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TR11/44 i)

132KV KONI S/S Limit switches shall be provided to prevent overrunning of the mechanism and shall be directly connected in the circuit of the operating motor. In addition, a mechanical stop shall be provided to prevent over-running of the mechanism under any condition. Limit switches may be connected in the control circuit of the operating motor provided that a mechanical-de-clutching mechanism is incorporated. Thermal device or other means shall be provided to protect the motor and control circuit. All relays, switches, MCBS etc. shall be mounted in the drive mechanism chamber and shall be clearly marked for the purpose of identification. A permanently legible lubrication chart shall be fitted within the driving mechanism chamber. A five digit counter shall be fitted to the tap changing equipment to indicate the number of operations completed. All relays and operating devices shall operate correctly at any voltage between the limits specified. It shall not be possible to operate the electric drive when the manual operating gear is in use. It shall not be possible for any two controls to (i.e. manual, local electrical and remote) be in operation at the same time. The equipment shall be suitable for supervisory control and indication with make before break multi-way switch, having one potential free contact for each tap position. This switch shall be provided in addition to any other switch/switches, which may be required for remote tap position. All electrical control switches and the local operating gear shall be clearly labelled in a suitable manner to indicate the direction of tap changing. A suitable emergency tap changer stop push button shall be provided at remote OLTC panel. TAPS IN OLTC: On 40MVA transformer, the OLTC is to be provided on HV winding (i.e. 132 KV) with tap range of 15 % to + 5 % in steps of 1.25 %.


iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii)


x) xi)


MANUAL CONTROL The cranking device for manual operation of the OLTC gear shall be removable and suitable for operation by a man standing on ground level. The mechanism shall be complete with the following: a. Mechanical tap position indicators which shall be clearly visible from near the transformer. Page No. 91


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TR11/44 b. c.

132KV KONI S/S A mechanical operation counter. Mechanical stops to prevent over-cranking of the mechanism beyond the extreme tap positions.

The manual control considered as back up to the motor operated load tap changer control shall be interlocked with the motor to block motor-start-up during manual operation. The manual operating mechanism shall be labelled to show the direction of operation for raising the primary and vice-versa. IV) ELECTRICAL CONTROL : This includes the following: a) b) c) Local Electrical control. Electrical remote control from remote control panel. Remote Electrical Group Control

The OLTC control scheme offered shall have provision of remote electrical group control during parallel operation of transformers (master follower system). This is in addition to independent control of OLTC. A four position selector switch having MASTER, FOLLOWER, INDEPENDENT and OFF position shall be provided in the remote OLTC control panel for each transformer. This shall be wired to enable operator to select operation of OLTC in either Master Follower or Independent mode. Out of step relays with timer contacts shall also be provided to give alarm and indication in case of tap positions in all the transformers under group control being not in identical position,. i) Master Position: If the selector switch is in MASTER position, it shall be possible to control the OLTC units in the FOLLOWER mode by operating the controls of the MASTER unit Independent operation of the units under FOLLOWER mode shall have to be prevented. However, the units under independent mode will be controlled independently. Follower position: If the selector switch is in FOLLOWER mode, control of OLTC shall be possible only from MASTER penal. Independent Position: In this position of Selector Switch, Control of OLTC of individual unit only shall be possible.

ii) iii) 12 12.1

COOLING EQUIPMENT AND ITS CONTROLS COOLING EQUIPMENT Cooler shall be designed using 2 x 50 % radiator blocks mounted one block on each side of transformer tank. a) Each radiator bank shall have its own cooling fans, shut off valves, lifting lugs, top and bottom oil filling valves, air release plug, a drain valve and thermometer pocket fitted with captive screw cap on the inlet and outlet.


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TR11/44 b) c) d) e)

132KV KONI S/S One or more standby fan of at least 20 % capacity for each group shall also be provided and identified with each radiator bank. Cooling fans shall not be directly mounted on radiator bank which may cause undue vibration. The exhaust air flow from cooling fan shall not be directed towards the main tank in any case. Cooling fans for each radiator bank shall be located so as to prevent ingress of rain water. Each fan shall be suitably protected by galvanised wire guard. Cooling fans motors shall be suitable for operation from 415 volts, three phase 50 Hz power supply and shall conform to IS: 325. The cooler and its accessories shall be hot painted with corrosion resistant paint. Each cooling fan motor shall be provided with starter, thermal overload and short circuit protection. Each radiator shall be provided with: a) One shut off valve at the top (80 size). b) One shut-off valve at the bottom (80 mm size). c) Air release device at the top. d) Main & sampling device at the bottom. e) Lifting lugs. f) Air release device and oil plug on oil pipe connections.

f) g) h) i)


COOLING EQUIPMENT CONTROL (ONAN/ONAF COOLING) a) Automatic operation control (switching in and out) of fans shall be provided (with temperature change) from contacts of winding temperature indicator. The bidder shall recommend the setting of WTI for automatic change over of cooler control from ONAN to ONAF. The setting shall be such that hunting i.e. frequent start stop operations for small temperature difference do not occur. The contacts used for cooler control shall have a variable differential setting not less than 5 C. Suitable manual control facility for cooler fans with manual/automatic selector switches and push buttons shall be provided.

b) 12.3

REMOTE OLTC/COOLER CONTROL PANEL (RTCC PANEL) The auxiliary devices for remote electrical control of the OLTC and Cooler shall be housed in a separate panel to be placed in the Control room. The panel shall be made of sheet steel of not less than 14 SWG and it shall be duly finished with stove enamel paint. The size and colour of the control cubicle to be supplied by the bidder shall be 750 mm depth and 2312 mm height and shade no.631 of IS 5 respectively. The width of the cubicle to be as per


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bidders practice. Control and signal devices required to be mounted in the RTCC Panel shall comprised of the following. i. ii. Push button for OLTC raise / lower control. Remote tap position indicator with tap nos. and corresponding rated voltage marked on the instrument. The tap position indicators shall be digital type. Push button for emergency stop of OLTC. A four position selector switch having master follower, independent and off position. Repeater dial of transformer winding temperature indicator HV & LV. HV & LV Volt meter of digital type. Name plate for each component. Initiating devices and contacts for alarm as well as for indications for discordance in the tap changer if any of the parallel operating transformer. Cubicle lamp actuated by door, switch, space heater power sockets etc. shall be provided inside RTCC panel. Annunciator (facia type) Scheme complete with accessories for the following: a) Tap changer out of step. b) Tap changer motor trip. c) Failure of AC supply to the OLTC local control Kiosk. d) Fan failure of each group. e) Control supplies failure main and standby. f) Cooler supply failure for each supply. Signal lamps for: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 12.4 Fan ON for each group. Standby fan ON for each group. Cooling system on manual. Cooling system on automatic control. 415 volts cooler supply auto change over. Healthy supply to control gear. Tap change in progress.

iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

ix. x.

COOLER CONTROL CABINET. Each transformer unit shall be provided with a cooler control cabinet. a. The cooler control cabinet shall have all necessary devices meant for cooler control and local temp. Indicators. All the contacts of various protective devices mounted on the transformer shall also be wired up to the terminal board in the cooler control cabinet. All the secondary terminals of the bushing CTs shall also be wired up to the terminal board at the cooler control cabinet.


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TR11/44 b.

132KV KONI S/S The cooler control cabinet shall have two (2) sections. One section shall have the control equipment exclusively meant for cooler control. The other section shall house the temperature indicators, aux. CTs end the terminal boards meant for termination of various alarm and trip contacts as well as various alarm and trip contacts as well as various bushing CT secondary. Alternatively the two sections may be provided as two separate panels depending on the standard practices of the supplier. The temperature indicators shall be so mounted that the dials are not more than 1600 mm from ground level. Glazed door of suitable size shall be provided for convenience of reading.



TERMINAL BLOCK: i) The terminal blocks to be provided shall be fully enclosed with removable covers and made of moulded, non-inflammable plastic material with block and block and barriers moulded integrally. Such block shall have washer and binding screws for external circuit wire connections, a white marking strop for circuit identification and moulded plastic cover. All terminals shall be clearly marked with identification numbers or letters to facilitate connection to external wiring. Only stud type connectors should be used. All internal wiring to be connected to the external equipment shall terminate on terminal blocks, preferably vertically mounted on the side of each panel. The terminal blocks shall be 1100 V grade and have 10 amps continuous rating, moulded piece, complete with insulated barriers, non-disconnecting stud type terminals, washers, nuts and lock nuts. Terminal block design shall include a white fibber marking strip with clear plastic, slip-on/ clip-on terminal cover. Markings on the terminal strips shall correspond to wire number and terminal numbers on the wiring diagrams. Terminal blocks for current transformer secondary leads shall be provided with test links and isolating facilities. Also current transformer secondary leads shall be provided with short-circuiting and earthing facilities. At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided on each panel and these spare terminals shall be uniformly distributed on all terminal blocks. Unless otherwise specified, terminal blocks shall be suitable for connecting the following conductors on each side. a) For all circuits except current transformer circuits minimum of two nos. 2.5 mm2 copper. b) For all CT circuits minimum of two nos. 4 mm2 copper. There shall be a minimum edge to edge clearance of 250 mm between the first row of terminal block and the associated cable gland plate. Also the clearance between two rows of terminal blocks shall be minimum of 150 mm. Arrangement of the terminal block assemblies and the wiring channel within the enclosure shall be such that a row of terminal blocks is run Page No. 95 C.E. (Transmission)



iv) v)





132KV KONI S/S parallel and in close proximity along each side of the wiring duct to provide for convenient attachment of internal panel wiring. All adjacent terminal block shall also share this field-wiring corridor. A steel strip shall be connected between adjacent terminal block rows at 450-mm intervals for support of incoming cable.

viii) 14

The terminal connectors should be stud type only.

PAINTING: The internal and external surfaces including oil filled chamber and structural steel work to be painted shall be shot or sand blasted to remove all rust and scale or foreign adhering matter or grease. All steel surfaces in contact with insulating oil shall be painted with two coats of heat resistant, oil insoluble, insulating varnish. All steel surfaces exposed to weather shall be given a primary coat of zinc chromate, second coat of oil and weather resistant varnish of a colour distinct from primary and final two coats of glossy oil and weather resisting light grey paint in accordance with shade no.631 of IS-5. All paints shall be carefully selected to withstand extremes of weather. The paint shall not scale off or crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling. The minimum thickness of outside painting of tank shall be 20 microns and the total thickness shall be minimum 80 microns.


Bolts and nuts All bolts and nuts exposed to weather shall be hot dip galvanised. Bolts and nuts below H12 (1/2 inch) size shall be stainless steel.


Wiring and cabling. Cable box/ sealing end shall be suitable for following types of cables:i) ii) 415 volt Power Control 1100 Volt grade PVC insulated armoured anufactu cable. 1100 Volt grade PVC insulated 7/0.737 mm stranded armoured copper cable.

Compression type cable connector shall be provided for termination of power and control cables. All controls, alarms, indicating and relaying devices provided with the transformer shall be wired upto the terminal blocks inside the Local Control Cabinets (both cooler and OLTC Control Cabinets) Not more than 2 wires shall be connected to one terminal. Each terminal shall be suitable for connecting two 7/0.737 mm stranded copper conductors from each side. All terminal wiring shall be securely supported, neatly arranged, readily accessible and connected to equipment terminal blocks. CSPTCL Page No. 96 C.E. (Transmission)



Engraved code identification plastic ferrules marked to correspond with schematic diagrams shall be fitted at both ends of wires. Ferrules shall fit tightly on wires and shall not fall off when the wire is disconnected from terminal block. 17 MARSHALLING BOX: Some of the manufacturers have a practice to directly install winding temperature indicator and oil temperature indicator on the body of the transformer in open. It is obligatory on the part of the bidders to offer a separate marshalling box to enclose such accessories as required in the Tender specification. Fittings The following fittings shall be provided with each transformer covered in this specification. i. Conservator for main tank, with oil filling hole and cap, isolating valves, drain valve, magnetic oil level gauge with low level alarm contacts, prismatic oil level gauge and dehydrating breather. Conservator for OLTC with drain valve. Buchholz relay, filling hole with cap, prismatic oil level gauge and dehydrating breather. Oil preservation equipment. Pressure relief device with alarm contact. Buchholz relay double float type with isolating valves on both sides, bleeding pipe with pet cock at the end to collect gases and alarm and trip contacts. Separate surge relay with above features to be provided for OLTC chamber. Air release plug Inspection openings and covers. Bushing with metal parts and gaskets to suit the termination arrangement. Winding temperature indicators for local and remote mounting. One RWTI with a four point selector switch shall be provided for all the winding (HV/LV). Oil temperature indicators. Cover lifting eyes, transformer lifting lugs, jacking pads, towing holes and core and winding lifting lugs. Protected type mercury or alcohol glass thermometer. Bottom and top filter valves with threaded male adapters, bottom sampling valve and drain valve. Rating and diagram plates on transformers and auxiliary apparatus. Earthing terminals. Flanged bi-directional wheels. Cooler control cabinet. On load tap changing equipment and OLTC control cabinet. Drain valves/plugs shall be provided in order that each section of pipe work can be drained independently.


ii. iii. iv. v.

vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx.


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TR11/44 xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. xxv. xxvi. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. xxx. xxxi. xxxii. Bushing CTs. Insulating oil. Cooling fans. Terminal marking plate. Jacking pads. Lifting bollards. Haulage lugs. Cover Lifting lugs. Valve schedule plate. RTCC panel. Bushing terminal clamp & connector. Thermo siphon with valves on both sides.


Note: The fittings listed above are only indicative and any other fittings which generally are required for satisfactory operation of the transformer are deemed to be included. 19 Limits of temperature rise The temperature rise on any part of equipment shall not exceed the maximum temperature rise specified below under the conditions specified in test clauses. The permissible temperature rise indicated is for a maximum ambient temperature of 50C. If the maximum ambient temperature rises, permissible values shall be reduced accordingly. For actual maximum temperature at the location of installation, refer prefect synopsis. Maximum Value of Temp. Temp. Rise at a max. ambient air temp. not exceeding 50 deg.C. 95 40/45 25

S. N.

Nature of the part or of the liquid





Contacts in air, silver-faced copper, copper alloy or anufactu alloy (see notes (I) and (ii)). 75 Bare copper or tinned anufactu alloy. Contacts in oil: Silver-faced copper, copper alloy or 90 aluminium alloy (see note ii) 80 Bare copper or tinned aluminium alloy Terminals to be connected to external 95 conductors by screws or bolts silver faced (see note iii) Metal parts acting as springs (see note iv)

40 30 45

(see note iv)


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TR11/44 5. Metal parts in contract with insulation of the following classes: Class Y: (for non-impregnated materials) Class A: (for materials immersed in oil or impregnated) Class E: in air In oil Class B: in air In oil Class F: in air In oil Enamel: oil base Synthetic, in air Synthetic, in oil Any part of metal of or insulating material in contact with oil, except contacts Oil


90 100 120 100 130 100 155 100 100 120 100 100 90

40 50 70 50 80 50 105 50 50 70 50 50 40

6. 7.

Notesi) When applying the temperature rise of 40/45 deg.C. care should be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding insulating materials. The quality of the silver facing shall be such that a layer of silver remains at the points of contact after the mechanical endurance test. Otherwise, the contacts shall be regarded as bare. The values of temperature and temperature rise are valid whether or not the conductor connected to the terminals is silver-faced. The temperature shall not reach a value where the elasticity of the material is impaired. For pure copper, this implies a temperature limit of 75 C.


iii) iv)


SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL CABINATES: a) Control cabinets shall be of the free standing floor mounting type. b) Control cabinet of the operating mechanism shall be made out of 3mm thick sheet or 10mm thick aluminium plate or casting. Hinged door shall be provided with padlocking arrangement. Sloping rain hood shall be provided to cover all sides 15mm thick neoprene or better type of gaskets shall be provided to ensure the colour of paint shall be light grey in accordance with shade no 631 of IS 5. c) Bus bars shall be of tinned copper of adequate cross section to carry the normal current, without exceeding the permissible temperature rise over an ambient temperature of 50 C. Outside the cubicle. d) The buses shall be braced to withstand forces corresponding to short circuit current of 25 KA.


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132KV KONI S/S e) Motors rated 1 KW and above being controlled from the control cabinet would be suitable for operation on a 415 V, 3 phase 50 Hz system. Fractional KW motors would be suitable for operation on a 240 V, 1phase, 50 Hz supply system. f) Isolating switches shall be group operated units (3 pole for use on 3MCBS phase supply systems and 2 pole for single phase supply system) quick make quick break type, capable of breaking safely and without deterioration, the rated current of the associated circuit. Switch handle shall have provision for locking in both fully open and fully closed positions. g) Push button shall be rated for not less than 6 Amps, 415 V AC or 2 Amps, 110V DC and shall be flush mounted on the cabinet door and provided with appropriate name plates. Red, Green and Amber indicating Lamps shall be flush mounted. h) For motors upto 5 KV, contactor shall be direct-on-line, air break, single throw type and shall be suitable for making and breaking the stalled current of the associated motor which shall be assumed equal to 6.5 times the full load current of the motor at 0.2 p.f. For motors above 5 KW, automatic star delta type starters shall be provided. 3 pole contactor shall be furnished for 3 phase motors and 2-pole contactors for single-phase motor. Reversing contactors shall be provided with electrical interlocks between forward and reverse contractors. If possible, mechanical interlocks shall also be provided. Contactors shall be suitable for uninterrupted duty and shall be of duty category class AC4 as defines in IS: 2959. The main contactors of the contactors shall be silver plated and the insulation class for the coils shall be class E or better. The dropout voltage of the contactors shall not exceed 70% of the rated voltage. i) Contactors shall be provided with three elements. Positive acting, ambient temperature compensated, time lagged, hand reset type thermal overload relay with adjustable setting. Hand reset button shall be flush with the front door at the cabinet for resetting with starter compartment door closed. j) Single phasing preventer relay shall be provided for 3 phase motors to provide positive protections against single phasing. k) Mini starters shall be provided with no volt coils whenever required. l) Power cables of 1100 volts grade stranded aluminium conductor. PVC insulated, PVC sheathed single steel wire armoured and PVC jacketed shall be used. All necessary cable terminating accessories such as glands, crimp type tinned copper lugs etc. for power as well as control cables shall be included in Bidders scope of supply. Suitable brass cable glands shall be provided for cable entry. m) Wiring for all control circuits shall be carried out with 1100 volts grade PVC insulated tinned copper stranded conductors of sizes not smaller than 2.5 mm. atleast 20% spare terminal blocks for control wire

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132KV KONI S/S terminations shall be provided on each connecting stand type. All terminals shall be provided with ferrules indelibly marked or numbered and these in identifications shall correspond to the designations on the relevant wiring diagrams. The terminals shall be rated for adequate capacity which shall not be less than 10 Amps. n) Separate terminal blocks shall be provided for terminating circuits of various voltage classes. CT loads shall be terminated on a separate block and shall have provision for short circuiting the CT secondary terminals. o) Control cabinet shall be provided with 240V, 1 phase 50 Hz, 20 W fluorescent light fixture and a suitable rated 240V, 1 phase, 5 Amps, 3 Pin socket for hand lamps. p) Space heaters shall be provided inside each cabinet complete with thermostat (preferably differential type) to prevent moisture condensation. Heaters shall be controlled by suitably treated doublepole miniature Circuit Breakers. q) Single lamps provided shall be of neon screw type with series resistors, enclosed in Bakelite body. Each single lamp shall be provided with a fuse integrally mounted in the lamp body. r) Electric measuring instruments shall be of moving iron type. Ammeters for measuring current upto 30 Amps shall be directly connected through suitable CTs. Ammeters shall be provided with selector switches. s) Items inside the cabinet e of organic material shall be coated with a fungus resistant varnish.


MOTORS: Motors shall be Squirrel Cage three phase induction motors of sufficient size capable of satisfactory operation for the application and duty as required for the driven equipment. Motors shall conform to IS 325.


Special Tools and Tackles : The Bidder shall include in his proposal and special erection and maintenance tools required according to the specialties of the Equipment. The list of such special tools shall be given by the bidder and price of these shall be included in the proposed price. Jacks of anufact capacities for transformers are also to be supplied with the transformer.


TESTS : i) The transformer offered shall be fully type and special tested. In case the transformer offered has not been type and special tested earlier, these tests shall have to be carried out by the successful bidder without any extra cost before commencement of supply in presence of CSPTCL representative. The purchaser reserves the right to demand repetition at

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132KV KONI S/S purchasers cost of some or all the type and special tests. Such type and special tests are listed hereunder.


The supplier shall carry out all type and routine tests on the transformers as per the relevant standards & its latest amendments. Type tests and special tests shall be carried out on the transformers along with routine tests. Additional tests required to be considered to be carried out are listed hereunder. The pre-shipment checks to be carried out by the bidder are given under clause 24. Inspection.

iii) 23.1

Routine tests:All standard routine tests in accordance with IS:2026 (with latest amendment), with dielectric tests corresponding to Method 2 of IS:2026 (with latest amendment) shall be carried out on each transformer. Lightning impulse tests on all 3 phases of HV & LV windings as per IEC:60076-3/2000 shall be carried out on the unit as routine test. Operation and dielectric testing of OLTC shall be carried out as per IS: 2026 (with latest amendment). The list of routine and additional routine tests to be carried out on each unit is as given here under:

Sl.No. (A) Routine tests: 1 2


Ref. of IS/IEC

Measurement of winding resistance Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship 3 Measurement of Impedance voltage/ short circuit impedance (Principal tap) & load loss 4 Measurement of no load loss & current 5 Measurement of Insulation resistance 6 Dielectric tests 7 Tests on load tap changers (B) Addl Routine Tests: 1 2 Dimensional checks as per approved drawings & specifications Magnetic circuit test. After assembly, core shall be tested for 1 minute for 2000 volts AC between all bolts, side plates & structures steel works Polarisation index IR value for 15 sec, 60 sec & 600 sec duration shall be recorded and PI for 60/15 sec and 600/60 sec shall be mentioned in test report (both before and after HV tests) Tank oil leakage test the complete transformer assly Page No. 102

Cl. 16.2/IS 2706 Part I Cl. 16.3/IS 2706 Part I Cl. 16.4/IS 2706 Part I Cl. 16.5/IS 2706 Part I Cl. 16.6/IS 2706 Part I Cl. 16.7/IS 2706 Part I Cl. 16.9/IS 2706 Part I


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7 (A)


filled with oil shall be subjected to nitrogen pressure of 0.35 Kg/cm2 above the normal oil head for a period of 24 Hrs to ensure that there is no oil leakage. Capacitance and tan delta measurement to determine capacitance between wingding and earth. This test should be carried out before and after series of dielectric tests by amp turn method. Test on bushings : All tests on bushings including IS 2099 capacitance, creepage distance, Dry/wet p.f. on terminals and tapping, partial discharge test, ten delta measurement & oil leakage at pressure of 1.5 Kg/cm2 for 12 hours. Checking of recording of IR values (a) Between core & coil frame (b) Between core & tank I Between coil frame & main tank The measured IR values should be more than 1000 M Ohms. Measurement & recording of currents with application of 400V 3 phase AC supply on HV side & LV side shorted (a) Between core & coil frame (b) Between core & tank I Between coil frame & main tank Magnetizing current measured with LT supply Particulars With single phase supply With 3 phase supply Volts Amp Volts Amp

9 10 11 12

Magnetic balance test Tests of PRDs for successful operation Lightning impulse tests on all phases HV & LV winding as per clause 13 of IEC:60076-3 part-III Oil BDV test before & after HV tests Following additional routine tests shall also be carried out on each transformer: a) Magnetic Circuit Test: After assembly, each core shall be tested for 1 minute at 2000 Volts between all bolts, side plates and structural steel work. b) Oil leakage test: Oil leakage test on transformer tank as per details given in this clause subsequently.


TYPE TESTS Following type tests shall be conducted on the transformer:

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a) Temp-rise test as per IS: 2026 (part-I) & clause 4 of IS:2026 (part-II) -1977:The temperature rise test shall be conducted at extreme tap corresponding to maximum temperature rise. In case tested losses and /or quoted losses at extreme tap are more than the maximum losses specified at normal tap, the transformer shall be tested by feeding the tested losses or quoted losses whichever is higher. The Bidder before carrying out such tests, shall submit detailed calculations showing the alternatives possible, on various taps and for the specified ratings (ONAN/ONAF), of the transformer and shall recommend the combination that result in highest temperature rise, for the test. Gas Chromatographic analysis on oil shall be conducted along-with the test and the value shall be recorded in the test report. The sampling shall be in accordance with IEC-567. For evaluation of gas analysis in temp. rise test a method will be proposed which is based on the rate of increase of particular gases and the permissible limits of minimum detectable value of gases and the maximum limit will be mutually discussed and agreed upon between the purchaser and bidder. This shall be treated as reference during future maintenance of the transformers. The calibration of OTI & WTI shall be done by transformer manufacturer and these calibrated OTI, WTI shall be used during testing of transformer. The sr. no. of WTI & OTI should be recorded during testing of transformer and only these OTI & WTI shall be supplied with transformer. b) Tank vacuum test as per details given this clause subsequently. c) Tank pressure test as per details given in this clause subsequently. 23.3 Pressure Relief Device Test: The pressure relief device of each size shall be subjected to increase in oil pressure. It shall operate before reaching the test pressure specified in tank Tests subsequently in this clause device shall seal off after the excess pressure has been relieved. Following special tests other than type and routine tests shall also be carried out as per IS: 2026 part-I and part-III (with latest amendment) as applicable on one unit of each type. i) ii) iii) iv) Measurement of zero Seq. Reactance as per CL.16.10 of IS: 2026. (part-I) Measurement of acoustic noise level as per CL.16.10 of IS: 2026. (part-I) Measurement of power taken by fans as per CL 16.14 of IS: 2026 (part-I) Measurement of harmonic level in no load current as per CL 16.13 of IS: 2026 (part-I) v) Measurement of capacitance and tan delta to determine capacitance between winding & earth. This measurement shall be carried out before and after series of dielectric tests. vi) Lighting impulse with clipped tail on all 3 phase of HV & LV terminals as per CL 16.14 of IEC: 60076-3-2000. vii) One cooler control cabinet and OLTC cabinet of transformers shall be tested for IP:55 protection in accordance with IS:13947 (part I) 1993.

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TR11/44 23.4 TANK TESTS (a) Routine Tests


Oil leakage test: All tanks and oil filled compartments shall be tested for oil tightness by completely filling with air or oil of a viscosity not greater than that of insulating oil conforming to IS: 335 at the ambient temperature and applying a pressure equal to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/m measured at the base of the tank. The pressure shall be maintained for a period of not less than 12 hours for oil and one hour or air during which time no leak shall occur. (b) Type Tests i. Vacuum Test Where required by the owner one transformer tank shall be subjected to the specified vacuum. The tank designed for full vacuum shall be tested at an internal pressure of 3.33 KN/m2 absolute (25 torr) for one hour. The permanent deflection of flat plate after the vacuum has been releases shall not exceed the values specified below. Horizontal length of flat plate (in mm) Upto and including 750 751 to 1250 1251 to 1750 1751 to 2000 2001 to 2250 2251 to 2500 2501 to 3000 Above 3000 ii. Pressure Test Where required by the Owner, one transformer tank of each size together with its radiator, conservator, vessel and other fittings shall be subjected to a pressure corresponding to twice the normal head of oil or to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/m 2 whichever is lower, measured at the base of the tank and maintained for one hour. The permanent deflection of flat plates after the excess pressure has been released vacuum test. iii. Sequence of tests: The sequence of type tests, special tests (whenever applicable) and routine tests required to be conducted on the transformer is as mentioned hereunder: Permanent Deflection (in mm) 5.0 6.5 8.0 9.5 11.0 12.5 16.0 19.0

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132KV KONI S/S ROUTINE /TYPE/ DESCRIPTION SPECIAL Type Parameters as per drawings. Type Tank pressure test with measurement of deflection. Type Tank vacuum test with measurement of deflection,. Type Pressure relief device test. Type Degree of protection IP 55 for OLTC & cooling control cabinets. Type Magnetic circuit insulation test 2 KV- 1 Min. core to Yoke clamp, core to fixing plate, core bolt to Yoke. Routine Magnetic balance test at any one tap. Routine IR value at 10, 15, 60, 600 sec (before & after HV & Heat Run tests). PI value should not be less than 1.5 Routine Impulse test: As per IEC on all phases. Special Capacitance and tan delta (before & after HV & TR tests) at 5 KV & 10 KV, LV + TANK, HV + LV to TANK under grounded, ungrounded and guarded specimen modes. Routine & Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) type test Routine Winding resistance at all taps. Type Oil DGA test (before and after HV & TR tests) Routine Oil BDV test (before and after HV & TR tests) Routine Voltage ratio at all taps & polarity/phase displacement at normal tap. Type No load loss and current (before & after HV & TR Routine Tests) at 90%, 100% and 110% of rated voltage with 3Watt meter, 3A and 3V meters methods. Routine Separate source voltage withstand test Routine Induced over voltage withstand test Special Harmonic analysis of no load current at 90%, 100%, 110% of rated voltage Special Zero sequence impedance test at 10%, 20%, 60%, 80%, 100% of test current at extreme taps and normal taps. Special Acoustic noise level test. Routine Load loss at extreme taps & normal tap & impedance all taps by digital power analyser. Type Temperature rise test at ONAN & ONAF ratings & quoted max. losses.

NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

21 22 23

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TR11/44 ROUTINE /TYPE/ SPECIAL Special Addl. Routine Routine Routine


NO. 24 25 26 27

DESCRIPTION Measurement of power consumption by fans Max. static head of oil measured at the base for 12 hrs. Tests on OLTC: Circuit insulation test 2 KV1Min. Operations tests: 8 Cy, 1 Cy at 85% V 1 Cy at no-load and Rated V, 10 Cy + / - 2 steps from normal tap and rated current. cooling control test: Circuit insulation test 2 KV- 1 Min. Operation test. Bushing current transformer ratio & polarity tests. Impulse test with chopped tail as per IEC on all phases.



29 30

Type Special

NOTE: CT, PT, Ammeter, V-meter, W-meter, F-meter shall be of appropriate class of accuracy and shall have valid calibration certificate 23.5 1. TEST REPORTS Copies of certified test reports and oscillograms shall be submitted for approval prior to dispatch of the equipment. The equipment shall be dispatched only when all the required type and routine tests have been carried out and test reports have been approved by the purchaser. (a) Copies of the test reports for the tests carried out on the ancillary apparatus shall be furnished to the purchaser for approval prior to dispatch. All auxiliary equipment shall be tested as per the relevant standard. Test certificate shall be submitted for bought out items. Apart from rejection due to failure of the transformer to meet the specified test requirements the transformer shall be liable for rejection on any one of the following reasons. i) ii) iii) No load loss exceeds the values mentioned in schedule-I Load loss exceeds the specified values mentioned in schedule-I Impedance voltage value exceeds the guaranteed value plus tolerance.




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TR11/44 i)

132KV KONI S/S The Purchaser shall have access at all times to the works and all other places of manufacture where the transformers are being manufactured and the bidder shall provide all facilities for unrestricted inspection of the bidders works, raw materials, manufacture of all the accessories and for conducting necessary tests as detailed herein. The successful Bidder shall keep the purchaser informed in advance of the time of starting and of the progress of manufacture of equipment in its various stages, so that arrangements could be made for inspection. No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the material has been satisfactorily inspected and tested. The acceptance of any quantity of Transformer & its accessories shall in no way relieve the successful bidder of his responsibility for meeting all the requirement of this specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if such equipments are later found to be defective. Acceptance of condition regarding stage inspection at various stages, which will be intimated to successful bidders, shall be an essence of the contract to be placed against this tender.


iii) iv)



STAGE INSPECTIONS:The supplier shall indicate the inspections and checks carried out at various stages of the manufacture of the transformers. A complete record of stage inspection would be kept by the supplier and thus record should be made available for inspection by the representative of the CSPTCL. The supplier should indicate the manufacturing programme and the CSPTCL will have a right to depute its inspecting officers during the manufacture. Some of the inspecting stages are coil winding and core building, assembly of coil on core, the condition of the coil and core after the treatment in vacuum chamber, assembly within the transformer tank together with application of tap changer. It may be noted that stage inspections at our discretion shall be done by us at the following stages. i. After the core is built but before its clamping, our representative will inspect the core to take complete weight of the core and also to measure approximate core loss, if necessary, a small strip of core shall also be taken for testing at CPRI, Bangalore/ ERDA Vadodara or any other NABL accredited lab at our discretion. Once the coils are prepared but before the same are fitted on to the core, stage inspection shall be done to take various measurements and also for weightment of coil of each voltage class. Measurement; of resistance shall be taken and for this purpose, a Page No. 108 C.E.


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132KV KONI S/S small piece of conductor for each type of winding shall be made available by the manufacture. Apart from the above, the CSPTCL also reserves the right to carry out stage inspections at other stages also, for which advance intimation shall be given and all necessary cooperation shall be rendered by the manufacturer.

C) FINAL INSPECTION AND TESTING: i. At the time of final inspection, the supplier shall identify each and every item/accessories of the particular transformer under testing. Unless all the items are identified, the manufacture will not be treated as complete. Serial number of bushings, serial number of tap changer and other details shall be entered into the test report to ensure that these items are not being applied to the subsequent transformer units while testing. Various tests stipulated in IS shall be performed in the presence of our engineers or when the inspection waiver has been given, in such a case, the testing shall be done at the manufacturers works as per IS stipulations and same should be confirmed by documentary evidence by way of Test Certificate which shall be got approved by us.

ii) The WTI & OTI shall be calibrated during testing of transformer and serial Nos. of these instruments shall be recorded in test reports. The WTI & OTI used during testing shall be dispatched with the transformer so that installation of same OTI & WTI on transformer is done which are utilized during testing of transformer at suppliers works. The Bushings and Radiators on Transformer (if heat run test is conducted) during testing of transformer at manufacturers works are required to be supplied with the same transformer to avoid any mismatch / misalignment etc. during assembly of transformer. This should be noted for strict compliance and confirmed specifically. iii) Whenever inspection call for a particular transformer is given, the letter of inspection call will accompany the following: a) List of various fittings and accessories, which are ready at the works and will be offered for inspection. The Inspecting Officer will carry the list and check the items declared to have been offered for inspection. b) It is expected that before a transformer is finally offered for inspection, internal testing of the transformer for various important parameters like winding resistance, transformer losses, IR values etc. are already done. Routine test report for such tests shall also accompany the letter of inspection call so that the Inspecting Officer at the time of inspection may verify the parameters brought out in the preliminary report. Details of all tests should be clearly brought out. c) In case for any reasons inspection is not completed or equipment is not found to be complete with all accessories as per confirmation given

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132KV KONI S/S with the letter of inspection call, the CSPTCL will reserve the right to recover the complete cost of deputation of inspecting team to the works of the manufacturer.


QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN: The Bidder shall invariably furnish following information along with his offer, failing which the offer shall be liable for rejection. i. Statement giving list of important raw materials, names of sub-suppliers for the raw material, list of standards according to which the raw material are tested, list of tests normally curried out on raw material in the presence of Bidders representative, copies of test certificates. ii. Information and copies of test certificates as in (I) above in respect of bought out items. iii. List of manufacturing facilities available. iv. Level of automation achieved and list of areas where manual processing exists. v. List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are normally carried out for quality control and details of such tests and inspections. vi. Special features provided in the equipment to make it maintenance free. vii. List of testing equipment available with the Bidder for final testing of equipment specified and test. Plant limitation, if any, vis--vis the type, special, acceptance and routine tests specified in the relevant standards. These limitations shall be very clearly brought out in schedule of Deviations. The bidder should have power analyzer for testing & all other routine & acceptance tests facilities as per latest amendments of IEC. viii. The supplier shall within 30 days of placement of order, submit the following information to the purchaser. a) Name of the raw material as well as bought out accessories and the names of sub-suppliers selected from those furnished along with the offer. b) Type test certificates of the raw material and bought out accessories. c) Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with hold points for purchasers inspection. The QAP and hold points shall be discussed between the purchaser and the bidder before the QAOP is finalized. d) The supplier shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out item and raw material at the time of routine testing of the fully assembled equipment.


CUSTOMERS SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT REVIEW:- The quality assurance and failure prevention starts with careful study and scrutiny of our technical specifications and requirements. The supplier shall carefully study all the technical parameters and other particulars & the supplier shall categorically give his confirmation that these requirements shall be met in a satisfactory manner. DESIGN CONTROL:- The supplier shall furnish the checks exercise in design calculations particularly in respect of short circuit forces and method of Page No. 110 C.E.


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clamping end coil to show the healthiness of the design. The salient features of design together with the certificates of design engineers will have to be made available to the CSPTCL. 25.3 ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS:- The supplier shall give complete information regarding copper conductor, insulating paper, core materials, tap changer, gaskets etc. bringing out the detailed description and specification of these items with explanation as to how our requirements are being met in this respect. PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL & PURCHASED MATERIAL & SERVICES: The supplier shall indicate the various sources from whom the items namely copper conductor, insulating paper, core material, tap changer and other items such as gaskets etc. are being procured. The type of check, quantum of check and acceptance norms shall be intimated and random test and check results should be made available for inspection whenever so desired. The vendor list as per Schedule-III(D) is only acceptable to us & in case any change in vendor list is required, same shall be subject to our approval. PROGRAMME CHART:- Based on above QAP and offered delivery schedule a tentative programme chart indicating period for various manufacturing/testing activities shall be submitted along with QAP. The programme chart should specify periods for various activities i.e. design, ordering of new materials, assembly, testing etc. CALCULATIONS REQUIRED TO BE ENCLOSED WITH THE TENDER FOR POWER TRANSFORMER: SHORT CIRCUIT WITHSTAND CAPABILITY: In order to ensure capability of transformer to withstand short circuit forces due to most severe fault in our inter connected net work the transformer should be designed on the basis that winding are connected to an infinite bus and fault current is limited by transformer impedance alone, ignoring system impedance. The calculations to prove dynamic and thermal short circuit withstand capability of transformer shall be submitted considering the above for transformer. The design of winding assembly which is to be furnished in the drawing should be commiserating with these calculations. a. On the basis of offered flux density and current density, the bidder shall furnish calculation regarding wt. of core material, wt. of copper for windings no. of turns, voltage per turn, size of copper conductor and also calculation, will be brought out to justify the offered transformer losses. CAPACITY OF AIR CELL: While furnishing details of air cell type sealing arrangement the bidder must confirm clearly that the size and capacity of sealing arrangement is adequate for the quantity of oil required for power transformer. Calculation in this regard should be furnished.





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TR11/44 c.

132KV KONI S/S PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE: Our specification calls for supply of pressure relief device for power transformer. Bidder must submit calculation to prove that the capacity of pressure relief device and location of the same in the transformer will adequately meet the requirement. Constructional and design detail of pressure relief device is adequate considering the rating of transformer


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TR11/44 3.1 SCOPE:


This specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, inspection & testing before supply, packing & delivery of 145 KV class outdoor SF6 Normal Duty, Spring/Spring operated circuit breakers along with support structures, terminal connectors, all accessories and auxiliary equipments required for their satisfactory operation in EHV grid substation. 3.2 It is not the intent to specify completely here all the details of design and construction of the circuit breakers. However the, breaker shall conform in all respects to the high standard of engineering design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing in continuous commercial operation upto the Bidder's guarantee in a manner acceptable to the owner who will interpret the meanings of drawings and specifications and shall have power to reject any work or material which in his judgment is not in accordance therewith. The circuit breakers offered shall be complete with all components necessary for their effective and trouble free operation up to the end of guarantee period, to the entire satisfaction of purchaser or his representative. Such components shall deemed to be included within the scope of supply of the Bidder irrespective of whether these are specifically brought out in this specification and/or in the commercial order or not. STANDARDS: The offered circuit breakers shall conform to meet the requirement of the latest revisions of relevant standards of international Electro-Technical commission or equivalent national standards of the country with amendments of relevant standards, rules and codes, available at the time of testing at the manufacturer's work. Some of the standards & codes are listed herein for ready reference. Equipment meeting with the requirements of any other authoritative standards, which ensures equal or better quality than the standard mentioned below shall also be acceptable. If the equipment offered by the Bidder conforms to any other standards, salient points of comparison between the standards adopted and the specific standards shall be clearly brought out in relevant schedule of technical deviation. Copies of such standards with authentic English Translations shall be furnished along with the offer. Sl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. STANDARD IEC-62271100/ IS-13118 IEC-376 IS-375 IS-2147 IS-325 TITLE Specification for alternating current circuit breakers. Specification and acceptance of new supply of sulphur hexafluoride Marking and arrangement for switchgear, busbar, main connections & auxiliary wirings. Degree of protection provided for enclosures for low voltage switchgear and control gear. Specification for three phase induction motors. Page No. 113 C.E.


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TR11/44 Sl. 6. 7. 8. 9. STANDARD IS-2629 IS-5 IS-2099 IS:5561 TITLE


Recommended practice for hot dip galvanizing of iron and steel. Colour for ready mix paints. High voltage porcelain bushings. Electric Power connectors.

3.4 AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY: Auxiliary electrical equipment shall be suitable for operation on the following supply system:a) b) Power device (like dry 415V 3 , 4 wire motor) grounded AC supply 50Hz, neutral

DC alarm, control and 110V DC, 2 wire substation wise exact protective device details shall be furnished to the successful bidder.

Each of the foregoing supplies shall be made available by the Owner at the terminal point for each circuit breaker for operation of accessories and auxiliary equipment. Bidder's scope include supply of interconnecting cables, terminal boxes etc. The supply voltage may vary as shown below and all devices shall be suitable for continuous operation over entire range of voltage variations:S.No. 1 2 3 3.5 Type of Supply AC supply voltage AC supply frequency DC Supply Range Variation +10% to (-) 25% frequency ( ) 5% (-) 15% to +10%.


TYPE & RATING The offered circuit breakers shall be of Sulphur Hexa-Fluoride (SF6) gas type suitable for outdoor operation under all climatic conditions specified above without any additional protection from the sun, dust and rain. As far as 132 KV network of CG system is concerned, studies carried out show that system stability is ensured with total fault clearing time of 80 milli seconds which also includes a small margin for the relay operating time over the guaranteed performance to allow for fault locations under varying system conditions. The purchaser has come to the conclusion that the circuit breaker shall have a total break time not exceeding 50 milli seconds for the range of fault levels likely to be experienced in the CG system. It is therefore desired that total break time of any 145 KV class breaker shall not exceed 50 milli seconds (not more than 2.5 cycles) which should be guaranteed for interrupting ratings from 30% to 100% of the specified interrupting capacity. PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS:

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The breakers shall conform to the specific technical requirements specified hereunder: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Items Nominal System Voltage Highest System Voltage Rated Frequency Rated Normal Current (Arms) At 50C Ambient Temperature Type Mounting Structural Details Requirement of 145 KV SF6 Circuit Breaker 132 KV 145 KV 50 Hz. 2000 Amperes Outdoor SF6 Hot dip galvanised lattice steel support structure to be supplied by the bidder for all breakers. Solidly earthed 3 Normal Duty (132 KV) (gang operated) 1,700 m.m.

7. 8. 9. 10.

System Neutral Earthing Number Of Poles Type Of Operation


12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.



Phase To Phase Spacing In The Switch Yard I.E. Inter pole Spacing For Breaker Required Ground Clearance From The 4,600 m.m Lowest Live Terminal To Structure Base Place To Be Erected On Concrete Plinth in mm. Max. Height Of Concrete Plinth 300 m.m. Operating Mechanism Spring/Spring operated by electrical control individually for each breaker with anti pumping & trip free. Auto Reclosing Duty Three phase Rated Operating Sequence 0-0.3 sec CO -3 min-CO First Pole To Clear Factor (Type Of 1.3 Trip free Tripping) Maximum Closing Time Not Exceeding < or =130 In Millisecond Maximum Total Break Time (For Any 50 Current Upto The Rated Breaking Current) At Limiting Conditions Of Operating Coil Voltage & Quenching Media Pressure In Milliseconds a. Rated Insulating Level 1.2/ 50 Micro 650 Second Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage: (KVp) b. 250/ 2500 Micro Second Switching Impulse Withstand Voltage (KVp) 1 Minute Power Frequency Withstand 275 Voltage KVrms. Page No. 115 C.E.

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TR11/44 S.No 21. Items


22. 23.

Requirement of 145 KV SF6 Circuit Breaker Maximum Radio Interference Voltage 1000 at 266 KVrms line to ground voltage (both in closed & open condition) Minimum corona extinction voltage (KVrms) 250 Amperes (rms) (this should Rated breaking current capacity i) Line charging at rated voltage at 90 be possible with temporary over voltage as high as 2.3 p.u. Degree leading power factor (Arms) without re-strike 0 - 10 without switching over ii) Rated small inductive current voltage exceeding 2.3 p.u. iii) rated short circuit breaking current in KA a. AC Component b. % DC Component 31.5 K.A.

Corresponding to minimum opening time as per IEC -56.

24. 25. 26.

27. 28. 29. 30.

31. 32.

c. Asymmetrical breaking current To be confirmed by the bidder in accordance with IEC 56. including DC Component Transient recovery voltage for terminal As per IEC 56-2, 1971 Clause no. fault 7. Rated characteristics for short line As per IEC 56-2, 1971 Clause no. faults 8. Rated out of phase making current Breaking 25% of the rated fault current of twice rated voltage under out of phase conditions as per IEC publication no. 267 Reactor loaded transformer interrupting To be specified by the bidder. capacity Rated short circuit making current 79 KA capacity Permissible limits of temperature rise As per IS Maximum acceptable difference in the instants of closing / opening of contacts i) within a pole (milli second) 5 ii) between poles (milli second) 10 The above timings will be at rated controlled voltage & rated operating & quenching media pressure. Total creepage distance of support 3,625 m.m. insulator in m.m. Type of tripping The bidders should specifically mention whether the breaker is trip free or fixed trip according to IEC 56-1. Page No. 116 C.E.

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TR11/44 S.No 33. 34. Items Short time current carrying capacity for three seconds (kilo amperes) KA Breaking capacity of auxiliary contacts

132KV KONI S/S Requirement of 145 KV SF6 Circuit Breaker 31.5KA. 10 A DC with the circuit time constant not less than 20 milli second. 140 dB. 0.3 g (horizontal)

35. 36.

Noise level at base and upto 50 metres. Seismic acceleration

3.7 SPECIAL DUTY REQUIREMENT 3.7.1 DUTY CYCLES: a. Terminal faults (C-1 min-O-CO-2 min-C-1 min-O-CO) b. Reclosing against trapped charge: Same but with first, third and fourth closing being on de-energised line and second closing against trapped charge of 1.2 p.u. of opposite polarity. c. Out of phase closing one closing operation under phase opposition i.e. with twice the normal voltage across the terminals. The bidder shall highlight the design features provided to effectively deal with the followings a) b) Charging of long lines open at other end. Auto reclosing of line i.e. closing the breaker on trapped charge.

Details of gears, linkage etc., involved in ensuring the required time of insertion of resistor shall be indicated. Damping resistors when provided shall be of ceramic type hermetically sealed in porcelain bushings. 3.7.2 TRANSFORMER/ REACTOR CHARGING CURRENT BREAKING CAPACITY: The offered 145 KV class circuit breakers shall be capable of interrupting small inductive current, such as those occurring while switching off unloaded transformers of rating 160 MVA, for 132 KV breakers with/ without reactor/capacitor loaded transformers under all conditions, including those of high dynamic or temporary over voltages without giving rise to undue over voltage and without re-strikes. The maximum over voltage value which will not be exceeded under such conditions shall also be stated in the bid. 3.7.3 SHUNT CAPACITOR SWITCHING CAPACITY: The maximum rating of 3 phase single bank of shunt capacitors which can be switched safely by 132 KV circuit breakers without re-striking shall be stated in the bid along with over voltage occurring during such switching. It should be confirmed that offered breakers will safely switch 3 Phase shunt capacitor single bank of 80 MVAR rating minimum.

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3.7.4 DYNAMIC OVER VOLTAGES: The circuit breaker shall be capable of satisfactorily performing all their duties including, but not limited to, clearing of faults and interrupting the line charging and transformer charging currents without causing undue over voltage and showing signs of undue strain while operating under conditions of high temporary (Power frequency) over voltage of the order of 1.5 p.u. The stability of circuit breakers for working satisfactorily under such conditions should be explicitly guaranteed by the bidder and it should be supported with clear technical elaborations and details in the bid. 3.8 PROTECTION SCHEMES: Two independent trip coils shall be provided on the breakers for segregation of two main relaying schemes. The local breaker back-up protection is also being provided and the breaker shall be suitable for its operation. Two separate DC sources shall be available one for each trip coil.

3.8.1 DEVELOPING FAULTS: The circuit breakers shall be capable to withstand the high stresses imposed on them during fault clearing, developing faults, load rejection and re-energization of line, with trapped charges within the full rating of the breaker. The breaker shall also withstand the voltage specified in clause "Principal Parameters of this specification" 3.8.2 TRIP FREE OPERATION: The circuit breakers mechanism shall be suitable for trip-free operation. 3.8.3 SMALL FAULT-CURRENT INTERRUPTING CAPACITY: The circuit breakers shall be capable of interrupting Small fault Currents of magnitude between 0.5 KA to 10 KA along with the usual short circuit current interrupting capacity in the range of 2 KA to 40 KA without causing any restrikes or causing un-permissible over-voltage on the system in which these are to be installed. The over-voltage shall not exceed 2.3 pu. The test certificates in support of this capacity of circuit breaker must be submitted along with the bid. 3.8.4 RECOVERY VOLTAGE AND POWER FACTOR: Each circuit breaker shall be capable of interrupting rated short circuit breaking current under the condition of recovery voltage corresponding to highest system voltage and to power factor not exceeding 0.15 3.8.5 The circuit breakers shall be capable of satisfactory operation even under conditions of phase opposition that may arise due to faulty synchronising or otherwise. The maximum power in accordance with relevant IEC Specification which the circuit breaker can satisfactorily interrupt under-phase opposition shall be stated in the bid. 3.8.6 RESTRIKING VOLTAGE:

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The rated transient recovery voltage for terminal faults shall be as already specified in "Principal Parameters". The measures adopted for ensuring proper operation at high rate of rise of restriking voltage and for limiting the actual values across the breakers shall be described in the tender. No opening resistors shall be necessary for ensuring conformity with the duty cycle. 3.9 LINE CHARGING CURRENT INTERRUPTING CAPACITY Circuit breaker shall be designed so as to be capable of interrupting line charging currents as given in clause no.3.6 "Principal Parameters" of this specification under the conditions of high dynamic over voltages of the order of 1.5 pu without showing signs of undue strain. The successful bidder shall have to carry out adequate acceptance tests with proper representation of actual system conditions, including correct simultation of natural frequency of bus bars so as to properly reproduce the initial part of the recovery voltage, to prove the charging current interrupting capability of the breaker. The bidder shall furnish in the bid complete details of procedure in respect of this acceptance test. The bid found deficient in respect of requirements as mentioned in this clause may be rejected. The guaranteed over voltage, if any, which will not be exceeded while interrupting line charging current as given in clause 3.6' "Principal parameters" shall be stated in the tender. "The over voltage caused while interrupting the line charging current shall not exceed the limits of switching surges and dynamic over voltages as given here in above at clause 3.7.2 & 3.7.4 The result of the test conducted along with copies of the oscillo-graphs to prove the capability of the circuit breakers to interrupt these and lower line charging current values shall be furnished along with the tender. 3.10 INSULATING SUPPORTS The basic impulse insulation level of the external insulator supports bushing & interrupting insulator bushing shall match with that of the SF6 circuit breakers and shall be specified and suitable for insulation in the contaminated atmosphere. Insulating supports shall be designed to have ample insulation and adequate mechanical strength and rigidity for satisfactory operation under various operating conditions detailed in this specification. All hollow insulator & interrupter housing of identical rating shall be interchangeable. The puncture strength of the hollow insulator & interrupter housing shall be greater than the flash over value. BREAKING CAPACITY FOR KILOMETRIC FAULTS: All circuit breakers shall have high capacity for breaking short line (kilometric faults) with source impedance behind the bus equivalent to symmetrical fault current specified. The interrupting capacity of the circuit breakers for kilometric faults (short line faults) should be equal to its interrupting capacity and shall be stated in the bid. The details of tests conducted to guarantee the capability of the circuit breaker operation under kilometric fault condition shall be furnished in the bid. AUTOMATIC RAPID RECLOSING: Page No. 119 C.E.



