John Whitman Ray, Visualisation and Consciousness
John Whitman Ray, Visualisation and Consciousness
John Whitman Ray, Visualisation and Consciousness
VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP ONE ............................................2 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP TWO ............................................6 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP THREE..........................................8 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP FOUR......................................... 10 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP FIVE .......................................... 13 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP SIX ............................................ 17 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP SEVEN ........................................ 20 ADDENDUM TO STEP SEVEN ............................................................................. 24 ADDENDUM #2 TO STEP SEVEN ......................................................................... 24 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP EIGHT ........................................ 27 ADDENDUM TO STEP EIGHT OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE. ..... 30 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP NINE .......................................... 32 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP TEN........................................... 34 ADDENDUM TO STEP TEN ................................................................................ 37 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP ELEVEN ...................................... 38 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP TWELVE ..................................... 41 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP THIRTEEN ................................... 43 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP FOURTEEN .................................. 46 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP FIFTEEN ..................................... 50 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP SIXTEEN ..................................... 54 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP SEVENTEEN ................................. 63 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP EIGHTEEN ................................... 68 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP NINETEEN ................................... 72 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP TWENTY ..................................... 88 VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS CLASS- STEP TWENTY-ONE ............................... 93
Remember: That which you cannot remember will have reactive command over your thoughts, feelings and spoken words. Now, go forward into the most exciting adventure of your life. The Se]f-Realization and Mastery of Self. 8. The first step forms the basis for all other steps and in turn is encompassed by all other steps. The requirements of the first step must be complied with before one can truly be effective in accomplishing the requirements of any consecutive step. Therefore, be not hasty to hurry on the leave the apparent simplicities of the first step unattended. 9. The first step requires the individual to cultivate the awareness of oneself, with the recognition of and exercise of choice to be individually responsible to survive as an individual. At this level of progression one must be willing to make a choice to be responsible as a wage earner or to work toward self* sufficiency through obtaining a required education and then by the experience of working, to gradiently meet his/her own just wants and needs. At this level of progression the prime emphasis is on the cultivation of self-sufficiency. 10. This is the level of progression in which one assumes the choice of one's own individual responsibilities. This is the position of awareness in which one begins the "List" as taught in Chapter Eleven of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. This is a very good time to go back and review that particular chapter. 11. At this level of existence, one must assiduously apply oneself for the express purpose of overcoming all fear and terror in one's life. One must be aware where fear is on the scale of emotionality. Proverbs Chapter Nine, verse ten states : The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding". Ponder on this concept it may take awhile to put this in perspective. One must: remember "That which one cannot experience on the mental level must be experienced on the physical level 5 until one is capable, without resistance, to experience on the mental level all sensory experience, emotionality and verbal experiences related to a given incident. 12. At this level of experiential awareness one must begin to apply appropriately the regular practices of prayer, meditation, affirmation and decree. One must first of all understand what these four techniques are and then learn how to apply them by experience. 13. At this level one must intellectually understand the Ten Steps to Perfection as taught in Chapter Seven of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. One must beg in to attempt to apply them in sequence and appropriately. 14. At this level of progression one must begin to understand and thus experience the application of the Five Virtues as taught in Chapter Nine of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. One must begin to attempt to apply these Five Virtues to the activities of everyday life. 15. At this level of awareness one must begin to understand and thus experience that the just shall walk by faith. 16. At this level of progress ion one must learn to overcome all forms of sexual lust which would include all forms of masturbation and inordinate desires. Through the sustained application of the laws of Body Electronics one will be able to get in touch with those areas of suppressed-emotionality which will be associated with sensory experience and word patterns which we have at one ~ time or another established through attachment, desire or suppressed experience which will be the source of our sexual drives and problems and we alone must overcome them. 17. At this level of experience we must come to grips with the source of any homosexual tendencies. Homosexuality has no. place at this level of progression and must be abstained from until all sexual desire for the same sex is transmuted through overcoming the suppressed emotionality and resistances which result in a person partaking of this type of behaviour. Through the proper application of Body Electronics, the individual can come into touch with the source of his/her resistances which result in homosexual tendencies and by sheer force of will and .determined commitment by choice, these then must be overcome. 18. One must abstain from giving in to all desire which would keep one from strict adherence to the Law of Right Action. Homosexuality must be overcome by strict-obedience to the Laws of Love, Light and 3
Perfection wherein Body Electronics as a basic set of principles would be applied to help one to reach a point where higher laws could be applied. At this level of experience, lust, one of the Seven Cardinal Sins is gradually overcome. 19. Let us now carefully consider that all points mentioned in Step One must be entered into and/or accomplished on the part of the initiate who is on the Pathway to Enlightenment. These must be carefully adhered to before the initiate is allowed to pass on to Step. Two in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. 20. Let us reiterate. Choose to be individually responsible, from this moment on, for each aspect of our individual life, to the very best of our ability. 21. Let us reconsider One must determine to find an honest job and work for the purpose of sustaining oneself. If necessary, one must continue to educate oneself, whereby one may qualify for a job of ones choice in order to sustain oneself. At first, one may have to take any job which is available. It doesn't matter what the job will be, what does matter is the attitude which you maintain as you are performing your work duties. Remember, that loyalty should be maintained to the source of your sustenance. 22. It is imperative that one lives within one' s means, live simply, and/remain free from the chains of all indebtedness. 23. Let us reiterate. Read carefully Chapter Eleven in Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. Begin your "List" to the best of your ability. This shall be ongoing from this moment. 24. One must learn to overcome all reactive fears of which one is aware. From Chapter-Twenty-Six of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series it states: It should be stressed that to overcome a fear, do that which is fearful. To overcome a dislike, participate in that event until the condition can be lovingly tolerated. It is suggested that one be very wise as to what fears are overcome and the manner in which they are overcome. Discuss these fears with the leaders of your Body Electronics support group or with your group, of friends. Discuss these fears, if necessary, with someone who has passed before you over this pathway of overcoming. Do not enter into the overcoming of a fear hastily. Avoid all life threatening experiences. Place the fears of which you are aware upon your list and work upon them gradually. This shall be an ongoing procedure. Many of your fears will be worked out mentally during. Body Electronics point holding and will not require a physical activity, unless of course it is not worked out completely on the mental level. 25. Let us reiterate. Learn to understand prayer, meditation, affirmation and decree. Learn to apply each of these in their proper time and place and for the appropriate purpose. This is an ongoing procedure. 26. Memorize and begin to apply the Ten Steps to Perfection as related to every activity. 27. Memorize and begin to apply the Five Virtues to each and every outer activity. 28. Memorize all references to Faith and begin to apply Faith to each item on the List. 29. It is imperative that one overcome all forms of masturbation, making this a first priority, NOW, before you will be allowed to go on to the Second Step of the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. 30. It is imperative that one overcome all aspects of Homosexuality and make this a first priority, NOW, before you will be allowed to go on to the Second Step of the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. 31. Overcome all lustful sexual habits. In order to do this, one must first develop -a healthy body. One should have, as soon as possible, as accurate Iris-Sclera Integrated Diagnosis by a competently trained practitioner of the Ray method of Nutrition. This reading should advise a step by step progression in the application of Body Electronics. The initiate on the Pathway to Perfection should then become involved with a Body Electronics point holding group which is dedicated to preserve the pure knowledge and technique of Body Electronics. This will be important to help dissolve all crystals which contain the suppressed: reactive mechanisms which we have established which help to sustain and perpetuate our lusts and other established weaknesses which are out of harmony with divine blueprint. Be consistent in your nutritional program and be consistent in your participation in Body Electronics. This is a prime requirement. As your iris and sclera undergo structure and pigment change, it would be wise to keep updated photographs and nutritional consultation to maximise your nutritional program and exertions in the field of Body Electronics. 4
32. It would be wise to acquire the book written by Luke, concerning the teachings of Blessed Mother Mary to the Apostles during her 83rd year of age, This little book, The Second Book of Acts, has within it the teachings of the Mysteries of the Kingdom, This little book should be fully considered and pondered upon. 33. Study carefully the teachings in Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series and bring all questions concerning the content to your instructor in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence that the content may be fully understood that progression may continue unhindered. THIS IS THE END OF THE FIRST STEP IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE
13. Since Virtue is faithfully complying with a Law, this should now be applied with the concept of apprenticeship in mind, It would be wise for all men and women to learn a trade, wherein they would be able to work with their hands. Seek out-a trade, place yourself under the direction of a Master in that area and learn that trade which you will always have in case of an emergency. This should not interfere with your job which you will have to sustain yourself. This can be done on evenings or weekends or whenever you schedule yourself appropriately to learn your trade. Often people have an aversion to working with their hands. This is all the more reason to overcome this inadequacy within oneself. If one has a dislike, one should try to overcome that dislike by disciplining oneself until the task can be lovingly tolerated. Any dislike or preference or aversion is an indication of a flaw in character and should be earmarked for mastery. At any rate, learn the Pathway of the Apprentice. 14. Study "Obedience to Law" and contemplate how Obedience is the First Law of Heaven. Consider how this is compatible with the study of Virtue. 15. As one is considering the role of the apprentice, one must consider the importance of music in the life of the initiate. As one has the decided responsibility of mastering all energies, one energy which is uplifting to the soul is music. At this level of progression one should enter into the discipline of learning to play a musical instrument. Pick out the finest teacher available to help you to be enabled to learn. It is difficult to learn by yourself and many pitfalls may be avoided under the direction of a good teacher. 16. In this area of progression, serve your apprenticeship well. Please consider that if the outer manifestation is but a reflection of that which emanates from the inner essence, is the outer manifestation (the yin manifestation) our teacher; to help us to come to the comprehension of the inner manifestation (the yang manifestation). In our Interaction with the physical world, then how do we play the role of the apprentice? 17. Remember: You are individually responsible for every step you take in your life. If you choose to take a step out of harmony with natural law it may place you planets and even universes apart in the future from those who chose to be Obedient to Law. Of course you cannot obey a law which you have not put forth an effort to learn. Thus, knowledge is power to the salvation of the soul. It is always wise to avoid the pitfalls as climbing out of the pits of experience may take a full lifetime and perhaps many lifetimes. Climbing out of the pits is a necessary endeavour but there is much wasted effort and it is very time consuming to learn our lesson. To avoid these pitfalls, make it a point not to ask for counsel or to give counsel, but learn to reason together and gain knowledge through interchange with your support group or from those who have travelled the pathway ahead of you. You must make an effort to ask. You must go out of your, way to gather information from others who are on the path. Others are always willing to help when they are sought after and asked for help in giving information. It is best to mind your own business and allow others the same privilege. Reason together to perfect your understanding on each step toward perfection. Focus your attention on principles and not on personalities. Personalities come and go but principles are eternal in their nature. Remember: If you ask for advice you place the responsibility upon the person who has given the advice. In the final analysis make your own decision. If you make a mistake and find out what you have done incorrectly, then you will have the joy of self correction so doing, you maintain your own integrity you do not become dependent upon another individual and thus you grow in knowledge and individual responsibility. 18. It would be wise to understand the difference between translation and ascension as described in the writings of Anna Lee Skarin. It is time to begin to build a reference library which would contain a cross section of teachings of all the great masters. THIS IS THE END OF THE SECOND STEP IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
applied Intellectual Knowledge by obedience to law can we truly come to the higher knowledge which can only come through experience. From faith, we apply virtue and arrive at knowledge. 12. We must ask each other and ourselves the question: What is the difference between learning vicariously and learning from experience? Is vicarious experience equal to actual physical experience? How does this apply to the teaching Until man can experience on the mental level, that which exists on the physical level, he shall be bound to the physical. 13. It would be wise to consider the various manners in which we have acquired knowledge. Yes, we have acquired knowledge by physical experience. Yes, we have acquired knowledge vicariously. Are there other means of acquiring knowledge? Please consider. 14. One must learn to overcome all aspects of egotism. Egotism is an inflated sense of self-importance or superiority. Egotism is self-centredness. It is the practice of excessive reference to oneself wherein one believes that the pursuit of one's own welfare is the highest good, and thusly, the individual is concerned only for one's own interest and welfare. This is truly the attitude of separation, the attitude of specialness, the attitude of /ne-first. All this must be resolved into an attitude of cooperation, oneness and equanimity. Much of this shall be worked out with the application of Body Electronics as basic patterns of separation come about through the process of self-realization. 15. One must learn to overcome all envy. Envy Is a feeling of grudgingly admiring from a position of discontent, concerning the possessions, achievements, positions, or qualities of another. It is the desire, to eye maliciously something which is possessed by another. Envy may be considered to be a malicious covetousness. Much of this shall be worked out through the use of Body Electronics. Many people have the separatist idea that they can do it all by themselves, whatever they are doing doesn't matter. The inflated concept that we can do it all by ourselves is fallacious. For example, the act of forgiveness, unconditional forgiveness for ourselves as well as others, cannot take place without prayerfully asking for help from the Sprit of God. Without this Universal Life Force which activates our mind and warms our heart, we cannot let go of the darkness which captivates us. If we do not bother to ask for help to overcome, we will not be able to overcome and we will find that in our stubbornness of wanting to do it all ourselves will limit ourselves to a standstill in our progression. We cannot progress from a position of separation, but only from a position of unity. 16. Let us re-consider. One must learn to develop Divine Indifference This.- is a powerful concept that we must pray over, study, ponder, consider and take positive action concerning as we are directed to do so through the Logic in Sequence Series - Chapter Twenty. If we can discuss carefully the concept of Lovingly and Willingly Endure all things and then apply that to the concept of Whatever, the outcome of that discussion will encompass a myriad of concepts. Consider. Divine Indifference. 17. To reiterate: Study all aspects regarding desire-desirelessness and attachment-non-attachment and consider these relative to the list - One must constantly weigh each item on the list and determine if one were to take action whether or not, this would be Karmic Completion or evolutionary, or would it be involutionary and Karmic Producing. This shall now be a constant consideration while engaging in the completion of each item on the "List". THIS IS THE END OF STEP THREE IN THE VISUALISATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE
11. At this level of progression, we must remember that one begins to exercise his creative (yang) qualities and learns how to receive (yin) by surrounding oneself lovingly and willingly with physical responsibilities. 12. Remember: Each physical responsibility re fleets an internal mental configuration which requires full mental attention and consideration. 13. Let us consider that all that is being discussed in Step Four encompasses the prior steps in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. The items here outlined in step 4 must be entered into and/or accomplished on the part of the initiate before one is allowed to pass on to Step Five of the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. 14. Let us reiterate: Choose to be Individual responsible from this moment on to exercise choice in assuming responsibility in maintaining equity and integrity in all economic concerns. 15. One must learn at this level of progression to be able to receive the fruits of ones labours. One must learn to be responsible for the accrual of all material concerns and learn to maintain, exercise preventive maintenance, preserve, protect, conserve, delegate responsibility, utilize appropriately and be responsible for the selection and disposal of all material concerns which are placed within one's custodial care. You are a steward for all things placed in your care. Use this stewardship wisely and let nothing go unused that the highest potential might be realized. Let nothing be wasted or destroyed, and let nothing sit idle without care. SEEK OUT AND UNDERSTAND THE LAW OF ACCRUAL. 16. One must learn at this level of progression the concept of and the application of temperance as found in the Ten Steps to Perfection, Study temperance thoroughly and always look for alternatives in the approach to a solution of any problem. Each alternative shall have embodied within it a choice which shall represent a higher law or a lower law in its application when considering the solution to the problem at hand. One must determine which shall be the most appropriate for all concerned, for their highest and best good. 17. Remember: Often through overzealousness we try to apply a law which is a higher law but is often unacceptable to everyone but ourself. Herein, we perhaps need to look for the lowest common denominator of group acceptance, rather than enforce a law before its time of acceptance. Consider this in the application of temperance. 18. One must learn to overcome lusting after food and drink, yet being aware that the body shall require adequate maintenance that health may be sustained and maintained. Many feel that the body is not important and that it is just a requirement to take us, like a ship, from one shore to another. It must be pointed out that our body is like a ship and if it is full of holes it won't be able to get us to the other shore. There must be a balance in utilizing proper care for the body without making it a prime concern for existence. Consider the physical body to be the doorway to spirituality. Consider that it be maintained for the purpose of springboarding the individual into mastery of the emotional and mental bodies. Let not the maintenance of the physical body be an end in itself. Do not we in human form have a greater responsibility than an animal? An animal shall eat and reproduce, is there not more in man's future then focusing on these two items which seem to occupy the majority of man's concerns? With all this in mind we gradually move to the overcoming of Gluttony, one of the Seven Cardinal Sins. 19. Study carefully all aspects of and the full implications of fasting and do not weaken the body by long needless fasts. 20. Study carefully the subject of covetousness and consider, how, when we have a continued desire for an object of our attention, then that desire shall continue to manifest lack and continuous want. What does this last statement mean? Discuss this and if this is not fully understood that develop the spirit of inquiry that your understanding shall be complete in this matter. 21. Consider that self-control regarding food and drink, is a mental activity and needs careful scrutinization. What does this all mean? Don't let this important concept slip by into oblivion. 22. Consider the full implication of developing an all-discriminatory wisdom, free from emotional reaction. Determine now, to make this a continual goal which shall be achieved. Dedicate yourself to 11
that end, with commitment and intent. 23. Consider wherein criticism, condemnation and judgement fit into the entire picture of alldiscriminatory wisdom. Does all judgement come from a reactive pattern or is there a righteous judgement coming from a reactive free position of discrimination? 24. Study carefully the Law of Right Action and omit systematically from your life all desires and activities which would keep one from placing oneself in harmony with the Law of Right Action. Keep your "List" active regarding this matter. 25. Consider the subject of resolve or will. Constructive Activity within the realms of the Law of Right Action require desire and will. As you diligently and daily consider the "List", add to it, revise it, reorder it, omit from it, and complete each item in turn, using the techniques which have been given to you. Remember the following: "Oh ye who have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many." 26. Now as you struggle with the subject of temperance, guard yourself against impatience. THIS IS THE END OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE-STEP 4
7. At this level of progression one must abandon all traces of the passions of jealousy and envy, so that one would be able to progress to the encompassment of all-performing wisdom, the continual application of the Law of Right Action. This will ensure the successful performance of appropriate actions within the confines of the "List" and the Law of Right Action. 8. At this level of progression one must abide the state of -impartiality and must not allow the passions of jealousy and envy to detract one into the pathways of quarrelling and warfare. At this level one must take a continuing position of wishing the blessings of life on all mankind, even one's enemies. No partiality must be shown or else we fixate on specialness or consideration of special situations, which leads to separation. This does not mean that an individual does not spend the necessary time tending to that business which is exclusively his, which is his responsibility to take care of. As one tends his, own stewardship, the mental attitude is not one of jealousy and envy, it is one of blessings to all. Each individual must choose to be capable of receiving that blessing. The apparent inability to receive eternal blessings which are there for all is what appears to separate one individual from another. Thus one appears to have more of one blessing or less of another blessing than another. If one carefully analyzed the Law of Cause and Effect one would find that there are no mistakes, all is perfect divine order. Nobody is short-changed, eventually everybody receives their due. Where we will get into trouble is allowing to enter into and allowing to persist the feelings, the passions, of jealousy and envy. 9. At this level of progression we must come to the ultimate - understanding that we draw unto ourselves exactly what we put out. We must understand that jealousy and envy reap confusion of mind, disharmony and contraction or separation. Regarding jealousy, at one time in my past I saw hanging on the line an embroidered towel with the following statement: "If all of our troubles were hung on a line, you would take yours and I would take mine," After many years of quandary on this little rhyme, I have found through experience that it cannot be faulted. Please consider: There is no room for jealousy or envy in the mind of the candid and reflective intelligence. 10. At this level of progression, one has the tireless task, the neverending task, of making peace with all those with whom one has quarrelled. One has the responsibility of making right through service to mankind all that which cannot be arighted through the destruction of war and the disunity of contention. There are some items of life which cannot be arighted, these we leave in the hands of God, of those who have the responsibility of the eternal scale of balance, where hopefully, in our service to mankind we have gained a somewhat positive balance or credit in the ledger of time. The Issue of making peace and correcting our errors by making things right are potent issues which require ample space on our "List". Due to the ability which we all seem to acquire, of being somewhat forgetful regarding unpleasant tasks, out list should always be ready for making appropriate entry. This then painfully jogs our memory and stirs one to action if we view our list on a consistent basis. 11. Let us now reemphasize in detail that which must be entered into and/or accomplished on the part of the initiate who has entered upon the Pathway to Enlightenment. The following must be adhered to before the initiate is allowed to pass onward to the Sixth Step in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. Choose to be individually responsible for assuming positions of responsibility which includes positions of influence or leadership in social, economic, political, educational or other affairs, when one has assumed a position of responsibility, this means that one must learn to be accountable to those from whom one has derived his authority. Any activity, to be truly successful must be determined by group consensus and are not to be imposed dictatorially, even from a position of one being a benevolent dictator. One must be able to conscientiously determine where the doors of one's castle ends and the collective playing field begins. A leader must be tactful in coining to a collective decision which represents the consensus of the whole. A good leader receives information from all parties, researches new information which would be applicable, synthesizes the collective data, and arrives at alternatives which he then submits to the group for consensus. Many leaders, as soon as they have a little authority, so they think, begin to exercise unrighteous dominion over those from whom the leader has received his authority. This is called usurped authority when the leader is no longer accountable. All authority comes from the people and a leader is as effective as he is capable of acknowledging and remaining loyal to the source of power, the people. 12. At this level of progression one must eventually comprehend that victory and defeat are to be looked upon with the same 'degree of impartiality. In other words take part in the activity of life 14
with no attachment to outcomes, in so doing, win, lose or draw the individual remains a good sport and plays for the sake of playing. Eventually people must learn that competition must give way to cooperation for the highest and best good of all involved. This concept of "Win at all costs." will be recognized as a relic of barbarism having no place in a sane society. Eventually, all aspects of separation must give way to unity, Unity in Diversity. Special awards and special recognitions must give way to win-win activities where all benefit equally. Those who appear to have special abilities or what could be determined as God-given gifts have the unique responsibility of helping others to develop their talents in the same or similar areas so that all may be benefitted by the expressed talents or gifts of the few. If we are individually given a special blessing, it is for the express purpose that that blessing whether musical, voice, prose or artistic or talent in some phase of creative activity, be shared with others that our individual talent might shine and bless others with the joy of life they could experience in no other way. 13. One must learn at this level of progression how to overcome pride. The common activity of man is that his desire or his spirit for obtaining specialness or uniqueness must eventually give way to the desire to be a constant blessing to others. The spirit of separation must be replaced with the desire for unity or impartiality, wherein no one individual is better or more special than another. The excessive sense of personal worth must not be taken out of perspective as the universal forces interact with one another, have made it appear that a special uniqueness exists, but when looked upon from the position of the inner essence, at best, it is a temporary illusion. Please, read Chapter Nineteen, Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. Absorb the concept of "Divine Indifference". 14. At this level of progression, it must be reiterated that one must embrace the concept and application of patience and its relationship to the Law of Right Action. Study patience thoroughly and see its deep relationship to the other Godly attributes in the Ten Steps to Perfection. 15. To reiterate, one must learn to overcome every last vestige of the passions of jealousy. One must see the entwinement of Envy and Jealousy and determine to eliminate these relics of barbarism from the consciousness of the initiate. One must become cognizant of how jealousy and envy will adversely affect one's ability to discern appropriately and thus will hinder an individual from the pathway incorporating the Law of Right Action. 16. To reiterate, one must learn the pathway of progress through practical experience to the encompassment of all-performing wisdom, which is the continual application of the Law of Right Action. 17. One must become increasingly aware of how we have caused disharmony in the lives of others through our indiscretions in word, emotional disruptions,' and actions wherein other people may have been adversely influenced. We cannot say, "That is their problem if they got upset." as we have become the offender. Being offended is a problem each person must learn to overcome, but it is stated, "Woe be unto them from whom the offence commeth." Being offensive and being offended are equally wrong yet each aspect of mans inhumanity to man must be dealt with through unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. Herein, it is our responsibility to place on our individual list each wrongness which we have committed or wherein we .have allowed ourselves to be offended. The resistance involved is each aspect has its eventual manifestation in the environment, including the illnesses within our own body. Therefore, we must include each item on our list to deal with appropriately that we may once again bring peace and harmony to the hearts and minds of all concerned. We must do all within our power to correct those wrongs which we have been party to. We must systematically make amends to the point of harmony in all areas where we have been party to disharmony. If we have offended privately we repent and seek forgiveness privately. If we have offended publically then we repent and seek forgiveness publicly. If we have gone against the light of God then we repent and seek forgiveness from that great source of love and light which enlightens our mind and warms our heart. Things are not all one sided, yet, in all cases we should be capable and willing to go the extra mile that harmony may prevail, that wrongs may be corrected (It doesn't matter what the other person does to make things right, 'it does matter what we do to try to make things right. We have control over our life, it may be many moons before the other individual will have the desire to forgive and 15
to express any facet of unconditional love, that misgivings may turn into the smile of welcome, that old grudges turn into delightful memories, that embarrassment may turn into humour, and separations may be transmuted into mutual acceptance. This is a never ending job as disharmony has been a way of life for centuries. We are well imbued with the ability of creating discord and confusion, we have done this for aeons of time, thus all this needs our constant attention in order to turn this around. Keep the "List" current. Often we forget and it may be some time before our mind is jogged again to put a particular item on our list. Neglected Opportunities never come again. THIS IS THE END OF STEP FIVE OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE
