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Terry <REDACTED> <REDACTED> Lakeland Florida 33809 <REDACTED>@gmail.

com Movie Set Design and Construction Abilities: 12 years general upholstery. 5 years large jet aircraft interior design and manufacture. 10 years CAD design. Two years C++ computer programming. Two years 3-D video animation. Products I Can Build in a DIY Styled TV Series: High end aircraft interiors. Bump out to triple wide motor home. Computer workstations and their components. Appliances, i.e. washer and dryer, as well as kitchen. Exercise products. Solar energy products. Feature Length Films or TV Series Open for Negotiation: Studio Precinct: Members of the Secret Police use their powerful government offi ces, equipped with state of the art mind control devices, to defraud inventors, TV writers, and a wide range of other people who find themselves in potentially profitable situations. Enormous Number Theory: Besides my list of science fiction plot lines, I have se veral computer generated props which, much like the highly profitable Stargate p rop, could each become the basis for a number of successful feature length movie s or TV series. Products I Can Produce After Rich Investors Sign A Pre-Patent Agreement: Two hundred mile per gallon automobile engines. Device to cut city power plant fuel consumption in half. Device to cut air conditioning bills in half. Extremely high end foldout furniture. The Bottom Line I'm certain I have at least one product or service that you are interested in. F or example, perhaps you would like to partner with me in a very small web based Home Shopping Network styled program. As we buy and sell, andor manufacture more and more products, we can eventually introduce a high end science fiction TV se ries, or other types of programming that pulls in viewers to the website while d emonstrating my products. On the other hand, being I've been so cleverly forced into poverty by a stalker with his hand in my pocket, perhaps you have a problem that is not in your bette r interest to hand to a neighboring studio or other specialist. Weather I save y ou a few hundred dollars or a few million dollars, while I'm not getting better offers, you can pay me half of what you would normally pay to outsource. Of cour se, I have no idea if I can even solve your particular problem, but I do know sa ving money is the bottom line, and therefore it would be worth your while to try . Even if you encounter a scenario somewhat resembling you being strait, while t he dungeon master, manipulating my finances from his impressive official or quas

i official US Government peekaboo clown office, insists I'm gay, or you being ga y while the dungeon master insists I'm strait. My Website: http:// So far, I've posted two Studio Precinct scripts on the Movie and TV Scripts page of my website. Being the sheriff and FBI insist I'm suffering from delusions of the b ig networks beating me over the head with FBI files, in a sort of 'three card Mo nte' scam that also involves the black KKK, and other masked vigilante street th ug types who have attempted to thoroughly confuse issues while transferring pate nt and copyright royalties to someone else, I'm going to wait for those imaginar y repercussions to work their way out before writing future episodes. For exampl e, Kelly Ripa built a new set, for her TV show, on which one facet involves some thing like fifty HDTV's lined up, and linked together much like the visual Rubic s Cube idea I was selling back in the 1970s, when Rubics Cubes didn't exist. Anyway, in my Studio Precinct series, you'll find a huge video production compan y is crippling idea men in order to extract various concepts to be used, royalty free, in a macro project TV series, as well as a micro project TV series. For e xample: __Macro meaning a TV series which focuses on the extremely high tech living envi ronments and construction equipment used to build a visually stunning Dyson Sphe re, used as the prototype for filling the entire universe with Dyson Spheres and their related living environments, followed by the mind boggling function all t hose Dyson Spheres were designed to ultimately perform. __Micro meaning the LSD trip that turned Howie Mandel into a germaphobe. How Kelly's string of HDTV's work their way into this is, I was thinking how, wh ile making a series of rock videos on building the first ribbon segment of a Dys on Sphere, that HGTV setup could present a very emotionally charged Back On The Cha in Gang rock video by Chrissie Hynde and the Pretenders. In fact, we could use that HGTV setup to let Howie Mandel, Kelly's first guest host to open on her new set , perform a rap song about the time my Jewish friends fed me a bunch of jalapeno peppers before a party, and then told everyone I was on the toilet, jacking off , while I was shitting them out. I presently think my next episode of Studio Precinct will involve a hypnotist wh o generates a long list of embarrassing moments, in the minds of his victims, wh ich a string of TV personalities rehash over and over and over again. This works much like a radio broadcast pool tournament in which you can hear the painted o n numbers, on only one, sometimes two, and every once in a while three balls, ca lled off many times during a single pool game. Of course, I've experienced many separating a fool and his money scams over the decades, so I'll probably write m any other types of episodes before I get to that one. My Criminal Background: Much like TV celebrities playing their deer in the headlights game that is much too embarrassing to tell anyone, I'm not sure the records and files that are whi spered in my ear while my next employer negotiates my wages are the official fil es used by police to force me into poverty. I do know, back in the 1970s, what a mounts to a group of businessmen with law enforcement ties, decided to defraud m e of my earnings potential. This scam works much like armed sheriff's deputies a nd their attack dogs pulling your car over in the middle of the night, and then subjecting you to a police double talk scam, which more or less states that you have no constitutional rights, as they imply some sort of painful retaliatory ac