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132 KV circuit breakers shall be suitable for three pole automatic rapid reclosing. The dead time corresponding to automatic rapid reclosing of the circuit breakers shall be adjustable at least within limits of 15 cycles (0.3 sec) to 35 cycles and actual limits of adjustment provided in the offered circuit breaker shall be stated in the bid. The relay or timer required for adjustment of the dead time shall form a part of the scope of supply. The breaking capacity of the circuit breakers shall be guaranteed for second and third interruptions. 3.13 TEMPERATURE RISE: The temperature rise and the maximum temperature attained by any part of the equipment when in service at site under continuous full load conditions and exposed continuously to the direct rays of the sun shall not exceed the permissible limits as per limits given. The permissible temperature rise indicated is for a maximum ambient temperature of 50 deg. centigrade. If the maximum ambient temperature is higher, the temperature rise permissible limit shall be reduced accordingly. 3.14 INSULATION OF CIRCUIT BREAKERS: The insulation to ground, insulation between open contacts and the insulation between phases of the completely assembled circuit breaker (including closing resistors etc.) shall be capable of withstanding satisfactorily dielectric test voltage corresponding to the stipulations made in "Principal parameters". The exposed live parts shall be placed high enough above ground to meet the requirements of local safety codes. 3.15 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: a) The circuit breakers shall be single pressure type, the design and construction of the circuit beaker shall be such that there is minimum possibility of gas leakage and entry of moisture. There should not be any condensation of SF6 gas on the internal insulating surface of the circuit breaker. b) All gasketed surfaces shall be smooth, straight and reinforced, if necessary to minimise distortion and to make a tight seal, the operating rod connecting the operating mechanism to the arc chamber (SF6 media) shall have adequate seals, Double "O" ring seals and test holes for leakage test of the internal seal shall be provided on each static joint. c) In the interrupter assembly there shall be an absorbing product box to eliminate SF6 decomposition products and moisture. The material used in the construction of the circuit breakers shall be fully compatible with SF6 gas. d) Each pole shall form an enclosure filled with SF6 gas independent of two other poles. The SF6 gas density of each pole in 132 KV Circuit breakers shall be monitored and regulated by individual pressure switches which are required for SPR duty. However in case of 132 KV breakers although SPR duty is not assigned, yet individual pole density monitoring will be preferred.

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TR11/44 e)

132KV KONI S/S The SF6 gas density monitor shall be adequately temperature compensated. The density monitor shall meet the following requirements: i) It shall be possible to dismantle the density monitor for checking/ replacement without draining the SF6 gas by using suitable interlocked non-return couplings. ii) It shall damp the pressure pulsation while filling the gas in service so that the flickering of the pressure switch contacts does not take place. iii) Air & gas pressure indicator shall also be supplied. The pressure indicator shall have uniform graduated dial. Means for pressure relief shall be provided in the gas chamber of circuit breaker to avoid the damages or distortion during occurrence of abnormal pressure increase or shock waves generated by internal electric fault / arcs. The position of vents, diaphragms and pressure relief devices shall be arranged so as to minimize danger to the operators in the event of gas or vapour escaping under pressure. Facility shall also be provided to reduce the gas pressure within the breaker to a value not exceeding 8 milli-bars within 4 hours or less. Each circuit breaker shall be capable of withstanding this degree of vacuum without distortion or failure of any part. Sufficient SF6 gas shall be provided to fill all the circuit breakers installed. In addition to this 20% of the total gas requirement shall be supplied in separate cylinders as spare requirement. Provisions shall be made for attaching an operation analyser after installation at site to record contact travel, speed and making measurement of operation timings, pre-insertion timing of closing resistor and synchronisation of contacts in one pole. Portable SF6 gas leakage detector to be supplied along with each SF6 breaker.






3.16 3.16.1

GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: Circuit breaker offered shall be Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) type only suitable for outdoor installation. Circuit breaker shall be designed to withstand seismic acceleration equivalent to 0.3g. If construction of the breaker is of wheel mounted type suitable locking clamps shall be provided designed to sustain above seismic acceleration. Exposed live parts shall be placed high enough above ground to meet the requirement of local safety codes. Any part of' the breaker, especially the removable ones, shall be freely interchangeable without the necessity of any modification at site. Circuit-breaker shall comprise of three identical single pole units which should be linked together.

3.16.2 3.16.3 3.16.4

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TR11/44 3.16.5


Complete circuit breaker with all the necessary items for successful operation shall be supplied, including but not limited to the following: a) Breaker assemblies with bases, support -structure for circuit breaker as well as for control cabinet, central control cabinet and foundation bolts for main structure as well as control cabinet and central control cabinet (except concrete foundations), terminals and operating mechanisms. b) Compressed SF6 gas, pneumatic systems complete including compressors, tanks, pipings, fittings, valves and controls and necessary supports for inter-pole piping for pneumatic systems. c) One central control cabinet for each breaker and one control box with all the required electrical devices mounted therein and the necessary terminal blocks for termination of inter-pole wiring. The supply of necessary inter pole cables & cabling at site shall be in the scope of supplier based on the schematic wiring diagram and termination schedule provided by the bidder & approved by the owner. d) Instruments, gauges and leakage detector for SF6 gas pressures pneumatic pressure supervision. e) All necessary parts to provide a complete and operatable circuit breaker installation such as main equipment, terminal connectors, control parts, cable connectors, pipe lines and other devices, whether specifically called for herein or not.

3.16.6 Circuit breaker shall be suitable for hot line washing. 3.16.7 All breakers shall be supplied with terminal connectors. The bidders are required to confirm that the offered prices are inclusive of terminal connectors. The current density adopted for the design of the terminal pads shall in no case exceed the following values. For copper pads 1.6 A/sq.mm. and others - 1.0 A/sq.mm. CONTACTS: i) Main contacts shall have ample area and contact pressure for carrying the rated current and the short time rated current of the breaker without excessive temperature rise which may cause pitting or welding. Contacts shall be adjustable to allow for wear, easily replaceable and shall have a minimum of moveable parts and adjustments to accomplish these results. All making and breaking contacts shall be sealed free from atmospheric effects. Contacts shall be designed to have adequate thermal and current carrying capacity for the duty specified and to have a life expectancy so that frequent replacements due to excessive burning will not be necessary. Provision shall be made for rapid dissipation of heat generated by the arc on opening.




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iii) Main contacts shall be first to open and the last to close so that there will be little contact burning and wear. iv) If arcing contacts are used they shall be first to close and the last to open. These shall be easily accessible for inspection and replacement. If there are no separately mounted arcing contacts the main contacts shall be easily accessible for inspection and replacements. Tips of arcing contacts and main contacts shall be silver plated or have tungsten alloy tips. v) Any device provided for voltage grading to damp oscillations or to prevent re-strike prior to the complete interruption of the circuit or to limit over voltages on closing shall have a life expectancy comparable to that of the breaker as a whole.

vi) Breakers shall be so designed that when operated within their specified rating, the temperature of each part will be limited to values consistent with a long life or the material used. The temperature shall not exceed that indicated in IEC-56 under specified ambient conditions. vii) Contacts shall be kept permanently under pressure of SF6 gas. The gap between the open contacts shall be such that it can withstand at east the rated phase to ground voltage continuously at zero gauge pressure of SF6 gas due to its leakage. viii) If multi-break interrupters are used these shall be so designed and augmented that a uniform voltage distribution is developed across them. Calculations/ test reports in support of the same shall be furnished along with the bid. The thermal and voltage withstands of the grading elements shall be adequate for the service conditions and duty specified. 3.18 PORCELAIN HOUSING: i) The porcelain housing shall be of single piece construction without any joint or coupling. it shall be homogeneous, free from lamination., cavities and other flaws or imperfections that might affect high, mechanical, and dielectric strength and shall be thoroughly vitrified, tough and impervious to moisture. Glazing of porcelain shall be uniform brown or dark brown colour, free from blisters, burns and similar other defects with a smooth surface arranged to shed away rain water or, condensed water particles (fog). Housings shall be designed to have ample insulation, mechanical strength and rigidity for satisfactory operation for the conditions under which they will be used. All housings of identical ratings shall be interchangeable. Puncture strength of housings shall be greater than the dry flash-over value. When operating at normal rated voltage there shall be no electric discharge between the conductors and housing which would cause corrosion or injury to conductors, insulators or supports by the formation of substance produced by chemical action. No radio Page No. 123




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132KV KONI S/S disturbance shall be caused by the housing when operating at the normal rated voltage.


All iron parts shall be hot dip galvanized and all joints shall be air-tight. Surfaces of the joint shall be made burr free, porcelain parts by grinding and metal parts by machining. Bushing design shall be such as to ensure a uniform compressive pressure on the joints. All current carrying contact surfaces shall be silver plated. Bushings shall satisfactorily withstand the insulation level specified in the IEC Specification.

vi) vii) 3.19

SULPHUR HEXA FLUORIDE GAS (SF6 GAS) a. The SF6 gas shall comply with IEC 376, 376A &376 B and be suitable in all respects for use in the switch gear under the worst operating conditions, The high pressure cylinders in which the SF6 gas is shipped and stored at site shall comply with requirement of the following standards and regulations: i) ii) iii) c. IS: 4379 Identifications for the contents of industrial gas cylinder. IS: 7311 Seamless high carbon steel cylinders for permanent and high pressure liquefiable gases. The cylinders shall also meet Indian boiler regulations.


Test: SF6 gas shall be tested for purity, dew point, break down voltage, water contents as per IEC 376, 376A 7 376B and test certificates shall be furnished to owner indicating all the tests as per IEC 376 for each lot of SF6 gas.

3.20 AUXILIARY CONTACTS:The auxiliary switches (contacts) required for satisfactory operation of the circuit breaker including automatic reclosing (single shot three phases) ON/ OFF indicators both in control room and switch yard semaphore indicators in the mimic diagram in the control room and anti pumping in the mimic diagram in the control room and anti pumping features shall be provided on each circuit breaker and shall be clearly indicated in the bid and all these auxiliary switches shall be included in the scope of supply. In addition to the auxiliary switches mentioned above, the bidder shall provide as spares 10 auxiliary contacts each of the normally open and normally closed types which shall be used to operate the closing or opening of each of the three poles of circuit breakers. These spare switches shall be utilised for safety interlocking and other monitoring devices by the purchaser. Special contacts for use with the trip coils and single shot reclosing operations which permit the relative adjustment with respect to the travel of the circuit breaker shall also be provided. All auxiliary switches shall be placed in a weather proof galvanised casing and current rating of the switches shall be mentioned in the bid. There shall be provision to add more auxiliary switches at a later date and to convert the normally open contacts to the normally closed type and vice versa.

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Arrangement proposed for connecting control cables to the auxiliary switches shall be clearly stated. Provision shall be made for suitable cable glands for receiving control cable for terminating connections in the auxiliary switches. 3.21 TOTAL BREAK TIME:

3.21.1 The "Total Break Time" as specified in clause 3.6, "Principal Parameters" of this section shall not be exceeded under any of the following duties: i) ii) Test duties 1,2,3,4,5 (with TRV as per IEC) Short line fault L90, L75 (with TRV as per IEC-56).

3.21.2 The Bidder may please note that there is only one specified break time of the breaker which shall not be exceeded under any duty conditions specified such as with the combined variation of the trip coil voltage, (70-110%) pneumatic/ pressure and arc extinguishing medium pressure etc. while furnishing the proof for the total break time of complete circuit breaker, the Bidder may specifically bring out the effect of non-simultaneity between contracts within a pole or between poles and show how it is covered in the guaranteed total break time. 3.21.3 The values guaranteed shall be supported with the type test reports. 3.22 OPERATING MECHANISM AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENTS: i) Each circuit breaker shall be designed for remote control from the control room in addition there shall be provision for local tripping & closing operations both by electrical & pneumatic control. Mechanical arrangement should also be provided to facilitate manual tripping of circuit breaker for emergency trip when DC is not available or tripping coil is burnt or trip lever mechanism becomes defective etc., under healthy arc quenching medium condition. Only spring type tripping & closing mechanisms are acceptable. It may be noted offers for pneumatic or other type of mechanisms shall not be considered. The mechanism shall be adequately designed & capable of performing satisfactorily the specified tripping and re-closing duty indicated above within the time specified. The entire operating mechanism control circuitry including electrical controls & monitoring devices and all other accessories, etc., as required, shall be housed in an outdoor type, hot dip galvanised steel enclosure. This enclosure shall conform to the degree of protection IP-55 of BIS 2147. The enclosure shall be invariably mounted on a separate concrete plinth of 300 mm height. However in case due to IP-55 protection limitations, if operating mechanism is mounted below the pole housing, in that case it should be possible for operating personnel to charge the spring from ground level including making ON/OFF operation without using any stool or platform. Please note manually spring charging mechanism should be such that the operator shall charge the spring from the front side only. All working parts in the mechanism shall be of corrosion resistant material. All bearings which require greasing, shall be equipped with pressure grease fittings. Bearing pins, bolts, nuts and other parts shall Page No. 125 C.E.



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132KV KONI S/S be adequately pinned or blocked to prevent loosening or charging adjustment with repeated operation of the breaker.


The design of the operating mechanism shall be such that it shall be practically maintenance free. The guaranteed years of maintenance free operation, the number of full load and full rated short circuit current breaking/operation without requiring any maintenance or overhauling, shall be clearly stated in the bid. As far as possible the need for lubricating the operating mechanism shall be kept to the minimum and eliminated altogether if possible. The operating mechanism shall be suitable for high speed three phase re-closing. It shall be non-pumping and trip free electrically and mechanically under every method of closing. A latch checking switch shall be provided on mechanically trip free mechanism to prevent reclosing before the breaker latches have reset. There shall be no objectionable rebounds in the mechanism and it shall not require any critical adjustments at site. It shall be string, rigid, positive and fast in operation. Mechanism shall be such that the failure of any auxiliary spring will not cause tripping or closing. Operation of the power operated closing device, when the circuit breaker is already closed, shall not cause damage to the circuit beaker or endanger the operator life. Provision shall be made for attaching an operation analyser similar to concinnatic operation analyser to facilitate speed test after installation of the breaker at site. ON-OFF indicating lamps shall be provided on the mechanism box. A mechanical indicator shall be provided to show open and close position of the breaker in addition to facilitate remote electrical indication. An operation counter shall also be provided in the central control cabinet. The mechanical indicator and operation counter shall be located in a position where it will be visible to a man standing on the ground level with the mechanism housing closed. Should the settings of the three breaker poles not be the same (e.g. failure of an operating or closing coil) all three poles shall trip simultaneously on appropriate electrical pneumatic command. An out of step relay shall be supplied with each breaker to give a remote trip discrepancy alarm. Should the most unlikely situation occur in SF6 breakers where there is a substantial pressure loss in a pole already open, the main interrupting chamber column should be blocked off (by a non return valve) so that the main interrupting chambers remain pressurised and can retain their full insulating capacity for several more hours. Circuit breaker operating mechanism shall incorporate an electrically achieved positive acting anti-pumping feature to prevent the circuit breaker from re-closing after an automatic opening when the initiating






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132KV KONI S/S closing device is maintained in the position for closing. Necessary antipumping relay shall be included in the scope of supply.

x) xi) xii)

The Bidder shall furnish detailed operation and maintenance manual of the mechanism along with the operation manual for the circuit beaker. All material for making connection between the circuit breaker and its local control cabinet shall be included in the scope of supply. All the similar contacts of 3 pole circuit breaker shall be designed to touch or open essentially simultaneously & in any case shall close or open within a period of half a cycle or less. The auxiliary circuit through resistors shall be closed in sufficient time before the main contacts closes to ensure that the over-voltage will be held to guarantee value under most favourable sequence of contact closing. MOTOR COMPRESSED SPRING CHARGING MECHANISM: Spring operated mechanism shall be complete with motor, opening & closing spring with Visual indication for spring charged / discharged condition and all necessary accessories to make the mechanism a complete operating unit. Each mechanism shall be so designed as to enable a continuous sequence of circuit breaker opening and closing operations to be obtained by the control switch as long as power is available to the motor and at least one circuit breaker opening and closing after failure of power supply to the motor. Breaker operation shall be independent of the motor which shall be used solely for the purpose of compressing the closing spring. Motor rating shall be such that it required only about 30 seconds for fully charging the closing spring. Closing action of the circuit breaker shall compress the opening spring ready for tripping. Motors for spring charging mechanism shall operate satisfactorily at all supply voltages between 85% and 110% of the rated voltage. Spring charging motor shall be AC motor (Single or 3 phase 230/ 400 volts). DC Motors are not acceptable. The mechanism shall be capable of performing the rated operating duty cycle of 0-0.3 sec-CO-3 min-CO as per IEC: 56. and in the event of failure of power supply to spring charging motor, the mechanism shall be capable of performing one sequence of 0-0.3 Sec-CO duty. Facility shall be provided for manual charging of closing springs by operating personnel from ground level. The close and trip circuits shall be designed to permit use of momentary contact switches and push buttons. Each breaker pole shall be provided with the independent tripping circuits, valves and coils, each connected to a different set of protective relays. The trip coils circuit shall be such that to facilitate trip circuit supervision in Pre & post closing the control panel of control room. The


xiv) 3.23

CONTROL: i) ii)

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132KV KONI S/S trip circuit supervision relay & necessary terminals shall be provided in the central control cabinet of the circuit breaker by the Bidder. Two trip coils shall be arranged separately suitable for the operation through two different DC sources. Separate DC fuse circuit shall be wired with schematic connections to monitor the healthiness of both trip coils individually.


The breaker shall normally be operated by remote electrical control. The electrical tripping shall be performed by shunt trip coils. However, provisions shall be made for local electrical control. For this purpose a local / remote selector switch and close and trip push buttons shall be provided in the breaker central control cabinet. Remote located push buttons and indicating lamps shall also be provided by the bidder in the control room panel. A conveniently located manual mechanical tripping lever or push button shall also be provided for tripping the breaker and simultaneously opening the re-closing circuit. Closing coil shall operate correctly at all values of voltage between 70% and 110% of the rated voltage of closing coil. Shunt trip coils shall operate correctly under all operating conditions of the circuit breaker up to the rated breaking capacity of the circuit breaker and at all values of DC supply voltage between 70% and 110% of rated voltage. However, even at 50% of rated voltage, the breaker shall be able to perform all its duties. If additional elements are introduced in the trip coil circuit their successful operation and reliability for similar applications on outdoor circuit shall be clearly brought out in the additional information schedules. In the absence of adequate details the offer is likely to be rejected. Suitable relay for monitoring of DC Supply voltage to the control cabinet shall be provided. The pressure switches used for interlock purposes shall have adequate contact ratings to be directly used in the closing and tripping circuits. In case the contacts are not adequately rated and multiplying relays are used then the interlock for closing/ opening operation of breaker shall be with NO logic of the relay i.e. if the DC supply to the interlock circuit fails operation lockout shall take place. The auxiliary switch of the breaker be preferably positively driven by the breaker operating rod and where due to construction features, same is not possible a plug in device shall be provided to simulate the opening and closing operations of circuit breaker for the purpose of testing control circuits. INTERLOCKS: It is proposed to electrically interlock the circuit breaker with associated air break isolating switches in accordance with switchyard safety interlocking scheme. All accessories required on






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132KV KONI S/S breaker side for satisfactory operation of the scheme shall be deemed to be included in the scope of supply.


SUPPORT STRUCTURE: The price of support structure, foundation bolts and operating platform etc. should be included in the price of the circuit breakers. The support structure shall meet the following requirements:i) The minimum vertical clearance from any energised metal part to the bottom of the circuit breaker (structure) base, where it rests on the foundation pads shall be 4.6 meters for 132 KV. The minimum clearance between the live parts and earth shall be 1.3 meters for 145 KV circuit breakers.



FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES: Following is a partial list of some of the major fittings and accessories to be furnished by Bidder as an integral part of equipment. Number and exact location of these parts shall be indicated in the bid. a) Operating mechanism housing in accordance with no.2.14 & shall be complete with i) Padlocks and duplicating keys, ii) trip coils/ closing coil, iii) Space heater equipped with industrial grade switch. iv) Cable glands. v) Industrial grade receiptable type pin 15 Amps, power plug & socket with switch. vi) Local/ remote changeover switch. vii) Manually operated tripping Push button / lever (mechanical device conveniently located to trip all three phases simultaneously). viii) Pistol grip circuit breaker control switch having trip /normal / close position. ix) Terminal Boards. x) Spring charged / discharged indicator. xi) Operation counter. xii) Facility for manual charging of spring (from front side only). xiii) Pneumatic pressure gauges. xiv) Fuses/ MCBs as required for AC & DC supply. xv) The number of terminals provided shall be adequate enough to wire out all contacts and control circuits plus 20% spare terminals for owner's use. All the terminals connector shall be of stud type. xvi) Manual charging spring operating handle for maintenance. xvii) Auxiliary switch. xviii) Mechanical ON & OFF Indicator. xix) Cubicle lamp with cage & switch. xx) Anti-pumping relay. Set of 6 nos. gravity die cast terminal connector clamps.


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TR11/44 c) d) 3.26

132KV KONI S/S Rating and diagram plate in accordance with IEC incorporating year of manufacture. SF6 gas leakage detector.

SURFACE FINISH, PAINTING & GALVANIZING i) All interiors and exteriors of tanks, mechanism, enclosures, cabinets and other metal parts shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all rust, scales, corrosion, greases or other adhering foreign matter. All steel surfaces in contact with insulating oil, as far as accessible, shall be painted with not less than two coats of heat resistant, oil insoluble, insulating paint. Steel surfaces exposed to the weather shall be hot dip galvanised. All metal surfaces exposed to atmosphere shall be given two primer coats of zinc chromate and two coats of epoxy paint with epoxy base thinner. All metal parts not accessible for painting shall be made of corrosion resisting material. All machine finished or bright surfaces shall be coated with a suitable preventive compound and suitably wrapped or otherwise protected. All paints shall be carefully selected to withstand tropical heat and extremes of weather within the limits specified. The paint shall not scale off or wrinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling. All external paintings shall be as per shade no. 697 of IS: 5. All ferrous hardware exposed to atmosphere shall be hot dip galvanised. Galvanizing : All ferrous parts & steel structure including all sizes of nuts, bolts plain and spring washers, support channels, structures, etc. shall be hot dip galvanised to conform to latest version of IS: 2629 or any other equivalent authoritative standard.


iii) iv)


EARTHING: The operating mechanism housing, cabinets, dead tanks, support structure etc shall be provided with two separate earthing terminals suitable for bolted connection to 50 x 8 mm MS flat to be provided for connection to station earth mat. RATING AND NAME PLATE Circuit breaker and its operating device shall be provided with a rating plate or plates marked with but not limited to following data: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Manufacturer's name or trade mark. Serial number or type designation making it possible to get all the relevant information from the manufacturer. Year of manufacture. Rated nominal / highest voltage. Rated insulation level. Rated frequency. Rated normal current.


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TR11/44 viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) xix)

132KV KONI S/S Rated capacitive /inductive breaking current. Rated short circuit breaking current. First pole to clear factor. Rated duration of short circuit. Rated auxiliary DC supply voltage of closing and opening devices. Rated pressure of compressed Air for operation and interruption. Rated out of phase breaking current. Rated AC supply voltage of auxiliary circuits. Rated DC supply voltages of auxiliary circuits. Mass of circuit breaker. Owner's Purchase order number & date The rating plate shall be visible in position of normal service and installation. The rating plate shall be weather proof and corrosion proof.


LIMITS OF TEMPERATURE RISE: The temperature rise and the maximum temperature attained on any part of equipment when in service at site under continuous full load conditions and exposed continuously to the direct rays of the sun shall not exceed the maximum temperature rise specified below in the table. The permissible temperature rise indicated in the table is for a maximum ambient, temperature of 50 deg. C. If the maximum ambient temperature rises, permissible values shall be reduced accordingly. Maximum values of Temperat ure 105 temperature rise at a maximum ambient air temperature not exceeding 50C 55

S.No .

Nature Of The Part Or of the Liquid

4 5

Contacts In Air Silver Faced Copper, Copper Alloys Or Aluminium Alloys (See Notes 1 &2) Bare Copper Or Tinned Aluminium Alloy. Contacts In Oil Silver Faced Copper Alloy Or Aluminium Alloy (See Notes 2) Bare Copper Or Tinned Aluminium Alloys Terminal To Be Connected To External Conductor By Screws Or Bolts, Silver Faced (See Notes 3) Metal Parts Acting As Springs Metal Parts In Contact With Insulation Of Following Clauses Class Y: For Non Impregnated Materials



90 80 105

40 30 55

See note iv

See note iv



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TR11/44 Maximum values of Temperat ure 100

132KV KONI S/S temperature rise at a maximum ambient air temperature not exceeding 50C 50

S.No .

Nature Of The Part Or of the Liquid

a. b. a. b. a. b.

Class A: For Materials Immersed In Oil Or Impregnated Class E In Air In Oil Class B In Air In Oil Class F In Air In Oil Enamel: Oil Base a. Synthetic In Air b. Synthetic In Oil Any Part Of Metal Or Of Insulating Material In Contact With Oil Except Contacts Oil

120 100 130 100 155 100 100 120 100 100

70 50 80 50 105 50 50 70 50 50



Notes: i)


iii) iv)

While applying the temperature rise of 55 deg. C, care should be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding insulating materials. The quality of the silver facing stall be such that a layer of silver remains at the points of contact after the mechanical endurance test. Otherwise, the contacts shall be regarded as "bare". The values of temperature and temperature rise are valid whether or not the conductor connected to the terminals is silver-faced. The temperature shall not reach a value where the elasticity of the material is impaired. For pure copper, this implies a temperature limit of 75 C.

3.30 ISOLATING SWITCHES: The incoming power supply isolating switch, operating handle shall be interlocked with the control cabinet door so as to prevent opening of door when main switch is closed. Device for by-passing the door interlock shall also be provided. Switch handle shall have provision for locking in both fully open and fully closed positions. 3.31 FUSES: All fuses shall be of the HRC cartridge type, conforming to IS: 2208 and suitable for mounting on plug-in type of fuse bases. Fuses shall be provided with visible operation indicators to show that they have operated. All Page No. 132 C.E.

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accessible live connections shall be adequately shrouded, and it shall be possible to change fuses with the circuit alive, without danger of contact with live conductor. Insulated fuses pulling handle shall be supplied with each control cabinet. 3.32 TERMINAL CONNECTORS: Terminal clamp for 132 KV Circuit breakers shall be suitable for Zebra ACSR conductors. Clamps shall be designed adequately to take care of any bimetallic effect. The temperature at the clamp shall not exceed 80 deg. C. Corona rings shall be provided at the breaker terminals to control the radio interference. Two numbers grounding terminals for connection with station earth mat shall be provided on each circuit breaker. Size of the earthing pad shall be suitable for 50 x 8 or 60 x 8 M.S. flat. a) The terminal connectors also meet the following requirements: i) Terminal connectors shall be manufactured and tested as per IS: 5561. ii) All castings shall be free from blow holes, surface blisters, cracks and cavities. All sharp edges and corners shall be blurred and rounded off. Compression type of clamps should be supplied. iii) No part of a clamp shall be less than 12 mm thick. iv) The nut, bolts & washers used in current carrying path shall be hot dip galvanized. v) For bimetallic connectors, copper alloy liner of minimum thickness of 2 mm shall be integral with aluminium body. vi) Flexible connectors shall be made from tinned copper/ aluminium sheets. vii) All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured to have minimum contact resistance. viii) Connectors shall be designed to be corona free in accordance with the requirements stipulated in IS: 5561.



Terminal connector shall be tested for short circuit current capability test, temperature rise test, corona test etc. The terminal connectors should be manufactured by gravity die-casting process only. SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL CABINETS: i) Control cabinets shall be of the free standing floor mounting type. ii) Operating mechanism and all accessories shall be enclosed in a weather & vermin proof mechanism cabinet of hot dip galvanised sheet steel construction. The thickness of which shall not be less than 3 mm intended for outdoor operation. Control cabinets shall be provided with a hinged door. The door hinges shall be of union Joint type and giving access to the mechanism at the front and sides shall be properly braced to prevent wobbling. Suitable gasket shall be provided to make the mechanism housing water proof and dust proof. The housing latch shall accommodate padlock requiring a 12 mm dia hole. Padlock and duplicate keys shall be furnished by the bidder. Equipment and devices shall be suitable for operation on a 400 V, 3 phase 4 wire 50 Hz AC system or single phase 230 volts 2 wire Page No. 133 C.E.


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132KV KONI S/S systems. The frequency can vary between 95% to 105% of normal frequency of 50 Hz and voltage from 110% to 75% of normal value.


Busbar shall be of tinned copper of adequate cross-section to carry the normal current, without exceeding the permissible temperature rise over an ambient temperature of 50 deg. C outside the cubicle. The buses shall be braced to withstand forces corresponding to short circuit current of 25 KA Motors rated 1 KW and above being controlled from the control cabinet would be suitable for operation on a 400 V, 3 phase 50 Hz system. Fractional KW motors would be suitable for operation on a 230 V, 1 phase, 50 Hz supply system. Isolating switches shall be group operated units (3 pole for use on 3phase supply systems and 2 pole for single phase supply systems) quick make quick break type, capable of Breaking safely and without deterioration, the rated current of the associated circuit. Control cabinet door shall be interlocked with the operating handle of the switch so as to prevent opening of the door when the switch is closed. A device for bypassing the door interlock shall also be provided. Switch handle shall have provision for locking in both fully open and fully closed positions. Fuses shall be HRC cartridge link type having prospective current rating of not less than 46 KA (r.m.s.). They shall be provided with visible operation indicators to show when they have operated. One fuse pulling handle shall be supplied for every ten fuses or a part thereof. Push button shall be rated for not less than 6 Amps, 400 V AC. or 2 Amp, 110V DC and shall be flush mounted on the cabinet door and provided with Red, Green and Amber indicating lamps shall be flush mounted and provided with series resistors to eliminate the possibility of short circuiting of control supply in the event of fusing of lamps. For motors upto 5 KW, contractors shall be direct-on-line, air break single throw type and shall be suitable for making and breaking the stalled current of the associated motor which shall be assumed equal to 6.5 times the full load current of the motor at 0.2 p.f. For motors above 5 KW, automatic star delta type starters shall be provided. 3 pole contactors shall be furnished for 3 phase motors and 2-pole contactors for single phase motors. Reversing contactors shall be provided with electrical interlocks between forward and reverse contractors. If possible mechanical interlock shall also be provided. Contactors shall be suitable for uninterrupted duty and shall be of duty category class AC4 as defined in IS: 2959. The main contacts of the contactors shall be Silver plated and the insulation class for the coils shall be class E or better. The dropout voltage of the contactors shall not exceed 70% of the rated voltage. Contactors shall be provided with a three element Positive acting, ambient Temperature compensated, time lagged, hand reset type thermal overload relay with adjustable setting. Hand reset button shall be flush with the front door of the cabinet and suitable for resetting with







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132KV KONI S/S starter compartment door closed, Relays shall be either direct connected or CT operated depending on the rated motor current.

xi) xii) xiii)

Single phasing preventing relays provided for 3 phase motors to provide positive protection against single phasing. Mini starters shall be provided with no volt coils whenever required. Power cables will be of 1100/650 volts grade stranded aluminium conductor. PVC insulated, PVC sheathed single steel wire armoured and PVC jacketed. All necessary cable terminating accessories such as glands, crimp type tinned copper lugs etc. for power as well as control cables shall be included in Bidder's scope of supply. Requisite number of suitable brass cables glands shall be provided for cable entry at the bottom of the operating cabinet to receive purchasers Control cables. Number & size of cable glands will be intimated to the successful bidders. These shall be mounted in accessible position and floor level so joints can be made easily. Cable glands shall be double compression type. Stud type terminal blocks shall be provided in the mechanism housing for terminating circuits of various voltage classes. Terminals for DC & AC shall be provided separately and isolated from each other. CT loads shall be terminated on a separate block and shall have provision for short circuiting the CT secondary terminals. Terminals for the control & other circuits shall be suitable for accommodating 3 mm stranded conductor cable leads. The terminal strip should be provided at least 0.5 meter above the bottom base plate of CRP for ease of termination. A minimum of 06 spares terminals for control wiring shall be provided. The housing shall be complete with all necessary wiring. Wiring for all control circuits shall be carried out with 1100/ 650 volts grade PVC insulated tinned copper stranded conductors of sizes not smaller than 2.5 m.m. at least 20% spare terminal blocks for control wire terminations shall be provided on each panel. The terminal blocks shall be ELMEX type or equivalent. All terminals shall be provided with ferrules indelibly marked or numbered and these identifications shall correspond to the designations on the relevant wiring diagrams. The stud type terminals shall be rated for adequate capacity which shall not be less than 10 Amperes. Control cabinet shall be provided with 230 V, 1 phase 50 Hz, 20 W fluorescent light fixture and a suitably rated 230V, 1 phase, 5 amps, 3 pin socket for hand lamps. Suitably rated switches shall be provided to enable the control supply to the breaker to be cut off from the mechanism housing. Suitable strip heaters shall be provided inside each cabinet with thermostat to prevent moisture condensation. Heaters shall be controlled by suitably rated industrial switch unit with fuse shall be provided. Heater shall be suitable for 230 volts AC supply unless otherwise specified.





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xviii) Signal lamps provided shall be of neon screw type with series resistors, enclosed in bakelite body. Each signal lamp shall be provided with a fuse integrally mounted in the lamp body. xix) xx) Items inside the cabinet made of organic material shall be coated with a fungus resistant varnish. All doors, panels removable covers and breaker openings shall be gasketed all around. All louvers shall have screen and filters. Cabinet shall be dust, moisture and vermin proof.


MOTORS: I) Motors shall be "squirrel cage" three phase induction motors or self starting single phase motor of sufficient size capable of satisfactory operation for the applications and duty as required for driven equipment. II) STATOR FRAME: The stator frame and all external parts of the motor shall be rigid, fabricated steel or of casting. They shall be suitably annealed to eliminate any residual stresses introduced during the process of fabrication and machining. a) Stator Core: The stator laminations shall be made from suitable grade magnetic sheet steel varnished an both sides. They shall be pressed and clamped adequately to reduce the core and teeth vibrations to minimum. b) Insulation and Winding: i. All insulated winding conductor shall be of copper. The overall motor winding insulation shall be conventional class B type. The winding shall be suitable for successful operation in hot, humid and tropical climate with the ambient temperature of 50 deg. C. The insulation shall be given fungicidal and tropical treatment as per IS: 3202. ii. Any joints in the motor insulation such as at coil connections or between slot and winding section shall have strength equivalent to that of slot section of the coil. iii. For 400 Volt motors, after the coils are placed in slots and all connections are made, entire motor assembly shall be impregnated by completely submerging core and winding in suitable insulating compound or varnish followed by proper baking. At least two additional submersions and bakes shall be applied either making a total of at least three submersions and bake treatment. III) ROTOR: a) b) c) Rotors shall be adequately designed to avoid overheating during the starting and running conditions. Rotors shall be properly balanced so as to keep the vibration under running condition within the limits. Rotors of induction motors shall be of rigid core construction with bars firmly secured and solidly bonded to the end rings. The end rings assembly shall be such that it is free to move with

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132KV KONI S/S expansion of the bars without distortion. The connection of the bars to the end ring shall be made by brazing or fusion welding. Rotors shall be so designed as to keep the combined critical speed with the driven equipment away from the running speed by atleast 20%. Rotors shall also be designed to withstand 120% of the rated speed for 2 minutes in either direction of rotation. All high speed rotors shall be constructed with provision of rebalancing the rotor on its site position without major disassembly.


e) f)


BEARINGS: a. Depending upon the capacity and loading conditions, the supplier shall design suitable grease lubricated or oil lubricated bearings. Greased ball and roller bearing when used shall be of reputed make subject to purchasers approval. The minimum standard life of the bearing shall not be less than 30,000 working hours taking all motor and driven loads into account these shall be pressure grease gun lubricated type fitted with grease nipples and shall have grease relief devices. Bearing shall be so constructed that the loss of grease and its creeping alongwith shaft into motor housing is prevented. It shall also prevent dirt and water from getting into the motor. Unless otherwise approved bearing lubrication system shall be such that no external forced oil or water is necessary to maintain the required oil supply or to keep bearing temperature within permissible limits. For oil lubricated bearings drain plugs shall be provided for draining any residual oil when required.




e. V)

ENCLOSURES: a. Motors to be installed outdoor shall have hose proof enclosure equivalent to IP-55 as per IS: 4691. For motors to be installed indoor, the enclosure shall be dust proof to IP-54 as per IS: 4691. Two independent earthing points shall be provided on opposite sides of the motor for bolted connection of earthing conductor. Motors shall have drain plugs so located that they will drain water resulting from condensation or other causes from all pockets in the motor casing. Motors weighing more Than 25 Kg small be provided with eyebolts, lugs or other means to facilitate lifting.

b. c.

d. VI)

COOLING METHOD: Motors shall be of self ventilated type having TEFC (totally enclosed fan cooled) enclosure.

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TR11/44 VII)


RATING PLATE: The rating plate shall conform to the requirements of IEC incorporating the year of manufacture.

VIII) OPERATIONAL FEATURES: a) Continuous motor rating (name plate rating) shall be at least ten (10) percent above the maximum load demand of the driven equipment at design duty point and the motor shall not be overloaded at any operating point of driven equipment that will arise in service. b) Motors shall be capable of giving rated output without reduction in expected life span when operated continuously in the system having the particulars as given in principal parameters. IX) STARTING REQUIREMENTS. a) All induction motors shall be suitable for full voltage direct-online starting. These shall be capable of starting and accelerating to the rated speed alongwith the driven equipment without exceeding the acceptable winding temperature even when the supply voltage drops down to 85% of the rated voltage. b) Motors shall be capable of withstanding the electro-dynamic stresses and heating imposed if it is started at a voltage of 110% of the rated value. c) The locked rotor current shall not exceed six (6) times the rated full load current for all motors, subject to tolerance as given in IS: 325. d) Motors, when started with the driven equipment imposing full starting torque under the supply voltage conditions specified under clause 8.31.9 (a) above, shall be capable of withstanding atleast two successive starts from cold condition at room temperature and one start from hot condition without injurious heating of winding. The motors shall also be suitable for three equally spread starts per hour under the above referred supply condition. e) The locked rotor withstand time under hot condition at 110% of rated voltage shall be more than starting time with the driven equipment of minimum permissible voltage by atleast two seconds or 15% of the accelerating time whichever is greater. In case it is not possible to meet the above requirement, the supplier shall offer centrifugal type speed switch mounted on the motor shaft which shall remain closed for speeds lower than 20% and open for speeds above 20% of the rated speed. The speed switch shall be capable of withstanding 120% of the rated speed in either direction of rotation. 3.35 TESTS & TEST REPORTS i. All the equipment offered, shall be fully type tested as per the relevant standards. In case the equipment of the type and design offered has already been type tested, the supplier shall furnish two sets of the type Page No. 138 C.E.

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132KV KONI S/S test reports along with the offer. For any change in the design/ type already type tested and the design/ type offered against this specification the purchaser reserves the right to demand repetition of tests without any extra cost. In case the equipment have not been type tested earlier, all the type tests as per relevant standards shall be carried out by the successful supplier in the presence of purchasers representative without any extra cost. Bidder shall indicate the manufacturers standard routine tests. Bidder shall completely assemble and test each breaker to ensure satisfactory working of all component Parts and also assembled breakers as a whole. Routine test and acceptance test as per latest IEC publication shall be carried out on breakers without any extra cost. All vessels and accessories which operate under pressure shall be tested according to relevant standards and adequate number of copies of test certificates shall be submitted. All tests shall be conducted in accordance with the latest IEC Standards and in the presence of purchasers representative The bidder shall give advance notice of readiness for inspection of components parts and / or before final assembly and tests so that purchasers representative may witness such final and acceptance tests before shipment. Purchasers representative may at any time inspect and copy any or all test data. Speed curves for each breaker shall be obtained with the help of a suitable operation analyser to determine the breaker contact movement during opening, closing, auto-reclosing and trip free operation under, normal as well as limiting operating conditions (control voltage, pneumatic pressure etc.). The tests shall show the speed of contacts directly at various stages of operation, travel of contacts, opening time, closing time, shortest time between separation and meeting of contacts at break/ make operation etc. This test shall also be performed at site for which the necessary operation analyser along with necessary transducers, cables, console etc. shall be provided if required. A preliminary copy of the test results shall be supplied for approval before despatch shipment of the circuit breakers two copies of complete test results shall be furnished with the circuit breakers. These shall include complete reports and results of the routine test. ADDITIONAL TESTS: The purchaser reserves the right for carrying out any other tests of a reasonable nature at the works of the supplier/laboratory or at any other recognized laboratory/ research institute in addition to the above mentioned type, acceptance and routine tests at the cost of the purchaser to satisfy that the material complies with the intent of this specification.








INSPECTION: i. ii. The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/ routine testing of the bought out items. No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the material has been satisfactorily inspected and tested. Page No. 139

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TR11/44 iii.

132KV KONI S/S The supplier shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out items and raw material at the time of routine testing of the fully assembled breaker.


DOCUMENTATION i. All drawings shall conform to International Standards Organisation (ISO) 'A' series of drawing sheet/ Indian Standards Specification IS.656. All drawings shall be in ink and suitable for micro filming. All dimensions and data shall be in S.I. Units. ii. List of Drawings and Documents: The supplier shall furnish sets of relevant descriptive and illustrative published literature pamphlets and the following drawings for preliminary study along with the offer. a) b) General outline drawings showing dimensions and shipping weights, quantity of insulating media, air receiver capacity etc., Sectional views the general constructional features of the circuit breaker including operating mechanism, arcing chambers, contacts with lifting dimensions for maintenance. All drawings & data typical and recommended schematic diagram for control supervision & reclosing. Drawings & details of terminal connectors. Structural drawing, design calculations and loading data for support structures. General arrangement of foundation structure mounting plan including weights of various components and impact loading data for foundation design. Type test reports of short circuit withstand capability of 3 sec including oscillogram & relevant certificate of similar type tested breaker. ******

c) d) e) f)


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TR11/44 4)



SCOPE: This Specification covers design, Manufacturing, testing, and supply of 33 KV Vacuum Circuit Breakers complete with all accessories required for its satisfactory operation in the system. TYPE AND RATING: The circuit breaker shall be suitable for outdoor operation under the climatic conditions, as specified in Tender specification, without any protection from sun and rain. The circuit breaker shall have the following rating:S.No. Particulars i) Number of poles ii) Frequency iii) Nominal system voltage iv) Highest system voltage(Rated) v) Interrupting capacity at nominal system voltage vi) Rated continuous current (RMS) vii) Basic insulation level viii) Power frequency withstand voltage for one minute ix) Total break-time for any current upto the rated breaking current. x) Control circuit voltage xi) Operating duty for gang operation xii) xiii) The VCB shall be suitable for one reclosing followed by one delayed reclosing and lock out. Minimum clearances:(a)Between phases (b)Between live parts & ground (d) Creepage distance IR value live part to earth Fault level for 1 Sec. 33 KV VCB 3 Nos. 50 Cycles 33KV 36 KV 1500 MVA 1600 Amps. 170 KV Peak 70 KV 3 Cycles (Max 60 MS) 110 V DC-DC 0-0.3Sec-CO-3 Min-C0



xiv) xv)

360 mm 3700 mm 900 mm or more 50 G ohm 25 KA

The above are our minimum requirement. The suppliers may offer their standard design, keeping in view our minimum requirements. 4.3 STANDARDS:The circuit breakers shall comply with the requirements of IEC 56 or IS-13118 (1991) with latest amendment thereof except wherein specified otherwise. Equipment, meeting any other authoritative standard, which ensures equal or better quality then the standards mentioned above, will also be acceptable. The bidders shall clearly indicate the applicable standards to which their equipment complies-with. A copy of such standard, may also be enclosed. 4.4 GENERAL:-

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The circuit breaker shall be of porcelain clad vacuum type. The breaker, complete in all respect, shall be supplied with all accessories in place and all internal wiring installed and terminated in the mechanism housing and the equipment shall be complete in all respects. The circuit breaker shall provide rapid and smooth interruption of current under all conditions, completely suppressing all undesirable phenomena, even under the most severe and persistent short-circuit conditions or when interrupting small current or leading/lagging reactive currents. The details of any device incorporated to limit or control the rate of rise of restriking voltage across the circuit breaker contacts shall be stated. The over voltage caused by the circuit breaker switching on inductive or capacitive load shall not exceed 3.2 times the normal phase to neutral voltage. The total break-time for the circuit breaker, throughout the range of breaker operating duty, shall be stated in the tender and shall be guaranteed. The breaker shall be fit for capacitor switching (breaking) capacity atleast 400 Amps for Single Capacitor Bank breaking current.The breakers shall be provided with trip free mechanism. Circuit breakers shall be suitable for mounting on steel structures. The cost of necessary frames for mounting the circuit breakers shall be included in the offered prices. All the structures shall be hot dip galvanized with 3 dips. Please note that cantilever type supports for mechanism box are not acceptable. The mechanism box shall have firm supports from bottom. This is necessary to minimize vibration of mechanism box, which in turn may disturb various settings. The mechanism box shall be centrally mounted in front of the middle pole, Breaker with mechanism box mounted by the side of one of the extreme poles is not acceptable. The purchaser intends to operate the rural 33 KV feeders with automatic reclosing scheme, the arrangement envisaged is as under:On the occurrence of a fault the concerned protective relay will open the circuit breaker as per its own characteristic. Thereafter, the breaker shall reclose but after pre-set time delay, which shall be adjustable (say range 4-10 sec. or near about).There shall be no further automatic reclosing. A simple type of reclosing relay (reputed make) for this purpose shall be provided under this kind of operation. It is also necessary that the breaker shall be suitable for this reclosing duty. 4.5 SPECIFICATION FOR CIRCUIT BREAKER:The circuit breakers shall consist of three identical phase units with a common operating mechanism. While offering the circuit breaker, the following details should be confirmed and furnished:Complete construction details of the equipment offered. It should be noted that the breakers should be suitable for outdoor duty, indoor breakers accommodated in outdoor kiosks are not acceptable. Type, Make & source of vacuum bottles with relevant details shall be indicated in the offer, clearly. The capacity of breaker to interrupt inductive and capacitive currents shall be indicated in the offer (rating of capacitor bank should be stated and type test report shall be furnished). Page No. 142

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TR11/44 4.6


VACUUM INTERRUPTER:The design of the vacuum interrupter shall be such that it gives trouble free operation under normal load and fault conditions throughout the life of the equipment. As the efficiency of the breaker depends on the degree of vacuum inside the interrupter manufacturer shall ensure that the same is maintained consistently during service. To know the Residual life of vacuum interrupter, an indicator to indicate the status of contact erosion shall be provided. The insulating ceramic body of the interrupter should have high mechanical strength and it should be capable of withstanding high temperature without any significant deterioration in its mechanical and electrical properties. The metal/alloy used for the fixed and moving contacts shall have very low resistivity and low gas content. They should be resistant to arc erosion and the contact should have no tendency to get cold-welded under the high vacuum in the interrupter. The interrupter design should ensure rapid denomination of the gas so that normal electrical strength of the gap is restored instantaneously. The metallic below or any other similar vacuum sealing arrangement should be provided at the moving contact and should have a long fatigue life. Manufacturers catalogue on vacuum bottle, indicating all the details shall essentially be submitted with the tender. TEMPERATURE RISE:The maximum temperature attained by any part of the equipment, when in service, at site, under continuous full load conditions, exposed to the direct rays of the sun, shall not exceed 45 degree centigrade, above ambient temperature. The limits of temperature rise shall be as per relevant standards. The corrections proposed shall be stated in the tender and shall be subject to approval of the purchaser. INSULATION OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER:- The insulation to ground, the insulation between open contacts and the insulation between phases of the completely assembled circuit breaker shall be capable of withstanding satisfactorily di-electric test voltage corresponding to specified basic insulation level in the standard.




INSULATORS:- The basic insulation level of the Insulator and insulating porcelains shall be as specified and porcelain shall be homogenous and free from cavities and other flaws. They shall be designed to have ample insulation, mechanical strength and rigidity for satisfactory operation under conditions specified above. All insulators of identical ratings shall be interchangeable. The puncture strength of the insulators shall be greater than the flash over value. The insulators shall be type tested from independent Govt. Lab. as per relevant standards. 4.10. OPERATING MECHANISM:4.10.1 The circuit breaker shall be designed for remote control from the control room and in addition there shall be provision for manual operation of circuit breakers during maintenance and for local tripping and closing by the normal means.

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4.10.2 The circuit breakers shall have operation control and mechanical open closed indicator in addition to facilities for remote electrical indication. 4.10.3 The operating mechanism shall be of the spring charging type by electric control under normal operation. The mechanism shall be trip free electrically and mechanically. The mechanism shall be capable of performing satisfactorily, the reclosing duty cycles indicated above, within the time specified. All working parts in the mechanism shall be of corrosion resistant material and all bearings which require greasing shall be equipped with pressured grease fittings. The mechanism shall be strong quick in action and shall be removable without disturbing the other parts of the circuit breaker. The mechanism and breaker shall be such that the failure of any spring will not prevent tripping and at the same time will not cause any false tripping or closing. The operating Mechanism should be motor operated spring charged type preferably without chain drive. The motor for spring charging shall be suitable for operation on 230 volt AC supply. The AC Motor should have overload protection. Provision should also be made for Mounting of Mechanism Box at an adequate height and gear ratios shall be so chosen that one man should be able to charge the spring, without any additional efforts. Please note that providing DC motor with rectifier/universal motor is not acceptable. 4.10.4 CONTROL CUBICLE:A common control cubicle shall be provided to house electrical, Controls, monitor devices and all other accessories except those which must be located on individual poles. The cubicle shall be IP 55 class protection and shall have weatherproof construction fabricated from sheet steel of minimum 2.5 mm. Thickness. The type test report on degree of protection test (IP--55) shall also be furnished. The cubicle shall have front access door with lock and keys, Space heater, internal illumination lamp, 3 pin 5A socket with individual ON-OFF switches shall be provided in the cubicle. For local operation following shall be provided:LOCAL/REMOTE selector switch TRIP/NORMAL/CLOSE control switches with pistol grip handle. 4.10.5 The control circuits shall be designed to operate on 110 V DC & it shall be possible to adopt to work on other voltages by simply changing the operating coils. The closing and tripping coils shall be designed to operate satisfactorily at any control voltage from 70% to 110% of the specified normal DC voltage. 4.10.6 AC Power supply for auxiliaries will be available at 230 volt single phase 50 C/s. 4.10.7 Necessary cable glands for the cables of the operating mechanism shall be provided. The cables used for operation are all un-armoured 2.5 sq. mm copper control cables of 1100 V grade. The cable glands shall be suitable for 1 no. 8 core and 2 nos. 4 core cables. 4.10.8 The Circuit breaker shall be provided with trip free Mechanism so that tripping instructions could over-ride the closing instructions. An additional tripping coil

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shall also be provided in the trip circuit. The second coil shall have separate tripping level arrangement in the mechanism so as to avail advantages of second trip coil. Two trip coil shall be arranged separately for the operation of two different DC sources. Separate DC fuse circuit and electrically wired for schematic connection such that the healthiness of both trip coils could be checked individually. 4.10.9 The circuit diagram of Control circuit of VCB along with operating instructions (DOS/DONT) shall be embossed on metallic plate duly laminated and the same shall be fixed on the rear door of the Control cubicle from inside. 4.10.10 WIRING:-Wiring shall be completed in all respects to ensure proper functioning of the control, protection, monitoring and interlocking schemes. a. All the wiring shall be carried out with 1100 V grade, PVC insulated stranded copper conductor of 2.5 Sq.mm. b. Each wire shall be identified at both ends with permanent markers bearing wire numbers as per wiring diagram. c. Wire termination shall be done with crimping type connectors with insulating sleeves. Wires shall not be spliced between terminals. d. All spare contacts of auxiliary switches etc. shall be wired upto terminal blocks in the control cubicle. 4.10.11 TERMINAL BLOCKS:Stud type Terminal blocks shall be of 1100 V grade box clamp type ELMEX 10 Sq mm or approved equivalent not more than two wires shall be connected in and terminal, Spare terminals equal in number to 20% of active terminals shall be provided. All the terminals should be of stud type only. Terminal block shall be such located as to allow easy access. Wiring shall be so arranged that individual wires of an external can be connected to consecutive terminals. 4.10.12 TERMINAL CONNECTORS:6 Nos Terminal connector suitable for Zebra conductor shall be supplied with each breaker. For ensuring uniformity and quality, the Company may decide to specify the design of terminal connector, the material and thickness of clamps. Further the compliance of which will have to be done by the supplier without any extra cost. Suitable earth connector for earthing connections shall also be supplied. The terminal connector should be stud type and the connector drawing shall be required to be got approved from the purchaser. 4.10.13 AUXILIARY CONTACTS:Eight numbers each of auxiliary contacts both of the normally open and normally closed types shall be provided in each circuit breaker for use in the remote indication and control scheme of the circuit breaker and for providing safety interlocking. Special contacts for use with trip coils which permit for relative adjustment with respect to the travel of the circuit breaker contact shall also be provided, wherever required. There shall be provision to add more auxiliary contacts at a later date. If required.