ceases to be, and the individual is free of all reactive patterns which are related to that released trauma which at one time was full of resistance. 8. At this level of progression, the Pathway of the Initiate must include the mastery of the understanding of: Be Still and Know that I Am God. (Psalms 46:10). One must first learn to still the body which then gives one access to the various progressive levels of the emotional body. Then, one must learn to still the emotions until they no longer have a reactive influence on the individual. After the emotionality is mastered and one has experienced the fire of the kundalini and the vibration of regeneration one then has access to the mental body, Then, as one continues to meditate without seed, one will then learn to still the mind or mental body and thus reduce any residual mental "chatter" to the position of nonthought while at the same time remain fully aware with a position of non-resistance. Thus gradually, ignorance, one of the seven cardinal sins is overcome. 9. To reiterate procedure, one must consider that each item mentioned in Step Six must be entered into and/or accomplished on the part of the initiate who is on the Pathway of Enlightenment. Each of these disciplines must be entered in to and adhered to before the initiate is allowed to pass on to Step Seven of the Visualization and Consciousness Class. 10. To reiterate, one must choose to be individually responsible to cultivate the intuitive awareness which is necessary to be aware of the just wants and needs of others as one would be aware of one's own just wants and needs. 11. To reiterate, one must choose to learn at this level of progression the concept known as brotherly kindness which is an attribute of God and one of the Ten Steps to Perfection. One must learn to receive and apply the subtle tenets as encompassed within the Golden Rule. 12. To reiterate, at this level of progression one must begin to transcend self-cantered desire and to intuitively understand that one must see the fulfilment of one's own needs equal to the fulfilment of the needs of his neighbours. Herein is the level where one enters into the service of his fellow man from a position of impartiality wherein one acts prayerfully and consistently for the highest and best good of all concerned. 13. To reiterate, at this level of progression one must gradually and wisely abandon all drugs and replace them with natural substances which would cleanse and heal the body of the adverse and suppressive effect of the toxic substances which are contained in drugs of all kinds. One must understand all aspects of the Healing Crisis concerning these matters and study carefully the Seven Levels of Healing that one may be appropriate in ones application of law. 14. One must wisely and slowly consider the withdrawal from all medications as the body regenerates under the appropriate application of Body Electronics, One must understand the nature of the medication and its purpose as related to bodily function and act wisely under the direction of a trained physician or else a rapid or premature withdrawal could leave the body is a state of malfunction which is not our desire or purpose. It must be recognized that the continuation of partaking of some drugs or medications could cause harm to the body and states of dependency which may be difficult to overcome and correct. 15. One must understand that a natural remedy, nutritional program, or the application of Body Electronics must take place as one withdraws from any medication for the purpose of bodily regeneration. One must be wise and cautious regarding these matters and must gradiently move from a position of drug dependence to bodily regeneration. In crucial times it would be wisdom to place oneself under the hands of a responsible physician who respects and honours alternative medical approaches. 16. To reiterate, at this level of progression one has learned about prayer and its application. Now, one must learn about meditation and study carefully the manifold aspects of meditation with emphasis on encompassing the concepts of "meditation with seed" and "meditation without seed". 17. To reiterate, at this level of progression, through proper meditation, one recognizes his own inner light. If one fixates his attention upon the light to the exclusion of other activity once one perceives the light, the light will disappear. One must maintain a constant focus on the point between the brows of the eye from a position of stillness, and must maintain a ' position of equanimity and all inclusiveness in awareness for the light to be maintained until it becomes all consuming and gradiently all knowledge and understanding will come to the individual. In a few moments with the light of God 18
which never faileth, one can gain more understanding of the universe then one could intellectually study for years in the libraries of the learned. Nothing is withheld from one who focuses his/her attention upon a dedicated pathway to become one with God. 18. At this level of progression, one must learn to understand the concept of non-thought which is the stillness of the mental level which must occur before one submerges himself gradually into a oneness with God, This position of stillness must occur before an expansion of awareness occurs. At this level one must develop the ability of not having an opinion. This cultivation of non-opinion is to be desired in order to reach a point of recognition that nearly all opinions are coming from a position of reaction. We are genetically designed to have opinions. These reactive opinions which are stemming from our Constitutional Man, that which we have inherited from our mother and our father and a long line of ancestors, control and dictate our life. The Natural Man, which is virtually an enemy to God, is what we have reactively brought with us when we were assigned to this body we now inhabit. All of our reactive patterns which we have not overcome in the past have been sealed upon us until we can learn our lessons and learn how to overcome them. This Natural Man which we have brought with us is amalgamated with the Constitutional Man and further complicates matters. If we have had for any reason holes in our auric field, we may have entity involvement which has reactive patterns of their own which overlays the amalgamation of the Natural Man and the Constitutional Man. This further complicates matters. With all of this in mind it is no secret that one will have opinions of all kinds coming from a variety of directions. Therefore, this cultivation of non-opinion is to be desired in order to reach a point of recognition of all of the subtle judgements or opinions or in some cases not so subtle judgements or opinions which, once we become aware on the mental body level we can begin to see how programmed we are and then we can change our programming to be in harmony with Universal Law or the Law of God. 19. At this level of progression one must overcome ignorance. One, of course, must first of all understand what ignorance is. Ignorance is considered to be a lack of education, a lack of information, a lack of knowledge. We must recognize that the level of Intellectualism is at the level of grief in our emotional development. As far as the general population is concerned, the level of Intellectualism is near the bottom of the scale of emotionality, yet it is above apathy and unconsciousness. One must remember that knowledge comes from experience and this occurs when we practice virtue which is firmly rooted in faith. All of these aspects of life we must take into serious consideration that we may secure a suitable education concerning the plan of our lifetime activity, receive information about any area of concern in which we find ourselves deficient, and gain experience which then gives us useful knowledge Ignorance is the awareness of the outer without an understanding of the creative process from the inner essence which brought it into being. Such we must understand. Please consider the following PERCEPTION ALONE CONTRIBUTES TO IGNORANCE. THIS IS THE END Of STEP SIX OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
8. At this level of progression one must give serious attention to the ever ongoing "List". The "List" is a collection of Karmic Considerations one has brought to himself/herself by the ever operative Law of Attraction. Each item on the List demands and requires appropriate attention that it may be completed in some harmonious manner. The Law of Right Action should always be taken into consideration that the Pathway of the soul is toward the Ascension rather than being obi i gated to follow the involutionary pathway leading downward gradually into identification with matter. Such a manner in which one is guided or directed to pursue the List will be encompassed by the considerations in the prior item number Seven. 9. One-pointedness or meditation with seed is dangerous, as one must know with a certainty that what one is doing is happening for the highest and best good and one must be aware of the consequences of his/her creations. Whatever one puts his/her attention upon with continual desire and volition, shall eventually materialize. Therefore, it would be wise to consider that ones desire always be directed toward the resolution of Karma, which also results in the resolution of desire. One should be. continually engaged in a good cause of one's own free will and choice. One should reread Chapter Eleven of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series and reevaluate one's activity concerning the "List". By so doing, Lazyness, one of the Seven Cardinal Sins, shall be overcome. 10. At this level of progression it would be wise to enter into a deeper explanation of where we are going for the consideration of the initiate. Truth vs. Resisted Truth as a duality brings one eventually to the recognition that thought patterns are not only found in the mental body within the confines of time and space, but are also existent as a mirror image outside of time and space within the confines of the inner essence. When one has this recognition one will experience the Time-Space-ContinuumWarp, which is the most important discovery of our time related to Mind-Body concepts. Resisted Truth if left unresolved will create compulsion to act on the truth resisted. This is very difficult to observe within oneself as a resistance because what a person appears to be doing would be considered "good" and thus requires no observation of inspection. The person's motives are never in question as the outer appearance is always one of proper or appropriate activity. This compulsion to act on a resisted truth results on an ever growing complex of choices of beingness, each in turn creating another duality, which in turn creates more resistances and more dualities all, of which cloud the recognition or observation of the original duality. 11. One must consider that once a choice of beingness is made it excludes all other options for choices of beingness. This choice of beingness then determines alternatives for choices of actions which will be interwoven with desires and attachments. We can, therefore, consider that all desire, attachments, and choices of action are predetermined by choices of beingness. Choices of beingness are also predetermined by prior choices of beingnesses, leading back in time through a labyrinth of intricacies of thought activity, finally to the original Truth-Resisted Truth which is the final key which holds all the resistances together in that one segment of thought activity in the Mental Body. This then behoves us to continue on in our diligent search until every vestige of Truth-Resisted Truth as a duality is rooted out of our nature and transmuted that the Time-Space-Continuum-Warp be entered into, realized and mastered by every sincere soul who is searching for truth through the process of Self Realization. 12. Thus, we can now clearly see the importance of resolving all desire based on resistance, that beingness and interconnected duality might be considered, that eventually the confusion might be resolved through the experience of the Time-Space-Continuum-Warp. This is the ultimate end of duality encompassment in mortality. At this level of experience it is only necessary to have an intellectual grasp of this concept- What you are capable of observing is that there does indeed exist a signpost pointing the way. 13. At this level of progression, it is your responsibility from a position of Godliness (see item four) to learn to become the Administrator of Law, to ensure that no one is running faster than their ability to run, staying within the parameters of their own individual capability. It is wise to ensure that each individual on the pathway to perfection shall fully concentrate on and master each step along the way. Through the continued and dedicated application of Body Electronics each individual will have ample opportunity to explore the mental level after experiencing the Kundalini Fire which helps to overcome a certain emotional level related to a given subject. This transmutational factor which transmutes the emotional body gives access to the mental body wherein consciousness change can take place in the area so accessed. Each of these areas that are opened up to memory and consciousness exploration will help the individual to progress, provided he/she become totally dedicated to the following of correct principle: "The race is not to the swift, but to those who endure to the end" 21
14. At this level of progression it is appropriate that each individual on the Pathway to Perfection be duly diligent in bringing everything together into a logical and sequential activity. It is time to go back to Step One and consider all aspects with new eye from an expanded point of view. Then carefully move on and ponderously consider from a new perspective each item in Step Two. Then on to Step three with the same consideration of expansion of our understanding. Then on to Step Four, Five Six and Seven with the same dedication for the assimilation of clarity. 15. As you re-examine carefully Steps One through Seven, you should then determine if any leaf has been left unturned concerning any item which is left unfinished or that needs to be reconsidered. Keep your list handy so that you can add, restructure, delete, consider or ponder as each item in each step is carefully weighed in the balance, and acted on accordingly, so that it is not found wanting at a later time. Savour each item that you may not hastily go on to the next item so you can say you have looked at it carefully so you can say "Been there, done that." Take time to relate and consider all ramifications of each item in each step. Each time you go over it, you shall understand it at a deeper level as you release the resistances within you, so your ability to visualize increases, thus your memory improves thus your capacity for understanding increases. 16. At this level of progression it is imperative that one begins to understand that there is no limit to the expansion of intelligence. We limit our intelligence ourselves through our inability to have unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness due to the massive amount of resistance we have accumulated. Now, consider each item from Step One to Step Seven from every possible perspective and ensure each item is mastered to the best of our ability before undertaking the next item. Remember, each item may not be fully mastered but you have chosen to move toward that mastery by commitment and intent Thus you have qualified to move on by at least entering into the activity which will gradually lead to mastery, all items in each step which are designed to act synergistically together. 17. Let us clarify an issue that may not be fully understood. In the larger scope of activity, we are much like a small child who has unbounded enthusiasm and wishes to climb a hill. What the little child is not aware of is that there is an 8 lane highway with high speed traffic between the child and the hill. It is often our responsibility to hold the hand of the initiate on the Pathway to Perfection just like we would hold the hand of the small child over the highway so that he/she may then attempt to climb the hill. Many of us see the mountain but we don't see the traffic. We must recognize that we are not an island unto ourself. We all need one another to aid and assist when the going gets rough. That is the reason we seek out the master, the one who has gone through the rough spots and can counsel us through experience. Sometimes we need help on one item or another as we progress painfully from one item to the next. Herein we must turn our minds to the One God who enlightens our mind and warms our heart. For this reason I would highly recommend that you read carefully and ponderously a book called "Pistis Sophia" by G.R.S.Mead including extracts from the Books of the Saviour and other cognate literature from Gnostic Sources. The code for ordering is ISBN 0-922802-87-4. There is specific reason for this exercise of study which is self-evident in the reading. 18. Reason together, be receptive, be obedient and account to that person whom you have chosen to assist you or who has been appointed to unto you to help you with a specific assignment. The road is definitely not an easy road because you will be face to face with all that which you have resisted over aeons of time. It is all here in the everpresent now, but we as of yet have not recognized its presence. You will need the help from time to time of one who has passed that way before you to guide you through the dark to the light beyond. It is only dark to the uninitiated. After someone has helped you gradually through the maze of darkness, you will have like opportunity to help another along the path who will be your responsibility. This is necessary to complete your training at each stage of your progression. You do not have the ability to give until you have received. After you have received, you are not complete until you have, in turn given to another who is progressing on the Pathway to Perfection. Now, go forth and leave no leaf unturned in your determination to gradually master each Step of the Visualization and Consciousness Class. 19. To reiterate, choose to be individually responsible for the exercise of choice to cultivate the awareness of self as a creative being. 20. At this level of progression one must learn to create which is the same energy as uncreating that which one has created in order to undo or uncreate the morass of human creation which is burdening down every human being. Now, one has mastered the emotional body to some degree at this level and has entered the mental body. By strict adherence to the laws which have been given you, you are now capable of observing, choosing to receive, choosing to re-create, and releasing that creation which 22
was brought into reality eons ago. You must now understand that mental head trips are not enough. One must gain experience by dealing directly with those laws which are designed to expose every possible weakness, if indeed, they do exist, that man may have the opportunity of dealing with that weakness which is derived from resistance, if he/she chooses. We have our free agency, we can climb a set of stairs or we can choose to not climb a set of stairs. If we climb a set of stairs, we can choose to climb down the set of stairs. If our goal is evolutionary, we choose to climb the set of stairs, no matter what. If we haven't learned all of our lessons yet, we may choose the darker path. That is our choice. The heavens choose to honour us in our choices. That is all part of the game of life. We have no right to interfere with the free agency of another unless what they are doing is interfering in some way with the exercise of our own freedom of choice. Then we have a confrontation in order to secure our rights and freedoms. Such is life. 21. At this level of progression one must learn to exercise will as related to one-pointed meditation. Will is the determination to fulfil a desire. One must learn the right use of will. If one does not follow the Law of Right Action the results will be involutionary. Study carefully on this subject and develop your will be assiduously applying yourself to your "List". 22. At this level of progression one must learn the concept and application of the position of Godliness, This is the Seventh Step to Perfect ion and encompasses all earlier Steps. One cannot administer a Law that one has not received and applied with non-resistance. Therefore, do not overstep your ability to Administer, Teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves. This is the highest form of Administration. Remember: "Those who are the greatest among you will be the servant to all." Administration means basically "To dispense, parcel out." "To manage, to govern." Give no one more than they can deal with satisfactorily and be willing to hold one up when they are faltering, until they can hold themselves up. This is a true position of administration. 23. This one must comprehend and administer properly. In the extreme situation when dealing with extreme cases of suppressed trauma, it may be necessary to administer control over an individual who is reacting violently wherein they, at that time, have no control over themselves. One may have to administer control over the individual by prior agreement until they can learn to control themselves and come up through the suppressed trauma as a victor. Herein is where one administers according to the Law of Economy and uses correct estimation of effort in order to deal with a situation which is temporarily out of control. These moments do arise during a healing crisis, usually quite unexpectantly. Herein is where a well organized and loving support team is more than helpful, and will be greatly appreciated after the suppressed trauma has been re-experienced and released. 24. One must learn at this level of progression, how to direct the mind in a one-pointed manner. So doing will lead one to successfully experience during Karmic Transmutation or Karmic Completion. 25. One must learn at this level how to fully encompass the various aspects of desire-desirelessness. This is directly related to Attachment-Non-Attachment which we have discussed at great length in Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. 26. By consistent and diligent activity concerning the "List" one will be able to gradually overcome Lazyness, one of the Seven Cardinal Sins. 27. Here is the greatest challenge of this lifetime. Explore intellectually the Time-Space-ContinuumWarp. Explore the concept of duality inherent in the concept of Truth-Resisted Truth as related to the Time-Space-Continuum- Warp. Once one has mastered this intellectual challenge, then the reality of application must be considered. Remember we are now pointing the way of the Great Masters who have understood and applied the mastery of all energies as applied to the physical bodies, emotional bodies, and mental bodies. When one has mastered all energies pertaining to all three bodies, with the assistance of the Ascended Masters one shall have the opportunity in this lifetime to gain his/her ascension. THIS IS THE END OF STEP SEVEN OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
can only be given through the intervention of the Spirit of God enlightening ones life. The Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit acts as a witness or a receptor of all things and then witnesses unto man that which man, through obedience to Law has qualified to receive. The greater the awareness of man, the more perfect will be his perception that all knowledge or experiential wisdom comes only from God and that without toe intervention of the Spirit of God to enlighten the intellect and warm the heart, man would be nothing more than a blob of reactive protoplasm. Blessings are predicated upon the observance of law. The Spirit of God will parcel out that which man is qualified to receive by obedience to law. This outpouring of knowledge to man shall not come unless man is obedient to the law which must be followed in order to gain the desired blessings of knowledge and the opportunity to apply that know ledge. All blessings are predicated upon the observance of law. If a law is violated, man will have taken from him the understanding that he had because darkness of mind always fol1ows the violation of law. When repentance enters into ones life and one turns from his folly and begins once again to observe the laws of God or the Universal Laws, then the enlightenment of the mind will gradually return but it will be recognized that opportunities will be lost. Neglected opportunities never come again. Other opportunities will open up as obedience to law is regained and sustained. Many people will not take an opportunity when it is presented because they do not recognize it when it comes. Others do not have the knowledge to apply to take advantage of the opportunity. Therefore, one must consider the following with deep respect: All blessings are predicated upon the observance of law, for without obedience to that law the blessings shall not follow. Now, let us consider death more closely. Death is considered to be the antithesis of life, yet it is a process of growth as life is a process of growth. Life and death as experiential activities must be learned to be encompassed by the life stream, the ego, the Intelligence, with equanimity, without resistance, before the final ascension can take place. The pathway is perilous but lies within the reach of every true seeker. It is not without pitfalls, apparent failures, and problems which are only temporary in nature. What appear to be contradictions in the real world must be understood to be that which we have not chosen to encompass in the form of duality. We have, in the past, which is encompassed in the everpresent now or what can be called the perceptual nowness, chosen to identify with a particular state of beingness, which, as long as the identification persists, the individual holds himself in a state of bondage. Remember, identification with one end of a duality automatically excludes the other, thus rendering us limited in love, communication and the powers of creation. Let us now consider the seven times seven, and begin with the stages of growth from the level where we will best understand. It is stated that: Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." So it is. In the eternal scheme of things, unconsciousness, apathy, grief and fear are the lower levels of the scale of emotionality from which the individual rises out of being the effect of the yin energies around one. The first position of activity is to learn those factors of causation that must be mastered in such a manner that causation is experienced on the mental level that one does not remain at effect. We move toward that which we place our attention upon. If we hold unconsciousness, apathy, grief or fear from an effect position in our mind and allow ourselves to wallow in that feeling, then the universe will provide with unerring accuracy that exacting outer mirror and we will have every outer reason manifested as to why we believe and/or feel the way we feel. It becomes so obvious to us because this is all we see. We cannot comprehend that we have created the outer conditions around us. Due to the continuation of the "effect" consciousness we will remain in that state of mind. Please ponder the implications of the above thought processes. The correct understanding is that "Believing is seeing." The scientific approach is "Seeing is believing." This latter concept is a relic of barbarism, a moth eaten concept of an unenlightened age of exquisite denial of the recognition that all outer manifestations arise from the inner essence. We can only overcome this state of denial by beginning to consciously experience the causative level of emotionality that the lesser levels may eventually be transmuted. The highest laws, of course, are the Laws of Love, Light and Perfection. Enthusiasm must be the final encompassor of all negative emotion and thus using the causative power of love in action (enthusiasm) the lesser order of emotionality is experienced, first of all, on the physical level, and then the emotional level, and finally, on the mental level. This process is continued until all aspects of the creative powers used in the continual creation of both cause and effect (simultaneously) are transmuted from a position of non-resistance Remember, enthusiasm has nonresistance, thus one's proper use of this emotion enables one to transmute forever that which has resistance which incorporates pain, anger, fear, grief, apathy and unconsciousness, wherein all outer energies are crystallized in a pattern of continuity.
This pattern is an energy pattern or morphogenetlc field which consists of all forms of suppressed emotionality along with associated word patterns or verbal expressions and sensory experience which we call thought patterns. This pattern or energy field can be manipulated by external energies that may alter the outer energy patterns, temporarily. We must acknowledge that the source of all creativity to be the inner essence and even though the outer energy pattern may be altered temporarily by the influence of energies including various forms of vibrational medicine, if the inner essence or consciousness does not change, the pattern will eventually reappear and out outer forms will reoccur as a perfect outer manifestation of the inner essence The external energy patters may alter the outer energy pattern and thus alter the structure, but since the external energy pattern is limited to time and space it cannot enter the inner essence which is beyond time and space. The only permanent manner in which to change the outer manifestation is to have a change of consciousness that can only take place after the outer energies are experienced lovingly and willingly without resistance and all aspects of the emotional body are reexperienced at the mental level with enthusiasm. This transmutes the emotional body and therefore gives access to the mental body. Remember, only through unconditional love or enthusiasm can the emotional body be transmuted. This then allows us to access the mental body and here we begin to discipline ourselves with the laws concerning the mental body. These laws move us from a position of onepointedness, in a gradual manner, to the recognition and non-resistant acceptance of another point of view. When this is accomplished one is capable of seeing a duality from a linear or one dimensional position, which on planet earth is an admirable accomplishment. After linear and sequential thinking are mastered, one can begin to think in terms of two dimensions and sees more than two points of view which places one beyond the yes-no, off-on, logical computer-like thinking which is the linear and sequential thinking. This now moves one into the recognition and acceptance of three or more alternatives outside of a right-wrong, good-bad framework. This leads one into relative perceptuality, which is, in this society, an indication of advanced thinkers. Once one can see all things relative to a gradient scale and that which may be right for one individual may be wrong for another we are then capable of observing the Law of Temperance and the interaction of this law at many levels. This requires the intelligence to move out of linear and sequential thinking to two dimensional thinking. As one expands his/her awareness and can focus relatively on many multi-conditional considerations simultaneously one then moves into three dimensional thinking, known as hologrammic or holographic thinking which is the ability to see the causeeffect relationship of one or many simultaneous events from a position of perceptual newness. Seeing it as it is now, where It came from and where it is going is perceptual newness. The greater the knowledge of the past, the greater the awareness of the present, the greater the ability of the individual to predict the future. Hologramrnic thinking is seeing multidimensionally from a multifaceted viewpoint or from a position of a multitude of simultaneous points of view. Hologrammic thinking is a prerequisite to fourth dimensional thinking which can only come from a point of view which is simultaneously cause-effect, yin-yang, manifestation-essence, point of view that is capable of observing outcomes from a position of non-judgement and non-resistance, from a position of discernment while at the same time creating or uncreating or observing the creation from the inner essence. This point of view can only exist outside of time and space as we know it, yet is the creator of time, space, form and event as we perceive it. The altering of any existing hologrammic pattern must be done from a position of total non-resistance or discernment which is approximating the inner essence. Arty resistance will be the end result of awareness of causation and effect and thus a separation from the inner essence. Both cause and effect are the duality which holds manifestation in position. Therefore one must learn to encompass cause and effect from a non-spatial, non-times non-form, non-event position which is from a position of essence, the true source of the yang creative force. When one alters timespace-form-event from this position of the inner essence we then acknowledge the yang creative force and view the outer in a new perspective, as all changes to a new reality. The existing crystallizations of life reorder themselves gradually to a new pattern of creation. It would now be wise to reread Chapter Twenty-Nine in Book Three of the Logic in Sequence Series. With these remarks behind us, let us now delve deliberately and decisively into the requirements for the necessary Path of the Initiate and consider logically and sequentially the first Seven Steps of the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. THIS IS THE END OF ADDENDUM #2 OF THE SEVENTH STEP OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
1. The Eighth Step In the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence incorporates the requirements of the First Step, applied now, from an expanded perspective. In the First Step the primary basis of concentration was on the survival of the individual, as an individual, cultivating the qualities of individual responsibility. The Eighth Step, however, expands the concentration of effort from individual responsibility to the anticipation of the encompassment of a partner, a mate of the opposite sex, working collectively together for the common good of both partners, At this level of progression one must anticipate and plan for a future event and consider all points of view concerning all alternatives of activity. As one would plan for the yearly holiday in the mountains or at the seashore, one plans for every anticipated event) in like manner one plans fur a delightful trip through life with a partner of one's choice. 2. At this level of progression, it must be considered that the Law of Attraction comes into play very powerfully regarding relationships, marriage, sexual activity, chemistry between two people, etc. Karmic relationships arise wherein there is an irresistible draw toward an individual of the opposite sex. If self-discipline is not predetermined in these grave matters, irreversible mistakes can be made in the selection of a mate, wherein, if one learns from the error of others, it can be observed that the magnetic attraction which draws two people together for whatever karmic consideration, will quickly be spent, and then through emotional reaction the repulsion in the relationship will be just as fiery as was the attraction Thus, many people look for the attractive force between people, which phenomena lasts for a short time and the reactive mechanisms take over and drive the two apart. This happens over and over again in the lives of those who allow themselves to be governed by reaction rather than disciplining themselves according to law. These must be understood by the individual that one may anticipate these events of Karmic Attraction occurring that they may be handled to the resolution of emotionality rather than allowing the perpetuation of emotionality and desire which is Karma producing. 3. At this level of progression one must anticipate an expansion of the List concept. The individual will still have his own individual list which he/she will quietly keep to himself/herself, and shall continue to work dill gently on that list that progression may be consistent and decisive. In addition to the individual "List" one will anticipate at this level the concept of the collective "List" wherein unanimous decisions are made regarding the contents of the list. Just the mental anticipation of mutual accountability will bring reactive patterns to the fore that will need to be dealt with in a patient transmutational manner.