tion if you refuse to consent to their pulling your car apart to look for drugs. Of course, in order to avoid legal prosecution for selling off valuably property they've found, while they were unable to find any drugs, the police are not onl y concealing their identities, but, in my case, have many times conducted this s trip search in the name of various dangerous people. For example, a black pimp w ho, according to the hooded police interrogator whispering in my ear, was using hypnosis to sell me on the gay market when I was a minor, and insists I owe him a great deal of money for the homosexual porn movies he and his pals made of me, which the hooded police interrogator whispering in my ear insists is going to b e made public in a very big way, should I become rich and famous. But first, the hooded police insist they have made a movie, involving the same t echnique employed to pose minors for the homosexual porn, mentioned above, that involves a professional rape victim who will be well rewarded for fingering me i n a public courtroom. Although the police have yet to arrest me and produce this evidence in court, for decades this so-called evidence has been the whispered l egal vehicle used to separate a fool and his money. The funny thing about the secret police knocking your feet out from under you, a nd forcing you to accept minimum wage while a hypnotist rummages through your di rty dreams, and then hypnotically forces dialog between you and his hidden surve illance equipment, while you're drinking a twelve pack of beer in front of your TV is, this secret police hypnotist covers his tracks by running a hypnotic 'Zip ped Lips Scam' somewhat resembling what happened to Dr. Simon Van Gelder in the 1960s Star Trek episode Dagger of the Mind. In case you are wondering, the majority of my drug use occurred before I was eig hteen. Being the government appears to be handing files kept on me to everyone b ut me, I can only imagine the government decided to end my so-called well docume nted drug use by whispering some sort of Clockwork Orange scam in my ear which c aused me to become a dependable, low paid employee by day, and by night an alcoh olic who gives away my plans to become independently wealthy, in between utterin g prepared statements designed to keep the police surveillance team, managing my means of supporting myself, in power. In 1996, I bought a computer, and decided to devote my full time to writing a bo ok about the copyright and patent theft ring I live under running, among other s cams, the conditioned alcoholic scam. Being self employment and alcohol don't mi x, I was forced to quit drinking alcohol by the late 1990s. Today, although I qu it drugs thirty years ago, I've been tobacco and alcohol free for well over twel ve years. Back to the Purpose of My Website: My website opens to my Product Videos page. I hope the grainy videos don't detract fro m the purpose of my videos. The purpose being, perhaps you know someone who wish es to fund my building an item in one of those videos while you or your friends document it. One example being, my million speed automotive transmission requires a couple hu ndred dollars in steel, a machine shop, and patents. From there we can document either selling our patents outright or building a mass production machine, and p erhaps even marketing the wide range of products this invention will enable. Of course, I've studied the C++ programming necessary to build a computer workst ation from which to match this transmission to any engine. Being I could never a fford to purchase the types of input/output toys that would allow me to build a plug and play test stand overnight, it would be very easy to compare me to someo ne who builds computerized engine component test stands for a living, and then c