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4.10.14 ACCESSORIES:The vacuum circuit breaker shall be supplied as a complete unit with internal wiring installed and terminated in mechanism box and equipped with the following accessories:S.NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. PARTICULARS Motor operated spring charged mechanism Motor voltage- 230 V AC) Trip coils suitable for 110 V DC: Closing coil suitable for 110 V DC: Pistol grip C.B, Control switch having trip/ Normal/ Close position: Local/Remote selector switch Spring Charged indicator Manual operating handle for maintenance Facility for manual charging of spring Operation counter Auxiliary contacts 8 NO - 8 NC Anti pumping device suitable for 110V DC Terminal connectors suitable for connecting Zebra conductor Cubical illuminating lamp with cage & switch MCB for both AC and DC supply Spare terminal connectors Mechanical ON /OFF indicator Space Heater with thermostat and ON /OFF switch Power Type 3 PIN socket with ON /OFF switch (5A) Earthing terminals Duly laminated metallic Plate embossed with Circuit Diagram of control circuit of VCB along with Operating Instructions QTY. 1 No. 2 Nos. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1No. 1 No 1 No. 1 No. 1 Set 1 No. 6 Nos. 1 No. 1 No. each 20% of total terminals 1 No 1 No 1Set 2 Nos. 1 No.


Other standard accessories which are not specifically mentioned above, but are required for efficient and trouble free operation of breaker, should also be provided, without any extra cost. TYPE TESTS:-


4.12.1 Type test certificates on VCB for the following tests as per IS 13118 with latest amendment there of from any of the Govt. of independent Govt. approved Laboratory. Shall invariably be furnished:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) CSPTCL (Transmission) Short circuit duty test. Short time current rating test. Mechanical endurance test. Temperature rise test. Page No. 146 C.E.

TR11/44 (iv) (v)


4.12.2 4.12.3 4.12.4

4.13. 4.13.1 4.13.2

Lightning impulse voltage withstand test. Capacitor switching off duty test for single bank of atleast 400 Amps for Single capacitor bank breaking current. vi) Power Frequency with stand voltage test dry and wet vii) Degree of protection IP 55 for the Control Cubicle The above type test certificates must accompany drawings of type tested equipment duly signed by type testing authority. The above tests must not have been conducted on the equipment earlier than 5 years from the date of opening of bids. In case of any change in design of Breaker already type tested and the one offered against this specification the purchaser reserves the right to demand repetition of tests, without any extra cost. ACCEPTANCE AND ROUTINE TESTS:All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in relevant standards shall be carried out by the supplier in presence of purchaser representative. Immediately after finalisation of the programme of type testing, the suppliers shall give fifteen days advance intimation to the purchaser, to enable him depute his representative for witnessing the tests.

4.14 RATING PLATES:The detailed rating plate shall be as per IS and in addition, shall indicate serial number of the equipment manufacturers name our order number and date. 4.15 SCHEDULE OF IMPORTANT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / REQUIREMENT FOR 33 KV VCBs TO BE ORDERED AGAINST THIS TENDER Certain important technical specification requirements have been described hereunder. The requirement may please be studied and incorporated carefully in the equipment. 1) Please note that support structure shall be hot dip galvanized and this should be incorporated on OGA Drawing. Ensure furnishing details of loading on the structure both vertical and horizontal in normal condition as well as in broken wire condition at plinth level to develop foundation design of your make VCBs. This information should be indicated in general arrangement drawing. 2) Please note that all breakers shall be provided with trip free mechanism. In order to ensure full proof trip free operation of circuit breaker the design should ensure that the stored energy is definitely available for tripping operation before closing operation of circuit breaker is performed. In the absence of stored tripping energy closing operation is to be prevented. In order to improve reliability, circuit breaker shall be provided with double trip coil. However, as far as possible efforts should be made to provide both trip coils at different locations to actuate individual trip latch. Independent DC circuit may be provided for the two trip coils and a separate DC circuit for the closing coil. These two trip coils shall be


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132KV KONI S/S electrically wired upto control cubicle so that healthiness of both trip coils could be checked individually.


The circuit breaker shall be designed for remote control from the control room and in addition there shall be provision for manual operation of circuit breakers during maintenance and for local tripping and closing. In addition there shall be provision for mechanical arrangement for emergency trip. The circuit breakers shall have a mechanical Open / Close indicator in addition to electrical indication. It shall be visible to operating personnel standing on the ground level. An operation counter shall be provided with the operating mechanism. The terminal connector for connection of conductor should be suitable for Zebra conductor with Universal take off arrangement. In case if required one L shaped clamp may be provided to facilitate horizontal as well as vertical take off arrangement. Terminal connector shall be manufactured out of Aluminium alloy grade LM 6 or LM 25 as per IS and by gravity die casting process only and should have six bolts to hold the conductor and conductor hold length shall be 100 mm approximately. All nuts and bolts shall be stainless steel and no part of the terminal connector clamps shall be less than 12 mm thick.


6) 7)


For bimetallic connector bimetallic strips of electrical grade copper of adequate thickness well amalgamated surface to surface with aluminium sheet should be provided. Following drawings are required to be submitted on priority for scrutiny and approval incorporating above observations / requirement positively:i) General arrangement drawing indicating location of control cubicle, mechanical ON-OFF indicator, operation counter, device for manual / emergency trip upper and lower terminal connector, and bushing creepage distance (at least 900 mm for 33 KV). Detailed structure drawing clearly indicating the foundation details, details of loading on the structure as explained above, various dimensions details of various members of structure and weight of circuit breaker etc. Schematic diagram indicating details of auxiliary contacts, ON, OFF healthy trip and spring charge indication, double trip coil arrangement, antipumping and trip free mechanism feature etc. Wiring diagram for above schematic diagram. Details of auxiliary contacts utilized for various internal scheme and details of auxiliary contacts available for customer use. Packing details drawing indicating total number of package and content of each package. The name (rating) plate shall be engraved / anodise in which apart from basic details following information may also be incorporated.




iv) v) vi) vii)

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132KV KONI S/S Capacitor bank switching off capacity in MVA, Applicable standard IES/ IS, Interrupting capacity of the breaker in MVA viii) Engraved electrical wiring diagram could be permanent / refixed on the rear of front door of the control cubicle. Details required for casting of foundation may also be engraved / refixed by the side of electrical / diagram or this purpose, the various schematic drawing may be condense and one separate drawing may be submitted to us for our approval.

10) All wirings in the cabinet shall be done neatly and accommodated in plastic channels with sliding cover. Practice of colour coding / feruling / bunching etc. shall be followed to present a neat installation. All glands / cable entry points shall be provided with suitable blanking plates to prevent entry of moisture / vulture. At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided. Three-pin power plug shall be of control panel grade with removable lid. 11) Backup mechanical tripping arrangement should be provided to facilitate tripping of circuit breaker for the condition when DC is not available or tripping coil is burnt and other similar emergencies. Suitable lever device may be provided for trip operation under these conditions. 12) Please ensure that no wire / cable is left exposed to atmosphere directly. In case if any connection is required from circuit breaker operating box to control cubicle etc, these connections should be taken through cable but through proper guided channel with sliding covers rigidly fixed on support structure. Please note that both ends of this connecting cable shall be properly sealed to prevent ingress of rain water / moisture. 13) The support structure should have proper Earthing arrangement and this should be indicated in the drawing. 14) In case if cementing of porcelain bushing is required, please ensure that proper cementing process has been adopted. 15) The auxiliary switches shall be properly designed wherein change of contacts takes place by snap action and change of status of contact is visible physically. 16) Identification mark may be done on the each breaker pole to co-relate the serial number of bottles engraved on breaker poles with that of circuit breaker Sl. No. 17) For spring charging operating through operating handle it is desired that mechanism box may be mounted at adequate height and gear ratio shall be so chosen that one man is able to charge the spring without any additional efforts. Suitable latching arrangement shall be provided such that during manual charging operation, if power supply gets restored, jerk to operating personnel is avoided. The handle shall be either at normal operable height or otherwise a suitable foldable ladder shall be provided to facilitate mantral charging of spring. Suitable arrangement for storage of handle in the box shall be provided. ******* CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 149 C.E.

TR11/44 5)



SCOPE This specification provides for design, manufacture, stage testing, inspection and testing before despatch, packing and delivery of outdoor instrument transformer (CT and PT) for protection and metering services 132/33 KV sub-stations in the state.


STANDARDS The rating as well as performance and testing of the instrument transformers shall conform but not limited to the latest revision and amendments available of all the relevant standards as listed hereunder. S.N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 STANDARD No. IS 2165 IS2705 (I IV) IS 2099 IS 3347 IS 2071 IS 335 IS 2147 IEC 185 IEC 270 IEC 44 (4) IEC 171 IEC 60 IEC 8263 IS 3156 (Part IV) IEC 186 IEC 186 A IEC 358 IS 9348 Voltage transformers First supplement of IEC publication 186 Coupling capacitor divider Coupling capacitor and capacitor dividers High voltage porcelain bushings Dimensions of porcelain transformer bushings Method of high voltage testing Insulating oil for transformers and switchgears Degree of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switchgear and control Current transformers Partial discharge measurement Instrument transformer measurement for P.D.s Insulation co-ordination High voltage testing techniques Method of R.I.V. test on high voltage insulators Capacitor voltage transformers TITLE Insulation co-ordination for equipment of 100 KV and above Current transformers

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TR11/44 19 Indian electricity rules 1956.



Basic Design, Features & Acceptance criterion for Current Transformer & Potential Transformer :i) ii) iii) iv) v) O rings grooves at all joints on the products & not gaskets. For CTs the secondary core shall be housed in a metallic shell providing a uniform equipotential surface of ven electric field distribution. Stainless steel bellows shall be used for volumetric compensation of oil. Uniform voltage grading to be demonstrated by using Field Plot of electric stresses. In addition to the compliance of requirement as per relevant ISS partial discharge test shall be carried out on each & every piece of CT/PT as per IEC: 60044-1 & 2. For 132 KV PTs high voltage continuous running test for 8 hrs shall be conducted at 120% voltage as acceptance test for all PTs. The limits of errors of 132KV PT shall be checked at a rated voltage factor of 1.5. The current density of primary winding of CTs at rated current shall not exceed 1.5 Amp per Sq mm. 01 No. secondary core should be of 0.2 accuracy class in case of CT & 0.2 accuracy class in case of PT. The primary earth meggar value of new 132KV equipments shall not be less than 100 G ohms .similarly the primary earth meggar value of 33 KV class equipments shall not be less than 50 G ohms. The oil level indication provides shall be Round shaped fitted to the tank through circular inner thread on the tank. Oblong level indicator of old design fitted with screws shall not be accepted. The CT/PT should be completely leak proof. Even the slightest oil seepage from any part shall not be accepted. The value of tan delta for 132KV class CT/PT shall not be more than 0.5% + 10% at 27 deg C. Type test report from NABL accredited lab may be submitted for acceptance for all the equipments.

vi) vii) viii) ix) x)


xii) xiii) xiv)



ITEM Type of C.T. / installation Type of mounting Suitable for system frequency Specification Specification 132 KV 33 KV Single phase, dead tank, oil filled, hermetically sealed / out-door type, dead tank Pedestal type Pedestal type 50 Hz. 50 Hz.

S.N 1 2 3

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S.N 4 5 ITEM Highest system voltage (KV rms.) Current ratio (A/A) Feeder Transformer 6 7 8 Ratio taps No. Of Cores VA Burden Core I Core II. Core III. Class Core I Core II. Core III. 10 Knee point voltage Specification 132 KV 145 400-200/1-1-1A & 400-200/1-11A On primary side 3 30 -------


Specification 33 KV 36 400-200/1-1A &

On primary side 2 (Feeder) 30 --3 (Feeder) 30 -----

0.2 5P 20 P.S. P.S.1100 V Min 30x(RCT+36)V

0.2 5P 20 P.S >600 V

0.2 5P 20 P.S. 300 V

11 12 13

Method of earthing the system Rated continuous thermal current (A) Acceptable partial discharge level at 1.1 times the rated voltage Maximum radio interference voltage at 1.1 times the rated voltage 1.2 / 50 micro second lightening impulse withstand voltage (KVp) One minute dry power frequency withstand requirement for secondary winding (KV rms.) for one second Power frequency over voltage withstand requirement for secondary winding (KV rms.) for one second

Solidly earthed 120 % of rated current Max. 5 p Coulumbs Less than 500 micro volts 650

Solidly earthed 125% of rated current 125% of rated current










3 KV

3 KV

3 KV

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S.N 18 19 ITEM Minimum creepage distance of porcelain housing (mm) Rated short time withstand current for one second duration (KA rms.) Rated dynamic withstand current (KAp) Seismic acceleration Temperature Rise with permissible overloading Oil Weight Bushing creepage factor IR value live part to earth Tan delta value Flux density at knee point voltage for CT. Current density of primary winding of CTs at rated current shall not exceed 1.4 Tesla 100 G ohm Specification 132 KV 3625 31.5 KA


Specification 33 KV 900 mm 25 KA

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29

78.75 0.3 g 0.3 g

62.5 KA 0.3 g

5 C less than that permitted in I.S. ( to be supported by calculations) Minimum 15% of total weight of CT <4 50 G ohm Less than 0.5% 1.4 Tesla 1.5 Amp per Sq mm

Note: The 132 KV & 33 kv CTs should be type tested as per relevant IS & IEC, and Type Test Certificate should be submitted along with the offer. 5.5 PRINCIPAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS.
S.N. 1 ITEM Type / installation SPECIFICATIONS
Single phase, 132 KV dead tank oil filled, hermetically sealed, out door type Out door oil immersed, self cooled, single phase

2 3 4

Type of mounting Highest system voltage KV rms. Suitable for system frequency voltage ratio a) rated primary voltage b) secondary voltage (volts) No. of secondary windings Class :Core I Core - II Core - III

Pedestal type 145 KV 50 Hz. 132/ 3 KV Core-I,II 110 / 3 V 3 0.2 0.2 3P 36 KV 33 / 3 KV Core-I,II, 110 / 3 V 2 0.2 0.2 3P

5 6

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S.N. 7 VA : Core - I Core II & III 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Method of earthing the system 1.2/50 microsecond lightning impulse withstand voltage (KVP) 250/2500 microsecond switching impulse withstand (KVP) 1 minute dry power frequency withstand voltage primary (KV rms.) Min creepage distance of porcelain housing (mm) Rated short time withstand current for one second duration (KA rms.) Power frequency withstand voltage for secondary for 1 sec. Grade of oil Flux density at rated voltage factor of 1.5 Primary to earth insulation resistance at 30 Deg. C. Dielectric dissipation factor (Tan delta) at 1/ 3 rated voltage & ambient temp. Weight of oil. Over all dimensions Material of gaskets used Material of primary winding Material of secondary winding Core material used ITEM


SPECIFICATIONS 200 200 Solidly earthed 650 Please Specify 275 3625 31.5 KA 3 KV 200 100 Solidly earthed 250 Please Specify 95 1300 25 KA 3KVms

EHV Gr.-I as per IS:335 Max. 1.8 Tesla Min. 20000 M Ohm Max. 0.005 ----

19 20 21 22 23 24

133 Kg.
2450x600x600 mm Nitrite butyl rubber/ Neoprine 99.9% electrolytic copper 99.9% electrolytic copper Grade M4 toroidal core of high grade non ageing electrical silicon Polyvinyl acetat3e or amide type. 2 terminal for bolted connection to 50x8mm MS flat.

Please furnish Please furnish with drawing


25 26

Material of enamel used Earthing terminal arrangements.


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TR11/44 5.6 5.6.1 Tests:Type Tests


All the equipment offered shall be fully type tested as per the relevant standards. 5.6.2 Acceptance and Routine Tests:All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out in the presence of Purchasers representative. *******

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TR11/44 6.0 6.1


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR (SURGE ARRESTORS) SCOPE:This specification provides for the design, manufacture, stage testing, inspection & testing before despatch, packing and delivery of Metal Oxide (gapless) surge arrestors with discharge counter, insulating base and other accessories for 132 K.V. system, complete with discharge counters, insulating base and other accessories.


STANDARDS:- The surge arrestors shall conform to the latest editions and amendments available of the standards listed hereunder:S. No . 1 2 Standard reference No. IEC: 99-4 IS: 3070 (Part-I & III) 3 4 5 6 7. 8. 9. IS: 4759 IS: 2633 IS: 5621 IS: 2147 IS: 5561 IS: 2629 Hot Dip Zinc Coating On Structural Steel And Allied Products Method For Testing Uniformity Of coating on Zinc Coated Articles. Specification For Large Hollow Porcelain For Use In Electrical Installations Degree Of Protection Provided By Enclosures For Low Voltage Switchgear & Control. Indian Electricity Rules - 1956 Specification for Electric Power Connector Recommended Practice For Hot Dip Galvanisation of Iron & Steel TITLE

Specification For Metal Oxide Surge Arrestors Without Gap For AC Systems. Specification For Lightning Arrestors For AC System


PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS: The equipment offered under this specification shall conform to the parameters given below: S. Particulars System Voltage No. 132 KV 33 KV
1 Nominal system voltage KV (rms.) 132 33

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TR11/44 S. No.
2 3

132KV KONI S/S Particulars

Highest system voltage KV (rms.)

System 132 KV

Voltage 33 KV

1.2 / 50 Micro second impulse withstand


a. Transformer b. Other Equipment & Lines

4 5 One minute power frequency withstand voltage(KV rms) Anticipated levels of temperature over voltage and its duration.

550 KVp 650 KVp 275

170 KVp


a. Voltage (P.U.) b. Duration (Seconds.)

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Neutral grounding Rated arrestor voltage M.C.O.V.(KV rms.) Installation Class Type of construction Nominal discharge current corresponding to 8 /20 micro seconds wave shape. Type of mounting Connection Long Duration discharge class Ratio switching impulse residual voltage to rated voltage of arrestor. Minimum prospective symmetrical fault current for pressure relief test Voltage corona extinction (KV rms.) Maximum radio interference voltage when energised at MCOV (micro volts) Minimum creepage distance of arrestor housing (mm) High current impulse withstand value in KA (peak) Partial discharge

------- 1.5/1.2 ------------ 1/10 ----Solidly earthed 120 102 30 25

------ Out door------ Station Class -Single Column, Single Phase ----- 10 KA ----Please Specify

3 -31.5 KA Rated Voltage ----- 2500 ----3625 100 Less than 10 PC 900 100 Less than 10 PC 25 KA


TESTS: Page No. 157 C.E.

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Lightning arrestors shall conform to the type tests and shall be subject to routine tests in accordance with IEC-99. The following additional type tests are proposed to be conducted for 132 K.V. arrestors. i) ii) 6.5 Radio interference voltage tests (as per I.S. 8263) Seismic withstand Test.

ACCEPTANCE AND ROUTINE TESTS: All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out in presence of purchasers representative. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Acceptance tests wherever possible, shall be conducted on the complete arrestor unit. The artificial pollution test shall be carried out as per applicable standards. The special thermal stability test shall be carried out as acceptance test. The acceptance test shall include the galvanisation test on metal parts. The functional (operational) acceptance test shall be carried out on the surge counter. ******

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132KV KONI S/S MVAR, 33 K.V.


SCOPE:-This specification provides for design, manufacture, stage testing, inspection and testing before dispatch, packing and delivery of 33 KV 10 MVAR capacitor bank. Technical Specifications for 10 MVAR 33 KV Capacitor Bank. S.N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PARTICULARS Nominal System Values KVAR capacity at nominal system voltage Rated Voltage of Capacitor Banks Rated output of capacitor Bank at rated Voltage Connection of capacitor Bank having unit protected with external fuses / internal fuse Rating of capacitor Unit Rating of capacitor Unit No. of capacitor units per Bank Capacitor KVAR available at nominal system voltage Creepage distance Power Loss VALUES 33 10,000 36 12,000 Double Star UNITS K.V. K.V.A.R. K.V K.V.A.R.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

6.93 166.67 72 + 8 spare 10,000 25

K.V. KVAR. Nos. KVAR mm per KV

Not to exceed 0.2 watt per KVAR including losses in fuse subject to tolerance as per I.S.S 5-2.5/1-1, 15VA for both core, CL 1 for core 1 & 5P for core 2 11.05 fd

12. 13.

NCT Rated capacitance of capacitor unit

Note:- The bidder should note that in addition to 36 units required for 10 MVAR rating we need 8 units as spares for future requirements and should quote accordingly.

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TR11/44 7.3


Specification of Series Reactor :- Reactor should be copper wound. S.N 1 2 3 4 5 PARTICULARS Rated KVAR Rated voltage Rated current Max. continuous current Impedance / PH VALUES 4 36 96.22 130% of rated current 0.432 Ohm UNIT KVAR KV Amp

7.4 GUARANTEED & TECHNICAL PARTICULARS:Guaranteed and technical particulars of the capacitor unit be furnished by the bidder. Technical questionnaire enclosed with the tender must also be submitted duly filled in. 7.5 TEST :- The capacitor units will be tested at the manufacturers work as per IS: 2834 and IS:13925 for the following test: A) Type Test:The bidder shall furnish a certificate of the following type test alongwith the tender. After the award of the contract, the purchase may at his option call for these tests to be performed on one capacitor unit of each rating to be selected at random. a) Test for dielectric loss angle(power factor) b) Test for capacitor loss c) Stability test d) Impulse voltage test between terminals and container e) Short circuit test f) Endurance test as per IS: 13925 (Part II) B. ROUTINE TESTS:a) b) c) d) e) f)

Tests for output and / or capacitance Voltage test between terminals Voltage tests between terminals and container. Voltage tests between terminals and earth. Insulation resistance test. Test for efficiency of discharge device.

DIFFERENTIAL PRICE FACTOR FOR LOSS :CAPITALIZATION OF LOSSES:For comparison of various offers, equalization of account of differences in losses of capacitors and reactors in various offers shall be made at a rate of Rs. 2,20,000/= per Kilowatt. Capacitor bank losses should be given at 50 Celsius and reactor losses at 75 C. the successful tender shall also be penalized at the rate given above if during testing measured losses are found to be more than the guaranteed losses.

C 1.

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C 2.

CALCULATION OF DIFFERENTIAL PRICE FACTOR FOR LOSS:for capitalisation 8760 x P x { (1 + r) 25 1 } { r x (1 + r) 25 }

Formula factor

Where, r = rate of interest 12% per annum = 0.1200 P = Rate of Power Scale Rs. 3.20 per Unit n = Life of Equipment = 25 years

Hence capitalization factor

8760 x 3.20 x { (1 + 0.12 00) 25 1 } { 0.1200 x (1 + 0.1200) 25 } Approximately.

Rs. 2,20,000 per KW. C 3.

The losses in kilowatt at rated voltage and rated frequency shall be guaranteed under penalty for each capacitive unit and series capacitor. For the purpose of penalty computation, the test figures of losses will be compared with corresponding guaranteed figures. The penalties shall be separately evaluated from the excess of test figures of losses in KILOWATT over the guaranteed values. No tolerance shall be permitted over the test figures of losses. The penalties shall be calculated for the excess of losses at the rate of Rs, 2,20,000/= per KW. For the fraction of Kilowatt the penalty be applied Pro-Rata of test figures of losses are less than the guaranteed values. No bonus will be allowed. The manufacturer should also have the facility to test the impregment during the manufacturing process for all electrical and physical properties.

C 4.



Drawing :The tender shall provide general outline drawing of capacitor banks, neutral current transformer, isolators, and lightning arrestors with the tender. Drawing indicating should also be furnished. The successful tender shall have to furnish three sets of drawing for office reference and three sets each for the reference of the respective place of installation. *********

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR AIR BREAK DISCONNECTOR (ISOLATORS) SCOPE:- This specification is provided for design, manufacture, stage testing, inspection & testing before despatch, packing and delivery of 145 KV and 36KV class gang operated isolators (Disc connectors) double break type, and support / post rotating type insulator STANDARDS:S. N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Standard No. IS:9921 IS:129 IS:2544 IS:2147 IS:4691 IS:325 IS:4722 IS:2629 IS:4759 IS:2633 IS:1573 IS:3033 IS:2016 Title Alternating current isolators (dis-connectors) and earthing switches. ---- do ---Insulators Degree of protection provided by enclosures. ---- do ---Three phase induction motor Rotating electrical machines Recommended practice for hot dip galvanising of iron and steel. Hot dip galvanisation coating on structural steel. Method of testing, weight, thickness & uniformity of coating on fasteners Electroplated coating of zinc on iron & steel Spring Washers Plain Washers



PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS (ISOLATORS):The bidder should clearly note that tandem isolators shall not be accepted. The isolator should be provided with 02 Nos horizontal GI operating pipes. Current density for Copper current carrying parts should be less than 1.5 Amp per Sq cm and for aluminium current carrying parts it should be less than 1 Amp per Sq. cm. The isolator moving contact and fix contact shall have copper material only. The isolators for both 132KV and 33KV shall be manually operated only. The isolators provided with double bearing .Bushes shall not be accepted. The bearing sizes shall be minimum 40 mm for 33 KV isolator and 75 mm for 132 KV isolator. The equipments covered in this specification shall meet the technical requirement listed below:-



TYPE & RATING:8.3.1 Isolators shall have three posts per phase triple pole single throw, gang operated out-door type silver-plated contacts with horizontal operating blade and isolators posts arranged vertically. The isolators will be double break type. CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 162 C.E.



Isolators should be of rotating blade feature of banging type only. Please note that turn & Twist arrangement is not acceptable. The arrangement shall be described in detail along-with the offer. All isolators shall operate through 90 degree from their fully closed position to fully open position so that the break is distinct and clearly visible from the ground level. 8.3.2 800 Amp RMS suitable for continuous service at the system voltages specified herein. The isolators are not required to operate under load but they must be called upon to handle magnetization currents of the power transformers and capacitive currents of bushings, bus-bar connections, very short lengths of cables, & current of voltage transformers. 8.3.3 The rated insulation strength of the equipment shall not be lower than the levels specified in IS-9921 IEC Publication No. 129. The isolators should meet the following Principal parameters:S. N. 1. 2. Technical Parameters No. of Phases (poles) Safe during of over load. a.150 % of rated current b.120 % of rated current Rated voltage (KV rms.) Type of disconnect(AB) Rated normal current (Amp. rms.) 132 KV 33 KV Isolator Isolator ------------ 3 ---------------- 5 minutes ----------- 30 minutes----145 36 DB DB 800 Amps 800A (Feeder bays) 1600A (X-mer Bay) 1600A (Bus Transfer bay) 1600A(Bus section isolator) 31.5 25 100 100 75 63

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.


Rated short times withstand current (KA rms.) for 3 sec. Duration Rated dynamic withstand current (KA) Rated short circuit making current of EB (KAP). Basic insulating level: i. 1.2/50 micro second lightning impulse withstand voltage (+ve or -ve) polarity. a. To earth (KVp) b. Across isolating distance. c. One terminal subjected to lightning impulse (KVp) & opposite terminal subjected to power frequency (KV rms.) voltage (as per IS) ii. Rated 1 minute power frequency withstands voltage (KV rms.) Rated Mechanical Terminal Load, kg a. Straight load b. Across load

650 750 275

170 195 Please furnish

275 51 17.33


As per IS9921

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S. N. 11. 12. Technical Parameters 132 KV Isolator 0.7Amps at 0.15 pf


33 KV Isolator

13 14.

15. 16.

Rated magnetizing/ capacitive current 0.7A at 0.15pf make & break (Amp. Rms.) Rated contact zone for PG isolators when fixed contacts are supported on flexible conductor: Meters As per IS9921 a. Horizontal deflection As per IS9921 b. Vertical deflection c. Total amplitude of longitudinal movement with respect to conductor supporting fixed contact. Rating of auxiliary contacts. 10 A at 110 V DC Minimum clearances: 1470 a. Phase to earth 2500 b. Phase to phase Seismic acceleration As per IS9921 Maximum Current density minimum cross section of i) Moving blade ii) Terminal pad iii) Contacts at the <1.5A/sqmm 1.1A/sqmm 1.1A/sqmm <1.5A/sqmm 1.1A/sqmm 1.1A/sqmm

The 132 KV Isolators are required with post insulators of solid core type and mounting structures. 8.3.4 TEMPERATURE RISE:- (as per IS:9921) The maximum temperature attained by any part of the equipment when in service at site under continuous, full load conditions and exposed to the direct rays of sun shall not exceed 45 degree centigrade above ambient. The limit of temperature shall not be exceeded when corrected for the difference between ambient temperature at site and the ambient temperature specified in the approved specifications. The corrections proposed shall be stated in the tender and shall be subject to approval of the purchaser. 8.3.5 ISOLATOR INSULATION: Insulation to ground, insulation between open contacts and the insulation between phases of the completely assembled isolating switch shall be capable of withstanding the dielectric test voltage as per relevant IS/ CBIP recommendation. 8.3.6 MAIN CONTACTS (i) All isolators shall have heavy-duty self-aligning and high pressure line type fixed contact of modern design and made of hard drawn electrolytic copper. The fixed contact should be of reverse loop type. The various parts shall be accordingly reverse loop type. The various parts shall be accordingly finished to ensure inter-changeability of similar components. The fingers of fixed contacts shall be preferably in two pieces and each shall form the reverse loops to hold fixed contacts. The fixed contacts Page No. 164 C.E.

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132KV KONI S/S would be placed in C clamp. The thickness of C clamp shall be adequate. This C clamp shall be placed on a channel of adequate thickness. This channel shall be welded on a insulator mounting plate of 10 mm thickness. The spring of fixed contact shall have housing to hold in place. This spring shall be made of stainless steel with adequate thickness. Since the Isolator design is benging type, the proper spring pressure is a must for good contact.


The switchblades forming the moving contacts shall be made from tubular section of hard drawn electrolytic copper. The Outer & Inner diameter of the blade shall be sufficient to fulfil the requirements mentioned from (a) to (f) below. These contacts shall be liberally dimensioned so as to withstand safely the highest short circuit and over voltage that may be encountered during service. The surfaces of the contacts shall be rendered smooth and silver-plated. In nut shell, the male and female contacts assemblies shall be of robust construction and design of these assemblies shall ensure the same: a. Electro-dynamic withstands ability during short circuit without any risk of repulsion of contacts. b. The current density in the Copper parts shall not be more than 1.5A/sq.mm and Aluminium parts shall not be more than 1A/sq.mm. c. Thermal withstands ability during short circuit. d. Constant contact pressure even when the live parts of the insulator stacks are subjected to tensile stresses due to liner expansion of connected bus bar of flexible conductors either because of temperature variations or strong winds. e. Wiping action during closing and opening. f. Self-alignment assuring closing of the switch without minute adjustment.

The earthing switch each be provided with three sets of suitable type of fixed contacts below the fixed contacts assemblies of the main switch on the incoming supply side and the sets of moving contacts having ganged operation. These contacts shall be fabricated out of electrolytic copper for 132KV Isolators with earth switch and dimensioned to withstand current on the line. The earthing switch shall have the same short time current rating as that of main switch. 8.3.7 Arcing Contacts/Horn:Arcing contacts are not required. 8.3.8 Auxiliary switches:--. The operating mechanism of main switch shall be equipped with eight nos. each of NO & NC contacts exclusively for purchasers interlocking & protective schemes. The aux. switches should be rated to carry a current of 10 amps continuously. The operation of Auxiliary switches should be as per clause 8.3 of IS: 9921(part-III). The Aux. switches should be actuated by a cam or similar arrangement mounted on the isolator shaft without any intermediate levers, linkages etc. to ensure fool-proof operation.

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8.3.9 CONNECTORS:The connectors for isolators shall be suitable for Zebra ACSR conductor. The details in regard to dimensions, the number of bolts to be provided, material and manufacture shall be as per drawing enclosed in Annexure-II. The groove provided in the connector should be able to accommodate conductor size mentioned above smoothly. The design of clamp shall be subject to our approval. The clamps to be offered should be manufactured by gravity diecasting method only and not by sand casting process. Six nos. pad clamps suitable for zebra conductor, as per drawing enclosed shall be supplied with each Isolator. It is necessary that suitable clamps are offered along with the isolator and also it is obligatory to give complete technical particulars of clamps along with the drawing, as per details given above and also as per following details: 1. The terminal connector shall be manufactured and tested as per IS5561. 2. All castings shall; be free from blow holes, surface blisters, cracks and cavities. 3. All the sharp edges shall be blurred and rounded off. 4. All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured to have minimum contact resistance. 5. Connectors shall be designed to be corona free in accordance with the requirement of IS-5561. Bimetallic sleeve/liner shall be 2 mm thick. Wherever necessary bimetallic strip of standard quality and adequate dimension shall be used. 8.3.10 OPERATING MECHANISM FOR 132 KV ISOLATOR All Isolators and earthing switches shall have separate independent manual operation. The isolator should be provided with padlocking arrangements for locking in both the end position to avoid unintentional operation. For this purpose padlocks with three keys shall be provided. The isolating distances should be visible for isolators. The isolators with or without earth switch inclusive of their operating mechanism, should be such that they cannot come out of their open or closed position by gravity wind pressure, vibrations reasonable shocks or accidental touching of connecting rods of the operating mechanism. Isolators should be capable of resisting in closed position, the dynamic and thermal effects of maximum possible short circuit current at the installation point. They shall be so constructed that they do not open under the influence of the short circuit current. The operating mechanism should be robust construction, easy to operate by a single person and conveniently located for local operation in the switchyard. Operating arm for connection to Tandem pipes: This shall be made of channel section size 75x37 mm. The radius shall be 600 mm 8.3.11 PIPES The isolators should have two Tandem pipes one on each side with a minimum internal diameter of 37 mm and outer diameter 43 mm. Thus the thickness of the pipe shall be 3 mm. The operating handle shall be class B type having at CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 166 C.E.



least 37 mm internal dia-meter. The operating pipe shall also be class B with internal dia-meter of at least 75 mm for 132 KV Isolators. The pipe shall be terminated into suitable universal type joints between the insulator bottom bearing and operating mechanism. 8.3.12 BASE CHANNELS:The isolator shall be mounted on a base fabricated from one piece steel channel section of adequate size not less than 125x65 mm for 132KV to withstand total weight of isolator and insulators and also all the forces that may be encountered by the isolator during service. Suitable holes shall be provided on this base channel to facilitate its mounting on our standard structures. The steel channel in each phase shall be mounted in horizontal position and over it two mounting plates at least 10 mm thick with suitable nuts and bolts shall be provided for minor adjustment at site. 8.3.13 CLEARANCES:We have adopted the following minimum clearances for isolators in our system. The bidder should therefore keep the same in view while submitting their offers. For further details the drawings of structures placed at Annexure-I & II may be referred. Description Centre distance between poles (centre to centre) i.e. ph. To ph. clearance 2500 mm Distance between centre lines of outer post on same pole 2100 mm

132KV Isolators 8.3.14 INTERLOCKS:-

For; the purpose of; making the operation of the isolator depending upon the position of associated circuit breaker, mechanical interlocks may be required. The supplier shall ensure that the design of equipment will facilitate provision of such interlock. Line earth switches shall consist of three earthing links per isolator, which will normally rest against the frame when the connected isolator is in enclosed position. The earthing links for the three phases shall be mechanically linked to a coupling shaft which shall be capable of being fitted on either side of the isolator. Earth switch shall be mechanically interlocked with the connected isolating switch so that it is possible to close and open the earth switch only when the connected isolating switch is in the open and closed positions respectively. In the earth switch only banging type feature is required. Therefore the earthing switches should be provided with counter balance weight so that the earth switches do not fall due to gravity and it moves very smoothly in upward direction i.e. against gravity. Each earthing switch shall be designed to withstand electrodynamics stress due to currents up to 50 KA (peak) as per IEC recommendations. All shafts, couplings etc. shall be galvanised. Flexible copper connectors of at least 50 sq. mm cross-section shall be provided between the rotating shafts and the frame works.

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8.3.15 BEARINGS FOR MOVING INSULATORS & OPERATING VERTICAL PIPE:The design and construction of the various bearings shall embody all the features required to withstand climatic conditions specified, so as to ensure dependable and effective operation even after long periods of inaction of these isolators. Bearing housings should be weatherproof. Facilities should be provided for lubrication of bearings. The location and number of bearings provided for reducing friction shall be 6 Nos. for 3 no. moving insulators and 2 no. for operating vertical pipe. The bearing housing for insulators shall be made of gravity die-cast alluminium with smooth surface suitably machined for sealing the bearings. Each bearing assembly shall have two nos. (Thrust and ball) bearing adequate shaft diameter. Distance between thrust and ball bearings shall be 100 mm. All other friction locations shall be provided with suitable bearings/stainless steel or brass bushes. The bearings shall be of at least 75 mm shaft diameter. Complete details of arrangement offered shall be furnished. The complete bearing assembly for moving insulator shall be such that the moving insulator is exactly VERTICAL and there is no play around the vertical position. 8.4 SPECIFICATION FOR POST INSULATOR: 132 KV solid core insulators shall be of reputed make subject to purchasers approval. The solid core insulators shall conform to the latest applicable Indian or IEC standard and in particulars to the IS:2544 & 5354/IEC 168 specification for porcelain post insulators. The porcelain used to manufacture or solid core insulators shall be homogeneous, free from flaws or imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality. They shall be thoroughly vitrified, tough and impervious to moisture. The glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform brown colour, free from blisters, burns and other similar defects. Insulators of the same rating and type shall be interchangeable. The porcelain and metal parts shall be assembled in such a manner that any thermal expansion difference between the metal and the porcelain parts throughout the range of temperature variation shall not loosen the parts or create undue internal stresses which may affect the electrical or mechanical strength and rigidity. Each cap and base shall be of high-grade cast steel or malleable steel casting and they shall be machine faced and smoothly galvanized. The cap and base of the insulators shall be interchangeable with each other. The bidders shall invariably enclose with the offer, the type test certificates and other relevant technical guaranteed particulars of insulators offered by them. Please note that offers without test certificates will not be entertained and without the type test report, offers may be rejected. 132 KV solid core insulators used in the isolators should have technical particulars as detailed below:1. 2. 3. Nominal system voltage KV (rms) Highest system voltage KV(rms) Dry. P.F. One minute withstand KV(rms) Page No. 168 132 145 275 C.E.

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TR11/44 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 11. 12. 13. 14. 8.5 Wet P.F. One minsute withstand KV(rms) P.F. Puncture withstand test voltage KV Impulse voltage withstand test KV (Peak) Power frequency withstand KV(rms) Visible discharge test KV voltage Creepage distance mm (min) Tensile strength in kN Torsional strength Bending strength Compression strength Height PCD Top/bottom

132KV KONI S/S 275 Puncture proof. 550 275 105 rms 3625 70 KN 3 KNM 4 KN 140 KN 1472 mm. Top: 127 mm Bottom: 184 mm


8.5.1 TYPE & RATING:Isolators shall have three posts per phase triple pole single throw, gang operated out-door type silver-plated contacts with horizontal operating blade and isolators posts arranged vertically. The isolators will be double break type Isolators should be of rotating blade feature of banging type only. Please note that turn & Twist arrangement is not acceptable. The arrangement shall be described in detail along-with the offer. All isolators shall operate through 90 degree from their fully closed position to fully open position so that the break is distinct and clearly visible from the ground level. 8.5.2 1600Amps/800 Amp RMS suitable for continuous service at the system voltages specified herein. The isolators are not required to operate under load but they must be called upon to handle magnetization currents of the power transformers and capacitive currents of bushings, busbar connections, very short lengths of cables, & current of voltage transformers. 8.5.3 The rated insulation strength of the equipment shall not be lower than the levels specified in IS-9921 IEC Publication No. 129. The isolators should meet the following Principal parameters:Sr. 1 2 3 4 Technical Parameter Rated Freq. System earthing No. of phases(poles) Safe duration of overload a) 150% of rated current b) 120% of rated current Rated voltage Type of disconnect(AB) Rated Normal current (A RMS) Rated short time withstand current for 3 secs (KA RMS) of main & E/S Rated peak current of main switch & E/S(KA Page No. 169 Requirement 50 HZ Effectively earthed 3 5 minutes 30 minutes 36 KV RMS Double Break 1600/800 30 75

5 6 7 8 9

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TR11/44 Sr. Technical Parameter peak) 10 Rated short time making current of E/S(KA peak) 11 Standard withstand positive KV peak a) across isolating distance b) To earth & between poles 12 One minute Power Freq. Withstand voltage KV(rms) a) across isolating distance b) To earth & between poles 13 Minimum creepage distance(mm) 14 rated magnetising current/ capacitive current make & break(A rms) 15 Minimum clearances a) ph to earth (mm) b) ph to ph (mm) 16 Ph to ph spacing for installation 17 Height of lowest live point above ground level (mm) 18 PCD of insulators to be used Top Bottom

132KV KONI S/S Requirement 63 195 170

80 70 900 0.7

430 1400 1400 960

76 mm 76 mm

8.5.4 The 33 KV Isolators are required with insulators of solid core type and mounting structures. 8.5.5 TEMPERATURE RISE:- (as per IS:9921) The maximum temperature attained by any part of the equipment when in service at site under continuous, full load conditions and exposed to the direct rays of sun shall not exceed 45 degree centigrade above ambient. The limit of temperature shall not be exceeded when corrected for the difference between ambient temperature at site and the ambient temperature specified in the approved specifications. The corrections proposed shall be stated in the tender and shall be subject to approval of the purchaser. 8.5.6 ISOLATOR INSULATION: Insulation to ground, insulation between open contacts and the insulation between phases of the completely assembled isolating switch shall be capable of withstanding the dielectric test voltage specified in clause 5.3 above. 8.5.7 MAIN CONTACTS (i) All isolators shall have heavy-duty self-aligning and high pressure line type fixed contact of modern design and made of hard drawn electrolytic copper. The fixed contact should be of reverse loop type. The various parts shall be accordingly reverse loop type. The various parts shall be accordingly finished to ensure inter-changability of similar components. The fingers of fixed contacts shall be preferably in two pieces and each shall form the reverse loops to hold fixed contacts. The fixed contacts would be CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 170 C.E.


132KV KONI S/S placed in C clamp. The thickness of C clamp shall be adequate. This C clamp shall be placed on a channel of adequate thickness. This channel shall be welded on a insulator mounting plate of 10 mm thickness. The spring of fixed contact shall have housing to hold in place. This spring shall be made of stainless steel with adequate thickness. The pad for connection of terminal connector shall be of alluminium with thickness not less than 12 mm.

(ii) The switch blades forming the moving contacts shall be made from tubular section of hard drawn electrolytic copper. The Outer & Inner diameter of the blade shall be sufficient to fulfil the requirements mentioned from (a) to (f) below. These contacts shall be liberally dimensioned so as to withstand safely the highest short circuit and over voltage that may be encountered during service. The surfaces of the contacts shall be rendered smooth and silver plated. In nut shell, the male and female contacts assemblies shall be of robust construction and design of these assemblies shall ensure the same:a. Electro-dynamic withstand ability during short circuit without any risk of repulsion of contacts. b. The current density in the Copper parts shall not be more than 1.5 A/sq.mm and Aluminium parts shall not be more than 1A/sq.mm. c. Thermal withstand ability during short circuit. d. Constant contact pressure even when the live parts of the insulator stacks are subjected to tensile stresses due to liner expansion of connected busbar of flexible conductors either because of temperature variations or strong winds. e. Wiping action during closing and opening. f. Self alignment assuring closing of the switch without minute adjustment. The earthing switch each be provided with three sets of suitable type of fixed contacts below the fixed contacts assemblies of the main switch on the incoming supply side and the sets of moving contacts having ganged operation. These contacts shall be fabricated out of electrolytic copper for 132KV Isolators with earth switch and dimensioned to withstand current on the line. The earthing switch shall have the same short time current rating as that of main switch. 8.5.8 Arcing Contacts/Horn:Arcing contacts are not required. 8.5.9 Auxiliary switches:-The operating mechanism of main switch shall be equipped with four nos. each of NO & NC contacts exclusively for purchasers interlocking & protective schemes. The aux switches should berate to carry a current of 10 amps continuously. The operation of Auxiliary switches should be as per clause 8.3 of IS:9921 (part III). The Aux. switches should be actuated by a cam or similar arrangement mounted on the isolator shaft without any intermediate levers, linkages etc. to ensure fool-proof operation.

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8.5.10 CONNECTORS:The connectors for isolators shall be suitable for Zebra ACSR conductor with horizontal and vertical takeoff arrangement. The details in regard to dimensions, the number of bolts to be provided, material and manufacture shall be furnished in the tender. The groove provided in the connector should be able to accommodate conductor size mentioned above smoothly. The design of clamp shall be subject to our approval. The clamps to be offered should be manufactured by gravity die-casting method only and not by sand casting process. It is necessary that suitable clamps are offered along with the isolator and also it is obligatory to give complete technical particulars of clamps along with the drawing, as per details given above and also as per following details:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The terminal connector shall be manufactured and tested as per IS5561. All castings shall; be free from blow holes, surface blistors, cracks and cavities. All the sharp edges shall be blurred and rounded off. No part of the clamp shall be less than 12 mm thick. All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured to have minimum contact resistance. Connectors shall be designed to be corona free in accordance with the requirement of IS-5561. All nuts and bolts shall; be made of stainless steel only. Bimetallic sleeve/liner shall be 2 mm thick. Wherever necessary bimetallic strip of standard quality and adequate dimension shall be used.

8.5.11 SPECIFICATION FOR POST INSULATOR: 33 KV solid core insulators shall be of reputed make subject to purchasers approval. The solid core insulators shall conform to the latest applicable Indian or IEC standard and in particulars to the IS:2544 & 5354/IEC 168 specification for porcelain post insulators. The porcelain used to manufacture or solid core insulators shall be homogeneous, free from flaws or imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality. They shall be thoroughly vitrified, tough and impervious to moisture. The glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform brown colour, free from blisters, burns and other similar defects. Insulators of the same rating and type shall be interchangeable. The porcelain and metal parts shall be assembled in such a manner that any thermal expansion difference between the metal and the porcelain parts throughout the range of temperature variation shall not loosen the parts or create undue internal stresses which may affect the electrical or mechanical strength and rigidity. Each cap and base shall be of high-grade cast steel or malleable steel casting and they shall be machine faced and smoothly galvanized. The cap and base of the insulators shall be interchangeable with each other. The bidders shall invariably enclose with the offer, the type test certificates and other relevant technical guaranteed particulars of insulators offered by them.

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Please note that offers without test certificates will not be entertained and without the type test report, offers may be rejected. 33 KV solid core insulators used in the isolators should have technical particulars as detailed below:1. Nominal system voltage KV (rms) 2. Highest system voltage KV(rms) 3. Dry. P.F. One minute withstand KV(rms) 4. Wet P.F. One minsute withstand KV(rms) 5. P.F. Puncture withstand test voltage KV 6. Impulse voltage withstand test KV (Peak) 7. Power frequency withstand KV(rms) 8. Visible discharge test KV voltage 9. Creepage distance mm (min) 10. Tensile strength in kN 11. Torsional strength 11. Bending strength 12. Compression strength 13. Height 14. PCD Top/bottom 33 36 75 75 1.3 times the actual dry flash
over voltage of the unit.

170 75 27 rms 900 50 KN 2 KNM 4 KN 100 KN 508 mm. 76 mm

8.5.12 OPERATING MECHANISM FOR 33 KV ISOLATOR All Isolators and earthing switches shall have separate dependent manual operation. The isolator should be provided with padlocking arrangements for locking in both the end position to avoid unintentional operation. For this purpose padlocks with three keys shall be provided. The isolating distances should be visible for isolators. The isolators inclusive of their operating mechanism should be such that they cannot come out of their open or closed position by gravity wind pressure, vibrations reasonable shocks or accidental touching of connecting rods of the operating mechanism. Isolators should be capable of resisting in closed position, the dynamic and thermal effects of maximum possible short circuit current at the installation point. They shall be so constructed that they do not open under the influence of the short circuit current. The operating mechanism should be robust construction, easy to operate by a single person and conveniently located for local operation in the switchyard. 8.5.13 PIPES The isolators should have two Tandem pipes one on each side with a minimum internal diameter of 25 mm & class-B. The operating pipe shall also be class B with internal dia-meter of at least 50 mm for 33 KV Isolators. The pipe shall be terminated into suitable universal type joints between the insulator bottom bearing and operating mechanism. 8.5.14 BASE CHANNELS;The isolator shall be mounted on a base fabricated from steel channel section of adequate size not less than 100x50 mm to withstand total weight of isolator and insulators and also all the forces that may be encountered by the isolator during service. Suitable holes shall be provided on this base channel to facilitate its mounting on our standard structures. The steel channel in each

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phase shall be mounted in horizontal position and over it two mounting plates at least 8 mm thick with suitable nuts and bolts shall be provided for minor adjustment at site. 8.5.15 CLEARANCES:We have adopted the following minimum clearances for isolators in our system. The bidders should therefore keep the same in view while submitting their offers. For further details the drawings of structures placed at Annexure-I may be referred. Description Centre distance between poles (centre to centre) i.e. ph to ph clearance 1400 mm Distance between centre lines of outer posts on same pole 960 mm

33KV Isolators 8.5.16 INTERLOCKS:-

For the purpose of; making the operation of the isolator depending upon the position of associated circuit breaker, mechanical interlocks may be required. The supplier shall ensure that the design of equipment will facilitate provision of such interlock. If so desired by the purchaser and cost of two castle locks for each isolator one for the isolator and another for the corresponding circuit breaker, may be offered separately. All shafts, couplings etc. shall be galvanised. Flexible copper connectors of at least 50 sq.mm cross-section shall be provided between the rotating shafts and the frame works. 8.5.17 BEARINGS:The design and construction of the various bearings shall embody all the features required to withstand climatic conditions specified, so as to ensure dependable and effective operation even after long periods of inaction of these isolators. Bearing housings should be weatherproof. Facilities should be provided for lubrication of bearings. The location and number of bearings provided for reducing friction shall be clearly intimated alongwith suitable drawings. The bearing housing shall be made of gravity die-cast aluminum with smooth surface suitably machined for sealing the bearings. Each bearing assembly shall have two nos. (thrust and ball) bearing adequate shaft diameter. Suitable distance between thrust and ball bearings shall be provided. All other friction locations shall be provided with suitable bearings/stainless steel or brass bushes. The bearings shall be of at least 50 mm shaft diameter. Complete details of arrangement offered shall be furnished. 8.6 TESTS:-

8.6.1 Type Tests:All the equipment offered shall be fully type tested as per the relevant standards. 8.6.2 ACCEPTANCE & ROUTINE TESTS All acceptance and routine tests are stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out in presence of purchasers representative.

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Mechanical operation tests (Routine tests) shall be conducted on disc connects (main switch and earth switch). 8.6.3 SPECIAL TESTS:Special tests listed as under shall be carried out in presence of purchasers representative. S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Standard to which it Conforms Tests on insulators IS: 2544, IEC: 168 Tests on terminal connectors IS:5561 Test on Galvanised component IS:2633 Stalled Torque test on motor operating At 110 % of supply mechanism voltage

Name of the Test

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TR11/44 9.0


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR INDOOR CONTROL AND RELAY PANELS. SCOPE:This section contains the technical specifications for the indoor control, indication, relay and metering panels associated with the outdoor switch gear for the sub-station. The various control and relay panels shall be complete in themselves with all main and auxiliary relays, fuses, link switches wherever necessary, wiring, labels, terminal boards, earthing terminals, foundation bolts etc. All the main numerical relays such as Distance Protection Relay, Differential Relay, REF Relay, O/C and E/F Relay shall comply to IEC 61850 protocol. The DC Control voltage should be 110V DC. The supplier of C&R panel shall ensure to supply all the relays from the approved vendor list. STANDARD SPECIFICATION:-



9.2.1 Panel finish and Colour :The purchaser has standardised the colour finish and this shall be opaline green as per colour no. 275 of B.S.271-C: 1948, equivalent colour as per relevant Indian Standards or any other standard shall be accepted. This colour finish shall be applied on the exterior steel works of the panels. 9.2.2 Protective Relays & Instruments :The protective relays shall be manufactured tested and supplied with guaranteed particulars generally confirming to the latest issue of following Indian standards Specifications. IS-3842 (Part I to V) IS-3231 IS-1885 (Part I to II) IS-1248 IS-722 IS-2715 IS-3156 IS-4237 IS-375 IS-8686 9.3 Application guides for electric relays for AC system Electric relays for power system protection. Electric technical vocabulary electrical relay And Electrical power system protection. Indicating instruments Energy meters, control switches (LV switching devices for control & auxiliary circuits.) Current transformer Voltage transformer General requirements for switch gear & Control gear for voltage not exceeding 1KV Marking & arrangement for switch gear bus bars, main connection & auxiliary wiring. Specification for static relays.