4. At this level of progression one is required to anticipate a marriage partner, wherein one must consider oneself incomplete without a marriage partner to bring out resistances that would not be exposed without the experience of marriage. It must be understood that within any body of law there are several levels of law, all appearing to contradict the other, yet a lower law must never be broken unless it is covered by a higher law. Yet, if the higher law is obeyed, then the lower law must be broken and the individual must suffer the consequences of the broken lower law. It must be understood that many people fool themselves into believing that they are already complete within themselves, when, as of yet, they have no knowledge or experience in regards to these matters of marriage. Thus, they delay for a lifetime or two the experience of marriage which must eventually be experienced. On the other hand there are those who have been successfully taking part in marriage relationships for many lifetimes. In this case they intuitively feel and believe that marriage is not necessary for them as they are now going to dedicate themselves completely to GOD through their service to mankind and their focus on becoming one with God through experiential meditation processes. On the other hand one enters into marriage and having made excellent provisions for wife and children, they enter into a monastic life for, for them, it is time to dedicate themselves to a higher law, I must add that they did leave their family in a position of destitution. On the other hand you have those who cannot bear the responsibility of family and the family is left destitute as the individual who leaves justifies himself/herself that they are leaving for a more spiritual life, for a more spiritual way and thus create more Karma for themselves in refusing to be responsible. Many people believe that love is letting go, which is justification in their mind to leave a relationship when
working things out between two people become difficult. Suffice it to say, that the resistances one experiences in New York, when cast behind through giving in and giving up, will be recreated in Sydney Australia of any other place on earth. There is no escape from our resistances. Knowledge only comes from experience, thus it is necessary for an individual to have a mate in order to gain the necessary experience that the soul may grow. The individual shall actually be forced, in the marriage relationship to confront oneself by expanding out of a self-centred position of existence. 5. At this level of awareness the individual must prepare himself to abandon the intellect, assuming that the intelligence has developed to a certain degree. This is often difficult to ascertain, yet must be prepared for. Intellectualism is basically a self-centred activity due to the fact that it is linear in thinking which perpetuates the bondage of emotional resistance. Intellectualism is pride in one's ability to reason logically. This, of course, is a necessary step in ones progression that one must master. Yet, this is an attachment that must be released or else one will not reach a position of experience from a hologrammic point of view, and one shall remain selfprogrammed to a level of linear and sequential thinking. It requires hologrammic visualization that one may experience on the mental level that which exists on the physical, and thus one rises above self-centred activity. 6. At this level of awareness one fully embraces the concept of gaining harmony with one individual. The anticipation of this event and the consideration of such a prospect is the springboard of consideration which enables one to eventually grow into harmony with many. The mastery of the microcosm thus expands into the encompassment of the macrocosm. One must first master understanding from an intellectual position and then through experience one will gradually grow into a hologrammic understanding. 7. At this level of awareness one anticipates and plans for the development of living in the perceptual newness which requires the individual to experience hologrammically through increased awareness without exclusion of other points of view and their collective "yin" energies. 8. At this level of awareness one must understand intellectually that interaction with one individual at all levels of experience gives one the opportunity of receiving the outer manifestations of the yin energies of at least one other intelligence. As one learns from experience to encompass with non-resistance the yin energies of one harmonious individual, one is then able to expand this ability gradiently to others. This is one basic reason why marriage to one mate is a basic requirement in the development or expansion of the soul. Keep in mind that as one progresses there are laws within laws within laws. 9. At this level of awareness one is cognizant of his/her need for a mate. It is recognized that a mate is not required at this time as the development of the soul would be premature. It is also recognized that the individual is not prepared mentally or emotionally for marriage, even though the individual may appear to be fully developed physically. 10. At this level of awareness one must consider the various aspects of collective prayer, meditation, affirmation and decree. One still maintains his individuality and his/her private prayers, etc. Yet one adds to his/her private activities the collective activities within the scope of individual progression. 11. At this level of progression one must expand the concept of individually dealing with the Ten Steps to Perfection as taught in Chapter Seven of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. One must now consider and anticipate the appropriate manner in doing each step collectively with a mate. 12. At this level of awareness one must expand the concept of the Five Virtues found in Chapter Nine of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. One must anticipate the incorporation of collective activities with a mate. One must understand that one does not give up his/her individuality. One chooses to expand upon one's approach in dealing with life to include another by carefully implementing and utilizing in harmony the process living collectively by unanimous consent. 13. Now let us carefully consider two very important aspects. A woman is a "yin" individual. She is built to be yin, she is programmed to be yin. A woman must anticipate developing her yin aspect before she can ever develop the capacity or ability to develop her yang aspect- A man is a "yang" individual. He is built to be yang, he is programmed to be yang. A man must anticipate developing his yang aspect before he can ever be gin to develop his yin aspect. If a man or
woman hesitates or resists the development of his/her naturally endowed physical, emotional and mental programming to be yang or yin, that resistance perpetuates that condition and a person will never be able to transmute the bondage which limits the perception of an eventual encompassment of yin and yang qualities. A man, therefore, must anticipate the development of the Godly aspect of leading in a committed relationship as the yang aspect of the anticipated union. A woman, therefore, must anticipate the development of the Godly aspect of following in a committed relationship as the yin aspect of the anticipated union. A man must learn to look at any committed relationship objectively, wherein he chooses to receive appropriate counsel from his intuitive mate. A woman must learn to receive leadership from her logical mate. Both must recognize the need for unity in all decisions which affect the activities of both. There is an important factor to consider, which must be understood in advance. If there is a difference in opinion, the final decision must rest with the man. The woman will endear herself to the man through her support of him by following him if a final decision is reached, even though differences were discussed. When a man knows that he will have the full support of his loving wife, then he will be careful not to make decisions which will adversely affect the committed relationship. Here again there are laws within laws, within laws. There are higher and lower laws which in time one will understand through experience must be carefully considered in order that the highest and best good might come to pass for all concerned. 14. At this level of awareness one has brought the outer activity into a position of constant introspection, that the outer manifestation may expose the inner essence. So often we become involved in the outer activity to such a degree that the inner essence remains a mystery to us. At this level of activity we discipline ourselves according to the first Seven Steps of the Visualization and Consciousness Series, wherein we have, to a degree, entered in and have perfected to a degree the activity of faith. We have apprenticed ourselves faithfully and have developed virtue. We have been obedient to law and have obtained knowledge. We have seen the progression of each soul with his/her various levels of development and have begun to understand temperance. We have seen to a degree, the divine pathway that each must travel and have cultivated, to a degree, patience. We have seen our brother and sister on the pathway of life and have cultivated, to degree, the concept of brotherly kindness. In our own limited manner we have taken every opportunity as it has arisen to administer the law, by giving to another appropriately that which we have already received, knowing that we have never really gained a step in our progression until we have given away what we have received. Thus we grow in the administration of the law or Godliness. 15. Now, at this level of awareness we move on to the Eighth Step to Perfection which is Charity or the Pure Love of Christ. Read carefully everything that can be found on Charity. Return to the Logic in Sequence Series, Book One, Chapter Seven. Cultivate the understanding and an application of Charity in its true sense. 16. At this level of awareness one must understand that at no time should an individual deny his/her truth. If one subjugates himself/herself to a dominate personality one will follow meekly by suppressing his/her truth and thus will place blind faith in whoever is making a decision. This blind faith should never enter into the activity of a living soul. If one follows, one follows intelligently, one gives wise counsel to one who one is following and patiently waits for a recognition of that truth which one has confidence in. If one finds that one has been in error, then one has the joy of self-correction and thus all come into a delightful harmony. A choice to follow does not imply that one is no longer being true to his/her heart in the manner in which one deals with life. Each individual must learn to be aware of the still small voice of guidance which supersedes conscience. Everyone has a conscience which is the sum total of a person's programming. But one's conscience is limited because of one's belief system, one's culture, one's environmental influence, one's genetics, etc. The spirit of God which each person seeks to follow, cuts through all this programming and light intervenes while conscience restricts and limits ones understanding. Now, one must, in all cases assume full responsibility for all actions regardless whether one is leading or following. One must also anticipate at this level of awareness the unity which is being anticipated with a future mate. It is anticipated that there will be a gradual growing together in direction and purpose as unity is developed through dialogue (sometimes long and lengthy dialogue), choice of action by unanimous decision and lengthy experience.
17. At this level of awareness the requirements found in the First Step in the Visualization and Consciousness Class are expected to be fully entered into and activated (complied with) and expanded upon in anticipation of acquiring a future mate. THIS IS THE END OF STEP EIGHT IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
any other manner, except through obedience to the laws which are established in the Steps indicated in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. It would be appropriate at this time to carefully and quietly absorb the material presented with an attitude of prayer that the mind may be opened to receive that which has eternal value. May each of you be blessed with the desires of your heart that are in harmony with divine law. THIS IS THE END OF THE ADDENDUM TO STEP EIGHT OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
individual has very thoroughly deceived himself. Let us not be guilty of such a transgression against ourselves by being so thoughtless wherein we place blockages within our own pathway because we choose not to study, contemplate, inquire and build on a strong foundation of understanding. 7. At this level of awareness, in the perceptual newness, reread all the requirements in the new, in the now, and take a full reappraisal of progress made. Read just the items on your list in a very comprehensive manner, in anticipation of a future selection of a mate. 8. Reiterating, anticipate the selection of a future mate while cultivating social exposure for the purpose of considering and being considered. 9. Reiterating, consider assuming social responsibilities as the opportunity arises, and perform your functions meticulously, patiently cultivating your foundation for that which the universe is determined to present to you for your highest and best good, when you are qualified. 10. Reiterating, consider carefully all aspects of the healing crisis related to unconsciousness to begin with, which is the basis of the "Death Crystal". Contemplate: Death seeks to survive as death. Unconsciousness seeks-to survive as unconsciousness. 11. Reiterating, consider one-pointedness as it has been related to "Meditation with Seed". Determine the appropriate outer activity to harmonize with the creative activity which springs from the inner essence, as related to Karrnic Completion, as related to the "List." 12. Reiterating, cultivate illumination on the concept of Humility and the Law of Sacrifice. Consider the Pathway of Harmlessness and Non-violence. Consider the relationship between Humility and the Ten Steps to Perfection from Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. THIS IS THE END OF STEP NINE OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
systematically eliminated from the reactive content of the human mind. At this level of progression the various aspects of apathy are dealt with and overcome. 6. At this level, as one pursues an intellectual mode of activity in the securing of knowledge, one must increase the awareness of crystal dissolution with its unique method of manifestation of apathy and unconsciousness with the corresponding verbal expressions which are caused to be brought to awareness by calcification or crystal dissolution due to the intense intellectual activity. 7. At this level of awareness, the Law of Attraction will continue to interplay with word patterns of apathy and emotionality, drawing similar experiences to the individual to justify the continuation of the word patterns. One must lovingly and willingly continue to endure all things at this level. 8. At this level of progression, do not try to logically reason and expend your time and resources into finding a reason why you feel and think the way you feel and think while you are experiencing the emotion of apathy. Simply learn to be yin and choose to receive the experiences of life without trying to find a reason. The full understanding is hidden beneath the emotion of pain which is the capstone to memory. Simply satisfy yourself with experiencing with non-resistance the feeling of apathy and unconsciousness and this in turn will expose the emotion of suppressed grief. 9. There may be some confusion pertaining to the statement that one should not spend time in finding out why one is in a state of emotional reaction especially at this time related to unconsciousness and apathy. There Is no logical reason in reaction at this level of progress ion, there is no substance to memory to reflect upon concerning reactive patterns. All we can do is observe that a reaction exists- The reaction or the source of the reaction is a stimulus-response situation which is submerged below the level of consciousness and is beyond the reach of memory thus is beyond the reach of reason. You cannot reason or discuss something which is incapable of being remembered. At the level of grief one can discuss some events intellectually which may be the source of the reaction but until man can experience on the mental level that which exists on the physical level, he will be bound to the physical in the form of the continuation of reactive patterns. All of the intellectual bantering concerning this matter will not reduce or eliminate the reactive patterns. As has been firmly considered: Pain is the capstone to memory, and until one is able to reexperience or go through the experience of the emotional pain, the memory will be locked up in the subconscious or unconscious mind. The memory shall only be exposed in a specific hologrammic form through the determined application of the Laws of Body Electronics which results in crystal or calcification dissolution thus allowing the "organic computer chip" to yield systematically to the awareness of the consciousness the specific thought patterns, emotions and word patterns which have been suppressed through the various resistances which have been experienced by the individual. It must be re iterated that at the level of grief, which is. just above apathy on the scale of emotionality, one will be able to be intellectual concerning ones reactive patterns, but not until one reaches the level of enthusiasm concerning a particular traumatic event will one have what is called specific memory which exists above the level of pain, which is then capable of being resolved and eliminated from the reactive-mode by observing the trauma, choosing to receive without resistance the trauma, selectively re-creating the particulars or memory (specific) of the trauma, and then gradually releasing the trauma at which time one will experience the vibration of regeneration which again is after the burning, searing pain of the kundalini fire. If there is any doubt concerning this procedure or the progression of events concerning the restoration of memory concerning that which has been resisted and suppressed, discuss this matter in length with that individual who has been appointed to secure your progression in this Visualization and Consciousness Sequence until all cobwebs are removed fro MI the mind concerning this vital issue. 10. At this level of awareness we now need, to embrace the- understanding of Diligence as it is related to the Ten Steps to Perfection. Diligence comes only after one has developed to some degree the prior nine steps to perfection. One cannot see clearly in a given area of experience until one can apply appropriately all ten steps to a given experience of life. This does not happen by just taking a pill. It is a process of self-realization which occurs gradually as one tussles with the death crystals of the flesh and gradually overcomes them. Once one overcomes all emotionality in 3 given area of experience through the experience of the Kundalini Fire, one must understand that this is just the beginning, as one now must learn how to use the yang ability of applying clear visualization. One must learn to understand and apply carefully the utilization of
will and desire (volition) and accordingly, each of the Ten Steps to Perfection until one gradiently moves up the ladder of experience to the point of Diligence at which time mastery has been tenuously achieved in that portion of the arena of life, which mastery must now be anchored into the mentality of the individual by repetition of the Laws concerning the area of Mastery in regards to experiential activity. The total dissolution of a crystal does not take place on the physical emotional and mental levels, until one is capable and applies to real life diligence in the area being totally mastered. Let it be explained as follows. One may have observed, received, recreated and released on a mental level a certain area of resistance. One yet must understand and apply the emotional body laws to onepointedly develop that scope of emotionality which one has never experienced before, as one has been in bondage for so long to the emotional reactivity. Now, with the reactive pattern being eliminated, one must replace the emotionality with a yang quality where one now decides how one will act (not react) in a given area of life. Then one must master on the physical level and replace old reactive patterns which are entrenched in the physical corpus delecti by making a conscious choice as to how one will act (not react) on the physical level. If the reactive patterns are not removed and replaced with a positive form of action then gradually the physical pattern which has not been dealt with" properly will influence the return of the emotional reaction and thus the mental body will be influenced by the emotions that have not been responsibly dealt with. Things in one's universe do not change without appropriate affirmative action off the mental body level, the emotional body level and the physical body level. Discuss these matters fully with that individual who is appointed to help aid in your individual progression in the various steps in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. One must give back to the universe that which has been received from it. Remember; The physical universe is the yin manifestation of that which emanates from the inner essence. Therefore we must learn to experience the yin manifestation on the mental level, the emotional level and the physical level to overcome all aspects of duality and thus, through encompassment of all dualities concerning this area of introspection, we will experience a return to oneness and, in this area of concern, separation ceases to be. 11. It is imperative to understand the overlapping of many areas of concern and their various levels of emotionality all happening simultaneously. The concept of lovingly and willingly enduring all things as they are is very Important, Also the recognition that every thing is perfect divine order is a positive requirement for developing the quality of non-resistance. As the crystals dissolve within your body and release the resistances of aeons of time, do not expect all things to be rosy and peaceful. With the dissolution of crystals the universe around you goes through the throes of change. Nothing is peaceful, stable or comfortable. All is a matter of confusion arid change. At that time just enjoy and wait patiently for the universe to restabilize around the patterns of thought which you are now manifesting. As the physical body regenerates and restructures itself, whether it be spinal curvatures, or scar-tissue, please realize that the physical environment around you will go through similar changes. Thought patterns, emotional feelings, and word patterns do not just effect the physical body which we can see and experience, they affect the entire universe around us which goes into the throes of marvellous change. Please keep this in mind so you will not become discouraged at the changes which come about through your change of consciousness THIS IS THE END OF THE TENTH STEP IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
nourish and sustain the man she chooses. The woman is the yin aspect of the relationship which is designed to complement his yang characteristic. Variations in the above shall exist from ? culture to culture, but, nevertheless, the woman basically has a yin characteristic that must be nurtured and developed while the man has a yang characteristic which must be nurtured and properly developed. 8. At this level of progression we must recognize that this is no longer an intellectual activity which is mentally played with by the social activists and feminists who continually contend in a manner of resistance over that which they do not understand, and certainly cannot understand in their current state of arrogant persistence in resistance. Their obvious lack of understanding is only exceeded by their ability to engage in continual perturbation. Thus, since they are captivated by extremes in emotionality one can understand their lack of reason concerning male and female roles. Reason cannot happen when states of reactivity captivate the personality. The evidence of reactive natures indicate that one must carefully look to himself/herself regarding these emotions which render it impossible viewing any matter with discernment. That which is under consideration in Step Eleven is a practical application of Law in preparation for that which is destined to be. The concept of temperance applies here as moderate behaviour is determined by the appropriate measure of activity according to the corresponding needs of the moment in the everpresent nowness. 9. In prior writings we have discussed in part the requirement of each man to learn to be "Yin" before he can ever adequately express the qualities of "Yang". We have also discussed in part the need for each female to learn to be "Yin" so that she can Team to receive and reflect graciously the qualities of the man, that having mastered the "Yin" she might then without error exercise her Yang qualities appropriately. A man is not complete without the woman, neither is a woman complete without the man. 10. As unconsciousness and apathy has been released sequentially through obedience to law we now come to Grief. As grief is released with the assiduous application of. economic positioning, one must be aware of the gradual crystal dissolution with the everpresent Law of Attraction coming into play which demands the replay of suppressed experiences which are exposing themselves to one's awareness through the action of the universe around 6ne. As the energies are released from the "crystal" the universe will manifest-exactly what the released energies attract to help us to learn that which we at one time in the past refused to learn through our sustained resistance to that particular experience. 11. Thus, at this level of awareness, the Law of Attraction will continue to interplay with word patterns and grief related emotionality and the universe will provide similar experiences to justify their continuation. 12. At this level of awareness one must continue with, that which has caused the "crystal" to yield up its suppressed treasures, thus by persistent and consistent effort, while lovingly and willingly enduring all things, the grief will be resolved or transmuted and fear shall arise as the next emotion to master. It is time to re-read Chapter Eight of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. Therein one will find information that shall apply directly to the initiate on the path which is necessary to now place in proper perspective. It is also to be understood that all of these Steps in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence are interrelated and definitely overlap uniquely from experience to experience for each Individual on the path. 13. Let us now itemize carefully in detail that which must be entered into and/or accomplished on the part of the initiate who is on the Pathway to Enlightenment. The following must be adhered to before the initiate is allowed to pass on to Step Twelve of the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. 14. Re-read all of the requirements for Step Four and take a full reappraisal of the progress made. Readjust the items on your list accordingly, in anticipation of a future selection of a mate. 15. Absorb the information In Chapter Twenty-Nine in Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series concerning marriage. Consider all aspects as related to your anticipation of the selection of a future mate. 16. Consider the marriage commitment, it's widespread applications and implications as related to anticipated marriage.
17. Consider economic preparation and positioning in order to cover all basic needs, in consideration for future anticipated events. 18. Consider the "Yin" aspects and the "Yang" aspects of each individual in the marriage relationship. By consideration of these aspects of how one deals with a relationship, the energy of attention with intent to comprehend will aid in the dissolution of the very Crystal which limits our understanding, thus will follow healing crisis-and all of its related activities. 19. Re-read Chapter Eight of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series,, The information will prepare one for that which will occur on the Pathway of the Initiate. 20. Consider: "In the absence of commitment and intent, the soul is relegated to experience the reactive content of the human mind." - (Page 90, Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series.) THIS IS THE END OF THE ELEVENTH STEP IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSHESS SEQUENCE.
the opportunity of partnership and mutual growth. 6. At this level of progression one must cultivate the capacity to bargain and deal with family policies and social-family customs and requirements. There is at this level a degree of proving oneself to all concerned as coming from a position of strength and preparation, rather than from a position of need. 7. At this level of progression one must develop the patient application of principle that compromise may not hinder appropriate action and the vigorous maintenance and protection of free agency in mate selection. 8. As one contemplates the dissolution of crystal one will observe that as fear is released from the bondage of emotional suppression as indicated by the actual crystals within the human body and the corresponding crystals in the world around us held immobile by our suppressed resistances, we find again that, by the Law of Attraction, that various experiences will be drawn to us, provided for us by the universe to perpetuate our fears. As we learn to lovingly and willingly endure the vicissitudes of life, as we finally learn our lessons by applying constantly the Law of Non-Resistance, our fears will be dispelled and then sequentially our suppressed anger will arise. At this level we will have the responsibility to control our anger in an appropriate manner or else untimely reaction can destroy many good works. Bridle the tongue and control the emotions until every destructive remnant of anger is completely transmuted by obedience to the Laws of Love, Light and Perfection. 9. Let us now itemize in detail that which must be entered into and/or accomplished on the part of the initiate who is on the Pathway of Enlightenment. The following must be adhered to before the initiate is allowed to pass on to the Thirteenth Step in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. 10. Re-read all the requirements for Step Five and take a full reappraisal of the progress made. Readjust the items on your list accordingly, in anticipation of a future selection of a mate. When you are fully prepared in your Pathway to Perfection, the mate will appear. One at this level of progression need only to work on the "List" and not to be overzealous in the selection of a mate. Think of yourself as a green cherry. When you are fully ripe, you shall be the object of someone's attention. There will be no mistake when this happens- One must be fully cognizant of one very important law. The counterfeit for truth will often appear to tempt one and remove him from his Pathway to Perfection. The counterfeit will usually appear prior to the true blessing one desires. The dark forces, if it were possible, will sway you into a position of compromise, wherein, you will be led gently by the hand into identification with matter by yielding to that enticement which would destroy you if it could. One must be fully aware of every outer experience and do not be too quick to react to every offering of someone's attention. Pray and ponder the direction that one must take in order to be appropriate in the perceptual newness. 11. Absorb the information in Chapter Thirty in Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. Consider all aspects of your anticipated union that many potential problems may be solved before they occur. 12. Consider the responsibilities of assuming greater responsibilities wherein one is coming from a position of greater economic strength and affluence. Consider the various techniques one could use to help uplift those who are drawn to you from a position of weakness. Consider how to properly administer the Law to those who choose to attach themselves to your shirttails. 13. Consider how to be prudent in handling all aspects of affluence. 14. Consider the appropriate handling of fear and anger as these energies are released from crystal.
and acquire intellectual knowledge from all available sources regarding the contemplated activity. This does not mean that one does not consider the wise advice of those who have travelled the pathway before. This does not mean one rejects the activity of the majority. This does not mean one stands alone in defiance of the world. This does mean that one takes all things "into consideration to the best of one's ability, and then after all things are perused carefully, one then takes what one would consider to be the appropriate action concerning the subject at hand. At this time one walks into the experience full of confidence, with willingness to assume the full effects of what one is causing, and then after the experience has been entered into with great sincerity, great thoughtfulness, and great anticipation of victory, one will often walk out a beaten man. Thus, one learns that if one is a victor in the situation, that this is an experience as one should learn to take victory and defeat with the same degree of equanimity as both victory and defeat are imposters and cover up through expectation, attachment and resistance to defeat with attachment to victory, the true experiential pattern of growth wherein there is no attachment to outcomes. 9. Let it be hereby considered that if one enters into an involutionary activity for the sake of gaining experience one must understand that this involutionary activity will cloud the mind of the individual that will make it impossible to come to any understanding. For example, one may have a friend and the subject of marijuana may arise in conversation. One will argue against its use yet the friend may use a very persuasive argument that if you haven't tried it you are not in a position to judge its effects upon the body. If you haven't tried it you are not talking from experience and have no basis for judgement. So, one tries Marijuana, and one is not aware of the negative effect, the suppressive effect it has upon one. One's mind becomes clouded and therefore, one's judgement becomes inaccurate. The same reasoning is you may realize vicariously that if you jump off a cliff, you may die, This does not mean you have to jump off the cliff for experience so you can say it is not good for one. One can certainly see the detrimental effect of drugs upon the individual, the change in the fibres of the iris of the eye through the use of Marijuana as they move back toward the pigment layer. One does not have to use marijuana to see whether or not it is good for one. If one enters into an involutionary activity it will drag the individual down where they lose their resolve to follow correct principle and even lose their clarity of thought wherein one cannot recognize that the activity one is involved in could be involutionary, taking the individual down into identification with matter. One must therefore guard oneself against entering into any involutionary activity and determine to only enter into evolutionary activity. 10. If one follows the pathway of the apprentice, one learns by experience degree upon degree. But, when one plots his/her own course of action one then bears the full brunt of responsibility, the full cause and effect considerations. Thus one grows. Here in is where the apprentice must eventually be released by the master to walk his own walk, to make his own decisions and bear the consequences of those decisions. This then becomes the pathway of the master. 11. It is the nature of man, that when he takes advice and the advice doesn't materialize according to expectations and conditions placed upon outcomes, then man has a tendency to blame the source of advice and find judgement, criticism, and condemnation as part of his nature. Herein is where one is taught the principle: "Take no advice, give no advice". This is the pathway where individual responsibility results in the greatest growth. This does not mean that one does not teach or receive the blessings of correct principles. A true master will teach people correct principles and then allow them the wonderful privilege of governing themselves. Anything less than this will eventually result in usurped authority and unrighteous dominion being exercised over the souls of man. 12. The pathway, therefore, to master-hood is the pathway of assuming full responsibility for one's life, assuming full responsibility for causative behaviour and its effects, while lovingly and willingly experiencing the interchange with all aspects of intelligence within the .confines of universal experience. 13. Consider the full implications pertaining to the anticipation of coordinating activities with a mate, wherein one willingly sacrifices time, money, effort, etc. to upgrade the life of another. The concept of sacrifice should be looked into at this time as it is one of the greatest mysteries of life to yet be mastered. 14. Consider the full aspects of justification as related to emotionality released from the crystals of human creation. 15. Consider the full implication of assuming the position of sustained and maintained commitment and intent to be obedient to law. Consider how this has it dissolving effects on the crystals of human
creation. 16. Consider how reaction takes place where one does not maintain predetermined decisions which render conclusive behaviour. 17. Consider what is incorporated in the concept of intuitional faculties or inner knowingness. How does one differentiate between reactive mechanisms which are fully justified by the intelligence and intuition wherein an individual knows the proper decision to make? This concept must be understood in full. What is the difference between conscience and discrimination?
emotions and associated word patterns and thought patterns (sensory experience) are released sequentially from the layers of crystal as the crystal (calcification) dissolves due to the concerted strivings toward experience as indicated in these 24 Steps in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence, which in turn is part of the Fifty Steps to Perfection. 9. It is important to consider: If all existing phenomena or yin energies were recognized to be the outer manifestation or emanations of one's inner essence, one would be on the pathway of lovingly and willingly enduring all things. This understanding is a prerequisite for mastering all energies pertaining to the physical body, the emotional body and the mental body. All energies which can be broken down into electrical activity in the widest possible interpretation, must be mastered at all three levels of the physical, emotional and mental before one can move into the ascensional process. One must learn that one must choose to receive without resistance before one can choose to re-create and thus uncreate the human creation represented by the crystal (calcifications) on the physical level which holds us in perpetual bondage of death, darkness, and despair. 10. At this level of awareness it is important to consider that Pain is the result of self-centred desire. Pleasure is the simple temporary fulfilment of desire. When one has an attachment to the fulfilment of a desire and when one does not fulfil the desire, one has pain, One simply moves down the scale of emotionality from enthusiasm wherein there i| no resistance and hence there is no pain, down through the introduction of resistance to not having things occur the way we want them to occur, down to the inevitable outcome of this resistance which is pain. As resistance mounts due to our expectations and the conditions placed upon the outcomes of these expectations which are not met, we move sequentially downward into identification with matter as represented by the scale of emotions and the movement downward in this scale of emotions due to our resistance. Due to the activity of resonant frequencies or resisted energies the body responds with computer like precision in the deposition of calcifications in the corresponding part of the body which is resonating to the suppressed emotionality and corresponding associated word patterns and sensory experiences (thought patterns). Thus, when expectations and conditions placed upon anticipated outcomes are not met, one has first of all a drop in enthusiasm down through pain and gradually downward as the resistance is maintained into eventual unconsciousness where all is suppressed and the calcifications occur in the physical body and the surrounding environment. These are manifested in the energy patterns of the DNA and are eventually passed down through the DNA to future generations who inherit the complex conglomeration of thought patterns, word patterns and emotionality. Now, as we, in the perpetual nowness, slowly and gradually let go of all attachments to desire, through the gradual dissolution or dissolving of the crystal, the encoded thought patterns, word patterns and emotionality are gradually released in a sequential manner, in reverse order as they were suppressed through resistance, according to the laws of healing crisis, and we then have the opportunity to observe, choose to be receptive, choose to re-create and eventually, through the encompassment of the inherent duality, release through the reversal of the entire process, manifested by the vibration of regenerate on and to state it simply, we release forever the pain. The reexperience of all suppressed pain must be accomplished before the soul is free from its continuation of the Birth-Rebirth cycle. There must be a change of consciousness at the mental body level from a non-resistant position of discernment or discrimination which can only happen after all pain is lovingly and willingly endured. If the pain is not fully transmuted through the enthusiastic experience of the suppressed pain, then the pain will persist and, if temporarily overcome, will return through the perpetuation of resistance. One must remember: UNTIL MAN CAM EXPERIENCE ON THE MENTAL LEVEL THAT WHICH EXISTS ON THE PHYSICAL LEVEL, HE WILL BE BOUND TO THE PHYSICAL. 11. At this level of progression one must understand that all proper relationships begin from a position of individual responsibility. From this position of Individual responsibility the position of co-creation begins. It would be wise to look upon a union between a man and a woman as a "-collective unity", .It must be stated here clearly that this does not mean a man and a man or a woman and a woman. We are speaking clearly and unequivocally that we are speaking about a relationship between a man and a woman without compromise. Read Chapter Twenty-Six in Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series at this time. Take each appropriate concept on community and apply it to the community of two people. Plan for the decisions to ne made collectively that each decision be agreed upon unanimously and harmoniously at the least common denominator of acceptance.
12. To begin with, each individual maintains his/her individuality - See diagram below.
The two individuals get together to consider decisions based on "collective unity". See diagram below.
