An Analysis of Recent Education Reforms and The Resulting Impact On Student Privacy
An Analysis of Recent Education Reforms and The Resulting Impact On Student Privacy
An Analysis of Recent Education Reforms and The Resulting Impact On Student Privacy
By Jenni White With contributions from: Lynn Habluetzel, Danna Foreman, Julia Seay and Jo Joyce
INTRODUCTION Since the first Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was brought to bear on the American public by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, federal control of education has become more the rule than the exception. Throughout subsequent years, each President has taken the ESEA (White), molded it, renamed it and allowed an essentially unconstitutional federal agency (the Department of Education) to collect money from the states and return it through educational grants that further the education philosophy of that administration. Bill Clintons reauthorization of the ESEA, Goals 2000 (Schlafly), contained a concept called Adequate Yearly Progress (EdWeek) that created a report card for schools in order to make student progress accessible to the public at large. President Bush (using data from what was termed the Texas Miracle later found to be unsound (Leung)) upped the ante on federal control of public education through his version of the ESEA - the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB (Department of Education)). This legislation added a component to hold schools accountable to the federal government for making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) (Education Week) wherein states with schools not meeting AYP had Title 1 funding either withheld or diverted into funding programs to rehabilitate student progress until AYP was attained. Immediately upon assuming the Presidency, Barack Obama, through Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, began affording states a large number of opportunities through which to obtain public education grants (funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ARRA or stimulus funds) (Department of Education), including a vehicle called Race To The Top (RTT) (Department of Education) upon which the administration has spent $7.45 billion since 2009 (Education and the Workforce Committee). Ostensibly because Congress has stalled (Resmovits) in reauthorizing NCLB, President Barrack Obama and Secretary Duncan have recently begun to offer states an NCLB waiver (Department of Education) a mechanism by which schools can shirk the yoke of many NCLB mandates and maintain Title 1 funds which current analysis has shown (Eitel) to cement in place the nationalization of curriculum, standards and testing begun through RTT grant obligations. COLLECTION OF EDUCATIONAL DATA Knitted into the fabric of the first ESEA, was a section that allowed federal funds to be granted to states in 10 specific categories. Number 2 on this list included, (2) providing support or services for the comprehensive and compatible recording, collecting, processing, analyzing, interpreting, storing, retrieving, and reporting of State and local educational data, including the use of automated data systems (page 49, SEC. 503. (a)(2)) (Federal Education Policy History). This inclusion (in 1965) is interesting considering that the personal computer existed only as a gleam in the eye of a very young Steve Jobs and one present day computer could take up rooms of square footage, yet every ESEA since has included a component to collect electronic data from public schools.
While much attention has been given to the Common Core State Standards (Hillyer) portion of the Obama Administrations RTT incentives (FIGURE 1), number 2 (again)on the list of reforms required for grant consideration addresses data collection: Building data systems that measure student growth and success, and inform teachers and principals about how they can improve instruction (program description) (Department of Education). Though this component is not an area of focus in the new NCLB waiver, data collection again rears its head as part of the first principle necessary for a waiver College and Career Ready Expectations for all Students (ESEA Flexibility Word Document) (Department of Education). This principle requires states to adopt College and Career Ready Standards (Common Core State Standards) and either of the assessment packages that support them (PARRCC or SMARTER). Within Oklahomas Final Waiver Request document, many pages are devoted to explaining how, As part of the state agency partnerships that will assist in implementation of CCSS and PARCC assessments, the SEA is working with other education agencies as part of the P20 Data Coordinating Council (page 22, Final ESEA Flexibility Request) (Oklahoma State Department of Education). P20 is another way of describing a Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) (Department of Education) a framework into which descriptors describing American students from P (PreK) to 20 years of age can be loaded (The Recovery Act competition requires that the data systems have the capacity to link preschool, K-12, and postsecondary education as well as workforce data. (Program Requirements)) . It is apparent (using Oklahomas definition) (Oklahoma P20 Council) that the governing body of the P20 database (to be codified in state law) )(page 91 (F)(3), Phase 2 RTT Application) (Department of Education)is designed to be the P20 Council (aka; P20 Coordinating Council, P12) whose function it is to coordinate and align the state SLDS to the federal requirements of RTT (page 52, Phase 2 RTT Application) (Department of Education). WHY IS A P20 (SLDS) NECESSARY FOR EDUCATION REFORM EFFORTS? According to Secretary Arne Duncan in a speech to the Institute of Education Sciences, most important reforms in Chicago were a direct result of work and data produced by the Consortium (Chicago Consortium on School Research)the idea of ending social promotions, keeping our freshmen on track and trying to dramatically raise graduation rates, tracking college enrollment, developing growth models and thinking very differently about how we turn around underperforming schools. The common denominator for all of these policy decisions was that they were informed by data. I am a deep believer in the power of data to drive our decisions. Data gives us the roadmap to reform. It tells us where we are, where we need to go, and who is most at risk. (Department of Education).
