Barclays TDM Presentation Revised Notes
Barclays TDM Presentation Revised Notes
Barclays TDM Presentation Revised Notes
Intro I ESDC: W are here t present the proposed draft Transportation Demand Management Plan for arena We h to t th d d ft T t ti D dM t Pl f opening, and begin a 30-day comment period. This presentation will be available on the ESDC website for your continued review Intro II FCRC: For 12 months, we have been learning, researching, and working with the key agencies that oversee public transportation and traffic. Stakeholders: NYCT, LIRR, DOT, ESDC, the Community, Elected Officials, Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets. th B kl N t Guiding principle is to develop the best possible plan for this site. We have examined the components listed in the FEIS, researched precedents, and gathered quantitative data which allowed us to focus on the development of a draft plan, based on the strengths of this particular location. The plan presented today is for your review and comment; it is based on the information we have gathered and the work we have done. We have refined the travel pattern assumptions of patrons based on extensive research and precedents at other similar venues. Once Barclays Center opens, we, along with the relevant agencies, will be monitoring conditions, assessing the plans effectiveness, and making adjustments as appropriate and necessary. During that period, there will be ongoing conversations and team work with the community agencies FCRC transportation community, agencies, FCRC, professionals, and arena operators to identify and discuss any transportation conditions that create issues in the community. The effectiveness of the plan in meeting specific FEIS goals will be evaluated in early 2013, after arena travel patterns have normalized. This will be carried out through fan travel surveys to establish modal splits, vehicle occupancies, parking locations, and other relevant metrics. In addition, an extensive traffic study will be conducted to establish the effect of arena-generated vehicles on area intersections.
The TDM plans primary focus is on transit and as such it will build on the substantial existing strengths that already exist at this location Therefore, it is important for everyone to be knowledgeable about what is here; it is the base of the TDM plan being presented There is broad local access and regional reach Easy access to all five boroughs, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey, and Connecticut
The Atlantic Avenue -Pacific Street Subway Station is one of the best served in NYC Eleven Subway lines: 2,3,4,5,B,Q,D,N,R will bring fans to the new entrance at the Atlantic Avenue-Barclays Center station on the arena block and the C and the G trains are a few blocks away For most subway riders, travel to the arena will be a one-seat ride There are direct connections to regional transportation hubs such as Penn Station, Grand Central Terminal, and the Port Authority Bus Terminal with travel times of about 20 minutes Easy access to NJ Transit rail and bus, Amtrak, and Metro-North service
Long Island Rail Road at Atlantic Terminal is directly across the street from the arena Service to/from Jamaica (a ~20 minute ride) connecting to all LIRR lines, except Port Washington, connecting fans from Nassau and Suffolk counties, as well as other parts of Queens and Brooklyn, to the arena
Eleven bus routes serve this location: B25, B26, B38, B41, B45, B52, B63, B65, B67, B69 and B103 These routes serve local trips as well as certain Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods that do not have direct subway access
Market research: In early 2012, a statistically reliable survey on the travel intent of likely Barclays Center patrons was conducted (for Nets game and other types of events) Results showed that educating patrons about transit and travel choices can significantly affect their decisions about how to get to the arena After being presented with existing transportation options, there was an overall shift of +9% to transit, which is equivalent to an almost 20% increase in the number of patrons selecting transit
FEIS set goal of lowering the auto mode share to an average of 28.3% on weekdays and 32% on weekends for Nets game patrons After sharing information about existing travel choices, the auto mode share for likely Nets game attendees is projected at an average of 26.8% on weekdays and 33.0% on weekends Data affirms TDM best practice that informing patrons of abundant and convenient transit available is a critical tool in affecting travel choice