The two individuals agree unanimously on a course of action which is agreed upon at the least common denominator of acceptance. See diagram below.
Where the two circles intersect (Venn Diagrams), this indicates where the two choose to act as a team from a common "List".
It must be understood that each individual maintain their own individual list, while they begin to form a collective list wherein they may find common ground to play the game of life. A union just does not happen, it must occur through an intelligent, organized, planned, agreed upon venture wherein each individual makes a concerted effort through commitment to help each other along the road of life. Any union, left up to chance, inspiration, chemistry, spur of the moment feelings, spontaneity, etc. is doomed to failure, unless there is a return to correct principle as is being discussed presently. Eventually as the two merge their activities by choice and agreed upon directions of activity, the diagram will begin to look like the diagram below.
Each individual still maintains his/her individual projects while sharing that which is mutually agreed upon. The suggested considerations for community will have direct application with the union of two people. Thought given beforehand on this matter will be of great value to people anticipating the entry into a marriage relationship. 13. Let us now review, re-itemize, or reiterate in detail that which must be entered into and/or accomplished on the part of the initiate who is on the pathway to enlightenment. The following must be adhered to before the initiate is allowed to pass on to Step fifteen of the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. 14. Reread all of the requirements for Step Seven in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence and take a full reappraisal of progress made Readjust the items on your list accordingly, in anticipation of your selection of a mate. If a selection of a mate has taken place before your entering in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence, then it may be appropriate to make the necessary adjustments to that which you have already entered into. It may be wise to not make adjustments too quickly as the tender relationship may be shattered by impatient and hasty decisions, when if patience and long-suffering were to be carefully maintained the reward will be worth the extended effort. Remember that if you take a delicate wine glass from a freezer and plunge it into hot water how quickly the wine glass can be destroyed. Moderation in all matters, tempered by patience will earn a lasting love and respect in all relationships. A man or woman inspired of God will teach correct principles and allow all mankind the privilege of governing themselves, even within a marriage relationship. Force of any kind breeds resentment and perpetuated resistance, thus develop the virtues of patience and long-suffering, 15. Consider the various aspects of growth and self-realization and the everpresent overlappings which differ from individual to individual as gradual unfoldment takes place. 16. Consider the various aspects .of intuitional perception and creative knowingness, especially within the confines of mate consideration and selection and eventual mutual cooperation along the pathway of life. 17. Consider the various aspects of co-creation and how this applies to mutual cooperation in marriage. 18. Explain how, through the laws of telegony, taking on a marriage partner creates on the physical level a union which cannot be broken through the act of procreation, Discuss the various aspects and implication related to DNA interchange and the concept of sanctification. 19. Discuss justification, purification and sanctification. 20. Explain how pain Is the result of self-centred desire. 21. Explain how Pain is the capstone to the acquisition of memory. 22. Explain how change of Consciousness takes place. 23. Consider the concept of 7 times 7 and its manifestation in each of the Seven Steps in the 7 times 7. 24. Explain what is meant by yin energy. What is meant by Cease to resist the yin energies around you? 25. Read and absorb Chapter Twenty-Six in Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. 26. Explain the concept of "Collective Unity". 27. Explain what is meant by: "When all are acting in concert in the physical arena, then the spiritual eye shall be awakened". 28. What are the implications and deep meaning of agreeing unanimously on a course of action which is agreed upon at the least common denominator of acceptance? 29. What is meant by a collective "List". 30. Where does the concept of "God" fit into the things which have been discussed? Is god a necessary component in all these considerations? If so why? If not why?
the Logic in Sequence Series- Book One we find that these most powerful concepts must now be applied to a union of man and woman. The two being in harmony must maintain that harmony by working unitedly, not only on the level of physical activity but more importantly on the level of mental activity. Read again and absorb Chapter Four as a definite prerequisite to complete Fifteenth Step in The Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. The concept of beingness must be understood and encompassed, not only on the individual level, but also on the level of union of male and female. 7. At this level of progression one must fully comprehend the importance of Commitment. One must remember that In the absence of commitment and intent, the soul is relegated to experience the reactive content of the human mind. One must remember that "Without commitment, there would be no action, as action is a determination to apply a law with faith. This is a commitment." The concept of Commitment must be understood at this level of progression. Read again and absorb the deep meaning in Chapter Five of the Logic in Sequence Series- Book One. At this level of progression, in the area of interpersonal relationships, it is recognized by the masters that commitments in marriage are necessary to bind people together in that relationship of yin and yang in order that people will be able to work through crystals that cannot be overcome in any other way. Marriage is designed for people to bind themselves together as they are brought together by God. Again: What God has brought together, let no man put asunder. In other words, for the highest and best good of each person, the marriage covenant should be honoured, that each person may stay in that relationship and work things out until complete harmony is obtained and maintained. If people part at any time due to any altercation, real or imaginary, then the purpose of marriage would fail. Only in dire circumstances where the intention to work things out is no longer in force and an alienation of affection takes place, then and only then, after every effort of reconciliation has been made, should the parties part and have the marriage resolved. Herein, reactions which are cultivated by the individual, can destroy a committed relationship, and one, not fully aware of the consequences involved allows the reactive mechanisms of the human mind to dominate the mind, thus leading the individual into dark pathways which later will be deeply regretted, yet one will be unable to correct the mistake and therefore, must move on, perhaps the wiser, but also deprived of that harmony and unity that could have been his or hers had one not bowed to chemistry and reactivity which at best is short lived and destructive to the human soul. Consider: The Law of God makes one a free soul. The Law of man restricts, inhibits and deprives free agency of the human soul. The Law of God, within the parameters of obedience to that Law, allows the logical and sequential unfoldment of the human soul to the gradual unlimited unfoldment of freedom. The Law of man limits the growth of the human soul and leads one gradually through unjust authoritarian control into darkness of the human mind, death of the spirit of freedom, and despair of ever having the opportunity to live according to the freedom of one's heart. We have discussed the concentration of the individual on his/her survival, first as an individual, and secondly as a survival as a unit bonded together by marriage- Let us consider carefully the position of the concept of survival. If we are concerned with survival, it is understandable that we may question our ability to survive. Survival is a concept, which, when fully understood, is a counter consideration of I AM. When one is no longer capable, due to the resistances of life, of assuming a position of beingness in a state of non-resistance, one can no longer be in a position of I AM" but is in a position of trying to be, trying to survive, which is a survival attempt which can manifest in a multitude of patterns. When a person is trying to survive, or trying to be, it is obvious that he has assumed sometime, somewhere a question as to his survival status. Reread chapter Twenty-Nine of Book One in the Logic in Sequence Series Let us carefully consider the following: From the Old Testament are teachings, which are as valid today as they were in the past. The Laws of God as taught through every inspired religion on the earth do not change, as the Laws of God are eternal. One law which requires deep consideration is embodied in the teachings of the Prophet Hosea: Chapter 4 verse 6 wherein it states: My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee..." The same teachings will be found throughout the world in every major religion. The emphasis is on knowledge of the truth. What is truth? Truth is knowledge of things as they are, as they were and as they are to be. Truth is an accurate knowledge of history, accurate awareness of the ever-present nowness, and clear perception of future events if conditions now do not change In 2nd Timothy we have a clear perception of people today who focusing their attention outside of themselves in the greatest explosion of knowledge in the history of man wherein it is stated ''... ever learning, and never 51
able to come to the knowledge of truth." What are we doing as individuals? We are working within a framework of reality and certainty. We are working to aid the individual to develop one's memoryspecific memory through the overcoming of pain. Why do we need specific memory, which has been suppressed through emotional resistance? It is simple. How would it be possible to repent and change our ways on the mental level unless we are capable of experiencing on the mental level with clear memory? How can one repent unless he can remember? How would it be possible to understand where we have erred unless we have the knowledge of law? Knowledge is the power wherein one is capable to save oneself from the ravages of death, darkness and despair. Knowledge is the third step on the Ten Steps to Perfection. How can we progress without knowledge? It is time to reread chapter Eighteen of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. Read prayerfully, as within these pages are simple truths, which are hidden from man. 12. Now, let us carefully consider the following: It is stated in the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 17:9 " The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: Who can know it?" Many people are governed by their heart- their feelings which are often deeply rooted in their programming, from the Constitutional Man which we have discussed, from the Natural Man which we have discussed, and from Entity Involvement. Thus, those who are governed by their feelings are usually led into error. We are not opposed to having feelings- do we have a choice? What we would have considered would be a balance between feelings and the activity of the intellect or mind. When one is capable of governing the feelings of the heart by knowledge of law, one can prevent many errors in judgment by understanding the law. Those who are not governed by law will fall into the trap of being governed by emotion and reaction to their detriment. These ideas must be taken into consideration when one is also encouraged to be true to one's heart. We are once again into the struggle of being true to one's "Conscience" and being governed by law through self-discipline and reason. At this level of awareness the requirements found in the First and Eighth Steps in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence are expected to be fully entered into and activated (complied with) and expanded upon while one has entered into the activity of acquiring a mate. THIS IS THE END OF STEP FIFTEEN IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
ADDENDUM TO STEP FIFTEEN 1. Step Fifteen of the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence is the first of the third seven Steps in the Visualization and Consciousness Sequence. This third seven steps are a new beginning, a new cycle of mental, emotional and physical activity. The requirements of each step must be complied with before one can truly be effective in accomplishing the requirements of any consecutive step. 2. It must be understood that due to the past experiences of each individual which incorporate the successful experiences from the summation of prior experiences, one must realize that each individual does not necessarily have to physically go through any one step or part of a step as these have been mastered sufficiently in prior lifetimes and need only to be experienced on the mental level. I would suggest that these people are few and far between but one must acknowledge their existence. 3. With this in mind, one therefore must not judge the individual progression of any other human being. It is their responsibility to master the experiences of life at their own rate of progression. One must not interfere with the free agency of another soul. 4. Let it be understood that once a lesson has been learned or mastered then one is free to move on. One common mistake, which is made quite frequently, is that one thinks he/she has learned a particular lesson and impatiently chooses to move on prematurely before proper seasoning has transpired or before mental maturity regarding a particular item has taken place. If this be the case, then the universe will bring again and again those lessons to the individual that they may experience to the fullest extent that which requires understanding, before one is allowed to move on. Remember that the universe is but a mirror of our own mental creations and serves to bring to our attention that which we have, not yet mentally been attentive. 5. Another common mistake is when one has learned a particular lesson and is quite happy with that accomplishment, one then chooses to not move on because of the comfort of having mastered a certain step in one's progression. Perhaps it is appropriate to enjoy the fruit of our labours and not to place ourselves under the whiplash of necessity of having to work incessantly toward an imaginary goal, which we have just achieved. There needs to be a balance in life with a proper discernment as to when to work and "progress" and when to enjoy the end result of what we have achieved and take time out to acknowledge that what we have done is good. 6. All of these considerations are now incorporating the actions of oneself and one's mate, working together in a union of harmony and common activity. Remember that all of this is designed to come into contact with hidden crystals of reactivity, which cannot be revealed in any other way. Be patient with the souls of man. THIS IS THE END OF THE ADDENDUM TO STEP FIFTEEN
who states: "This is why I ask the Student Body- I have asked it before, and I shall continue to do so until all know it. I want you to feel an intense loyalty to each other! It does not matter whether you each like what the other does or not, won't you silence your tongue and your feelings? Don't let anything ever go forth from you that makes their' pathway harder. Please don't say things against each other." 6. Let us consider that this ii' first true for a man and wife. Let them feel this intense loyalty. Let this feeling of loyalty spread from the man and wife unit to a group to which one now belongs. Nourish and be examples of loyalty to all involved. Each person does what he/she thinks is correct, they speak and feel what they think is correct, they think what they believe is correct. We can do so much more good with patience and long suffering toward the souls of man rather than criticize, judge and condemn. By so doing we gradually make inroads into the deep programming which holds all mankind in bondage and gradually people shall change their consciousness and their outer acts shall therefore change. Don't think for a moment that this will all be instantaneous, for it may take months and even years. Let us carefully consider the teachings of the true Hawaiian Kahuna. The word aloha which is used in greeting means: "I see the God in you, you see the God in me. Together we are one family." If we truly see the God in another, we shall never question from an emotional position the motives of another. If we question from an emotional position we will be unable to see clearly and will certainly misjudge and not be able to see the intent of the heart. As the Apostle Paul says: "We see through a glass darkly." Now, we first of all take the position that whatever a person is doing, he/she must have a good reason to do that and therefore we should not criticize, judge or condemn as that will usually come from emotional reaction. The correct position to take is that it is God acting and all is perfect divine order. Since it is God acting, it is to be recognized that all that the person is doing is receiving experience, which in time shall result in lessons to be learned. There is a time for discernment and action may be taken for a positive end provided one discerns correctly. There will be a time to encourage another persons efforts, if those efforts result in the highest and best good for all mankind. There will be a time to encourage changing ones efforts if it would result in harm, which would be difficult to correct. Here is where one interferes with anothers actions if it is not for the highest and best good for all involved. Changing the existing conditions is sometimes quite difficult to do and it is sometimes making a choice of what is the lesser of two evils, such that a lesser harm will result. There is a third alternative which is to stop another persons actions altogether to ensure that action is not taken to create conditions which are not for the highest and best good of all concerned. Then there is a fourth alternative of non-involvement and let all circumstances run their course and trust that everyone involved will eventually learn their lessons. It will take great discernment to make the right choices and action regarding these matters, as whatever a person does or does not do he/she will be eternally responsible for. For consideration: There is a sin of inappropriate behaviour, which is called the sin of commission when one takes action, which should not have been taken. Then there is the sin of omission where one did not take appropriate action when it was required. Please consider these various possibilities and see where we have taken inappropriate action and then take a look carefully and determine where we have taken inappropriate in-action. It would be wise to consider that upon observation, many people justify themselves in attacking somebody else, or if we keenly observe, we shall discern that people project their own problems from themselves upon somebody else giving them the distorted picture that this would in some way free them from their own problems which is a form of denial. When we blame somebody else for what is happening, coming from a repressed pattern of resistance, which at the time we are incapable of seeing because we are reacting and then are justifying the reaction placing the blame outside of ourselves. At this point in our progression we are simply refusing to bear the burden of the moment of the circumstances in which we find our self and reactively come from a position of separation rather than from a position of unity. If we were coming from a position of unity we could clearly see that we are all involved in the problem with which we are being confronted and therefore we are all responsible to come to a consensus in the solution of the problem without pointing the finger of blame. When we separate ourselves from the problem and its solution we are then more than ready to blame someone else as the cause of the problem. If loyalty were observed in a family or a group of people involved in a common-project there would be no finger pointing or blame. There would be the united activity of let's all work together to see what can be done to solve the problem. When Loyalty is violated, the process of separation occurs and people withhold their love and support and thus blame the other individual or individuals from whom 55
they have separated for all that has gone wrong or what has not been done right. From a position of discernment, if people cannot be brought together to see what they have done, repent accordingly and make proper restitution of whatever is required, then separation will take place and often continue lifetime after lifetime, until the action of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness begins to bear fruit. It has to start somewhere. Let it begin with us, individually. 11. In the process of a sacred activity, which still exists in the various Hawaiian families called Ho'oponopono, there exists a gathering together of the family whenever a problem arises to find the cause of the problem or disease. They carefully go through a system to help determine wherein one has done wrong to another and when the wrong is identified, admitted, and repentance takes place at that lime the individual who has separated himself from another person or the family makes proper restitution and all are forgiven and unity prevails again. The problem is resolved and the disease conditions disappear. If a sickness occurs, one must find the source of wrongdoing of separation. If we believe that God is in all and that: "I see the God in you, you see the God in me. Together we are one family the basic problem that prevails is that we believe that we are separated from God. This means that if we criticize, judge or condemn another we are criticizing, judging, and condemning God, which means we have attacked God, which means we have caused God to be a victim. Whoever we have harmed is God and therefore we have victimized God. We then turn this all around which is a form' of denial, because of our separated ego and feel guilty, and then we believe that God is victimizing us. Remember; projection always follows from guilt. Guilt is the result of us harming another in some way. Does this begin to bring home the concept: Do not allow yourself to criticize, judge or condemn another? Does this bring home the concept that all disease is rooted in resistance and begin with the perpetuation of our own resistances to the experiences of life which in reality is resistance leading to separation from God. 12. Now there is another consideration. After we have given an individual the benefit of the doubt and we are not reacting, we then enter into the mental body and view conditions from a position of discernment or discrimination. At this point in time we are able to see that an individual may be coming from an evolutionary position, which is causing him/her to have experiences, which are in the process of propelling him/her toward the ascension. On the other hand, if a person is coming from a lack of clarity or from an emotional reaction resulting from various resistances coming from a variety of attachments, expectations, desires or resisted experiences one could well discern that one would enter into activities which would be involutionary in nature which would then propel that individual downward into greater and greater identification with matter. When the mind is clouded in reaction which could stein from the Natural Man or from the Constitutional Man or from Entity involvement due to possession due to the presence of auric holes, one is incapable of even considering that one is on the involutionary pathway for all reactive patterns will be fully justified. One, in this state, can do nothing more than that which he is programmed to do. The conscience of man is the result of this programming. This is why it has been stated that: "The Natural Man is an enemy to God." The feeling in our heart, our conscience, shall deceive us into believing we are doing the right thing, when in reality, that which we are doing is propelling us further and further from the oneness with God which we seek. The concept of further separation is the result of our actions because we allow ourselves to act according to our feelings, rather than act from a sure knowledge of the Laws of God which brings us slowly upward through the vicious tentacles of our reactions, belief systems, comfort zones, resistances, desires, attachments, and a life led by feelings and genetic programming. Without knowledge of Law we cannot progress. This is the reason each person is encouraged to study, read, pray, learn and commit to memory those principles and laws -which in time will come into necessary use, and consequently save us from making mistakes which may be very difficult to overcome in this lifetime. There are those who believe and teach that all energy is God energy, therefore, they teach that it doesn't matter-what a person does, that it is all experience and therefore all is perfect divine order. This statement that all is perfect divine order is true. The outer physical manifestation is a perfect mirror of that which exists in the mental body. People cannot do anything other than what they are programmed to do and due to the lack of knowledge of Law are relegated to a lifetime of reaction due to the programming of their Constitutional Man and Natural Man. They cannot be anything other than what they are because of the rigid hold the reactive patterns have over the individual. Thus they are relegated to a lifetime of darkness, death and despair. They live out their life, destined to be moved by the ever-present astronomical influences, as the energies of the universe trigger the crystallization 56
patterns within the physical body to react with precision- like a computer. Their lives are predictable and logically and sequentially, without deviation they live out their programmed destiny, never having tasted freedom from reaction as their lives are governed by emotional conditioning. So, all energy is God energy, but it does matter what a person-does. One can learn to live by universal laws and free oneself from the fetters of yesteryears and move upward along the pathway of the ascension, freeing oneself gradiently from false belief systems, reactive conditioning, desires and attachments-, etc. which hold one in a continual state of non-progression, thus gradually one overcomes the identification with matter which has held one in bondage for aeons of time. Once again, all energy is God energy. All that we see in the outer manifestation at one time originated in the mind of intelligence. Therefore, from this perspective all is perfect divine order. It is imperative to understand that when we have cleansed the physical body, and transmuted the emotional body in the manner' in which you have been taught, we then have access to -the mental body and then are able to change our consciousness in a gradient manner, thus the outer manifestation ponderously changes. 14. Let it be understood that the Laws of Karma, the Laws of Cause and Effect apply themselves with unerring accuracy century after century, lifetime after lifetime. If an individual lives out their life eating organic or bio-dynamic food, obeying all the natural laws of breathing pure air, sun bathing, exercising properly and drinking pure water, being kind to cats and dogs and feeding the birds, etc. They have not begun to touch on the principles leading to-the release of the Karmic hold that does indeed exist with tenacious dedication over the soul of man. Thus, it may be millions of years before one discovers- the razors edge of obedience to law, which will lead one to the ascension. Until that time one is relegated to the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth. As you are taught how to access the emotional body and as the emotional body is transmuted, then you are taught how to access the mental body and how to transmute the binding qualities of duality, we then learn how to penetrate the Time-Space-Continuum-Warp which cannot be done without the dedicated learning of how properly to use the violet consuming flame which is a positive requirement to consume all cause-effect-record and memory which would otherwise continue to hold one in a state of perpetual bondage. Do not pass by this concept as we now, with due deliberation point the way to the teachings of the Ascended Master St. Germain with the admonition to study and apply this sacred science. Without this clear and precise understanding of the violet consuming flame as taught by the Ascended-Master St. Germain one will never be able to free oneself from the continual cycles of Birth and Rebirth. The Ascension shall never take place without obedience to these principles concerning the proper use of the Violet Flame. Study and apply the laws of this sacred science as obtained from the teachings from the St. Germain Foundation in Schaumberg, Illinois, U.S.A.. This is the only authorized source of these teachings by St. Germain. The First Law of Heaven is Obedience. Please consider.. Without obedience to law with commitment and intent we are relegated to the laws of cause and effect and a life of continual action and reaction wherein we live out another lifetime of living according to our programming, which we live out with unerring accuracy. It would be appropriate now to state; that intense loyalty begins with a person who is loyal to his own understanding, his own conscience, his own belief system, his own emotions or feelings, his own heartfelt emotions. When one is true to oneself, to one's own heart one will then be able to see wherein one has made errors and then one will, have the joy of self-correction. One will never be able to self-correct if one is under the control or dominion of another wherein one will never be able to experience the freedom of working out one's own destiny with fear and trembling. Freedom of conscience is essential that one in a free society will have the God given right of an opportunity to learn and grow in wisdom and experience. It cannot be over emphasized at this time, the importance of an individual "List". Now, at this level of progression, once you have established a relationship with one of the opposite sex and have established a committed relationship, the next project is the establishment of a common "List" with the understanding that individual lists remain a private concern. The mutual obligation of intense loyalty is, at this level, exceedingly important, for with the mutual obligation of working on the common list at the least common denominator of mutual acceptance, the crystals within each individual begin to break up in earnest. The mutual sharing of points of view, lovingly and willingly, bring into focus a painful awareness of the extreme differences in Individual programming. This can be an excellent learning experience for two people in a committed relationship to come to a common 57
18. 19.