WHAT KIND OF DATA WILL BE COLLECTED FROM STUDENTS? The National Centers for Educational Statistics (NCES) (National Center for Education Statistics) is an agency under the auspices of the federal Institute of Education Sciences (IES) (Institute of Education Sciences) described as, the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. It has its own budget and provides grant money to states, including those for SLDS. NCES contains a very large number of data collection programs including the oft-heralded NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) (National Center for Education Statistics). US CODE Title 20, Chapter 76, Subchapter I, Part C, 9543, actually lists their duties which are numerous and include,
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(5) determining voluntary standards and guidelines to assist State educational agencies in developing statewide longitudinal data systems that link individual student data consistent with the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.), promote linkages across States, and protect student privacy consistent with section 9573 of this title, to improve student academic achievement and close achievement gaps; (Legal Information Institute). Under the IES/NCES umbrella is housed the National Education Data Model (NEDM) (Institute of Education Sciences) which assists states in defining the types of data with which states may populate their P20 databases. It is described as, a comprehensive, non-proprietary inventory and a map of education information that can be used by schools, LEAs, states, vendors, and researchers to identify the information required for teaching, learning, administrative systems, and evaluation of education programs and approaches. This model has developed hundreds of attributes which characterize Elementary and Secondary education students including, health care plan, insurance coverage, family income range, religious affiliation and voting status (National Education Data Model).1 In fact, several of these attributes are actually prohibited from collection by the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) without express permission of a parent or guardian (Department of Education). An organization called the Data Quality Campaign (a national, collaborative effort to encourage and support state policymakers to improve the availability and use of high-quality education data to improve student achievement (About DQC)) (Data Quality Campaign) tracks the establishment of databases in each of the 50 states (all of whom have committed to implementing the 12 data elements of the America Competes Act (DQC State Analysis, About Data for Action 2011)) (Data Quality Campaign) (APPENDIX 1) and provides assistance to each state in the execution of 10 of 12 essential elements necessary to establish robust student-level longitudinal data systems codified through (Data Quality Campaign) the America Competes Act in 2007 and required by states applying for ARRA (RTT) or State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) (Department of Education). 2 HOW WILL STUDENTS BE IDENTIFIED FOR PURPOSES OF DATA COLLECTION? The first element on the list of Essential Data Elements calls for states to provide each student with a unique personal identifier, also termed PII (Personally Identifiable Information). PII is defined differently by different organizations but page 2 of the SLDS Technical Brief (Brief 2) written by the National Center for Education Statistics (National Center for Education Statistics) includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Students name Name of the students parent or other family members The address of the student or students family A personal identifier such as the students social security number, student number or biometric record 5. Other indirect identifiers such as the students date of birth, place of birth and mothers maiden name
Many other attributes including eye color and blood type once available for inclusion have been removed from the page (APPENDIX 2) (Richardson) 2 Many contributors/supporters (partners) to the Data Quality Campaign are those contributing to and supporting all other RTT initiatives (Data Quality Campaign) (FIG. 1)
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6. Other information that, alone or in combination is linked or linkeable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty and/or 7. Information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates WHAT ABOUT STUDENT PRIVACY? Student privacy while at school is addressed by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (Department of Education). It protects the rights of students not to have their personal educational records shared without their express consent. Last year, however, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan began asking the Department of Education to change the FERPA laws governing sharing of educational records (Department of Education). According to Secretary Duncan, Usually, firewalls are set up for our protection. They prevent hackers from getting into our computers and they block our children from visiting inappropriate Web sites. But these state firewalls don't help us. They hurt all of us. They impede our ability to serve students and better understand how we can improve American educationHopefully, someday we can track children from preschool to high school and from high school to college and college to career. (Department of Education). As explained by the Data Quality Campaign, FERPA had a significant chilling effect on the willingness of states to develop robust state longitudinal data systems (Data Quality Campaign). Consequently, as of January 2012, FERPA regulations were changed. Now, public education institutions