BarclaysCenterhasalready started introducingthearenatotheregionwitharena announcementsandads EverymarketingpieceputoutbyBarclaysCenterincludesthetransitmessageand discouragesdriving. Arenatransportationwebpageandothersocialmediapromotetransitand discourage driving InSeptember,countdowntoarenaopening In September, countdown to arena opening launches Promotionalblitz30daysbeforeopening Heavypushfortransituseinallarenapromotions news,print media,TV,radio Openingofnewtransitentrance majorevent RenamingsubwaycomplextoAtlanticAvenueBarclaysCenter allnew signage,maps
Attheoutsetthefollowingserviceenhancementsareproposedinthepostevent period: AdditionalManhattanbound4trains AdditionalManhattanboundQtrains AdditionalConeyIslandboundQtrains Thisadditionalservicewillbeprovidedbyusinggaptrains,whereemptytrainswould bestoredonunusedportionsoftracknearthesubwaystationandwillbecalledinto serviceaseventsend. Arena andNYCTwillmaintaincommunicationsbeforeandduringeventstocoordinate serviceplans NYCTwillobserveandevaluateserviceneedsafterthearenaopensandmake adjustments, if necessary
Basedonanalysisexistingbusserviceappearstobeadequatetomaintainservicelevels forexistingridershipandtoservearenapatrons However,whenthearenaopens,NYCTwillprovidesomeextrabusesintheareatobe surethatservicewillbemaintainedforregularriders Arena andNYCTwillmaintaincommunicationsbeforeandduringeventstocoordinate serviceplans NYCTwillobserveandevaluateserviceneedsafterthearenaopensandmake NYCT will observe and evaluate service needs after the arena opens and make adjustments, if necessary
Arena and LIRR will maintain communications before and during events to coordinate andLIRRwillmaintaincommunicationsbeforeandduringeventstocoordinate serviceplans LIRRwillobserveandevaluateserviceneedsafterthearenaopensandmake adjustments, ifnecessary
Driverswillbeprovidedwithroutestoparkingfacilitiesthatminimizetravelinthrough residentialstreets SoftwareintegratedwithBarclayswebsite Drivers see list/choice of participating garages and prices Driversseelist/choiceofparticipatinggaragesandprices Mapsanddrivingdirectionsprovidedtoreducecirculationandroutedrivers
Analysisforreducingonsiteparkinglookedatgarageswithinahalfmileradius(walking distance) Updatedoffstreetparkingcapacitiesandutilization Updatedarenaparkingdemand Assessedpotentialeffectsonpregame,peakhourtrafficconditions Assessedpotentialeffectsonpregame,peakhourpedestrianconditions Findings Sufficientspacesavailableinoffstreetfacilitiesneararenatoaccommodatethe carsshiftedfromonsite Nodetrimenttotrafficconditionsexpectedatmajorityofintersections Certainlocationstobemonitoredduringinitialeventstoevaluateconditions No detriment to pedestrian operations expected Nodetrimenttopedestrianoperationsexpected
ConsolidatedFEISremoteparkingrequirements(StatenIslandandBrooklyn) intoone programthatserveseveryone Parkingpriceishalfthemarketratenearthearena Freeshuttlebusesto/fromarenaand Shortandconvenientshuttlerouteconnectingfromremoteparkingtothearena MainrouteisonAtlanticAvenue,anarterialwellseveredbymasstransitwhich providesparkersoptionsnottobedependantonashuttlebustogetbacktotheircar provides parkers options not to be dependant on a shuttle bus to get back to their car Currentlyworkingwiththeproposedshuttleoperator,arenaoperations,thegarages andDOTandNYCTtoestablishroute,stops,andcoordinateoperations
Designed by SHoP Architects to provide a neighborhood amenity as well as an arena TDM measure Located in landscaped plaza area at SE corner of Dean and 6th Avenue on arena block 400 parking spaces Secured during Nets games and other large events Open for public use at all times
Signage on the arena block will direct visitors to building and transit entrances
Engage with Downtown Brooklyn Partnership to identify and update off-site wayfinding signage locations
Working with DOT on appropriate vehicular wayfinding signage to direct vehicles to Tillary Street (Flatbush Avenue) and Atlantic Avenue exits from BQE Identify locations for any other signage on arterials
Event-specific planning with all transportation and security agencies to identify roles and needs for managing traffic and pedestrian access and flow in the community Coordination of Arena operations, Paid Detail, TEAs, security management inside and outside the arena with all agencies Real time communication before, during and after events