50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods
50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods
50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods
Nathan Batalion
We are confronted with what is undoubtedly the single
most potent technology the world has ever known - more
powerful even than atomic energy. Yet it is being released
throughout our environment and deployed with superficial
or no risk assessments - as if no one needs to worry an iota
about its unparalleled powers to harm life as we know it -
and for all future generations.
© 2000 Nathan B. Batalion, Published by Americans for Safe Food. Oneonta, N.Y. Email
[email protected]
Biotechnology is a vital issue that impacts all of us.
Largely between 1997 and 1999, gene-modified (GM) ingredients suddenly
appeared in 2/3rds of all US processed foods. This food alteration was fueled
by a single Supreme Court ruling. It allowed, for the first time, the patenting of
life forms for commercialization. Since then thousands of applications for
experimental GM organisms have been filed with the US Patent Office alone,
and many more abroad. Furthermore an economic war broke out to own equity
in firms which either have such patent rights or control the food-related
organisms to which they apply. This has been the key factor behind the scenes
of the largest food/agri-chemical company mergers in history. Few consumers
are aware this has been going on and is continuing. Yet if you recently ate soya
sauce in a Chinese restaurant, munched popcorn in a movie theatre, or indulged
in an occasional candy bar - you've undoubtedly ingested this new type of food.
You may have, at the time, known exactly how much salt, fat and
carbohydrates were in each of these foods because regulations mandates their
labeling for dietary purposes. But you would not know if the bulk of these
foods, and literally every cell had been genetically altered!
In just those three years, as much as 1/4th of all American agricultural lands or
70-80 million acres were quickly converted to raise GM crops. Yet in most
other countries, the same approach is subject to moratoriums, partially banned,
restricted or requires labeling - and with stiff legal penalties for non-
compliance. This refers to laws in Great Britain, France, Germany, the
Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium,
Finland, Ireland, Austria, Portugal - or in virtually all European nations. The
same trend has further spread to Latin America, the Near East and Asia.
By contrast, an unregulated, quiet, and lightning speed expansion has been
spearheaded in the US by a handful of companies in the wake of
consolidations. We hear from their sales departments that nothing but positive
results will follow - and for everyone from farmers to middlemen and the
ultimate consumers. This "breakthrough" technology will aid the environment
by reducing toxic chemical use, increase food production to stave off world
hunger, and lead to an agricultural boom. In addition it will provide
nutritionally heightened and much better storing and tasting foods. Finally, all
of this is based on nothing but "good science" - which in the long run will
convince the wary public that GM foods are either equivalent or better than the
The size of a technology's market penetration - 1/4 of US agriculture - is not
necessarily indicative that the majority of these claims are true. Biotechnology
attempts a deeper "control" over nature. But a powerful temporary control is
illusionary. For example, a farmer in Ottawa planted three different kinds of
GM canola seeds that came from the three leading producers (Monsanto's
Roundup, Cyanamid's Pursuit, and Aventis' Liberty). At first, he was happy to
see he needed to use less of costly herbicides. But within just three years,
"superweeds" had taken in the genes of all three types of plants! This ultimately
forced him to use not only more herbicides, but far more lethal products.
The central problem underlying all of this technology is not just its short-
term benefits and long-term drawbacks, but the overall attempt to "control"
living nature based on an erroneous mechanistic view.
" Bioengineering" thus offers a contradiction in terms. "Bio" refers to life, what
is not mechanistically predictable or controllable - and "engineering" refers to
making the blueprints for machines that are predictable - but not alive. They are
dead. Thus there is the joining of what is living with what applies to the
What is patentable also needs to be mentally "distinctive" - fixed or mostly
unchanging in our minds to obtain an ownership or right-to-control patent.
Again, something unchanging is not constantly adapting to its surrounding
environment. It is less alive, and strategies to maintain that are often deadly.
For example, much of GM technology is directed at eliminating surrounding
biological environment - competing animals and plants, soaking them with
lethal toxins. Secondly, there are terminator plants that do not reproduce a
second generation - preventing a subsequent generation from escaping the
controlling patented mold. In contrast to nature's rainforests teeming with life,
GM technology has planted forests of flowerless, fruitless "terminator trees."
