As 1366.3-1992 Rigid Cellular Plastics Sheets For Thermal Insulation Rigid Cellular Polystyrene - Moulded (RC
As 1366.3-1992 Rigid Cellular Plastics Sheets For Thermal Insulation Rigid Cellular Polystyrene - Moulded (RC
As 1366.3-1992 Rigid Cellular Plastics Sheets For Thermal Insulation Rigid Cellular Polystyrene - Moulded (RC
Australian Standard
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Australian Standard
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Amdt 1—1993
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Rigid Cellular Plastics for Thermal
Insulation, under the direction of the Plastics Standards Board, to supersede AS 1366.3–1982.
AS 1366 has four parts, the other parts being:
Part 1: Rigid cellular polyurethane (RC/PUR)
Part 2: Rigid cellular polyisocyanurate (RC/PIR)
Part 4: Rigid cellular polystyrene—Extruded (RC/PS-E)
The products dealt with by this Standard are mainly intermediate products used as insulants, either by their
manufacturer or by another manufacturer, in the production of thermal insulation products, e.g. building
panels, cool store panels, insulation for bulk containers.
Density has been used over a number of years as a means of classifying cellular plastics. Because of
advances in technology, similar physical characteristics may be achieved by materials of different density;
for this reason the density of the material is not included in the list of specified physical properties.
Nominal densities of rigid cellular polystyrene are included in Appendix B for guidance purposes only.
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The subsequent processing of the sheets is the determining factor in the fire hazard associated with the use
of these materials, i.e. the potential for harm to life or property resulting from the occurrence of a fire. For
example, when used in buildings the cellular plastics may need to be faced with lining materials in order
to achieve adequate fire performance. Thus it is not relevant to include a fire performance test for the
materials specified in this Standard. The users of these materials should apply suitable fire performance
tests to these products in their finished form. Purchasers of products fabricated from these materials should
specify such tests in their purchasing agreements. For building structures and components, suitable tests
are described in AS 1530, Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures, Part 3:
Simultaneous determination of ignitability, flame propagation, heat release and smoke release, and Part 4:
Fire-resistance test of elements of building construction.
A combustion characteristics test has been included; however, it must be emphasized that a combustion
characteristics test gives no indication of the fire hazard associated with the use of the sheet, but is used
to compare relative combustion properties of the material. The test has been included to ensure a specified
minimum level of fire retardancy in the sheet.
Reference should be made to AS 2627, Thermal insulation of dwellings—Design guide, for installation of
thermal insulation in domestic dwellings and for guidance on correct placing of vapour barriers for
protection in situations where temperature differentials may occur. For industrial and commercial
applications, expert advice should be sought.
(RC/PS–M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
C EFFECTS OF AGEING ON THERMAL RESISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
AS 1366.3—1992 4
Australian Standard
Rigid cellular plastics sheets for thermal insulation
1 SCOPE This Standard specifies requirements for rigid cellular polystyrene in the form of sheets, board,
blocks and cut shapes for thermal insulation purposes.
These requirements are intended for use in quality control and material specification, and are not
necessarily applicable for end use design requirements.
1 Alternative methods for determining compliance with this Standard are given in Appendix A.
2 Guidance to purchasers on recommended applications and nominal densiti es for each class of ri gid cell ular polystyrene is given
in Appendix B.
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3 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions below apply.
3.1 Rigid cellular plastics sheet—a rectangular flat slab of cellular plastics material of definite uniform
3.2 Rigid cellular polystyrene—moulded (RC/PS—M)—sheet expanded from expandable polystyrene
beads, which is moulded to shape or cut from continuously or discontinuously produced blocks. In
Australia RC/PS—M is commonly known as expanded polystyrene (EPS).
3.3 Thermal resistance*—a measure of the thermal properties of building materials, measured in square
metre kelvin per watt m 2 .K/W.
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