Project Plan

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University of Greenwich

Portal Project

Planning Document

Clifton Kandler Portal Project Manager

[email protected] Tel: 020 8331 8399

Version 1. 10/03/06


Overview of Project
1. 2. 3. Background Aims and objectives Overall approach 3.1 Project Methodology
3.1.1 Assess 3.1.2 Plan 3.1.3 Implement 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4

4 5 5
5 5 6 6 7 7

Challenges to be addressed Mitigation of challenges Project scope Critical success factors

8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 14 16 16 16 17 17 18 18


Project outputs 4.1 Deliverables 4.2 Documentation 4.3 Knowledge & experience Project outcomes Stakeholder anlaysis Risk analysis Project Partners Project Management 9.1 Project Steering Committee 9.2 Project Management Group 9.3 Project Manager 9.4 Technical Project Lead 9.5 SubProject Team Members

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Funding Timeline Evaluation Quality Assurance Communications Plan Legal issues

20 20 21 21 22 24

Appendix 1.

Timeline & key


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Many of the factors that have lead to development of this project are shared with institutions across the Higher Education sector nationally and internationally. These include:

Increasing complexity of, and the proliferation of web based services provided to university stake holders;

Demand from students and staff for better service. A portal enables a customer centred (stakeholder) provision of university services. 24/7 access to information and services;

The need to simplify and improve access to information within universities. It is highly probable that like other institutions the content delivered by the web has or will shortly exceed that delivered by other media. Renewals of books online for example now exceed those renewed over the counter at the university.

A desire as per the banking sector to reduce administration costs and increase efficiency by enabling students and staff to for example to manage their own contact details, apply and register online.

Create learning communities by providing integrated means of communication and study.

The commitment to the development of a university wide portal was formally made in the 20022003 to 20052006 Learning & Teaching Strategy (Revised). The information strategy for the period 2002 2005 further concluded that the University needs to be able to create an infrastructure that provides a common interface for the user, but allows creativity and diversity for the developers of courseware and services. The development of a portal thus enables the university to meet one of its 2001 2005 information strategy objectives which is the establishment of a strong and consistent infrastructure while allowing for the diversity demanded by disciplines and markets,

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supports the approach of the Learning and Teaching strategy and specifically the blended learning approach.

The ultimate aim of this project is to enable an environment at the University of Greenwich which allows individuals, groups and systems to interact seamlessly for learning teaching and administration.

Identification and prioritisation of user requirements. Develop content that meets the requirements identified by users. To consider and identify how existing services can be integrated in to the portal. Develop and implement a portal. Develop and implement a training programme that ensures successful implementation of a portal.

Develop campuswide policies regarding the use of the portal and its associated technologies.

3.OverallApproach 3.1Projectmethodology
The methodology adopted by the project is that suggested by the vendors of the platform that has been chosen as the basis for the portal Sungard SCT Higher education. This consists of three critical phases named assess, plan and implement.

3.1.1 Assess Organizational Information Gathering

During this phase stakeholders are consulted to identify critical success factors for the implementation of the portal. Basic education on the aims of the project is provided to stake holders. Project team members meet to discuss findings and finalise implementation objectives.

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3.1.2. Plan Technology Planning

The Technology Planning activity is designed to frame the prioritized technical architecture requirements and plans against existing IT systems, technical goals, and priorities. Through analysis of user requirements, existing and future technology requirements, and integration options offered by the Luminis Platform, the technical stakeholders are better able to reach consensus on phased functionality and identify viable options for fulfilling their requirements. This information can then be used by institution IT leaders to build a framework for planning the implementation.

Portal Content Planning

The Portal Content Planning activity builds a content plan for the Luminis Platform. This activity identifies critical policies and processes, portal content and its owners and encompasses the design development necessary to customize the site. SunGard SCT Consultants will help The University of Greenwich create, validate, and prioritize the content plan that will serve as their roadmap for content customization and publication.

Portal Organizational Planning During the Organizational Planning session a plan that incorporates training, communication and change management strategies to support the Luminis Platform Implementation will be developed.

3.1.3 Implement Installation Given implementation requires a rigorous installation process involving a number of complex software components, SunGard SCT Consultants will perform the installation, validate its core components, and certify it for the testing phase. At a later time, the SunGard SCT Technical Consultant will install the production system and assist Greenwich in migrating test data into the production system to prepare for launch. For each installation, a SunGard SCT Technical Consultant will guide the institutions technical staff through all the critical tasks of the SunGard SCT Luminis Installation Plan in preparation for certification of the system.

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Luminis Portal Content Administration Training

Administrator training is intended to familiarise individuals who will be working with content in the Luminis platform with the tools and techniques they need to use, as well as the issues and choices involved in deciding which tool and/or technique is most appropriate for a given piece of content.