They are not habitats for life, but exude poisons from every leaf, killing all but
a few insects. Thirdly, GM companies have gone on multi-billion dollar buying
sprees, purchasing seed companies and destroying their non-patented
(potentially competitive) seed stocks. Time magazine called the widespread
consequences of this effort a global Death of Birth. All of this is why
"biotechnology," in its naked essence, has be tagged by some as thano- (
meaning death) technology.
In this light there comes to mind the eloquent words of the late Rachel Carson's
Silent Spring, condensed as follows:
" A year after…a massive spraying…there was not a sound of the song of
bird….. What was man doing to…our beautiful world…Who has made the
decision that sets in motion…this ever-widening wave of death."
No doubt mechanical patterns in nature are real. But they can be a superficial
by-product and not reflective of the deepest or true essence of life.
Hybridizations does work harmoniously with superficial aspects of nature
without fully disturbing the essential life force at the center of each cell. Also
with hybridizations, conscious life makes primary genetic decisions. We can
understand this with an analogy. There is an immense difference between being
a matchmaker and inviting two people for dinner - encouraging them to go on a
date - as opposed to forcing the union or even a date rape.
With biotechnology, roses are no longer crossed with just roses. They can be
mated with pigs, tomatoes with oak trees, fish with asses, butterflies with
worms, orchids with snakes. The technology that makes this possible is called
biolistics - a gunshot-like violence that pierces the nuclear membrane of cells.
This essentially violates the consciousness that forms and guides living nature.
Some also compare it to the violent crossing of territorial borders of countries,
subduing inhabitants against their will.
What will happen if this technology is allowed to spread? Fifty years ago few
predicted that chemical pollution would cause so much environmental harm -
with nearly 1/3rd of all species now threatened with extinction. Or that cancer
rates would have doubled and quadrupled.
No one has a crystal ball to see future consequences. Nevertheless, alarm
signals go off when a technology goes directly to the center of every living cell
- and under the guidance of a mechanical or non-living way of restructuring or
recreating nature. The potential harm can far outweigh chemical pollution
because chemistry only deals with things altered by fire - or things that are not
alive. For example, a farmer may use toxic chemicals for many decades, and
then let the land lie fallow for a year or two to convert back to organic farming.
The chemicals tend to break down into natural substances within months or
years. A few may persist for decades. But genetic pollution can alter the life in
the soil forever!
Farmers who view their land as their primary financial asset have reason to
heed this. If new evidence of soil bacteria contamination arises - what is
possible given the numerous (1600 or more) distinct microorganisms we
classify in just a teaspoon of soil - and if that contamination is not quickly
remediable but remains
permanent - someday the public may blacklist farms that have once planted
GM crops. No one seems to have put up any warning signs when selling these
inputs to farmers who own 1/4 of all agricultural tracks in the US. Furthermore,
the spreading potential impact on all ecosystems is profound.
Writes Jeremy Rifkin, in the Biotech Century,
"Our way of life is likely to be more fundamentally transformed in the next
several decades than in the previous one thousand years…Tens of thousands of
novel transgenic bacteria, viruses, plants and animals could be
released into the Earth's ecosystems…Some of those releases, however, could
wreak havoc with the planet's biospheres."
In short these processes involve unparalleled risks. Voices from many sides
echo this view. Contradicting safety claims, no major insurance company has
been willing to limit risks, or insure bio-engineered agricultural products. The
reason given is the high level of unpredictable consequences. Over two hundred
scientists have signed a statement outlining the dangers of GM foods and The
Union of Concerned Scientists (a 1000 plus member organization with many
Nobel Laureates) has expressed similar reservations. The prestigious medical
journal, Lancet, issued a warning that GM foods should never have been
allowed into the food chain. Britain's Medical Association (the equivalent of
the AMA) with 100,000 physicians and Germany's with 325,000 issued similar
statements. In a gathering of political representatives from over 130 nations,
approximately 95% insisted on new precautionary approaches. The National
Academy of Science released a report that GM products introduce new
allergens, toxins, disruptive chemicals, soil-polluting ingredients, mutated
species and unknown protein combinations into our bodies and into the whole
environment. This may also raise existing allergens to new heights as well as
reduce nutritional content. Even within the FDA, prominent scientists have
repeatedly expressed profound fears and reservations. Their voices were muted
not for cogent scientific reasons but due to political pressures from the Bush
administration to buttress the nascent biotech industry.
To counterbalance this, industry-employed scientists have signed a statement in
favor of genetically engineered foods. But are any of these scientists impartial?