CONTROL & RELAY PANELS:-The panels shall be required for 132 KV (3- ) & 33 KV lines, transformers, bus transfer, 33 KV capacitor bank & 132 Page No. 176 C.E.

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KV bus bar protection panels. All panels shall be of Duplex type for 132 KV except 132 KV bus bar protection panels and 33 KV panels which shall be of simplex type. Simplex type panels consist of equipments mounted on the front side of the panel and having wiring access from the rear. Double leaf door with lift off hinges shall be provided at the back of the simplex panels. The control panels have a floor mounting type. 9.3.1 PANEL CUT OUT AND DIMENSIONS: i) The panels shall be fabricated of not less than 14 SWG sheet steel free from all surface defects. The panels shall have sufficient structural reinforcement to ensure a plain surface to limit vibration and to provide rigidity during despatch and installation. The Panels shall have the following dimensions: 132 KV Duplex Panels:Type Height Depth Width Duplex 2300 MM 400 + 700 + 400 mm. 800 mm.


iii) The control panels shall be floor mounting dead front sheets steel assemblies of unitized design. iv) The panels shall be made in suitable sections as described elsewhere in the specification so that while mounting, the panels can be located side by side bolted together to form a compact unit. Design material selection and workmanship shall be such as to present a peak appearance, outside and inside with no works of welds, reverts, screw or bolts head apparent from the exterior surfaced of the control boards.


9.3.2 PANEL LIGHTING:a. In each control and relay panel for interior illumination one tube light 20 W operating at 230 V 50 cycle with door operated switch shall be provided in the corridor. The tube light shall be located at the ceiling and guarded with a protective cage. In addition to corridor tube light, two incandescent lamp one each on front and rear panel with switch shall also be provided. b. One 15 A, 3 pin socket with plug and switch shall be provided for each of the control board of duplex type C&R panels. The third pin of the socket shall be effectively earthed through the metallic structure. The socket shall be industrial grade control panel type complete with protective metallic cover. c. A test lamp 230V AC 18 W CFL with 3 M lead and holder with a controllable 5 A switch is to be mounted at the top inside each panel.

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9.3.3 AUXILIARY SUPPLY:- For each group of control boards, the purchaser will arrange to provide at one point only the following: i. (415 V + 10% to 25% 4 wire, 3 phase 4 wire 50 C/s, neutral grounded AC supply. The bidder shall arrange for providing proper looping of these power supplies to the different panels of the control board group. ii. H.R.C. fuses shall be provided at each panel for both the AC and DC power supplies. Distribution and wiring of the same shall be utilised through fuses and links in such a way so that isolation of respective system unit is possible without affecting the rest of the system or unit. All H.R.C. fuses and links shall be with holder, and the same shall be mounted on slant support and with identification labels. For each group of control boards, the purchaser will arrange to provide 110 V 20% DC supply a separate cable from DCDB The H.R.C. fuses as per following details shall be provided: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 CIRCUIT Circuit breaker closing circuit. Trip circuit I & II Main protection Back up protection Indication Annunciation P.T. Circuit FUSE RATING 132 KV 10A 16 A 10 A 10 A 4A 4A 4A

iii. iv.


9.3.4 CONTROL WIRING: i) Wiring shall be done with flexible heat resistant multi strand wires, PVC insulated with standard copper conductor. The conductor size shall be equivalent to 2.5 mm square. Coloured wires shall be used for wiring as per latest revision of IS-375 viz; red, blue, yellow and black for R,Y,B, phases and neutral respectively, green for earthing , grey for annunciation & control circuits & white for trip circuit. Each wire shall be identified at both ends with wire designation number by plastic ferrule as per wiring diagram based on latest revision of IS375 to denote the different circuit functions. The contractor shall take approval for the system of wire numbering. All wires termination shall be made with compression type connectors. Wires shall not be tapped or spliced between terminal points. All wire




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132KV KONI S/S shall have crimp type termination and direct connection at any place is not at all required.


All series connected devices and equipment shall be wired up in sequence. Loop-in Loop out system of wiring shall be avoided as far as possible and the common buses shall normally be made through the terminal block for better reliability of testing and maintenance. Fuses and links shall be provided for isolation of individual circuit from bus bars without disturbing other circuits and equipments. The DC trip and DC voltage supplies and wiring to main protective gear shall be segregated from those for special purposes. Each such group shall be fed through separate fuses, either direct from main supply fuses or the bus wires. Since a number of wires will run from one point to another, it is desired that the support arrangement should be adequate and neat. The conventional method of bunching of wires should not be adopted since the same creates problems in case any wire is to be removed. The wires should be accommodated in a suitable plastic channels with sliding plastic cover, which may be mounted inside the panels suitably. Inspection/removal of wires should be possible by sliding the covers. Blank plastic channels should be provided by the sides of the panels to accommodate the incoming cables from switchyard through the cable glands.

vi) vii)



9.3.5 TERMINAL BLOCKS: i) Multi-way stud type 10 A current carrying capacity terminal blocks complete with necessary binding nut and bolt , washers for wire connection and making strip for circuit identification shall be furnished for terminating the panel wiring and outgoing cables. The terminal block shall be suitable for receiving at least 2 x 7/0.737 mm standard copper or aluminium conductor wire per terminal. It may also be noted that the current rating shall be double the current rating of 2x710.737 non stranded copper wire and the terminal shall be suitable to receive 2 x 2.5 sq. mm/ 04 2x4 sq. mm copper conductor of copper control cables. ii) Terminal blocks shall have shorting and disconnection facilities. The Board side and outgoing wires can be disconnected just by opening the disconnecting links which slides up or down without lodging the wires from their position. ASEA type sliding links shall be provided. However, disconnecting type terminal connectors may be limited to CT & PT circuits only. All other terminals should be of bolted type. Highly reliable terminal blocks with facilities of shorting and easy removal of connection shall be provided for CT & PT circuits. Instrument transformer wires shall be terminated through suitably mounted test terminal blocks for site testing facility.


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TR11/44 iv) v)

132KV KONI S/S The terminal blocks shall be grouped according to the circuit functions and each terminal block group shall have at least 20% spare terminals. Not more than two wires shall be connected to any terminal or either side of the terminal block. If necessary, a number of terminals shall be jumpered together to provide the wiring points. Each terminal point shall be marked with designation obtained from the purchasers schematic drawings. Adjacent rows of terminal blocks shall be spaced not less than 100 mm apart. They shall be mounted vertically at the sides of the cubicle and set obliquely towards the rear doors to give easy access to terminating end to enable ferrule number to be read without difficulty. The bottom of terminal blocks shall be spaced at least 200 mm above the cable trench incoming multicore cables. Separate test terminal block should be provided for the KWH meters to facilitate the testing and calibration of energy meters without disturbing the other circuits such as ammeter/MW meters. The TTBs should be 3 phase, 4 wire with screw type CT shorting arrangement. Stud type terminal connectors rated for not less than 10 Amps shall be used in the CRP panel. The control board shall have provision of cable entry from the bottom. Necessary cable glands should also be provided. The purchaser will arrange for necessary floor opening below the panels to suit the cable trench design of purchasers requirement. The wiring through the terminal blocks shall be so located so as to be convenient for floor openings. The control board shall have provisions for fixing the multi-core cable glands which shall be included by the bidder in scope of supply. For fixing these cable glands, detachable gland plates of 4 mm thickness shall be mounted. Gland plate shall be supplied with factory made gland holes with suitable blanking arrangement for un used gland holes. The gland plate and doors shall be properly gasketted. Rigid supports shall be provided along with terminal block for holding plastic channel. Suitable clamps may also be provided in plastic channel for holding cables. The following quantities of cable glands with blanking plate shall be supplied fitted along with each panel:i) ii) For 8 core x 2.5 sq. mm 1.1 kV control cable For 4 core x 2.5 Sq. mm 1.1 KV Control cable 4 Nos. 8 Nos.

vi) vii)

viii) ix)

x) 9.3.6


ii) iii)




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iii) iv)

For 12 core x 2.5 sq. mm 1.1 KV Control cable 2 Nos. For 19 core x 2.5 sq. mm 1.1 KV Control cable 2 No.

9.3.7 GROUNDING:i) 25 mm x 6 mm copper ground bus shall be providing for each control boards extending along with entire length of the board and effectively grounding all metal structures. Each continuous length of ground bus shall have provision of two terminals at two separate points for connection to main ground grid of the substation. Whenever a circuit is shown grounded on the drawings a single wire for the circuit shall be run independently to the ground bus and connected to it.



9.3.8 Invariably for all the panels end doors with suitable lock and handle on both the sides should be included in the offered prices. As per our standardisation end doors should be of full size without requiring any end sheets on the sides. 9.3.9 CONTROL AND RELAY PANELS: i. The control and relay boards required for 132 KV side shall be duplex type panels of the back to back corridor type with central roofed access. The control, recording and indication apparatus shall be mounted in the front panel. These shall be of the flush pattern. The relays shall be mounted on the rear panels and these may be of the projecting pattern. However, if relays of draw out type are offered, these may be arranged to be flush. The central access way shall be provided with interchangeable lockable doors. Suitable tube light shall be provided inside the panels for adequate illumination & the same being controlled by a switch provided on one end, including two incandescent lamps with switch one each on the front & rear panel. The labelling for the circuits shall be provided at the front control panels, at the rear relay panels as well as on the inside of the panels. The panels shall be of uniform thickness and level sheet steel of minimum14 gauge ( 3 mm for load bearing sides & 2mm for other sides). The bottom of the cubicle shall be open for the purpose of wiring and cable entrance. The panel shall be designed to be self supporting and wherever additional structural strength is required, inconspicuous braking, gusset, welding etc., shall be used. All control panels and switchgear cubicles shall be made absolutely vermin proof design of the approval of the purchaser. The panels shall be made in suitable sections to facilitate easy transport and handling and shall be later assembled at site. It may please be noted Page No. 181 C.E.


iii iv

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132KV KONI S/S carefully that it should be possible to dissemble the relay control board of a substation in length of 700/800 mm for ease of handling, single continuous sheet steel should not be used to make a single board for all the panels required. The panels should have unitized construction with facility to bolt together the panels where more than one panel is involved.

9.3.10 CONTROL & INDICATION CIRCUITS: 9.3.11 The control and indication circuit for each circuit breaker controlling feeder or transformer shall generally comprise the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Mimic diagram (main and transfer bus scheme) Ammeters and voltmeters where specified. PF, MegaWatt, MVAR meter where specified. Circuit Breaker Control switch. Trip Circuit Healthy I & II lamps. Alarm Cancellation arrangement. Breaker ON/OFF indication lamps. Breaker Spring Charge indication lamp.

9.3.12 The mimic diagram offered shall be at the eye level to indicate the position of each breaker, isolating and grounding switch. Other equipments such as transformer, voltage transformers etc., shall be represented by suitable symbols. The arrangement shall be of over laid design. Painted type mimic diagram is not acceptable. Mimic diagram shall be for single main & single transfer arrangement. The mimic diagram offered shall be of Azure blue shade 104 of IS-5. 9.3.13 Rotating disc type semaphore shall be used to indicate the position of each breaker. The position of the circuit breaker whether closed or open shall be indicated by semaphore indicator to be provided for this purpose. It may be noted that the circuit breaker will have two trip coils in parallel and since their DC source of supply is one at present, necessary arrangement shall be made in the panel circuitry. For this purpose contact multiplication will not be involved but the rating of the control switch should be adequate to handle; the burden of two trip coils. Along with pistol grip type control switches red and green indicating lamps for ON/OFF indication shall be provided. 9.3.14 ANNUNCIATION SYTEM: 9.3.15 Alarm annunciation system shall be provided for the control board by means of visual and audible alarm in order to draw the attention of the operator to the abnormal operating conditions or the operation of some protective devices. The annunciation equipment shall be suitable for operation on the voltages specified in this specification. 9.3.16 The annunciation shall be of visual and audible type. The visual annunciation shall be provided by annunciation facia, mounted flush on the top of the control CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 182 C.E.



panels. The audible alarm shall be provided by alarm hooter or bell .The annunciator facia shall be provided with translucent plastic window for alarm point with minimum size of 35 mm x 50 mm. The facia plates shall be engraved in black lettering with respective inscriptions which will be furnished to the contractor by the Owner. Alarm inscriptions shall be engraved on each window in not more than three lines and size of the lettering shall not be less than 5 mm. 9.3.17 Each annunciation window shall be provided with two white lamps in parallel to provide safety against lamp failure. Long-life lamps shall be used. The lamp circuit shall include series resistor of adequate rating. The cove3r plate of the facia windows shall be flush with the panel and shall be capable of easy removal to facilitate replacement of lamps. The transparency of cover plates and wattage of the lamps provided in the facia windows shall be adequate to ensure clear visibility of the inscriptions in the control room having high illumination intensity (500 Lux) from the location of the operators desk. 9.3.18 TRIP AND NON TRIP facia shall be differentiated. All trip shall have red colour and all non trip facia shall have white colour. Sequence of operation of the annunciator shall be as follows: Sl. No. 1 2 3. 4 5 Fault Visual Audible contact Annunciation Annunciation Open Close Close Open Close Open Open OFF Flashing Steady on Steady on On Off Steady on OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON

Alarm condition Normal Abnormal Acknowledge push button is pressed. Reset push button is pressed. Lamp test push button pressed.

9.3.19 The annunciation system described above shall meet the following additional requirements: i The annunciation system shall be capable of catering to at least 80% simultaneous signals (of windows provided) at a time.

ii. One self resetting push button shall be provided on each panel for testing the facia window lamps. Push buttons for testing flasher and audible alarm circuit of annunciation system and for testing the annunciation supply failure monitoring circuit shall also be provided. These testing circuits shall also be so connected that while test is being done it shall not prevent the registering of any new annunciation that may land during the test. One set each of the following push buttons shall be provided on each panel as shown in the front view drawing: a) Reset push button for annunciation system.

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TR11/44 b) Accept push button for annunciation system.


iii. The annunciations shall be repetitive type and shall be capable of registering the fleeting signal. Minimum duration of the fleeting signal registered by the system shall be 15 milli seconds. iv. The annunciation shall be suitable for operation with normally open fault contacts which close on a fault. For fault contacts which open on a fault it shall be possible at site to change annunciators from close to fault to open to fault and vice versa. v. In case of static annunciation scheme, special precaution shall be taken by bidder to ensure that spurious alarm condition does not appear due to influence of external electromagnetic/electrostatic interferences on the annunciation wiring and switching disturbances from the neighbouring circuits within the panels. vi. The annunciation scheme (wherever called for) offered shall be complete in all respects including annunciation relay, flasher relay test, accept and reset arrangement. vii. The purchaser reserves the right to ask for a sample of annunciation system for approval, if so considered necessary from the successful bidder. 9.4.0 PROTECTION SCHEME The protection schemes to be supplied under this contract shall cover the following type of panels for 132 KV System: (a).Transformer panel panel 9.4.1 (b). Transmission line panels (c). Transfer breaker




DC SUPPLY:- The panel wiring shall be made considering a single source of 110V DC battery but two independent protection DC circuits to be wired by providing separate DC fuses in such a way that even with the availability of one set of protection fuses C.B. tripping should take place. DC FAIL INDICATION:- One No. DC fail relay energizing an AC bell shall be provided for monitoring the DC supply to the protection circuit. The DC fail relay should have a reverse flag. P.T.SUPPLY:- The panel shall be wired for a 132 KV BUS PT having metering and protection cores. Thus, the provision of P.T. Selection switch is required. The selection shall be through a manual stay put switch having VT-1, inter, VT-2 positions. There shall be a lamp indication for the selected PT supply so that when VT-1 is selected, the lamp for VT-1 shall be lighted and similarly for VT-2. PT selection switch shall be break before make type to avoid paralleling of PT ckt.



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A. PROTECTIONS and CONTROL PROVIDED IN THE PANEL:a. i) Numerical Differential Relay: A two winding numerical differential relay shall be provided. The operating time of the relay should be less than 30 ms. No features in the relay shall be blocked. The relay shall be suitable for display of load current and fault current through a human machine interface. Relay shall have IRIG-B port for time synchronising. It shall have an adjustable bias setting range. Shall have a dual bias slope. Shall be stable under severe through fault condition. It shall be suitable for rated current of 1 Amp. It shall be IEC61850 compliant. The exact model of the offered relay shall be finalised by the customer at the time of the engineering based on the requirement of protection scheme and it shall be binding on the contractor. It shall have internal feature in the relay to take care of the angle & ratio correction have second, fifth and higher harmonic and other inrush proof features and should be stable under normal over fluxing conditions. Magnetising inrush proof feature shall not be achieved through any intentional time delay e.g use of timers to block relay operation It shall have an operating current setting of 15% or less. Shall have settable operate current setting. It shall have Bus PT voltage inputs also. PT input shall be rated for 110 V. There shall be at least two protection setting groups. The connecting leads from the relay to the computer as well as the software interface for setting and data extraction from relay shall also be supplied Shall have a minimum of 12 output out of which a min of four should be trip heavy duty type and 12 Opto input contacts. All the instantaneous values of wdg currents, operating and bias currents shall be displayed on the HMI on demand. It shall a an unrestrained instantaneous high set Id>> feature. The relay shall have following inbuilt protection features a ) Over excitation (V/f) protection b) Overvoltage protection c) REF protection d) Definite time and IDMT Over current protection with settable time have a disturbance recording feature to record graphic form of Page No. 185 C.E.

ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

vii) viii)

ix) x) xi) xii)

xiii) xiv) xv) xvi)

xvii) CSPTCL (Transmission)


132KV KONI S/S instantaneous values of current in both the windings in analogue channels, operate current, restraining current and voltages in separate analogue channels, during faults and disturbances for the pre fault and post fault period. The disturbance recorder shall have the facility to record the following minimum external digital channel signals apart from the digital signals pertaining to differential relay. 1 REF protection operated (HV and LV) 2 HV breaker status 3 LV breaker status 4 Bucholtz /OLTC Bucholz alarm and Trip ; PRD trip 5.WTI/OTI alarm/trip of transformer The Relay shall be suitable for : i. CT secondaries : 1A ii. PT Secondary: - 110V iii. DC auxiliary supply: - suitable for 110V DC nominal iv. System earthing: - solidly grounded v. Max. Ambient temperature: - 55 degrees centigrade Necessary hardware and software for down loading the data captured by disturbance recorder to the workstation computer in the substation shall be included in the scope. Numerical Back-up Over Current and Earth fault (Directional) protection scheme with high set feature; It shall have continuous self monitoring and diagnostic features. It shall have a trip value recorder feature to record instantaneous fault values of current & voltage. It shall have oscillographic disturbance recording feature facility. It; (i) Shall have three over current and one earth fault element(s) (ii) The scheme shall include necessary VT fuse failure relays for alarm purpose (iii) Shall have freely configurable 4 nos each of input and output contacts. Shall have a minimum of four nos LEDs for indications.
(iv) Over current relay shall


have multiple characteristic including a directional IDMT characteristic with a definite minimum time of 3.0 seconds at 10 times setting and have a variable setting range of 50200% of rated current have low transient, over reach high set instantaneous unit of continuously variable setting range 200-2000 % of rated current have a variable selectable characteristic angle

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Earth fault relay shall have multiple characteristics (including a directional and nondirectional IDMT definite minimum time of 3.0 seconds at 10 times setting) and have a variable setting range of 0.20-3.0 times of rated current. have low transient, high set instantaneous unit of continuously variable setting range 200-1500 % of rated current with settable time delay have a variable selectable characteristic angle have internal feature in the relay for open delta voltage

(vii) (viii) (ix)


It shall have power and energy measurement facility. Shall also have measurement facility of instantaneous voltage and currents on HMI. It shall have at least two setting groups Shall have negative sequence Over current feature also. The O/C and E/F relay shall have disturbance recording capability and event logger. It should display at least previous five fault data on HMI on demand. Shall have a min of 5 output and 5 opto input contacts.

. c. Transformer body protections:- A total of 08 Nos. self reset type heavy duty tripping relays with operating time less than 12 ms having indicating flags shall be provided for the following:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Transformer Buchholz trip. Transformer OLTC Buchholz trip Transformer winding temperature trip Transformer oil temperature trip. Transformer PRV trip. Transformer OLTC PRV trip. Spare 2 nos

d. In addition to the above, a total of 11 nos of VAA Self Resetting elements as above for a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) alarm circuits shall also be provided, as follows:Low Oil Level alarm. Main Buchholz alarm. W.T.I. Alarm. O.T.I. Alarm. Low SF6 Alarm. Low Air pressure alarm. Low SF6 CB Lock out Low Air Pressure CB Lock out Over flux alarm. Page No. 187

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132KV KONI S/S j) Spare 1 Nos. Over excitation (V/f) protection:- A numerical over flux relay with multiple characteristic as well as instantaneous alarm & time delayed tripping. It shall have self monitoring feature, disturbance recording and event logger among other general features as detailed in this section for Numerical relays. The instantaneous voltage values shall be displayed on HMI. f Trip circuit supervision relays:- Two Nos. trip circuit supervisory relays for monitoring healthiness of entire trip circuit shall be provided with indicating flags. g Trip transfer scheme:- A 32A lockable best quality NORMAL, INTER and TRANSFER switch shall be provided for transfer of trip to the transfer breaker. A lamp indication shall be provided for transfer position. L.B.B.:- In case the breaker fails to trip within 200 m.s. of the trip relay operation; the phase segregated LBB relay shall be allowed to trip all the breakers connected to the BUS. An independent LBB relay shall e provided and it shall have the provision for independent setting of current and time delay. The relay contacts shall be terminated up to terminal block. LBB trip circuits ferrule numbers shall be P series. The LBB relay shall be of Numerical type and separate from list/Diff/Back up relays. It shall be IEC61850 complaint. It shall ; be phase segregated type. have an operating time of less than 15 milli seconds have a resetting time of less than 15 milli seconds have three over current elements. be arranged to get individual initiation from the corresponding phase of main protections of xmer for each over current element. have a setting range of 20-150% of rated current have sufficient nos of inputs to be initiated from all the main relays as well as trip relays have a timer with continuously adjustable setting range of 0.1-1 seconds have necessary auxiliary relays to make a comprehensive scheme. The exact model of the LBB relay shall be finalised by the customer at the time of the engineering and it shall be binding on the contractor. have event logger and oscillographic Disturbance Recorder and other general features for numerical relays mentioned in this section The instantaneous voltage and frequency values shall be displayed on HMI.

i) ii) (iii)
iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix)



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Tripping relays :- Two separate hand reset type trip relays shall be provided. The relay should have enough contacts for TC-1 & TC-2 trip of main CB as well as provision for tripping of transfer CB & inter tripping of 33 KV breakers. Further the trip relays shall have NC type contacts for CB close interlock. The operating time of trip relays shall not exceed 12 ms. It shall be a heavy duty trip relay with spare min two nos contacts over and above what is used in the scheme. REF Relay :- i)Shall be high impedance Numerical relay having self monitoring feature, disturbance recorder and event logger. ii) shall be IEC 61850 compliant iii) shall have IRIG B port for time iv) Shall have all the other general features of a Numerical relay as detailed in this section.


9.4.3 FREQUENCY METER:- Digital frequency meter suitable for 45 55 Hz with up to two decimal digits shall be provided. The make shall be Motwane, AE , Rishub of display LED size 1 inch. 9.4.4 METERING AND CONTROL:i All the ampere meters shall be digital meters of class-0.5 accuracy. One number digital voltmeter shall be provided with voltmeter selector switch. The 3 Phase 4 wire MW and MVAR meter shall also be digital having CT ratio 200/1A and PT ratio 132 KV / 110V. SEMS make One number 3 phase 4 wire static Trivector Exp/Imp meter of 0.5 class of accuracy having facility of load survey for a minimum period of 35 days of 15 minutes block & instantaneous load parameters like ampere, KW, KVA and KVAR. The dial factor shall be unity for a CT ratio of 200/1A and PT ratio of 132 KV/110V. Meter shall be provided with suitable TTB. The meter shall have RS 485 port for data communication and shall support Modbus protocol. The relay shall have optical front port for MRI communication. An 24-window facia enunciator with following inscription shall be provided on the front with audible DC alarm bell. The make shall be Alan Electronics systems (P) Ltd, Bombay / Bharni. Name of Annunciation Differential Protection Trip Back Up Trip Over Load Trip Main Buchholz Trip Initiation From Differential Relay Over Current / Earth Fault Over Load Trip Timer Main Buchholz Trip Auxiliary Relay



S. No.
1. 2. 3. 4.

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TR11/44 OLTC Buchholz Trip W.T.I. Trip O.T.I. Trip P.R.V. Trip Over flux Trip L.B.B. Operated Main Buchholz Alarm W.T.I. Alarm O.T.I. Alarm Over fluxing Alarm Over Load Alarm Low Oil Level Alarm Low SF6 Gas Alarm Low Air Pressure Alarm SF6 / Air Pressure Low Trip Block Trip Circuit-1 Fail Trip Circuit-2 Fail Differential Relay Faulty IDMT Relay faulty Spare OLTC Trip Relay W.T.I. Trip Relay O.T.I. Trip Relay P.R.V. Trip Relay Over flux Trip Relay L.B.B. Operated


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Auxiliary Relay Of Main Buchholz Auxiliary Relay Of W.T.I. Alarm Auxiliary Relay Of O.T.I. Alarm Output From Instantaneous Element of Over fluxing Relay Alarm Contact Of Over Load Relay Auxiliary Relay For Low Oil Level Indicator Auxiliary Relay For Low SF6 Gas Alarm Auxiliary Relay For Low Air Pressure Alarm Auxiliary Relay For SF6 / Air Pressure Low Trip Block TCH Relay Coil 1 TCH Relay Coil 2. From Differential Relay Supervision Contact From Numerical IDMT Relay Supervision Contact ---

Breaker indication:- Separate breaker ON OFF lamp indication shall be provided in addition to CB semaphore indications. 9.4.5 The CT & PT circuit wires should be colour coded i.e. red, yellow, blue and black for three phases and neutral respectively. The DC and control wires should be grey. The cable size shall be 2.5 mm2 for CT & PT and 1.5 mm2 for control circuit. However, for trip circuit, white wires should be used & it shall be 2.5 Sq. mm. 9.4.6 GENERAL:-

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Terminal connectors for control and other circuits shall be of stud type. For CT & PT circuits the terminal connectors shall be of best quality disconnecting type. The terminal connector size shall be 16A current rating. The DC circuit wires shall be grey of size of 1.5 Sq. mm. However, for trip wires shall be of 2.5 Sq. mm size. 9.5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF 132 KV FEEDER CONTROL AND RELAY PANELS;

9.5.1 THE DETAILS OF RELAY TO BE PROVIDED IN EACH PANEL HAS BEEN 132 KV Feeder & Transfer breaker protection panel :- The 132 KV C&R panel shall be provided for protection of 132 KV(3- ) line with trip transfer facility. The protection for 132 KV (3- ) lines is one Main distance protection (numerical relays with min. 4-zones) with separate Numerical directional backup protection (IDMT) shall be provided. These relays should have disturbance recording facility, event recording & time synchronising facility. The relay shall comply to IEC61850. The LBB protections should be provided for all the 132 KV breakers. All the inbuilt features of numerical DPR such as over current protection, SOTF. LBB, power swing blocking and out of step blocking, pole discrepancy, trip circuit supervision, DC supply supervision & PT fuse failure etc. shall also be provided. Separate relays shall be provided for LBB protection, trip circuit supervision and DC supply supervision. 9.5.2 DC. Supply:-The panel wiring should be made considering one single source of 110V DC supply, but two independent protection DC circuits, to be wired by providing separate DC fuses in such a way that even with the availability of one set of protection fuses CB tripping should take place. 9.5.3 DC Fail Indications:-Two Nos. DC fail relay energising on AC bell shall be provided for monitoring of DC supply to the protection circuit. The DC fail relay shall have a reverse flag. It shall monitor both Main & back up protection ckt. DC. 9.5.4 PT Supply:-The panel shall be wired for a double set of 132 KV PT, having metering and protection cores. Thus the provisions of PT selection switch are required. The relay shall be of latch type to avoid disconnection of PT supply to DPR relays due to momentary de-energization of PT selection relay. A suitable switch shall be provided on the control panel to operate the PT selection latch relay. Further DPR relays should not mal-operate during the changeover period of PT supply. Lamp indications shall be provided to indicate the selected PT supply. Suitable HRC fuse protections shall be provided on the incoming side of the PT supply. Neutral wire of the PT supply shall be provided with a fuse link. Disconnecting type good quality terminal connecters shall be used for PT circuits. E series ferrules shall be used for PT circuits. Further 1100V grade flexible copper wires of R Y B and Black coloured 1.5

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mm square shall be used for easy phase identification. PT selection switch shall have intermediate position where in DPR may be blocked during change over. 9.5.5 Digital Ampere meters shall be used on all the 3 phases having ratio 800400/1A without ammeter selection switch. The panel shall be provided with 3phase 4 wire MW & MVAR meters of digital type suitable to 400/1A CT ratio & 132kv/110v PT ratio. All the ampere meters shall be class 0.5 accuracy, of reputed manufacture like AE or equivalent make only. 9.5.5 Protection Transfer Switch:-Provision shall be made to provide a trip transfer switch to transfer the protection trip command to Bus-Transfer Bay CB. Special care may be taken not to mix the DC circuits of main and bus transfer protection circuits. The lockable switch shall have normal-inter-transfer positions and the key shall be removable only in normal positions. A lamp indication shall be provided to indicate the transfer positions. The switch shall be of make Alstom / Switron. 9.5.6 Panel shall be provided with semaphore indications for CB on-off. Semaphore shall be needed to provide to indicate the positions of isolators/earth switch with separate lamp indications. Separate lamp indications shall be provided to indicate CB on-off positions. 9.5.7 SEMS make 0.5 class, electronic 4 quadrant, import-export, 3phase 4wire, trivector energy meters shall be provided with suitable TTB on the front panel. The energy meters shall indicate instantaneous parameters like KW, KVA, KVAR, pf, current, voltage etc. The energy meter shall have 15 minutes load survey for KW & KVA for a minimum period of 35 days. The meter shall suitable to CT ratio 400/1A and PT ratio 132KV/110V, and without any external M.F. The meter should have RS485 port for data communication on Modbus protocol. Meter shall have front optical port for the purpose of extraction of data through MRI. 9.5.8 All the CT terminal connectors shall be of best quality, sliding type connectors of suitable size. 2.5 square mm flexible 1100V grade copper wires shall be used. The colour of wires shall be R Y B and black for easy identification. The A series ferrules shall be used for DPR CT circuits,B series ferrules shall be used for Busbar protection, C series ferrules shall be used for back up O/C&E/F, CT circuits, and D series ferrules shall be used for metering CT circuits. 9.5.9 All the control, tripping and indications circuit wiring shall be of grey wires of 1100v grade flexible best quality copper wires. All the wires shall be ferruled systematically without repetition. Control protection wires shall be provided with K series ferrules and alarm /indications circuits shall be provided with L series ferrules. AC 230 V supply wires shall have H ferrules. All the terminal connecters shall be of stud type of suitable Size, except of CT-PT circuits. All the wires shall be provided with insulated copper lugs properly crimped. The ferrules used shall be of best quality printed sleeve type ferrule having legible letters/numbers. 9.5.10 Back-up protection, numerical directional relay shall be similar to the relay CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 192 C.E.

TR11/44 as mentioned for the 132 kV Transformer C&R panel.


9.5.11 No auto reclose schemes shall be needed, but two separate high speed hand reset type tripping relays shall be provided with adequate no. of contacts for tripping through trip coil 1 and trip coil 2, and also the additional contacts required for Bus transfer CB trip. The tripping relays shall have NC contacts for CB close inter locks. The operating time of trip relays shall not exceed 12 ms. Contactors shall not be acceptable as trip relays. 9.5.12 Two nos. of TCH monitoring relays shall be provided with flag/LED indicators. The relay shall be connected to an audible facia annunciation scheme. The TCH relay shall be capable of monitoring complete trip circuit. 9.5.13 Flag Relays:- Two nos. flag relays of type VAA 33 of Areva make or equivalent type for CB trouble shall be provided in the panel to route annunciation from yard to electronic facia for CB SF6 low gas pressure Alarm & CB Low SF6 gas lock out. 9.5.14 LBB Relay :- The LBB relay shall be of Numerical type and separate from Dist/Diff/Back up relays. It shall be IEC61850 complaint. It shall i) be phase segregated type. ii) have an operating time of less than 15 milli seconds (iii) have a resetting time of less than 15 milli seconds iv) have three over current elements. v) be arranged to get individual initiation from the corresponding phase of main protections of line/xmer for each over current element. vi) have a setting range of 20-150% of rated current vii) have a timer with continuously adjustable setting range of 0.1-1 seconds viii) have necessary auxiliary relays to make a comprehensive scheme. ix) The exact model of the LBB relay shall be finalised by the customer at the time of the engineering and it shall be binding on the contractor. x) have event logger and oscillographic Disturbance recorder,HMI display of instantaneous values and other features of a numerical relays as mentioned in this section. 9.5.15 Minimum 18 way facia annunciator with following indications shall be provided. S. No.

Name of Annunciation Distance Protection Trip

Initiation From Distance Relay

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TR11/44 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Back Up Trip SOTF Optd Fuse Failure Optd Distance Relay Faulty Back up Relay faulty L.B.B. Relay Operated Low SF6 Gas (CB)Alarm SF6 / Air Pressure Low Trip Block Trip Circuit-1 Fail Trip Circuit-2 Fail Spare Spare Spare Spare --Distance Relay Distance Relay Distance Relay


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Over Current / Earth Fault Relay Distance Relay Distance Relay Distance Relay Over Current / Earth Fault Relay L.B.B. Relay Auxiliary Relay For Low SF6 Gas Alarm Auxiliary Relay For SF6 / Air Pressure Low Trip Block TCH Relay Coil 1 TCH Relay Coil 2.

9.5.16 The C&R panel shall be provided with necessary wiring suitable to single phase 230V AC supply for internal lighting and cubical heaters. Two nos 2 feet size tube lights shall be provided with suitable switches. Further a 15A size 3pin plug with switch shall be provided. Necessary HRC fuse protection shall be provided on phase side and solid fuse link on the neutral side. A separate TB shall be used for 230v circuits. H series ferrules shall be used for the AC supply circuits 9.5.17 The panel shall be provided an earthing bar of copper of adequate size to connect the earth wires of various relays, CT secondary earthing etc. Necessary holes shall be provided to interconnect the earthing bar to the adjacent panels. Green coloured flexible copper wire of size 2.5mm square shall be used for earthing of relays/ equipments/ CT star point etc. 9.5.18 Wiring in the panel :The CT & PT circuit wires should be colour coded i.e. red, yellow, blue and black for three phases and neutral. The DC and control wires should be grey. The cable size shall be 2.5 mm2 for CT & PT and 1.5 mm2 for control circuit. However, for trip circuit, white wires should be used & it shall be 2.5 Sq.mm. CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 194 C.E.



9.5.19 A min. 4 zone numerical distance relay shall be provided as the main protection to clear all type of line faults. The DPR relays shall be provided with suitable test blocks to test the relays without disturbing any of the panel wiring. Necessary arrangements shall be made to block the trip commands to CB while testing on line. The relay shall be suitable to the following:vi. CT Secondary: - 1A vii. PT Secondary: - 110V viii. DC auxiliary supply: - suitable for 110V DC nominal ix. System earthing: - solidly grounded x. Max. Ambient temperature: - 55 degrees centigrade The relay shall have the following features:a. Maximum operating trip output time in zone 1:- 30 ms. b. Operating characteristic:- Mho/ quadrilateral; c. Fuse failure monitoring:- Should be available internally. The relay shall be blocked during fuse fail condition. A contact shall be available for fuse fail alarm. An inbuilt feature of O/C and E/F trip shall be available as back up protection during fuse fail block condition. d. Operating Zones:- Min 4 Zone protections excluding the power swing boundaries. Zone1 is instantaneous and the other zones with a settable time delay from 0 to 2000 ms in steps of 1ms. e. SOTF/TOR : - Shall be provided as inbuilt feature. f. Power swing detection:- Inbuilt feature shall be available to detect power swing condition. Provision shall be available to set the relay to block in any desired zone. Setting shall also be available to set the nature/ severity of power swing. g. Distance to fault location:- Shall be available as an integral part. Shall have a minimum of 5% accuracy h. Disturbance Analog Record of fault current, voltage and other parameters:- Record of previous fault current, voltage and other parameters for at least 5 events for a duration of 1.5 Sec. each in the oscilloscopic form. i. Protection signalling:- Internal arrangement shall be available to send and receive carrier signal for carrier aided protections schemes. j. Inbuilt feature shall be available for parallel feeder compensation. k. Inbuilt LBB feature.

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132KV KONI S/S l. Inbuilt directional over current and earth fault protection shall be available. m. Necessary software interface for setting the relay and extracting Disturbance/event records . n. Minimum 10 nos. of output contacts of which min. three nos shall be of trip duty . o. Minimum 12 no of input contacts/ input Opto connectivity. p. Relay shall have independent port for IRIG-B. q. Carrier / fibre optic signal aided remote end tripping. r. Shall have a password protection for settings through HMI s. The relays shall have terminal blocks suitable for wiring ring (eye) type lugs for CT and PT wires. t. Shall be IEC61850 compliant. u) It shall have continuous self monitoring and diagnostic feature .It shall have oscillographic disturbance recording feature as well as event logger. v) The exact model of the relay shall be finalised by the CSPTCL at the time of the engineering and it shall be binding on the contractor. w) Shall have sufficient nos of freely configurable output and input contacts

NOTE :- The bidder shall provide the software required for setting and data extraction of the numerical relays along with panels. 9.6.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF 132 KV BUS TRANSFER CONTROL AND RELAY

9.6.1 THE BUS TRANSFER CONTROL AND RELAY panel is intended to be used as a line or transformer breaker using the by-pass isolator for taking out normal circuit breaker for maintenance purpose or to transfer the feeder or transformer circuit from Main bus to Transfer bus or vice-versa. Therefore this panel is required to be provided with one no. numerical distance protection relay with requirements similar to that of a feeder panel. Further 3 nos. directional over current and one earth fault with facility to switch over to Non Directional type shall be provided. All other requirements shall be similar to feeder panels. 9.6.2 MISCLLANEOUS INSTRUMENTS: i) All indicating instruments shall be conforming to IS-722 and shall be of type and sizes specified under subsequent sections. The Ampere meters and all the other meters should be of Digital type. They shall be capable of carrying their full load currents continuously without undue heating. All indicating instruments shall be provided with non reflecting type glass fronts. Instruments connected to double ratio current transformers shall be provided with reversible

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scale, instrument transformer ratios names etc. shall not appear on the dials but shall be marked in approved positions. ii) The instruments shall not be damaged by the passage of fault current through the primary of their corresponding instrument transformers. All potential circuits to instruments shall be protected by a fuse on each pole of the circuit placed as close as possible to the instruments transformer terminals or where instruments are direct-connected as close as possible to the main connection. All instruments and apparatus shall be back connected and all instrument cases shall be earthed. All indicating instruments shall be of accuracy class 0.5. SWITCHES: (i) Control and instrument switches shall be rotary operated type with escutcheon plates clearly marked to show operating position and circuit designation plates and suitable for flush mounting with only switch front plate and operating handle projecting out. Handles of different shapes and suitable inscriptions on switches shall be provided as an aid to switch identification. The selection of operating handles for the different type of switches shall be as follows: a) b) c) d) (iii) Breaker control switches Selector switches Instrument switches Protection transfer switch Pistol grip, black Oval or knob black. Round, Knurled, black. Pistol grip lockable and black.


The control switch of breaker shall be of spring return to neutral type. The control springs shall be strong and robust enough to prevent inadvertent operation due to light touch. The spring return type switch shall have spring return from close and trip positions to neutral position after close and after trip position respectively. Protection transfer switch shall be provided on each control panel i.e. on feeder as well as transformer control panel except Bus transfer bay panel. Instrument selection switches shall be of maintained contact (stay put) type. Ammeter selection switches shall have make-before-break type contacts (heavy duty) so as to prevent open circuiting of CT secondary when charging the position of the switch. Voltmeter transfer switches for AC shall be suitable for reading all line to line and line to neutral voltages. Lockable type of switches which can be locked in particular positions shall be provided when specified. The key locks shall be fitted on the operating handles. The contacts of all switches shall preferably open and close with snap action to minimise arcing. Contacts of switches shall be spring assisted and contact faces shall be with rivets of pure silver or silver alloy.




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132KV KONI S/S Spring shall not be used as current carrying parts. The contact combination and their operation shall be such as to give completeness to the interlock and function of the scheme. (i)

INDICATING LAMPS: Indicating lamps shall be panel mounting multiple bright LED type with rear terminal connections. Lamps shall be provided with series connected resistors preferably built in the lamp assembly. Lamps shall have translucent lamp covers to diffuse lights coloured red, green, amber, clear white or blue as specified. The lamp cover shall be preferably of screwed type, unbreakable and moulded from heat resisting material. Multiple LED indicating lamps shall be provided wherever specified. The wattage of the Multiple LED lamp shall be 0-25 to 0.05 W. Bulbs and lenses shall be interchangeable and easily replaceable from the front of the panel. Tools if required for replacing the bulb and lenses shall also be included in the scope of supply. The indicating lamps with resistors shall withstand 120% of rated voltage on a continuous basis and should also give sufficient illumination with 20% auxiliary voltage condition. Multiple LED long life type indicators shall be preferred over filament and neon type lamps.

(ii) (iii)



POSITION INDICATORS: (i) Position indicators of semaphore type shall be provided when specified as part of the mimic diagrams on panels for indicating the position of circuit breakers. The indicator shall be suitable for semiflush mounting with only the front disc projecting out and with terminal connection from the rear. Their strips shall be of the same colour and size as the associated mimic. Position indicators shall be suitable for operation as specified. When the supervised object is in the closed position, the pointer of the indicator shall take up a position in line with the mimic bus bars, and at right angles to them, when the object is in the open position. When the supply failure to the indicator occurs, the pointer shall take up an intermediate position to indicate the supply failure. The rating of the indicator shall not exceed 2.5 W. The position indicators shall withstand 120% of rated voltage on a continuous basis.



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TR11/44 9.6.4


TIME SYNCHRONISATION EQUIPMENT i) The Time synchronisation equipment shall receive the co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) transmitted through Geo Positioning Satellite System (GPS) and synchronise equipments to the Indian Standard Time in a substation. ii) Time synchronisation equipment shall include antenna, all special cables and processing equipment etc. iii) It shall be compatible for synchronisation of Numerical Relays, at substation through individual port or through Ethernet realised through optic fibre bus. iv) Equipment shall operate up to the ambient temperature of 50 degree centigrade and 100% humidity. v) The synchronisation equipment shall have accuracy better than 500 ns. Equipment shall give real time corresponding to IST (taking into consideration all factors like voltage, & temperature variations, propagation & processing delays etc). vi) Equipment shall meet the requirement of IEC 60255 for storage & operation. vii) The system shall be able to track the satellites to ensure no interruption of synchronisation signal. viii) The output signal from each port shall be programmable at site for either one hour, half hour, minute or second pulse, as per requirement. ix) The equipment offered shall have four (4) spare output ports over and above required ports. Various combinations of output ports shall be selected by the customer, during detailed engineering, from the following : Voltage signal : Normally 0-5V with 50 milli Seconds minimum pulse duration. In case any other voltage signal required, it shall be decided during detailed engineering. Potential free contact (Minimum pulse duration of 50 milli Seconds.) IRIG-B RS232C x) The equipment shall have a periodic time correction facility of one second periodicity or better. xi) Time synchronisation equipment shall be suitable to operate from 110V DC xii) Equipment shall have real time digital display in hour, minute, second (24 hour mode) . xiii) It shall have a separate Visual Time Display Unit to be mounted on the top of control panels having display size of approx. 100 mm height. RELAYS: All protective relays shall be of numerical type and communication protocol IEC 61850 compliant. All main relays shall have two Ethernet/RJ45 ports. Further, the test levels of EMI as indicated in IEC 61850 shall be applicable to these. The exact model of Page No. 199 C.E.


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132KV KONI S/S the relays shall be finalised by CSPTCL at the time of engineering and that shall be binding on the contractor. All the Numerical Relays shall have 20 % spare input and output contacts over what has been utilised in the scheme. The Numerical Relays shall have freely configurable input and output contacts. All the Numerical relays shall have self monitoring. The Numerical relays shall have event logger, trip value recorder and oscillographic Disturbance Recorder and on initiation of event, it shall automatically be downloaded at the workstation of S/S. The instantaneous measured values shall be displayed on HMI.

All relays shall be contained in dust proof cases. All cases shall be mounted on the control and relay panels and the details of mounting shall be to purchasers approval. Relays shall be of the projecting pattern or flush pattern as specified. Main relays shall have protocol IEC 61850 and IRIG B for GPS time synchronising and have facility of oscillographic disturbance recording as well as trip value recording. Main protective relays should preferably have facility to log in Aux. supply failure and restoration time accurately. Indicators shall also be provided on such additional elements as will enable the type of phase of the fault condition to be identified. Each indicator whether of the electrically or mechanically operated type shall be capable of the reset by hand without opening the relay case. Each indicator shall be so designed that it can not move before the relay has completed its operation. It shall not be possible to test and operate any relay by hand without opening case. On operation of protective relay, operation indicator shall appear permanently unless reset. On demand type indicators are not acceptable. All relays shall be so arranged that on opening the case it shall be impossible for any dust, which have collected in or upon the case to fall on the relay mechanism. All relays shall confirm to the requirement of IS-3231 or other applicable approved standards. Relays shall be suitable for flush or semi flush mounting on the front with connections from the rear. Relays shall be rectangular in shape and shall have dust tight, dull black or egg shell black enamel painted cases with transparent cover removable from the front. All protective relays shall be in draw out or plug in type/module cases with proper testing facilities. The testing facilities provided on the relays shall be specifically stated in the bid. Necessary test plugs shall be supplied loose and shall be included in contractors scope of supply. Test block and switches shall be located immediately below each relay for testing. The owner reserves the right for accepting any one of the above two testing facilities. Unless otherwise specified all auxiliary relays and times shall be supplied in non-draw out cases/plug in tight modular cases. All AC relays shall be suitable for operation at 50 Hz AC voltage operated relays shall be suitable for 110 Volt VT secondaries and current operated

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132KV KONI S/S relays of 1 amp CT secondaries as specified in the specification. DC auxiliary relays and timers shall be designed for the 110 V DC and shall operate satisfactorily on 20% of rated voltage. Voltage operated relays shall have adequate thermal capacity of continuous operation.

The protective relays shall be suitable for efficient and reliable operation of the protection scheme described in the specification. Necessary auxiliary relays and timers required for interlocking schemes for multiplying of contacts/suiting contact duties of protective relays and monitoring of control supplies and circuits, lockout relay monitoring circuits etc. and also required for the complete protection schemes described in the specification shall be provided. All protective relays shall be provided with at least three pairs of potential free isolated output contacts. Auxiliary relays and timers shall have pairs of contacts as required to complete the scheme; contacts shall be silver faced with spring action. Relay cases size shall be so chosen as not to introduce any limitations on the use of available contacts on the relay due to inadequacy of terminals. All protective relays, auxiliary relays and timers except the lock out relays and interlocking relays, specified shall be provided with self reset type contacts. All protective relays and timers shall be provided with externally hand reset positive action operation indicators with inscription subject to owners approval. All protective relays which do not have built-in-hand reset operation indicators shall have additional auxiliary relays with operating indicators (Flag relays) for this purpose. Similar separate operating indicator (auxiliary relays) shall also be provided in the trip circuits of protections located outside the board such as Buchholtz relays, low oil level alarm, oil and winding temperature protection, sudden pressure devices, fire protection, oil surge relay etc. Timers shall be of numerical or solid state type. No control relay which shall trip the power circuit breaker when the relay is de-energised shall be employed in the circuits. Provision shall be made for easy isolation of trip circuits of each relay for the purpose of testing and maintenance. All relays shall withstand a test voltage of 2.5 KV 50 Hz. rms voltage for one second except static relays. Auxiliary seal-in-units provided on the protective relays shall preferably be of shunt reinforcement type. If series relays are used the following shall be strictly ensured. The operating time of the series seal-in-unit shall be sufficiently shorter than that of the trip coil or trip relay in series with which it operates to ensure definite operation of the flag indicator of the relay.

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132KV KONI S/S In order to minimise the effects of electro-osmosis, flag coils and DC relay operating coils shall be so placed in the circuit that they are not connected to the positive pole of the battery except through contacts which are normally open. All protective relays and alarm relays shall be provided with minimum three extra isolated pair of contacts wired to terminals exclusively for future use. The setting ranges of the relays offered, if different from the ones specified shall also be acceptable if they meet the functional requirements. All relays and their drawings shall have phase indications as R-Red, Yyellow, B-blue For numerical relays, the scope shall include the following: a) Necessary software and hardware to up/down load the data to/from the relay from/to the personal computer installed in the substation. b) The relay shall have suitable communication facility for connectivity to Workstation PC of S/S. The relays shall be capable of supporting IEC 61850 protocol. CONTROL CONNECTIONS AND INSTRUMENT WIRING: Panel connection shall be insulated and shall be neatly and securely fixed to the back of the panel. All instrument and panel wiring shall be of an approved type which will not support combustion and shall be run in porcelain or non-rust able metal cleats or in non-rust able tubes or galvanised steel tubes as may be approved. All panel wiring shall be taken to approve terminal boards which shall comply with requirements of multicore cable boxes where applicable. Switch board wiring shall be PVC or VC braid impregnated with flame proof compound. Rubber insulation is not acceptable. All wiring diagrams shall be clearly marked with the number which are shown on the ferrules of the individual cores. 20% spare and blank ferrule shall be supplied with each panel. Flat terminals shall not be used but each end of each instrument or control wire shall be terminated with a Rose Corstney or other approved type of washer. Each set of current/ voltage transformer secondary connections shall be complete in itself and shall be earthed at one point only. Each such earthing connection to the earth bar shall be made in accordance with the requirement of the earthing system and shall be made through a link of approved design which can be removed when insulation tests are required without breaking any circuit normally carrying current. For each circuit on the panel, the control indication and trip wiring shall be suitably segregated so that these could be isolated to permit testing or other work. The semaphore and other indication circuits shall be connected to the DC bus by a set of fuses. Similarly, the trip and close circuits shall also Page No. 202 C.E. .


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132KV KONI S/S be connected by a separate set of fuses. The fuses shall be labelled clearly showing the circuits connected.

All secondary fuses shall be of an approved type. HRC fuses of some standard make shall only be used. Where specified test blocks shall be provided for testing of meters and relays. They shall be of the switch board type back connected for front of panel mounting. The test blocks shall provide complete isolation of meters, instruments and relays and the arrangements shall be such that testing power could be connected at the test block from the external source or may be taken from the instrument transformer. Provision shall be made for short circuiting current transformers, by sliding type element connectors. 33 KV CONTROL & RELAY PANELS


i) 33 KV Transformer C&R panel :- The C&R panel shall be provided with a numerical IDMT non-directional over current relay with 2 Nos. of trip relays, Amp. Meter, MW meter etc. The transformer panel shall have export/import MVAR meter also. The 33 KV transformer panel shall have; a) 1 No. 3 O/C + 1 E/F back up IDMT numerical relay with high set feature. The relay should be IEC61850 compliant. It shall have trip value recording and oscillographic recording facility. It shall have ;.
(i) Shall have three over current and one earth fault element(s) (ii) Shall have freely configurable 5 nos each of optoinputs and output

contacts. (iii) Shall have a minimum of four nos LEDs for indications. (iv) Over current relay shall have multiple characteristic including an IDMT characteristic with a definite minimum time of 3.0 seconds at 10 times setting and have a variable setting range of 50200% of rated current have low transient, high set instantaneous unit of continuously variable setting range 200-2000 % of rated current (iv) Earth fault relay shall have multiple characteristics (including an IDMT definite minimum time of 3.0 seconds at 10 times setting) and have a variable setting range of 0.20-3.0 times of rated current. have low transient, high set instantaneous unit of continuously variable setting range 200-1500 % of rated current (v) It shall have Double stage Under Frequency feature ,each having independent timer and output contact (vi) Shall also have measurement facility of instantaneous value of currents.

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(vii) (viii) (ix)

132KV KONI S/S It shall have at least two setting groups Shall have negative sequence Over current feature also. The O/C and E/F relay shall have disturbance recording capability and event logger. It should display at least previous five fault data on HMI on demand. The instantaneous voltage values shall be displayed on HMI.



