10 Mudras and Postures
10 Mudras and Postures
10 Mudras and Postures
Mudras, the science of hand and finger postures, can help you to cure bodily ailments in a wonderful manner. It actually helps in balancing the five elements (panch-tattvas ) in the human system to their optimal levels.
Each finger represents one element. The elements can even be increased or decreased to cure appropriate ailments. When the elements are completely balanced, the yoga (unison) of mind, body and soul with the Supreme Soul can be achieved! 'J\'1udra' simply means hand and finger postures. Like yogic body postures, it is also a discipline, to rejuvenate the body. You must have seen the statues of Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir, and Shiva et al among many others, wherein the hands and fingers are shown curled in a specific posture. For example. Lord Jesus Christ's image normally shows the hand pointing to the cave of the heart. Likewise, one of the popular images of Lord Buddha show's the fingers of the Left hand holding a pot of nectar, while palm of the right hand is resting on the lap, with fingers folded and pointing straight down. Another image shows the fingers of the right hand near the chest region and folded in a specific pose. Such finger postures not only have a therapeutic effect on the mind-body system but also accentuate mental keenness and acuity. This science of hand and finger postures is 'Mudra Vigyan'. In fact, there are innumerable mudras and each has a specific effect. This science can help you to cure bodily ailments in a wonderful manner. It actually helps in balancing the five elements (panch-tattvas ) in the human system to their optimal levels. The elements can even be increased or decreased to cure appropriate
ailments. When the elements are completely balanced, the yoga (unison) of mind, body and soul with the Supreme Soul can be achieved! But you will find that it gives equally astonishing results in achieving mental concentration. And the funny thing is, unlike yoga, you can practice mudras anywhere, anytime!
Some brilliant, very effective and simple mudras, which you can practice anytime and anywhere:
GYAN MUDRA - One of the most important mudras. Widely accepted in all yogic meditation practices. Join the tip of forefinger and tip of the thumb. Hold together gently for at least 15-30 minutes.
Bestows intelligence and wisdom Purifies the mind of the practitioner Cures many mental ailments Gives a feeling of joy Cures intoxication and addictive habits
PURN GYAN MUDRA - The mudra of Lord Buddha. Sit cross-legged. Keep both hands in 'Gyan Mudra' Posture. Now keep right hand near chest region. Keep left hand near knee region.
Clears the aura in the subtle astral body Causes electricai changes in the electromagnetic activity of the brain leading to increased clarity and understanding Improves memory to a great extent Soothes irritable temperaments Bestows intelligence and wisdom
ABHA YA MUDRA - This is normalJy practised after Gayatri Mantra recitation. Raise both your hands to the sides of your head. Touch the forefinger to tip of thumb Oust as in Gyan Mudra). Hold the hand vertically straight by the sides.
Mind becomes fearless Gives a feeling of courage and strength
DHYAAN MUDRA - Sit cross-legged. Place hands in Gyan Mudra, on your lap. Right palm should be resting above left palm in Gyan mudra
Gives tremendous peace and tranquility Helps increase concentration powers Cures depression and other mental ailments Practitioner can achieve the final state of eternal yogic bliss
Helps balance the earth element in the body Normalizes body equilibrium Helps remove physical weakness Increases tolerance and patience Helps all who practice spiritual meditation
VARUN MUDRA - Touch the fore part of the smallest finger to the fore part of thumb.
Regular practice balances water element in body Enhances physical beauty Decreases dryness in skin and body
VA Yll MUDRA - Fold the index finger (fore finger) on the pad of thumb. Press the forefinger gently on the pad. Keep the other finger aloof.
Helps in all nervous ailments Improves balance of air element in body Helpful in pains and aches Specific mudra for patients of Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson's ailment
PRAN MUDRA - Touch fore part of third (ring) finger and tip of fourth (little) finger to fore part of thumb.
Reduces body fatigue and energizes the whole body Very good for eyes Helps circulate the life current throughout the body optimally
LINGA MUDRA - Entwine (cross-link) all fingers of both hands keeping thumb straight. Advantages
Increases fire element in the body Very useful in cold, phlegm and cough ailments
MRITSANJIVINI MUDRA - Fold the index finger (fore finger) on the pad of thumb. Press the forefinger gently on the pad. Touch the fore part of third (longest) finger and fore part of fourth (ring) finger with the fore part of thumb. Advantages
It strengthens the heart Very useful in all heart ailments Helps normalize blood pressure Increases self-confidence
SURYA MUDRA - Touch the third (ring) finger to the pad of thumb. Press the thumb gently over this third (ring) finger. Keep the other fingers aloof. Advantages
Decreases Earth element in body Cures mental heaviness Reduces body fat Good for weight loss
the best pose for spiritual practices. It resembles the petals of the lotus, hence its name.
1. Sil erecls.
1. Stretching the legs out fully. Bend the right leg. 2.Place it high on the left thigh at the juncture of the thigh and hip, with the sale of the foot turned upward. 3.In the same way, get hold of the left leg. Put it on the opposite thigh. 4. The heels are opposite to each other. 5. Both the thighs and knees are pressed against the floor. 6.lt may be possible the beginning that one of the thighs is slightly off the ground, but with practice it is easy to perform the asana in the correct way. 7. Let the index finger touch the tip of the thumb. Place the hand on the knees. 8.Keep the spine neck and head erect. 9.Fix eyesight on the nose. Breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically.
Practice one minute, increasing to thirty minutes, adding three minutes each week.
1.1t strengthens the nerves and muscles of the legs and thighs. 2. Due to the erectness of the spine, the flow of vital energy flows upwards. 3. This increases concentration of the mind. 4.It I11dinl,tins chastity and makes knowledge nerves active. 5. It loosens the joints in the lower parts of the body, removing rheumatism. 6. It tones up the three humours (air, mucus and bile) in the system, harmonizing their functions.
Vajrasana (Adamantine pose) There is a vajra nerve in the body. By controlling that nerve through this asana, personal vigour is increased. In addition, vajra refers to the weapon of Indra. Through this practice the body becomes strong and vigorous.
1. Bend the legs. 2.Place them under the hips. 3. The soles of the feet are facing back and upwards. 4. The buttocks rest between the heels. Touch the toes to each other. 5. Rest the hands on the knees. 6. Keep the spine neck and head erect.
Practice this posture as much as you can. After meals, perform this asana for at least ten minutes.
1. This asana activates the functions of digestion, develops memory power and increases energy of the brain.