Writes the New York Times (about a similar crisis involving genetic
engineering and medical applications),
"Academic scientists who lack industry ties have become as rare as giant
pandas in the wild…lawmakers, bioethics experts and federal regulators are
troubled that so many researchers have a financial stake [via stock options or
patent participation] … The fear is that the lure of profit could color scientific
integrity, promoting researchers to withhold information about potentially
dangerous side-effects."
Looked at from outside of commercial interests, perils are multi-dimensional.
They include the creation of new "transgenic" life forms - organisms that cross
unnatural gene lines (such as tomato seed genes crossed with fish genes) - and
that have unpredictable behavior or replicate themselves out of control in the
wild. This can happen, without warning, inside of our bodies creating an
unpredictable chain reaction. A four-year study at the University of Jena in
Germany conducted by Hans-Hinrich Kaatz revealed that bees ingesting pollen
from transgenic rapeseed had bacteria in their gut with modified genes. This is
called a "horizontal gene transfer." Commonly found bacteria and
microorganisms in the human gut help maintain a healthy intestinal flora.
These, however, can be mutated.
Mutations may be able to travel internally to other cells, tissue systems and
organs throughout the human body.
Not to be underestimated, the potential domino effect of internal and external
genetic pollution can make the substance of science-fiction horror movies
become terrible realities in the future. The same is true for the bacteria that
maintain the health of our soil - and are vitally necessary for all forms of
farming - in fact for human sustenance and survival.
Without factoring in biotechnology, milder forms of controlling nature have
gravitated toward restrictive monocroping. In the past 50 years, this underlies
the disappearance of approximately 95% of all native grains, beans, nuts, fruits,
and vegetable varieties in the United States. GM monoculture, however, can
lead to yet greater harm. Monsanto, for example, set a goal of converting 100%
of all US soy crops to Roundup Ready strains by the year 2000. If effected, this
plan would have threatened the biodiversity and resilience of all future soy
farming practices. Monsanto laid out similar strategies for corn, cotton, wheat
and rice. This represents a deep misunderstanding of how seeds interact, adapt
and change with the living world of nature.
One need only look at agricultural history - at the havoc created by the Irish
potato blight, the Mediterranean fruit fly epidemic in California, the current
international crisis with cocoa plants, the regional citrus canker attack in the
Southeast, and the 1970's US corn leaf blight. In the latter case, 15% of US
corn production was quickly destroyed. Had weather changes not quickly
ensued, the most all crops would have been laid waste because a fungus
attached their cytoplasm universally. The deeper reason this happened was that
approximately 80% of US corn had been standardized to help farmers
crossbreed - and by a method akin to current genetic engineering. The
uniformity of plants then allowed a single fungus to spread, and within four
months to destroy crops in 581 counties and 28 states in the US. According to
J. Browning of Iowa State University: "Such an extensive, homogeneous
acreage of plants… is like a tinder-dry prairie waiting for a spark to ignite it. "
The homogeneity is unnatural - a byproduct of deadening nature's creativity in
the attempt to grasp absolute control - what ultimately can yield wholesale
disaster. Europeans seem more sensitive than Americans to such approaches -
given the analogous metaphor of German eugenics.
Historical Context
Overall the revolution that is presently trying to overturn 12,000 years of
traditional and sustainable agriculture was launched in 1980 in the US. This
was the result of a little-known US Supreme Court decision Diamond vs.
Chakrabarty where the highest court decided that biological life could be
legally patentable.
Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, a microbiologist and employee of General
Electric (GE), developed at the time a type of bacteria that could ingest oil. GE
rushed to apply for a patent in 1971. After several years of review, the US
and Trademark Office (PTO) turned down the request under the traditional
doctrine that life forms are not patentable. GE sued and won. In 1985, the PTO
ruled that the Chakrabarty ruling could be further extended to all plants, seeds,
and plant tissues - or to the entire plant kingdom.
Scouring the world for valuable genetic heritage, W.R. Grace applied for and
was been granted fifty US patents on the neem tree in India. It even patented
the indigenous knowledge of how to medicinally use the tree (what has since
been called bio-piracy). Furthermore, on April 12, 1988, the PTO issued its first
patent on an animal to Harvard Professor Philip Leder and Timothy A. Stewart.