Single phase numerical over voltage relay with time delay settable. The numerical relay shall have self monitoring features, disturbance recorder, event logger in addition to general features described for Numerical relays in this section. The instantaneous voltage values shall be displayed on HMI.

c) Numerical LBB Relay - shall have same features as described for 132 KV panels d) 2 Nos. Master Trip relay & CB status indicating lamps, semaphores, annunciator & breaker TNC switches. e) The C&R panels should be provided with digital ammeter, digital volt meter, digital MW and MVAR meter (Export-Import type) and SEMS make import export tri vector energy meter (3 ,4W). f) The panel also should be provided with trip transfer switch and two nos TCH relays and one no DC monitoring relay. g) Over load protection :- Numerical over load protection having variable current setting The relay should have two independent, variable time delayed output contacts one for alarm / load shedding and the other, for trip. The relay shall be provided in Y phase only. The trip out put contact shall be wired up to terminal connector however the alarm contact shall be connected to annunciator of transformer panel. ii) 33 KV Feeder C&R panel : The C&R panel shall be provided with the following; a) 1 No. 3 O/C + 1 E/F back up IDMT numerical relay with high set feature. The relay should be IEC61850 compliant.It shall have trip value recording and oscillographic recording facility. It shall have same features as described for 33 KV Xmer panel. b) Numerical LBB Relay as described for 132KV panels c) 2 Nos. Master Trip relay & CB status indicating lamps, semaphores, annunciator & CB TNC switches. d) The C&R panels should be provided with digital Ammeter, digital volt meter, digital MW and MVAR meter (Export-Import type) and SEMS make import export tri vector energy meter (3 ,4W). e) The panel also should be provided with trip transfer switch and two nos TCH relays and one no DC monitoring relay. CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 204 C.E.

TR11/44 iii) 33 KV Transfer Breaker C&R panel The C&R panel shall be provided the following;


a) 1 No. 3 O/C + 1 E/F back up IDMT numerical relay with high set feature. The relay should be IEC61850 compliant. It shall have trip value recording and oscillographic recording facility. It shall have same features as described for 33 KV Xmer panel. b) Numerical LBB Relay- shall have same features as described in 132 KV panels c) 2 No. Master Trip relay & indicating lamps, semaphores, annunciates & CB TNC switches. d) The C&R panels should be provided with digital Ammeter, digital volt meter, digital MW and MVAR meter (Export-Import type) and SEMS make import export tri vector energy meter (3 ,4W). e) The panel also should be provided with two nos TCH relays and one no DC monitoring relay. iv) 33 KV Capacitor Bank C&R panel The C&R panel shall be provided with the following; a) 1 No. 3 O/C + 1 E/F back up numerical relay with high set feature. The relay should be IEC61850 compliant. It shall be similar to that of 33 kV Xmer panel b) Numerical single phase over voltage and under voltage relay with time delay settable. c) Numerical LBB Relay shall have same feaures as in 132 KV panels d) 2 No. Master Trip relay & CB status indicating lamps, semaphores, annunciator & CB TNC switches. e) The C&R panels should be provided with digital Ammeter, digital volt meter, MVAR meter (Export-Import type) and SEMS make import export tri vector energy meter (3 ,4W). f) The panel also should be provided with two nos TCH relays and one no DC monitoring relay.

g) The panel shall be provided with Timer for closing circuit. i) The panel shall have a Numerical Unbalance Current relay with a Neutral CT arrangement. The numerical unbalance relay shall have self monitoring features, disturbance recorder, event logger in addition to general features described for Numerical relays in this section. 9.7.2 PANEL CUT OUT AND DIMENSIONS: CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 205 C.E.

TR11/44 i)

132KV KONI S/S The panels shall be fabricated of not less than 14 SWG sheet steel free from all surface defects. The panels shall have sufficient structural reinforcement to ensure a plain surface to limit vibration and to provide rigidity during despatch and installation. The Panels shall have the following dimensions : 33KV Simplex Panel. Type Height Depth Width : : : : Twin 2250 MM 500 MM Min. 660 MM



The panels shall be made in suitable sections as described elsewhere in the specification so that while mounting, the panels can be located side by side bolted together to form a compact unit. Design material selection and workmanship shall be such as to present a good appearance, outside and inside with no works of welds, reverts, screw or bolts head apparent from the exterior surfaced of the control boards. The mimic diagram offered shall be at the eye level to indicate the position of each breaker, isolating and grounding switch. Other equipments such as transformer, voltage transformers etc., shall be represented by suitable symbols. The arrangement shall be of over laid design. Painted type mimic diagram is not acceptable. The mimic diagram offered shall be of Azure blue shade 104 of IS-5. Rotating disc type semaphore shall be used to indicate the position of each breaker. The position of the circuit breaker whether closed or open shall be indicated by semaphore indicator to be provided for this purpose. It may be noted that the circuit breaker will have two trip coils in parallel and since their DC source of supply is one at present, necessary arrangement shall be made in the panel circuitry. For this purpose contact multiplication will not be involved but the rating of the control switch should be adequate to handle; the burden of two trip coils. Along with pistol grip type control switches red and green indicating lamps for ON/OFF indication shall be provided. Other requirements regarding indicating meters, control wiring, energy meters, switches, position indicators etc shall be same as for 132 KV Panels. Page No. 206 C.E.



vi) vii)



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TESTS: Relay and control panels shall be subjected to following tests: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Mechanical operation test. Verification of Degree of protection as per IS: 2147 High voltage test as per IS or IEC as may be applicable Electrical control, interlock and sequential operation tests Verification of wiring as per approved schematic Type tests and routine tests shall be carried out on all associated Equipment as per relevant Indian Standards or IEC Certified copies of all type and Routine test certification shall be submitted for Companys approval before dispatch in the control relay panel.

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9.9 The details of relays and other facilities to be provided in each panel :
S. No. Protection Schemes 40 MVA 132 KV 33 KV Side Side Xmer Xmer 1 No. NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 132 KV feeder bay NIL 1 No. Nil 132 KV Bus Transfer bay NIL 1 No Nil 33 KV Feeders 33KV Capacitor Bank NIL NIL 1 No. 33 KV Bus Transfer

1 2 3

Numerical Differential protection relay Numerical Distance protection relay Numerical Non directional IDMT relay with high set (3 O/C + 1 E/F) Numerical Over excitation(V/f) relay Numerical Over voltage Protection Under voltage Protection Trip circuit supervision relay DC Auxiliary 110 V supply voltage monitoring relay PT fuse failure relay Numerical Local Breaker back up relay Numerical Neutral displacement current relay Numerical directional IDMT relay with high set (3 O/C + 1 E/F) Numerical Over load Protection Double stage U/F relay Master trip relay Trip relay for LBB Transformer body protection relays. Digital MW Meter Digital MVAR Meter Digital Ampere meter (with selection switch where necessary) Digital Volt meter (with selection switch where necessary) Digital frequency meter (1 inch LED display) Annunciator relay Trip transfer switch TNC switch Numerical REF Relay SEMS make Energy Meter 3 Phase 4 wire Export-import, with load survey facility, RS 485 port with heavy duty TTB. Indicating lamps, semaphores



4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 No. In built NIL 2 Nos. 2 No. NIL 1 No. NIL 1 No

NIL 1 No NIL 2 Nos. 2 No. NIL 1 No. NIL 1 No.

NIL NIL NIL 2 Nos. 2 No. In built 1 No. NIL 1 No.

NIL NIL NIL 2 Nos. 2 No. In built 1 No. NIL 1 No.


NIL 1 No. 1 No. 2 Nos. 1 No. NIL 1 No 1 No. NIL


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

NIL NIL 2 Nos. 1 No. 1 Set 1 No. 1 No. 3 No.

1 No. NIL 2 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No 1 No. 1 No.

NIL NIL 2 Nos. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No. 3 No.

NIL In built 2 Nos. 1 No. NIL 1 No. NIL 3 No.

NIL In built 2 Nos. 1 No. NIL 1 No. 1 No 1 No.

NIL NIL 2 Nos. 1 No. NIL NIL 1 No. 1 No.

NIL In built 2 Nos. 1 No. NIL 1 No. NIL 1 No.


1 No.

1 No.

1 No

1 No.


1 No.

1 No.

22 23 24 25 26 27

NIL 1 Set 1 No. 1 No. 2 Nos. 1 No.

NIL 1 Set 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No.

NIL 1 Set 1 No. 1 No. NIL 1 No.

1 No. 1 Set NIL 1 No. NIL NIL

NIL 1 Set NIL 1 No. NIL 1 No.


1 No. 1 Set NIL 1 No. NIL 1 No.


As per requirement

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSFORMER OIL FILTRATION PLANT i) The specification provides for design manufacture testing before dispatch and delivery of the Transformer oil filtration plant. The scope covers supply of 1 no. 500 GPH filtration plant. ii) Technical specifications iii) The filtration plants shall be designed such that the oil is first phased through magnetic separator/coarse filter and strainer, followed by heating chamber, filter system and finally to the degassing chamber where it is subjected to vacuum treatment which dehydrates and degasifies the oil completely. The treated oil thus obtained shall be free from all solid impurities, colloidal matter, dissolved gases, water and volatile acids.

10.1 SCOPE


The plant shall be fully mobile mounted on undercarriage with pneumatic tyres. Arrangement for connection to truck or jeep prime mover shall be made depending on plant weight i.e. toeing facility. Automatic brakes shall be provided. Description of Plant: a) b) The plants should be able to remove 99.9 % of particles of 1 to 4 microns. Initial water content should be taken as 80 ppm and initial gas content in the oil should be taken as 10 % with these initial values, the plant should be capable of reducing the water content to 5 ppm or less and gas content should be reduced to 0.2 %. It should be noted that the above reduction in water content and gas content should be achieved in 3 to 5 passes but in any case not exceeding 5 passes. While the Developer may offer his own design, it may be noted that the plant should be capable of producing vacuum not less the 10 torr, in the first pass and in the final passes the plant should produce a vacuum of less the 1 torr. This is the oil to excessive limit. For the above purpose the oil should not be heated beyond 70 C. Thus keeping Maximum temperature limit of 70 C the plant should be capable of reducing water content to less the 5 ppm and gas content to 0.2 % in maximum of 5 passes. Based on the temperature of 70 C bidder should offer heating arrangement. The heaters should be 2 or 3 banks with selectors switch and total capacity of heater should be justified based on the temperature 70 C. The resistivity of oil treated by the filter machine should be above 500 x 1012 ohm /cm to 27 and 13 x 1012 ohm /cm at 90 C. Also the oil should withstand atleast 50 KV for one minute with 13 m.m. spheres 2.5 m.m. apart. The tangent delta of treated oil should be below 0.005 at 90 C. and neutralisation value (total acidity max.) should be 0.03 mg/KOH/gm.







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TR11/44 10.3 i) ii) FILTERING SYSTEM:-


The developer shall provide filtering system of adequate capacity to ensure that plant offered is capable of producing end results as described under point no. 2 Description of plant. In this connection, the following may please be noted.

Filtering system may consist of edge type filter in the form of closely compressed discs of specially treated paper. The oil from filter discs shall enter de-gasification chamber. Edge type filters shall be easily removable for maintenance purpose. For the purpose of cleaning edge type filters separate compressor with provision of air bottle of adequate capacity shall be made. The complete scheme which will form a part of main equipment shall be explained in details. iii) Arrangements to indicate the pressure of compressed air should be done. Complete scheme for cleaning of filter system along with associated accessories shall be explained. iv) Performance of filter plant design or heating system of the plants to develop designed vacuum shall be guaranteed for all variations in climatic conditions and altitude. 10.4 ACCESSORIES REQUIRED TO BE OFFERED WITH FILTER PLANTS: i) Gear type input pump with pressure relief valve and flow control valve. ii) Centrifugal type outlet pump, Vacuum pump of specified rating. iii) Air compressor complete with storage tank pressure gauge and safety valve. iv) Separate motors for input pump, output pump, vacuum pump and the air compressor. v) Heating chamber with heating element. vi) Two thermostats one on the heater chamber and another in the oil line. vii) De-gassing chamber with Rasching ring. viii) Magnetic strainer and preliminary filter on the input side. ix) 2 nos solenoid valves on the input and output side. x) Inlet & outlet oil line valves and one additional valve for re-circulation and connecting the inlet and outlet system as shown in the drawing. xi) Oil flow indicator on the outlet side. xii) Pressure gauge on the inlet line and pressure gauge on the pressure tank of air compressor system. xiii) Vacuum gauge of the required quality. xiv) Vapour condenser system with condensate tank with required valves. xv) Two flow switches, one for the low level of the oil and another for high level of oil. xvi) Drain valves in the heating chamber and outlet line. xvii) Thermometer range 0 - 150 C. xviii) Non-return valve for the pump. xix) Two nos hose pipes each of 15 metres length. xx) Suitable control panel with mimic diagram. xxi) Contractors, accessories and arrangements necessary for proper functioning of electrical system. CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 210 C.E.




TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR (110 VOLT AND 48 VOLT) BATTERIES. SCOPE:This specification calls for manufacture, testing at works and delivery FOR destination of 110 volts, 300Ah and 48 volts 300 Ah Batteries capacity at a discharge voltage 1.85V/Cell.



STANDARD. Batteries shall conform to the latest edition and amendments available of IS 1651.

11.3 11.3.1

PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS. Lead Acid Battery shall be of conventional type cells shall be supplied in hard rubber boxes and ample space must be provided below the plate for accumulation of deposit. Spray arrestors shall be provided to prevent loss of acid by spraying during charge. The imported design of tubular type batteries may be offered. Lead acid battery, comprising of closed type cells shall be complete with tubular positive plate assemblies, glass boxes or hard rubber boxes, lids providing micro porous and plastic separators, poly-styrene dwells and buffers, inter cell connectors and lead covered bolts and units. The battery shall be offered complete with:i. ii. iii. iv. Inter row connectors, acid jars and packing case. Stands. Stand insulator, and, Cable sockets for end and tapping connections.



The cells shall be accommodated in double tier stands constructed of selected timber and painted with 3 coats of acid proof paint. Necessary paint for this purpose shall be supplied no metal fastening shall be used. The stands shall be supported on insulators to obtain necessary insulation from earth and there shall be insulators between each cell and stand. The price of stand shall be included in the cost of the battery. The following accessories shall be supplied along with batteries and prices for the same shall be quoted separately: 1 2 3 4 One Battery Log Book Two Copies Of Printed Instruction Sheet One No. Cell Testing digital Voltmeter (3-0-3) Volts Complete With Leads One No. Rubber Syringe Page No. 211

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TR11/44 5 6 7 8

132KV KONI S/S One No. Of Syringe Type Hydro Meter Suitable For Specific Gravity Reading. One No. Thermometer (0- 100 Deg C) With Specific Gravity Scale One Set Of Bridging Connector Anti Sulphuric acid Enamel Paint a) Red Colour In Required Quantity b) Black Colour 2 Litres Battery Stand Suitable For Accommodating The Cells Coated With 3 Coats Of Anti Acid Paint. Hard Rubber Cells Insulators In Required Quantity With 4 Nos Extra (Spare) P.V.C. Sheet Stand Insulators In Required Quantity With 4 Nos Extra (Spare) One Set Of Cell No. Plates With Fixing Pins. One Pair Of Spanners One No. Acid Resisting Funnel One No. Acid Resisting Jug Of 2 Litres Capacity Requisite Quantity Of Electrolyte With 10% Extra In NonReturnable Containers One Set Of Inter Connectors.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

11.3.4 Two sets of batteries shall comprise of 55 / 24 cells with capacity not less than 300Ah for 110 volts and for 48 volt batteries at 10 hour rate of discharge to 1.85 volts per cell. 11.4 TESTS: The batteries shall be tested after manufacture as per the requirements of I.S. 1651:1991 (with latest amendments if any).

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TR11/44 12.0


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR (110 VOLTS AND 48 VOLTS) BATTERY CHARGER. SCOPE:This specification covers important details regarding design, manufacture and testing at manufacturers works for 110 volts and 48 volts battery chargers.



STANDARDS. Unless otherwise specified, the equipment shall conform to the latest applicable Indian, IEC, British or USA standards, and in particular to the following standards:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IS:1651 IS:3895 IS:9224 IS:1248 IS:2147 IS:375 IS:4540 IS:6619 IS:2026 Specifications For Stationery Cells And Batteries, Lead Acid Type With Tubular Positive Plates Specification For Rectifier Equipments Specifications For HRC Fuses Indication Instruments Degree Of Protection For Cubicles Specification For Wiring Mono Crystalline Semi Conductor Rectifier Assemblies And Equipment Safety Code For Semi Conductor Rectifiers Transformers AC Contractors For Voltage Not Exceeding 1000 V General Requirements For Switch Gear In Control Gear For Voltage < 1000 Volts Air Break Switches And Fuse Units Code Of Practice For Phosphating Colour For Ready Mix Paints Printed Circuit Boards Guide For Making Insulated Conductors

10. IS:2959 11. IS:4237 12. IS:4064 13. IS:6005 14. IS:5568 15. IS:2489, 5921 16. IS:5578 12.3

CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES: One single sheet steel cabinet shall accommodate both boost & float chargers. The dimensions of battery charger shall be as under a) Height- 1600 mm including base channel b) Depth- 800 mm c) Width- as per requirement.

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TR11/44 12.4 12.4.1


PARAMETERS Basic requirement of 48 volt and 110 volt 300Ah battery charger is that under all conditions of failure of any component of trickle charger, boost charger, A.C. supply, faults during the short circuit etc. over voltage conditions, under voltage conditions etc. load and battery should always remain paralleled. The interruption of D.C. supply to load under any circumstances cannot be afforded and therefore this requirement should be kept in view carefully. The battery charger should consist of two float and one boost charger. Out of two floats one shall be in standby mode. Each charger should be built with power SCR/ diodes in full way full controlled bridge configuration. The FC/BC charger should meet the requirement of load. Float charger should have constant voltage mode only and should be capable to supply trickle charging current to battery and the station load. The boost charger should have constant current mode. During boost charging, the battery tap shall be connected to the load through blocking diodes. The boost charger unit shall work independently and will be utilised for boost charging the battery. Thus while boost charging the battery, the float charging unit will independently supply the station load. For variation of voltage of 48V boost charger unit, suitable motor operated Variac shall be provided. The output voltage of boost charger should be designed on the basis of maximum cell voltage of 2.7 per cell. The battery charger should fulfil the following salient features: (a) (b) (d) (e) (f) (g) Float & boost change over arrangement. Built in digitally controlled automatic regulation circuit. Current limiting device. Smoothing filter circuit to limit AC ripple. Charger over load protection. LED indications for mains on, DC on, battery on charge, battery charged, rectifier trip, input over voltage and input under voltage.



12.4.4 12.4.5 12.4.6

I Built in auto phase sequence detector.

12.5 12.5.1

VOLTAGE REGULATION Battery charger shall be provided with a facility for both automatic and manual control output voltage and current. A selector switch shall be provided for selecting the mode of output voltage / current control, whether automatic or manual. When on automatic control mode during float charging, the charger output voltage shall remain within 1% of the set value for AC input voltage variation of 10%, frequency variation of 5%, a combined voltage and frequency variation of 10%, and a DC load variation from zero to full load. Page No. 214 C.E.

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TR11/44 12.6 FAULT LEVEL


The fault level of the auxiliary AC supply at the terminals of the charge shall be 10 KA. All accessories shall be selected and equipment shall be designed accordingly. 12.7 INPUT SUPPLY Input supply where the charger shall be installed may either 415 V with a variation from 360V to 450V. 12.8 12.8.1 CONSTRUCTION Charger cabinets shall sheet metal enclosed and shall be dust, weather and vermin proof. Sheet steel used shall be at least 2.0 m.m. thick and properly braced to prevent wobbling wherever necessary. The cubicle shall be of iron angle frame, i.e. suitable sturdy frame shall be prepared with strong base channels, to bear the load of heavy accessories. Charger cabinet shall be free standing, floor mounting type and shall be provided with a hinged door in the back with suitable pad locking arrangements. All doors, removable covers and plates shall have gasket all around with neoprene gaskets. Louvers where provided shall have screens and filters. The screens shall have fine wire mesh made of G.I. wire. Wiring. For the wiring purpose standard 1100 volt stranded copper conductor of 2.5 mm2 area with minimum seven strands should only be used. The terminations shall be crimped tag solder-less type with covering sleeves only. Colour coded wire should be used to facilitate easy tracing of wires as under:a) AC circuit 1. Red, yellow and blue for RYB phases 2. Green for earthing 3. Black for neutral
b) DC Circuit. 1. Red for positive. 2. Black for negative. c) Control Wiring



12.9 12.9.1 12.9.2

1. Grey for annunciation & other control circuits. 12.9.3 12.9.4 Electrical indicating instruments shall be mounted flush on the front panel. Since a number of wires run from one point to another, it is desired that the support arrangement should be adequate and neat. The conventional method of bunching of wires should not be adopted since the same creates problems in case any wire is to be removed. The blank plastic channels should be

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provided by the sides of the panels to accommodate the incoming channels from switch-yard. 12.9.5 The input and output terminals should be neatly brought out on the backside of the charger. The terminals to be provided are 4 Nos. for AC input i.e. RYB and two nos from load i.e. positive (+), and Negative (-), plus two numbers from battery connections i.e. positive, negative and all tap cell connections. PRE-TREATMENT & PAINTING PROCESS The sheet steel fabricated members shall be subjected to pre treatment process before painting. The process of pre treatment and final painting shall be in conformity with latest engineering practices. 12.11 CAPACITY & RATING FOR CHARGERS. For battery chargers of different ratings the ultimate capacity shall be designed based on the following requirements. Requirements a. FLOAT CHARGER UNIT 1. Load (Amperes) 2. Trickle current (mAmps) b. BOOST CHARGER UNIT 1. Load (Amperes) 2. Boost current (Amps) 3. Boost charger capacity 48 V 300 Ah 30 300 110 V 300 Ah 25 300


30 30 60

25 30 55


Common features and General Requirements:- The Battery Charger shall have two independent units one for Boost charging and the other for the float charger. At a time only one unit shall be in service through a selector switch. Rating of Main X-Mer for Float & Boost Charger:- The main step down transformer rating shall be decided considering the rated DC out put, efficiency and a factor of safety of 1.2. The current density in the copper windings shall be 1.5A/mm2. The Xmer shall be double wound type. The magnetizing current shall be less than 3% of the rated current at 415V AC. Thus the Xmer shall function at low value of flux density. The temperature rise of the transformer when supplying full load DC out put shall not exceed 40 Deg. C above an ambient of 45 Deg. C. These features shall be checked at the time of inspection. Measurement of Battery Current:- Normal Trickle current is in the range of 300-600 mA. The charge/discharge Ammeter should have a range of 30A to + 60 Amp. Further, it is desired that a suitable arrangement shall be made to display the battery trickle current in the mA range during normal float charger



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operation. This mA meter will remain shunted through a selector switch so that the above meter will be by-passed during boost charging condition. A Red Colour light emitting diode (LED) shall glow immediately as soon as the battery goes in discharge mode. This will be provided on the front panel. 12.12.3 12.12.4 Measurement of DC Voltage:- Separate DC volt meter shall be provided for boost voltage, float voltage & load voltage. Protection & Special Features:- The charger shall incorporate the following features:i) Over voltage alarm:- If the voltage exceeds +10% across load terminal charger shall give an over voltage alarm.

ii) Under voltage alarm:- If the load voltage falls to 90% the charger shall give an under voltage alarm. iii) Earth leakage for 110V battery charger:- There shall be an earth leakage ammeter in addition to an audible alarm for the earth leakage of DC circuit. iv) Single phasing:- In case of single phasing of input AC supply to float / boost charger, the charger shall give an alarm. The single phasing detector shall work on current principle and not on voltage. v) Other protections:- The charger shall be provided with over load alarm, rectifier fuse failure alarm for float and boost charger and also fuse failure alarm for filter capacitors. The annunciation circuit shall be simple and robust design and shall provide a disconnecting fuse link at the front panel in series with the bell so that the ringing of the bell can be stopped by the operator. 12.12.5 AC Circuit:- The AC Circuit shall consist of input main switch, supply indication lamps in put ammeter and volt meter with selector switches, control MCBs, contactors for float and boost chargers, single phasing preventer etc. Soft start feature :- The Thyristor control unit to be provided for Trickle charger unit should incorporate soft start feature. The voltage should not shoot up when the supply of the charger is switched ON and soft start feature shall be incorporated. Out put Ammeter:- The float charger shall be provided with an output DC ammeter of range depending on a float output current. Limits of Ripple Content:- The ripple content shall be 1% or less of the output voltage for float charger and in case of boost charger the ripple shall be less than 2%. Control of load voltage:- All the 24 Cells will remain across the load terminals while boost charging. Hence the control of load voltage at the time of boost charging shall be done by means of dropping diodes. The number of dropping diodes in the circuit shall be selectable by means of a Page No. 217 C.E.


12.12.7 12.12.8


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132KV KONI S/S rotary switch on a front panel. In one position of the switch all the diodes shall be by passed. Further all the dropping diodes shall also be by passed by means of an AC contactor in case of AC supply failure or boost charger off. Thus the dropping diodes shall come in to circuit only in case of boost charger in service.

12.12.10 Make & Rating of the components:- It is necessary that It is necessary that the bidder adheres to the following makes & ratings for the components to be used in the battery charger:i) 3 Phase Auto Xmer for boost charger:- This transformer shall be of full rating i.e. 0 to 415 Volts. The make of the auto transformer shall be preferably Automatic Electric rectifier house Bombay-31. The current rating of the Auto Transformer shall be selected considering the DC output and a factor of safety of 1.5. Rectifiers for Floot & Boost Chargers:- These shall be of Hirect, USHA, RIR make only. iii) iv) Ammeter & Volt Meters:- These shall be of AE, MECO, Rishabh make only. Selector Switches:- These shall be KAYCEE/ Switron make only. No switches below the rating of 16 Amp shall be provided except for the Volt Meter Selector switch for the AC voltage selection. Diodes:a) All dropper diodes shall be of not less than 70 Amp rating b) All diodes / SCR for 110V battery charger shall be 1000V and current rating shall be selected with a factor of safety of 2.5. c) All diodes/ SCR for 48 V battery charger shall be 600 V and current rating shall be selected with a factor of safety of 2.5. vi) vii) HRC Fuses:- The HRC fuses shall be of AREVA / Standard / S&S make only. AC Contactors:- The AC Contactors to be used in a charger shall be of ABB / L&T/ Siemens/ TELEMECH only. The AC current rating of the contactors shall be elected with a factor of safety of 1.5. MCBs:- MDS, Havells or Siemens. Filter Capacitors:- The voltage rating of filter capacitors shall not be less than 450 V for 48V and also for 110V chargers. The make shall be Alcon / RESCON/ SFPL. The capacity shall be selected to achieve the ripple content. There shall be at least two capacitors for the construction of pie circuits. Annunciator Relay:- Mini lec, Allen Micro Control, JVS. The charger should have a short circuit protection. Charger shall have load limiters having drooping characteristic, which shall cause, when Page No. 218 C.E.



viii) ix)

x) 12.12.11

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132KV KONI S/S the voltage control is in the automatic mode, the gradual lowering of output voltage when the DC load current exceeds the load limiters setting of the charger. The load limiter characteristic shall be such that any sustained over load or short circuit in DC system shall not damage the charger or shall cause blowing of any other charger fuses. *******

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TR11/44 13.0 13.1


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR POWER LINE CARRIER COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTS:SCOPE This specification covers manufacture, assembly and testing at manufacturers work, stage inspection, testing, packing and delivery of line carrier communication equipments required on 132 KV line sections. The specifications covers supply of outdoor as well as indoor equipments required for providing, power line carrier communication between two substations. The scope covers supply of multi purpose carrier cabinet with latest technology suitable for speech, tele-protection, signalling, telemetry, and telex / fax transmission.

13.2 13.3.1

LIMITS OF CONTRACTS: OUTDOOR EQUIPMENTS:The bidders scope of supply shall include the outdoor apparatus required for carrier system such as Wave trap, Coupling capacitor, Line matching unit alongwith protective device (Drainage coil, surge arrestor & eathing switch etc).


INDOOR EQUIPMENTS The scope of supply shall also include all the indoor equipments required, viz Carrier panel, Protection couplers, Electronic private automatic exchange and Telephones. HF Coaxial cable interconnecting the outdoor and indoor apparatus shall be included in this section.


REQUIREMENTS:The power line carrier communication equipment to be supplied and erected under this contract shall be suitable to provide the following services:a) b) c) Speech communication between the stations. EHV line protection signal transmission/reception through Carrier equipment. VFT facilities for data communication.

The supplier shall provide Power Line Carrier Cabinet sharp cut-off filter, speech compression & expansion (compander) facility & transit band pass filter. The equipment shall be immune to corona & other noises which are predominantly present in EHV S/Stns. The Carrier cabinet shall work on Amplitude modulation principal however advanced versions working on QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) shall also be acceptable. The carrier equipment shall support 600 Baud data transmission rate along with speech transmission & 1200 Baud with out speech. Presently AF coupler unit (carrier protection unit) is not required, however, the Carrier Cabinet should be compatible to be connected with protection coupler working on coded command principle. Coded commands for direct tripping & fixed frequency/combination of frequency commands for permissive trip may be added in future. CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 220 C.E.



Bidder may offer power line carrier equipment according to their standard practice to fulfil the requirement of this specification. The equipment offered should be the single side band fixed frequency type. The equipments shall have full scope for further extension and alteration. It is to be noted that the existing 132 KV system of the purchaser already has a power line carrier communication system, based on the details of the existing equipments and existing frequencies network which will be furnished to successful bidder. The bidder if desired shall be responsible for proposing suitable frequencies for section on which PLC equipments are to be installed. In choosing the frequency for the proposed sections, the bidder shall pay due attention to the frequencies already in use. For the protection signalling separate carrier frequency is not required. The 4 KHz. AF Band of PLC cabinet shall carry speech from 0- 2 KHz & rest of the portion of band can be utilized for protection signalling data transmission. The equipment would be used on 132 KV transmission line. For selection of frequency, due consideration should be given to the transposition aspect as the signal attenuation is likely to be substantially affected by transposition of phases and other parameters. The bidder will have to carry out the necessary studies and furnish the required calculations and conclusion drawn there from for satisfaction of the customer. The details of the transposition shall be furnished to the successful bidders. In any case the frequencies to be finally adopted will be subject to approval by the Government Of India and the bidder shall agree to modify the frequencies in accordance with the final requirement without any extra cost. The requirement will have to be compiled with without any extra charges to us even if the approved frequency plan calls for utilisation of fractional frequencies. 13.5.1 FACILITIES REQUIRED:The communication system shall be used for speech transmission/reception in duplex mode, data transmission & protection signalling. The carrier cabinet will be compatible to be connected with EPAX. The EPAX must support E&M signalling in addition to other facilities. Thus the local subscriber of exchange will be able to make local as well as trunk calls. 13.5.2 FREQUENCIES TO BE ADOPTED:- The frequencies to be used shall be chosen from PLC band i.e. 50 - 500 KHz. Higher frequencies can be adopted for smaller sections and lower for longer sections. For this purpose it is obligatory for the bidder to furnish frequencies plan for all sections in the tender. COUPLING TO HIGH TENSION LINES:- For all the line sections covered by this specifications phase to phase coupling shall be adopted. On 132 KV line sections 132 KV class Coupling Capacitors are to be provided by the developer. However, carrier panels LMU with protective device and drainage coil for 132 KV section are included in this specifications.


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TR11/44 13.5.4


MODULATIONS:- Carrier equipments working on Amplitude modulation technique may be offered however equipments working on QAM & Digital modulation techniques are also acceptable. PHYSICAL LAYOUT OF EQUIPMENTS The following equipments will be installed in the outdoor switchyard. i) Wave trap. ii) Coupling Capacitor iii) Line Matching Unit along with protective device. All the remaining equipments viz. Carrier transmitter receiver set, emergency power supply equipment etc., will be installed inside the control building adjacent to switchyard. The lead of coaxial cable connecting the Line Matching Unit and the carrier set will be lead in underground cable ducts. It may be necessary to lay part of the coaxial cable in ducts as well as direct in ground. The cable should thus be suitable to embedded in ground. The cabinet should be suitable for transmission of speech and data at 1200 baud. The carrier cabinet should be designed in such manner that programming of AF speech band, pilot, line filter, transmit frequency, & receive frequency is possible on site. The cabinet should have remote loop testing facility.



STANDARD. The PLCC equipments shall comply with the latest issue of I.S. and IEC standard as mentioned below:S. No. 1 2 3 4 Name of equipment Wave trap Coupling device Carrier set Protection coupler IEC no. 353 481 495 834-1 2 IS no. 8792 8793 8997 ---


POWER LINE CARRIER COMMUNICATION CABINET: PLCC terminals shall use amplitude modulation (QAM in case of Digital PLCC panel) and shall have SSB transmission mode. The carrier cabinet shall work on fixed frequency & Duplex mode. The PLCC terminal shall comprise of HF high breed & high quality, sharp filters & crystal generated highly stable frequency. The various printed circuit board of carrier set shall be housed in heavy gauge steel (12/14 gauge) indoor cabinet for floor mounting type with adequate arrangements for ventilation and screening of the same to avoid dust getting in and to avoid any adverse effect from moisture during rainy season. The cabinet shall be finished with paints of suitable colour coated inside and outside. Screw clamp type terminals shall be provided for inter connection wiring. The cabinet shall be suitable for bottom cable entry.

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All individual parts of set shall be accessible from the front to permit testing and repair. The front shall have hinged doors, equipped with handles and locks. Necessary testing and indication device shall be provided on the front panel to enable checking of important functions and circuits. The whole circuit shall be mounted on one panel which is hinged at top and bottom of the cabinet. This will facilitate approach to backside of the circuit. The cabinet shall be provided on the outer side with visual and audio alarm indications to announce failure of power supply, absence of carrier signal for both receiver and transmitter etc. the audio alarm would be provided for this purpose which should be audible from 8 metres distance. The carrier set shall be suitable for operation with EPAX i.e. E&M signalling. In addition, two telephone sets shall be provided with each carrier set (one jack telephone, and one four wire telephone), for testing purpose and for carrying on emergency conversion without the help of the associated automatic exchange. A monitoring and checking system shall be provided on the panel with selector switch to indicate all important levels. (DC, VF, IF and HF). The PLCC terminal should be provided with facility on 2 wire conversation on Express mode with the help of pilot shifting (necessary print for this type of conversation should be provided. S.No. 1. Particulars Operating mode Description Single side band with suppressed carrier, with multiple conversion i.e. preferably 3 stage modulation & 4 stage demodulation to suppress noises present in electrical network & maintain high receiver selectivity. 40 KHz. To 500 KHz. 50 KHz. To 500 KHz. 4 KHz. 8 KHz. 60 dB 54 dB

Carrier frequency range a. Overall b. Programmable

Nominal band with a. Single channel b. Twin channel

Maximum Line Attenuation a. Single Channel b. Twin Channel

Effective working on the line attenuation excluding line noise level a. Single Channel b. Twin Channel 35 to 40 dB 30 to 35 dB 75 or 125 Ohm unbalanced

Nominal output impedance

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TR11/44 7 8 9 Return Loss Tolerance in Transition band Carrier frequency stability Useful A.F. Band width >12 dB < + 5 Hz. 300 t0 3840 Hz.


13.5.8 ALLOWABLE ATTENUATION DISTORTION OF A.F. CHANNEL A Broad band repeater, i. 0.3 to 0.4 KHz. 0.9/+1.7 dB operation 0.3 Khz. To 3.84 ii. 0.4 to 3.7 KHz. 0.9/+0.9dB iii. 3.7 to KHz. 3.84 KHz. 0.9/+1.7 dB Broad band repreater i. 0.3 to 0.4 KHz. 0.9/+1.7 dB operation 0.3 KHz. To 3.6 ii. 0.4 to 3.7 KHz. 0.9/+0.9dB iii. 3.4 to KHz. (with low pass filter) 3.6 KHz. 0.9/+1.7 dB Speech band 0.3 to 3.4 Comply with IEC 495 KHz. Without compander Speech band 0.3 to 3.4 Comply with IEC 495 KHz. Without compander


13.5.9 TELEMETRING BAND 1. Tele control Inputs Minimum 3 inputs precoupled, independently adjustable 600 ohms


Broad Band repeater operation 0.3 i. 0.5 to 0.6 KHz. < 3.0 ms. to 3.6 KHz. (with low pass filter) ii. 0.6 to 1.0 KHz. < 1.5 ms. iii. 1.0 to 2.6 KHz. < 0.5 ms. iv. 2.6 to 3.4 KHz. < 1.5 ms. V. 3.4 to 3.6 KHz. < 5.0 ms.


Speech Bands. a) 0.3 KHz to 3.4 KHz. b) 0.3 KHz. T0 2.4 KHz. c) 0.3 KHz. T0 2.0 KHz.

Comply with IEC 495

13.5.10 FILTER CHARACTERISTICS:1. 2 3 Allowable ripple for Band pass, High + 0.9 dB/-0.9 db pass & Low pass filters Rejection Filter Frequencies Page No. 224 > 50 dB Programmable C.E.

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TR11/44 4 5 6 Selectivity Band Stop Attenuation Band Pass Attenuation

132KV KONI S/S > 50 dB/120 Hz. 50 dB Flat in a band of + 0.9 dB

13.5.11 COMPANDER CHARACTERISTICS It should comply with C.C.I.T.T.-G-162. HARMONIC DISTORTION: 350 Hz. Speech Signal 1 4- Wire < (-) dBmo for each component at (-) 3 dBmo without attenuation 2 3 4 5 2-Wire Tele control signal Near & Far end cross talk < (-) 30 dBmo for each component at (-) 3 dBmo with compander < 1 % at maximum gain < (-) 50 dBmop

Near & Far end cross talk > 50 dB attenuation

13.5.12 SUPERVISION ALARMS: Should come under following conditions:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Loss of Transmitter signal. Loss of Receiver signal (2 to 5 dB below the AGC range). Low SNR in speech & telecontrol channels Low of Auxiliary supply Excessive impulse interference. 15 dB

13.5.13 A.F. MUTING 1. 2. Slow Muting Rx signal strength 2 to dB below the AGC alarm range. Fast Muting alarm for burst noise Pick up delay < 10 ms at a burst noise level of > O dBmo/SNR <o dB

13.5.14 R.F. OUTPUT POWER 1. Peak envelope power including pilot 40 Watt signal under normal load conditions (+46 dB) at c0-axial o/p Spurious Signal suppression at the > 60 dB limits of the band width for Single & Twin channel Harmonic suppression for Single & > 80 dB Twin channel Page No. 225 C.E.



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TR11/44 4. 13.5.15 1. 2. 3. 4. Suppression of unwanted side bands RECEIVER REQUIREMENTS:R.F. sensitivities with reference to test (-) 24 dBm tone level at R.F.I/P Image Rejection I.F. rejection A.G.C. > 80 dB > 80 dB > 80 dB


A.F. Output level should remain within + 0.5 dB for variation of + 14 dB to (-) 26 dB in R.F. Input level. 0.5 dB/Sec For increase/decrease level

5. 6. 13.5.16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 13.5.17 1.

A.G.C. Time constant

Frequency response equalization range + 6 dB TELEPHONE INTERFACES: 2/4 Wire P.A.X. interface Should be provided Remote & Local loop testing Should be provided facilities for A.F. Signals 2/4 wire Input & output level Input Range-Nominal Balance referred to ground Return Losses TELECONTROL OUTPUTS Telecontrol Output Minimum 3 nos Decoupled, independently adjustable 600 ohms balances. Programmable as transit filter or Board band outputs. Adjustable in steps of 0.25 dB (-) 20 dB to + 10 dB in steps of 0.25 dB > 56 dB > 20 dB

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Nominal Output level Output level range (Single Tone) Maximum Out5put Level (PEP) Balance referred to ground Return Losses

0 dBr, 600 ohms balances. (-) 20 dBr to + 10 dBr in steps of 0.25 dB across 600 ohms + 14 dBm across 600 ohms > 56 dB > 20 dB

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Board band repeater operation 0.3 i. 0.5 to 0.6 KHz. < 3.0 ms. KHz. To 3.84 KHz. ii. 0.6 to 1.0 KHz. < 1.5 ms. iii. 1.0 to 3.2 KHz. < 0.5 ms. iv. 3.2 to 3.7 KHz. < 3.0 ms. Balance referred to ground Return Losses DC Resistance Speech cutoff frequency adjustable Telephony signalling > 56 dB > 20 dB > 2 M Mega-ohms 1.8 KHz. _ 3.4 KHz. In steps of 200 Hz. Pilot Oscillation Keying syste. E.M. Signalling mode.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR TWIN CHANNEL POWER LINE CARRIER COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Carrier Cabinet Mode of transmission Carrier frequency range Nominal carrier frequency band width. Oscillator for generating carriers Frequency stability Effectively transmitted speech frequency band. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Single side band amplitude modulation 24 to 500 KHz 8KHz Crystal controlled oscillator with frequency divider Less than + /- 5 Hz 300 Hz to 2000 / 2200/ 2400 / 2600 / 2800 / 3000 /3200 / 3400 Hz Upper limit programmable in steps of 200 Hz using plugin jumpers. Depends on the Speech cut off frequency. With Speech band of 300 Hz to 2000 Hz the available band for superimposed channels is 2160 Hz to 3600 Hz programmable in steps of 60 Hz. 3780 + /- 30 Hz Pilot frequency is used for signalling (Programmable) 40 watt PEP. Adjustable output power 75/ 125 Ohms Unbalanced and 150 Ohms Balanced (Optional)

Available band for superimposed signals.

8 9 10

Signalling frequency HF Power Output Nominal impedance i) Carrier frequency side

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TR11/44 S. No. 11 DESCRIPTION ii) V.F. side Relative VF levels across 600 Ohms (Balanced) i) 4 wite transit ii) 4 wire receive iii) 2 wire transit iv) 2 wire receive 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Details of power supply required. Power consumption Spurious emissions Receiver Sensitivity Automatic volume control Signal to Noise ratio over current carrier channels. Selectivity Any other technical particulars not mentioned above, but considered necessary may please be also furnished.


-3.5 dBr.(Adjustable using DIP switches from20 dBr to +10 dBr) -3.5dBr.(Adjustable using DIP switches from 20 dBr to +10 dBr) 0dBr.(Adjustable using DIP switches from 16dBr to + 7 dBr) -7dBr. (Adjustable using DIP switches from 16 dBr to +7dBr) 48V DC (Variation allowed +20%/15%) 80 Watts approx. for single channel As per IEC 495 -24 dBm referred to the Test Tone level at the RF I / P. AF O/P level remains within + / - 0.5 dB for a + /-14/-26dB variation of RF I/P level. <40 dB 70 dB for 300 Hz 100 dB for 4 KHz. -


BILL OF MATERIAL OF TWIN CHANNEL CARRIER CABINET Each Carrier cabinet shall consist of the following components: (1). (2). (3). (4). (5). (6) (7) (8) (9) 01 no. dummy load module. 01 no. 2 wire telephone for each channel. 01 no. 4 wire telephone set, push button type for each channel. 01 no. jack telephone hand set for each channel. 01 no. 125 ohm load. Transit band pass filter. Print puller. Exhaust fan. Test meter print. Page No. 228 C.E.

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14.0 14.1


14.1.1. SCOPE : It comprises the supply, installation & commissioning of Remote Terminal Unit for SCADA System of CSPTCL.

The RTUs under this tender specification shall have IEC-870-5-101 standard protocol supported by the Front-end-server. The RTU shall additionally support IEC 870-5-103, MODBUS & DNP 3.0 protocol and all relevant IEC standards. 14.1.3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION:This specification covers detailed Design, Engineering, Testing, Supply and Commissioning of Remote Terminal Units, Interface Cabinets, multi function Transducers and other associated equipments. Such as suitable test software & accessories for telemetry of real time electrical data from various EHV Substations and Power Stations located in Chhattisgarh. The Load Dispatching functions at SLDC Bhilai is supplemented with the real time SCADA system, installed & commissioned under ULDC project, using Remote Terminal Units, which use IEC 870-5-101 protocol. The RTUs proposed to be procured under this tender specification shall have IEC-870-5-101 standard protocol supported by the Front-end-server along with support of IEC 870-5-103 & MODBUS protocol for data acquisition from the field. 14.1.4 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT OF RTUs : The over all functions to be performed by the RTUs are as below :Each function are presented in detail for initial and future requirements of the RTUs. The contractor shall provide all functional capabilities described herein even if a function is not initially implemented. As a minimum, the RTUs shall be capable of performing the following functions: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Collecting, processing and transmitting status changes, accumulated values and analog values. Receiving and processing digital and analog commands from the master station. Accepting polling messages from the master station. Supporting data transmission rates from 300 to 19200 bits per second as per IEC 870-5-101 specifications. Shall have four communication ports. The RTU shall additionally support IEC 870-5-103, MODBUS protocol also for acquiring data from field devices like digital relays & meters. Page No. 229 C.E.

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132KV KONI S/S All ports of the RTU shall be capable to communicate with different master, operating on above mentioned different protocol, at a time without affecting the performance of the RTU. The RTU shall also be capable of acquiring data from digital relays & energy meters using IEC 870-5-103 & MODBUS protocol respectively. At the time of communication failure, the performance of the RTU should not be affected due to buffer overflow or any other reason and the RTU should start communicating to its master automatically as & when the communication restores, without re-setting the RTU unit. Analog and digital input points (including points reported by exception) shall be assignable to scan groups. The RTU communication protocol shall report status changes by exception (spontaneous change of status indication). The communication protocol shall also support an update demand scan of all status data by master station regardless of the lack of any changed data. The update scan will report the status of all RTU data assigned to the scan group. Each RTU communication message shall include an error code, the use of which shall result in a very low probability of an erroneous message being accepted as valid. The error code shall be determined and appended to the message for all messages transmitted by the RTU and verified by the RTU for all message addressed and received by the RTU. Cyclic error detection codes such as CRC are required. Although the control functions are not being implemented at present, the RTU should be capable of supporting the same. By putting additional hardware modules only the control functions shall be possible, necessary software shall be an integral part of the RTU SCADA software.


ix) x)



14.1.5 COMMUNICATION INTERFACE: Each RTU shall be equipped with a minimum of four (4) communication ports. The communication ports and their usage are as follows: (a) (b) Port 1 and 2 shall be for normal communication to the LD Control Centre. Port 3 shall be for output to a local printer. The outputs shall be: (i) Report of all S/S status indication and all telemetry values with a time stamp. (ii) Upon user request, print the RTU sequence of event with time stamps. Port 4 shall be a maintenance port.

RTU should have provision for two more ports for communication with the Field devices like Digital Relays & Energy Meter over IEC 870-5-103 and MODBUS protocol respectively, if required. The ports shall support the EIA RS232C or RS485 (CCITT V.24/V.28) asynchronous / synchronous interface capable of operating between 50 and 9600 bps. All communication ports shall use CCITT V.24 and V.28 signal specifications to interface to the modems, local logger and local support terminal. All ports shall be accessible to employer to attach the interface equipment and to provide access for the CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 230 C.E.



maintenance, test and monitoring equipment. The RTU shall be equipped with of 100 Mbps, 10/100 Base T Ethernet port. 14.1.6 MASTER STATION COMMUNICATION INTERFACE: The RTU shall be connected to mater station over either power line carrier communication (PLCC) channel or OFC or VSAT communication using RS232C or other suitable port. Therefore, RTU should be compatible to be connected to these communication mediums. However, the RTU shall also have provision to make compatible for other modes of communication media such as, UHF / Microwave etc. 14.1.7 MODEM: The modem shall be supplied for communication with the front-end server / master station. A modem combining all of the characteristics defined below is required such that changing the communication data rate shall only require reconfiguration of the RTU modem. The modems shall not require manual equalization and shall include self-test features such as manual mark/space keying, analog loop-back. The modems shall provide for convenient adjustment of output level and receive sensitivity. The configuration of tones and speed shall be programmable and maintained in non-volatile memory in the modem. The modems shall meet the following requirements as a minimum: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) Use CCITT standards including V.24, V.28, V.52 & V.54 Communicate at data rates from 50 to 1200 bits per second, factory set at 200 bauds. Use CCITT V.21, V.23, R.35, R.37, R.38a and R.38b standard tones for the selected data rate. Use frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation. Use both 2 Wire and 4 wire communication lines. Receive level adjustable from 0 to -40 dBm @ 600 Ohms. Transmit level adjustable from 0 to -30 dBm @ 600 Ohms. Have a minimum sensitivity of -48dBm. LEDs shall be provided on modem for indicating Tx/Rx activity (ON/OFF) and carrier fail alarm. The modem shall be fed through the DC auxiliary supply available in the RTU itself. Supporting data transmission rate shall be minimum 300-1200 bits per second for PLCC modems. For RTUs, the data transmission rate shall be 300-19200 bits per second.

14.1.8 MASTER STATION COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL : A communication protocol for communicating with the front-end server conforming to IEC-870-5-101 communication standard shall be provided. The communication protocol shall be non-proprietary. Complete implementation details of IEC-870-5-101 protocol shall be provided and contractor shall be responsible for tuning / configuring, in the front-end server/ master station, to establish communication with existing/ new SCADA computer system.

