Manoj Sharma - UM

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Mr. Manoj Sharma 210/9, Kayurthan Mohala, Rohtak - 124001 Contact No.

9416560974 / 8901388424 10 May 2012 HR/VM/167 Dear Sir, Offer Letter: Unit Manager With reference to your recent interview with us, we are pleased to offer you the position of Unit Manager in Grade M8 Level L2. You will be on probation for a period of six months. Your confirmation in the service of the Company will be subject to your successfully completing your probation. 2. Your compensation on Cost to Company basis will be as per details enclosed. 3. Your initial posting will be in Zone 1, Region (North 1) - Rohtak. However, the company reserves the right to utilise your services at any other place within or outside the country. 4. This is a provisional offer. Your formal appointment and the issuance of the final Letter of Appointment is subject to the following conditions: i. Actual production of Relieving letter or acceptance of resignation letter from your current employer

ii. Actual production of original documents and certificates regarding educational qualifications, work experience, remuneration, identity and references, detailed in application form. Please refer to the annexure for the complete list of testimonials. iii. Certification of medical fitness by our Authorised Medical Practitioner. 5. Please report at the earliest for medical examination to the Companys authorised medical practitioner, details of which are enclosed herewith. 6. For clarifications, please feel free to contact Ms. Vanessa Mattos at 022 61910 430 or e-mail at [email protected]

7. Please acknowledge receipt of this offer by returning the duplicate copy to the official referred in the annexure, within 7 days from the date of this letter, duly signed and stating your date of joining which should not be later than 21 May 2012. 8. In case of your resignation or termination from the services of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd for any reasons whatsoever, the admissibility or otherwise of payment of incentive and the quantum of such incentive to be paid shall be at the sole discretion of the Management and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. 9. The normal age of superannuation shall be 60 years. Yours faithfully,

Suman Singh Deputy Manager - Human Resources

Mr. Manoj Sharma 210/9, Kayurthan Mohala, Rohtak - 124001 Contact No. 9416560974 / 8901388424 4 May 2012 HR/VM/167 Dear Sir, Offer Letter: Unit Manager With reference to your recent interview with us, we are pleased to offer you the position of Unit Manager in Grade M8 Level L2. You will be on probation for a period of six months. Your confirmation in the service of the Company will be subject to your successfully completing your probation. 2. Your compensation on Cost to Company basis will be as per details enclosed. 3. Your initial posting will be in Zone 1, Region (North 1) - Rohtak. However, the company reserves the right to utilise your services at any other place within or outside the country. 4. This is a provisional offer. Your formal appointment and the issuance of the final Letter of Appointment is subject to the following conditions: i. Actual production of Relieving letter or acceptance of resignation letter from your current employer

ii. Actual production of original documents and certificates regarding educational qualifications, work experience, remuneration, identity and references, detailed in application form. Please refer to the annexure for the complete list of testimonials. iii. Certification of medical fitness by our Authorised Medical Practitioner. 5. Please report at the earliest for medical examination to the Companys authorised medical practitioner, details of which are enclosed herewith. 6. For clarifications, please feel free to contact Ms. Vanessa Mattos at 022 61910 430 or e-mail at [email protected]

7. Please acknowledge receipt of this offer by returning this duplicate copy to the official referred in the annexure, within 7 days from the date of this letter, duly signed and stating your date of joining which should not be later than 21 May 2012. 8. In case of your resignation or termination from the services of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd for any reasons whatsoever, the admissibility or otherwise of payment of incentive and the quantum of such incentive to be paid shall be at the sole discretion of the Management and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. 9. The normal age of superannuation shall be 60 years. Yours faithfully,

Suman Singh Deputy Manager - Human Resources

I, Manoj Sharma, have read the above terms and conditions and hereby accept the offer. Expected Date of Joining: Signature:


4 May 2012

HR/VM/167 Pre Medical Check Up Dear Sir / Madam, Mr. Manoj Sharma has been selected by us for appointment as Unit Manager in our Company. Kindly conduct the various tests as prescribed by us for the Pre Employment Medical Check Up. Please do not charge the candidate for his/her medical check up since the same will be reimbursed by E Meditek to you. Yours faithfully,