all me a bumbling fool. On the other hand, I'm confident I could get the job don e in a reasonable amount of time. If you are an animator who is looking to hire short term help that possesses a c ertain skill set, these videos were built on the first Athlon processor line AMD made, using a free download animation program that doesn't possess any sort of CAD interface. I also had to use free compression utilities in order to decrease upload time from my low bandwidth home server. Of course, now that I better und erstand the free animation program, if I had the few hundred dollars for a new c omputer, and video card with the same Open GL API as my free animation program, I could remake these videos to look near photo-realistic. But then, my new setup would still be an awkward toy compared to the hardware and software five or ten thousand dollars could buy. Perhaps you know someone who is interested in producing a movie about my attempt ing to sell city power plants that will cut the fuel consumption bill of every c ity's electricity generator in half. We can start with the sheriff and FBI using state of the art mind control to turn me into a babbling fool whenever I attemp t to file criminal charges against the copyright and patent theft ring I live un der. Then we can move into the Sheriff and FBI being forced to cover up this con spiracy to commit fraud they've entered into by declaring me a mental incompeten t in court. Of course, the last step would involve my proving my invention actually works. B eing I'm accusing the sheriff and FBI of entering into a conspiracy in which one step is referred to as 'beating me over the head with a subliminal telephone bo ok' for the purpose of inflicting horrific psychological injuries that can't be photographed, blown up and displayed before a grand jury, and any resulting lega l actions, I'm sure the US Government would have absolutely no problem whatsoeve r granting me short term international patents while the sheriff and FBI use me as their prime witness to prove I'm the mentally unstable crackpot they claimed I was when they took legal action against me. For example, on Sunday, February 2, 2006, the Florida Polk County Sheriff locked me up for court ordered chemical treatment. On the following Wednesday, my larg e city power plant proposal was the only evidence entered against me in court. S pecifically, the county chemical dosage specialist read two lines off this busin ess proposal as the legal vehicle for placing me under another chemically induce d magic spell: __The chief of police made movies of himself drugging and raping me. If he has v ideo evidence that I've committed a crime, he needs to produce that evidence in court, and not play hooded vigilante directing traffic from the overpass with a sniper rifle games, based on that evidence. __When I am uncooperative, the copyright and patent theft ring I live under poke s and prods me with deadly weapons that can go off at any moment. On 5/5/2012, my subliminal Walmart stalker thought he could get me to undermine these above statements, off my business proposal, that were used as evidence aga inst me in court, by employing a couple of uncomfortable subliminal attacks that didn't involve a list of rather high level death threats. Of course, being the local sheriff and FBI insist any level of subliminal attack I experience is a me ntal construct generated by my schizophrenic mind, I should be able to legally m ilk the extensive list of hypnoticsubliminal attacks, I only think I've experien ced over the years, in my Studio Precinct TV series. For example, although I should be free to explore all aspects of mind control in what the sheriff and FBI can now only consider a fictional TV series, the attac ks I've experienced contain duration and severity, as well as a varying subject

matter as they relate to the pain centers of the brain which the programmer is a ttempting to stimulate. Oddly enough, before I very awkwardly went around tellin g several hundred newspapers that I'm an engineer of expensive products, living under a deadly copyright and patent theft ring, while I can't produce a good exa mple of my work because it will surely be stolen, my typical Walmart shopping da y consisted of several dozen subliminal attacks, while I only counted three, of differing shock values and lingering effects, during this last shopping trip. Perhaps a good visual description of a certain type of attack I could milk in a TV series would involve a recent video interview in which Ted Nugent, who pissed off the democratic party during an NRA event, was explaining his efforts to hel p dying children when he appeared to be attempting to talk over some sort of sub liminal blackmail routine that was pissing him off in a very big way. Of course, the news headlines described his video taped method, of dealing with what I per ceived as a subliminal attack, much differently than I saw it. Speaking of stalking methods the local sheriff and FBI insist can't possibly exi st, as they relate to my community deciding I'm one of those crazy people who sh ouldn't be allowed to live more than a hand to mouth existence, if that much. If I were paid a hundred billion dollars to cut In Half the fuel consumption bill of eve ry city power plant in the USA, the only sector of society who could possibly fe el any level of long term financial pinch would be the oil and coal companies. C onsequently, we have to figure out how I'm going to collect that hundred billion dollars by saving every US citizen one or more trillion hard earned dollars ove r the next few decades. Of course, my two hundred mile per gallon automobile engine is based on the same principle as my huge city electricity generators. The big questions are, how ar e we going to get the money to build a ten thousand engine per day manufacturing facility? How are we going to generate the momentum required to keep the oil co mpanies, with the trillion dollar bank roll, from making sure our comparatively small engine manufacturing business venture doesn't cut into their huge profits? 5/24/2012

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