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14.1.9 COMMUNICATION CHANNEL CONTROL: The RTU shall perform as a slave on the communication channel to CSPTCLs SCADA system. All communication shall be initiated by the SCADA system front-end server/ master station. The RTU must notify the master station on an unusual condition in the RTU (such as a power fail/restoration or RTU malfunction) or must initiate the transfer of changed data. The notification shall be accomplished within the framework of the periodic data acquisition exchanges. 14.1.10 (a) ANALOG INPUT: The RTU shall accommodate analog current inputs, which are isolated, unipolar, or bipolar, 2 wire ungrounded differential signal with full resolutions as follows:i) ii) iii) iv) +4 to 20 mA 0 to 10 mA -10 to 10 mA 0 to 20 mA

(b) ANALOG OUTPUT: RTU shall support analog output of 4-20 mA 14.1.11 (a) DIGITAL STATUS INPUTS: The digital status input interface shall be capable of accepting isolated, wet or dry contract status input. The contractor shall apply necessary sensing voltage, current limiting, and optical isolation and debounce filtering independently for each digital status input. The sensing voltage source shall be isolated from that of the RTUs logic power such that any noise or short circuit across the sensing supplys output terminals would not disrupt the RTU operation other than the shorted digital status input. The following types of digital inputs shall be supported: a) b) c) d) e) Status inputs SOE Inputs BCD inputs Binary Word inputs Pulse accumulator inputs

The following types of status inputs shall be supported: a) Single Contact Digital Status input (SS) b) Double Contract Digital Status input point (DS) c) Three-state status (b) DIGITAL STATUS OUTPUTS: For command purpose 14.1.12 CLOCK: The internal RTU time base shall have a stability of 1 ppm that is 3.6 mill seconds per hour or better. The RTU time will be set from time synchronization messages received from a master station. The RTU shall synchronize its internal clock with the master station system clock when the

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Time synchronization is available. It shall be possible to display the RTU time on a local digital clock. 14.1.13 INTERFACE CABINETS: The contractor shall provide interface cabinets between the RTU and the field equipment. The interface cabinet shall house all transducers, interposing relays / opto-isolator, and interface terminal blocks. The interface cabinet shall be mounted adjacent to the RTU cabinet. All RTU signals shall be connected to the transducers, interposing relays, and field signals in the interface cabinets. However, as per field conditions transducers may be required to be installed in respective control panels and the output of transducers shall be brought to RTU panel. The Contractor shall submit a cabinet design to the Employer for approval upon award of contract. The cabinet shall be logically partitioned to have transducers in one section, interposing relays / opto isolators in another section and interface connections to the RTU in another section. The Contractor shall install all components and inter wire all components prior to shipment. The entire cabinet shall be lockable. If multiple locks are provided, the same key shall open any lock. The interface cabinet shall house various pieces of equipment that are needed to interface to the RTU. It shall be of modular type. The equipment shall be rail / wall mounted type. The connections shall be on the front end for incoming and outgoing circuits and on the rear end for internal connections different subassemblies of the interface cabinet. Pre-wired and standardized solutions for cabling shall be used. This shall enable a few standardized designs for the interface cabinet to be developed, all of which shall have identical provision for various types of plug in Company / modules (e.g. position indication, MW and MVAR measuring signals). The interface components for each typical bay shall comprise typical modules and sub-assemblies logically sorted by type of interface. For example, interface component associated to a double bus bar type feeder shall consists of a module for the circuit breaker position indication, a module for the associated bus bar isolators position indication, a module associated to power measurements and a module associated to position control. Each module or sub-assembly shall be provided with all testing (switching, disconnecting and inserting) facilities, allowing easy maintenance. Wire ways not more than 50% full for maximum RTU configuration, shall be provided to route the necessary connectors from the purchasers choice of top or bottom access to the I/O terminations. For wire way-sizing purposes, the RTU supplier shall assure that each point uses a independent cable. The terminal connectors should be stud type only both in the inter phase cabinet as well as RTU. The RTU should have minimum 20% spare connectors. The provided RTU must have 100% expandability. Each RTU shall be provided with 05 Nos of analog input card (each having capacity to accommodate 08 Nos of analog input) and 06 Nos of digital input cards to accommodate 16 Nos single point indications. The RTU shall be supplied with 02 Nos of CPU and 02 Nos. of modems along with rack & power supply. The system provided should be along with basic licence i.e it should communicate CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 233 C.E.



with 101, mod bus, 103 and other international protocol. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to integrate RTU with our GE make XA 21 SCADA. The MFT may be accommodated in respective feeder panel / inter face panel of RTU and output signal of MFT shall be taken to RTU panel through 1.5 Sq mm multi strand copper wire. The analog parameters of all 132 KV feeders & provision for 33 KV feeders for future use, transformers, 132 KV&33KV bus voltages and frequency shall be measured through MFT (Multi Functional Transducer) and Breaker ON/OFF indications shall be double point indication and isolator indication shall be single point indication and will be coupled to RTU through OPTO isolator print (if digital input card is provided with opto isolator then separate opto isolator print is not required). The wiring of digital indication shall be done by 1.5 sq mm multi strand copper wire, Bus PT voltage and frequency signal shall be terminated to RTU panel. The RTU provided should be compatible to work with transducers as well as be able to communicate with energy meters and numerical relays which are working on different protocols (other than 101) . The supplied RTUs should be with 2 Nos. modems along with power supply unit and other accessories (1 NO. for RTU & 1 NO. for SCADA end). Opto isolators Print shall be similar to C&R panels size. All digital indication wiring shall be terminated in this panel and before routing to RTU. Although the control functions are not being implemented at present, the RTU should be capable of supporting the same. The supply of digital out put card is not in the scope. However, RTU should have functionality to support control functions so that as per requirement CSPTCL may obtain control functions by simply providing digital out put cards without any further modification in RTU. 14.1.14 GUARANTEED TECHNIJCAL PARTICULARS

Sl. DESCRIPTION No. 1 Communication Protocol to Communicate with SCADA IEC 60870-5-101 2 Communication Protocol to communicate with Numerical Relays, Meters Etc. - IEC 60870-5-103 or MODBUS (Interoperability Sheet Required) 3 Number of Communication Ports (a) For Primary SCADA Master (b) For substation slave devices like numerical relays, meters etc. I For Maintenance (d) For Local Logger (e) For Secondary SCADA Master (f) Ethernet port. 4 Type of Interface for Communication Ports

TECHNICAL PARTICULARS To match our SCADA- XA 21 To match our SCADA- XA 21 (GE make) 01 no. 02 nos 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. RS-232, RS-485 & Ethernet/LAN

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TR11/44 5 100 Mbps 10/100 Base T Ethernet port support

132KV KONI S/S Supports 100 Mbps in FO & 10/100 base T Ethernet Configurable serial ports & Ethernet support at 10/100 Mbps

6 Mode of Communication with Master Station with Baud rate (a). PLCC (b). OFC I. VSAT (d). Digital Radio (e). UHF / Microwave (f). GSM / CDMA 7 Number of compatible Modem required 8 Analog Input

02 nos. with each RTU 0-20 mA with configurable subsets in this range
Status inputs SOE inputs BCD inputs Binary Word inputs Pulse accumulator inputs

9 Digital Input Support

10 RTU internal clock stability & Synchronization With Master 1 ppm. SCADA 11 Cable sizing details Through multistrand copper cable (i) For inter-panel wiring D.C. 1.5 sq.mm. (ii) For field wiring (i.e. CT & PT) C.T.- 4 sq.mm. P.T.- 2.5 sq.mm. (iii) For Field Status Indication Status 0.5 sq.mm. Analog (4-20 )mA. 0.5 sq.mm. 12 Interface Cabinet type & Details 13 Availability of Raw A.C. Supply 14 Availability of Aux. 48 Volts DC Supply Points 15 Illumination inside RTU & Interface Enclosure 16 Cool Air system within RTU panel 17 Redundancy of RTU & Modem DC Supply 18 Potential free interposing relays & Opto-isolator arrangement 19 Analog Input Module Details Full size floor standing cabinet. Yes Yes Yes Not required Yes

8 Channel input modules

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TR11/44 20 Digital Input Module Details

132KV KONI S/S 16 signal indication with time stamp, 8 double indications with time stamp. 2 digital measured values with 8 bits, 1 digital measured value with 16 bit, 16 pulse counter Binary input, 16 channel potentially isolated LED. 16 input modules Stud and bolt type for D.I. Disconnecting link type for analog. Each component will be identified with tag. Each wire will be provided with ferrule no. at both ends. Each cable will be identified with no. at both ends.

21 Connector types, Tag / Terminal block types

22 RTU internal (Inter cabinet & inside panel) and external wiring identification methodology & Ferruling


Each RTU shall consist of the following components:

(1). (2). (3). (4). (5). (6). 14.2 14.2.1

5 No. analog cards with 8 inputs each. 6 digital cards with 16 inputs each. CPU with basic license: 2 No. with each RTU. Power supply module 1 No. with each RTU. Compatible modems: 2 No. with each RTU along with rack & power supply. Inter face cabinet duly wired 1 with each RTU

132KV COUPLING CAPACITOR SCOPE: It comprises the design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 132 KV Coupling Capacitor. STANDARDS: The 132 KV coupling capacitor shall confirm to the requirements of the latest edition of relevant IEC/IS standard IS 9348/1979. Page No. 236 C.E.


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14.2.3. TYPE & RATING: The 132 KV coupling capacitor shall be of outdoor type, oil filled, pedestal mounted and mechanically strong to withstand stresses due to wind pressure of 150 kg/ sqmtr. The outer shell will be one piece wet processed porcelain with liberal creepage distance to prevent flash over under the most adverse tropical condition. The 132 KV coupling capacitor shall have the following electromechanical characteristic: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.No. Particulars Value for 132 KV Coupling capacitor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Nominal system voltage 132 KV/ 3 2. Highest system voltage 145 KV/ 3 3. One minute power frequency withstand 275 KV test voltage (dry) 4. One minute power frequency withstand 275 KV test voltage (wet) 5. Impulse withstand voltage 650 KV 6. Rated capacitance 4400 pf + 10% - 5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The coupling capacitor must confirm to the basic impulse level dry and wet withstand voltage and creepage distances. Sufficient no. of clamps and connectors shall be supplied along with the equipment. The drawings of clamps and connectors shall be approved by CSPTCL. The clamp shall be made of LM9 or LM25 aluminium alloy by gravity die casting process only. GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS OF 132 KV COUPLING CAPACITORS S. No. 1 Type 2 DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL PARTICULARS CC: 145/650/50 Single Phase, Outdoor (132/root 3) KV rms (145/root 3) KV rms 4400 pF + 10%, -5% 275 KV rms 275 KV rms 650 KV peak Yes (i) (ii) (i) HeightWidth - Dia Total weight: C.E.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CSPTCL (Transmission)

Rated voltage i) Normal (phase to ground) ii) Maxm. (phase to ground) Capacitance Dry withstand voltage for one minute Wet withstand voltage for one minute 1.2/50 m sec full wave impulse withstand voltage Whether suitable for outdoor mounting Dimension Weight Page No. 237


132KV KONI S/S TECHNICAL PARTICULARS (ii) Oil weight : -25 to +50C -25 to +50C

Ambient temperature i) Temp. range over which the unit is capable of maintaining rated data ii) Temp. Range over which the unit will still function


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 132KV WAVE TRAP SCOPE : It comprises the design, supply, testing, erection & commissioning of suspension type 132 KV WAVE TRAPS. STANDARDS : The 132 KV wave traps covered under this specification shall confirm to the requirements of the following IEC/IS standard : IEC 353/ IS : 8792- 1978/IS 8793-1978/IS 9859-1981. TYPE & RATING:Out door type of wave traps shall be of 0.5 mH 630 A rating for 132 KV system. However, it may be made explicitly clear that the wave traps are suitably designed to block any desired frequency in the range of 50 KHz to 500 KHz by providing suitable tuning pot in such a manner that a minimum resistive component of 570 ohms is available. The tuning pot should be such that with the rating of wave trap 0.5 mH 630 A for 132 kV any frequency between 50 to 500 KHz may be blocked. The wave traps shall have the following specifications:S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Maximum Operating voltage of the line on which the line traps are to be used. Continuous current rating Instantaneous symmetrical short circuit current capacity Tuning range Change in resonant frequency due to ambient temperature variation not to exceed. Inductance of main coil. Change in impedance due to ambient temperature variation not to exceed Minimum resistive components of Impedance matching within carrier frequency blocking range. for 132 kV 145 kv 630 Amps 31.5 KA (1 sec.) 50-500 KHz 0.01% per degree C 0.5 mH 0.3% Per degree C 570 Ohms




6 7 8

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Page No. 238


TR11/44 14.3.5

132KV KONI S/S The wave trap shall be broad band type and suitable for blocking the transmitted and received frequencies of the section concerned where transmit and receive frequencies may be wide apart. The wave trap shall consist of a main coil designed to carry continuously the rated current without exceeding the limit of temperature rise. It should be provided with a protective device and a tuning device. The wave traps shall effectively block the high frequency current but allow the 50 cycle current to pass without losses. The wave traps shall be of robust in construction with the metal parts made of non-magnetic materials to reduce heating due to induced heavy load and short circuit conditions. Sharp corners shall be avoided on the outer surface of wave traps to minimize corona losses. Insulating material used shall be unaffected by moisture. Suitable bird barrier shall be provided. Suitable surge arrestor shall be provided in the wave trap for protection. The clamps should be suitable for horizontal as well as vertical take off. In the past it is observed that due to failure of clamps the wave trap in service become defective and caused the mal-operation in the system. It is therefore essential that design of clamps should be submitted for our approval. Any modification in the design shall have to be carried out without any extra cost. The design of wave traps should be robust and maintenance free. The performance of wave traps shall not get affected in the long run even if the same are utilized in polluted atmosphere. All terminal bolts and fasteners used shall be of non magnetic stain less steel to avoid any risk of corrosion. The installation should not be very heavy in weight. The mounting arrangement i.e. suspension eye bolt shall be provided centrally at the top as well as the bottom of the wave traps. Blocking bands of wave traps should be written at suitable place on the outside of the traps in bold letters by paint, so that after its installation on gantry, the frequency band can be readout from ground. The paint should be such that it will not fade out at a later stage. To ensure high electrical and mechanical strength, it may be noted that we will prefer wave traps of completely encapsulated design, where the equipment is fully encapsuled in epoxy impregnated fiber glass material. Any other design which may offer better performance would also be acceptable.




14.3. 9 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR 132 KV WAVE TRAPS S. DESCRIPTION 0.5 mH, 630 Amp 132 KV Wave No. Trap 1 Type & model ---2 Manufacturers catalog no. -3 Construction Open coil air cored / Epoxy impregnated 4 Continuous current rating 630 A (in Amp) 5 Inductance in mH 0.5 mH 6 Instantaneous symmetrical 31.5 KA short circuit current CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 239 C.E.

TR11/44 7 8 Resonant frequency range Min. guaranteed resistive component over blocking range Blocking bands (with suitable strapping) Change in resonant frequency due to ambient temp. variation Change in impedance due to ambient temp. variation Ultimate tensile strength Weight (kg)/ Dimension ----570 Ohm


9 10

90-150 KHz & 150-500 KHz 0.01% /Deg Centigrade

11 12 13

0.3% /Deg Centigrade >Twice the weight of LT + 5000 N. Dia: ------, Length: ------- mm, Weight. ----- Kg Aluminium alloy Suspension Provided -----By LA ---

14 15 16 17 18 19


Material of main coil Type of mounting Bird barriers Corona rings Details of protection against lightning Details of other tech. Particular which are considered essential All technical particulars of lightning arrestor and tuning pot.






SCOPE : It comprises the design, assembly, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Coupling Devices for PLCC equipments. STANDARDS : All the Coupling devices for PLCC equipments shall conform to the requirements of the latest edition of relevant IEC/IS standard as mention below: SL. 1. Name of Equipment Coupling device IEC NO. 481 IS NO. 8997 & 8998



TYPE & RATING:The coupling device in conjunction with coupling capacitor / CVT shall form an electronic band pass filter with uniform characteristics and shall have following features:Page No. 240 C.E.

CSPTCL (Transmission)

TR11/44 a)

132KV KONI S/S It shall match characteristic impedance of 132/220 KV EHV line to impedance of the carrier frequency connection (i.e. coaxial cable). b) It should be possible to change coaxial cable side impedance simply by changing the straps at site. It should be suitable for 125 Ohms unbalanced, 75 Ohms unbalanced or 150 Ohms balanced as per site requirement. c) It should be possible to tune coupling device by changing strapping at site to use with coupling capacitor of different values. d) It shall be possible to use it as phase to ground device and phase to phase device with balancing transformer. e) Power frequency leakage currents of CVT/CC should be drained to the earth by drainage coil of suitable rating. f) Voltage surges coming from the power line at the terminal of the coupling device shall be limited by a non linear surge arrester of suitable rating in the primary side. The surge arrester of very good quality should be used. The details of surge arrester giving constructional features, design etc shall be furnished. g) For direct and efficient earthing of its primary terminal the coupling device shall be equipped with an earthing switch. The coupling device shall be designed such that it shall not be possible to remove the cover before the earthing switch is operated to the earthed position. Further an additional earth switch shall be supplied along with each Coupling Device for earthing of CVT-HT terminals, when the coupling filter units are removed from circuit for maintenance / replacement. The design shall take due regard of requirements for safety in accordance with the Indian Electricity Rules. Two numbers phase to earth type coupling filters shall be used to achieve phase to phase coupling. Connection between secondaries of the two phase to earth type coupling device shall be through a balancing transformer / hybrid such that reliable communication shall be ensured even when one of the coupled phase is earthed or open circuited on the line side. Coupling device shall conform to latest IS/ IEC-481 and shall have the following carrier frequency characteristics as applicable to a phase to earth type coupling device. a) Nominal line side impedance. Characteristic impedance of 220/132 Kv line. b) Nominal equipment side 125/75 Ohms (unbalanced) or 150 impedance. Ohm balance c) Composite loss Not more than 2 dB d) Return loss Not less than 12dB e) Band width Shall suit the frequency plan f) Nominal peak envelope power Not less than 650 watt. (for inter modulation product 80 dB down) The coupling device should withstand an insulation voltage of 10KV RMS 50c/s for one minute and impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50 m Secs) of 10 KV. Page No. 241 C.E.




CSPTCL (Transmission)

TR11/44 14.4.7


All the elements of coupling device shall be housed in a weather proof non corrosive box. The general arrangement, weight and dimensional details of box shall be furnished. Coupling device shall have at least two terminals for carrier equipment connection. The design should be such that a parallel connection in the coupling device will not directly result in any additional attenuation.


14.4.9 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR COUPLING DEVICES S. DESCRIPTION No. 1 Type, model and catalogue number 2 Whether suitable for mounting outdoor in Switchyard & type of mounting. Maximum temperature limit for satisfactory operation of coupling device mounted outdoor. Nominal Primary side Impedance. Nominal secondary side Impedance. Composite loss with pass band. Return loss within pass band. Available bandwidth. Nominal Peak envelope power at 50 / 100 KHz. Power Frequency impedance between primary terminal and earth terminals of coupling device. One minute power frequency insulation level between primary & secondary terminals of coupling device. Impulse (1.2/50 micro-sec.) withstand level between primary and secondary terminals of coupling devices. DRAIN AGE COIL:a) Continuous current b) Short time current for 0.2 Sec. c) Inductance of drain coil with tolerances (at 50 Hz). d) Impedance at mains frequency. SURGE APRESTER:a) Type model & catalogue number b) Power frequency spark over voltage CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 242 PARTICULARS

Yes/ housed in weather proof non corrosive box to be mounted on structure of CC/CVT 55 Deg Centigrade

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

600 Ohms (P-P) 75/125/150 Ohm unbalanced Not more than 2 dB Better than 12 dB 30-500 KHz 650 Watt Less than 20 Ohm


10KV rms


10KV peak


1 A (rms) 50 A 50mH + 5% Less than 12.56 Ohm


0.8 KV


TR11/44 c) Type of construction d) Maximum permissible arrestor discharge current with 8/20 micro sec. Impulse discharge. e) Maximum permissible short time current (2.2 micro sec.) f) Impulse spark over voltage 1.2/50 micro sec. g) Rated voltage. 15 Earthing switch. Rated voltage / current (normal / short circuit)

132KV KONI S/S Moulded non linear register type 5KA peak/as per IS 3070 (Part I) 30 KA peak/ as per IS 3070(Part I) 3300 V peak/ as per IS 3070(Part I) 800 V rms With stand voltage is 10KV. 400 A rms continuous 16KA, 1 sec


Co-Axial Cables :- GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Values -125 / 75 38.5 Max. 10000 Min. +/- 5% 34 (Nom.) Units

S. Particulars No. 1 Manufacturer 2 Type Number 3 Characteristic Impedance (To Match Carrier Terminal Output Impedance). 4 Conductor Resistance at 20 Deg. C. 5 Insulation Resistance (Conductor to Braid). 6 7 8 I ii iii iv 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tolerance of Characteristic Impedance. Rated Capacitance. Attenuation in dB per km. At 50 KHz At 60 KHz At 300 KHz At 500 KHz Drawing showing construction of cable offered. Centre Conductor Diameter. Diameter at P.E. Thread Wrapped over copper conductor. P.E. Insulation Thickness. Diameter over insulation. Thickness of copper braided wire. Thickness of PVC sheath. Diameter of G.I. Wire. Thickness of Final PVC sheath. Overall Diameter of the cable. Service Voltage. Maximum Test Voltage. Page No. 243

Ohm Ohm/KM M Ohms/ KM pF/Mtr.

1.6 or less dB/KM 1.6 or less dB/KM 3.6 or less dB/KM 5.1 or less dB/KM Shall be approved by this office. 0.80 +/m.m. 0.03 1.6 (Nom.) m.m. 1.75 (Min.) 7.6 (Nom.) 0.2 (Nom.) 1.2 (Nom.) 0.5 (Nom.) 1.40 (Nom.) 17.0 1500 6.0 C.E. m.m. m.m. m.m. m.m. m.m. m.m. m.m. Volts KV rms

CSPTCL (Transmission)




S. No.


Armoured 10 Pair jelly filled cable

U/A PVC cable 6 pair

Drop wire/ 2 pair

1 a

Conductor: Material with specification

b c d

2 a

Shape of conductor Dia of conductor (mm) Max. conductor resistance in ohm/km at 20 Deg. C Wt. of conductor in Kg/ Km Insulation Material with specification.

Annealed high conductivity Copper as per IEC:228/IS:12444 Solid round 0.6 mm 64 /KM

Annealed high conductivity Copper as per IEC:228/IS:12444 Solid round 0.6 mm 64 /KM

Annealed high conductivity Copper as per IEC:228/IS:12444 Solid round 0.6 mm 64 /KM

Cadmium Copper wire conforming to IS:2665 Solid round 0.91 mm 33.32 /KM





High density polyethylene material conforming to IS:13176:1991

High density polyethylene material conforming to IS:13176:1991

High density polyethylene material conforming to IS:13176:1991

c d

e 3 a

Radial thickness of insulation on conductor (mm). Tolerance on insulation. Max. dia of insulated conductor (mm) Colour coding. Cabling Twisting & laying scheme

0.35 mm

0.2 mm

0.2 mm

Medium density PE or PVC confirming to TEC:G/ WIR-03/01 Feb93 & TEC:G/WIR -03/02 July99 0.85 mm

+ 0.02 mm 1. 34 mm

+ 0.05 & - 0.02 mm 1.1 mm

+ 0.05 & - 0.02 mm 1.1 mm

2.79 mm

As per TEC Requirement As per TEC requirement GR/CUG/01/03 Aug.03

As per TEC Requirement GR/WIR-06/03 March 2002

As per TEC Requirement GR/WIR-06/03 March 2002



Material of tape used for wrapping. CSPTCL

polythene teraphthalate tape

polythene teraphthalate tape Page No. 244

polythene teraphthalate tape C.E.



c d 4 5 a Thickness of tape Overlap (Min.) Rip Cord Aluminum tape thickness Wraping technique (helical/longitud inal) Overlap min. Sheaths Material with specification. 0.013 mm Min. 30% N.A. 0.3 mm Longitudinal 0.013 mm Min. 30% To be Provided N.A. N.A.


0.013 mm Min. 30% To be Provided N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

b 6 a

6 mm




Thickness (mm) (min.)

MDPE as per TEC requirement GR/CUG/01/03 Aug.03 1.5mm

PVC type -2 conforming to IS:13176:1991 0.65mm

PVC type -2 conforming to IS:13176:1991 0.5 mm




Two close helical lappings of PE or PP Tape with min. 5% overlap shall be provided under Armour
Two applications of G.S. Tape of 0.5mm thickness conforming to IS 3975 each applied helically in the same direction with a gap in the first tape of 25 10% of width of the tape and the second tape evenly covering the gap of first tape with an overlap of min. 15%

DST thickness




b 8 a

Wraping technique (helical/longitud inal) Overlap min. Outer Jacket Material with specn.





15% Low density polyethylene as per TEC requirement GR/CUG/01/03 Aug.03

N.A. N.A.

N.A. N.A.

N.A. N.A.

CSPTCL (Transmission)

Page No. 245


b Thickness (mm) (min.) Electrical Tests Insulation resistance between conductor & earth in air at 50 Deg.C Insulation resistance between conductor & earth in water. High Voltage test Spark test Capacitance unbalance between pair to pair. Capacitance unbalance between pair to ground. 1.05mm N.A. N.A.



9 a

5000 M /Km (Min.)

50 M/Km (Min.)

50 M /Km (Min.)

80 M /Km (Min.)


5 M/Km

5 M/Km

8 M/Km

c d e

3.5 KVDC 3 KV rms 200 pF/Km (Max.)

2 KV rms 3 KV rms 230 pF/Km (Max.)

2 KV rms 3 KV rms 230 pF/Km (Max.)

3 KV DC 3 KV rms N.A.

3000 pF/Km (Max.)





GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS OF UNARMOURED COPPER CONTROL CABLES Name of manufacturer Country of manufacturer Standard applicable Rated Voltage Suitable for earthed or unearthed system Permissible voltage & frequency variation for satisfactory operation. a. Voltage b. Frequency Continuous current rating when laid in air in an ambient temp. 50 Deg. C and for maximum conductor temp. 70 Deg. C. Rating factor for the following shall be indicated.

1 2 3 4 5 6

INDIA IS:1554 (Part-I ) 1100 volts Both

+10% +5% Un-armoured No. 2 4 8 12 19 Amp. 27 24 17 14 12 Air/ground temp. oC 2c 4c 8c 10c 12c 19c

CSPTCL (Transmission)

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TR11/44 a. Variation in ambient temp.(for cables laid direct in Air from Deg. C in steps of Deg. C) b. Variation in ground temp. (for cables laid direct in ground from Deg. C in steps of Deg. C) 9 10 11 Depth of laying for cables laid directly in this round. Rating factor for variation in thermal resistivity of the soil Current carrying capacity: (a) Short circuit Amp. (RMS) (b) Duration of short circuit I Conductor temperature allowed for short circuit duty (70 Deg, Centigrade) Loss tangent at normal frequency

132KV KONI S/S 1.25 1.16 1.09 1.25 1.16 1.09

1.7 1.12 1.06 1.7 1.12 1.06

750mm rating factor 1.00 1

0.288 KAmps 1 sec 160 oC


5% 650 oC

13 14

Dielectric constant at normal frequency Conductor: a. Material b. Normal cross sectional area c. Number and diameter of wires d. Received from (Suppliers name) Insulation: a. Composition of insulation b. Thickness of insulation c. Tolerance on thickness of insulation d. Approximate diameter of sheath e. Specific insulation resistance at 60 deg.Centigrade f. Received from (Suppliers name) Colour scheme for identification Inner sheath a. Material b. Extruded or wrapped c. Calculated diameter over the standard cores

Copper 2.5 sqmm 7/0.68


PVC Compound 0.9 0.1mm + 0.1 t1 (nominal thickness) 3.7 mm(min) 1x10 10 ohm cm Please furnish with drawing Red ,black// Red yellow Blue Black// Numbers printing on cores PVC compound wrapped/extruded PVC 7.8 9.8 12 15.3 16.2 19.3

16 17

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Page No. 247


TR11/44 d. Thickness of inner sheath e. Tolerance of thickness of inner sheath f. Received from (Suppliers name) Outer sheath: a. Material b. Calculated diameter over the inner sheath c. Thickness of the outer sheath d. Tolerance of thickness of outer sheath d. Received from (Suppliers name) 20 21 22 23 24 25 Overall diameter of cable over the outer sheath Net weight of cable (Kg./Km.) Conductor resistance at 20deg. Centigrade per Km. Reactance at 50 Hz per Km. Capacitance at 50 Hz per Km. Insulation resistance at in M ohm Km. i) at 27 deg ii) at maximum operating temperature volume resistivity in ohm-Cm i) at 27 deg ii) at maximum operating temperature Conductor temperature corresponding to maximum continuous current De-rating factor for using with a. Class Q catridge using b .Class Q semi enclosed fuse Test Voltage a. High voltage test b. After immersion test voltage 0.3 No tolerance



PVC compound ST-1 8.24 10.4 12.6 15.9 16.9 20.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2 2 0.2+0.2t1 Please furnish with drawing

12 14 16.3 19.5 20.9 24.2 220 275 485 540 660 950 7.41 Ohm/Km. max. For 2.5 sq.mm. 0.107 FOR 2.5 SQMM 0.22 FOR 2.5 SQMM

1x10 13 1x10 10


1x10 13 1x10 10 70oC



N. A N. A 3 KV 6 KV


CSPTCL (Transmission)

Page No. 248


TR11/44 30 31 32 Recommended minimum installation radius Safe pulling force when pulled by pulling eye Cable drum a. The dimension of the cable drum b. The approximate weight of the drum c. Maximum length per drum for each size of cable 15XD 50 N/mm2


2C 4C 8C 10C 12 C 19C 42X20X12 38X20X10 52X24X14 42X20X12 38X20X10 52X24X14 60 40 75 60 40 75 500 M 5% for each drum. Tolerance for total ordered quantity is 2%.



14.8.1 Features & Specification of Automatic Data Logging System This feature is intended for local monitoring of Sub-station para meters on computer screen installed in control room. The objective shall be achieved with the help of customized software and hardware connection to IEDs like meters and relays. The data shall be collected through RS485 port on modbus / 1O3 / 61580 protocols. The data logging system shall be designed as per compatibility of installed IEDs. The system shall be separated from the one utilized for RTU, however, if required same port may be utilized for data collection for RTU as well as local data logging system. In the present system, out put commands for control such as breaker / isolator operations are not required but the installed system should be compatible for the same so that in future by simply providing print and necessary programming the feature can be attained. 1. 2. 3. 4. Graphical user interface (GUI) bases software on Windows platform. Online views Tabular and Graphical. The Substation SLD mimic shall be realized on computer screen. Meter Support The software shall acquire data from the Secure Meters Ltd make Premier meters over RS485 MODBUS. Viewing Online Data- The software shall provide facility to monitor instantaneous electrical parameters on real time basis and disturbance recording. Online data can be viewed in graphical /tabular formats/substation SLD mimic. Viewing Historical Data The software shall provide historical data views for analysis purpose. Group Definition - The software shall provide facility for grouping of meters to define virtual meters. This feature shall be used for calculation of total energy loss and consumption of a location. Alarm Management - It shall provide User definable alarms for different parameters. These alarms shall be available for system monitoring on real time basis. Page No. 249 C.E.

5. 6.


CSPTCL (Transmission)



8. E-mail Facility - The software shall provide daily data in CSV (commaseparated values or character-separated values) format. 9. Reports - The software shall provide various types of reports like min-max, consumption, alarm data, interruption data, meter replacement, demand data, energy loss data etc. 10. Data Import and Export - The software shall have facility to import CSV files from a third party application. User should export the meter data to CSV format. 11. System Architecture - Single machine (MS Access database) 12. Computer System Configuration - Dual Core Pracessor, SDRAM-2GB, HDD-160 GB, Drive-52X, Ethernet Card, Serial Ports -2 Nos, USB port, Color 21 LCD Monitor, Operating System Windows XP. Laser Printer or higher version to meet the requirement. Customized reports should be generated. Format for log sheets will be provided by CSPTCL. ********

CSPTCL (Transmission)

Page No. 250




SPECIFICATIONS OF CLAMPS, CONNECTORS AND SPACERS: The drawing & Samples of Clamps, Connectors & Spacers shall be got approved by CSPTCL before use in the sub station. In the switchyard only ZEBRA conductor has been provided. It should be noted that the requirement is for a minimum of 100 m.m. coverage of the conductor inside the clamp for all clamps. The pad clamp shall have SIX bolts and T clamp shall have 12 bolts. For all other types of clamps the drawings shall be got approved by the contractor. However at high altitude locations eg main 3 phase droppers on HV and LV side of transformer as also for 132 KV line take off either the T clamp should be completely avoided by using long through jumper or wherever essential (at high attitude point) T clamp shall be replaced by a set of PG clamp as shown below point.

The nuts & bolts used in the clamps shall be fine machined screws of reputed make e.g. TATA/TVS so that the screws does not become loose during service. Nuts & bolts should be hot dipped galvanized. However plain & spring washers may be of stainless steel. For power transformer 40 MVA bushing clamps where an aluminium conductor has to be connected to a copper stud-two separate clamps, one of copper & other of Aluminium shall be provided with bi-metallic strip joint on the plain pad surfaces of both clams. A factor of safety of 1.5 shall be used i.e. clamp for 400 Ampere conductor shall have thickness and area for current at least 600 Amperes. 15.1 Clamp Materials:The clamps and the connectors shall be made of materials listed below:a) b) For connection ACSR conductors Aluminium alloy casting conforming to designation LM-6 of IS-617. Sand casting is not permitted. For connecting equipment terminals made of Copper or Brass & ACSR conductor, Bi-metallic connectors made from Aluminium Alloy casting Page No. 251 C.E.

CSPTCL (Transmission)


132KV KONI S/S conforming to designation A6 of IS 617 with 4 mm thick cast copper liner shall be used (for C.T. & P.T. clamps). Clamps for connecting GI shield shall be of malleable Iron casting. Nuts & bolts should be hot dipped galvanized. However plain & spring washers may be of stainless steel.


TESTS: Equipment shall be subjected to the test specified in the relevant India, British or American Standards. Test shall includes following tests a) b) c) d) Falling load test Resistance test Heating cycle test Galvanising test


CONDUCTORS DETAILS :a. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. b. i. ii. iii. iv. v. c. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. d. i. ZEBRA CONDUCTOR DETAILS Conductor ACSR Code name Zebra Weight per kilometre 1621 Kg. Area of cross section 484.5 mm2 Coefficient of linear 19.3 x 10-6 Kg/mm2 expansion Modulus of elasticity is 7034 kg/ mm2 to be designed. Temp. Variation 0 Deg. / 80 Deg. C Conductor used in the 132 KV Switchyard: Material Aluminium conductor steel reinforced Conductor Size 54 /3.18 mm Aluminium + 7 /3.18 mm Steel Stranding Yes Overall diameter 28.62 mm Ultimate Strength 130.32 KN Ground wire details: Material Galvanised iron Diameter 3.66 mm Weight per KM 583 Kg. Strands 7 Overall Diameter 10.98 mm Ultimate Strength 68.4 KN. Conductor material for 33 KV Switch Yard Conductor per phase Twin Zebra ACSR per phase for Main Bus Single Zebra for 33 KV auxiliary bus & Single Panther ACSR for Others.


Station supply:- The LT station supply in the S/S shall be through a 200 KVA 33/0.4KV station transformer connected to the 33 KV bus if the Sub-station through proper DO fuse protection arrangement and a 33 KV isolator. One Page No. 252 C.E.

CSPTCL (Transmission)



number 3 ph 400A MCB with back up HRC fuse protection shall be provided near the station transformer for the protection of LT side power cable. The 400A MCB and back up HRC fuses shall be housed in a out door LT distribution box with front opening. The LT distribution box shall be of tested for IP55 for out door use. The cable entry shall be from bottom side of the above distribution box. The above distribution box shall be of adequate size. Further, 4 no LT 3 ph supply points shall be extended in the yard for welding/ oil filtration etc. The incoming LT supply in the control room shall be through automatic changeover switch so that in case of any trouble in the station transformer alternative supply may be availed from CSPDCL. A 3 Ph 4 W SEMS make 0.5 class electronic CT operated energy meter shall be provided for recording the substation energy consumption. Necessary metering class LT CTs shall be provided in the ACDB. ********

CSPTCL (Transmission)

Page No. 253


TR11/44 16.0 16.1


TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF STATION TRANSFORMER:The Station Transformer offered should conform to the following Technical specifications. The Technical specifications of the transformer should be filled in prescribed proforma as per Schedule-I. It may be noted that all particulars must be furnished. The offers not complying this requirement may be rejected.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reference Standards Rating Type of Winding Service Rating Voltage: a) HV Winding KV b) LV Wind KV Rating Frequency Hz Number of phase Rated current: HV LV Connections: a) HV Winding b) LV Winding Connection symbol Type of cooling Tap changing equipment a) Manufacturer b) LV -variation +5% to - 5% c) Type d) No. of steps Guaranteed positive sequence impedance at 75 Deg. C. with 100 % rating at. Principal tap: Temperature rise over an ambient of 50 deg. C. a) Top Oil (if applicable) Deg. C. b) Winding (by resistance measurement method) Deg. C. Guaranteed losses at rated voltage (excluding cooler loose) on principal tap and at rated frequency. a) No load loss or iron loss. b) Copper loss at full load at 75 Deg. C. c) Total losses Core Material Withstand time for three phase short circuit at terminals (secs.) NOTE:- The Xmer is protected by means of DO fuses on 33 KV side. The Xmer must be designed with proper supports for LV & HV winding with pre-compressed board / permali wood / filling with resin so as to make the wdg immovable. IS:2026/IEC 176 200 KVA Copper Wound Outdoor 33 0.415 50 3 3.5 A 278 A Delta Star Dyn 11 ONAN Paragon or equivalent Off circuit, Bridging 4 steps, 5 position 4 % tolerance +10% -5%

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.



40 Deg.C. 45 Deg.C.


500 W 2000 W 2500 W CRGO 3 Sec.

16. 17.

CSPTCL (Transmission)

Page No. 254


18. 19. No load current at rated voltage and rated frequency. Insulation level a) Separate source power frequency voltage withstand. i) HV Winding (KV rms) ii) LV Winding (KV rms) b) Induced over voltage withstand i) HV Winding (KV rms) ii) LV Winding (KV rms) c) Full wave lightning impulse withstand. i) HV Winding (KVp) ii) LV Winding (KVp) Over excitation withstand time (sec.) a) 120 % b) 150 % Proposed method of transformer shipment. Total quantity of oil. Approximate dimensions a) Tank enclosure (mm) b) Overall L x B x H (mm) NOTE:- The size of tank shall be so decided that a
minimum clearance of 75 mm is available at every point between live parts and tank. Minimum phase to phase clearance at outer dia of R & Y Y & B HT coils shall be 40 mm. This shall be specifically checked at the time of inspection.


1 % of full load current

95 KV 2 KV 66 KV 0.83 KV 170 KV -1 Minute 3 Sec. By Road Transport Min. 600 Ltrs. Please furnish


24. 25. 27.

Supplier must confirm this point.


31. 32. 33.

Pressure release device: The Xmer shall be fitted with pressure relief device which will operate at 5 PSI and reset at 1 PSI, in addition to explosion vent. Tank plate gauge: Top & Bottom Side plates (with stiffeners) Top of tank Oil Parameters

Please confirm

minimum 6 mm minimum 4 mm Slanted to avoid collection of rain water EHV Grade-I as per ISS 335, BDV shall not be less than 50KV.


Bushing characteristics. HV- 36 KV ordinary bushing a. 1 minute Power frequency withstand voltage in KVp b. Lighting Impulse Withstand voltage (KVp) c. Creepage distance . Material used in Bushing rod Size of Bushing Rod. Details of provision for shrinkage of winding.

95 KV 170 KV 25 mm/KV Brass HV- 12 mm LV 30 mm Pre shrinking will be done before final essentially during process. Rectangular

35. 36. 37.


Type of transformer tank.

CSPTCL (Transmission)

Page No. 255


39. 40 Arrangement of clamping of winding ends to bushing terminals. Explosion vent.


Brazing through multi paper covered leads. Please confirm


FITTINGS & ACCESSORIES:- The transformer shall be provided with the following fittings and also complete with first filling of oil. 1. Rating and terminal marking plate:- The rating plate should bear following details. i. Purchase orders No. and date to be indicated on rating plate. ii. Serial no. of transformer to be indicated on rating plate. iii. Year of manufacture iv. Number of phases v. Rated KVA vi. Rated Frequency vii. Rated voltages viii. Rated Currents ix. Connection Symbol x. % Impedance voltage at rated current (corrected at 75 deg) xi. Connection diagram of copper windings. xii. Tap position and relative HV/LV voltage. xiii. Total Mass xiv. Mass & Volume of Insulating oil xv. Guaranteed Oil & Winding temp. rise above ambient. 2. Three numbers HV bushings. Bushing should be 36 KV Ordinary Porcelain Bushings meeting Technical parameters as mentioned in Principal Parameters. 4 nos. LV bushings. (Bushing should be oil filled non communicating type having their stems sealed at both ends.) 3. Earthing terminals 2 Nos. 4. Tank Lifting lugs 2 Nos. 5. Jacking pads 4 Nos. 6. Silica gel dehydrating breather having minimum 0.5 Kg. Silica gel. 7. Conservator with oil filling cap, drain valve with plug and oil level guage. 8. Pressure release device in addition to Explosion vent with diaphragm). 9. Filter valves (Lower valve to be used as drain valve which should be capable to drain oil completely. 10. Air release device with cap on tank top. 11. 4 Nos. Bi-directional flat rollers with cross channels. 12. Thermometer pocket. 13. Explosion vent. 14. Off-circuit tap changing switch with indicator. Handle and locking devices. 15. Terminal connectors for HV & LV bushings (Suitable for Dog conductor & 625 sq.mm Lugs respectively).

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SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT FOR LIGHTING LUMINARIES FOR SWITCH YARD AND CONTROL ROOM LIGHTING: SCOPE: This specification covers design, manufacture, testing at manufacturers works, supply and delivery of lighting fixtures and accessories for switch yard and control room lighting.


17.2 17.2.1

STANDARDS The design, manufacture and performance of luminaries shall comply with all currently applicable statutes regulation and safety codes. Nothing should be construed in this specification to relieve the developer of this responsibility. The lighting luminaries shall conform to the latest applicable IS or IEC standards. Equipment conforming to Indian standards shall also be considered, if offered. Relevant Indian Standards are :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. IS:1913 IS:3287 IS:1777 IS:9974 IS:8019 IS:10322 IS:3528 IS:4012 IS:2349 IS:1947 IS:5077 IS:1258 IS:3323 IS:3324 IS:1534 IS:1569 IS:2215 IS:2418 IS:5133 IS:2147 IS:1034-90 IS:66161982 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : General & Safety requirements for electric lighting fittings. 1965: Industrial lighting fitting with plastic Reflector/ 1978: Industrial Luminaries with metal reflectors. 1981: High vacuum sodium vapour lamps (Part 1.2) Vitreous enamelled reflectors for use with illuminating device. Specification for luminaries (Par 1 to 5) Water proof electric lighting fittings. Dust proof electric lighting. Luminaries for street lighting. Specification for street lighting. Specification for decorative lighting cut fits. Specification for Bayonet lamp holders. Lamp holders or tubular fluorescent lamps. Holders for starters for tubular fluorescent lamps. (Part - I) Ballasts or use in fluorescent (Amendment.2) lighting fittings. Capacitors for use in fluorescent. Starter for fluorescent lamps. Part. I Tubular fluorescent lamps. Part. I Steel & cast iron boxes. Degree of protection for switch-gear and control gear. Electric Blast Ballast for HPSV lamps.


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17.4 17.4.1

GENERAL REQUIREMENT OF OUTDOOR / INDOOR LIGHTING LUMINARIES a) All AC outdoor fixtures shall be suitable for operation on single phase 2 wire A.C supply. b) Fixtures shall be designed to have low temperature rise, and suitable heat radiation device the protective glass wind shields shall be fixed at proper distance to avoid localized intensive heat and also cracking due to extreme temperature differential inside and outside the fixtures. c) The lighting fixture shall be designed for minimum glare. Finishing of fixture shall be such that no bright spots are produced either by direct light source or by reflection. d) All fixtures shall be complete with accessories like ballasts, power factor improvement capacitors etc. it is desired to mount 3 fixtures on the sub-station structures only and accessories listed above should be fitting assembly. If however, the accessories cannot be accommodated inside, then a separate metal enclosed weatherproof box shall be included in the scope to accommodate these accessories along with a fuse and a set of terminal blocks suitable for loop in and loop out connections. Out door type fixtures shall be provided with weather proof and vermin proof boxes. e) Each fixture shall have a terminal block suitable for loop in loop out and Toff connection by cable, type and size of which shall be specified. The internal wiring should be completed by the manufacturers by means of stranded copper wire of adequate size and terminated on the terminal block. f) Emergency Lighting:- In case of failure of incoming supply in the Sub-station, emergency DC lighting has to be provided. The above requirement can be met out from DC to AC converter by providing 3 No.s CFL at main control room and one No. each at AC/DC room, Carrier room, AE room, Store room, Battery room etc. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS OF LUMINARIES FLOOD LIGHTING LUMINARIES (2 X 400 WATTS). Housing Front clamps Mounting bracket Reflector Gasket Lamps Cast aluminium, MEV treated. Stainless steel M.S. Hot dip galvanised. High purity aluminium Electrochemically brightened Ethylene propylene 400 Watt HPSV

17.4.2 STREET LIGHTING LUMINARIES (1 x 70 Watts) Housing Reflector Sheet aluminium stove enamelled grey outside and white inside. High purity aluminium sheet chemically brightened & anodised. Page No. 258

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TR11/44 Gear Tray Toggles Mounting piece Lamp 17.4.3 M.S. Painted steel Stainless Steel Die cast aluminium MVC treated 70 Watt HPSV


INDOOR DECORATIVE MIRROR OPTIC LUMINAIRE FOR 2 x 40 WATT FLUORESCENT LAMP. Housing Gear tray End plate Mirror Assembly Lamellae louver Dimensions MS CRCA brown stove enamelled. MS CRCA white stove enamelled. High impact polystyrene, wood finish Aluminium electro chemically brightened anodised. Anodised aluminium. Approx. 1320 x 320 x 140 mm.


INDUSTRIAL LUMINAIRE SUITABLE FOR 2 x 40 WATT Rail Reflector CRCA sheet, stove enamelled white colour. CRCA sheet, stove enamelled outside colour Grey & inside colour white.


CORROSION PROOF INDUSTRIAL LUMINAIRE FOR 2x40 WATT Canopy Gear tray Cover Fibre glass reinforced polyester CRCA sheet, stove enamelled white. Acrylic, transparent.


INDOOR DECORATIVE LUMINAIRE SUITABLE FOR 1x40 WATT FLUORESCENT LAMP: Rail Cover Diffusers End plates CRCA sheet steel, channel (Grey colour) stove enamelled. white stove enamelled. Plain opal acrylic, light stabilised anti static treated. High impact black polystyrene.


M.S.COMMERICAL RAIL SUITABLE FOR USE WITH SINGLE 40 WATT FLUORESCENT LAMP Channel Cover CRCA sheet steel, stove enamelled, colour grey. CRCA sheet steel, stove enamelled, colour white.

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TR11/44 17.4.8


TOP LANTERN TYPE LUMINARIES FOR 1 x 70 WATTS H.P.S.V. LAMPS The overall diameter of top shall be 575 m.m. and height 390 m.m. approximately. The Lantern top shall be suitable for 80 m.m. diameter pipe. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOUR LAMPS The HPSV lamp of 400 / 70 watts shall be poly crystalline translucent aluminium oxide discharge tube enclosed in a void or tabular outer glass envelope. The inside of lamp shall be coated with uniform layer of diffusing power (applied electro-statically). The discharge tube shall contain an amalgam of Mercury Sodium along with Xenon gas as starter. The outer shall be evacuated. As per CBIP manual 3.5.1 Good' lighting in a substation is necessary to facilitate normal operation and maintenance activities and at the same time to ensure safety of the working personnel. As per latest IS:3646 (pt. II) "Schedule for values of illumination and Glare Index" recommends values of intensity of illumination. Table below contains the recommended values for different parts of substations.
S. No. 1 Particulars Average limiting Glare illumination limiting level 'Lux' Glare level 'Lux' Index "l> 200 to 300 150 300 150 100 300 300 100 300 450 20 100 70 20 20 20 300 100 70 150 30 19 19 19 25 19 25 19 16 19 -


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Control rooms Vertical control panels Rear of control panels Control desks Switch houses Battery room Carrier room Offices and reception Cloak rooms Workshop/Repair bay Test room Outdoor switchyard Stairs Corridors Approach roads Pathways Car parks Conference room Store room Cable gallery / floor AC plant / DG set room Emergency Lighting

17.4.10 HIGH MASTs :High mast shall be 20 sided polygonal type, hot dip galvanized and 20 mtr high. It should be provided with integral motorized lifting and lowering arrangement for the easy maintenance purpose of flood lights provided at the top of the mast. Design standard should confirm to I.L.E. technical report No. 7:2000 and materials: shaft/gussets should confirm to S355 as per BS EN 10025:1993 and flange / door stiffener as per IS 2062. The mast CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 260 C.E.


132KV KONI S/S should be suitable for withstanding a wind speed of 39 mtr./second. The door should be vandal proof and weather protected. The mast will have pad locking arrangement in the centre and 2 Nos. ALLEN BOLT at top and bottom. Wire rope shall be of reputed make. Each mast shall be provided with 8 Nos. 2x400W luminaries. 2 pipe Earth pits already specified in this document are to be constructed with each high mast i.e. total 4 Nos. 2 pipe earth pits with 4 Nos. high mast.
GENERAL SPECIFICATION OF HIGH MAST SYSTEM Height of mast : 20 Meter, No. of sections : Four Material construction : S 355 grade as per BS-EN10 025 Base dia and top diameter (A/F) : Top : 150 mm, / 200 mm Bottom : 410 mm / 490 mm Plate thickness : Top : 3 mm, Bottom : 4 mm Cross section of Mast Standard for of galvanisation Size of opening and door at base Diameter of base plate Thickness of base plate Lightning protection finial Max.wind speed Number of foundation bolts PCD of foundation bolts Type / diameter / length of foundation bolts LUMINAIRES CARRIAGE Material of construction Diameter of carriage ring (mm) Construction Load carrying capacity TRAILING CABLE Conductor Insulation No. of circuits per mast WINCH / POWER TOOL Type / SWL of winch Method of operation Motor capacity No of speeds Torque limitor STAINLESS STEEL WIRE ROPE Grade / construction Number of ropes Diameter (mm) Breaking load capacity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20 side polygon. As per BS EN ISO 1461 1200 x 250 mm 550 mm / 570 mm 25 mm G.I single spike of length 1.2 M 39 m/s as per IS 875, Part 3 8 nos. 490 mm TS 600 / 30 mm dia / 850 mm long 50 NB ERW Class B - M. S. Pipe 710 mm (ID) 6 Arm, Welded, 2 sections 12 Luminaire Copper, 5 core, 4 sq mm EPR insulated PCP sheathed One Double drum, SWL 750 Kg Integral Motor 1.5 HP Single speed With mechanical tripping facility AISI 316, 7/19 construction Two continuous 6 mm 2350 kg x 2


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TR11/44 18.0



18.1.1 SCOPE. This specification covers following works. a) Engineering and supply of galvanised fabricated steel structures for gantry and equipments for sub-station as per CSPTCL design & drawing and associated bay work design engineering & supply of earthing steel for Earth mat. Civil works including control room, foundations & cable trenches. Erection of gantry, bus bar, and equipments structures, stringing of gantry, bus bar and shielding wires, installation of out door / in-door equipments, inter equipment connections using Panther / Zebra ACSR conductors. Installation of cable trays in trenches, laying of control and power cables, construction of earth mat, earthing pits, grounding electrodes and risers.

b) c)


Note:- The contractor shall have to supply steel structures required for construction of bays at 132 / 33 KV sub station where ever required. These structures should match standards in all respects. 18.1.2 STANDARDS. The steel structures shall conform to the latest edition of the standard as stated hereunder. a) b) c) d) I.S. 2062 / 226 Specification for structural steel and quality steel. I.S. 802. Use of structural steel in over head transmission line. I.S 806 Code of practice for use of steel tubes. I.S. 808 Specification of rolled steel, channel, beam and angle sections.

18.1.3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: a. For design of steel structures loads such as dead loads, live loads, wind loads etc. shall be based on IS 875 Part IV as per CSPTCL drawings. For materials & permissible stresses, IS 802 Part I Section 2 shall be followed in general. Maximum slenderness ratios of leg members, other stressed members and redundant members for compressive force shall be as per IS 802.

b. c.

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TR11/44 d.

132KV KONI S/S In order to facilitate inspection & maintenance the structures shall be provided with step bolts not less than 16 m.m. diameter & 175 m.m. long spaced not more than 450 m.m. apart, staggered on faces on one leg extending from about 0.5 metre above ground level to top of the tower. The step bolts shall conform to IS: 10238. All Structures shall be designed for worst condition of dead loads, live loads wind loads etc. as per IS 875 Seismic forces as per IS: 1893, importance factor of 1.5, loads due to deviation of conductor, loads due to un-balanced vertical and horizontal forces, erection loads, short circuit forces. Short Circuit forces shall be calculated considering a fault level of 31.5 KA IEC: 865 may be followed for evaluation of short circuit forces. Substation gantry structures shall be designed for 2 conditions i.e. Normal condition & Short Circuit Conditions. In both conditions the design will be based on assumption that stringing is done only on one side i.e. all the three phases wire broken on the other side. Factor of safety of 2.0 under Normal conditions & 1.5 under Short Circuit condition shall be taken. Vertical levels of half the span of conductors/ string & the Earth wire on either side of beam shall be taken for design. Weight of man with tools shall be considered as 150 Kg. for design. Terminal / take off gantries shall be designed for a minimum conductor tension of 1 metric tonne per phase for 132 KV or as per requirement whichever is higher. The distance between the terminal gantry & take off tower shall be taken as 200 metres. The design shall also be checked considering 30 degree deviation of conductor in both vertical and horizontal planes. For other gantries structural layout requirements shall be adopted. The contractor shall furnish design, drawing, Bill of Material (BoM) of structures on award of contract. The design drawing should clearly indicate sections numbers and sizes of the bolts & details of typical joints, member wise weights & total weight of the structure. There should be provision of connectivity of beam in the last feeder gantries for future beam.







As designing is in the scope of contractor, supply/Approval of design & drawing shall not relieve the contractor from his responsibility for

Observing all the required clearances (phase to phase, phase to earth, sectional clearances & ground clearances) as per tender specifications. Calculation of force at all the joints/sections and their load carrying capacity shall be as per details of design requirements (e) given above. Page No. 263 C.E.


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TR11/44 iii)

132KV KONI S/S In case, the structures not complies with points (i & ii) given above, the contractor shall have to modify/replace the structure as the case may be and agreeable to CSPTCL without any cost implication.

Note: Please note that separate columns for bus bar structures, take off gantries, transformer gantry etc should be provided. In no case common column for take off or other type of gantries and bus bar structures shall be accepted. 19.0 INSTALLATION AND ERECTION OF EQUIPMENTS. a) The installation, storage, testing and commissioning of transformer shall be in accordance with I.S. 186 and manufacturers instructions. All commissioning tests as per manufacturers specifications shall be carried out. Switch gear and control panel shall be installed in accordance with IS 3072 as per manufacturers instruction. Induction motor, where ever applicable, shall be installed and commissioned as per IS 900. Battery and battery chargers installation and testing shall be done in strict compliance with manufacturers instructions. Installation of cable trays in trenches and laying of cable shall be carried out as per IS 1255 and as per relevant standards. The earthing system shall be installed as per designed drawing including welding/brazing/ bolting.

b) c) d) e) f) 19.1

EATHING OF SUB STATION: The Earthing shall be done in accordance with requirements given hereunder. The earth mat design shall be done by the contractor as per IEEE 80 for ther safe step and touch potential. The soil resistivity measurement shall also be done by the contractor. Neutral points of the system of different voltages, metallic parameters & frameworks associated with all current carrying equipments & extraneous networks associated with electric system shall be connected to a single earthing system. Earthing system & lightning protection system installation shall be in strict accordance with the latest editions of Indian Electricity Rules, relevant Indian Standards & Codes of Practice & Regulations existing in the locality where the system is installed. a) b) c) d) Code of Practice for Earthing IS: 3043 Code of Practice for the protection of building & allied structures against lightning IS: 2309 Indian Electricity Rules 1956 with latest amendments. National Electricity Safety Code IEEE 80.