do not have to ask parents or students for permission to share personal educational information with a large number of different groups and subgroups, to include the broad category of educational researcher (Department of Education). In fact, Page 52 of the new FERPA document outlines 11 different ways PII can be shared without consent (Department of Education). Regrettably, a study on Childrens Educational Records and Privacy found that state educational databases across the country ignore key privacy protections for the nation's K-12 children (Fordham University) indicating the fragility of student records even before FERPA regulations were changed. Granted, few people would gasp in horror when reviewing the list of items to be used as personal identifiers, yet even some of the most seemingly innocuous data can pose surprisingly grave security risks (Schoen). In fact, one of the most oft-used forms of identification the Social Security Number (SSN) shouldnt be reported to schools at all according to the Social Security Administration which stated, there are many risks associated with schools using SSNs as primary identifiers and we actively discourage use of SSNs (Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Administration). Currently, there is no law that can force parents, guardians or students to provide a SS number to a K-12 public school with the exception of very specific instances. Unfortunately, many parents are oblivious to this fact and continue to provide educational authorities student SS numbers (number 8) (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse) while states like Oklahoma are intent upon finding ways to collect and utilize them within the framework of their SLDS (number 2) (P20 Council). With the advent of biometric data collection in schools such as lunch service fingerprinting, true questions surrounding student civil liberties and privacy have been raised. While schools assure parents and students that biometric data cannot be reconstituted and shared, on one hand, parents are also told on the other, they can look online to see what their children are eatingandschools can track student allergies (Vu). Even intuitively this situation seems incongruous.
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In a similar vein, students in a number of schools (Byrd) across the country are voluntarily wearing a monitor (Polar) on their wrist that captures data from daily activities 24 hours a day, seven days a week under the guise of PE and/nutrition. This bracelet collects and stores data about activity levels and sleep patterns by tracking the movement of the person wearing them (Shapiro). The school can then develop a personal profile for each student to include risk assessment for obesity, cancer, depression, suicide, drug use and sexual activity. Fingerprinting and fitness monitors notwithstanding, privacy experts assert that schools are collecting much more information than parents imagine. Not only can parents NOT ask to see records of which they are unaware, but records kept out from under the watchful eye of a parent can collect and store damaging information and When you put something into digital form, you cant control where thatll end up. (Koebler) HOW COULD HIPPA AFFECT PUBLIC SCHOOL PRIVACY? HIPPA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). While FERPA deals with educational records, HIPPA protects the privacy of health records. Today, school-based health centers (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) are being established through federal grants (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). These provide such services as; primary medical care, mental/behavioral health care, dental/oral health care, health education and promotion, substance abuse counseling, case management, and nutrition education. It is reasonable to believe that, though a health clinic may reside inside a school, student privacy would be covered under HIPPA guidelines. This is not the case. Because the entity is a school and not a health care provider, HIPPA laws are superseded by FERPA laws. This is particularly troubling due to the changes in FERPA laws. As stated in this document which discusses FERPA and HIPPA: For instance, one of these exceptions allows schools to disclose a students health and medical information and other education records to teachers and other school officials, without written consent, if these school officials have legitimate educational interests in accordance with school policy. (See 34 CFR 99.31(a)(1)) (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Education). Oklahoma will build their P20 database around a single centralized data hub into which individual databases feed, like spokes on a wheel (pg 17, 2010 Annual Report) (P20 Council). This concept is called a Data Mart (Inmon). Many health care systems (MB Foster) being built in the era of Health Care Reform are also data marts. An organization called OK-SAFE has followed the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (PPAHCA) and has recently been involved in averting the establishment of PPAHCA health care exchanges in Oklahoma. A recent publication, Health Care Reform Defined (OKSAFE, Inc), explains, The health care reinvention is really technological reform that enables the interfacing of your medical and health data with your educational records, your banking and employment records and your insurance provider. In a real world example, Alabamas State Department of Education has adopted a health management system that will be implemented through all districts so education officials can, maintain a comprehensive health record system that would manage every aspect of student-related health data and information (EdNET Insight).
