Club de Leon Application

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CLUB NUMBER: ______________________ IDENT:________________________________ Please return with: 1) Report of charter members 2) Payment of charter fees (in countries other than the USA or Canada, include a duplicate deposit slip from a recognized banking institution) 3) Appropriate certification forms PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Date ___________________________ CHARTER APPROVAL DATE ______________________________________ Date Approved LANGUAGE:___________________________ DIST ACCOUNT #: _____________________ (For International Office Use Only)

Name of Proposed Club ________________________________________________________________________________________ Lions Club

City Distinguishing designation, if any

Located in ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City State, Province or Country

If the name of the proposed club does not indicate a distinguishing location please explain: ______________________________________ Type of club:

I Traditional I Campus

I Lioness Lions

I New Century

I Leo Lions

District ________________________________ Region ____________________________ Zone ______________________________________ Sponsoring Club ________________________________________________ Club Identification/Number ______________________________ Organizer ____________________________________ Member Number ____________________ Title ______________________________ North American clubs must provide the county or province in which the club will be established. County or Province ________________ NEW CLUB OFFICERS President ______________________________________________
First Name Last Name

Secretary ____________________________________________
First Name Last Name

Street Address

Street Address

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

Phone Fax * Please include area codes and country codes if outside of the USA

Phone Fax * Please include area codes and country codes if outside of the USA

E-mail Address __________________________________________ Prefer communications via: I Mail I Fax I E-mail Treasurer ______________________________________________
First Name Last Name

E-mail Address ________________________________________ Prefer communications via: I Mail I Fax I E-mail Membership Chairperson __________________________________________
First Name Last Name

Street Address

Street Address

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

Phone Fax * Please include area codes and country codes if outside of the USA

Phone Fax * Please include area codes and country codes if outside of the USA

E-mail Address __________________________________________ Prefer communications via: I Mail I Fax I E-mail

E-mail Address ________________________________________ Prefer communications via: I Mail I Fax I E-mail

Please allow 45 days from the date the application is received at International Headquarters to process the charter application and receive the official charter and club supplies.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SPONSORING CLUB A sponsoring club helps their new Lions club obtain and maintain a high level of commitment, activity and enthusiasm. Sponsorship of a new club demands certain responsibilities. Sponsors are required to: Support the guiding Lion(s) Check that all charter member applicants meet the standards of being a Lion member Hold an in-depth organization meeting Ensure that the chartered club has proper orientation into Lions Co-host Charter Night Encourage district participation Encourage interclub functions Help develop a membership retention and growth plan Assist in preparing the clubs meeting agenda Support the clubs activities Assist the club whenever called upon Provide guidance without interfering As the sponsoring club, we understand that assistance will be given to this new club as described by, but not limited to, the above list. SPONSORING CLUB OFFICER SIGNATURES President: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Secretary: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________ GUIDING LIONS The district governor may appoint up to two guiding Lions to assist the new club. Charter pins, certificates and other materials will be shipped to the first guiding Lion listed, unless specified otherwise. Guiding Lion __________________________________________
(to receive club supplies) First Name
Last Name

Guiding Lion ________________________________________

First Name Last Name

Member Number_________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Street Address

Member Number_______________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Street Address

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

Phone Fax * Please include area codes and country codes if outside of the USA

Phone Fax * Please include area codes and country codes if outside of the USA

E-mail Address __________________________________________

Is this guiding Lion a member of the sponsoring club? I Yes I No

E-mail Address ________________________________________

Is this guiding Lion a member of the sponsoring club? I Yes I No

If no, please provide: Name of Club __________________________________________ Club Number____________________________________________ Is the guiding Lion a certified guiding Lion? I Yes I No Prefer communications via: I Mail I Fax I E-mail

If no, please provide: Name of Club ________________________________________ Club Number__________________________________________ Is the guiding Lion a certified guiding Lion? I Yes I No Prefer communications via: I Mail I Fax I E-mail

CHARTER NIGHT The charter will be sent to the district governor or coordinating Lion unless otherwise specified. Please allow 45 days from the date the application is received by International Headquarters to process this application and provide time to personalize and ship the official charter. Charter Presentation Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

EXTENSION AWARD RECIPIENTS International Board Policy states that no more than two extension awards may be given for the organization of any club. The district governor in office and new charter members are not eligible. Awards must be requested by the district governor within six months of the charter approval date. The district governor has recommended the following Lions to receive extension awards: Extension Award ______________________________________ Recipient First Name Last Name Member Number_________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Street Address

Extension Award ____________________________________ Recipient First Name Last Name Member Number_______________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Street Address

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

City/State/Country Postal/Zip Code

Phone Fax

Phone Fax

E-mail Address __________________________________________ Name of Club __________________________________________ Club Number____________________________________________ District ________________________________________________

E-mail Address ________________________________________ Name of Club ________________________________________ Club Number__________________________________________ District