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TR11/44 19.2


EARTHING CONDUCTOR LAYOUT:a. Earthing Conductors in outdoor areas shall be buried at least 600 m.m. below finished ground level unless stated otherwise. b. Whenever earthing conductor crosses cable trenches, underground service ducts, pipes, tunnels, railway tracks etc., it shall be laid minimum 300 m.m. below them and shall be circumvented in case it fouls with equipment / structure foundations. Tap connectors from the earthing grid to the equipment / structure to be earthed, shall be terminated on the earthing terminals of the equipment / structure. Earthing conductors or leads along their run on cable trench, ladder, walls etc. shall be supported by suitable welding / cleating at intervals of 750 m.m. wherever it passes through walls, floors etc. galvanised steel sleeves shall be provided for the passage of the conductor and both ends of the sleeve shall be sealed to prevent the passage of water through the sleeves. Earthing conductor around the building shall be buried in earth at a minimum distance of 1500 m.m. from the outer boundary of the building. Earthing conductors crossing the road shall be laid 300 m.m. below road or at greater depth to suit the site conditions.



e. f.


EQUIPMENT & STRUCTURE EARHING:a. Earthing pads shall be provided for the apparatus / equipment at accessible position. The connection between earthing pads and the earthing grid shall be made by two short earthing leads (one direct and another through the support structure.) free from kinks and splices. b. Metallic pipes, conduits and cable tray sections for cable installation shall be bonded to ensure electrical continuity and connected to earthing conductors at regular interval. Apart from intermediate connections, beginning points shall also be connected to earthing system. Metallic conduits shall not be used as earth continuity conductors. Light poles, junction boxes on poles, cable and cable boxes / glands, lock out switches etc, shall be connected to the earthing conductor running alongwith the supply cable which in turn shall be connected to earthing grid conductor at a minimum two points. Earthing conducor shall be buried 2000 m.m. outside the switch yard fence. All gates and every alternated post of the fence shall be connected to earthing grid. All lighting panels, junction boxes, receptable fixtures, conduits etc. shall be grounded in compliance with provisions of I.E. Rules.

c. d.




SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR EARTHING SYSTEMS:a. Each earthing lead from the neutral of the power transformer shall be directly connected to four pipe electrodes in treated earth pit (as per IS). Page No. 265 C.E.

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132KV KONI S/S The connection from transformer neutral to the earthing pits shall be taken through a small cable trench supported on 33 KV pin insulator. The neutral of HV & LV of the transformer shall be connected to 2 Number of earth pits each. All accessories associated with transformer like cooling banks, radiators etc. shall be connected to the earthing grid at minimum two points.


Earthing terminal of each lightning arrester & capacitor voltage transformer shall be directly connected to two pipe electrode, which in turn, shall be connected to station earthing grid. Auxiliary earthing mat comprising of 50 x 6 m.m. G.I. Flats closely spaced (300 m.m. x 300 m.m.) conductors shall be provided at depth of 300 m.m. from ground level below the operating handles of the M.O.M. Box of the Isolators. M.O.M. Boxes shall be directly connected to auxiliary earthing mat. Size of Earthing 65 x 8 m.m. Flat (as per design requirement. However if design calculations require higher size, the same shall be provided.) 25 m.m. Diameter 2500 m.m. long, (minimum 100 Nos.) Material Galvanised Steel


S.N. Item 1 Main Earthing conductor buried in ground at minimum 600 m.m. below finished ground level 2 Earth Spikes Equipment Earthing 3

Galvanised Steel B-class IS mark Galvanised Steel pipe B-class IS mark Galvanised Steel pipe Galvanised Steel

40 MVA Transformer (2 Pipe100m.m.diameter ( 4 nos Nos. Earth Pits) pipes per pit.), minimum 3 metres length Other Equipments Earth 100 m.m. diameter 3 meters pit pipes long (minimum) (Minimum 2 nos pipes per pit) Riser for structure and 50 x 6 mm GI Flat should be equipment earthing used for structure and equipment earthing as riser

The earth pits shall be provided as per requirement of 1.25 m x 1.25 m x 3.0 m size. The minimum earth pits to be constructed shall be as given below:EARTHING OF SUB STATION:The contractor shall construct the following earth pits :i) 1 No. earth pit of two electrode with B-class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for each set of 132 KV PTs & 33 KV PTs. ii) 1 No. of earth pit of two electrode with B- class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for each set of 132 KV LAs .

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iii) 1 No. of earth pit of two electrode with B- class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for each 4sets (12 Nos.) of 33 KV LAs iv) 1 No. of earth pit of two electrode with B- class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia & 3mtr. length for 33/0.4 KV Station Transformer . v) The other earth pits for gantry structures, Bus bar structures and other equipments/structures shall be constructed as per latest IS/ CBIP standard. vi) 2 No. of earth pits of 04 electrode of B-class IS mark GI pipe having size 100mm dia of 3mtr. length for 40 MVA Xmer HV & LV neutral. The earth pit shall be excavated up to the full depth of 3 mtr. of size 1.25 mtr X 1.25 mtr. The earth pit shall be filled with black cotton soil mixed with wooden charcoal powder and bentonite clay. Apart from the above pits, there shall be a GI earth mat designed with at least 100 nos, 25mm diameter 2500mm long GI Earth Spikes & 65 x 8 mm GI Flats for underground earthmat. 50x 6 mm size GI flat shall be used for equipment & structure earthing above the ground. All the pits & earth mat shall be interconnected. The spacing of the GI Flats shall be at a distance of not more than 7 meters in the 132 KV yard and 5 meters in the 33 KV yard. However, the actual spacing of the earth mat grid conductor shall depend upon the soil resistivity of the area and the requirement of safe step and touch potential as per the earth mat design. There shall be a Tube Well Boring with associated motor pump & water pipe lines for watering of Earth Pits. The combined earth resistance under maximum dry soil conditions shall be less than 0.5 ohms. The earth resistance should be taken in presence of OIC, EE(MRT) or EE (S/S) of that area. The earth mat shall be designed as per IEEE 80 -2000 for safe step & touch potential any where in the yard and also on the boundary for a fault current of 31.5 KA. 19.5 SUPPLY OF EARTHING STEEL:The earthing material shall be supplied by the contractor a) b) c) d) 65x8 mm GI flat for main earthmat (underground) 50x6 mm GI flat for equipment/structure earthing (risers) 25 mm GI round 2,500 m.m. long. The contractor will under take preparation of earthing pits and installation of spikes.

20. 20.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR AC & DC BOARDS SCOPE. This specification covers the complete design, manufacture, testing, inspection, packing and delivery of the following equipments. 1. 3 phase 415V AC Board with Metal clad switches 2. 110V DC Board with Metal clad switches 3. 48V DC Board with Metal clad switches

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TR11/44 20.2


STANDARDS. Unless otherwise specified, the equipments covered under this specification shall be manufactured, tested and supplied with the guarantee particulars as per the following Indian Standards Specifications. IS-4237 - General requirements for switch gear & control gear for voltage not exceeding 1000V IS-2147 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switch gear and control gear. IS-375 - Marking and arrangement for switch gear bus bars main connection and aux.wiring IS-2208 - HRC Cartridge fuse link up to 650V. IS-1248 - Electrical Indicating Instruments. IS-1554 - PVC Insulated electrical cables. IS-2516 - AC circuit breakers. IS-2705 - Current Transformers. IS-3156 - Voltage Transformers IS-4047 Heavy duty Air break switches and composite units & fuses for voltage not exceeding 1000V. GENERAL REQUIREMENT The AC Board shall be provided with incoming supply of 3 phase 4 wire 415 Volts AC through a change over switch rated 200 Amps, so that the incoming to the bus bar can be either taken from the station transformer or from other alternative LT supply. The copper bus bar of the AC board shall be of min. 400A capacity. The AC board shall be designed for fault current of 8KA on LT side for 3sec. The distribution of single/ 3 phase shall be arranged through metal clad switches of 2 no. 3 phase 100 amp, 6 no. 3 phase 63 amp, 4 no. 3 phase 32 amp 4 pole and 15 no. 32 amp DP SF with separate boxes in ACDB to various load points in the sub-station. The ACDBs & DCDBs should have arrangement of physical Isolation through knife switches in addition to the above mentioned features. The 110 volt DC distribution board shall comprise of bus section of bus bars of adequate rating suitable for 110 volt two wire un-grounded supply from the battery charger. The out going circuits shall be 15 in No. with a rating of 32 Amps. The incoming shall be rated 200 Amps. Each incoming/ outgoing bay should be made with 2 no. HRC fuses and 2 pole on/off switch. Separate section box should be provided for each outgoing bay. Heavy duty terminal connectors of proper size should be provided. The AC/DC boards shall be metal enclosed and floor mounted. The contractor shall provide metal frame made of structural steel channel section properly drilled for mounting the switchgear. These shall of single front execution with a height not exceed 1600 mm and having provisions for cable entry and exit from the bottom with removable glade plate. HRC fuses of suitable rating shall be provided for DCDB for the protection. No MCCB shall be provided for the protection in DCDB panels.

20.3 20.3.1



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TR11/44 20.3.4


The cabinet shall have cool glades, lungs, heater, plugs, sockets with switch and fuse and one lamp inside with suitable switching arrangements duly wired up for extending supply of 420 volts AC. Suitable metal enclosed plug socket arrangement on side wall of the box shall be provided. All terminal blocks shall be of the 1100 volts grade stud type. Only copper cable should be used. Each Distribution board shall have 2 compartments namely-Instruments compartment and Feeder compartment. These compartments shall have doors as described below. a. For Instrument compartment, one no. door with indicating instruments, indicating lamps, selector switches, nameplate mounted on it. b. For feeders compartment, one no. inner door with one opening for handle to operate switch fuse unit and four cut outs for outgoing MCBs. One outer door without cut outs & non breakable transparent sheet shall be provided. Detachable gland plates suitable for receiving the cable shall be provided at the bottom side of Distribution board with glands. Each Distribution Board shall be provided with :a. One no. name plate showing the details such as manufacturers name, Sr. No., rating etc. b. One no. danger board scripted in Hindi and English c. One no. flush mounted 96x96mm size ammeter with selector switch d. One no. flush mounted 96x96mm size voltmeter with selector switch e. One no. switch fuse disconnector unit with 100 Amp rating f. 3 nos. LED type phase indication lamps for incoming feeder g. 3 nos. single phase LTCTs of 10VA and CT ratio 100/5A. The enclosure shall be provided with proper earthing arrangement. Earthing arrangement shall consist of 2 G.I. Bolts of 12 mm (min.) with 2 spring/ plain washers and 2 check nuts. Two nos. Earthing studs of galvanized M.S. 25 X 6 mm shall be provided for external earth connections at the bottom. These should be complete with plain washer, spring washer, nuts etc. Earthing Bolts must be welded to prevent removal of the same from the cabinet. MAIN BUS-BARS The switch gear shall be provided with three phase and a neutral bus bars for AC and two bus bars for DC and shall be suitable for carrying continuous current and short circuit current. All bus bars shall be made of EC grade Copper bars having size not less than 25 x 8 sq. mm. All bus bars, bus taps, and joints shall be insulated by using PVC tapes. In case of DC switchboards, positive and Negative bus bars shall be completely separated from each other by insulating sheet. Separate supports shall be provided for DC bar of each polarity. TESTS. AC / DC boards shall be subjected to following tests. Page No. 269 C.E.


20.3.6 20.3.7


20.4 20.4.1


20.5 20.5.1

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TR11/44 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 20.5.2 20.6

132KV KONI S/S Temperature rise test on power circuits. Short time current tests on power circuits. Mechanical operation test. Verification of the degrees of protection as per I.S. 2147. Electrical control interlock and sequential operation tests. High voltage test (2000 V for one minute). Verification of wiring as per approved schematic drawing.

Type tests and routine tests shall be carried out on all associated equipments as per relevant Indian Standards. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR MARSHALLING BOXES.

20.6.1 SCOPE. Suitable size marshalling boxes shall be provided for the termination of CT, PT, secondary connections. The boxes shall be suitable for out door use and tested for IP55. The size should be able to accommodate incoming & out going cables properly. Necessary arrangement shall also be made for the single phase AC supply connection with 1 NO. lighting arrangement plus 1 No. 15A plug. 20.6.2 CONSTRUCTION. Junction (Marshalling) boxes shall be made of MS sheet steel of thickness 2.5 m.m. with suitable rubber beading and gaskets to make the box completely water proof and suitable for outdoor installation. Suitable mounting arrangements shall be provided for these boxes. Each box shall be given a coat of read lead primer, one coat of oil primer, followed by two finishing coats of shade 631 of I.S. 5 (Light Grey) for exterior and glossy white for the interior surfaces. Moulded barrier of suitable size shall be provided between terminals to prevent flash over. The terminals shall have a voltage withstand capability of atleast 5 KV between phases to earth as well as between two adjacent blocks for one minute. Each marshalling box shall have provision for addition of one more row of terminal boxes in future and each row shall have provision for addition of 5 to 10 terminal blocks, if required. The terminal box shall be of reputed make and shall be of dis-connecting type connectors only. All the terminals shall be complete with insulated barriers, terminal stud washers, nuts, lock nuts and identification strips and shall have facility for measurement of voltage / current. 20.6.3 IMPORTANT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. The terminal blocks should necessarily be of disconnecting type only. A small metal strip with five nuts should be provided inside the box so that earthing of five star points of CT secondary could be possible without any difficulty. CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 270 C.E.



A removable type gland plate should be provided with each of the cable gland. Suitable handle type locking arrangement shall be provided for the box. Each type of box shall however have a provision for one additional row of terminals blocks to be added in future. The slotted steel channels of 14 SWG size and each row shall have provision for addition of 10 to 15 terminals blocks if required. 20.6.4 CABLE ENTRY AND GLANDS. In all marshalling boxes cable entry shall be from bottom. The marshalling box shall have brass cable glands suitable for different cores, 2.5 mm2. Copper control cables, which are to be used to connect equipments with control or relay panels. No any cable whether control or power cables should be terminated without using proper size copper lugs of different sizes & should be crimped with correct size crimping tools.

21 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR SOLID CORE INSULATORS 21.1 Scope: This specification covers the complete design, manufacture, testing, inspection, packing and delivery of solidcore insulators for 220KV; 132KV & 33KV systems as described in preceding para. Standards: The rating as well as performance and testing of the isolators shall conform to the latest revisions and amendments of the following standards Sl. No. Standard No 1 IS: 2544 2 21.3. IS : 5350 Title Porcelain post insulators for systems with normal voltages greater than 1000 volts ----------------------do-----------------------------------


Climatic condition: The equipment to be supplied under this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory operation under the following tropical humid conditions :Maximum temperature under hot sun Minimum temperature of air in shade Maximum relative humidity Average number of thunderstorm days per annum Average number of rainy day per annum Average annual rainfall Maximum wind pressure Altitude above M.S.L. - 50 degree Centigrade - 4 degree Centigrade - 95% (sometimes reaches saturation) - 40 days. 90 days. 125 Cm. 150 kg/sq.mtr 1000 mtrs.


Type and rating:

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The porcelain shall be sound , free from defects thoroughly vitrified and smoothly glazed. The glaze should be brown in colour. Precautions shall be taken during design & manufacture to avoid the following: (a) Stresses due to expansion & contraction which may lead to deterioration, (b) Stresses concentration due to direct engagement of porcelain with the metal fitting, I Retention of water in the recesses of metal fittings, and (d) Shapes which do not facilitate easy cleaning by normal methods. Cement used shall not cause fracture by expansion or loosening by contraction, and proper care shall be taken to locate correctly the individual parts during cementing. The cement shall not give to chemical reaction with metal fittings, and its thickness shall be as uniform as possible. All ferrous metal parts, except those of stainless steel, shall be hot-dip galvanized and the uniformity of Zinc coating shall satisfy the requirements of IS:2633-1964.The parts shall be galvanized surface shall be smooth. The threads of the tapped holes in the post insulators metal fittings shall be cut after giving anti-corrosion protection and shall be protected against rust by greasing or other similar means all other threads shall be cut before giving anticorrosion protection. The tapped holes shall be suitable for bolts with threads having anti corrosion protection & shall conform to IS:4218(part I to IV).The effective length of thread shall be not less than the nominal diameter of the bolt. The post insulator unit shall be assembled in a suitable jig to ensure the correct positioning of the top and bottom metal fittings relative to one another. The faces of the metal fittings shall be parallel and at right angles to the axis of the insulator. And the corresponding holes in the top and bottom metal fittings shall be in a vertical plane containing the axis of the insulator. 21.5 Principal parameters: The principal parameters for the solidcore insulators shall be as given below: Voltage Class a) Visible discharge test KV(RMS) b) Dry one minute power frequency withstand test KV(RMS) c) Wet one minute power anufactu withstand test KV(RMS) d) Power frequency puncture withstand test on units 220KV 154 395 395 132KV 105 275 275 33KV 27 75 75

e) Impulse voltage withstand test KV(PEAK) f) UltimateTorsional strength (KNM)

1.3 times the actual dry flashover voltage 900 3

1.3 times the actual dry flashover voltage 550 3

1.3 times the actual dry flashover voltage 170 3

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TR11/44 g) h) i) j) k) 21.6 21.7 Ultimate bending strength (KN) Ultimate contilever strength Height of the insulator(MM) Creepage distance Top/ Bottom P.C.D. 4 160 KN 2300 6125 MM 127 / 225

132KV KONI S/S 4 140KN 1472 3625 MM 127 /184 4 80KN 508 580 MM 76/76

Puncture voltage: The insulator should be puncture proof.

Markings: Each post insulator shall be marked with following:a) name & trade mark of the manufacturer, b) Month & Year of manufacture 21.8 21.9 Tests: Acceptance and routine test: Each solid core insulator shall strictly comply with the requirements of all the type tests and shall be subjected to all routine tests stipulated in the relevant standard. All routine tests shall be made prior to despatch in the presence of the representative of the CSPTCL. The material should be dispatched only after pre dispatch testing and issuance of clearance for dispatch by Office of CE (Trans.)

21.10 Type tests: All the equipments offered should be fully type tested as per the relevant standards & type test certificates should invariably be produced with tender.

22. S.No . 1. 2.

DISC INSULATORS 70 KN & 90KN :Particulars Type of Insulator (Pin & Cap) Size and designation of ball and socket with standard to which it will confirm Dimension a) Porcelain disc diameter mm b) Unit spacing mm c) Creepage distance of single disc (min.) mm Colour of glaze of the finished porcelain insulator Mechanical values . a) Combined mechanical & electrical strength in KN b) Materials used for ball pins. c) Grade of material 70 KN 90 KN

Ball & Socket Ball & Socket 16 mmB 16mmB Conforming to IS: 2486 (part-II) 1974


255 +/-10 130 +/-4 320 Brown

255 +/-10 130 +/-4 320 Brown

4.. 5

70 KN

90 KN

Forged steel Forged steel Class 3A or 4 of Class 3A or 4 of

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TR11/44 IS 2004 Ultimate tensile stress Kg. Per mm2 63 Yield stress Kg. Per mm2 32.5 Hardness test value BHN 175 Percentage elongation (min. 15%) Whether machine forced Yes Normalising particulars (Temp in C 30-880 0) Withstand voltage of single disc a) Dry KV (RMS) 70 b) Wet KV (RMS) 40 Impulse voltage 1.2 x 50 Micro sec. a) Positive KV (Peak) 110 b) Negative KV (Peak) 110 Flesh over voltage for the disc. Power frequency : a) Dry KV (RMS) 78 b) Wet KV (RMS) 45 Flesh over Impulse voltage 1.2 x 50 Micro sec. a) Positive KV (Peak) 120 b) Negative KV (Peak) 120 P.F. Puncher voltage KV (RMS) 120 Min. Carona extinction voltage KV 09 (RMS) Max. RIV at 10 KV (RMS) Micro 50 volts Security clip/ locking device R TYPE and dimensions as per a) Type and dimension
2486 Part-IV

132KV KONI S/S IS 2004 63 32.5 175 (min. 15%) Yes 30-880

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

70 40 110 100



78 45


16 17 18 19

120 120 125 09 50

R TYPE and dimensions as per 2486 Part-III)

20 21 22 23 24

Stainless steel Stainless steel Guaranteed as per Guaranteed as per b) Material c) Standard to which security IS 2486 (Part-IV) IS 2486 (Part-IV) ---do----do-clip confirmed d) Test values Standard specification to which IS- 731 & IS- IS- 731 & ISinsulator will confirm 3188 3188 As per IS 731 & IS 3188 As per IS 731 & IS 3188 Test required Inter changeability of disc insulator Required Required Net weight of Insulator unit 5.8 5.8 (Approx.) Packing details i) Type of packing Wooden crates Wooden crates ii) No. of disc in each packing 6 6 iii) Gross weight of each packing 42 42


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SCHEDULE- III C - MAJOR EQUIPMENTS Schedule of Equipments for 132 /33 KV sub station at Koni (A) S.N. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) SWITCH YARD EQUIPMENTS :Particular 40MVA 132/33KV Transformer 132 KV SF6 circuit breaker complete (3- ) Gang Operated Type 132 KV Isolator with support insulator & with ES 132 KV Isolator with support insulator & without ES 132 KV Current Transformer having ratio 400-200/1-1-1. PS, 5P20 & 0.2 class cores 132 KV Potential Transformer (3 cores) having ratio 132/ 3/110/ 3 3P, 3P & 0.2 class 132 KV Lightning Arresters 120 KV 132 KV Waves Traps. 0.5 mH, 630 A 132 KV Solid Core Insulator 132KV coupling capacitor LMU (Coupling Device 125 - 300 ) complete set with protective device. 33/0.4 KV, 200 KVA, dy11, Station Transformer, Delta / Star 33 KV VCBs complete 33 KV Potential Xmer (2-Cores) having 33 KV/ 3 / 110/ 3 33 KV, 10 MVAR, Capacitor Bank complete with series reactors (72 + 08 units) 33 KV Current Transformers having ratio 800-400/1-1-1 A 33 KV Current Transformers having ratio 400-200/1-1-1 A 33 KV Neutral Current Transformers having ratio 5-2.5/1-1 33 KV Lightning Arresters 30 KV 33 KV Isolators with support insulators (800 Amp ) & with ES 33 KV Isolators with support insulators (800 Amp rating) & without ES 33KV Isolator for main bus sectional isolator, 1600A capacity 33 KV Solid Core Insulators 33 KV D.O. Fuse sets complete 415 V, Secondary Out Door Distribution Box with MCB & HRC fuse for stn. Xmer 33KV Isolator for B/C & X-mer bay

Quantity 01 Nos 04 Sets 02 10 12 03 09 04 20 04 02 01 07 03 01 06 15 01 18 04 11 04 15 01 01 05 Sets Sets Nos Nos. Nos. No.s Nos. Nos Set No No.s Nos. Set Nos. Nos. No Nos. Sets Sets No. Nos. Set No No

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(B) S.N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENTS: Particular 132 KV Control & Relay Panel (Duplex type) for 40 MVA transformer 132 KV Control & Relay Panel (Duplex type) for feeders 132 KV Control & Relay Panel (Duplex type) for Bus Transfer 33 KV Control & Relay Panel (Simplex type) for 40 MVA Xmer 33 KV Control & Relay Panel (Simplex type) for 33KV feeders 33 KV Control & Relay Panel (Simplex type) for 33KV Bus Transfer 33 KV Control & Relay Panel (Simplex type) for 33KV, 10 MVAR Capacitor Bank Twin Channel Carrier Cabinet EPAX 8/4 lines with operator console Telephones Sets 110V, 300Ah, Battery Set (55 Cells) 48 V, 300Ah, Battery Set (24 Cells) 300AH, 110V, Battery Charger with separate two float & one Boost charger (one float shall be in standby mode). 300AH, 48V, Battery Charger with separate two float & one Boost charger (one float shall be in standby mode). ACDB with MCB & HRC fuses, space for 2nd incomer & 20% spare provision for out going circuits (duly wired) DCDB 110 V DC with HRC fuses, space for 2nd incomer & 20% spare provision for out going circuits (duly wired) DCDB 48 V DC with HRC fuses, space for 2nd incomer & 30% spare provision for out going circuits (duly wired) laser printer Desktop Computer with UPS & Dot matrix printer GPS time synchronising clock with external large display RTU with interface panel Quantity 01 02 01 01 04 01 01 04 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Set set No. No. no no no No. Set Set No.


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SCHEDULE III D - LIST OF VENDORS The list of vendors for important equipments I. Name of Vendors shall be as per the list displayed in CSPTCLs web site www.cseb.gov.in / csptcl on date of issue of NIT

II. Other equipments/materials which are required but not covered in the above vendor list:Reputed makes as approved by CSPTCL. III. Other vendors who possess requisite manufacturing capability, type test certificate and performance certificate as per criteria of CSPTCL may also be considered with specific approval of CSPTCL. IV. However, CSPTCL reserves right to add, delete, revise and specify any vendor subsequently and its CSPTCLs decision shall be final.

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Height Width of Weight of of beam in structure structu mm with re from foundatio FL in n bolts in mm Kg

Wt. of nut & bolts & washer in Kg

A) 1

132KV side structure: Gantry column A1 Lattice 12905 bolted without Peak Peak of A1 2335 Lattice bolted 1044.30 49.570


90.87 584.52 730.82

24.417 29.286 30.14

2 3

Gantry beam

FC Lattice

Main/Aux bus 2A1 Lattice 8300 132KV Bus bolted column. Main /Aux bus 2B1 Lattice 132KV Bus bolted beam 10400



Isolator with EA/EAA E/sw & Lattice bolted without E/sw ( 3 phase) Circuit breaker Current transformer (Single phase) Potential transformer (Single phase) -




5 6



BA Lattice 2600 bolted FA Lattice 2300 bolted



Lightning AA Lattice 3070 arrester (Single bolted phase) Post insulator (Single phase) Coupling capacitor (Single phase) DA Lattice 3178 bolted CA Lattice 2775 bolted



9 10

0177 0176

5.6 6.2

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Sl. No Particulars Type


Height Width of Weight of of beam in structure structu mm with re from foundatio FL in n bolts in mm Kg Wt. of nut & bolts & washer in Kg

B) 1 2 3 4 5

33KV Side structure: Gantry column Gantry beam Main bus Auxiliary bus Isolator ( 3 phase) a. with E/Sw b. without E/Sw TB bolted 1BO4 bolted 1BO4 bolted 3ISOM bolted Lattice 10650/ 8650 Lattice 5490 Lattice 5490 Lattice 2952 2952 BB bolted Lattice 2575 0415 0376 0207 15.60 14.20 7.3 5600 3800 3800 0974 0399 0742 0742 35.7 16.0 15.6 15.6

GMS Lattice

6 7

Circuit breaker Current transformer (T type structure for three phase)

Potential transformer (T type structure for 3 phase)

CB bolted

Lattice 2510



Lightning arrester (T type structure for 3 phase)

AB bolted

Lattice 3075




Post insulator ( 1 phase)

DB bolted

Lattice 3142



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S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

PARTICULARS General Information Declaration Form Abstract Of Terms & Conditions Personal Capability Equipment Capability (a) Manufacturing (b) Erection I Testing & Commissioning Financial Capability Experience Record Departure/ Deviation from Specification (Technical) Departure/ Deviation from the Condition of Contract (Commercial) Litigation History
Agreement (Proforma )

ANNEXURE Nos Annexure- A-1. Annexure- A-2. Annexure- A-3. Annexure- A-4. Annexure- A-5.

Page No 276 277 278-279 280 281

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Annexure- A-6. Annexure- A-7. Annexure- A-8. Annexure- A-9. Annexure- A-10. Annexure- A-11. Annexure- A-12. Annexure- A-13. Annexure- A-14. Annexure- A-15. Annexure- A-16. Annexure- A-17. Annexure- A-18. Annexure- A-19. Annexure- A-20. Annexure- A-21. Annexure- A-22. Annexure- A-23.

282 283 284 285 286 287-292 293 294 295-296 297-298 299 300-302 303-305 306-307 308-309 310-311 312-313 314

Proforma For Security Deposit (B.G.) Bank Guarantee Form for Performance Guarantee Bank Guarantee Form for Loss/Damages to CSPTCL Proforma for Indemnity Bond Proforma for Deed of Extension of Bank Guarantee Price variation formula for Transformers with all accessories Power

Price variation formula for Instrument Transformers 72.5 KV & Above. Price variation formula for Isolators. Price variation formula for GI Structures Price variation formula for PLCC. Price variation formula for Wave Traps Inspection plan for equipments

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The bidders shall furnish general information in the following format:The bidders shall furnish general information in the following format:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Name of the Firm

Head Office address

Contact Person

Mobile No. of contact person

Telephone No. Office

Telephone No. Residence

Fax No.


Place of incorporation / Region

Year of incorporation / Region

Date Place


CSPTCL (Transmission)

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ANNEXURE A 2 DECLARATION FORM Tender specification No. TR-11/11 To,




Having examined the above specification together with tender conditions referred to therein. I/We the undersigned hereby offer to execute the work contract covered therein complete in all respect as per the specification and general conditions, at the rates entered in the attached contract Annexure of prices in the tender. Our offer is valid upto 180 days from the date of tender opening and the prices, which are on firm basis, will remain valid till the completion of the work.


I/We hereby undertake to have the works completed within the time specified in the tender.


I/We certify to have purchased a copy of the Specification by remitting cash demand draft and this has been acknowledged by you in your letter no. ______________ dtd. ______________. In the event of work order being decided in my/our favour, I/We agree to furnish the Bank Guarantee in the manner acceptable to CSPTCL and for the sum as applicable to me/us as provided in the General conditions of contract (Section-II) of this specification within 30 days of issue of work order, failing which I/We clearly understand that the said work order will be liable to be withdrawn by CSPTCL. Signed this ____ day of ____________2012. Yours faithfully, (This form should be duly filled up by the bidder & submitted along with the original copy of tender.) Date Place SIGNATURE OF BIDDER NAME DESIGNATION (SEAL)


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ANNEXURE A 3 ABSTRACT OF TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Earnest Money furnished 1. Amount & Bank Draft No. 2. Proof of support of EPM Region/ DGS&D/ NSIC


2. 3. 4.

Tender book cost (amount & DD Number) Validity 180 Days Yes / No For all equipments, structures & Accessories the price shall be FIRM Yes / No (except for type of equipments/structures specified in Section-II, IEEMA variation clause 38.1)

5. a) b) c) d) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. (a)

Whether participated as a sold bidder or JV/consortium. If JV name of lead partner Name of other partner Whether legal JV Deed submitted Whether power of Attorney submitted
Terms of payment Whether agreeable to CSPTCLs terms or not? Schedule date of completion of work (12 months) Whether agreeable to CSPTCLs terms Transformer Guarantee Whether agreeable to CSPTCLs terms Performance Guarantee Whether agreeable to CSPTCLs terms Penalty Whether agreeable to CSPTCLs terms Whether agreed to furnish 10% Bank Guarantee against SD & 5% BG against performance guarantee. Whether agreed to Technical Specifications and drawings. Certificate enclosed for successful completion of minimum 1 Nos. 110 KV or above voltage class sub-station by sole bidder / lead partner. M/s. ___________________ enclosed a) Name of EHV sub station completed & Organisation 1. Whether order copy enclosed 2. Whether performance Certificate of above s/s for successful operation of minimum 1 year as on date of NIT enclosed. b) Construction of min. 1 No. S/S of 33/11KV (or higher) with mim.1x10MVA or 2x5MVA transformer and other associated bays on T/K basis by other partner(s) M/s. _______ 1. Name of HV sub station completed & Organisation 2. Whether order copy enclosed 3. Whether performance Certificate of above s/s for successful operation of minimum 1 year as on date of NIT enclosed

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No

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(i) Turn over of Sole bidder/ Lead partner Other partner a) 2006-07 Turn over & Liquidity Asset Turn Over & L.A b) 2007-08 c) 2008-09 d) 2009-10 e) 2010-11 (ii) Collective Turn Over (iii) Whether copy of audited balance sheet for above years enclosed. Particulars of Contractors A class H.T. License:a. Number. b. Name of Person. c. Valid Upto. d. Name of state level license issuing authority. e. Whether undertaking for submission of A class Elec. Lic. From CG Licensing Board enclosed.

Yes / No

Yes / No Yes/No


Copy of EPF code number allotted by EPF Commissioner enclosed. Losses Quoted for Transformers Transformer make: I No Load Losses at 75C & Normal Tap Load Losses at 75C & Normal Tap Auxiliary Losses at 75C & Normal Tap Total Losses at 75C & Normal Tap No Load Losses at 110% rated Voltage 10 MVAR Capacitor bank Losses Losses in watts /KVar Total losses of capacitor bank for Capitalization


40 MVA


Date Place


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Details of persons available with necessary qualifications and experience in manufacturing transmission line and substation structure and erection of transmission lines and substations, both managerial, supervisory & workmen with necessary license/workman permit issued by the Electrical Licensing Board, CG/MP shall be furnished in the following formats.

PERSONNEL IN MANAGERIAL POSITION Sl. No. Name of person with designation Educational/Tech. Qualifications Year of experience Details of Licence from ELB(MP/CG)

PERSONNEL IN SUPERVISORY POSITION Sl. No. Name of person with designation Educational/Tech. Qualifications Year of experience Details of Licence from ELB(MP/CG)

IPERSONNEL IN WORKMEN CATEGORY SL. Name of person No. with designation Educational/Tech. Qualifications Year of experience Details of Licence from ELB(MP/CG)

Date Place


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The bidder shall provide as the capability to meet the requirements for each and all items of equipments in their possessions, for manufacturing, erection and testing in the following format: MANUFACTURING:

Sl. No.

Description of equipment

Model/ Power rating


Year of manufacture


Sl. No.

Description of equipment

Model/ Power rating


Year of manufacture


SL. No.

Description of equipment

Model/ Power rating


Year of manufacture

Date Place


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(The bidder is requested to complete the information in this Annexure. The information supplied should be the annual turnover duly audited by the Chartered Accountant for preceding Five years of work in progress or completed.) ANNUAL TURNOVER DATA S.No. YEAR 200607 to 2010-11 TURN OVER Liquidity Assets INDIAN RUPEES

The bidder shall also furnish the following information:

1. Name of Banker: 2. Address of Banker: 3. Telephone: 4. Contact Name and Title: 5. Fax / Telex
Financial information in Rupees 1 Actual previous three years 2 3 4 5 Projected Next Two years. 1 2

1. Total assets 2. Current assets 3. Total liabilities 4. Current liabilities 5. Profit before taxes
Proposed sources of financing Source of financing 1. 2. 3. Attach audited financial statements for the last three years. Date Place SIGNATURE OF BIDDER NAME DESIGNATION (SEAL) Amount (Rs.)

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The bidder shall furnish details of work orders for similar nature of erection work received during the last three years & already completed and under execution.

SL. No.

Work order/ No. & date

Name & address of the owner

Value of contract

Scheduled date of delivery/ completion of work

slippage with


Date Place


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DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATION (TECHNICAL) Tender shall enter below particulars of his alternative proposals for deviation from the specification, if any:

SL. No.

Clause No. of Specification

Particulars of deviation


Date Place


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DEVIATION FROM THE CONDITION OF CONTRACT (COMMERCIAL) The bidder shall enter below, departure if any, from the conditions of contract as herein SL. No. Clause No. of Specification Particulars of deviation Remarks

Date Place


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Bidder should provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts executed in the last five years or currently under execution.


Award for or against bidder

Name of client, cause of litigation and matter in dispute

Disputed amount (current value in Rs.)

Date Place


CSPTCL (Transmission)

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(To be executed on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs.300/- only with a revenue stamp of Re. 1/- affixed on it) This Agreement is made this ______ day of ___________________ between Shri _________ ___________ on behalf of the Contractor________ ________ ________ (hereinafter called the Contractor which expression shall where the context so admits, be deemed to include his heirs, executors, administrators and representatives) of the one part, and the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur being the Company constituted under Companies Act, 1956, (hereinafter called the CSPTCL which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include its successors in office and permitted assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS in accordance with a tender no. __________ dtd. __________ issued by Chief Engineer (Transmission) of the CSPTCL, the Contractor submitted his tender dated ___________ for design, supply of galvanising steel structure for equipments, gantry, bus and lighting towers etc. for supply of all switchyard & control room equipments with recommended spares, and supply of testing equipments, T&P and furniture etc. of new 132/33 KV S/S at KONI (Dist. BILASPUR) as described, mentioned enumerated or referred to in general conditions, specifications, schedules, drawings etc. forming part of tender, covering letters, schedule of prices and further correspondence, a copy of which is hereto annexed and is for purposes of identification signed by the contractor ____________________ on behalf of the contractor and Chief Engineer (Transmission) of CSPTCL and all of which shall be deemed to form part of this agreement as though separately set out herein and are included in the expression Contract herein used (herein after referred to as the said works). AND WHEREAS the CSPTCL has accepted the tender of the Contractor vide Work Order No. ____________ dated ________ for supply of structure, equipment & accessories, T&P, furniture and other items required for new 132/33 KV S/S at KONI Dist. Bilaspur for the net price of _____________________________ upon the terms and subject to the condition hereinafter mentioned. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES AND IT IS hereby agreed as follows:


The contractor shall supply design, galvanized steel structures for equipment, gantry, bus and lighting towers etc. and supply of all switchyard and control room equipments with recommended spares, and supply the testing equipment, T&P and furniture etc. of new 132/33 KV S/S KONI Dist. BILASPUR within the time specified in and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the CSPTCL Work Order No. ______ ________ dated ____________. For the work done under the scope of the CSPTCL Work Order referred above, the CSPTCL shall pay to the Contractor Rs. ________ (In words Rupees ______ _______ _______ _____) or such other sum as may become payable in accordance with the said work order.



If at any time, any question, dispute or difference whatsoever arises between CSPTCL and the contractor upon, in relation with or in connection with this contract either party may forthwith give the other Page No. 292 C.E.

CSPTCL (Transmission)


132KV KONI S/S party a notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and same shall be referred to the adjudication of three Arbitrators one to be nominated by CSPTCL, the other by the Contractor and third to be appointed by the two Arbitrators nominated by the parties at the commencement of arbitration proceedings and failing agreement between them, in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, the third Arbitrator so appointed shall act as the Presiding Arbitrator. The award so passed shall be binding on both the parties. The place of arbitration shall strictly be RAIPUR CG.


In all matters arising under out of or in relation with this agreement, the terms and conditions contained in the aforesaid Work Order No. ___________ Dated ___________ shall apply and all such matters shall be determined accordingly. This agreement shall be deemed to be entered into at Raipur and all disputes and claims, if any, out of or in respect of this Agreement are to be settled at Raipur or be subject to jurisdiction of competent court situated in Chhattisgarh State. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the dates and year mentioned against their respective signature.


Signature of Witness :

Name & Signature for Contractor Signature (On behalf of the Contractor) Name : __________________


Signature : _________ Address : __________

Signature : _________ Address : __________ Signature of Witnesses :

Designation : _____________ Seal ____________________



Signature (On behalf of CSPTCL)



Name _______________ Designation __________

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AGREEMENT PROFORMA - FOR CIVIL WORK ORDER (To be executed on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs.300/- only with a revenue stamp of Re. 1/- affixed on it)

This Agreement is made this ______ day of ___________________ between Shri _________ ___________ on behalf of the Contractor________ ________ ________ (hereinafter called the Contractor which expression shall where the context so admits, be deemed to include his heirs, executors, administrators and representatives) of the one part, and the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur being the Company constituted under Companies Act, 1956, (hereinafter called the CSPTCL which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include its successors in office and permitted assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS in accordance with a tender no. __________ dtd. __________ issued by Chief Engineer (Transmission) of the CSPTCL, the Contractor submitted his tender dated ___________ for design, drawing & supply of civil materials (cement, steel) etc. for construction of foundations of switchyard equipments/structures & control room etc. of new 132/33 KV S/S at KONI (Dist. Bilaspur) as described, mentioned enumerated or referred to in general conditions, specifications, schedules, drawings etc. forming part of tender, covering letters, schedule of prices and further correspondence, a copy of which is hereto annexed and is for purposes of identification signed by the contractor ____________________ on behalf of the contractor and Chief Engineer (Transmission) of CSPTCL and all of which shall be deemed to form part of this agreement as though separately set out herein and are included in the expression Contract herein used (herein after referred to as the said works). AND WHEREAS the CSPTCL has accepted the tender of the Contractor vide Work Order No. ____________ dated ________ for supply of structure, equipment & accessories, T&P, furniture and other items required for new 132/33 KV S/S at KONI Dist. Bilaspur for the net price of _____________________________ upon the terms and subject to the condition hereinafter mentioned. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES AND IT IS hereby agreed as follows: 1. The contractor shall supply for design, drawing & supply of civil materials (cement, steel) etc. for construction of civil foundations of switchyard equipments/structures & control room etc. of new 132/33 KV S/S KONI Dist. BILASPUR within the time specified in and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the CSPTCL Work Order No. ______ ________ dated ____________.

2. For the work done under the scope of the CSPTCL Work Order referred above, the
CSPTCL shall pay to the Contractor Rs. ________ (In words Rupees ______ _______ _______ _____) or such other sum as may become payable in accordance with the said work order.

3. If at any time, any question, dispute or difference whatsoever arises between CSPTCL and the contractor upon, in relation with or in connection with this contract either party may forthwith give the other party a notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and same shall be referred to the adjudication of three Arbitrators one to be nominated by CSPTCL, the other by the Contractor and third to be appointed by the two Arbitrators nominated by the CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 294 C.E.



parties at the commencement of arbitration proceedings and failing agreement between them, in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, the third Arbitrator so appointed shall act as the Presiding Arbitrator. The award so passed shall be binding on both the parties. The place of arbitration shall strictly be RAIPUR CG. 4. In all matters arising under out of or in relation with this agreement, the terms and
conditions contained in the aforesaid Work Order No. ___________ Dated ___________ shall apply and all such matters shall be determined accordingly.

5. This agreement shall be deemed to be entered into at Raipur and all disputes and claims,
if any, out of or in respect of this Agreement are to be settled at Raipur or be subject to jurisdiction of competent court situated in Chhattisgarh State. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the dates and year mentioned against their respective signature. Signature of Witness : Signature : _________ Address : __________ Name & Signature for Contractor Signature (On behalf of the Contractor) Name : __________________ Signature : _________ Address : __________ Signature of Witnesses : 1. ___________________ Signature (On behalf of CSPTCL) 2. ____________________ Name _______________ Designation __________ Designation : _____________ Seal ____________________

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AGREEMENT PROFORMA - FOR ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING WORK ORDER (To be executed on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs.300/- only with a revenue stamp of Re. 1/- affixed on it) This Agreement is made this ______ day of ___________________ between Shri _________ ___________ on behalf of the Contractor________ ________ ________ (hereinafter called the Contractor which expression shall where the context so admits, be deemed to include his heirs, executors, administrators and representatives) of the one part, and the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur being the Company constituted under Companies Act, 1956, (hereinafter called the CSPTCL which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include its successors in office and permitted assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS in accordance with a tender no. __________ dtd. __________ issued by Chief Engineer (Transmission) of the CSPTCL, the Contractor submitted his tender dated ___________ for Erection, Testing & Commissioning of switchyard/control room equipments/structures etc. of new 132/33 KV S/S at KONI (Dist. Bilaspur) as described, mentioned enumerated or referred to in general conditions, specifications, schedules, drawings etc. forming part of tender, covering letters, schedule of prices and further correspondence, a copy of which is hereto annexed and is for purposes of identification signed by the contractor ____________________ on behalf of the contractor and Chief Engineer (Transmission) of CSPTCL and all of which shall be deemed to form part of this agreement as though separately set out herein and are included in the expression Contract herein used (herein after referred to as the said works). AND WHEREAS the CSPTCL has accepted the tender of the Contractor vide Work Order No. ____________ dated ________ for supply of structure, equipment & accessories, T&P, furniture and other items required for new 132/33 KV S/S at KONI Dist. Bilaspur for the net price of _____________________________ upon the terms and subject to the condition hereinafter mentioned. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES AND IT IS hereby agreed as follows: 1. The contractor shall completed the work of Erection, Testing & Commissioning of switchyard/control room equipments/structures etc. of new 132/33 KV S/S KONI Dist. BILASPUR within the time specified in and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the CSPTCL Work Order No. ______ ________ dated ____________. 2. For the work done under the scope of the CSPTCL Work Order referred above, the CSPTCL shall pay to the Contractor Rs. ________ (In words Rupees ______ _______ _______ _____) or such other sum as may become payable in accordance with the said work order. 3. If at any time, any question, dispute or difference whatsoever arises between CSPTCL and the contractor upon, in relation with or in connection with this

contract either party may forthwith give the other party a notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and same shall be referred to the adjudication of three Arbitrators one to be nominated by CSPTCL, the other by the Contractor and third to be appointed by the two Arbitrators nominated by the parties at the commencement of arbitration proceedings and failing agreement between them, in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, the CSPTCL (Transmission) Page No. 296 C.E.



third Arbitrator so appointed shall act as the Presiding Arbitrator. The award so passed shall be binding on both the parties. The place of arbitration shall strictly be RAIPUR CG.
4. In all matters arising under out of or in relation with this agreement, the terms and conditions contained in the aforesaid Work Order No. ___________ Dated ___________ shall apply and all such matters shall be determined accordingly. 5. This agreement shall be deemed to be entered into at Raipur and all disputes and claims, if any, out of or in respect of this Agreement are to be settled at Raipur or be subject to jurisdiction of competent court situated in Chhattisgarh State. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the dates and year mentioned against their respective signature. Signature of Witness : 1. Signature : _________ Address : __________ Name & Signature for Contractor Signature (On behalf of the Contractor) Name : __________________

2. Signature : _________
Address : __________ Signature of Witnesses : 1. ___________________

Designation : _____________ Seal ____________________

Signature (On behalf of CSPTCL)

2 ____________________

Name _______________
Designation __________

CSPTCL (Transmission)

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(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 250/- and Revenue stamp may be affixed on Bank Guarantee) Bank Guarantee No Dated
In consideration of the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur ( A successor company of Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board, Raipur hereinafter referred to as CSPTCL) having agreed to accept this Bank Guarantee in lieu of cash deposit by way of Security for due and faithful performance required from M/s. _______ __________ ________ __________ (herein after referred to as Contractors, the Bank of ___________________ hereby agrees unequivocally and unconditionally to pay within 48 hours on demand in writing from the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited or any officer authorized by it in this behalf of any amount upto and not exceeding Rs..(in words) only to the said Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited on behalf of the aforesaid M/s .. who have tendered and contracted for the supply of materials, equipments or services to the said the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd, against order No.. dated. For the order value of Rs. The beneficiary of this Bank Guarantee shall be Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur (A Successor Company of CSEB Raipur). The proceeds / encashment of this Bank Guarantee would go in the name of Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur (A Successor Company of CSEB Raipur). This agreement should be valid and binding on this bank up to and including _______________ 20__ or for such further period as may here under be mutually fixed from time to time in writing by the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd. And the contractor shall not be terminable by notice or any change in the constitution of the aforesaid bank or the firm of Contractors or by any others reasons whatsoever and the Bankers liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or alteration made, given conceded or agreed to with or without the Bank knowledge or consent by or between the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd. and contractor in the existing and / or further tenders and / or contracts. It is agreed by the Bank with the CSPTCL that if for any reason a dispute arises concerning the Banks liability to pay the requisite amount to the CSPTCL under the terms of this guarantee the competent court at Raipur alone shall have the jurisdiction to determine the said dispute and that this shall be without prejudice to the liability of the Bank under the terms of this guarantee being unequivocal and unconditional as mentioned above. The liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs (in words) only. This guarantee shall remain in force until . Unless a demand to enforce a claim under the guarantee is made under this Bank Guarantee by the CSPTCL to the Bank within six months from that date the rights of the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd. Under this guarantee shall be forfeited and Bank shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities there under. WITNESSES:SIGNATURES

Authorized Signatories of Bank 1. Signed._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bank

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(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 250/and Revenue stamp may be affixed on Bank Guarantee) Bank Guarantee No Dtd
In consideration of the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur ( A successor company of Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board, Raipur hereinafter referred to as CSPTCL) having agreed to accept this Bank Guarantee in lieu of cash deposit by way of Security for due and faithful performance required from M/s. _______ __________ ________ __________ (herein after referred to as Contractors, the Bank of ___________________ hereby agrees unequivocally and unconditionally to pay within 48 hours on demand in writing from the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited or any officer authorized by it in this behalf of any amount upto and not exceeding Rs..(in words) only to the said Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited on behalf of the aforesaid M/s .. who have tendered and contracted for the supply of materials, equipments or services to the said the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd, against order No.. dated. For the order value of Rs. The beneficiary of this Bank Guarantee shall be Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur (A Successor Company of CSEB Raipur). The proceeds / encashment of this Bank Guarantee would go in the name of Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur (A Successor Company of CSEB Raipur). This agreement should be valid and binding on this bank upto and including _______________ 20____ of for such further period as may hereunder be mutually fixed from time to time in writing by the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd. And the contractor and shall not be terminable by notice or any change in the constitution of the aforesaid bank or the firm of Contractors or by any others reasons whatsoever and the Bankers liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or alteration made, given conceded or agreed to with or without the Bank knowledge or consent by or between the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd. and contractor in the existing and / or further tenders and / or contracts. It is agreed by the Bank with the CSPTCL that if for any reason a dispute arises concerning the Banks liability to pay the requisite amount to the CSPTCL under the terms of this guarantee the competent court at Raipur alone shall have the jurisdiction to determine the said dispute and that this shall be without prejudice to the liability of the Bank under the terms of this guarantee being unequivocal and unconditional as mentioned above. The liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs (in words) only. This guarantee shall remain in force until . Unless a demand to enforce a claim under the guarantee is made under this Bank Guarantee by the CSPTCL to the Bank within six months from that date the rights of the Chhattisgarh State Transmission Company Ltd. Under this guarantee shall be forfeited and Bank shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities there under. WITNESSES:SIGNATURES

Authorized Signatories of Bank 1. Signed._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bank

CSPTCL (Transmission)

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PROFORMA FOR BANK GUARANTEE FOR LOSS/DAMAGE TO CSPTCL NOTE FOR BIDDERS: (Not to be typed in the Bank Guarantee) To be furnished in nonjudicial stamp paper of Rs. 250 applicable as per MP/ Chhattisgarh Duty Act from any Nationalised /Scheduled Bank. In consideration of the Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, (herein after called CSPTCL) having agreed to exempt Ms. ______ _______ _______ _______ ________ (herein after called the said Contractors) from the demand under the terms and conditions of an agreement No. ___________ Dated _________ made between ___________ And _____________ for _______ __________ ________ _____ _____ (herein after called the said agreement) of security deposit for satisfactory performance of materials ( as detailed in the said agreement) and for the due fulfilment by the said Contractor(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement, on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. _______ ____ ____ ____ ___ (Rs._______ _______ ________ _______ _______ Only). 1. We_____________ ______________ _________ Bank (herein after referred to as the Bank) at the request of __________ __________________ contractor(s) do hereby undertake unequivocally and unconditionally to pay to CSPTCL, an amount not exceeding Rs. ______________ (Rs. ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Only) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by CSPTCL by reason of any breach by the said Contractors(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement. We______________________ (indicate the name of the bank) Bank do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any lemur, merely on a demand from CSPTCL stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would cause to or suffered by CSPTCL by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement or by reasons of the Contractor(s). We, the _______________________ (indicate the name of the bank) do hereby further undertake unequivocally and unconditionally pay the amount due and payable under this Guarantee without demure, merely on demand from CSPTCL stating that the amount claimed is due by was of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by CSPTCL by reason of each breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions and failure to perform said Bid. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.____________________________________. We, the _______________________ (indicate the name of the bank) further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the aforesaid period of ___________ days _____ and it shall continue to be so enforceable till all the dues of the CSPTCL under or by virtue of the said Bid have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Chief Engineer (Trans.), CSPTCL certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Bid have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharge this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this discharges from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.