understanding. The process is sometimes very painful emotionally because we have to look directly at our own reactive programming as we have held near and dear to us certain belief systems that we have never questioned and in the discussion process we begin to let go of the engrained crystallized thought patterns which can be very difficult to do and quite painful emotionally. 20. After we have fulfilled our responsibility to our self and then our mate by sharing points of view which may vary concerning our common list and as we continue to do so with the continued commitment to maintain intense loyalty, we then move on to group activity with a group list, and then on to the family of man at an extended level. This process which takes us from a position of individual selfserving, gradually expanded to encompass a mate, then a group, then all mankind, then all life, then all intelligence associated with mass, energy, space and time, will give us a lifetime of productive experience and service to move us from a position of separated self to union with all life, Let us now carefully consider the subject of loyalty in regards to the scale of emotion. This is an extensive subject and requires a very keen power of observation and discrimination to determine what is really occurring beneath the outer action or reaction. At the level of unconsciousness there is no loyalty as there is no conscious choice concerning the giving of loyalty. If there appears to be loyalty it is primarily due to reactive mechanisms or conditioning wherein programming below the level of consciousness compels a person to be completely loyal but one must understand that there is no free will or choice involved, as all is reaction. At the level of apathy there is no loyalty other than that which is conditioned. There may be lip service to keep authority figures happy but there will be no true loyalty as loyalty at this level is given temporarily as a result of giving into the external political force of the moment, At the level of grief, there is no loyalty, only the temporary appearance of loyalty for the purpose of hopefully relieving the' pressure of a continuous victim role which exists at the level of grief. The basic idea is: "I will be loyal for the moment in order to find some relief from my torment." The loyalty disappears and life continues with the relief from the victim role. There is a certain degree of "enforced" loyalty at the level of fear. There cannot be a true loyalty at this level, as the authority in control is never looked upon as an equal but as a master whom one must serve- out of fear. Therefore, loyalty or what appears to be loyalty exists out of fear and when the power that exists at the moment changes, as it always will, then the loyalty shifts with feigned allegiance to the new position of power. Loyalty is used as a tool to propitiate the people in power in order to obtain favor and position. Loyalty is just another tool that people use for survival at this level of emotion. At the level of anger loyalty is feigned. At anger one is capable of seeing only one side of a position. The general attitude is, "I am right and everyone else is wrong." Therefore, at this level of emotion, loyalty is demanded of one yet never given in return. At anger, control issues come clearly, to the fore and there is no compromise or discuss Ion. The person in control has one, agenda, their own agenda, and all else is secondary. At the level of what appears to be anger, often all is a conditioned response and we find that the person is programmed to control and destroy all competition. These deep patterns of conditioning are difficult for one to root out as a person is completely justified in being in total control and can give many valid reasons to perpetuate his position. Until rough edges are knocked off in the battlefield of life these patterns persist until something happens to get the attention of the individual where he/she realizes that they have missed the boat. Herein we enter into the level of pain where one begins to understand-that there are other points of view, which deserves equal consideration to one's own point of view. One begins to arise, slowly, ever so slowly, out of a selfserving, competitively dominant, egotistical position of "me first to realize gradually as the pain of realization is released from one's emotional body, that there is somebody else with which one may cultivate a mutual loyalty. It appears that loyalty to self seems to come first which happens at the level of fear and anger. Only as one releases the pain from one's emotional body can loyalty gradually become mutual with first of all a mate and then gradually with a group of people. For this to occur, the "List" is a prime tool with which one enters into agreement concerning each level of activity at the least common denominator of group acceptance. As one grows gradually in emotional maturity through the overcoming of pain and the gradual transmutation of the bondage of the emotional body, one can then move gradiently outward from self and begin to give and receive loyalty from a group of people with whom one is interacting at some level. To clarify this matter we first of all must have unity of purpose beginning with one's mate and then one grows outward to incorporate a group of people whether it be a business, organization, club, whatever. One cannot expect others to give loyalty when they are bound by the reactive mechanisms which limits the perspective and understanding of man. When one is aware of this, one will have no expectations and/or attachments as to what one should do, could do, or would do as one would understand that until the chains of death, darkness and despair are removed from one, loyalty is a mute issue. 58
If mates are unequally yoked, it makes it difficult to have a loyalty, which is shared, as it will usually be one way. If this is so, then the more intelligent of the two must bear patiently the burden of being of service to the other mate until they overcome their individual resistances which are ' manifested through the emotional body as we have just discussed. This process may take years. For practical application of this principle, let us once again consider that a person cannot do something other than what he is programmed to do. A person may appear to be totally loyal. Often this is a programming that the person has deep within their being. When the reactive mechanisms of the programming is released through Body Electronics Technology, the loyalty ends and the person's entire manner of activity changes; What I am trying to point out is that there are very few people who can give and equally receive loyalty because of the deep reactive patterns which will prevent it. Loyalty is the expression of an evolved soul and is a quality of Godhood. Loyalty is not something, which is bartered in the market place or a convenient position to maintain for advancement in the ranks. Loyalty is a quality, which is given freely from a magnanimous heart; loyalty cannot be purchased, demanded or enslaved. Loyalty is a quality, which is given from the pure soul, from an individual who recognizes the need to support and maintain those qualities of activity, which uphold, sustain and maintain the highest and best qualities of man while engaging in the service of man. Remember: "When you are in the service of your fellow man, you are in the service of your God."Let us consider loyalty from another perspective. Please consider the ramifications of what would happen to an army, led by an army general, if those of lesser office of rank would withhold valuable information, refuse to cooperate in the fulfilment of a command, undermine confidence through covert badmouthing, initiate activity which is contrary to the generals desire or do things without prior knowledge and approval of the general. Yes, the Army would fall apart unless corrective activity were to take place. The entire question is Loyalty. If the loyalty is not given the general by the lesser officers in order to sustain the general in his position, how can the' loyalty be returned by the General to those who oppose him. If those of lower rank do not honour and obey through loyalty, those of a higher rank, then they must be removed and placed in a position where they can no longer drag their heels and replaced with men who are loyal to the chain of command and thus the Army will function as an Army should. Politics have nothing to do with this, as we must consider the necessity of Loyalty that any organization may function smoothly. You will find that when loyalty is no longer present in a person's heart, those of the lesser ranks will be pointing continually the finger at the top man, saying it is all his fault. By criticizing the leader it takes the attention off those of lesser rank who are guilty of subversion and rebellion. Keep your eyes open for herein lies the destruction of companies, clubs, organizations, and are the cause of internal schisms, competitive confrontations and the general destruction of any unity which could have occurred if all had followed the general principles of loyalty. Take a look at every religion, every health practice, every political organizations every corporation. Herein lies the history of competitive struggles for one-up-manship, struggles to promote one's personal agenda, struggles to be the best, etc. all of which lead to division or separation, rather than unity. Without going into exhaustive detail. If a woman wants to do so- if she has the inclination- she does not have to look far to find human qualities in her husband. She can cultivate the condition of criticism, judgment and condemnation. Each one follows the other as night follows day. If she follows the pathway of criticism the outcome of the relationship is sealed in destruction. If a woman were wise she would support her husband and gradually the husband would become the type of man she would desire. Please understand that behind every good man is a supportive woman. The same story holds true by switching roles. Loyalty is a powerful tool, which can lift the target of that loyalty to being a powerful tool in the hands of God in shaping the destiny of mankind. Intense loyalty is a just tool used wisely by wise people. How would it be possible for a leader to give loyalty to one who refuses to give loyalty to the leader? Yes, you can trust an individual to do what he is programmed to do. In such a manner a loyalty can be given by a leader for with discernment the leader knows what the individual is capable of doing or not doing, therefore loyalty is given to be of service to that individual for his highest and best good, of course, that service, to be beneficial, must be received by the individual. You can trust a snake to be a snake but you can never confide in one who will use that same information in order to destroy the source. This is the prime reason that those who have gained experience to lead at the top of one's profession or organization will find it difficult to find friends of a comparable magnitude to share experiences or even to trust. One can trust to the degree one can trust on one hand, while on the 59
other one can trust completely that the person will do what he is programmed to do. Keen discernment is required here to determine appropriate action. The more competent one is in his field of endeavour, the less one is capable of finding people who can cooperate on common ground or comparable magnitude. Therefore, one now becomes a teacher to others to help them come to a similar understanding in the chosen profession or activity. It is often expressed by competent people that in their field of endeavour, it is lonely at the top. This compels one, therefore, to find peace in seeking out and obtaining a oneness with God. 29. At this level of experience there are many factors, which are considered crucial by a leader in his determination as to how to apply appropriate action relative to those with whom he associates. At this level of experience one must understand the nature of confidence concerning secrets. Let us consider the activity of a prayerful individual as he/she weighs carefully the consequences of every action, every word, and every thought. Many people want to be spontaneous and do in the moment a response to what is occurring. Often these responses are a result of reacting to a given situation, which can be quite delightful in its end result of lifting the spirits of those around them. On the other hand, if we do not weigh our thoughts, words, and deeds we may incur the unanticipated reaction to our spontaneous actions, which may be hard to correct. What we says do and think, when placed into the universe is often difficult to recall, therefore we must be wise and realize that there is a time, an appropriate time for spontaneity, and also there is a time for measuring ourselves in thought, word and deed, appropriate to the circumstances wherein we apply keen discernment regarding matters which may have important considerations. One must understand at this level of experience that the more secrets one can keep that are given one through prayer or from confidential sources, the more secrets will be given. Why is one required to learn to keep secrets? Consider the individual "List"'. One is required to keep all things on the list private. As an individual grows and expands in wisdom and understanding, the List, if revealed to another, will definitely not be understood by that individual, therefore, due to this inability to understand, one will naturally discredit reactively that which one does, not understand. People will be down on what they are not up on. Only if one disciplines oneself to put on the shelf that which he does not understand, will he not be reactively "putting down that which he does not understand. Let us be very clear:" In the absence of commitment and intent to follow natural laws, one will be relegated to be under the whiplash of reactivity and will be left like a leaf in the wind to blow here and then there as dictated by reaction. Do not reveal the content of your list to anybody, as often, when we do not have clear discernment, we will trust people that should not be trusted as they do not have the understanding, nor do they have the ability to understand, and as a result of their nature, they will turn and rend you like a boar in the pen. There are many people, if you turn back the pages of time, whom you have trusted, and you have been betrayed by your believing you could trust them. When are we going to have sufficient discernment to know whom we can trust and also know whom we cannot trust? If we had this keen discernment we would not have trusted somebody with information, when we knew that they would have the ability and disposition to betray, therefore we would not have placed ourselves in a position where we could have been betrayed. Please consider the many ramifications of these matters. So as to be clear, you can trust people to be where they are with the many glitches in their computer. This is a matter of discernment and not a reactive judgment. When are we going to learn from the statement of the German philosopher Goethe: Great things are done in secret." Keep your secrets. The more secrets you can keep, the more secrets you will be given. It is taught: "A prudent man concealeth truth." Perhaps in our overzealousness, we have tried to share with people that which they are not ready or able to receive. Then we have to spend time explaining away or unteaching what we have taught so that which we did teach will not be an unnecessary burden to the uninitiated. It has been my perception that people have a tendency to think they know but do not know, as they must learn to go beyond intellectual perception and reach a point beyond the emotional body where discernment or discrimination can occur. Remember: There never has been anyone who has walked in your moccasins. IN like manner, you have walked only in your own moccasins and never anothers.' Do recognize that as you do not fully comprehend the motives or understandings of others, neither do they fully comprehend your motives and your understandings. Thus, it is wisdom, to mind your own business and allow others the privilege of minding theirs, refraining from criticism, judgment and condemnation for the pathway which another has chosen. As time will bear me out, it is wisdom to handle our own affairs, as we certainly will not have the time or the capacity to mind others business. We shall 60
always stand ready to serve but not to interfere in the outer expression of the free agency of another. 32. Let it be understood that many people are limited in their perspective because they have no ability to rise out of unconsciousness at this time. They are presently doomed to a life of reactivity or conditioned response behaviour as determined by their programming. At their current level of progression, their concepts are limited to thinking very linear in terms of right or wrong, black or white, where in at this time in their progression they are incapable of thinking in terms of a gradient scale- gradualism. Thinking in terms of gradualism is a step above linear thinking. Linear thinking is compared to a computer- off-on, right-wrong, etc. Of course there are computers that are now capable of synthetic intelligence where in they are capable of greater numbers of alternatives in choices, which borders on hologrammic thinking. Now, carefully consider. Those who think In terms of right and wrong, good and bad, black and white, condemn those who think gradiently as humanistic, which is a nasty word to "fundamentalist" thinkers if I can use the word thinker liberally. The fundamentalist "thinker at their level of progression cannot fathom gradualism as all is right or wrong and there is nothing in between. They believe that there is one set of laws that govern all people. Suffice it to say that there are sets of laws, encompassed by sets of laws higher laws, encompassed by a set of yet higher laws. Those who obey the higher laws encompass and understand the-principle of spheres, within spheres within spheres. Those at the level of emotional unconsciousness cannot conceive of the Law of Temperance, the Law of Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness. Those at unconsciousness are enmeshed in the Law of Cause and Effect, An Eye for an Eye, all such laws existing within the Law of Justification. Those who are enmeshed in the Law of Justification cannot comprehend the Laws of Purification and much less the Laws of Sanctification. So be it, one must be careful as to what and how much one must teach and to whom. This in no way will cause one to violate the Law of Loyalty. By discernment, you trust an individual as far as one can be trusted. You are loyal to the person to give him/her individually that which he/she is capable of receiving and no more. If we are keenly discerning we will teach or give out only that which the person can receive. Allow a person's reach to always exceed their grasp. Do not allow yourself to teach or parcel out that which exceeds a person's ability to receive. Thus we can serve step by step according to the individual's desire and understanding. 34. Often times in our dealing with friends and associates we have a difficult time in separating personalities from principles. Personalities and principles are often confused with loyalties and thus we give preferential or special treatment and thus lose the concept of impartiality. Let us carefully consider that loyalty to principles should always be senior to loyalty regarding personalities. If we had \the ability to discern clearly we would apply the appropriate law, which would be correct for each personality. Each personality including our family and loved ones will have an understanding of law according to their level of progression. Therefore, with equanimity, we administer the law appropriately to the level of progression of each individual. That which applies to one individual may not apply to another individual for each individual may be experiencing at different levels of progression. When each personality is at a certain level of progression, you are loyal to principles and also loyal to personalities by administering the appropriate law or principle. 35. All Laws are relative and our discernment will determine the level of administration as determined by the personality involved. What may appear to big inequality or specialness is determined by the appropriate-, application of the administration of the law. All are equal in opportunity before the law, but the law when administered is not always the same for all people due to the gradient nature of progression and the corresponding gradient nature of dispensing the law. A mathematics student who has not mastered algebra would not be allowed to be admitted to a calculus class. In like manner a person who was unable to pass a driver's license examination would not be granted a license to drive a car. Such as it is with all aspects of life. One must qualify to function in various aspects of society. I trust that we all understand that there are now no inconsistencies or no lack of fairness in these matters provided we discern adequately. I trust that we understand that there is no break in loyalty when the law is fairly administered. One must comprehend that fairness of law does not mean equality of law, as the laws will vary in their administration according to the level of progression of each individual. This should settle the confusion that exists between-personalities and principles. 61
To, finalize the information presented here in STEP SIXTEEN we have observed that, in this day and age, we hear so often the comments which states: One must go with the flow. One must be true to one's heart. One must go with the heart. Let your heart tell you what to do. Please consider that it cannot be overemphasized that the feeling in our heart, our "Conscience" shall definitely deceive us into believing that we are doing the right thing. Let it be firmly stated, that we begin in our progression to be true to our heart, yet, it is imperative that we build a body of knowledge to direct us in a proper manner that the deception of the heart may be made apparent and thus one readies himself for self- correction. To many this will appear totally confusing and contradictory. Yet, we must follow carefully certain patterns of experience that we might grow and gain understanding. Consider these concepts in great depth, for herein will be a stumbling block if we do not comprehend the lesson to be learned here. How do we determine when, where and how to be led by the heart or be disciplined by law by the use of mind? Consider this matter fully. THIS IS THE END OF STEP SIXTEEN IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
above the chart a beautiful voice spoke out loud. "The time has come for the teachings of all of the Great Masters to be gathered together into one," The question of loyalty to Jesus or St. Germain was dissolved into this glorious truth; Jesus had his teachings to bring forth. St. Germain had his teachings to bring forth. Other great masters had their teachings to bring forth and they were all to be acknowledged for their work and their teachings. The question of St. Germain and Jesus was resolved, and since that time I found that the Ascended Masters all worked together for the eventual uplifting of all mankind. With this in mind I promise each of you that you will be confronted with contradiction and falsehood and deceitful teachings, which will be used to discredit the teachings of the Masters. Whatever my own personal failures may be in living up to what I believe, I must say that I believe in what these great masters have taught and I have found no teaching to be in error in either-the teachings of St. Germain or Jesus. I have found the interpretation of man to be in error, I have found the translations of the teachings to be in error, but I have not found any of the original teachings to be in error in any way. If there is an error, it is in our perception and our own interpretation. It would be appropriate to state at this time that the beautiful scroll on which was written "Unity in Diversity" was not recognized by me to be associated with the Baha'i teachings and the Baha'i prophet Baha'U'llah. It was some time later that I became familiar with the teachings of Baha'u'llah and his inspired teachings of the World Order of Baha'u'llah. This World Order must be considered to be separate and distinct from the One World Order, which is being enforced upon mankind by the skilful manipulation of wealthy elitists. 5. I wish to reiterate from an expanded point of view, that one of the crowning practices Leading to perfection is learning how to work in harmony together with a group of people from diverse backgrounds. Regarding an intellectual understanding of what appears to be conflicting teachings or writings of the various prophets, one of the greatest challenges will be to come into a gradient consensus of agreement after sharing and learning regarding the wide range of apparently conflicting material from a selection of diverse individuals. It is imperative that one learn through discussion and sharing how to come to an agreement collectively at the lowest level of group acceptance and gradually expand on the harmony and unity from that position. Please now consider the following statement: "One shall never become one in their spiritual affairs until they can become united in their temporal affairs." I assure you that mental struggles shall be difficult to overcome because of the wide variance in our programming and cultural identification I assure you that this pathway will be difficult and you shall often be impressed with the inability of some people to be vote. Offended at the least little difference in opinion. This will help one to see the tremendous hold the reactions-deeply imbedded within each one of us has^ their devastating hold to perpetuate division rather than promote unity. Now, do not underestimate the powerful crystal crunching procedure that will be made apparent while attempting to work toward a unity or intellectual harmony with a diverse group of individually sincere and committed souls. There will be much more later to be discussed concerning Unity in Diversity in intellectual pursuits. It is imperative that we look carefully into the story of markings, which are made upon the body in the form of scaring, tattoos, disfigurations, puncturing, dismembering etc. These markings upon the body cannot be separated from the understanding that each scar on the physical body, either externally or" internally will have a reflex activity which will shut down the nerve supply and circulation to a given part of the body. If we carefully study ear acupuncture we will find that a certain position of needle insertion will have a reflex effect upon a corresponding part of the body. The needle insertion may cause a normalizing of hyperactivity of a particular organ, a stimulation of a hypoactivity in a particular organ or a balancing effect as one moves excessive energy to a deficient area by inserting the needles in the proper area of reflex. One can also cause a condition of anaesthesia by proper placing of the needle. Now, let us consider ear puncturing for the wearing of earrings. If we place a puncture hole, which is causing a wound and a scarring in a certain area, one can cause the teeth to crumble and decay or the eyesight to fail. If we cease to wear the earrings and heal up the scathed area then the teeth will cease decaying and the eyesight will gradually return. There is extensive research that relates scaring on the body and muscles and internal organs with causation of the lack of nerve supply and circulation to the reflex to that particular scaring on the body. This should not be taken idly. Let us now consider the genetic programming, which a person is subject to. The outer activity of the parents will have a great -influence upon the children. What the parents have done to create holes in the auric field no matter how minuscule through bringing about suppressed trauma upon the body 64
resulting from scarring will be passed down to future generations. If a person has received a tattoo, one has received internal scarring under the skin. This will be passed down to future generations. One individual in Maui, Hawaii had a tattoo on her rear of a cupid. Her daughter was born with the same tattoo in the same place. The desire of tattoos are passed down from generation to generation. Some people do not feel complete until they have a certain tattoo, which is symbolic to the recipient. As a person cleanses the body with proper nutrition and removes the scar tissue with Body Electronics, the scar tissue heals and the impurities in the body are slowly eliminated. The colours in the tattoo disappear first, and then gradually the tattoo fades and gradually turns to a smudge before it finally disappears. The lesson to consider here. The physical body is the temple of God. We are required to keep it clean and holy free from the defilements of man. 8. Let us now carefully consider the scale of emotions as related to Step Seventeen. We are considering the expanded position of Intellectualism as related to family activity. Herein we have moved from a position of social interaction where we are now encompassing a position of learning to interact as a family at a social level and expanding this activity to a level of social activism. It will be imperative to understand that those who are unwilling to act at the level of social activism will never be able to grow into higher levels of activity as each level requires mastery as one grows from one step to the next. Social activism exists at the level of intellectualism where we overcome our victim mentality to be actively engaged in a good work wherein we overcome gradiently undesirable environmental conditions. Working together as a family with other families or individual at the lowest common denominator of group acceptance will allow many crystals of intolerance and impatience to come to the fore that can then be carefully and patiently overcome. Herein, it is far more important to gain harmony and unity at some level than to be "right" and work alone and separated. United activity brings growth and harmony while individual activity perpetuates separation, even though some good works can be pointed to and justified. 9. Therefore, at the level of grief, the level of intellectualism, the level of social activism will be a necessary level to bring about necessary environmental change, one cannot do this mentally, even though mental activity is required. If you have a garden, if one does not spend daily effort tending the garden, pulling the weeds, watering the plants, aerating the soil, fertilizing the plants, there will be no garden. Thus, if we do not take care of our environmental concerns with social activism, we forfeit by non-activity. At the level of apathy we must force ourselves to pay attention to these things and thus by discipline we move slowly up the scale of emotionality. 9. It is imperative to understand that at the level of grief or social activism one is not able to see the source of one's word patterns. One will believe that only through physically addressing the outer conditions will one be able to change the mental conditions. This returns us to the teaching of Lenin where he stated; "Man's social existence determines his consciousness." In other words, to change man's consciousness one must change his environmental conditions. This appears to be true and is believable if one is at the intellectual level of progression. Yet as one progresses upward along the scale of emotionality one will eventually come through the level of pain to the level of enthusiasm and shall then understand that man's consciousness determines his social existence. Mind is senior to matter wherein the outer manifestation is determined by the inner essence. Yet, due to the condition of man, one must allow him his opportunity to move gradually upward until he is able to transmute the emotional body and move into an access to the mental body. Then man will begin to understand. All of us are aware that in the physical universe there is opposition in all things. We are all aware that some things seem more important than others, some things seem more difficult than others, some things are more reactive than others, some things are more difficult to tolerate than others. This is why we have our list, why we order the list from the simple things, which we place, at the bottom of the list and the difficult things, which we place at the top of our list. Remember: If something is difficult to deal with it means we cannot see the end from the beginning. If we enter into dealing with something we cannot deal with mentally we make many mistakes and confuse the issue even more. We have dealt with the importance of the list continually. Yet, there is one important concept that we have to keep before us as we progress from level to level. There is nothing more than love and various levels of the expression of love and resistances, which are various levels of lack of love. We have discussed gradient growth from one level to the next. Our entire world, which in reality is a delusion, is a separation from oneness. If our focus in the physical world is upon the reality of the perceptions, then we are focusing on separation and thus see everything in the physical world as gradations from 65
one end of a duality to another. Our entire world is a series of gradations and differences between any two items in the universe. Things appear more important and less important, bigger and small beautiful and ugly, male and female, light and darkness, etc... Even the colours are in the form of a spectrum as white light is shone through a prism. The only problem we have is the belief that we are separate. When we eliminate the desire tomaintain separation and join together as one, first temporally and then spiritually, we gradually undo the concept of gradation, which perpetuates our separation, and gradually we move into a unity. 11. If we have separation built into our thinking concerning each 'item on our list then we have to deal with each item by separating our own will from going contrary to the laws of God. I wish to add that importances are opinions. Nothing is more important or less important than any other item on the list. Our concept of importances and less importances are what cause separation. When we incorporate unity into our thinking, our ego drops away and by commitment and intent we turn to oneness with God. Herein, in all things pertaining to the world of apparent reality we learn to unconditionally love and unconditionally forgive. All this is done gradiently as we unravel the series of gradient steps, which has taken us into separation. One step at a time, we complete our steps on the list, we say it is good and let go. Often we have to let go in stages as that which we believe we have made aright will often have deeper levels of resistance which we handle anew -at the new level of concern.
It has been taught by St. Germain that we should have no opinions, that we should give no opinions. Opinions create a condition of separation. When we consider the Law of Temperance we will understand that there are higher laws and lower laws. If we give our opinion as to what one should do, one can very well create a dependency upon the giver of the opinion by following the advice or opinion given rather than doing what is decided upon one's own responsibility. St Germain has also taught: Take no advice, give no advice." This puts us into a position of learning individual responsibility and helping another person to assume his/her own level of responsibility and thus all concerned assume the consequences of their actions. Having opinions is related to reactive mechanisms within us. This having and giving opinions is in a different category than seeing things from a non-reactive point of view where we have keen discernment. Often times as we progress we have the responsibility of administering the law. Herein we parcel out various teachings, which will apply to the person's individual growth at the time. This is not giving opinions. As the Ascended Master Joseph Smith stated: "Teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves." Let us carefully dwell on the subject of having opinions or giving advice, which is based on opinions. In this world of ours we are asked to give our opinion as to how events have occurred. After a course we are asked to evaluate the course, how we think things went .in the course of study. If our comfort zones were not stretched, and if we were experiencing bread circus which is being fed and entertained, we will think that we had a wonderful course. If our comfort zones were ruptured here and there we will be forced into looking at ourselves which, because "of our ego, we will discover that what we have been doing is our own self will and we painfully admit our wrongdoing and change our consciousness a bit. At this time the universe ponderously moves into a new position as a result of our change of thoughts/ Our human creation has been "uncreated" and the distortion in our lives, the false teachings we have hung onto for years, the disease systems in our body, all drop away as we "uncreate" that which we at one time created. This of course gives us an entirely different picture as to our evaluation of what made us change. We are always evaluating which is a process of judgment. When there is judgment there is separation, as the evaluator perceives what is relevant to the outer world, which we are focusing on. The world of man is separation. We are taught to perceive, we are taught to give our opinions or evaluations, the world of God is in the inner essence, outside of time and space. As long as we focus on external evaluations to the exclusion of the source of all things which are outside of time and space, we fail to progress because our focus is on a falsehood. We should avoid opinions and evaluations and focus always on; Everything is perfect Divine Order. If we understand this we will see that all in the outer manifestation is a reflection of that from the inner essence. When we understand our creative force and become responsible for what we have created and then uncreate what we choose to no longer create then we uncreate the human creation and the perfect pattern of God creation emerges. It has been taught in the "Course in Miracles": The only purpose that the world or the body has is to teach us that there is no world or body, but we cannot learn that without being here in the body." 66
It would be appropriate now to once again consider the teaching from Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series: "Until man can experience on the mental level, that which exists on the physical level, he will be bound to the physical." Herein we must once again consider that when we deny our physical experiences here in the world of experience we are resisting them by so doing we are denying the creative process of God, which exists everywhere, and everywhen. There is no space wherein intelligence does not reign and within that kingdom governed by intelligence the creative power of God, which resides within each one of us is in continual and eternal action. All energy is God energy. If we resist it the condition which we resist perpetuates itself. When we cease to resist and exercise unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness with non-resistance then we are capable of observing, receiving, recreating and releasing and the process of uncreation is underway in reverse order as to how the creative process came into being. It would be very wise to read carefully Book Two of the Logic in Sequence Series that one can begin to understand the concept of Healing Crisis as it pertains to the World and the Body. God is beyond evaluation as he is beyond judgment. We in our current level of development think we know when we don't know. We think we are discerning when in reality we are judging, perhaps ever so subtlety. Therefore, it is wise not to ask for evaluation or give evaluation, as this is opinion and judgment. This sets things into concrete wherein, until we can let go of the evaluation and the idea that "this is better than that", "This is more special 'than that. "This is to be desired more than that." etc. Herein our egos get in the way and God is shut out and we cease to progress Please consider that which has been presented here and consider carefully how the ways of man are not the ways of God. The ways of man separate. The spirit of competitiveness thrives on the concept of specialness. We will give this man an award for the best this or that. This person did a better job than that person. All of these evaluations are of the world and hinder the work of God, which is the work of Unity. Please consider. The ego of man is an enemy to God as the Natural Man dictates the action of the Ego and has done so for aeons of time. Submit to the will and order of God. Let go of the ego, the spirit of competiveness, the spirit of evaluation, the spirit of judgment and see all things as Perfect Divine Order. When we see all things as Perfect Divine Order we have no resistance to the experiences of Life and thus Unity prevails.
