April 2011 Sydney Dental Hospital Theory Radiology
April 2011 Sydney Dental Hospital Theory Radiology
April 2011 Sydney Dental Hospital Theory Radiology
Try to read around the topic. If you have a basic knowledge in dentistry and a good faith in yourself and God almighty and if you can beat down the stress during the exam, success in ADC exam is not very difficult. All the very best to all ! April 2011 Sydney Dental Hospital Theory Radiology 1. Cropped OPG showing anterior mandible. Radiolucent area near the apices of the lower anterior. Teeth are vital and no other radiographs show any pathology. What is it? 2. PA of lower anterior. Radio opaque area crossing over the roots of lower anterior. What is it? How will you avoid this? 3. Upper anterior (Cropped OPG ) showing incisive canal cyst?. What other radiographs would you advise? 4. Bite wing radiograph. Identify the pathology. Ex: caries, bone loss, faulty restoration, recurrent caries..etc .write it down in a table provided. 5. A) Cropped OPG showing posterior body of mandible, ramus area. Large Radio lucent lesion. Describe the lesion. Write one most probable diagnosis. B) Extension of the lesion. Justify your diagnosis Oral Surgery. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Muscles of floor of the mouth Herpes Virus Hemophilia Dry socket Dense invaginatus Periapical cemental dysplasia Causes of failure of LA Indications of extraction of impacted teeth Contraindications of extraction of impacted teeth
Oral medicine and diagnosis 1.colour picture showing a lump on the gingiva ,describe, differential diagnosis, what are the tests would you do before referring to a specialist.
2. picture of herpes lesion. What are the signs and symptoms? Management ? 3. conditions that causes intraoral pigmentations? 4.When would you consider remineralization? What are the factors 5.Oral vesiculo-bullous lesions ? 6.Signs and symptoms of Reversible, irreversible pulpitis, cracked tooth syndrome, periapical abscess 7.Few more .. Infection control Most of the questions are from the lecture during orientation. There were around 20 questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Standard precautions Additional precautions Types of sterilizer When should we wash hands ? Precautions for Hep C Labeling Tracking? Types of autoclaves Wet pouches after sterilization. Causes? Critical instruments Cleaning endo files Prevention of sharp injuries Ways of transmission of diseases Zone of contamination Many more..
Paedodontics Mcqs and saqs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pulpectomy Pulpotomy materials Nitrous oxide indications Picture of lower lip. Ulcer? Dentinogenesis imperfect Trauma, pinpoint exposure. management?
Transpalatal arch appliance? Use? Photo of MIH . signs and symptoms , management? 8 year old ,High risk case, from non fluoridated area, Fluoride options? Opg ..To do charting of one quadrant . treatment plan. Bitewing ..teeth shown? Treatment plan for each tooth Opg , again treatment plan for quadrant 3.
Restorative 1.PA shows restorations with recurrent caries. Describe it. Reasons for it. How would you manage it? 2. How would you avoid these problems? 3.Colour photo of upper and lower anterior teeth, stained, pitted,with mild recession . Patient had come asking for PFM crowns after seeing his friends crowns. What is the condition, what are the treatment options and advantages and disadvantages of each? Explain to the patient.
PERIODONTICS 1. PA showing upper anterior 11,21 and adjacent teeth. peri apical radiolusency, diastema , bone loss. 45 years old female patient, family history diabetes, smokes sometimes, good oral hygiene, says some discomfort . What are the signs and symptoms ? diagnosis and management 2.Bitewing radiograph of 65 year old patient , complaints of loose teeth. describe the radiograph. Investigations and management. 3. picture of upper and lower front teeth , red edematous ginigiva, bleeding areas? 30 year old male patient. Not been to dentist for past 10 years. Smoker. Diagnosis (d/d), and signs and symptoms of each diagnosis? 4. 85 year old patient ,lives at nursing home ,no relatives, many medical conditions( diabetes,arthritis,..etc) . perio abscess, sensitivity, missing teeth, many root caries. Management of this case? Removable partial denture and CD.
1. Upper and lower RPD designing. Photos of the casts given on a paper with different views. Many teeth missing, 2 teeth due for extraction. 2.Patient with head ache and pain after new denture. Management.? 3.Patient with loose upper denture and moistened commissural area. Difficulty with the denture. Management?
