Patient Profile Adult
Patient Profile Adult
Patient Profile Adult
Last Name
Date of Birth
Todays Date
Number Street Lot/Apt City State Zip
SSN/Visa/Green Card (circle type); if none, year arrived in USA Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other Married Divorced
male female
Ethnicity (mark 1)
Black/African Hispanic/Latino
Marital Status:
Never Married
Relationship to Patient
Contacts Phone
Area Code Number Ext
RELIGION/CHURCH: Do you have Medicaid, Medicare, WHP, or other health coverage? no yes Have you applied for any of these? no yes Are you a veteran? no yes Have you received healthcare elsewhere In the last two years? no yes
CURRENT MEDICATIONS: List all medications you are (or believe you should be) currently taking:
ALLERGIES: Check here if you know of no drug allergies, or list below medications and substances you are allergic to or have a bad reaction to: Medication/substance name Describe Reaction Medication/substance name Describe Reaction
TETANUS: Date of last tetanus shot: _____________________ SURGERIES AND HOSPITALIZATIONS: List the approximate date and reason for each surgery or hospitalization Date Date
HEALTH HABITS Do you or have you ever smoked or chewed tobacco? no yes Do you use alcohol? no yes Do you use recreational drugs? no yes Are you concerned about HIV/AIDs or STD exposure? no yes
How often? Per day/week How often? Per day/week Average number of hours you sleep daily:
What kind?
Would you like to quit? no yes Would you like to quit? no yes Would you like to quit? no yes Do you wear seatbelts? no yes
ARE YOU NOW HAVING SERVIOUS SERIOUS PROBLEMS OR STRESS FROM ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? marriage/relationship sexual functioning children physical/psychological abuse job/finances drug/alcohol use housing issues
PERSONAL HEALTH HISTORY check boxes for conditions in yourself and family members
Self Mother Father Siblings Childr en Self Mother Father Siblings Childr en
Alcoholism/substance abuse Arthritis/joint disease Asthma/hay fever/ emphysema/lung disease Blood disorders Bowel/bladder problems Cancer (specify types below) Dental problems Diabetes Heart disease/chest pain/heart attack High blood pressure
Kidney disease Liver disease/hepatitis Mental Health (depression/anxiety/other) Positive PPD/TB Rheumatic Fever Seizures/epilepsy Sexually transmitted disease Sickle cell anemia Stroke Thyroid
WOMEN ONLY Indicate number of: Pregnancies ____ no yes Live births _____ Miscarriages _____ Abortions _____
Have you ever had an abnormal pap? First day of last menstrual period: Birth control method used if applicable:
Do you perform a monthly breast self-examination? no yes Date of last PAP/vaginal exam: Date of last mammogram:
Signature of patient or responsible party (for minor patients, this is parent or legal guardian) ________________________________________ Printed name of responsible party if not patient ________________________________________ Legal relationship of responsible party to patient