At this level of awareness, the requirements found in the Third Step and the tenth step should be reconsidered in view of the expanded perspective. Reread all the requirements as if you have never read them before, read them in the new, read them and consider them in the perceptual newness and take a full inventory concerning progress you have made. Take time to readjust the items on your list in a very comprehensive manner as you delicately consider your interaction with your mate. Reconsider the concept of the "Death Crystal" and how that which is fully unconscious at any level will seek to remanifest itself as the crystallization gradually dissolves under the activity of the application of correct principles. Remember that Death (unconsciousness) at any level will seek to survive as death. As the crystal dissolves and unconsciousness arises the universe will serve up experiences to perpetuate that unconsciousness. Please consider that crystals at any level as they dissolve will, by the Law of Attraction, bring into one's space those experiences wherein we will have a choice to perpetuate the crystal or release it forever. Please consider the need to remain in a loving, forgiving mode until the outer condition is resolved. Also, with determination and sheer force of will determine to remain in the condition of non-resistance, the condition of the Pathway of Harmlessness and the determination to eliminate violence from our being. The Pathway of non-violence must be adhered to with continued commitment and intent or else we turn ourselves over to the age-old patterns of reaction.
engrained belief system that form matters. What makes something holy or unholy is not the outer activity or the movement of form, or the status of form, or the outer appearance of form but the purpose for which it serves. Does it unite or separate. When we can release our attachment to a form and then carefully consider the purpose of the form, we then are capable of using that form to heal or recognize that it is designed to separate. 6. When we put pressure on a crystallized acupressure point one will experience the piezoelectric effect as the crystal dissolves. This crystal is an organic computer chip full of stored memory. The word patterns, the sensory experience which we call thought patterns, and emotions all- combine into a hologram, which will be suppressed by some form of resistance. This resistance when recognized and released will allow the blocked energy to flow through the body, which will be experienced by a gentle pulsing. This pulsing is the return of the Universal Life Force, The Spirit of God, or the Holy Spirit, which when it returns will give enlightenment to the mind and strength to the heart. Any resistance we may have toward any outer experience of life will shut down this natural flow of universal life force, which will gradually darken our minds and weaken our heart. When we judge an outer form in any manner our focus is on the outer and we can no longer perceive the inner essence from which the outer form originates. Resistance brings separation when it is emotional resistance. Inertia has within it resistance which must be overcome by force. This overcoming of an existing inertia results in what we can call a positive action, which results in overcoming resistance with force. One may consider that a positive action encompasses what may be called a positive resistance. Thus we have two types of resistance, one which blocks the flow of the universal life force and the other which opens the blockage that the universal life force or Holy Spirit can flow through the individual. As a positive exertion is appropriately applied to any external activity one is then able to re-experience on the mental level all that which exists on the physical level and with unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness all resistance is overcome and unity has been achieved. 7. Now, we must consider what appears to be contradictions which when considered appropriately are not. This is in the area of considering two different laws: The first law is to be anxiously engaged in a good cause of our own free will and choice. This is wherein we, from an unemotional position of discernment, take outer action, which is yang activity on putting order in our life. We have our list, we are aware of what our responsibilities are in order to bring unity out of the separation we have created. Here in we exercise our own mind and intelligence, make decisions, and then bear the burden of those decisions. Herein we grow in experience through the exertion of our own mind, emotions and physical activity. We overcome the inertia of existing blockages through our own choice of activity with the commitment and intention of bringing order where disorder was prevalent and harmony where disharmony existed. One grows in experiential wisdom through exertion of one's own mind and activity. Mow, the second law is to be open to the will of God in all that we do. In our prayers we ask that we be led by the Spirit of God to do the will of God, and not our own will. Thy will be done." Herein we are exercising the yin aspect of our being by being completely open to guidance from the Spirit of God. One must understand that in this physical universe there is opposition in all things. There is the Spirit of God and there are false and delusive spirits. We must be intuitive and open to the Spirit of God, but be on guard, using our reason, not to do something, which is out of harmony with universal law. The further one advances along the Pathway of Perfection the greater are the tests and delusions given man by false and dark spirits. Be aware and learn the laws that you may not be deceived as these dark spirits do indeed exist and will strike you at your most unguarded moment. Thus, there are contradictions as we are expected to master both the arts of yin and yang. 8. As we move into the new millennium we need to become more Increasingly aware of events as they transpire. We need to look carefully into ourselves with self-introspection to first become aware of our own reactive patterns and then take the proper action to remove those reactive patterns in the manner with which you have been instructed. Secondly, we need to become more aware of the environment within which we operate. As we view carefully the outer manifestation we can then use this as a springboard into the recognition of the inner essence from which this creative activity has originated. Since all outer activity is a series of oppositions and consequent gradations, if we focus on the outer to the exclusion of the inner essence we become more entrenched in the effect that the outer manifestation has over our life. Therefore, from a point of stillness, which we have discussed we must constantly seek out the recognition of the inner essence that the transmutational factors may be activated that the human creation with its associated resistance factors may be gradually uncreated and the intelligence may then return to the inner essence. The pathway we must follow is the recognition of the unravelling of the pathway we have followed in 69
the past & gradually have moved from freedom from resistance into a gradual identification with matter. The "Healing Crisis" shall be the simplicity of following this in reverse order with the return of awareness of our programming and accompanied resistances. The emotional pathway concerning our awareness of our economic concerns is as follows: (1) At the level of unconsciousness we are not aware of our programming as this is inherited from our ancestors. We simply react to the world around us as we are programmed to react. If we are programmed to be a victim in our economic affairs then we will have a difficult time in being a success in our economic affairs. If we are programmed to be a success we will have financial well being. What will be difficult to understand is we are programmed to be the way we are where in we think, act and feel a certain way about things and we have at this level of unawareness no other choice. The manner with which we deal with other people is programmed. The manner in which we deal with our own money is programmed. The separation from unity is programmed and at this level of programming we are incapable of considering any other point of view because we are identified with our manner of action regarding our financial concerns. (2) At the level of apathy we simply do not care about being aware of our programming. We react our way through life simply living out our programming being swayed as a leaf in the wind by any influence, which comes along. Since the crystals within our body are triggered by the electromagnetic influences of the stellar bodies, our modus operandi is quite well predictable by the stars since at this level of activity we do not have the desire or the implication to consider universal law, and certainly do not have the mental ability at this level to have commitment or intent to discipline ourselves. At this level of awareness we simply continue with unerring accuracy to live out our programming. (3) At the level of grief we begin to feel that the outer manifestation is the cause of our problems and all of our economic concerns shall be interpreted from a position that we are the victim of our environmental conditions. Therefore we are justified in setting out to change the environment wherein we cannot conceive that the outer manifestations are the yin aspect of our yang creation. At this level of activity we can perceive no other alternative but to take some form of social activism, some form of outer activity to change that, which is around us. By doing so we enter into the unravelling of our reactive patterns which then propels us upward toward fear, please remember that at this level of progression one is still the effect of the conditions in which one finds oneself and must take an outer activity, a yang activity to overcome the effect syndrome which holds the individual in bondage. At this level one can see things no other way. If one is unhappy, one does not see the unhappiness originating from within, therefore one has to take outer action in one's own mind to remove the source of unhappiness. This of course shall not change the consciousness as one is dealing with the symptom, the outer manifestation and not the inner cause. As this flows over into our economic concerns we can not see that: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (4) As the individual moves up slowly to the level of fear one becomes less and less the effect of the environmental circumstances which surrounds one. At the level of fear is wherein one begins to fearfully take a hold of one's own life and begins to steer his own ship. Herein one begins to focus on his economic concerns. As an individual one is identified with one's own economic survival and tenaciously controls one's own financial future. When one marries and takes on the responsibility of a mate, it may take some time for the person to mature and learn to work things out in harmony and unity with a mate. Take a look around you and see how many men say," Well, I have earned the money, I will determine where the money goes." At this level of progression one cannot fathom treating one's wife like an equal in decision making and this becomes a sticking point beyond which an individual cannot progress until he/she can work things out with a mate. Usually, if one cannot work in harmony with a mate in their financial concerns they will not be able to work in harmony with a group of people as the tendency to dominate and control shall manifest itself with the group as it did in the marriage. At this level of progression one becomes security minded, as they are preoccupied with protecting themselves. They have not yet learned to live their life from a position of faith and will not be able to until they have gradually gained experiential wisdom. If they ask what is experiential wisdom, rest well assured they haven't arrived yet. Be patient, they cannot do 70
other than what they are doing. At this level of intellectualization on the chart of progression one can deal with all manner of information, books, papers, etc. yet have very little understanding concerning what is being intellectualized. Yet, they have a skilful manner of justifying their actions as they have everything all worked out as to why they do what they do. This can all be very convincing and shall appeal to those who have not advanced above the level of fear. This is the level of finance, security, protection, caution, storage, accumulation of wealth and physical substance. The people at this level cannot comprehend any other form of activity until they gradually, over the years, through the hard experiences of life, grow into emotional maturity. Remember: The level of fear is the turning point on the chart from effect to cause where one begins to take charge of one's life. Consider: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." (5) As we move gradiently up the scale of emotionality we come to the level of anger where all is one-pointed control. No one else has as valid a point of view as our own. Here is where the Individual has made his money and now seeks power and greater control. One does not understand at this level how the power of God through the administration of the Spirit of God or Universal Life Force has always been there to enlighten the mind and warm the heart. One takes all credit unto himself for what he has done and herein the ego gets severely in the way. Yet, one cannot understand what one cannot understand. One may use all the right words, the right communication skills, what is socially acceptable to move fluidly through the political arena, yet one will not have any recognition of the power of God acting in one's life until one can move upscale into the level of pain and through the pain into enthusiasm wherein the mental body can be accessed. It cannot be amassed until one has been able to deal with the pain in life, thus one shall remain at a state of darkness of mind in a state of anger. There is much that has been written on this subject so this should suffice for now. These are the areas we are dealing with and knowing the difficult time that people will have in unravelling their own understanding, one will have to deal, not just with one's own collection of inherited glitches but with one's mate in the divine scheme of things. THIS IS THE END OF STEP EIGHTEEN OF THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
of the implements of war that vested interest who have placed them in power may prosper - These same leaders of nations and politicians have received financial gifts and favours for enslaving their countries to the international bankers who give allegiance to no country as money and power is their God. These same politicians have secretly, without the knowledge or consent of the people, have, by secret treaties, subjected themselves to international trade organizations and other international bodies, thus sacrificing the Sovereignty of their nation to a handful of powerful, wealthy, and conniving elitists who through their lust for power, care not for the wants and needs of the common people. 9. By choosing to not stand upon correct principles these corrupt souls have been sacrificed to the fire of compromise and dialogue. Under the banner of peace, war is raging and has become the symbol of suppress ion, that international law under the manipulation of the wealthy and the few may stamp out the vestiges of Sovereignty and thus, bring all mankind under the merciless yoke of the God of money and power. 10. I am aware that the citizens of this world are destined to become free of the political, economic, social and religious slavery, which has been designed to limit the individual growth of each individual. The world is destined to be free and it is known what must be done to inform the world citizens, open their minds and their understandings that they may be a polished tool in the hands of the heavens to regain, sustain and maintain these freedoms which are rightfully ours. It is known throughout the world what has been placed into our hands as a sacred trust. In the following pages, which must be carefully studied and prayerfully considered, is a guide which each of us must consider now and take appropriate action upon, or our freedom may be lost, forfeited forever through neglect. I choose to do my part, with each individual who rises up and claims that they are Independent Sovereign Citizens to preserve that information which is destined to rest in our hands, which is a gift to each of us and is to be held as a sacred trust. 11. Freedom is precious. It can be sustained and maintained by persistent and dedicated -vigilance or it will be lost to those who desire power and control over man's sovereignty. In the words of Edmund Burke: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing." 12. Let it be known that any good government is a government who sustains and maintains freedom of the people. Freedom to speak cannot be legislated. Freedom of the press cannot be legislated. Freedom of choice in health care cannot be legislated. Freedom to gather together cannot be legislated. All these freedoms are inalienable rights of Sovereign Citizens. Governments cannot pass laws to give people rights. If governments have the power to give a person freedoms or rights then they would also have the right to restrict or limit those rights. The only thing that a good government can do is to protect and preserve the inalienable rights of man. 13. If there are court decisions limiting the freedom of the press, then, How far can this limitation of freedom go? The laws of the land, the governing bodies, the courts, have one and only one responsibility and that is to preserve and protect the freedom of the press. The same applies to the right to free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of choice in health care, etc. The governments must reverse their tyrannical positions, which have occurred in many countries and commit to protect and preserve the inalienable rights of man, the individual rights of its citizens or free nations are gone forever in history to the discredit of that nations leaders. 14. An honourable man or woman, wherein he or she sees an Injustice, wherein the free rights of man are being tampered with cannot rest until these corrections are made and Sovereign Citizens are freed from the chains of injustice. Those miserable souls who have aligned themselves with the enticements of vested interest and power politics, wherein money and power have become their God and wherein they no longer act from a position of conscience but have bowed to serve politics, economics, the courts, etc. where they have bartered their freedom and the freedom of the countries' citizens for temporary wealth, temporary position, or a Swiss chalet gifted by international banking concerns, shall be thoroughly exposed by the lovers of freedom and these people living on usurped power shall be removed from public office by impeachment, initiative and referendum, or by the initiative and power of the people. These slaves to their own greed for money, power and position shall be replaced by honourable men and women whose first interest and dedication is to serve mankind selflessly and to preserve the freedoms and rights of all mankind. Anything less than this is unacceptable to the candid and reflective mind. 73
15. The rallying cry has gone out for the return of freedom from the many obvious incursions into that freedom which has hindered the free growth and expression of each Sovereign Nation and its individual citizens. Due to secret treaties, made without the knowledge and consent of the people of that country, and due to politicians bowing to the power and enticements of vested interest and the pervasive persuasions of international governmental organizations, and due to the yielding to the economic enslavement of the international banking systems and their Reserve Board puppets, one must become aware of the obvious threats to their freedoms, many of which have already been compromised and eliminated. The cry has gone out that all people from all free nations have a choice, that if vested interest in any form and their miserable puppets will not give up their power and positions upon exposure, the alternative is that they will be removed from their position by the power of the people in order to preserve that which is rightfully within the rights of all free men and women everywhere throughout the world. 16. A knowledge of history will bear out and confirm the truthfulness of these considerations and positions, which we, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens are proclaiming. The future shall vindicate the collective efforts, which are being consolidated today. If nothing is done, then man has forfeited his right to freedom and once again will be under the power of the elite who care little about the problems of the common man. 17. Each free citizen is urged to commit to act now and demand collectively through social activism their freedoms or forever see themselves and their children under the yoke of one world government which does not acknowledge your sovereignty except with lip service, and do not desire you to be free, for that will thwart their plans to manipulate mankind wherein they are completely dominated by the power and wealth of the elite. 18. What is quite real is that an individual sows and what he sows he shall reap. Those who heap injustice upon mankind will eventually have the favour returned. There are no mistakes when it comes to the divine order of things. A great statesman, Winston Churchill once stated: "The wheels of justice grind slowly, but exceedingly fine." 19. The preservation of freedom lies still within our reach. Please consider in view of today's circumstances: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." 20. We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, are here for the purpose of healing and uniting, we are not here to injure or divide. In the past, and hi story will prove us correct, we have been very good at injuring others and destroying and dividing. Our track record speaks quite clearly concerning our lack of respect for humankind. Contention and war we have obviously mastered. Now, we have a new challenge, to unite by choice that there may be a "Unity in Diversity", wherein the Constitution of every free Sovereign Nation has the potential of embracing all people of peace, regardless of race, colour or religion. The reflective and comprehensive mind knows that we cannot turn back history. We can only profit from its lessons, by keen observation. The time is now to heal, to unite and return to the protection of mankind in their rights, even when they differ from us. Let "Unity in Diversity" be our theme, as we now, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens claim our individual rights, which no man or man-made law can alter, but are of God. We claim now and we claim forever our freedom. 21. We acknowledge our desire for peace. A pack of wolves desire peace as they prey on the weak and the unsuspecting. The weak and the unsuspecting want peace also, but they do not change overnight the disposition of the wolf. Such as it is today, we do not change the nature of Godless international communism, or any other body of men who seek to perpetuate themselves by destroying the ideologies of others. We do not change the nature of people who are out of harmony with Universal Laws. They must change their own nature by choosing to apply those principles to their life, which will bring them to an understanding of their false beliefs. We, therefore, cannot compromise by turning our National Constitution into a Godless government, patterned after atheistic Communism, or forsake our National Constitution by binding ourselves to international treaties which are destined to protect and promote the huge multinational conglomerates, the industrial-military complexes, the medically dominated chemical pharmaceutical industries, and the perpetuation of powerful moneyed elitist banking structures that have no allegiance to any nation. These examples are the epitome of bending and bowing to the pressure of vested interest which is taking its toll in every free nation gradually and methodically taking away the individual freedoms away from the people. 22. With all this in mind, let us now carefully peruse the following material, which is the Declaration for Independent Sovereign World Citizens, A person of knowledge cannot be enslaved. 74
23. There are those who are self-appointed elitists who would gladly barter away the health of any nation or any individual which they feel is inferior politically, economically, religiously, socially pr racially, for a better position in the bottom line of their accounting procedures, or a better position of power in the larger obvious group which sustain vested interest. Money and power has become their God. They shall not be removed out of their place without a struggle. Self-interest and self-aggrandizement has replaced the honourable position of equanimity, impartiality, and honesty in regard to business matters. Competitive international marketing have created division rather than peace. One can no longer trust the industrial military complex who seek the perpetuation of imperialistic policies wherein one law is written for the weak and the poor, while another law is unwritten for the wealthy and powerful who stand behind a smoke screen of legalese to manipulate from behind the scenes for one purpose and one purpose only, the desire to bring under control and into subjugation the freedom of Sovereign Citizens, and Sovereign Nations wherein they no longer can have a voice for selfdetermination but must knuckle under to one-world policies, thus forcing all mankind to bear the same yoke of international slavery. 24. Please keep in mind that it is better to have an honest man who stands on correct principles in government than one who will embrace compromise and bow to vested interest. Do not expect entrenched corruption to yield willingly their positions of wealth and power. These elements of corruption must be removed, if not peacefully, through due process of law through impeachment or initiative and referendum, then by the initiative and power of the people. Do not expect peace and good government to be obtained and retained without paying the price. Remember always that discretion is the better part of valour. 25. Inertia is always overcome by force. This is the law of physics. Let the force we use be the sword of truth and unswerving maintenance of correct principle. History can cite many instances where the people have thrown off the shackles of suppression. These, at times, have proven to be necessary. Let it be considered that these means of force be the ultimate conclusion of last resort, the exception, not the rule. Remember that patience and appropriate opportunity for reformation must always be the prerequisite of action. 26. Keep In mind that inspired documents such as the original Constitution of the United States of America needs no interpretation. Only grasping lawyers and corrupt politicians who have already sold their souls to the God of Wealth and Power put forth the idea that Constitutional Principles need interpretation. Vested interest wants it interpreted that they might gain advantage and limit or restrict others for their own gain and promulgation of their own concepts. 27. Human creation, the way of mankind, has not worked out so well. Look at the poverty, the pollution the crime, the usury, and the disease. Man has proven that his ways have failed. The ways of God provide for all, according to the honest effort of man. The original Constitution of the United States of America is an embodiment of these principles and can be used as a guide for the formation of Constitutions to govern a free Sovereign Nation anywhere in the world. 28. The time has come for us as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, the quiet majority, to bring once more to mankind the world over, the recognition that each individual has the power of choice. This power to choose is the power that makes tyrants tremble upon their thrones. This power to choose frees within mankind the knowledge that he and she preside as King and Queen in their own domain. It is time to state clearly that there is no individual who is above or below another. All have equal rights and all are to be treated with the same degree of impartiality. No individual shall have rights which exceeds any other individual When one considers deeply the ramifications of free choice one can see the power within each individual rising to the surface, which will bring one ultimately to understand the power of the Christ which is within each of us wherein it was stated: "All these things I have done, ye shall do also; yes even more." Please consider: The history of tomorrow shall vindicate our committed efforts of today. 29. The time has come to choose the road to the expression of love, the appreciation of light, and the commitment to perfection, or else, through our lack of choice (which, in itself, is a choice), we accept the inevitable dwindling spiral of least resistance which leads to death, darkness, disgrace, despair and destruction. 30. Now, we enter into a very exciting moment, the presentation to the Independent Sovereign World Citizens. Let the Spirit of God whisper to each reader, the truth herein, and let this message ring out to the entire world. The following is the preamble to the Declaration for Independent Sovereign World Citizens: THE PREAMBLE TO THE DECLARATION FOR INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGN WORLD CITIZENS BE IT KNOWN UNTO ALL NATIONS, KINDREDS, TONGUES AND PEOPLE UNTO WHOM THIS MESSAGE SHALL COME THAT WE, AS INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGN WORLD CITIZENS, HEREBY DEDICATE THIS PROGRAM OF FREEDOM TO 75
OUR GOD, THE ONE GOD, THE ETERNAL FATHER, AND WE PLEAD UNTO GOD, THE LAWGIVER TO ALL, TO ACCEPT OU"R DEDICATION, TO PRESERVE OUR FREEDOM, TO PROTECT OUR RELIGIONS, TO PROCLAIM OUR PEACE, TO PRESERVE OUR FAMILY UNITS, AS WE DO SEEK, UNDER THE INSPIRATION OF THE ALMIGHTY, TO PRESERVE THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION - OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS A BASTION OF FREEDOM AND A BEACON OF TRUTH TO ALL HUMANKIND THE WORLD OVER. 31. DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGN WORLD CITIZENS NUMBER ONE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim our belief in an everlasting God from whom all intelligence and life flows. We commit ourselves to the service of God and all life, according to the dictates of our conscience, in order that Love, Light and Perfection may be established, forever upon this earth. 32. NUMBER TWO We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, believe that all governments are instituted of God for the benefit of the individual and that each individual is held accountable for his or her acts in relation to those governments. Each individual is accountable for the manner in which laws are made and also in their administration, taking into consideration what would be most appropriate in preserving the freedom of conscience, the right of choice and the highest and best good for humanity, including the safety and protection of the individual rights of each citizen of that Nation. Each Nation, for the sake of Internal stability and for the sake of preserving the freedom of that Sovereign Nation and its individual Sovereign Citizens, and for the purpose of preserving self-government as a Sovereign Nation, should have a Constitution and Bill of Rights which guarantee the safety and protection of those God given and inalienable freedoms or rights. In a letter to Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson stated: "Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: (1) Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. (2) Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist; and in every one where they are free to think, speak and write, they will declare themselves." 33. NUMBER THREE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim the right to seek out and hold forth as an example the best the world has to offer pertaining to Constitutions and Bill of Rights of free Sovereign Nations in order to preserve the inherent inalienable rights of man and to promote the highest and best good for humanity. We proclaim that the Constitution of the United States of America in its original form to be such a document, prepared and adopted by inspired men as directed by Almighty God. We claim that it is an uncompromising necessity to retain the example of truth contained within that document in its original, inspired form, that liberty and good government may be preserved and perpetuated as in tended by the Founding Fathers of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights guaranteeing all mankind within the umbrella of the United States Government the rights as outlined within those documents. 34. It would be appropriate, at this time, to indicate that if one does not have knowledge of past events, one can be easily misled and pulled off the straight and narrow pathway which places one on the Pathway to Perfection. Knowledge is a must or else we are confused, uncertain and have lost our direction in life. In the following pages, prayerfully consider and pay very careful attention because every word is dear and every concept eternal in its nature. Now, regarding the Declaration of Independence, it would be appropriate at this time to include a bit of relevant history, which the candid and reflective mind may benefit from. I have had the opportunity to read from a rare old volume of early American political speeches, of a date earlier than those preserved in the first volume of the Congressional Record. In this book, particular attention should be paid to a speech by an unknown man at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This information is taken from a copy of that book. On July 4, 1776, in the old State House in Philadelphia, a group of patriotic men were gathered for the 76
solemn purpose of proclaiming the liberty of the American colonies. From the letters of Thomas Jefferson, which are preserved in the Library of Congress, we have been able to gather considerable data concerning this portentous session. In reconstructing the scene, it is well to remember that if the Revolutionary War failed, every man who had signed the parchment then lying on that table would be subject to the penalty of death for high treason. It should also be remembered that the delegates representing the various colonies were not entirely of one mind as to the policies, which should dominate the new nation. There were several speeches. In the balcony, patriotic citizens crowded all available space and listened attentively to the proceedings. Jefferson expressed himself with great vigour; and John Adams of Boston spoke and with great strength. The Philadelphia printer, Dr. Benjamin Franklin, quiet and calm as usual, spoke his mind with well-chosen words. The delegates hovered between sympathy and uncertainty as the long hours of the summer day crept by, for life is sweet when there is danger of losing it. The lower doors were locked and a guard was posted to prevent interruption. According to Jefferson, it was late in the afternoon before the delegates gathered their courage to the sticking point. The talk was about axes, scaffolds and the gibbet, when suddenly a strong, - bold voice sounded- "Gibbet! They may stretch our necks on all the gibbets in the land; they .may turn every rock into a scaffold, every tree into a gallows, every home into a grave, and yet the words of that parchment can neverdie! They may pour our blood on a thousand scaffolds, and yet from every drop that dyes the axe a new champion of freedom will spring into birth! The British King may blot out the stars of God from the sky, but he cannot blot out His words written on that parchment there. The works of God may perish. His words never. "The words of this declaration will live in the world long after our bones are dust. To the mechanic in his workshop they will speak hope; to the slave in the mines, freedom. But to the coward kings, these words will speak in tones of warning that they cannot choose but hear... "Sign that parchment! Sign, if the next moment the gibbet's rope is about your neck! Sign, if the next minute this hall rings with the clash of falling axes! Sign, by all your hopes in life or death, as men, as husbands, as fathers, brothers. Sign your names to the parchment, or be accursed forever. Sign, not only for yourselves, but for all ages, for that parchment will be the textbook of freedom, the bible of the rights of man forever. "Nay, do not start and whisper with surprise! It is truth. Your own hearts witness it. God proclaims it. Look at this strange band of exiles and outcasts, suddenly transformed into a people; a handful of men, weak in arms, but mighty in God-life faith. Nay, look at your recent achievements, your Bunker Hill, your Lexington, and then tell me, if you can, that God has not given America to be free! "It is not given to our poor human intellect to climb to the skies, and to pierce the Council of the Almighty One. But methinks I stand among the awful clouds which veil the brightness of Jehovah's throne. "Methinks I see the Recording Angel come trembling up to that throne and speak his dread message. 'Father, Look with one glance of Thine eternal eye, and behold evermore that terrible sight, man trodden beneath the oppressor's feet, nations lost in blood, murder and superstition, walking hand in hand over the graves of the victims, and not a single voice of hope to man! He stands there, the Angel, trembling with the record of human guilt. But hark! The Voice of God speaks from out the awful cloud: 'Let there be light again! Tell my people, the poor and oppressed, to go out from the old world, from oppression and blood, and build my altar in the new. "As I live, my friends, I believe that to be His voice! Yea, were my soul trembling on the verge of eternity, were this hand freezing in death, were this voice choking in the last struggle, I would still, with the last impulse of that soul, with the last wave of that hand, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember this truth: God has given America to be free! "Yes, as I sank into the gloomy shadows of the grave, with my last faint whisper, I would beg you to sign that parchment for the sake of millions whose very breath is now hushed in intense expectation as they look up to you for the awful words: You are free. The unknown speaker fell exhausted into his seat. The delegates, carried away by his enthusiasm, rushed forward. John Hancock scarcely had time to pen his bold signature before the quill was grasped by another. It was done. 77
The delegates turned to express their gratitude to the unknown speaker for his eloquent words. He was not there. Who was this strange man, who seemed to speak with a divine authority, whose solemn words gave courage to the doubters and sealed the destiny of the new nation? Unfortunately, no one knows. His name is not recorded. None of those present knew him; or if they did, not one acknowledged the acquaintance. How he had entered into the locked and guarded room is not told, nor is there any record of the manner of his departure. No one claimed to have seen him before, and there is no mention of him after this single episode. Only his imperishable speech bears witness to his presence. As individuals, we are condemned to repeat those lessons of history, which we cannot remember. Let us all be cognizant of our collective history and its influence, which has made its indelible mark upon the happenings of today. Let us profit from those principles of truth which has forged the foundation of freedom and liberty, and nay we be ever vigilant in preserving that which has taught us the greatest lessons of history and not allow them to be destroyed by those who would enslave man by making him cower before the God of money and power. 35. William Ewart Gladstone stated the following: "As the British Constitution is the most subtle organism which has proceeded from progressive hi story, so the American Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man". Gladstone also stated: "I have always regarded that Constitution as the most remarkable work known to me in modern times to have been produced by the human intellect, at a single stroke (so to speak), in its application to political affairs." Gladstone was a famous British Statesman (1809-1898). 36. Democracy and Socialism have nothing in common but one word: Equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. Alexis de Tocqueville Speech in the Constituent Assembly Sept 12, 1848 37. NUMBER FOUR We claim that the purpose of the Constitution of any free and Sovereign Nations to form a more perfect union, establish justice, assure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence and promote the general welfare; that is, wherein all Individual are benefited equally and are secured In the blessings of liberty. We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that all men are created equal in opportunity. Due to the Laws of Cause and Effect, the prior actions and thoughts of each individual have created an apparent inequality, yet Karmic Considerations come into play which yield a wide variance of effect which all originates from a prior cause. We must therefore acknowledge that all, in the ever-present now, is the outer result of the creation of the inner essence of each individual, thus, all as we perceive it, is Perfect Divine Order. Thus, each individual is ultimately responsible for his/her own position in life. In the long-range viewing, one can see the myriad positions of mankind and the wide spectrum of deviation, much like the wide variation of plant life from the green moss in the valley stream to the mighty oak of the rolling hills. Yet, within the range of obvious parameters, opportunity is made available to all. 38. NUMBER FIVE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that each individual is endowed with certain inalienable God-given rights. These rights cannot be legislated; they can only be secured by law. One must be aware that if rights can be given to a person by law, or by a decision of a court, those same rights can be limited or removed by the same body of law, thus law in a free country can only protect and preserve that 78
which is inherent within the soul. The Law of Government in a free Sovereign Nation must be instituted in such a manner as to secure these rights. All government derives all of her powers from the consent and determination of the governed, and it must be made clear to all governments which lean toward tyranny in any form, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to inalienable rights, then it is the right and responsibility of the people to abolish that government and to institute a new government based upon correct principles. The new government should be founded in such principles and organization as to most likely secure citizens in their basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that government must be established in such a manner as to secure that liberty and good government may be preserved and perpetuated. Government must have a means of establishing justice with no partiality toward caste or position, rich or poor, healthy or infirm, religion or philosophy, colour or nationality. The domestic tranquillity must be preserved wherein provisions for general welfare and common defence be established, that all are benefited equally and are impartially secured in the blessings of liberty. 39. NUMBER SIX When the Constitution of a free country is formed, patterned upon those premises which are imbedded in the respect of individual freedoms, it must be established that amendments cannot occur to the original constitution except there be a strict accordance to the strict provisions for amendments as set forth within the Constitution itself. Changes in the constitution of the Free Sovereign Nation shall not be arbitrarily imposed by judicial decisions, executive orders, or any other governmental action. We claim that it Is proper that the meaning of the Constitution should be carefully construct red, and then be explained (not interpreted) as new conditions warrant, but never should the Constitution be amended to change its original, inspired intent, when formed by prayerful and dedicated men and women of truth, except through the strict provisions for amendments as set forth in the original constitution, Neither shall the popular vote of the people or ratification of provinces states be permitted to alter or defeat the original intent, once formed. 40. NUMBER SEVEN We, as independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that no people can exist in peace unless such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life. 41. NUMBER EIGHT We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that we, the people, assume the responsibility of selfgovernment by retaining and possessing the fullness of the powers and authority reserved by us as Sovereign Citizens in the original Constitution so formed by us as a Sovereign Nation. Our Sovereign Nation cannot delegate by law or treaty the individual rights that the individual has inherent within him as inalienable Godgiven rights and freedoms such as is outlined in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America and which is further explicated in the Bill of Rights. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE WILL BE THE TEXTBOOK OF FREEDOM, THE BIBLE OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN FOREVER. We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, declare emphatically that no delegation of these rights can ever be made to, or be assumed by, any governing body within the Sovereign Nation or by any international body, or by any One World Government or by any organization, which would usurp the rights and laws of any Sovereign Nation. 42. NUMBER NINE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that the free agency of the individual, within the legitimate bounds of these rights and freedoms, such as is outlined in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, must be held inviolate. We also hold that the Constitution of any free Sovereign Nation provides for the regulation of groups of individuals and not individuals. We hold that the free agency of the individual must not be infringe upon by law, but the free exercise of conscience must be preserved and protected as long as one does not violate the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of any other living being. 43. NUMBER TEN 79