This involved the creation of a transgenic mouse containing chicken and human
genes. On October 29, 1991, the PTO granted patent rights to human stem
cells, and later human genes. A United States company, Biocyte was awarded a
European patent on all umbilical cord cells from fetuses and newborn babies.
The patent extended exclusive rights to use the cells without the permission of
the `donors.' Finally the European Patent Office (EPO) received applications
from Baylor University for the patenting of women who had been genetically
altered to produce proteins in their mammary glands. Baylor essentially sought
monopoly rights over the use of human mammary glands to manufacture
pharmaceuticals. Other attempts have been made to patent cells of indigenous
peoples in Panama, the Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea. Thus the
Chakrabarty ruling evolved within the decade from the patenting of tiny, almost
invisible microbes to virtually all terrains of life on Earth.
Certain biotech companies then quickly moved to utilize such patenting for the
control of seed stock - including buying up small seed companies and
destroying their non-patented seeds. In the past few years, this has led to a near
monopoly control of certain commodities, especially soy, corn, and cotton
(used in processed foods via cottonseed oil). As a result, nearly 2/3rd of such
processed foods showed some GM ingredient. Yet again without labeling, few
consumers in the US were aware any of this was pervasively occurring.
Industry marketers found out that the more the public knew, the less they
wanted to purchase GM foods. Thus a concerted effort was organized to
convince regulators not to require such labeling.
" Recombinant DNA technology faces our society
with problems unprecedented not only in the history of
science, but of life on Earth. It places in human hands
the capacity to redesign living organisms, the products
of three billion years of evolution. Such intervention
must not be confused with previous intrusions upon the
natural order of living organisms: animal and plant
breeding…All the earlier procedures worked within
single or closely related species…Our morality up to
now has been to go ahead without restriction to learn all
that we can about nature. Restructuring nature was not
part of the bargain…this direction may be not only
unwise, but dangerous. Potentially, it could breed new
animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer, novel
Cancer and Other Degenerative Ailments
7. Antibiotic Threat – Via Milk Cows injected with rBGH have a much
higher level of udder infections and require more antibiotics. This leaves
unacceptable levels of antibiotic residues in the milk. Scientists have
warned of public health hazards due to growing antibiotic resistance.
8. Antibiotic Threat – Via Plants Much of genetic implantation uses a
marker to track where the gene goes into the cell. GM maize plants use
an ampicillin resistant gene. In 1998, the British Royal Society called for
the banning of
this marker as it threatens a vital antibiotic’s use. The resistant qualities
of GM bacteria in food can be transferred to other bacteria in the
environment and throughout the human body.
10. Increased Food Allergies The loss of biodiversity in our food supply
has grown in parallel with the increase in food allergies. This can be
explained as follows. The human body is not a machine-like
"something" that can be fed
assembly line, carbon copy foods. We eat for nourishment and vitality.
What is alive interacts or changes with its environment. Unnatural
sameness - required
for patenting of genetic foods - are "dead" qualities. Frequently foods we
eat and crave are precisely those testing positive for food allergies. Cells
in our body recognize this lack of vitality, producing antibodies and
white cells in response. This is analogous to our brain's cells recognizing
and rejecting mechanically repeated thoughts - or thinking "like a broken
record." Intuitively
our body cells and the overall immune system seems to reject excess
11. Birth Defects and Shorter Life Spans As we ingest transgenic human/
animal products there is no real telling of the impact on human
evolution. We know that rBGh in cows causes a rapid increase in birth
defects and shorter life spans.
12. Interior Toxins "Pesticidal foods" have genes that produce a toxic
pesticide inside the food’s cells. This represents the first time "cell-
interior toxicity" is being sold for human consumption. There is little
knowledge of the potential long-term health impacts.
14. No Regulated Health Safety Testing The FDA only requests of firms
that they conduct their own tests of new GM products in what Vice
President Quale back in 1992 referred to as a "regulatory relief
program." The FDA makes no review of those tests unless voluntarily
requested by the company producing the product. Companies present
their internal company records of tests showing a product is safe -
essentially having the "fox oversee the chicken coup." As Louis J.