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WHAT ABOUT HOME AND PRIVATELY SCHOOLED STUDENTS? Number 5 of the 12 Essential Elements (APPENDIX 1) pronounces that states will attempt to collect, Information on students who are not tested, by grade and subject. Today, most students from disaggregated populations such as ESL (English as a Second Language) students and those with disabilities, are required to take some form of state test. Relatively few students per district reside in the English Language Learning (ELL) exemption category (Department of Education). Other than ELL students, who could be considered non-tested? Home schooled students? Privately schooled students? In fact, Oklahomas P20 Council states as a necessary action in their 2009 Recommendations Letter, to Include student groups not now included (e.g., home-schooled) in the data system (number 4) (Paul G. Risser). WHAT ABOUT FEDERAL LAW? Title IX - General Provisions, Part E Uniform Provisions Subpart 2, Other Provisions, Section 9531 of federal school law prohibits a nationwide database (Department of Education), Nothing in this Act (other than section 1308(b)) (Department of Education) shall be construed to authorize the development of a nationwide database of personally identifiable information on individuals involved in studies or other collections of data under this Act. Yet, the NCES task associated with assisting states in development of their SLDS is to, promote linkages (of databases) across States. This type of language can only be construed as enabling development of the framework necessary for a nationwide database. This fact has not gone unnoticed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) who has filed a lawsuit under the Administrative Procedure Act against the Department of Educationarguing that the agency's December 2011 regulations amending the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act exceed the agency's statutory authority, and are contrary to law. (Electronic Prvacy Information Center) CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The nature and quantity of data collected on students in public school today can only be considered troubling. In fact, with the current deluge of digital learning opportunities and methods (Slavin) available to public school students, national privacy concerns are quickly becoming global in nature (Quillen). As Robert Pondiscio of the Core Knowledge Foundation says, I wish there was even 10% as much thought as to what is going to come through these devices as in getting them into kids' hands. It's not a magic bullet. We need to worry about what is on these tablets while they're sitting in kids' laps." (Toppo). Though integrated into federal education initiatives since the inception of the first ESEA, state longitudinal databases have now been foisted into the forefront of education reform through RTT initiatives. Today, student data is at greater risk ( than could ever have been dreamed in 1965, as opportunities for technology in education expand and multiply rapidly (Rock). The federal government may believe data collection to be an essential part of education reform, but not even the most affective regression analysis can justify the destruction of student civil liberties. Additionally - as educational standards and curriculum (Eitel) - the establishment of a nationwide educational database is prohibited, putting state governments who share electronic access of a wide range of student records (other than educational transcripts) at odds with federal law. It is for these
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reasons we recommend states cease and desist continued efforts to create Statewide Longitudinal Databases and return control of student data collection to local district educational authorities who, in turn, should deeply scrutinize collection of student data, reducing data gathering to its most basic form. We recommend that individual states: Return accepted SLDS or P20 grants to federal authorities. Rescind state authority for P20 or SLDS councils and dissolve these organizations. Return autonomy of reporting K-12 student data to local districts. Individual district schools should collect no personally identifiable information from students beyond that considered to be basic contact data (name, address, age, telephone number, parental/guardian contact information). In order to provide accountability for school performance to taxpayers, individual schools should report disaggregated test score data to the district without associated personal identifiers of any kind. Each district may analyze disaggregated data as desired (and as necessary to comply with state law) and return only analyses to the state department of education for statewide examination and dissemination.
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FIGURE 1: Flow Chart linking all four areas of reform identified by the RTT grant
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An unique identifier (PII Personally Identifiable Information) for every student that does not permit a student to be individually identified (except as permitted by federal and state law);
The school enrollment history, demographic characteristics, and program participation record of every student;
Information on when a student enrolls, transfers, drops out, or graduates from a school;
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Students scores on tests required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; Information on students who are not tested, by grade and subject; Students scores on tests measuring whether they're ready for college; A way to identify teachers and to match teachers to their students; Information from students' transcripts, specifically courses taken and grades earned; Data on students' success in college, including whether they enrolled in remedial courses;
10. Data on whether K-12 students are prepared to succeed in college; 11. A system of auditing data for quality, validity, and reliability; and 12. The ability to share data from preschool through postsecondary education data systems.
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APPENDIX 2: Screen shots of data attributes scrubbed from the NEDM website.
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