Obtaining buyin within the University for the project. Suspicion of another information technology initiative being implemented within the University. Conflict with existing systems and noninstitutional level portal developments. These stovepipes (areas where information is deposited but is extremely difficult to extract) may detract from the benefit of an institutional portal by continuing to provide inconsistent user interfaces, navigation and hindering the resolution of conflicts between different systems. Portal developments at other institutions have exposed flawed process which have required institution wide reexaminations Fear of centralisation project should be viewed as about coordination as opposed to facilitating good management.

3.3 MitigationofChallenges
The literature suggests that meeting the above challenges is largely a function of securing support from all the relevant stakeholders and in particular from the institutions senior management.

To this end the Project Implementation group is drawn from as wide a base as possible within the university. The Project manger in particular has been chosen from a non technical and academic background to try to ensure that a more user centric approach is adopted to the design, development and implementation of the project. All stake holders will be provided with

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a number of opportunities to communicate their requirements and concerns about the project via online an online survey, focus groups, meetings with staff from schools and central departments along with the project website. It is also clear that given the central role that the portal will play, that its development should be closely linked if not directed by the universities long term objectives and the strategies to achieve those objectives.

The project will be concerned with:

The requirements of students and other stakeholders where these overlap with those of students.

The requirements of those currently defined as having a right to access university services. The requirements of prospective students and alumini are not within the scope of the project.

Integration of university and school based web systems. Web based services originating outside of the university and not subscribed to centrally are not within the scope of this project.

The delivery of services and information via channels using the portal along with the look and feel of this information. Content and management of school and university web pages are only within the scope of this project as far as they affect the delivery of information and services via portal channels.

The introduction of a university wide electronic calendar for use by students and staff Integration of university email system for students and staff Establishment of groupware via the portal for academic, research, administrative and social use of students.

3.5 Critical success factors.

To be considered a success the project needs to develop a portal that:

provides services and information which supports staff and students in their daily activities.

integrates school based developments.

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Significantly reduces the need for multiple login to university web based systems (single sign on where possible)

is easy to use is easily accessed is responsive is credible is reliable

4.1 Deliverables The following will be delivered by the project:

Single Sign on to key web based services. Single point of entry to web based services. 24 hour access to web based services. Access to university wide electronic calendar system. Web space for groups to use for academic administrative and social purposes. Tools to enable improved targeting of information. Ability for users to tailor the environment to meet their specific needs. Face to face, paper and web based training materials to support implementation of the portal.

4.2 Documentation The following documentation will be produced during the period of this project:

Project briefing document Project plan Project website Minutes of management and steering committee meetings Analysis of user requirements Project plan

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Training plan Post project review document

4.3 Knowledge and experience The team involved in the development and implementation of this project will gain knowledge and experience of the issues required for a successful implementation of institution wide portals. The institution wide nature of the project will also mean colleagues from different areas of the university will be required to collaborate and so will gain knowledge and understanding of the challenges faced by areas of the university they may not previously encountered. The institution will also gain insight into the factors that are important in achieving the development and implementation of institution wide projects.

Methods of communication among and between students, faculty and staff will be enhanced through the proposed portals targeted announcement functionality.

Access to Banner, WebCT, Library, email and school based systems will be incorporated into the portal, and become more efficient.

Group Studio functionality will improve the ability for students and staff organisations to share information and so improve the opportunities for collaboration within and outside of the institution.

The calendar system will enable the time management aspects of personal development planning to take be more effectively implemented.

A rich assortment of navigational and informational channels will be made available to staff and students.



Stakeholder Compelling Aspects/Benefits Single signon. Improved access to services Concerns Email inbox limits Ways to increase participation Ensure students are registered and so have access to university systems Participation Strategy New students from Sept 06 to be introduced to university systems via portal. Online and paper based information for continuing students. Information re portal to be sent with registration information for continuing students? Notes A number of issues raised by students e.g. online access to course materials and staff availability not within remit of project

Undergraduate students


Single signon. Improved access to services

Improved training in use of university of systems

New students from Sept 06 to be introduced to university systems via portal. Online and paper based information for continuing students

International students

Single signon. Improved access to services

Improved training in use of university of systems

New students from Sept 06 to be introduced to university systems via portal. Online and paper based information for continuing students

Online access to services viewed as particularly important


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Noncampus students

Single signon. Improved access to services

Access to university systems

Training for partner institution students and staff

Key contact at partner institutions need to be identified. He Coordinators?

Academic staff

Single signon. Improved access to services.Potential for improved communication acrossinstitution.

Ease of use. Training.Diffic ulties with underlyingsyst ems. E.g. Banner and search.