Clinical Component and Viva questions Restorative A)Crown and bridge 3 hr 25 missing .prepare for 3 unit PFM bridge. B)Amalgam 3 hr * Cavity preparation DO 34,35,36, (caries was simulated by cavit). A diagram showing the extent of caries also given * complex cavity preparation on 16 MOBL * amalgam restoration on 46 MODL C) Composite 31/2 hr * incisal # 21 and 22, existing stained restoration on 21, Distal proximal caries on 22. Prepare the teeth 21 and 22 for restoration with composite. * 16 -MOB restoration with composite. Questions 1.Retentive features in crown and bridge preparation. 2. causes of failure of marginal fit during insertion of crown/bridge 3. impression techniques 4. reasons for pain /sensitivity after cementation of crown 5. Dental caries -different treatment modalities 6. remineralisation 7. restorative procedures amalgam, composite
8.sandwich technique 9.ferrule effect 10.bonding systems Endodontics 3 hrs 3 teeth for access opening, in that one to be prepared and obturated. You can take as many as radiographs you needed.
Identify the teeth Number of canals in each tooth. Percentage ? Temporization methods Which Irrigating solutions do you use and why? What is your Working length? How do you determine wl? What technique for canal preparation? Which sealer and why? Post endodontic restorations Inter appointment medicaments ? why? What are the reasons for loss of WL. What happens in case of over obturation or extrusion of material ? Management Rubber dam indications? Why do you isolate? If there is a leak ,how would you manage? Which frame do you use? Why? Demonstrate how to take Radiograph
Pedodontics. No patient only viva for aprox 20 mns. Picture showing fusion of upper Aand B, Management? Bitewing radiographs , identify teeth , management of each tooth Pulpotomy technique? Materials? Opg ,identify teeth, pathology? Management ? Ectopic eruption. Few more..
Periodontics Patient was given. 1 hour for history taking, examination ,and perio probing of designated quadrant and scaling of 1 quadrant. After examination and scaling few mns for preparing the case history and treatment plan, followed by 20 to 30 mns viva. Present the case. Questions all were about the patient. Medications, is it relevant here? Questions about each findings. Diagnosis? How did you arrive to this diagnosis? What is the basis? Questions on CAL and probing depths, Furcations, Recession, dental caries. Prognosis of few teeth in particular and overall prognosis of the patient after 10 years, Risk factors? Treatment plan for this patient.
Oral Surgery. No patient was provided. 45 to 50 mns.DA acts as patient and had to take medical history. My patient was diabetic on diet control and was on oral Fosamax ( bisphonates).Have come for extraction of 46. Questions were asked on Diabetes and dental management. Also about management of patient on Bisphonates. Read the latest guidelines. What are precautions do you take before extraction? Medications? Demonstrate Block on the manikin .explain the landmarks. And extract the tooth on the manikin, explain step by step. Post operative instructions, suturing techniques. OPG was shown and asked to identify each structures Attachments on styloid process, Eagles syndrome? Mechanism og action of LA, action of Adrenalin Maximum doses of LA? Identify instruments Alveogyl uses, contents, actions
Chromic gut ,plain gut , resorption time? gelfoam, surgicel uses , mechanism of action. Antibiotic prophylaxis. Doses of clindamycin, side effects Few more questions
Oral radiology To take 2 radiographs on manikin, ( 10 mns) have to follow all infection control procedures and talk to the manikin as well. One bitewing and upper lateral occusal radiograph. Viva 15 to 20 mns Bitewing radiograph , describe it and show the extent of caries in each tooth. Explain other pathology if any. Vertical and horizontal angulations. Opg , describe the lesion. Large multilocular lesion on anterior mandible.Diffrential diagnosis ? what other r/g would you take? Why? Upper molar region PA. identify tooth(few teeth were missing) identify normal structures-maxillary sinus etc. Upper anterior PA. describe it.
Oral medicine Viva for 15 to 20 mns 1.PA radiograph showing upper 11,12,21,22. Fractured 21, 22( decoronated after trauma). Teeth have had RCT and post and crowns( done few years ago). Foot ball player. No sings and symptoms . How would you manage this case. 2.Picture showing white lesion. Edentulous patient. Candidiasis? Differential diagnosis and management.