We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, hold that the inalienable rights of each Sovereign Citizen as outlined in the Constitution of that Sovereign Nation, be justly guarded and diligently secured. No treaty, foreign agreement, or any other governmental action, domestic or foreign, shall be permitted to deprive the individual of the rights vouch-safed to him/her as outlined in the Constitution of the Sovereign Nation. We insist that any foreign treaty will not supersede or defeat the provisions for the protection of each Sovereign Citizen as outlined in this document. 44. NUMBER ELEVEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that any government shall be restricted in its activity and exercise of power by the consensus and determination of the people. The government shall be allowed to exercise its power only within the explicit framework and strict construction of law as determined by the consent and consensus of the people. The people shall have the right by initiative and referendum to alter at any time these strict parameters within which the government may operate. This is to ensure that laws be not changed quickly and that only with grave forethought and consensus shall any law or set of parameters undergo change. 45. NUMBER TWELVE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that governments are the voice of their respective citizens from whom the government derives all their authority. The authority of any acting body does not come from the government; it can only come from the people who have the final say on any governmental action. 46. NUMBER THIRTEEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that each individual is Sovereign and no government has the right or the authorization to usurp the free exercise of conscience and the free determination and action of the soul, as long as the rights and privileges or others are not infringed upon. 47. NUMBER FOURTEEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that the government shall not deprive the people of their property or personal income through unlawful taxation, confiscation, deli berate misrepresentation or any other means. Furthermore, the government shall not provide aid, gifts, subsidies, or financial assistance to any other foreign nation and or international organization. Let any form of assistance, gifts, subsidies, etc. be assumed by any individual or groups of individuals, either corporate, religious, or otherwise who choose to bear the burden of that choice. 48. NUMBER FIFTEEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, hold that it is sedition to aid or abet, or in any way to sustain, provide for, or assist any person, group of persons, nation, or group of nations seeking to undermine our government who is determined to protect the Sovereignty and dignity of every sacred soul. 49. NUMBER SIXTEEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that a government necessarily requires civil officers and. magistrates to enforce laws. Such officials are to administer the law in equity and justice and be sought out, elected and upheld according to 'the voice of the people. All others shall be removed from office by due process of law, whether by impeachment, by initiative and referendum or by the initiative and power of the people. 50. NUMBER SEVENTEEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, hold that civil magistrates use appropriate measures to restrain crime, but never control the dictates of conscience. We further hold that civil magistrates use rehabilitative measures, including having the criminal making appropriate restitution, for inappropriate or destructive actions, but never suppress the free expression or free agency of the individual. 51. NUMBER EIGHTEEN 80
We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, declare that it is the major duty of all public officials to protect the innocent and maintain the peace. We claim that every individual be responsible to maintain order and preserve justice. We hold that all individuals charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and that all false accusers shall be brought to justice. We claim that the right to trial by jury, an inalienable right of man, as put forth by the Magna Carta, shall not be denied any person. 52. NUMBER NINETEEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, hold that the people, as the Sovereign power, reserve the right to be made aware of the actions of all elected or appointed governmental officials, while they are acting in their official capacity as servants of the people We claim that individuals have the right to hold public officials accountable for their conduct and that interested individuals shall have access to all public records, in order that they may determine, without governmental harassment, whether such officials are properly representing them. If there is nothing to hide, then it should be made available to any concerned citizen. 53. NUMBER TWENTY We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, declare that all public officials who take the oath of office to uphold and sustain the Constitution of the Nation, and who violate that oath, shall be deemed guilty of high treason, and of having committed a capital crime. We acknowledge that, included in the oath of office to uphold and sustain the Constitution of the Nation, is the requirement of all public officials for impartial treatment of all citizens, wherein vested interest will have no rightful place in influencing these public officials, and all individuals will be benefited equally and impartially, regardless of race, colour, religion or station in life. 54. NUMBER TWENTY-ONE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press are solemn rights guaranteed by the Constitution of any free and Sovereign Nation; but that these freedoms are not to be used to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others or to subvert or destroy that Constitution which guarantees God-given freedoms with this understanding. We pledge our support to the preservation of freedom of worship, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 55. NUMBER TWENTY-TWO We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, believe that religion is instituted of God; and that men are amenable to God, and to God only, for the exercise of that religion. It is not intended that man can justify himself under freedom of religion to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others. We believe that human law has no right to interfere in proscribing rules of worship to bind the conscience of men, nor dictate forms for public or private devotion. We concur with Blackstone's famous statement: If ever the laws of God and man are at variance, the former are to be obeyed in derogation of the latter. 56. NUMBER TWENTY-THREE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all individuals the same privilege; let them worship how, when, where or what they may. 57. NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, believe in the separation of church and state, wherein the State protects the free exercise of religious beliefs, but does not give preferential treatment to one religious body while limiting the activities of another. Restrictions shall not be placed on religious privileges wherein individual citizens of any Free Sovereign Nation be denied their equal rights and opportunities, as long as they do not infringe upon the inherent and inalienable God-given rights and freedoms of others, as is outlined in such documents as the Declaration of Independence and further explicate in the Bill of Rights, We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, demand that no law shall be passed to limit or dictate days of worship. Let each religion worship God, how, where, when or what they may. 81
58. NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, believe that God has ordained that all individuals are free to live their lives according to the dictates of their own conscience. We have learned from the experience of the centuries that as soon as one individual seeks unjust power and control over any other person or groups of people, that same individual will then seek to usurp the rights of the people and will then attempt, through legislation, to limit, restrict and deprive humankind the simple principles as outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights that should exist in any Free Sovereign Country. Let each individual then govern himself or herself according to the dictates of his or her conscience. We must exercise eternal vigilance and maintain continual diligence to guard against such usurped occurrences from ever happening and to speedily demand correction where it has occurred. There is no justification for elitist international organizations, moneyed monopolies or vested interest of any kind to attempt through legislation to limit, restrict, or deprive humankind of their rights and freedoms as Sovereign Citizens of any Free Sovereign Nation. 59. NUMBER TWENTY-SIX We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, declare that each individual has the right to live his or her life according to the dictates of his or her own conscience and under God, no Individual, group, governing body, court, nation or international body has the right to limit, restrict, or deprive him or her of that privilege as long as he or she does not interfere with the rights and privileges of others. 60. NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim the right of all individuals to govern themselves and the right to choose to work collectively for the common good of all, free from force and compulsion or unlawful taxation. 61. NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, believe in an economic system based upon the natural law of supply and demand. We proclaim that inherent within this system is the firm commitment to encourage equality of opportunity wherein people who "have not" are encouraged to rise through individual application that they may learn to help themselves: While, at the same time, those who have accumulated the wealth of the earth have the responsibility of being a blessing to those around them, that the great universal teaching might be applied, "If ye are not one, ye are not mine." We proclaim that, in the society of the future, the only competition will be "who can be of greatest service to the other". A group of people can never become one in spiritual matter until they have learned, through mutual co-operation, to become one in temporal matters. Each individual has the responsibility of learning how to apply the law, and then the proper means of administration with wisdom and love. 62. NUMBER TWENTY- NINE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that City Government, District or County Government, State or Provincial Government or any other form of government, National or otherwise, must not involve themselves in any economic activity except as would be permitted by such Constitutional Documents as in the original Constitution of the United States of America. We hold that any governmental body must not, in any way, restrain free and competitive institutions. Free and competitive institutions have the right to govern themselves from restrictive control of any governmental body. 63. NUMBER THIRTY We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, hereby declare that each individual has the God-given right to contract with whomever he or she chooses for whatever he or she desires, within the confines of Constitutional Law of any free Sovereign Nation, and that no individual or governmental body has the right to seek to license or regulate that right. 64. NUMBER THIRTY-ONE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that no agency, through licensure or law, has the Constitutional right to restrict, regulate, or limit in any way the freedom of choice inherent within the soul of each citizen. Each person has the God-given right to choose that path which seems to him best, and must individually bear the consequences of that choice. The protection of choice shall be held inviolate. The Laws 82
of God make the individual free. The Laws of man, when out of harmony with God, enslave, limit and deprive. One must understand that with freedom of choice and freedom of volition to act comes responsibility. It must be understood by all concerned that the privilege of free choice and action will not be restricted as long as this does not interfere with the rights and privileges of others. 65. NUMBER THIRTY-TWO We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, claim the right to support all activities of individuals everywhere which result in freeing the individual from spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and economic bondage. We claim the opportunity to support all organizations, which seek to upgrade the quality to life Individually, socially, economically and environmentally, and return all life to harmony with nature. 66. NUMBER THIRTY-THREE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that freedom of the press is not to be construed license to undermine the Constitution of any free Sovereign Nation. All those who own or control media communications shall be held liable and punishable by law when they wilfully advocate destruction alteration of the Constitution of a free Sovereign Nation which would result in the ultimate destruction that nation and the subsequent loss of freedom of the Nation's Sovereign Citizens. 67. NUMBER THIRTY-FOUR We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, claim the right to educate our own children, in either private or public schools, free from any governmental control or jurisdiction. The responsibility of providing children with a quality education within each school is under the jurisdiction of the parents and their delegates. Emphasis on individual responsibility and freedom of choice is encouraged with the recognition that certain rights as enumerated in the Constitution of the Independent Sovereign Nation shall riot be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. It .is recognized that the family unit is the basic unit of society and the courts, administering the laws, have the responsibility to protect and preserve the family unit consisting of man, woman and children, and no law or court has the right to interfere with that family as long as the family unit does not interfere with the rights and privileges of others, and as long as the members of that family are protected and provided safety concerning their individual rights as inculcated by a Constitution such as indicated by the Constitution of the United States of America and its corresponding Bill of Rights. 68. THIRTY-FIVE We, as Independent. Sovereign World Citizens, maintain that the life styles of all cultures within the borders of the land of free Sovereign Nations be considered, honoured, appreciated, protected and preserved as unique expressions of intelligence which we are all free to manifest. We hold that as citizens of a free Sovereign Nation these cultures have neither more nor less rights than are grafted every other citizen. 69. THIRTY-SIX We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, claim the responsibility to teach the citizens of the free Sovereign Nation of which we are a part, correct principles as contained within the Constitution of our Nation, that they may learn to govern them. We hold that it is a common responsibility of all people to teach each other, to reason peacefully with each other and choose freely, individually and collectively to hold to that which is productive and the bearer of good fruits. 70. THIRTY-SEVEN We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, believe that the first great commandment, which is to multiply and replenish the earth, is a religious belief, as guaranteed by Constitutional Law in any Free and Sovereign Nation, and that no law shall either prohibit of compel any individual to reproduce. We believe that all individuals be taught correct principles regarding these matters, and let them govern themselves accordingly and assume the responsibility for their actions. 71. THIRTY-EIGHT 83 as of or of
We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, hold that each individual makes every effort to be selfsufficient, and that the responsibility of helping the destitute be relegated to family, friends or religious bodies, exclusive of any governmental jurisdiction. We proclaim that mandated governmental charity be abolished. 72. THIRTY-NINE We claim the right to honest money, the gold and silver coinage, which is defined by the Constitution of every Free Sovereign Nation^ We claim that this honest money have a circulating medium converted into such money without loss. In the absence of precious metals, each Sovereign Nation has the right to print its own money and set the value upon that money without interest, thus freeing the people from unending debt which in times past has been thrust upon very country by the malicious intent of greedy and grasping international banking families. The inhabitants of every free Sovereign Nation shall be free of such highly skilled and manipulated scams. 73. FOURTY We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that any agency which is unconstitutional such as the Federal Reserve Board in the United States (a non-governmental, private corporation, owned and operated by at least eight international banking organizations), be stripped of all usurped power and dissolved by law. Any other Reserve Bank, which is controlled by international bankers, must be dealt with in a similar manner. We demand that each Sovereign Nation has the right to print or coin its own money and regulate the value thereof, without incurring national debt, which then economically enslaves the citizens of that nation. We proclaim that all those who inappropriately foist their will upon the people of any Free Sovereign Nation, to the denial of their inalienable rights and freedoms, be removed from their positions by due process of law, by initiative and referendum or by the initiative and power of the people. 74. FOURTY-ONE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that taxes shall only be levied as authorized by Constitutions such as indicated in the original Constitution of the United States of America, and that any Amendment to that Constitution, giving the government power to levy income taxes, be declared unconstitutional by we, the people, and dissolved by law. Each individual who enjoys the protection of government will bear his or her equal share of the cost of proper governmental functions. These governmental functions are limited to those which the Constitution such as found in the Original Constitution of the United States explicitly authorizes, and taxes imposed shall be uniform. 75. FOURTY-TWO We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that all land controlled by the government of our Free Sovereign Nation, and all other lands held by national agencies, with the exception of that land which is stipulated in the Constitution such as found in the original Constitution of the United States of America for Federal or National use, shall revert appropriately to private ownership. We proclaim that any governmental body, which presently does not have organic constitutional authorization, be summarily dissolved and all residual effects of such programs, including real property and any improvements thereon, shall revert appropriately to private ownership. It is our position to encourage individual responsibility, local control of government (self-government) and decentralization of all government, except that which is explicitly authorized by the Constitution of the Free Sovereign Nation of which we are a part. We, the people, acknowledge our responsibility to educate others concerning this matter, that all bureaucrats and politicians may vacate their positions and find meaningful employment where they may then contribute to the needs of society rather than be a burden upon society, taking from the work and labour or others. 76. FOURTY-THREE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, hold that an individual who has been found guilty of any major act of violence which would be considered a capital crime be given every opportunity for rehabilitation in an environment of imprisonment, either for life, or as deemed otherwise, during which time the individual will be required to be involved in productive activity resulting in self-support. Cities of refuge would be appropriately instituted to house those capital offenders who would live out their lives constructively, apart from a free society. We repeat, that treason or malfeasance of office on the part of any public official, appointed or elected, be a capital crime. Grace and opportunity for rehabilitation will be extended if intention to make restitution is made known, and appropriate amends are made and acknowledged. If a 84
person will not co-operate in any way toward his or her rehabilitation or self-support, then, and only then, will the death penalty for a capital crime be considered. 77. FOURTY-FOUR In this melting pot of religions, races, belief systems and cultures, we acknowledge that where there is no comprehension of law, there is no condemnation. Therefore, we hold that grace and compass ion should always be considered a part of all lawful activity. We believe in the preservation of life and the dignity of the soul, and will do all in our power, according to our conscience, to preserve the life of the unborn and protect the dignity of the aged. We claim that life is a God-given right, and that no governmental agency has the right to take away that life. We acknowledge, from a political point of view, that each individual has free will concerning his or her life, including the act of abortion, due to the wide variance of cultures, races, religions and belief systems within the borders of our land. Yet, we acknowledge that consciousness in this body shall begin at conception, and thus that which we sow, we shall invariably reap, in reference to the destruction of the living foetus. Therefore, we encourage that provision should be made with family, friends or churches to give unwanted children the opportunity to be born with dignity and to be placed in homes with parents who desire to exercise the responsibility of raising children with love and respect. 78. FOURTY-FIVE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, recognize the Constitutional protection preserving our right to contract and to choose whatever method or form of treatment we desire for the health of our mind, emotions, and body. We recognize that our mental, emotional and physical health is our responsibility and no individual or law has the right to interfere with our freedom of choice concerning this matter. We demand that all laws, which give unfair prejudicial emphasis to any one of the many healing arts and their representative associations, be abolished. We also demand that any law or court action compelling the Individual to submit to treatment of any kind against his or her will be declared void. We declare emphatically that the free agency of the individual, acting within the legitimate bounds of these rights and freedoms as outlined in documents such as the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, be held inviolate. Every free Sovereign Nation has the responsibility to protect and sustain one in his Freedom of Choice in Health Care. 79. FOURTY-SIX We, the stewards of life and preservers of our heritage, pledge with dignity, our lives, talents and fortunes to the protection of our earth, water, atmosphere, and all other resources from contamination. We demand the immediate cessation of manufacturing) production and use of all known chemicals such as fluorides and bromides, nuclear energies, which contribute to the continual growth of the life threatening ozone hole in the earth's atmosphere. We acknowledge the documented health risks from nuclear contamination, and hereby demand that all design, production, testing, storing, transport of all nuclear material and weapons be stopped immediately. We acknowledge that there is no safe, permanent waste disposal technology developed for nuclear waste. This makes it imperative to no longer produce nuclear weapons or nuclear power plants, which, if continued, will produce an awesome, Irreversible nuclear contamination problem. We encourage the development of energy from renewable resources and from wind, sun, hydro thermal and geothermal sources. We acknowledge the need to correct the wrongs committed upon the earth in its totality and we pledge ourselves to make restitution by cleaning up the widespread chemical contamination, which already exists. We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, proclaim that all use of nuclear power or any form of irradiation come to an immediate stop. It has been shown by nuclear scientists and intelligent researchers that oxygen is being depleted in the earth's atmosphere due to various forms of nuclear contamination and the exposure of atmosphere to any form of radiation. The world is fragile much like the health of the human body. To a certain degree it is resilient, but when oxygen in the earth's atmosphere is destroyed by exposure to radiation of any form, the life forms on the surface of this planet are threatened with extinction. 80. FOURTY-SEVEN 85
We acknowledge the need to act now to re-mineralize the soil, the source of our food, that plants and trees may once again grow with health and integrity, that through eating healthy food, our lives might be sustained in health, that our minds might be vigorous and productive in encompassing and applying Constitutional and Universal Laws. We pledge our time, resources and our very existence to educate all within our sphere of influence to act on the immediate need to reverse the ominous "greenhouse effect", due to the rapid and sustained rise in the atmospheric carbon dioxide. We acknowledge the immediate need to plant appropriate trees in appropriately re-mineralized soil, and to encourage all to preserve our existing forests, that the increase of healthy trees and their subsequent utilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide may help to reverse the "greenhouse effect", that our future generations may have the opportunity to live and be able to attain the blessings of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It must be understood that rain comes from the ionization effect in the atmosphere due to the introduction of vegetation and primarily the activity of trees. The ionization effect brings the rain. The land is barren and water does not fall as a gentle mist where trees have been cut down and forests destroyed. Thus when trees are planted the streams reappear from dry beds and the land again comes alive through the reintroduction of appropriate rainfall. Thus, the desertification is reversed and the land thrives with vegetation once again. Healthy trees and soil that has been re-mineralized is a prerequisite for moderate weather. 81. FOURTY-EIGHT We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, in these troubled times of war and rumours of war, denounce war and proclaim peace. We acknowledge that never in the history of man, has an arms build-up resulted in peace. The obvious outcome of nuclear war, with the potential ravages of a nuclear winter, leave no alternative to all humanity but to ban forever the use of nuclear power, in any form. Nevertheless, we claim that in this perilous era, all individuals are justified in defending themselves, their loved ones, their friends, their property, their, peace and their country from unlawful assaults and encroachments. We claim that, in order to preserve a strong nation, that local militias be organized with people being properly trained in the use of firearms for the purpose of self-protection. In order to protect our country from external invasion and internal turmoil, the Sovereign Nation must be ready and willing to be called upon at all times. In order to do these things, the individual right to keep and bear arms must, and shall be maintained as outlined in the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, Article Four. Every Free Sovereign Nation must have such a Bill of Rights to protect peoples rights to defend themselves, their loved ones, their friends, their property, their peace and their country. We hereby demand that any law, which would limit man in this right, be immediately declared null and void. We proclaim that all those who would foist their will upon the people of any free Sovereign Nation by removing through the courts of law or passage of legislation their right to keep and bear arms, to the denial of their inalienable rights and freedoms, be removed from their positions by due process of law, by initiative and referendum, or by the initiative and power of the people. 82. FOURTY-NINE We, as Independent Sovereign World Citizens, demand that all mankind has the right to grow their own food, without national or international interference and without the money mad influence of vested interest in persuasion of government, policies allowing importing and testing while continuing the creation of genetically altered food. Genetically altered plants with genetically altered seeds have sufficient evidence to indicate that they could create problems which would be irreversible to the survival of insect and bird species as well as animal and humans. The hazards to our environment and consequent wildlife, determines an immediate ban on all genetically altered plants, seeds, testing and growing. The freedom to grow our own food with our own seed shall not be infringed upon by any National Law or by the unlawful infringement of any Intonation body such as is evidenced by the GATT agreement. We proclaim that all those who persist in passing or condoning laws which would perpetuate the continuation of allowing Genetically Altered Food in any form in our country be removed from office by due process of law, by initiative and referendum or by the initiative and power of the people. We also demand that the irradiation of food, herbs, spices and other foodstuffs be immediately banned. 86
Through the process of irradiation, all foods, herbs etc. are rendered sterile. The enzymes are destroyed which give them longer shelf life without deterioration. Enzymes are a basic requirement to regain and maintain health, If irradiated, what has been originally a food is now rendered a non-food, which is disastrous to be consumed by the human body. Tests which have been properly conducted using comparative tests between irradiated food and raw viable food using a world accepted technique by alternative medical practitioners, has proved conclusively that Kinesiology, a valid healing modality in Complementary or Alternative Medicine has proven without doubt that any irradiated food which has been imported or exported or treated within any country is rendered useless as a food of nutritional value. Due to this condition, we hereby demand, as people of integrity, that all food irradiation, all imported or irradiated food, and all irradiated fruit, nuts and vegetables be banned that the people of any Free Sovereign Nation may enjoy healthy foodstuffs and not be deprived of their God-give inalienable right to health, wealth and happiness. We proclaim that all those who would perpetuate this continuation of irradiation, exporting or importing of irradiated foods, and the continuation of this insult upon the health of the citizens of any Free Sovereign Nation or who would continue to influence the support of such an injustice upon the people, be removed from any position of responsibility or governmental office by due process of law, by initiative and referendum, or by the initiative and power of the people. 83. FIFTY From the grave, the words of this great patriot speaks again as the essence of this statement was recorded and fell from his lips during his mortal lifetime. We claim that there are certain inalienable rights, guaranteed by God to all men in the exercise of their free agency. These were sustained by the founding fathers and written into the Constitution of the United States of America, which is the textbook of freedom, the bible of the rights of man forever. Every Free Sovereign Nation would benefit by using this great document as a guide in the formation of a valid and permanent Constitution and accompanying Bill of Rights. These inalienable rights need no interpretation, nor can they be abrogated by anyone other than God. It is not the prerogative of the President or Prime Minister of any Free Sovereign Nation, nor any individual in the executive branch of government, nor is it the prerogative of any Senator or Legislator or Member of Parliament, nor any of the judiciary, including the judges in any court in any land, to abridge those rights or interpret them in any manner, except as stated in the original Constitution of the United States of America or any Constitution of any Free Sovereign Nation which is patterned after this sacred document. Moreover, the power to abridge such rights does not rest in the offices of any other governing body. It is the sole prerogative of the people to determine when they, the people, have been robbed of their agency It is within the power of the people to remove from office any of the officers of the National Government who attempt by executive order or judiciary action or arbitrary interpretation to change the Constitution, Those who would unrighteously foist their will upon the people of any free Sovereign Nation must be removed from office by due process of law, whether by impeachment, by initiative and referendum or by the initiative and power of the people. 84. "I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush from Thomas 'Jefferson. 85. "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." George Washington First Annual address to both Houses of Congress Jan.8, 1790 THIS IN THE END OF STEP NINETEEN IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
There is a wide gap between spiritual understanding and intellectual understanding. It would be of good value to read, at this time, the book of Job in the Old Testament and pay very close attention to all aspects of the pain, which Job was required to endure. Remember, that Job was a just man made perfect, not through the actions of man but through the permitted actions of God. Perfection could not have been obtained in any other way. Job had a unique experience, which was necessary for his growth in order to overcome the fear and anger within him so that he could experience the heat of pain in every bone. Please consider that all experiences which we pass through are designed and considered to be a blessing and are simply devised to purify and humble us that we nay recognize that without the power of God enacting in our behalf we are nothing. It is the power of God, which enlightens our mind and warms our heart. In and of our self, we are nothing. 4. We must learn to understand from the lessons of Job that not all things, which happen to an individual, is Karma, where we carefully consider the law of cause and effect. There are times in the lives of individuals when certain things are allowed to happen which would give that person certain learning experiences they could have no other way in order to cone to the understanding of the truth or spiritual understanding. Now we have dealt with learning gradually the various aspects of economic concerns wherein we learn to work collectively together by consensus for the highest and best good of all concerned. We understand the misuse of money and economic power and how these must be turned around that people no longer perpetuate a state of financial bondage. Economic concerns are interwoven with the emotion of fear and security mindedness. We have dealt with the political aspects and have begun to understand what has to be done to overturn entrenched practices that tend to enslave the people. These must be learned and experienced. Political concerns are interwoven with control issues, which are interwoven with the emotion of anger. Now, we enter into the realm of pain, as we more gradiently move slowly up the ladder of emotion from fear to anger and from anger to pain. When we are ready to grow in this area the universe will provide certain levels of pain to help us to overcome the crystallized patterns of Self-will and egocentric belief systems. The concepts surrounding pain must be understood and mastered that we learn to be masters of not only all of the electrical energies of the physical body, but also the electrical energies of the emotional body, and then the electrical energies of the mental body. These must be mastered electrically as we move gradually along the Pathway of Perfection, Let us reflect for a moment and view ourselves as standing alone on the top of a high hill. We have contemplated on following the pathway of non-resistance and have chosen to do so with dedication and clear intent. As we follow the pathway of non-resistance with dedicated altruism and as we practice diligently the concept of lovingly and willingly enduring all things with gratitude, something marvellous begins to happen as we stand alone on the high hill. All experiences, which we have resisted in the past slowly, make their reappearance in our lives and gradually all the pain we have resisted in the past gradually returns for us to reexperience. It is much like small dark clouds beginning to form on the horizon in a 360 circle. The small clouds of darkened energy full of our resistance get gradually closer and closer until we feel we are being tormented from every direction. Then, as we lovingly and willingly endure all things, we are dismayed and concerned over the accumulation of larger and yet larger and blacker clouds forming on the horizon. The experiences begin from small painful events to larger and gradually more devastating painful events as we let go and non-resist. That which we have held by our resistance far off in the distance by our unwillingness to gradually reexperience reenter the arena of our life and we are forced painfully to deal with it. We are now dealing with our genetic memories that have been resisted, our Constitutional man being the source of our genetic memory. We are also dealing with our Natural Man, the summation of all those resistances, which we have accumulated on the Soul Level. As we lovingly and willingly endure all things the holes in our auric field gradually close with the release of the entities, which have contributed to our sickness and illnesses. These clouds of darkness surround us for awhile and as we find ourselves in the grasp of darkness and pain the clouds begin to lift Gradually, if we do not yield and give up, and as long as we continue to follow correct principles, the clouds begin to dissolve, our resistance which brought them into being is dissolved through the process of SelfRealization with prayerful help from beyond the veil of mortality and gradually the tempest is recognized as the greatest experience we could have, to gradually eliminate the suppressed pain from our being. We gradually begin to understand the law of gratitude for every experience of life and gradually we move up to a 89
state of emotional enthusiasm which can be stated to be the recognition of God within our mind and the experience of God in our heart to bring about the state of experiential understanding as we gradually release the emotional bondage of our own resistance to the experiences of life. Our memory is clear pertaining to the Laws of Cause and Effect, as related to our life. We now have access to the records of mortal experience and we understand the concept of truth. Truth being the memory of things as they are, as they were, and as they are to be. 10. Now that the bondage of the emotional body has been transmuted or released we now have access to the mental body. The clouds of darkness have now given away to the light of day and the abundance of life giving sunshine, with the gentle dews of morning invigorating the plants and flowers. The dews slowly yield to the morning sun. The view from the hill is cloudless and love and gratitude fill our heart and wonderment fills our mind as we set forth on a new adventure on the Pathway of the Initiate. It is imperative to understand that all attempts to formulate in words that which must be felt and lived, that which must be personally experienced, must necessarily prove to be distressingly inadequate. To the open minded individual, one who keeps in his mind the recollection of the concept that truth is progressively revealed, it will be apparent that the fullest expression of the truth possible at any one time will later be seen to be but a fragment of a whole, a portion of a yet greater truth, which will then be recognized to be only a port ion of fact and thus in itself a distortion of the real. Thus words become symbols of symbols, which only point the way to greater mental activity and searching for higher and higher forms of truth. The Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumours, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor because of what seems as analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of our teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. "For this," says he in concluding," I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly." Let us now consider: The etheric body is the mould of the physical body. The etheric body is the archetype upon which the dense physical form is built. The external manifestation of the etheric body is the dense physical form. This dense physical form is determined by the morphogenetic field, which has been passed down through the process of generation or from the blending of the morphogenetic fields coming from the egg and sperm of the father and mother. This dense physical body is the Constitutional man which has evolved in part on this planet and has been influenced from time to time with perfected DNA from those who have come from perfected spheres as Earth is but one planet which contains the development of human beings which we know as carbon-hydrogen bodies. The etheric body is a web or network of fine interlacing channels, formed of matter of the four ethers, and built into a specific form. The etheric body forms a focal point for certain radiatory emanations, which vivify, stimulate and produce the rotary action of matter. There are seven physical sub-planes: 1. 2. 3. 4. First Ether. Second Ether Third Ether Fourth ether Adi. Divine Sub-atomic Super etheric Super-gaseous Sea of Fire. First Cosmic Ether Anupadaka. Monadic plane. Akasha. Second cosmic ether Atmic. Spiritual Plane, aether. Third Cosmic Ether . Buddhic- Intuitional Plane Air. Fourth cosmic ether
Dense Physical
5. 6. 7.