Orientation to the system prior to introduction coupled with continuing access to supportand training.

Online and paper based training materials to be prepared in addition to scheduled and demand led training. Key contact in schools/dept required.

Training generally highlighted as an institutional weakness


Single signon. Improved access to services.

Improved training in use of university of systems

Online and paper based training materials to be prepared in addition to scheduled and demand led training. Key contact in Schools/dept required.


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Single signon. Improved access to services. Potential for improved communication across institution.

Ability of portal to incorporate school based systems and indicatives Resource implication of school based support for portal

Member of staff from schools affected have been identified and are working as part of project team to ensure school based systems are accessible via portal. Benefits of proposed changes need to be highlighted and details of resource required provided.

Continuing participation by schools affected.

Engage schools in dialogue

Partner colleges

Single signon. Improved access to services

Access to university systems

Training for partner institutions students and staff

Key contact at partner institutions need to be identified. He Coordinators?

Students Union

Single signon. Potential for improved communication with students. Web space for student groups.

University policy re SU communicatio n with students via university systems.

SU needs to clarify its requirements and agree way forward with university.

To be determined once SU position clarified


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Risk Type of Risk Probability (15) Organisational/Financial/Technical /External/Legal/staffing Prior to action Post action Insufficient support from stakeholders 3 Organisational 1 Insufficient resources to meet project aims Mismatch between different stakeholder requirements Key members of staff Leave during project 2 Financial 4 1 3 Organisational 2 3 Staffing 2 Project fails to properly address technical issues 2 Technical 1 4 4 2 4 3 6 Identification of individual stakeholder group requirements. See Stakeholder analysis Requirements of project to be well documented and reduce reliance on tacit knowledge Internal technical team to be supported by external technical expert from SCT 4 4 4 Identification of stakeholders requirements and continued communication of project progress (15) (P X S) Severity Score Action to Prevent Manage Risk


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Project fails to address organisational issues raised by project Failure of external suppliers to fulfil contract Functionality of portal fails to meet user requirements Time scale slip

3 Organisational 2 1 External 1 3 Organisational 2 Organisational 1 1 3 3 3 3 6 5 5 3 6

Membership of steering committee consists of members with ability to address these issues at a sufficiently high level Supplier chosen has excellent record of meeting commitments Identification of stakeholders requirements and user testing used minimise risk Clear project time frame put in place Scope of project to be defined by steering committee, documented and used as a guide to project development Communication with heads of schools/ directors of finance to clearly identify benefits and resource implications

Scope creep of project Organisational 2 4 Staffing/Organisational 3 3 9 3 6

Failure to identify portal coordinators within schools/Depts



The principal project partner is Sungard SCT Higher Education. The personnel from that organisation working along side the inhouse project team are:

Sungard SCT Account Manager Sarah Thompson Luminis organizational Consultant Donald F. Dement Luminis Technical Consultant David Spencer

9.1 Project Steering Committee Remit Project sponsorship, overall guidance, monitoring and receiving reports Liz Bacon Head of School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences Paul Butler Head of Corporate Information Systems Maureen Castens Director of Information and Library Services Farrah Chandia President Students Union Les Johnson Director of Business School Clifton Kandler Project Manager Margaret Noble Pro Vice Chancellor (Teaching learning) Chair Bethan ONiel Director of` LEAP Christine Rose Director of Student Affairs Alison Woods Head of Marketing and Recreation


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9.2 Project Management group Remit To provide functional expertise and direct management of project.

Paul Butler Head of Corporate Information Systems Clifton Kandler Project Manager Veronica Hapgood Director of Learning and Quality School of Health and Social care

Ann Murphy Head of Library Dave Mutti Banner team Alison Woods Head of Marketing and Recreation

9.3 Project Manager Remit Detailed project planning and control including: Developing and maintaining a detailed project plan. Managing project deliverables in line with the project plan. Recording and managing project issues and escalating where necessary. Resolving crossfunctional issues at project level. Managing project scope and change control and escalating issues where necessary. Monitoring project progress and performance. Providing status reports to the project sponsor. Liaison with, and updates progress to, project steering Committee. Managing project evaluation and dissemination activities. Managing consultancy input Working closely with users to ensure the project meets needs. Definition and management of the User Acceptance Testing programme. Identifying user training needs and devising and managing user training programme

Clifton Kandler Principal Lecturer


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9.4 Technical Project Lead Remit Technical strategy, policy and procedure.

Paul Butler Head of Corporate Information Systems

9.5 Sub Project Team Members Remit Provide functional expertise in an administrative or technical process Infrastructure LDAP environment development and data base set up. The acquisition of required hardware e.g. servers. Integration of the portal with existing infrastructure. Installation storage and back up.