Pribyl, an FDA microbiologist explained, companies tailor tests to get
the results they need. They further relinquish responsibility as Pjil
Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications expressed it
"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech foods. Our
interest is in selling…Assuring its safety is the FDA's job." But the FDA
has not assumed the responsibility. Essentially it is "like playing Russian
roulette with public health," says Philip J. Regal, a biologist at the
University of Minnesota. In his contacts with the FDA, he noted that in
the policy of helping the biotech industry grow "government scientist
after scientist acknowledged there was no way to assure the health safety
of genetically engineered food… [yet] society was going to have to bear
an unavoidable measure of risk." The situation was summarized by
Richard Steinbrecher, a geneticist working for the Women's
Environmental Network "To use genetic engineering to manipulate
plants, release them into the environment and introduce them into our
food chains is scientifically premature, unsafe and irresponsible."
19. Extinction of Seed Varieties A few years ago Time magazine referred
to the massive trend by large corporations to buy up small seed
destroying any competing stock, and replacing it with their patented or
controlled brands as "the Death of Birth." Monsanto additionally has
had farmers sign contracts not to save their seeds - forfeiting what has
long been a farmer's birthright to remain guardians of the blueprints of
successive life.
24. Superpests Lab tests indicate that common plant pests such as
cottonboll worms, will evolve into superpests immune from the Bt
sprays used by organic farmers. The recent "stink bug" epidemic in
North Carolina and Georgia seems linked to bioengineered plants that
the bugs love. Monsanto, on their Farmsource website, recommended
spraying them with methyl parathion, one of the deadliest chemicals. So
much for the notion of Bt cotton getting US farmers off the toxic
treadmill. Pests the transgenic cotton was meant to kill - cotton
bollworms, pink bollworms, and budworms - were once "secondary
pests." Toxic chemicals killed off their predators, unbalanced nature, and
thus made them "major pests."
25. Animal Bio-invasions Fish and marine life are threatened by accidental
release of GM fish currently under development in several countries –
carp, and salmon several times the normal size and growing up to 6x
times as fast. One such accident has already occurred in the Philippines –
threatening local fish supplies.
26. Killing Beneficial Insects Studies have shown that GM products can kill
beneficial insects – most notably the monarch butterfly larvae (Cornell,
1999). Swiss government researchers found Bt crops killed lacewings
that ate the
cottonworms which the Bt targeted. A study reported in 1997 by New
Scientist indicates honeybees may be harmed by feeding on proteins
found in GM canola flowers. Other studies relate to the death of bees
(40% died during a contained trial with Monsanto's Bt cotton),
springtails (Novartis' Bt corn data submitted to the EPA) and ladybird
beetles .
29. Support of Animal Factory Farming Rather than using the best of
scientific minds to end animal factory farming - rapid efforts are
underway to
develop gene-modified animals that better thrive in disease-promoting
conditions of animal factory farms.
Genetic Uncertainties
"The decline in the number of farms is likely to
accelerate in the coming years…gene-splicing
technologies… change the way plants and animals are
Jemery Rifkin
as rBGH, seem to offer a boom for dairy farmers - helping their cows
produce considerably more milk. But the end result has been a lowering
of prices, again putting the smaller farmers out of business. We can find
similar trends with other GM techniques – as in pig and hen raising
made more efficient. The University of Wisconsin’s GM brooding hens
lack the gene that produces prolactin proteins. The new hens no longer
sit on their eggs as long, and produce more. Higher production leads to
lower prices in the market place. The end result is that the average small
farmer's income plummeted while a few large-scale, hyper-productive
operations survived along with their "input providers" (companies
selling seeds, soil amendments, and so on). In an on-going trend, the
self-sufficient family farmer is shoved to the very lowest rung of the
economic ladder. In 1910 the labor portion of agriculture accounted for
41% of the value of the finally sold produce. Now the figure has been
estimated at between 6-9% in North America. The balance gets
channeled to agri-input and distribution firms - and more recently to
biotech firms. Kristin Dawkins in Gene Wars: The Politics of
Biotechnology, points out that between 1981 and 1987, food prices rose
36%, while the percentage of the pie earned by farmers continued to
shrink dramatically.
Organic Farming
35. Losing Purity At the present rate of proliferation of GM foods,
within 50-100 years, the majority of organic foods may no longer be
36. Mixing A Texas organic corn chip maker, Terra Prima, suffered a
substantial economic loss when their corn chips were contaminated with
GM corn and had to be destroyed.