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We, the _______________________ (indicate the name of the bank)further agree with the CSPTCL that CSPTCL shall have be fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations here under to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Bid or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time only of the powers exercisable by CSPTCL against the said Contractor(s) and to forebear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said Bid and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation postpone or extension being granted to the said Contractor or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of CSPTCL or any indulgence by CSPTCL to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. The beneficiary of this Bank Guarantee shall be Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur (A Successor Company of CSEB Raipur). The proceeds / encashment of this Bank Guarantee would go in the name of Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur (A Successor company of CSEB Raipur). It is agreed to by the Bank with the CSPTCL that if for any reason a dispute arises concerning the Bank Liability to pay the requisite amount to the CSPTCL under the terms of this guarantee the competent court at Raipur alone shall have the jurisdiction to determine the said dispute and that this shall be without prejudice to the liability of the Bank under the terms of this guarantee being unequivocal and unconditional. The beneficiary of this Bank Guarantee shall be Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur (A Successor Company of CSEB Raipur). We, the _______________________ (indicate the name of the bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of CSPTCL in writing.




9. Dated, the _____ days of _______ _____________.


2. For ________________ (Indicate name of Bank)

CSPTCL (Transmission)

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TR11/44 ANNEXURE A 15 Proforma for Indemnity Bond


(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.250/- with a revenue stamp worth Rs.1/- affixed thereon).
THIS INDEMNITY BOND is made this ..day of .20..................... By M/s. , a company registered under the Companies Act (hereinafter called as Contractor or Obligator which expression shall include its successors and permitted assigns) in favour of Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited, Raipur being the Company constituted under Companies Act, 1956, (hereinafter called the CSPTCL) and its project for supply of galvanising steel structure for equipments, gantry, bus and lighting towers etc. for supply of all switchyard & control room equipments with recommended spares, and supply of testing equipments, T&P and furniture etc. and complete erection/commissioning thereof (hereinafter called Employer which expression shall include its successors and assigns): WHEREAS EMPLOYER has awarded to the Contractor a Contract for supply of galvanising steel structure for equipments, gantry, bus and lighting towers etc. for supply of all switchyard & control room equipments with recommended spares, and supply of testing equipments, T&P and furniture etc. and complete erection/commissioning thereof for sub-station vide Order No DTD. And Amendment No.(applicable when amendments have been issued) (hereinafter called the Contract) in terms of which Employer is required to hand over various Material to the Contractor for execution of the Contract. And WHEREAS by virtue of Clause No.. of tender specification No, the Contractor is required to execute an Indemnity Bond in favour of Employer for the Material handed over to it by Employer for the purpose of performance of the Contract/Erection portion of the Contract (hereinafter called the Materials). Now THEREFORE, This Indemnity Bond witnessed as follows: 1. That in consideration of various Material like Galvanised steel structures, switchyard and control room equipments, testing equipments etc. as mentioned in the Supply Order No.. dated. . At clause No., Valued at (Amount in figures) Rs.. (amount in words) (Rupees ..) handed over to the Contractor in instalments from time to time for the purpose of performance of the Contract, the Contractor hereby undertakes to indemnify and shall keep Employer indemnified for the full value of the Material. The Contractor hereby acknowledges receipt of the initial instalment of the Material as per details in the schedule appended hereto. Further, the Contractor agrees to acknowledge receipt of the subsequent instalments of the Material as required by Employer in the form of Schedules consecutively numbered which shall be attached to this Indemnity Bond so as to form integral parts of this Bond. It is expressly understood by the Contractor that handing over of the dispatch title documents in respect of the said Materials duly endorsed by Employer in favour of the Contractor shall be construed as handing over of the Material purposed to be covered by such title documents and the Contractor shall hold such Material in trust as a Trustee for an on behalf of Employer. That the Contractor is obliged and shall remain absolutely responsible for the safe transit/protection and custody of the Material at Employer project Site against all risks whatsoever till the Material are duly used/erected in accordance with the terms of the Contract and the Plant/Package duly erected and commissioned in accordance with the terms of the Contract, is taken over the Employer. The Contractor undertakes to keep Employer harmless against any loss or damage that may be caused to the Material.


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The Contractor undertakes that the Material shall be used exclusively for the performance/execution of the Contract strictly in accordance with its terms and conditions and no part of the Material shall be utilized for any other work or purpose whatsoever. It is clearly understood by the Contractor that non-observance of the obligations under this Indemnity Bond by the Contractor shall interalia constitute a criminal breach of trust on the part of the Contractor for all intents and purpose including legal/penal consequences. That Employer is and shall remain the exclusive Purchaser of the Material free from all encumbrances, charges or liens of any kind, whatsoever. The Material shall at all times be open to inspection and checking by the Purchasers Representative or other employees/Agents authorized in this regard. Further, Employer shall always be free at all times to take possession of the Materials in whatever form the Materials may be, if in its opinion, the Materials are likely to be endangered, mis-utilized or converted to uses other than those specified in the contract by any acts of omission or commission on the part of the Contractor or any other person or on account of any reason whatsoever and the Contractor binds himself and undertakes to comply with the directions of demand of EMPLOYER to return the Material without any demur or reservation. That this Indemnity Bond is irrevocable. If at any time any loss or damage occurs to the Material or the same or any part thereof is mis-utilized in any manner whatsoever, then the Contractor hereby agrees that the decision of the Purchasers Representative as to assessment of loss or damage to the Material shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The Contractor binds itself and undertakes to replace the lost and/or damaged Material at its own cost and/or shall pay the amount of loss to Employer without any demur, reservation or protest. This is without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to Employer against the Contractor under the Contract and under this Indemnity Bond. NOW THE CONDITION of this Bond is that if the Contractor shall duly and punctually comply with the terms and conditions of this Bond to the satisfaction of Employer, THEN, the above Bond shall be void, but otherwise, it shall remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor has hereunto set its hand through its authorized representative under the common seal of the Company, the day, month and year first above mentioned. For and on behalf of M/s.__________________




WITNESS 1. 1. Signature . 2. Name . 3. Address .

Signature. Name .. Designation ..

Authorized representative 2. 1. Signature . 2. Name . (Common Seal) 3. Address . (In case of Company) 1) Indemnity Bonds are to be executed by the authorized person having the Power of Attorney issued under common seal of the company with authority to execute Indemnity Bonds. The Original Power of Attorney if it is specifically for this Contract or a Photostat copy of the Power of Attorney if it is General Power of Attorney and such documents should be attached to Indemnity Bond.

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TR11/44 ANNEXURE A 16.


(Proforma for Deed of Extension of Bank Guarantee) (To be executed on N.J. Stamp Rs. 250/-+One Revenue Stamp worth Rs. 1/-) Extension Deed No________ Date________ B.G. No. ___________Date_________ C.S. Power Transmission Company Ltd. Sub: - The Extension of Bank Guarantee No. _______ Dated __________for the Rs _______________Favouring yourself expiring on _____________. i. At the request of our client M/s ____________________________________we hereby extend our Guarantee No. ___________dtd. _____________given on their behalf for the further period from ___________to ______________.


The beneficiary of this Bank Guarantee shall be Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Ltd (A Successor Company of CSEB).


Our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs_____________________ (Rupees __________________________). This guarantee shall remain in force up to __________________________. Unless a demand to enforce a claim is made under this Bank Guarantee by the CSPTCL to the Bank within six months from the date i.e. up to ______________________the rights of the CSPTCL under this guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved and discharged from all liability hereunder.

Witness:1) 2)

Signed for Bank

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PRICE VARIATION FORMULA FOR INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS 72.5 KV & ABOVE (Current transformer, CVT & Potential Transformer designed for operation on system voltage 72.5 KV and above) The price quoted/ confirmed is based on the input cost of raw materials /components and labour cost as on the date of quotation and the same is deemed to be related to prices of raw materials and all India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as specified in the price variation clause given below. In case of any variation in these prices and index numbers, the price payable shall be subject to adjustment, up or down, in accordance with the following formula: P=P0/100[18+13(C/C0)+12(ES/ES0)+12(IS/IS0)+23(IM/IM0)+6(TB/TB0)+16(W/W0)] Wherein P = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above formula. P0 = Price quoted/ confirmed. C0 = Average LME settlement price of Copper wire bars (refer Notes) This price is as applicable for the month, two months prior to the date of tendering. ES0 = C & F price of CRGO Electrical Sheet Steels (refer Notes) IS0 = Whole Sale Price Index Number for Iron & Steel (Base 1993-94=100) (refer Notes) IM0 = IEEMA Index for Insulator (Base January 2003 =100) (refer Notes). This index is as applicable on the first working day of the month, One month prior to the date of tendering. TB0 = Price of Transformer Oil base stock (refer Notes) This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, two months prior to the date of tendering. W0 = All India Average Consumer Price Index number for industrial workers, as published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India (Base 1982=100). This index number is as applicable on the first working day of the month, three months prior to the date of tendering.

For example, if date of tendering falls in October 2005, the applicable prices of Copper Wire Bars (C0) and transformer oil base stock (TB0) should be for the month of August 2005, whereas the applicable price price of CRGO sheet (ES0) and IEEMA Index for insulator (IM0) should be as on 1st September 2005 and Whole Sale Price Index number of Iron & Steel should be for the week ending first Saturday of July 2005 and all India Average Consumer Price Index number (W0) should be for the month of July 2005. The above prices and indices are as published by IEEMA vide circular reference number IEEMA/ PVC/ CTPT/ __/ __ prevailing as on the first working day of the month ______ i.e. ONE month prior to the date of tendering. C = Average LME settlement price of Copper wire bars (refer notes). This price is as applicable for the month, two months prior to the date of delivery. Page No. 308 C.E.

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TR11/44 ES =


C&F price of CRGO Electrical Steel Sheets (refer Notes) This price is as applicable on the 1st working day for the month, one month prior to the date of delivery. IS = Whole Sale Price Index Number for Iron & Steel (Base 1993-94=100) (refer Notes) This index number is as applicable for the week ending 1st Saturday of the month, three months prior to the date of delivery. IM = IEEMA Index for Insulator (Base January 2003 =100) (refer Notes). This index is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one month prior to the date of delivery. TB = Price of Transformer Oil base stock (refer Notes) This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, two months prior to the date of delivery. W = All India Average Consumer Price Index number for industrial workers, as published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India (Base 1982=100). This index number is as applicable on the first working day of the month, three months prior to the date of delivery. For example, if date of delivery in terms of clause given below falls in December 2005, the applicable prices of Copper Wire Bars I and transformer oil base stock (TB) should be for the month of October 2005, where as the applicable price price of CRGO sheets (ES) and IEEMA Index for insulator (IM) should be as on 1st November 2005 and Whole Sale Price Index number of Iron & Steel (IS) should be for the week ending first Saturday of September 2005 and all India Average Consumer Price Index number (W) should be for the month of September 2005. The date of delivery is the date on which the instrument transformer is notified as being ready for inspection/ despatch (in the absence of such notification, date of manufacturers despatch note is to be considered as the date of delivery) or the contracted delivery date (including any agreed extension thereto) whichever is earlier. Notes:(a) All prices of raw materials are exclusive of modvatable excise/CV duty amount and exclusive of any other Central, State or local taxes, Octroi etc. Instrument transformer manufacturers import major raw materials like Copper, CRGO Electrical Steel Sheets and TOBS etc. The landed cost of these imported raw materials include applicable custom duty but exclusive of modvatable CVD.

(b) (c)

All prices are as on first working day of the month. The details of prices are as under:1. The LME price of Copper Wire Bars (in Rs./MT) is the LME average settlement price of Copper Wire Bars for ONE month prior to the month of circular converted into Indian Rupees with applicable exchange rates prevailing as on 1st working day of the subsequent month. This price is landed cost, inclusive of applicable customs duty only but exclusive of countervailing duty.

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TR11/44 2.

132KV KONI S/S the price of CRGO Electrical Steel Sheets (in Rs./MT) is the average of C&F price in US $ per MT converted into Indian Rupees with applicable exchange rate prevailing as on 1st working day of the month, as quoted by primary producers. This price is the landed cost, inclusive of applicable customs duty only but exclusive of countervailing duty. The wholesale price index number for iron & Steel is as published by the office of Economic Advisor, Ministry of Industry, Government of India, NewDelhi with base 199394=100. This whole sale price index number is being published weekly on provisional basis. However, the same gets finalised after eight weeks and is normally available after two months. Therefore we are considering in our calculations this final index for the first Saturday of the month two months prior to the date of which the prices of other raw materials such as Al, IM are published for the corresponding month. IEEMA index number for insulator (Base year 2003=100) is published as basic price circular for insulator vide reference IEEMA (PVC)/INSLR/____/ ____ applicable for IEEMA price variation clauses for insulator viz. IEEMA (PVC)/ INSLR effective from 01st April 2003. The Price of TOBS is C&F price (in Rs./K.Ltr) for Group II grade 70 Base Oil as published in ICIS-LOR bulletin for the 1st week of previous month. This price is normally published in US$ per US gallon, which is converted in Rs./K.Ltr. with applicable exchange rate prevailing as on 1st working day of the subsequent month. This price is landed cost, inclusive of applicable customs duty only but exclusive of countervailing duty.




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PRICE VARIATION FORMULA FOR GI STRUCTURES The price quoted/confirmed is based on the cost of raw materials/components and labour cost as on the date of quotation and the same is deemed to be related to the prices of raw materials and all India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as specified in the price variation clause given below. In case of any variation in these prices and index numbers, the price payable shall be subject to adjustment up or down in accordance with the appropriate applicable formula as under :Sub station structure (including bolts & nuts):- For Lattice and pipe structure including washers foundation bolts and bolts & nuts:

P = P0/100 { 15+18 (HA/HA0) + 40 (LA/LA0) + 16 (Zn/Zn0)+11 (W/W0)}

Wherein: P = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above appropriate formula. P0 = Price quoted/confirmed HA0 = Price of heavy angels (refer notes) This price is as applicable on the first working day of the month, one month prior to the due date of opening of tender. LA0 = Price of lighter angles (refer notes). This price is applicable on the first working day of the month, one month prior to the due date of opening of tender. Zn0 = Price of electrolytic high grade zinc (refer notes). This price is applicable on the first working day of the month, one month prior to the due date of opening of tender. W0 = All India average consumer price index number for industrial works, as applicable, as published by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India (Base 1982 = 100) This index number is as applicable for the month, four months prior to the date of tendering.

The above prices and indices are as published by IEEMA vide circular reference number IEEMA(PVC) TLT/ prevailing as on first working day of the month i.e. one month prior to the date of tendering. HA = Price of heavy duty angles (refer note). This price is applicable on the first working day of the month, two months prior to the date of delivery LA = Price of lighter angles (refer note). This price is applicable on the first working day of the month, two months prior to the date of delivery Zn = Price of electrolytic high grade zinc (refer note).

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This price is applicable on the first working day of the month, two months prior to the date of delivery W = All India average consumer price index number for industrial works, as applicable, as published by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India (Base 1982 = 100). This index number is as applicable for the month five months prior to the date of delivery.

The date of delivery is the date on which the lots of material/parts of fabricated and galvanized transmission, line towers are notified as being ready for inspection/despatch. (In the absence of such notification the date of manufacturers despatch note is to be considered as the date of delivery) or the contracted delivery date (including any agreed extension thereto), whichever is earlier. NOTES : (a) All prices of raw materials are exclusive of modvatable excise duty amount and exclusive of any other central, state or local taxes, octroi etc. (b) All prices are as on first working day of the month. (c) The details of prices are as under:i. The price of heavy angles (in Rs./MT) is the average price of rerolled angles of size 150x150x12mm as per IS:2062 converted from 150x150mm MS (SAIL) BLOOMS. The blooms price is as published by the Steel Town Bulletin for the first week of the month plus average conversion charges for converting Bloom Steel to angles of size 150mmx150mmx12mm of two rerollers including the burning loss of 10%. All heavy angels of size above 110mmx110mm are deemed to be related to this price. The price of lighter angles (in Rs./MT) is the average price of rerolled angels of size 50mmx50mmx4mm as per IS:2062 converted from concast billets. The billets price is as published by the Steel Town bulletin for the first week of the months plus average conversion charges of four rerollers including the burning loss of 10%. All lighter steel angels of size 110mmx110mm and below are deemed to be related to this price. The price of electrolytic high grade zinc (in Rs./MT) is ex-works price as quoted by the primary producer of zinc.



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132KV KONI S/S ANNEXURE-A-21 Price Variation Formula for PLCC Equipments

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S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.


CSPTCL Inspection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Contractor Inspection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes or Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes or or or or or

Particular 40MVA transformer 132 KV SF6 circuit breaker with structure complete. 132 KV Current Transformer 132 KV Lightning Arrestor (120 KV) EPAX (Exchange ) Electronic Push Button telephone with Priority Key Coupling Capacitor Wave trap Carrier Cabinet (double Channel) without protection coupler LMU (phase to phase coupling) Remote Terminal Unit Isolator (3- ) with earth switch, 800 Amp Isolator (3- ) without earth switch, 800 Amp 132 KV side C & R panel for 40 MVA 132 KV control & relay panel for feeder
132 KV control & relay panel for 132 KV bus transfer 132 KV Solid core Insulators & Post insulators for Isolators & Bus bars supports etc. 33KV Vacuum Circuit Breaker with Structure 33 KV Current Transformer 33 KV Potential Xmer 33KV LA for tertiary winding 33 KV Isolator with insulators 33 KV Solid core Insulator 33 /0.4 KV, 200 KVA Stn. Xmer (with Oil & Accessories) 33 KV control & relay panel Zebra ACSR Conductor Galvanised Steel Ground Wire 7/3.66 m.m. G.I. Flats for earthing Nuts & Bolts of Assorted Sizes Clamps Spacers etc. as per requirement Disc Insulators & Hardwares: Any other hardware Armoured /Unarmoured copper cable Cable trays of various size Power Cables, P L C C- Cables :Battery: 48 V / 110 V, Battery Charger: 48/110V, Illumination fittings & Accessories AC /DC Boards & Junction Boxes G.I. Structure Tools & Plant Furniture

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes or Yes or Yes or

Yes or

Yes Yes

Yes or Yes Yes or

Yes Yes Yes Yes

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S.No PARTICULARS DETAILS ANNEXU RE AnnexureAnnexureAnnexureAnnexureAnnexureAnnexureNo. Sub Total B - 1. B - 2. B - 3. B - 4. B - 5. B - 6. Total Amount


Cost Of Supply Of 132 KV Sub Station Equipments & Associated Accessories

A. 132 KV Side Equipments: B. 33 KV Side Equipments C. Conductor, Clamps & Connectors D. Cables & Battery & Battery Charger . F. Luminaire & Misc. Equipments

Charges / Cost For Supply Of G. I. Steel Structure Cost Of T&P, And Furniture Substation Automation system Left out items Cost Of Civil Works Cost Of Erection Of Equipments & Structures Testing & Commissioning Annexure total(B+C+D)

Supply Of G. I. Steel Structure T & Ps, Instruments Furniture Substation Automation system Left out items Civil Works Erection Charges


B - 7. B - 8. B - 9.

5 6 7


B - 10. C-1 D-1

Charges For Testing & Commissioning Works



Rupees in words _________ ___________ _____________ ___________ __________ Date Place SIGNATURE OF BIDDER NAME DESIGNATION (SEAL) NOTE: 1. Price quoted by the bidders for each item of works should support with detail cost analysis to form a part of the offer otherwise the offer shall be treated as incomplete and liable for rejection.

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S. N. Particular Qty. Unit Ex-works Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Amount

2 3 4

40MVA 132/33KV Xmer, with oil & accessories with terminal connectors and clamps (the prices should be inclusive of type & special test charges) 132 KV SF6 circuit breaker with structure & clamps complete. 132 KV Current Transformer & clamps complete having ratio 400-200/1-1-1A a) Potential Transformer having ratio 132KV/110V& clamps complete. b) 132 KV CC with clamps complete. Lightning Arrestors 120 KV & clamps complete. Communication Equipment


4 12 3 4 9

No No Nos. Nos. Nos.

5 6 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 7.

Wave trap with clamps LMU (Phase to Phase coupling) Carrier Cabinet (Double Channel) EPAX (Exchange for 16/8 lines) with operator console RTU Cabinet with interface panel Electronic Push Button Telephone Isolator (3- ) with earth switch with support insulator 800 A

4 2 4 1 1 10 2

Nos. Sets. No. No. set Nos. Set


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S. N.




Ex-works Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


8. 9. 10.

Isolator (3- ) without earth switch with support insulator 800 A 132 KV Solid core Insulator 132 KV control & relay panel for 40 MVA xmer, complete with Numerical differential relay, separate numerical non directional 3 x O/C back up IDMT relays 2 Nos. Master Trip Relays, LBB relay with trip relay, REF relay, Xmer body protection trip relays, O/F relay, trip transfer arrangement, Indicating Lamps, Semaphores, Annunciations, Switches & Panel meters, (MW, MVAR, A, V, Frequency & Imp/exp Electronic Tri Vector SEMS make energy Meter- 3 ,4W etc. and as per Tender specification & Table A, page 201) . 132 KV control & relay panel for feeder (3 phase) complete with main distance relay, Numerical distance relay having min. 5 zones non switched with all features (i.e Fuse failure relay & SOTF etc), separate numerical directional 3 O/C and 1 E/F back up IDMT relay, 2 Nos. Master trip relays, LBB protection with trip relay, trip transfer arrangement, indicating lamps, semaphores, annunciations, switches and panel meters(MW,MVAR, A, import, export, tri vector meters) and as per Tender specification & Table A, page 201 .







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S. N.




Ex-works Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate



132 KV control & relay panel for transfer breaker (3 phase) complete with main distance relay, Numerical distance relay having min. 5 zones non switched with all features (i.e Fuse failure relay & SOTF etc), separate numerical directional 3 O/C and 1 E/F back up IDMT relay, 2 Nos. Master trip relay, LBB protection with trip relay, indicating lamps, semaphores, annunciations, switches and panel meters(MW, Volt Meter & Ammeter, etc. and as per Tender specification & Table A, page 201) .
GPS based time synchronising clock with large display. Spare relays Numerical Differential Relay as per tender specification Numerical Distance protection Relay as per tender specification Numerical Directional and Over current and Earth fault Relay as per tender specification Numerical Non Directional and Over current and Earth fault Relay as per tender specification Trip Relays


13. 14. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)


1 1 1 1 2

No. No. No. No. No.

Note :- 1) Payment for RTU shall be done only after its successful commissioning & integration with our SCADA system XA21. 2) O/C relays shall be provided with trip value recorder and date &time stamping. Signature of the Bidder


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ANNEXURE - ( B 2 ) - 33 KV SIDE EQUIPMENTS & CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENTS FOR 132/33KV S/S KONI : S.N. Particular Qty. Unit Exworks Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Amount

1. 2. i) ii) iii) 3. 4. 5. i) ii) iii) iv) 6. 7. 8.

33KV Vacuum Circuit Breaker with Structure& clamps complete. 33 KV Current Transformer & clamps complete. 800-400/1-1-1 for Transformer/Transfer bus 400-200/1-1 for feeder/capacitor 5-2.5/1-1(NCT) 33 KV Potential Transformer & clamps complete. 33 KV Lightning Arrester& clamps complete. Isolator with insulators & clamps complete With single earth Switch 800 Amp. Without earth Switch 800 Amp. Without earth Switch 1200 Amp. for Transformer/Transfer bus Bus sectional isolator 1600A 33 KV Solid core Insulator
33 /0.4 KV, 200 KVA Station Xmer (with Oil & Accessories) & clamps complete with distribution box.



06 15 01 03 18

No No No No No

04 11 05 02 20 1 1

Set Set Set set Nos. No. set

33 KV, 10 MVAR Capacitor Bank Complete with structure & spare units (72 + 8) and series reactor


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Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


9. 10.

33 KV D.O. Fuse Set 33 KV PI


1 15

set Nos.


33 KV control & relay panel for 40 MVA Xmer shall consist of following relays :a) 1 No. 3 O/C + 1 E/F back up IDMT numerical relay with high set feature. Relay should have inbuilt protection of over voltage. b) Single phase over load relay with time delay settable. c) LBB Relay d) 1 No. Master Trip relay & indicating lamps, semaphores, annunciates & breaker TNC switches. e) The C&R panels should be provided with ammeter, volt meter, MVAR meter (Export-Import type) and SEMS make import export tri vector energy meter (3 ,4W). f) The panel also should be provided with trip transfer switch and TCH relays and DC monitoring relays



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Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


g) Details given in tender specification & Table-A , page 201 shall also be applicable.

33 KV control & relay panel for 33 KV feeders complete with 3 x O/C +1 x E/F Back Up IDMT numerical relays with high set. This relay should have additional inbuilt feature of double stage under frequency relay & LBB functions. The panel shall be provided with 2 Nos. TCH, 1 NO. DC monitoring relay and 1 No. Master Trip Relay. MW meter, Ammeter and export-import type SEMS make tri-vector energy meter (3 ,4W). Indicating Lamps, Semaphores, Annunciations, TNC switches, shall also be provided. Details given in tender specification & Table-A , page 201 shall also be applicable.



33 KV control & relay panel for 33 K.V. bus transfer complete with 3 x O/C +1 x E/F Back Up IDMT numerical relays with high set. This relay should have additional inbuilt feature of double stage under frequency relay & LBB functions. The panel shall be provided with 2 Nos. TCH, 1 NO. DC monitoring relay and 1 No. Master Trip Relay.



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Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


MW meter, Ammeter and export-import type SEMS make tri-vector energy meter (3 ,4W). Indicating Lamps, Semaphores, Annunciations, TNC switches, shall also be provided. Details given in tender specification & Table-A , page 201 shall also be applicable.

33 KV control & relay panel for 33 K.V. 10 MVAR capacitor bank complete with 3 x O/C + 1 x E/F back up IDMT (non-directional numerical), Current operated ND Relays, over / under voltage relays, Master Trip Relays, Timer for closing circuit (10 minute duration) Indicating Lamps, Semaphores, Annunciations, Switches & Panel meters( A,V, & MVAR) Details given in tender specification & Table-A , page 201 shall also be applicable.


TOTAL ANNEXURE (B 2 ) NOTE :- O/C relays shall be provided with trip value recorder and date &time stamping. Signature of the Bidder


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S.N. Particular Qty. Unit Exworks Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Amount

CONDUCTOR, CLAMPS & CONNECTORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Zebra ACSR Conductor Galvanised Steel Ground Wire 7/3.66 m.m. G.I. Flats for Earthing 65 x 8 mm for both 132 KV as well as for 33 KV yard. G.I. Flats for riser 50 x 6 mm GI Cable Trays 300 m.m. size GI Cable Trays 450 m.m. size GI Cable Trays 600 m.m. size Steel support for cable trays size 50x50x6mm Material for complete earth pit with 100 mm O.Dia. x 3 m class B long G.I. pipe for transformer neutrals & PTs, LAs etc. 02 20 100 8000 48 Nos. Nos. Nos. KG Nos. 04 01 10 2.5 140 120 1200 0.5 KM KM MT MT RM RM RM MT

a) For 4 pipe pit b) For 2 pipe pit 10. 11. 12. G.I. Earth Spikes-25 mm Dia./ 2500 mm length G.I. Nuts & Bolts of Assorted Sizes Double Zebra to Single Zebra T Clamp


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Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Zebra to Zebra T Clamp Clamp for PI for holding Conductor Zebra Earth wire Bonds Spacers for Twin Zebra DO clamps. Disc Insulators & Hardwares : Tension Disc 90 KN for 132 KV Suspension Disc 70 KN
Single Tension Hardware for Zebra BOLTED Type. Double Tension Hardware for Zebra BOLTED Type. Single Suspension Hardware for Zebra BOLTED Type. Double Suspension Hardware for Zebra.

110 96 20 18 06

Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos.

1000 200 90 30 24 15 24 18

Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos.

Double String double Tension for Zebra Tension Hardware for E/W

Signature of the Bidder


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S.N . PARTICULARS Qty. Unit Ex-works Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Amount

1 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 2 i) ii) iii) iv) v) 3 i) ii) iii)

Un-Armoured stranded copper Control cables with numbered core:4 C, 4 sq. mm 3000 mtr 4 C, 2.5 sq. mm 1000 mtr 2 C, 2.5sq. mm 2000 mtr 10 C, 2.5 sq. mm 2000 mtr 12 C, 2.5 sq. mm 3000 mtr 19 C, 2.5sq. mm 750 mtr Armoured Aluminium/ copper Power Cables :3.5 C, 200 sq. mm Aluminium 300 mtr 3.5C, 100Sq.mm Aluminium 200 mtr 4C, 16 Sq.mm Aluminium 1500 mtr 4 C , 10 sq.mm (copper) 200 mtr 1 C, 200 sq mm Aluminium 100 mtr P L C C- Cables:10 pair jellified armoured telephone cables H F (Co-axial cable) cable (125 ) a) 6 pair PVC telephone cables b) Telephone drop wire .200 300 1 00 500 1 1 1 mtr mtr mtr mtr Set Set No

4 5 6

Lead Acid Battery : 110 V, 300 A H Lead Acid Battery : 48 V, 300 A H Battery Charger with two float & one Boost charger (one float shall be in standby mode). : 110 V, 300 A H


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Battery Charger with two float & one Boost charger (one float shall be in standby mode).48 V, 300 A H


TOTAL OF ANNEXURE - ( B 4 ) Signature of the Bidder ANNEXURE ( B 5 ) - LUMINAIRE (BAJAJ/ G.E./ PHILIPS MAKE) & MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENTS FOR 132/33KV S/S KONI S. N PARTICULARS Qty. Unit Exworks Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Total Amount

(i)Flood Light Luminaries, 400 Watts (2x200 w) complete (ii)H P S V, 70 Watts set complete (iii) Indoor, Decorative Mirror Optic Luminaries 2x40 Watts, Florescent lamp set (iv)Industrial Luminaries, 2x40 Watts, Fluorescent lamp set (v Indoor, Decorative Luminaries suitable for 1x40 Watts, Fluorescent lamp set complete (vi) Decorative Outdoor land (100 w) each for gate High Mast along with luminaries (height of tower shall be 20mtr. and Number of luminaries should be 8 Nos. 2 x 400W on each mast & it meets illumination requirement given at clause no. 17.4.10, page 255. (Complete with structure & Luminaries ) 56 size 230 V AC Ceiling fans for control room (12), AE room (2), Carrier room (2), AC DC room (4), Back & Front lobby (1 each) Store (1). 18 Exhaust fans 230 V-AC, Single phase for control room, Battery room & store room


set set set set set Nos. Nos.

06 33 05 02 04 4






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S. N




Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate

Total Amount

5 6

12 Exhaust fans 230 V-AC, Single phase for toilet Window cooler (1400 rpm, exhaust fan) for control Room (2 Nos.) , Carrier Room (1 No.) & AE room (1 no.) (fan 18, 900 rpm) Miscellaneous Equipments.

01 04

No. Nos.




4 5 6 7
i) ii)

ACDB with 2 inlets of 400A having change over arrangement with MCB protection with back up fuses. The ACDB shall be provided with 6 Nos. 63A outlets having MCB with back up fuse protection . Further the ACDB shall be provided with the 15 Nos. of 32A outlets with MCB with back up fuses. DCDB 110 V DC with HRC fuse with isolation switch having 2 incomer & at least 20 Nos. 32A out going feeders. DCDB 48 V DC with HRC fuses, space for 2nd incomer & 30% spare provision for outgoing circuits (duly wired) 415V Distribution Box having main isolating switch (400 Amp & HRC fuses) for stn X-mer complete CT Junction Box with 18 / 24 Disconnecting type Connectors with 20% extra connector. PT Junction Box with 18 / 24 Disconnecting Type Connectors with 20% extra connector. Main Switches for extension of AC Supply For Transformer Filtration (200 Amp.) For welding machine (100 Amp.) CSPTCL




1 15 3

No. No. No.

01 03

No. No. C.E. (Transmission)

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S. N iii)




Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate

Total Amount

For Lighting Distribution (100 Amp.) Rechargeable emergency light Marshalling/junction box for other purpose (100 Amp. 4 Ckt.) First Aid Box with Chart Illuminated single line diagram board

02 02 04 1 1

No. No. No. No. No.

8 9 10 11

TOTAL OF ANNEXURE ( B 5.) NOTE: The quantities of Luminaries should be sufficient to provide illumination in different parts of Control Room & Yard as per relevant Standards (CBIP manual on EHV s/s, ISS etc.)

Signature of the Bidder


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The contractor shall have to supply galvanised steel structures of adequate strength at 132/33KV sub station KONI. These structures should match standards in all respects. The total weight for 132 KV Structures, 33 KV side structures (columns, beams and bus bars etc.) should be clearly specified. Similarly the weights of structures for the equipments should also be mentioned so as to check the design. (Total weight of GI structures is 90MT) PARTICULARS Qty. Unit Wt. per unit in MT Rate per MT Ex-works Price (per unit) Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate

S. N.

G.I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

STRUCTURE FOR Gantry 12 08 12 15 03 04 14 12 03 3X2 no no no no no no No. no No No. 1.156 0.592 0.176 0.153 0.140 0.176 0.177 0.656 0.656 1.543

132 KV Column

132 KV Gantry Beam 132 KV LA 132 KV C T 132 KV PT 132 KV CC 132 KV PI 132 KV Isolators 132 KV Isolators for future X-mer bay 132 KV Bus Bar Main / Auxiliary Bus structure 3BO4


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S. N. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.




Wt. per unit in MT 0.974 0.399 0.261 (3ph) 0.207 (3ph) 0.221 (3ph) 0.207 (3ph) 0.415

Rate per MT

Ex-works Price (per unit)

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


33 KV Gantry Column 33 KV Gantry Beam 33 KV LA 33 KV C T 33 KV P T 33 KV PI a) 33 KV 800 Amp Isolator with single earth switch. b) 33 KV 800/1200 Amp Isolator without earth switch. 33 KV Main Bus Bar 1BO4 (Double Zebra)

14 12 03 08 01 15 04

no no Nos. Nos. no no Set

19 4

Set no

0.376 0.742



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S. N. 19. 20. 21. 22.




Wt. per unit in MT 0.742

0.4 MT 2.5 MT 0.140

Rate per MT

Ex-works Price (per unit)

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


33 KV Transfer Bus Bar (Single Zebra) Structure for D.O. Set for stn. Xmer Loading / Un-loading Gantry Structure Tubular Lighting pole structures

4 1 1 12

no no no no


Signature of the Bidder


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ANNEXURE - ( B -7 ) - T & Ps, INSTRUMENTS FOR 132/33KV S/S KONI S.N. PARTICULARS Qty. Unit Make Exworks Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Amount

1 i) ii) iii)

Fire Fighting Equipments: Fire Bucket Bucket Stand a) ABC type, trolley mounted with 25mtr delivery pipe with nozzle carbon di oxide Fire Extinguisher 27Kg, make Bharat/New Bharat ISI mark as approved by CSPTCL b) ABC type, carbon dioxide Fire Extinguisher 25-27Kg, ISI mark as approved by CSPTCL (with trolley). make Bharat/New Bharat 2 No. 6 1 1 No. No. No.


ABC type trolley mounted Dry chemical Fire Extinguisher with 5Kg CO2 capsule capacity 38 to 40Kg with trolley, ISI mark as approved by CSPTCL make Bharat/New Bharat Neoprene Rubber Sheet Size, 10 mm, 5x3 make Gujrat Cork & Rubber Pvt. Ltd 132 KV Discharge Rods with leads make BEIMCO make or as approved by CSPTCL DO operating Rods suitable for 33 KV DE-Spanner Set of 25 make Taparia Ring Spanner Set of 25 make Taparia Tubular - Spanner of 25 make Taparia Aluminium Ladder : 20 long after extension


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

25 6 2 2 2 2 1

No. No. No. Set Set Set No.


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Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


9 10 11 12

Aluminium Pedestal type Ladder Extensible 20 long Torches ( 5- cell ) make Eveready 33 KV Hand Gloves Pairs make Crystal Motorised automatic Oil Testing Kit - 0 - 100 KV make MEGGER KF875/ BAUR KFM 3000 Digital Capacitance Meter make Motwane/Kusam Meco Multi-meter ( A-V-O )for AC / DC measurement Make Motwane DM4750 cat4/Rishabh rish multi 20 / Fluke Model-1507

1 4 4 1

No. No. Pair No.

13 14

1 2

No. No.


Digital Tong Testers (One No. 0-1000 A) make Motwane DCM30A /Rishabh rish clamp 1000A


16 17 18

Digital Milli-Ampere Meter (Tong tester) AC0100 mA make Motwane DCM 10A / Kyuritsu Digital Insulation Tester, 1 KV make Motwane/ Rishabh rish insu20 / Megger Digital Insulation Tester, 5 KV ( in steps of 1KV, 2KV & 5 KV) Range 0-100 000 Mega Ohms make Megger / Vanguard IRM 5000 Digital Earth Tester ( 4 - Terminals) complete make BEHA Unit test model TELARIS

2 1 1

No. No. No.




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Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


20 21 22 23

Vice - 8 Drill Machine - Stand Model up to 1 Drill bits make Bosch/ Wolf Bench Grinder ( H.P.) make Bosch/ Wolf Chain Pulley Block 5 Tonnes capacity

2 1 1 1

No. No. No. No.


Vacuum cleaner 500 W Philips/ GEC/Eureca forbes


NOTE :- 1. 1. 2.

TOTAL OF ANNEXURE - ( B -7 ) All the T.&P. should be as per latest amended I.S.S. The contractor shall demonstrate the actual working conditions of Each & Every T.&P. Supplied. Wherever make is not specified, the approval of same from CSPTCL will be required. Signature of the bidder


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Exworks Price

Excise Duty

Sales Tax

Pkg, Freight & insurance

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate


1 2

Officers Table size -66 x 33 Table for Control Room Operator size - 4 x 2

1 4

No. No.

3 4 5 6

Chairs - Full Arm Rest Type Stools Steel Almirah ( Big 78- with Locker) Steel Almirah ( Big 78 without Locker)

10 2 2 2

No. No. No. No.

TOTAL OF ANNEXURE - ( B - 8 ) Note :- All furniture shall be Godrej make only.

Signature of the Bidder


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C.E. (Transmission)



SN PARTICULARS Qty. Unit Exworks Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Amount

1 a

Substation Automatic Data Logger System as per SECTION-III-B point 14.8 page 243 Desktop computer DEL/ HP / IBM / Compaq make with UPS (APC / Wipro make 600 VA), RAM 2GB, Hard Disk 500GB Printer 24 pin Dot matrix printer size A-2 (TVSE make). Work station PC Desktop computer DEL/ HP / IBM / Compaq make with UPS (APC / Wipro make 600 VA), RAM 2GB, Hard Disk 500GB Laserjet Printer Size A4, Make-Samsung 2850D/ Canon- LP2900B, Memory 256MB expendable upto 1GB

1 1

No. Set

b 2 a b


1 1

Set Set


Signature of the Bidder


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ANNEXURE ( B -10 ) PRICE BID OF OTHER ITEMS LEFT OUT, IF ANY, TO COMPLETE TURN KEY COMPLETION OF PROJECT CONSIDERED BY THE BIDDER FOR 132/33KV S/S KONI PARTICULARS S.N. Qty. Unit Exworks Price Excise Duty Sales Tax Pkg, Freight & insurance Any other Tax Total Unit Rate Amount


Note:- All the equipments and accessories required for completion of S/S have been included in the price schedule i.e. B-1 to B-9 . However, if in the opinion of bidder some of the items essential for completion of S/S have been left in the price schedule but are required to be offered, the same may be offered in B-10. Please note that the total price offered in this schedule shall be included in the cost of S/S offered by the bidder for price evaluation purpose and position of bidder shall be arrived at after loading of prices for left out items.
Signature of the Bidder


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C.E. (Transmission)



ANNEXURE (C 1) - CIVIL WORKS FOR 132/33KV S/S KONI (Rates of individual items shall be quoted rate in lot shall not be acceptable)




Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes


1.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

FOUNDATION OF: 40 MVA Xmer 132/33 KV 132 KV Gantry Column 132 KV Main/Aux Bus Bar 3BO4 132 KV SF6 Breaker 132 KV Isolator 132 KV CT 132 KV LA 132 KV PT 132KV CC 132 KV PI 33 KV Gantry Column 33 KV Bus Bar 1BO4 33 KV Transfer Bus Bar 33 KV VCB 33 KV Isolator 33 KV CT (Including NCT) 33 KV LA 33 KV PI (Xmer-3, C/bank-3, B/C-3, Sec. Iso.-3 & Extra-3) 33 KV PT 33/ 0.4 KV stn. Xmer 33 KV, 10 MVAR capacitor bank and 02 12 06 04 15 15 12 03 04 14 17 04 04 07 23 09 03 15 01 01 01 No. No. No. No. Set No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Sets Nos. No. Nos. Nos. No. Set


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Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes


22. 23. 24

associated equipments (Capacitor + Reactors Etc.) 33 KV DO set structure Loading /Un-loading Gantry Control Room Building type IV with associated facilities including internal and external electrification with concealed fire resistant copper wiring, ceiling fans points, T-5 tube lights, main 2nos. CFL, switch & LDB for control room with MCBs, internal & external water supply and sanitation including septic tank for 50 users, man holes etc., reflective glass in front and back side of control room with openings, mineral fibre false ceiling in C/R, A.E., carrier room, pre construction anti-termite treatment, internal cable trenches covered with 6 mm thick MS chequered plate duly supported by angles at sides, specified floor & wall finishes aluminium /wooden doors, windows etc. complete as per specifications, approved drawings, approval and direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL (Approx. C/R area is 356Sq.mtr., with porch

01 01 1

No. No. JOB


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Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes



Construction of RCC external Cable Trenches with doubly Reinforced R.C.C. covers as per approved drawings, specifications, direction and approval of Engineer-In-Charge of CSPTCL. a) Main trench. Control room to 132KV yard. Trench of two rows of 4 tiers each. Inner size of trench 1800mm (W) X 1150mm (H) with 600mm size cable tray. b) Trench. Size- 1200mm (W) X 1150mm (H) with 600mm size cable tray having single row of 4 tiers of 600mm size cable tray. c) Trench. Size- 1050mm (W) X 650mm (H) with 450mm size cable tray having single row of 2 tiers of 450mm size cable tray. d) Trench. Size- 305mm X 325mm with 300mm size cable tray having single row of one tier of 300mm size cable tray. Construction of RCC box culvert for cable trench road crossing as per approved drawing, specifications & direction of engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL.











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C.E. (Transmission)






Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes




Complete External & internal water supply arrangement with two numbers 150 mm diameter tube well bores , each with min. 5000 litre per hour water output with separate pump houses, 3-phase water cooled submersible pumps of KSB/Kirlosker make of min. 2 H.P. or more as per approval of CSPTCLs Engineer-in-charge , Crompton Greaves /Havells make control panels, Finolex/Havells make cables, two interconnected overhead tanks (ISI marked) of 1,000 litres capacity each, above Control Room Building, with complete water supply arrangements from both the bores to water tanks, from tank to control room building and from both the bores as well as from tank to all the earth pits with ISI marked class B GI pipe lines, fittings, fixtures etc. of approved make as per specifications, in standard manner, as per direction and approval of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. (I) Construction of 5 metre wide RCC approach road, with side drains, laid over CC 1:3:6 base, WBM sub-base and over size metal soling complete as per specifications, approved drawing and direction of Engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. (II) Construction of RCC culvert for






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Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes





approach road complete as per specifications, approved drawings & direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL Yard Levelling. a.) Yard levelling up to required level i/c cutting and disposal of earth with all leads and lifts, compaction, dressing etc.with all labour, material T & P, transportation etc complete in all respects including applying approved herbicides in entire area, providing required drains etc as per site condition, specifications direction and approval of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. b.) Yard levelling up to required level through filling with hard moorum stacking, spreading and compacting, dressing etc with all labour, material T & P, transportation etc complete in all respects including applying approved herbicides in entire area, providing required drains etc as per site condition, specifications direction and approval of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. Providing, stacking, spreading and compacting stone dust of 100/200 mm compacted thickness, in the area, as per specifications, direction and approval of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. Yard Metalling complete with 40mm nominal single size ungraded crusher


Cubic metre


Cubic metre


Cubic Metre


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C.E. (Transmission)






Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes







broken hard metal 100 mm thick including providing, stacking ,spreading of metal, all transportation, loading and unloading, screening at site all material, labour, royalty ,taxes etc. complete as per specifications , direction and approval of engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. Steel main gate 2.4m high 6m. with wicket gate 1.5m. wide fixed on 400x400mm RCC Pillers complete with guide rails (min.weight-400 kg) as per approved drawing, specifications, direction and approval of engineer-incharge of CSPTCL. Sub station sign board (1800x1200 mm) size with GI support structures and illumination arrangement in front of sub station as per specifications & direction of engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. Foundations for Tubular lightening pole structures for s/s colony internal road as per approved drawings, specifications & direction of engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. Foundations for tubular LIGHTING cum LIGHTENING MAST structures as per approved drawings, specifications & direction of engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. Construction of rainwater harvesting & earthing pit as per specifications, approved drawing and direction of


Cubic Metre









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C.E. (Transmission)






Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes







engineer in charge of CSPTCL. Construction of separate/combined RCC sump tank for collecting burnt Xmer oil for all the x-mers (Size min 133% of Xmer oil capacity or as per ISS) with 3 hp pump for dewatering/draining of oil as per approved drawing and direction of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. Construction of 2400mm high unclimbable galvanised 75x75x4mm chain link mesh yard fencing with 450 mm V shaped extension having six rows of barbed wire, brick masonry wall/RCC beam at bottom etc., complete as per approved drawing, Tender specifications and direction of engineer-in-charge of CSPTCL. Construction of Random rubber / brick masonry retaining wall if required as per specification, approved drawings and directions of engineer in charge of CSPTCL. With soil retaining height above N.G.L. up to 1.0m Providing 22 cm thick grouted stone pitching if required ( without quarryspalls)with individual stones of 22 cm depth and min. size .014 cu.m in cement mortar 1:6 Providing and laying concrete path way if required with 100 mm thick RCC 1:1.5:3 laid over 150mm thick PCC









Sq. Mtr.


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Unit rate

Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Unit Rate Inclusive all taxes


1:5:8, over 200mm thick compacted hard moorum complete in all respects as per directions of engineer in charge of CSPTCL.


NOTE: 1) The bidder should visit the site before quoting the rates and rates should be offered
considering all the requirements as per site conditions. Please note that no extra claim for these works shall be given by CSPTCL in addition to rates quoted in the Price Bid. 2) Rates should be quoted for each foundation separately. Rates should not be quoted in LOT. 3) The Quantity shown above may vary as per site conditions. The payment shall be done on actual measurement basis. Signature of the Bidder


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C.E. (Transmission)



ANNEXURE ( D 1 ) - ERECTION CHARGES FOR 132/33KV S/S KONI : (Rates of individual items shall be quoted, rate in lot shall not be acceptable) S.N PARTICULARS Qty. Unit Rate Service Tax
Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Rate




STRUCTURE: Erection of S/S structure including fixing and alignment of templates for grounded/ bolted and type structure, foundation tightening of nut bolts, washers etc. String on overhead gantries, vertical droppers with ACSR conductor, of insulator string, spacers, clamps, jumpering etc. for


Per MT

Twin Zebra ACSR

750 1500 1000


ii. Single Zebra ACSR iii. Stringing of overhead shield wires with stranded galvanised steel

complete with fixing of strain clamps at the structures. 3. i) ii) 4. i) ii) Rate for installation of transformer :40 MVA,132/33KV, Xmer complete with marshalling box, control cabinet with associated control, RTCC panel & other accessories. 200 KVA 33/0.4 KV Xmer complete with distribution box having main isolating switch (400 Amp & HRC fuses). Rate for erection of circuit breakers :132 KV CBs 33 KV CBs

1 1

No. No.

4 7

No. No.


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Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Rate


5 i) ii) 6 i) ii) 7 i) ii) iii) 8 i) ii) 9 i)

Rate for erection of isolators , piping, alignment of contacts & checking of operation etc. 132 KV Isolators 33 KV Isolators Erection of Current Transformer & fixing of junction box including all accessories & making all connections etc. 132 KV CTs 33 KV CTs (Incl. NCT) Erection of CC/PT & fixing of junction box including all accessories & making all connections etc. 132 KV PT 132 KV CC 33 KV PT Erection of L.A. & fixing of Leakage Counter including all accessories & making all connections etc. 132 KV L.As 33 KV L.As Erection of PI including all accessories 132 KV Post Insulators 14 No. 09 18 No. No. 03 04 03 No. No. No. 12 22 No. No. 12 24 Sets Sets


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Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Rate


ii) 10 i) ii) 11 12 13 14 15

33 KV PI (3- Xmer , 3-C/bank , 3- B/C , 3- Sec. Iso & 3-Extra) Erection of C& R panels 132 KV C&R Panels for 40 MVA transformer/feeder/ bus transfer 33 KV C&R Panel for 40 MVA transformer/feeder/Bus transformer/Capacitor bank. Erection of 33 KV DO set. Wave trap with overhead suspension for 132 KV. Coupling devices for PLCC equipments. Erection of DB, CT / PT junction box, all accessories & making all connections etc.
1. Main AC Distribution Board 2. Main DC Distribution Board (110V & 48V DC) 3. Marshalling Box.



04 07 1 4 4 1 1

No. No. Set No. Set Job Job


Erection of other works :1. 110 V Stationary Lead Acid Battery Set 2. Battery Charger of 110 V Battery 3. 48 V Stationary Lead Acid Battery Set 4. Battery Charger of 48 V Battery



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Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Rate


17 18

Installation of perforated type GI cable Trays, accessories on cable racks in cable trenches. Cable Installations:1. Laying of cables on racks/ cable rays/ angle support, dressing of



cables & all accessories for armoured control cables. Cable terminations including fixing of cable glands, lugs for control/power cables & cable numbering tags.


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Service Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Rate



Earthing Installations: Rates for installations including jointing equipment termination, fixing & clamping & hardwares such as saddle, clamps, cleats, plugs, nut-bolts washers & welding etc. 1. 25 mm X 2500 mm G.I. rods, earth electrodes directly driven in to earth including excavations as required & welding etc. 2. Providing Steel risers including welding to the earth mat at one end bolting to the structures at the other end for 50 x 6 mm G.I. flats. 3. Construction of Earth Pits of size 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 3.0 m duly filled with charcoal/ clay/sodium based bantonite clay with BC soil along with all complete with interconnection with equipments except for water supply as per latest amended ISS . (i) With 4 pipes (ii) With 2 pipes 4. Providing earth mat duly buried in earth min 600mm deep with 65x8 GI flat welding complete with 4 mm Norma make electrodes.

100 1200

Nos. RM.

2 18 3000 1

Nos. Nos. RM Job


Yard Lighting :Installations of light fixtures on gantry columns, supply connections to the light fitting from nearest supply board in the yard etc. Erection charges of 10 MVAR capacitor bank complete Erection charges of High Mast.(Complete with Str. & Luminaries)

21 22

1 4

Job Nos.

TOTAL of ANNEXURE - D-1. CSPTCL Page No. 355 C.E. (Transmission)



Signature of the Bidder ANNEXURE D 2 TESTING & COMMISSIONING CHARGES FOR 132/33KV S/S KONI (Rates of individual items shall be quoted, rate in lot shall not be acceptable) (A) S.N. Particular Quan tity Unit Servic e Tax
Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Rate


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11

132/33 KV, 32/40 MVA, 3- , Power Transformer, Y N O y n o complete 132 KV, SF6 circuit breaker complete 132 KV Current Transformer 132 KV Potential Transformer 132 KV Coupling Capacitor 132 KV Lightning Arresters 120 KV 33/0.4 KV, 200 KVA, YNO/ dy11, Station Transformer, Delta / Star 33 KV VCBs complete 33 KV Potential Xmer (2-Cores) having 33KV/ 3 / 110/ 3 33 KV, 10 MVAR, Capacitor Bank complete with associated equipments 33 KV Current Transformers (Incl. NCT)

1 4 12 3 4 9 1 7 3 1 22

No. No. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. No. Set Nos. Set Nos.


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12. 13 S.N.

33 KV Lightning Arresters 30 KV 132 KV Isolator W/Earth switch and without earth switch with support insulator

18 12 Quan tity

Nos. Set Unit Servic e Tax

Cess under Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996

Any other Tax

Total Rate


14 15 (B) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Wave trap 33 KV Isolator with insulator, with and without earth switch
132 KV Control & Relay Panel for 40MVA Xmer, feeder ,bus transfer, 33 KV Control & Relay Panel for 40MVA Xmer 33 KV Control & Relay Panel for 33KV feeders 33 KV Control & Relay Panel for 33KV Bus Transfer 33 KV Control & Relay Panel for 33KV 10 MVAR Capacitor Bank Twin Channel Carrier Cabinet. Electronic Exchange 8/4 lines + 10 Nos. Telephone sets 110V, 300Ah, Battery Set (55 Cells) 48 V, 300Ah, Battery Set (24 Cells) 300 AH, 110V, Battery Charger 300 AH, 48V, Battery Charger Data logging system.

4 24

Nos. set

4 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1

Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set



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Signature of the bidder


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