Team Rob Thackary CIS Paul Melia CIS Robert Rainthorpe ICT Richard Horner ICT

Single Signon Identification of issues and solutions to do with single signon via portal to university systems including those within schools.

Team Ray Stoneham CMS Richard Horner ICT

Integration of School and Corporate Systems To investigate and identify solutions to integration of legacy systems with portal


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Team Ray Stoneham CMS Mike Sharp Engineering Trudi Knight CIS Gary Culwick PCET Mathew Khoe Business Hari Virdee ICT Liam Clancy CMS

Content design and layout Identify different roles and required content along with look and feel of portal. Team to be divided to work on different tabs. ILS for example to take overall responsibility for library tab.

Team Ian Gray ILS Yemi Bello ICT David Wells Student Affairs (SA) David Watson A&C Annette Devine Student affairs Jamie Cameron SA Jason Knight SA Steve Harris SA Adil Alev Humanities Gauti Siggthorsson Humanities Tim Cullen ILS Sarndeep Kandola Bus Jo Cullinane Bus

Group/Courseware Identify issues and policy to do with use of group/courseware tools. This to include integration with WebCT and targeted announcements?

Team Pat Harvey Science Jo Cullinane Bus


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Kathy Sullivan H&S Trudi Knight ICT Stuart Allan A&C

Kathy Sullivan Health and Social Care

Communication/Training/Research To include focus groups/ user testing and online research.

Personnel OSCARS Schools

120,000 pounds has been allocated to the project from the funds provided to the university by HEFCE as a result of the failure of the UKEU. In addition 40,000 has been allocated to ensure that systems developed within schools which currently do not integrate with institutional systems can been adapted to do so.

DetailedProjectPlanning 11.Timeline
See appendix one 11.1 Key Dates February 6th 2006 March 27th 2006 April 24th June 5th Technical planning workshop Content planning workshops Content administration Training Production Readiness Review


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Timing November 2006 Factor to Evaluate Project Questions to Address Did project meet its objectives Method(s) Peer review/interview Measure of Success Project meets its objectives as stated in project plan Project meets its objectives as stated in project plan Stated user needs that project would meet by Sept 06 are met.

November 2006


What lessons have we learned?

Peer review/interview

November 2006

Users perceptions

November 2006 November 2006


Organisational impact

Does it meet your needs? How can it be improved? Is support provided effective? Who is using the portal when and how? What impact has the project had?

Focus groups Online feedback via comment facility

Usage logs To be defined Peer review/interview Portal viewed as adding value by stakeholders

Timing Throughout Throughout Compliance with Accessibility legislation Fitness for purpose QA Methods(s) Automated and user testing C D & E above and user testing Evidence of Compliance Pass test Acceptable to user Acceptable to user




Target Group

Purpose of Communication Provide major means of project communication Introduce project identify concerns Introduce project identify concerns Introduce project identify concerns Introduce project identify concerns Introduce project project site and survey Introduce project site and survey Reminder re survey Provide overview of project

Awareness, Understanding, Commitment, Action? Awareness, Understanding, Commitment, Action?



(Estimated) Timeframe


Project website


OCT 2005/Sept 2006 Reception to project generally favourable. Head Pharmacy still to be seen.

All Staff and Students Heads of schools




Oct/Nov 2005

Heads of central depts SU Partnership Colleges

Awareness Awareness Awareness Awareness/Action

meeting/email F2F meeting/email Presentation Email/ Greenwich line Article


Oct/Nov 2005 Oct/Nov 2005 Nov05

All Staff and Students


Dec05 Magazine not yet published Survey closes 31 Jan Importance of funding beyond

Awareness/Action Cutty Sark Action Understanding/ Awareness/Action Email Presentation ACK ACK ACK Jan06 Jan Jan

Students All Staff and Students University Executive


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project Introduce project identify concerns Introduce project identify concerns Announce results of survey and winner of competition Announce competition to name portal Provide preview of portal look and feel Provide preview of portal look and feel Provide preview of portal look and feel Provide details of how to login content and where to get support

DLQ.s School Boards

Understanding Understanding

Presentation Presentation


Dec05 Feb06

All Staff and Students


Greenwich line Greenwich line/Email



Competition closes May 15th

All Staff and Students




School Boards


Meeting Greenwich line/Email


May/June 06

All Staff and Students



May/June 06

Partnership Colleges




May/June 06

All Staff and Students







The portal will be required to meet the requirements of the following legislation:

Disability Discrimination Act 1995, SENDA (Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001), Data Protection Act 1998 Freedom of Information Act 2000


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Time Line key Assessment phase Planning phase Implementation phase


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