37. Losing Natural Pesticides Organic farmers have long used "Bt" (a
naturally occurring pesticidal bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis) as an
invaluable farming aide. It is administered at only certain times, and then
sparingly, in a diluted form. This harms only the target insects that bite
the plant. Also in that diluted form, it quickly degrades in the soil. By
contrast, genetically engineered Bt corn, potatoes and cotton - together
making up roughly a third of
US GM crops - all exude this natural pesticide. It is present in every
single cell, and pervasively impacts entire fields over the entire life span
of crops. This probably increases Bt use at least a million fold in US
agriculture. According to a study conducted at NYU, BT residues
remained in the soil for as much as 243 days. As an overall result,
agricultural biologists predict this will lead to the destruction of one of
organic farming's most important tools. It will make it essentially
useless. A computer model developed at the University of Illinois
predicted that if all US Farmers grew Bt resistant corn, resistance would
occur within 12 months. Scientists at the University of North Carolina
have already discovered Bt resistance among moth pests that feed on
corn. The EPA now requires GM planting farmers to set aside 20-50% of
acres with non-BT corn to attempt to control the risk and to help
monarch butterflies survive.
Farm Production
40. Less Diversity, Quality, Quantity and Profit One of the most
misleading hopes raised by GM technology firms is that they will solve
the world’s hunger. Some high technology agriculture does offer higher
single crop yields. But organic farming techniques, with many different
seeds interplanted between rows, generally offer higher per acre yields.
This applies best to the family farm, which feeds the majority of the
Third World. It differs from the large-scale, monocrop commercial
production of industrialized nations. Even for commercial fields, results
are questionable. In a study of 8,200 field trials, Roundup Ready
soybeans produced fewer bushels of soy than non-GM (Charles
Benbrook study, former director Board of Agriculture at the National
Academy of Sciences). The average yield for non-GM soybeans was
51.21 bushels per acre; for GM soybeans it was 49.26. This was again
confirmed in a study at the University of Nebraska's Institute of
Agricultural Resources. They grew five different strains of Monsanto
soya plants in four different locations of varied soil environments. Dr.
Elmore of the project found that on average GM seeds, though more
expensive, produced 6% less than non-GM relatives, and 11% less than
the highest yielding conventional crops. "The numbers were clear,"
stated Dr. Elmore. The yield for Bt corn, however, in other studies was
higher. But this did not lead to greater profit because GM related costs in
terms of insecticides, fertilizer and labor were nearly $4 more per acre.
48. For Health/Environmental/Socio-Political Reasons The lack of
labeling violates the right to know what is in our foods - given the list of
health, environmental, and socio-political reasons to avoid GM
ingredients. Even if GM foods were 100% safe, the consumer has a right
to know such ingredients - due to their many potential harms.
52. Atomic Weapons vs. Gene Mutated Foods The image of modern
progress brought about solely by perfected mechanisms or technology
was punctured in the 1940’s with the explosion of atomic weapons –
which brought humanity to the brink of global annihilation. Einstein’s
formulas created the bomb. His formulas hinged on the very same ideas
of the philosopher René Descartes for their foundation. Descartes
developed the underlying geometry that space may be universally or
infinitely separated ("Cartesian coordinates") into distinct points. If we
perfectly visualize this, we run the risk of bringing that exact image to
life. Einstein’s famous formula (E = mc2), for example, allows us to
explode space. Only in hindsight and seeing this result, Einstein
expressed the wish of never having taken on the career of a physicist.
Genetic engineering, or the splicing of genes, may be viewed as a still
more perilous outcome of a Cartesian-like approach to nature. We can
prevent nuclear disaster or hopefully keep nuclear weapons bottled up.
But genetic engineering applies a similar philosophy and creates
products intentionally released - with potential chain reactions that may
not be stoppable.
As of the present writing, only about 50 Congressmen (out of over 400) have
endorsed the GM labeling bill currently before Congress. A similar piece of
legislation is being introduced into the US Senate. It is vitally important that
100,000 or more letters be sent to Congress urging them to support these bills.
It is best to write a personal letter, what has the most impact. Form letters are
also available. Many health food stores carry them, or they can be downloaded
at the Web site www.thecampaign.org. Make copies for your self and 5-10
friends and family members. Several letters may also be collected and sent in a
single envelope. Emails can also be sent, but do not have as much impact or
influence as postal letters. Even with form letters, adding a personal note
explaining you views on the subject doubles the weight placed on the letter by
legislators. At The Campaign's Web site, additional form letters are also
available to the President, Vice President, political candidates, Department of
Agriculture, EPA, and FDA - plus media contacts and major food companies.