Suman Singh Deputy Manager - Human Resources SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Natraj 4th Floor M. V. Road & Western Express Highway Junction Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400069

Mr.Manoj Sharma 210/9, Kayurthan Mohala, Rohtak - 124001 Contact No. 9416560974 / 8901388424 4 May 2012 HR/VM/167 Dear Sir, Medical Examination We have made arrangements with for conducting your pre employment medical examination. You may contact him / her at the following address:


We have enclosed a letter addressed to which may be handed over to him / her at the time of the medical examination. Yours faithfully,

Suman Singh Deputy Manager - Human Resources SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Natraj 4th Floor M. V. Road & Western Express Highway Junction Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400069

PERSONAL STATEMENT OF THE CANDIDATE TO BE FILLED BY THE CANDIDATE BEFORE PRESENTING THE FORM TO THE MEDICAL OFFICER 1 Name in Full 2 Designation 3 Address 4 Date of Birth 5 Married / Single 6 Personal History : : : : : :

A History of Bleeding Gastro-Intestinal Tract, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers, Appendicitis, Internal Piles, Fistula, Thyroid, Jaundice etc. Give details:

B History of Asthama, Tuberculosis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurosy, breathlessness, etc. Give details:

C History of Palpitation, Fainting spells, pain in chest, breathlessness on exertion, Cyanosis, Rheumatic fever with joint pains, swelling on legs/face etc. Give details:

D History of Bleeding Urinary Tract, painful Urination, passing of stones or gravel in urine: Give details:

History of Fits, Paralysis, Neurasthenia, Nervous breakdown etc. Give details:

History of leprosy, extensive generalised allergic dermatitis, Leucoderms, Venereal Disease etc. Give Details :

G Have you suffered from defects in hearing or eye sight? Give details?

H Details of Serious illness/injuries sustained by accident or otherwise. Give details :

Details of Surgical operations undergone:

Is there any item in your medical history which you have not already mentioned?

FAMILY HISTORY : i. Heart Disease & Hypertension : ii. Tuberculosis : iii. Kidney Disease : iv. Cancer : v. Any other serious ailment : iv. History of disease of Uterus Cervix, Ovaries or Breast :

8. FOR FEMALE CANDIDATES ONLY: i. menstrual History : Regular / Blood History : ii. date of L.M.P. : iii. Any evidence of pregnancy

I hereby declare that the above statements are correct to the best of my knowledge and that any incorrect / suppressed information will render me liable for termination of my service in the Company. Date : Place Signature The Candidate SIGNED IN MY PRESENCE Signature of the Medical Examiner


1. General Development

Best Weight. Any recent change in weight : Temperature : Girth of Chest : (i) After Full inspiration (ii) After Full expiration 2. SKIN 3. EYES : :

Good . Fair. Poor.. Fair. Average Obese When . . .

Any obvious disease (a) whether the vision is Normal : Yes / No If not, is it capable of being corrected to 6/6 with glasses? : Yes / No (b) If the candidate has referred to an Eye Surgeon, what are the Surgeons observations in respect of the following : 1. Any disease 2. Night Blindness 3. Defect in colour vision 4. Field Vision 5. Visual Acuity 6. Fundi examination With Glasses: .. STRENGTH OF 01 ISSOS Naked eyes: Sph. Cy. Axis ..

Acuity of vision Distant Vision R.E.: L.E.: Hypermetropia (Menifest) R.E.: L.E.: 4. EARS : Hearing :

.. Inspection:

Right Ear: . Left Ear : 5. GLANDS : THYROID ____________ 6. CONDITIONS OF TEETH: Inspection: 7. Does physical examination reveal any thing abnormal in the respiratory organs? If yes, explain fully: .

8. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM : a. Heart Any Organic Lesions ? b. Blood Pressure : Systolic _____________________ Diastolic ______________________ 9. Abdomen : Girth _____________________ Tenderness _________________ Hernia _____________________________________________________ a. Kidneys _________________________Spleen ____________________ Tumors ___________________________________________________ b. Haemorrhoids ______________________ Fistula __________________ 10. NERVOUS SYSTEM : Indication of nervous or mental disabilities __________ 11. LOCO-MOTOR SYSTEM : Any abnormality ___________________________ 12. URINARY SYSTEM : Any evidence or Hydrocoele, Variccecele etc._________ URINE ANALYSIS - I: a. Physical appearance b. Sp. Gr. c. Albumin d. Sugar e. Casts f. Cells For Female candidates only: Report for -HCG Test (for pregnancy):___________________________________ (Note : In case of a female candidate, if it is found that she is pregnant, she should be declared temporarily unfit) 13. REPORT OF X-RAY EXAMINATION OF CHEST :______________________ 14. REPORT OF THE BLOOD EXAMINATION :___________________________ 15. Is there any thing in the health of the Candidate likely to render him/her unfit for the efficient discharge of his/her duties in the service for which he/she is a candidate?__ 16. The Medical Examiner should record the findings under one of the following categories : 1. FIT 2. UNFIT on account on account of PLACE: _____________ DATE: ___________ Signature of the Medical Examiner ( ) Name:


Salary Sheet
Name Designation Location Manoj Sharma Unit Manager Rohtak

Salary Component Basic Salary House Rent Allowance Conveyance Special Allowance Total Monthly Salary (A) Reimbursements Medical Total Reimbursement (B) Retiral Benefits PF

Amt per month (Rs) 7000 3500 800 3774 15074

Amt per annum (Rs) 84000 42000 9600 45282 180882

40% of Fixed Compensation 50% of Basic Salary

1250 1250 840

15000 15000 10080

Medical reimbursement will be on subject to production of valid receipts




Company's contribution to PF @ 12% of Basic Salary You will be entitled to gratuity as per the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 after completion of five years of service with the Company.

Total Retiral (C) Total CTC (A+B+C) Mobile & Conveyance

1177 17501 3,500

14118 210000 42000 Reimbursement, subject to proper approval

In addition, you are entitled for the following: -Mediclaim Coverage for spouse and two children upto ceiling of Rs 2 Lakh - p.a. Parents/ In Laws can be covered by paying nominal annual charges. (In case of Maternity Coverage the claim is covered up to Rs 50,000/-) Group Life Insurance coverage of Rs 15 lakh. *Frontline Sales Staff in Retail Agency Channel in UM to Sr. DSM grade will be entitled for performance based Sales incentive as per the Company Policy. ** All others in grade M9 and above, who are not covered under Sales incentive policy will be entitled for performance based Variable Pay Plan as per the Company Policy. Kindly note that Remuneration is a contract between you and the company and should be treated as strictly confidential. **********


The details of the official in-charge of youre joining formalities with necessary documents and testimonials required when you report to join SBI Life are given below. Please contact the concerned official with prior appointment for necessary advices and scrutiny of your documents: Name: Vivek Pandey (Divisional Sales Manager) Address: SBI LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD., 1ST FLOOR, SCF 13, HUDA COMMERCIAL COMPLEX, ROHTAK, HARYANA - 124001 Contact No: 8930334433 List of documents: Please bear the following documents (original & 2 set of photocopies each) when you join SBI Life Insurance: A. Education Qualifications: 1. SSC Mark sheet 2. HSC Mark sheet 3. Graduation Mark sheet & Certificate (Mandatory) 4. Post Graduation Mark sheet & Certificate (If Any) (Mandatory) 5. Any Other Additional Qualifications Certificate & Mark-sheet detailed during application B. Work Experience Letters From Previous Two Employers (Mandatory) as follows 1. Copy of Relieving letter or Resignation acceptance letter 2. Appointment letter / Offer letter, Experience letter, Employee no., Reporting Persons Name & Contact nos. 3. NOC from prior Organisation in case of Insurance Advisors. C. Proof of Birth Identity & Address PAN Card (Mandatory) Passport / Driving License / or any other appropriate document issued by competent authority D. Three Passport size colour photographs (Mandatory) * Your Employee no. will be created by Human Resources on the day you report to work. * Once you join us, immediately open an Account with State Bank of India and advice your A/c No. to HR at the earliest.

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