Sub etheric
Mental. Fire. Cosmic gaseous Astral. Emotional Plane- Water Cosmic liquid
16. 17.
When the radiatory emanations which we will call pranic emanations are focalized and received, react upon the dense matter which is built upon the etheric Scaffolding and framework. This etheric web, during incarnation, forms a barrier between the physical and astral planes, which can only be transcended when consciousness is sufficiently developed to permit of escape. When an individual has, through meditation and concentration, expanded his consciousness to a certain point he is enabled to include the subtler planes, and to escape beyond the limits of the dividing web. When the logos has expanded his consciousness on cosmic levels, one can then transcend the logic etheric web, and escape beyond the ring-pass-not of one's objective manifestation. The term Ring-Pass-Not is a term used to denote the periphery of the sphere of influence of any central life force. The Ring-Pass-Not of the average human being is the spheroidal form of his mental body, which extends considerably beyond the physical and enables him to function on the lower levels of the mental plane. It would be wise to consider that the etheric body we are dealing with is physical matter. This exists within time and space. There is much that must be taken in sequential order. There is a great deal of knowledge, which exists concerning the various levels of growth and development. Let it be sufficient for now that which we have considered. Consideration does not mean we understand that which we are considering so do not flog yourself if one remains confused or uncertain. We are only going to open up doors for a small peak at what lies ahead. Words do not express the full impact of the following: As the fire of the Kundalini is gradually aroused let it be understood that the large majority of those who are touching on the subject of Kundalini are confined to the stimulation of the organs of race propagation. When the chela on the Pathway to Perfection understands the three-fold flows of energy in the spinal column and has developed a balanced simultaneous action and at a uniform vibration then the true kundalini fire is fully aroused and the concentration is no longer on the lower centres of the body including the organs of reproduction with the various practices and rites concerning these organs which only touches upon the arousal of kundalini. When the kundalini fire is fully aroused one will turn ones attention to the higher centres and leave the centres of animal influence behind. The kundalini fire can then perform its work of cleansing through the burning of the confining etheric web and at that time the threefold channel becomes one channel.
18. 19.
20. 21.
Herein lies the danger. He, who directs his efforts to the control of the fires of matter, is playing with fire- a fire that may literally destroy him. Now is the time when he cannot look backwards, but should lift his eyes to the plane where dwells his immortal spirit, and then by self-discipline, mind-control and a definite refining of one's material body (subtle or physical) fit himself to be a vehicle for the divine birth and prepare one self for the first initiation. Let each individual apply himself to a life of high altruism, to a discipline that will refine and bring his lower bodies (the physical, emotional or astral, mental) into subjection and to exert a strenuous endeavour to purify and control his body and environment. When he has done this and has both raised and stabilized his vibration, he will find that the development and functioning of his centres have developed in parallel and all to this point is desirable. Much danger and dire calamity attends the man who arouses these centres by unlawful methods, and who experiments with the fires of his body without the needed technical knowledge- the preparation the sequential development, the discipline. He may, by his efforts, succeed in arousing the fires and in intensifying the action of the centres without proper education and application of law, but he will pay the price of ignorance in the destruction of matter, in the burning or bodily or brain tissue, in the development of insanity, and in opening the door to currents and forces, both undesirable and destructive. The student on the Pathway to Perfection has three things to do: 1. Purify, discipline and transmute his threefold lower nature, (physical, emotional and mental bodies) 2. Develop knowledge of oneself, and equip the mental body, build the causal body by good deeds and thoughts, 91
3. Serve his race in utter self-abnegation. 25. In doing this, the student fulfils the law; he puts himself in the right condition for training, fits himself for the ultimate application of the First Initiation, and thus minimizes the danger that attends the awakening of the fire. It would be wise to put at this time some concepts that require a bit of study and consideration. Black magic employs emotional considerations for purposes of deception and seduction whereas the white magician employs it for purposes of information and the aiding of evolution. Black magic works with opposing poles. This is better than that, this is beautiful and that is ugly, this is more perfect than that, etc. The focus is on one pole or one end of a duality as opposed to the other. The white magician seeks the point of equilibrium or balance or at a higher level of activity the encompassment of duality or polar opposites. Black magic has for its symbol the inverted 5-pointed star. White magic uses the same symbol with the point uppermost. Black magic is ruled over by the moon. White magic is ruled over by the sun. Black magic is based on the degradation of sex and the creative function. White magic is based on the transmutation of the creative faculty (sex) into the higher creative thought, the generative organs being neglected by the inner fire, which passes to the throat, the centre of creative sound. Black magic deals with the forces of involution. White magic works with the powers of evolution. Black magic is concerned with form, with matter, with the outer manifestation. White magic is concerned with the life within the form, with Spirit. The distinction between Black and White magic exists in both motive and method. The White magician has for motive that which will be of benefit to the group for whom he is expending his energy and time. The Black magician works alone, or if he/she at any time co-operates with others, It is with a hidden selfish purpose. The Black Magician has his own agenda and seeks to perpetuate his own agenda. The White Magician works in unity with those who are dedicated to a higher purpose of being one with the Hierarchy. The Black Magician seeks to satisfy his desires at all levels. The White Magician seeks to control and direct his desires to that which would be considered constructive desires which would be for the highest and best good of mankind- pure altruism. It would be wise to consider where we place our focus of attention. If it is on the outer manifestation then we contribute to the involution of man. If we look to the inner essence with a determination to understand, then we contribute to the evolution of man. Black and White magic arose during the great schism, which started during the fourth root-race, (more on this later) THIS IS THE END OF STEP TWENTY IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.
experience in the grand scheme of things. 8. There is no end to experience. The "yin" or outer experiences or manifestations of man continue to intertwine their energies over and over again with the collective outer manifestations of the inner consciousness of all life. We call this Perfect Divine Order, as what we perceive is the interplay of our individual experiences or energies with the collective whole. We now have a choice, to observe that which is transpiring around us and choosing to receive those experiences or energies with non-resistance, at which tine the human creation is no longer held in a state of continuity by our resistance and slowly, ever so slowly, the outer manifestation or "yin" creation of man goes into dissolution and returns to the eternal void or stillness. This is the result of non-resistance. When one's attention is no longer on the subject at hand, the entire subject gradually goes into dissolution. With the above in mind there is no need to fret, as everything is Perfect Divine Order. Yet, while we acknowledge that all is Perfect Divine Order, we have a continual interplay of forces, dualities, "yin" manifestations, wherein, in the physical universe, as we perceive it, all is an interplay of existing dualities. From a position of discernment, one will find that in the absence of constructive activity or "yang" creative action, or what may be referred to as the overcoming of the involutionary pattern of intelligence becoming immersed or encaptured by matter, the existing inertia of activity slowly brings the universe into a position of crystallization where intelligence is now relegated to a stimulus-response activity. All outer activity is now programmed and the outer activity of consciousness is now predetermined by lower law, which results in conditioned-response behavior. Therefore, it is imperative to understand, in the absence of constructive "yang" activity the expansion of the universe gradually grinds to a halt and the universe slowly begins to go into dissolution, returning slowly into the void since there is no active higher intelligence acting upon matter. Matter is designed for the experience of man for the purpose to be acted upon. Matter is the playground of the Gods and those who hopefully are moving toward Godhood. To act upon matter, one first of all must learn how to observe and then choose to be receptive. This is considered to be "yin" activity. We must learn to be "yin" within the framework of non-resistance. What follows next is the "yang" activity, which includes selectively recreating, and eventual releasing of that experience, after the appropriate encompassment of the dualities involved from a position of non-resistance. One then experiences the vibration of regeneration, which is the opposite of the vibration of creation. This vibration of regeneration may be considered to be the vibration of dissolution of human creation, which has been held in an outer position of creation by resistance. When our attention is no longer held attentively on any "yin" outer manifestation, the process of disintegration begins because there is no longer a resistance to hold it in place and thus, slowly the outer manifestation goes into a state of decay and eventual dissolution. Now, there is a necessary consideration that must be brought into being. Intelligence must exert itself at all levels of emotionality in order to bring one out of a state of involutionary activity. This involutionary activity may be brought about through the process of non-action to that which can be perceived with discrimination to be involutionary activity. When intelligence exerts itself with the process of constructive action the evolutionary process reverses the involutionary process. Herein the process of ascensional activity will begin with the hair returning to its natural colour, the skin gradually loses its wrinkles and the health of the physical body gradually returns to vibrant life. This evolutionary activity requires one to exert action encompassed with constructive activity which after one has experienced the receptivity, the "yin" activity, one then chooses to reexperience the resistance of life while one exerts oneself in constructive activity which then overcomes the existing inertia of involutionary activity. Now, by doing nothing or non-action, the forces of darkness gradually take their toll and involutionary activity gradually manifests by enslaving consciousness. Consciousness is gradually relegated to a crystallized state resulting in conditioned-response behaviour. Through non-action the darkness of the human mind becomes bound by disbelief, genetic programming is perpetuated down through the generations, the natural man which is an enemy to God is programmed more intensely wherein when one dies a natural death the programming at the tine of death Is sealed upon the individual in the next existence. The intelligence increases in lack of faith and thus an increasing improper understanding of the Ten Steps to Perfection. If consciousness is left to itself by only observing and receiving the experiences of the outer "yin 94
manifestation, the involutionary activity will methodically take its toll because there is no outer action, no constructive activity is being taken to overcome the existing inertia of the "Chains of Death, Darkness and Despair". 18. It is imperative that people take a position of powerful and positive exertion, sustained and maintained to bring about the necessary constructive action, regardless of the consequences. It must be understood that change takes place in one's outer crystallized forms by the action of positive constructive activity, sustained and maintained. The crystallization of the "yin" outer manifestations gradually dissolves thus freeing the individual from this conditioned-response behavior. It is recognized that the emotions, which bind the individual, shall gradually be unravelled and reexperienced as the crystallization gradually dissolves. Now, due to the nature of the conditioned- response behaviour patterns or rather the stimulus-response patterns of conditioning we observe that the universe is designed to perpetuate itself in its crystallization. Unconsciousness or death will seek to survive as unconsciousness or death. Thus, no matter what the individual does in the form of constructive action to reverse the process of involution, the death crystals will, by the process of the law of attraction, while the crystallization is in the process of dissolving, will bring in the negative activity of opposition and criticism which will arise in a darkened heart in order to seek to oppose that-which will lead to the freeing of the mind of man. The freeing of the mind of man is the same as freeing the consciousness of man from its imprisonment in matter. The resistances imbedded in the crystallizations within the human body or the environment will draw like a magnet, by the law of attraction, negative energies which in times past have been resisted to once again cause one to forsake any constructive activity and return to resistance of the forces of darkness, which are designed to perpetuate the darkness that exists. This explains why a man or a woman who is dedicated to serve mankind in any constructive activity for the purpose of uplifting and freeing the spirits of man from enslavement to a level of freedom shall always suffer persecution from the unenlightened. No matter what is designed by the opposition, which is rooted in darkness, one must understand that these souls do not comprehend what they do. Regardless of the opposition, move wisely and cautiously, caution being the better part of valour, into a mode of constructive activity and remove the inertia of negative thought patterns from those with deranged minds from whatever cause as they are many in this time and space who do not, at this time, understand the process of progression. The argument that many will give one as one is involved in seeking to free the souls of man from the "fetters of yesteryears will be that what one is doing is out of harmony with the existing laws of government, laws of society, or superficial laws imposed through the influence of moneyed interest such as medical organizations, pharmaceutical firms, and large corporations who are involved with the one world military industrial complexes and world banking systems. There is much to be studied concerning this subject and other alternatives to consider seriously that freedom of the soul and national sovereignty continue to exist. The above arguments as seen in paragraph 22 concerning the crystallized programmed minds must be the object of a concerted effort to change, to blast away by the continual onslaught of true principles with a strong and unyielding effort to establish correct principles until the antagonists begin to give up their false notions and begin to believe and act upon that all those new dynamic ideas were really theirs to start with. So be it. The eventual results speak for themselves. Let us now carefully consider: If an individual has a "talent" and does not take care of it and does not multiply that talent then that "talent" will be taken from him and given to another. Fair enough. The universe sometimes plays very exacting games. It can also be considered that: You who have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many." Could this not be considered to mean that if a person were not faithful over a few things, then those in turn would be taken from him in some appropriate manner. If a good man is criticized over and over again in a disharmonious household, would it not be eventually a proper procedure for that woman to drive that man out of her home and having not cared for him appropriately in a loving environment she would have her husband removed from her. Likewise with a man ! who mistreats his wife, if he could simply love her and care for her she would become gradually the wife he would desire her to be. Criticism, judgment and condemnation destroys relationships. Many good men and women could have fulfilled a vital roll in serving humanity in this life if they had a loving supportive mate by their side. Let us be careful to not place a stumbling block in the way of any child of God. Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness is the great transmutor of all negative emotions and the fruits of those negative emotions. Let love reign supreme. 95
I trust that we are bringing constructive action and concepts of non-action into clarity concerning the content of this Step. Intellectualism must be applied to the real world that we are then capable of gradually gaining experiential wisdom. Now, consider carefully; if an individual fights against an inspired project of God, which would be within the realm of constructive action, how long will that person be tolerated while they continually oppose a good work? It has been my experience that we should have patience and exhibit long-suffering in all cases of opposition, but it has been my experience of many years to observe that if a person does not set their own life in order, then they will remove themselves from the situation and be replaced by another who is ready and willing to serve. Be cognizant that all mankind in their current state of progression fall short of the Glory of God, therefore it would be wise to carefully consider what has been taught: Judgment is mine, sayeth the Lord". Any disharmonious matter left in the hands of God will result in a kinder, more benevolent, more charitable, more compassionate and more just resolution of any problem concerning any matter, when compared with the considerations of any human individual who may desire to play God. Do not fret. Regardless of our individual weaknesses, our guardian angels are continually putting forth every effort to influence us in taking action by our own choice for our highest and best good. Do not be dismayed if actions take place through the efforts of others to block e good work. Ways will always open up wherein all opposition will be removed and new approaches will make things possible for ultimate success in the service of mankind. Through what appears to be apparent destruction of existing efforts concerning any good constructive activity^ it must be considered to be only a momentary delay as the pure intent of the consciousness of dedicated beings will see through the illusion of chaos and will simply find new means of creation and constructive activity which will be brought into being. Sometimes we are not fully aware that destruction of current situations must occur to help remove all that which would be restrictive and a hindrance of work being forwarded. Do not fret if things appear not to materialize the way you would want them to be. Allow destruction to occur that a new program of activity is then free to be successful. Do not place your attention on physical and economic affairs as your inner faith will always help you to be guided to those projects which will help you to provide for all which is relegated to your care and keeping, Now be blessed in your endeavours and be not attached to end results. At this time, please consider that one does not obtain anything from the heavens without fervent requesting to be freed from the chains of death, darkness and despair concerning that request. Do not take this matter lightly. At this level of progression clarity is required concerning the subject of love. Let it be expressed here that it is better to have loved and lost then to not have loved at all. Please consider that in the physical universe love is able to be a permanent transmuting fixture, yet the concept of win or lose is in a constant change or flux of illusion. You cannot lose when you love. Love overcomes all fear of loss, all fear of rejection, all fear of conflicting ideas and beliefs, all fear of aging and death. Love is eternal. Let it be expressed that love is more than just giving people their freedom. Remember the statement many people use, "Love is letting go." Consider that Love is the willingness to be attached by the concept of commitment, without commitment and intent there cannot be the creation of constructive activity and growth. Commitment is the mental expression, the emotional expression, and the physical expression concerning any activity or project. If we are blocked in any of these three areas through fear or hesitancy or for that matter any other emotion, we often lose the opportunities of life as they are offered up to our experience. Neglected opportunities never come again. As cycles within cycles move in their times and seasons, similar opportunities may come again but often at a later time in another place during which time we spin our wheels before we have another chance for growth.
28. 29.
Let it be known that the laws of God are unchangeable. A person who is linear in their thinking will understand this as black or white, right or wrong. The correct understanding is that there are laws with in laws, within laws. There are higher and yet higher laws within which are lower and yet lower laws. As one is prayerful, one will be lifted up from one law to the next wherein one will see that all is Perfect Divine Order 96
as one experiences each new higher law. 37. If our resistance persists in any given area, we will be unable to move upward from law to law as we will hold ourselves in a fixed, crystallized form until be can let go and cease fearing, cease fretting, cease not wanting to fail, cease not wanting to be hurt, cease not wanting to trust, cease not wanting to love or be loved at whatever level of activity. There are no boundaries, only those of our own making and thus we struggle within the confines of limited parameters and move into a new set of parameters as our crystals gradually dissolve as we release our fears and resistances. In this new set of parameters we learn to struggle again until we overcome at a new level of experience. Then onward ever upward until there is the encompassment of all things through being in a non-resistant state of activity. In this state of non-resistance the human creation unravels and returns to the void from whence it came and the various healing crises continues until all is encompassed with unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. It must be recognized at this level of progression that the tenth Step to Perfection is diligence. The pure love of Christ or Charity is the Sixth Step. Yet, one must remember that faith without works on a physical, emotional and mental level is dead. The Ten Steps to Perfection are a necessary require merit to commit to memory and apply. At this level of progression while dealing with the various aspects of procreation let us consider the various aspects of sex. If there does indeed exist any form of resistance to sexual activity in the sexual relationship, then one must realize that that which is resisted is held in a state of continual creation. Let us carefully consider; If a belief system captivates the mind of man, then it will be an indication of some form of resistance as one will find that the belief system will dominate the behaviour of the individual and one will demonstrate attachments to certain behaviour. One will have expectations, which will determine judgments and control mechanisms concerning sexual activity. At the level of unconsciousness there is found a deep drive for survival, which is totally programmed within the being. All survival mechanisms stem from the primitive evolutionary reptilian brain located in the medulla in the human form. At this level of awareness one is not aware of one's actions. There is not an awareness of the effect of causal activity in the form of sexual activity. One is simply driven to have sex as a survival drive with no conscious consideration for eventual outcomes. The sexual drive dominates the mind. At the level of apathy one will be involved in social activity for the eventual purpose of having a sexual relationship. The survival drive for sexual activity does indeed exist. Awareness of social activity does exist for the purpose of a sexual relationship but with no consideration of sexual responsibility. One wants no responsibility, no commitment, and no consideration of outcomes. One wants to have no committed responsibility in the social relationship other then having a sexual relationship for the purpose of having a sexual relationship. At the level of emotional grief one will feel that one is always used and abused in the sexual activity as one, at the level of grief, is always experiencing lifes activity from the position of being the "effect". At this level one is not capable of understanding cause. One cannot yet make one's own causal decisions and is left to a position of being the effect, being the victim of circumstances, wherein one responds to other's causal patterns of interaction concerning sexual activity. At the level of grief one always takes the emotional position, regardless of their outer expression, that one is the effect of others and has little control about how one creates one's own sexual activity. One always feels acted upon by external events rather than being the active causal factor concerning one's own events in life. At the level of fear one is always pushing away from any form of sexual activity, often, at the same time being motivated by sexual reproductive drives from deep within the physiology of the human body which we identify as the constitutional man. At this level, if one engages in a relationship and engages in sexual activity one cannot have a lasting commitment in that relationship because of fear, a running away from any real or imaginary attachment. One does not wish, at this level, to be confined to a committed relationship even with the possible arrival of offspring. There are conditions, which do exist at this level wherein one can be swayed into lesbian or gay relationships, as there is no commitment to outcomes such as children or long-term relationships. There are exceptions to every rule in this area of consideration due to genetic inheritances and environmental causations. At the level of fear due to the need to have sexual gratification small children can be used and abused due to 97
the fact that a person at the level of fear can exert an upper hand with small children to satisfy their sexual desires. The level of fear moving up into the level of anger is the area of all forms of sexual deviation as the weaker are prey for the stronger who have no concern for anyone other than the satisfaction of their sexual desires. 45. Now, as we move up the scale of emotions we move up to anger. We are now in the range of control factors, which are motivated for the purpose to control another person for one's own sexual satisfaction. At this level one is concerned about one's own feelings with no real concern for the feelings of another other then to manipulate the feelings and attachments of the other to have sexual relationships. Here is wherein there is often a trade out of economic dependency in return for sexual favours. This is the level of trade out, economic bartering or forceful behaviour including Intimidation and threats in order to obtain sexual activity. Now, as we move up into the level of pain we come to the gradual realization that we should, in a relationship, be equally concerned for another's needs as we are our own. This recognition comes only from looking carefully at our own pain, our own selfishness, our own concern to deal with our own needs, our own position in life, our own attachments and our own desires as related to the same items in the life of another. This is a difficult level wherein we do examine our own needs and their fulfilment without creating harm in any way in the life of another. At this level of progression, one must learn to honour the desires and attachments of others and support them in their chosen pathway of life without compromising our own integrity. Choices of action at this level of activity is not a black or white, right or wrong, good or bad choice. What is right for one person may be considered wrong for another, therefore, let the conscience of the individual be governed from the heart until one can consider at deeper levels of understanding. Then, as the programming within the individual slowly breaks down' one can then modify one's choices of outer behaviour by self correction as one unravels one's restrictions of resistance to the self-realization which is ultimately necessary to obtain for a free soul. As one progresses to the level of enthusiasm one then understands the entire purpose of sexual activity. If one understands that there are laws which are encompassed by higher laws, each one accommodating the various programming that one is subject to, we will then understand that as one moves gradiently from levels of homosexuality, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality and the like, gradually moving upward to the realization that sex is a way of giving comfort and love. As one progresses one will understand that sex is then for the purpose of having children which encompasses the need for a clean, pure body with mental and emotional preparation for the purpose of providing an advanced vehicle (body) for the spirit which is appointed to occupy that body. Then, gradually, depending on the intent and commitment of the individual and after one has overcome all resistance to sexuality in its many forms and practices, one then chooses to follow the pathway of selfdiscipline which will then expose one to the recognition of more deeply e One then gradually moves up toward the level of the ascension. On the pathway upward toward the ascension one will move through the level of oneness with the level of discernment or discrimination wherein one has overcome emotional reaction. At that time having mastered the physical and emotional body one then moves toward the mastery of all energies pertaining to the mental body as one moves toward the level of the ascension. At this level of progression one has passed through the level of law where one understands the law of abstinence from sexual activity, which is often referred to as the law of chastity or the law of celibacy. It has been suggested that seven years of total dedication is required to move into the ascensional realm. Now, carefully consider. Obedience to Law is the first law of heaven. Obedience to law is voluntary; it cannot be persuaded, enforced or impelled. In this obedience to law one finds the commandment: Love thy God with all thy heart, might mind and strength and they neighbour as thyself. Upon this law is formed the framework of all of the laws of God. Remember, as you apply the laws of God leading to the freeing of the mind, you shall be blessed with the desires of your heart. All blessings that you desire shall not be withheld from you. Blessings are predicated upon the observance of law and no blessing will be given an individual without obedience to the law on which that blessing is predicated 50. For a palace to be constructed, one out of necessity must tear down the old building on the site of the future palace. In the process of destruction of the older building there are desires and attachments that must be carefully dealt with and considered. That which we try to hang onto is often difficult to extricate from one's grasp as we think that there is nothing to take its place. We cannot let go of the old desires that have served their time. We can't let go of old attachments that have stabilized our activity and have given us confidence in the past. These desires and 98
attachments we must consider to determine if their continuance is for our highest and best good or not. May the universe serve its purpose through our dedication to the pathway of non-resistance. May we choose to act in a manner to free the soul of man from the chains of death, destruction and despair. Remember: A simple act can be used to free the soul of man. That same act can be used to destroy by placing one in a design of expectation of outcomes and desires to be completed. Such as it is. Walk carefully on the pathway to perfection. THIS IS THE END OF STEP TWENTY-ONE IN THE VISUALIZATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS SEQUENCE.