The media contact service on the web allows you to instantly reach hundreds of
newspapers, magazines, radio stations and the like, in each of the 50 states - to
tell them to cover this issue.
• Sign petition
A petition is also attached and further copies are available through the Organic
Consumers Association (OCA) at www.purefood.org and at most local health
food stores. The OCA petition calls for 30% of US produce to be organic by the
year 2010. At the present rate of growth, 10% of European produce will be
organic by 2005. Australia has already passed 10% and Sweden and
Switzerland are not far behind.
• Vote
Contact school officials asking them to follow the example of the Berkeley,
California district - eliminating GM products or offering organic food in
Consumer Action
Educate your family on this issue and buy organic products whenever you can.
Call and send a letter to the largest companies that distribute GM foods. Ask
them to change their policies (see a sample list below) A national consumer
action plan is being coordinated by the People's Earth Network (see
www.peoplesearth.com). For more information send them an email on their site - to
be part of their listserve to contact companies. You can also reach the Network
by mail at 35 Asticou Road, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 or call 617-522-9605.
As a result and as of this writing, 17 companies have taken positive steps. This
includes Hain's Food Group, the largest health food conglomerate along with
Wild Oats and Whole Foods, the largest health-oriented supermarkets in the
US. A sample letter to a corporation, which should be restated in your own
words, might be :
Dear President,
I am writing to express my very serious concern about genetically engineered
ingredients in your products. Research has shown many negative health and
environmental effects such as ……what effects me and my family. Other
companies have begun to take steps to eliminate these ingredients and I am
urging you and XXXX Corporation to do the same.
• Contact Store Owners
Join (or start) a local network of people, who individually or together contact
nearby supermarket and food storeowners about the seriousness of this issue.
Ask the owners to survey their suppliers for GM-free products, as well as their
own private-label products - and to make a list of all GM free products
available to their customers.
• Corporate Persuasion
Personal Action
• Become informed
• Inform others
Share information, a video, book or tape about GM foods with friends and
family members. Write a letter to your newspaper. Inform others through your
personal WebPages and links.
• Organic lifestyles
When we buy organic products we not only enhance our own personal health,
but support businesses and farms committed to a clean environment plus not
destroying the living web of nature. For more information about local organic
products, CSA's (community supported agriculture), organic gardening,
discounted food coops, and related resources, contact NOFA - Northeast
Organic Farmer's Association at 315-365-2299.
Hubbard, Ruth and Ward, E. Exploding the Gene Myth. Beacon Press, 1996.
Kimbrell, Andrew and Nathanson, B. The Human Body Shop: The Cloning,
Engineering, and Marketing of Life. Regnery Publishing, 1998.
Lappe, M. and Bailey, B. Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate
Takeover of Your Food. LPC, 1998.
Nottingham, Dr. Stephen, Eat Your Genes: How Genetically Modified Food Is
Entering Our Diet. St. Martins Press, 1998.
Raeburn, Paul, The Last Harvest: The Genetic Gamble That Threatens to
Destroy American Agriculture. University of Nebraska, 1996.
Rifkin, Jeremy, The Biotech Century: Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the
World. J.P. Tarcher, 1999.
Rifkin, Jeremy and Teitel, M., Rain Forest in Your Kitchen: The Hidden
Connection Between Extinction and Your Supermarket. Island Press, 1992.
Shiva, Vandana, Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge. South End
Press, 1997.
Shiva, Vandana, Stolen Harvest: The Highjacking of the Global Food Supply.
South End Press, 1999.
Ticciati, L. and Ticciati, R., Genetically Engineered Foods: Are They Safe?
You Decide. Keats Publishing, 1998.
Food for Thought, Ed Schehl, Director, Film and Video, Santa Cruz, California. 1-
Against the Grain, Britt Bailey, Producer, The Video Project, Ben Lomond,
California. 1-800-4-Planet.
Audio Tapes
Email Updates
Organization Websites
Biodemocracy www.purefood.org
Bioengineering Action Network www.tao.ca/~ban
Ecoropa www.ecoropa.org
Greenpeace www.greenpeace.org
Indigenous Peoples Coalition Against
Biopiracy www.niec.net/ipcb/