INTERNATIONAL PER CAPITA TAX It is understood that the semi-annual capita tax shall be pro-rated for the remaining months of the semi-annual period ending June 30 or December 31, as the case may be. The dues of each member shall begin on the first day of the month following the month that his/her name is recorded by the International Office as a new member. Please contact the district governor or Lions Clubs International for the current dues amount. New Club Officer Signatures: President: ______________________________________________ Secretary: ____________________________________________

DISTRICT GOVERNOR APPROVAL This proposed club is needed in the community, has reasonable prospects for success, has planned the humanitarian activities to take place in the community, as listed below, and is hereby recommended and approved for charter. Current District Governor: ________________________________________________________________ Print District Governor Name: ____________________________________________________________ Has an Extension Workshop been held in your district? I Yes I No Date: ______________________

If yes, please provide the name of the consultant or extension representative: __________________________________________________ Please describe the humanitarian activities that the club has planned in the space provided. ____________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. Application Application for a Lions club charter may be made to the association by any group, club or assembly which has been duly organized and has elected officers. Such application, signed by not less than such number of members as the International Board of Directors shall require, shall be made, on forms provided, to the International Office of the association and shall be accompanied by such charter fees as the international Board of Directors shall determine. Upon approval thereof by said board, a charter, signed by the president and secretary of the association shall be issued to such club. A Lions club shall be considered chartered when its charter has been officially issued. The acceptance of charter by a Lions club shall be ratification of, and agreement on its part to be bound by, the constitution and by-laws of the association and a submission by said Lions club to have its relationship with this association interpreted and governed by the constitution and by-laws according to the laws in effect, from time to time, in the state of incorporation of The International Association of Lions Clubs. 2. Documentation No proposed club shall be issued a charter, entered upon the record of Lions Clubs International or be officially recognized until the day the following items are received at the International Headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA and approved by the international board or its designee: a. Completed official application for charter. b. The names of a minimum of twenty (20) charter members, 75% of whom are new Lions, except in the case of friendly separation of a large existing club. c. Corresponding charter fees - The charter fee shall be US$30.00. Lions in good standing, transferring from an active Lions club shall pay a US$20.00 charter fee except for club branch members who are exempt. The charter fee and the new member entrance fee are non-refundable. (1) No district, sub-district or club shall impose any charter fees in addition to those specified in the Lions Clubs International constitution or authorized by board action. (2) In countries other than the United States and Canada, a duplicate deposit slip from a recognized banking institution of that country showing the funds credited to the account of Lions Clubs International will fulfill the requirement of funds having been received by Lions Clubs International. 3. Charter Members All members joining a Lions club before charter night will be considered charter members, provided the charter night is held within 90 days after the charter approval date. All club charters will be closed, if not closed prior thereto, upon the expiration of said 90 day period. 4. Club Sponsor a. Every new club must be sponsored by a club, zone, region, district cabinet, or a district committee as provided by the multiple district constitution and by-laws. The new club sponsor shall be provided for from within the boundaries of the district in which the club is located. The new club sponsor shall be thoroughly indoctrinated in its responsibilities. A sponsoring club may be assisted by one or more co-sponsoring clubs, as authorized by the district governor of the club location. The co-sponsoring club may come from another district. In club extension in new countries, the coordinating Lion shall assist. b. The first club in a new geographical area shall be sponsored by a Lions club and/or its district. Each additional club may be sponsored by Lions clubs from the initial sponsoring district, as well as by Lions clubs from another district with the stipulation that said sponsoring clubs acknowledge their full responsibility for sponsorship, including assignment of qualified Guiding Lions, until the undistracted area is formed into a provisional district. Under special circumstances, as determined by the board of directors or the members of the Executive Committee, the sponsoring club may be designated from an undistricted territory. The criteria for the approval of a new club under these special circumstances shall be any of: (1) When no other existing districted Lions club is in close geographical proximity to the proposed club. (2) When no other districted club will act as sponsor, because of the implied financial responsibility attached to such sponsorship. (3) When members of a proposed sponsoring club have strong personal ties to the proposed club and potential members. (4) When financial subsidies from a sponsoring undistricted club may be the only way to advance Lions membership in that area, because districted clubs are unable to, or refuse to, advance Lionism. This is limited to charter fees only.

c. An embroidered Lions emblem surrounded by the words New Club Sponsor, which may be mounted on the official club banner, will be presented to the sponsoring club. 5. Club Name a. A proposed Lions club must be known by the actual name of the municipality or its equivalent governmental subdivision in which it is located. The term municipality is construed to mean the city, town, village, prefecture, county or similar officially named governmental unit. If the proposed club is not located within a municipality, it must be known by the name of the most appropriate and locally identifiable official governmental unit in which it is located. b. The distinguishing designation for clubs located in the same municipality or equivalent governmental subdivision may be any name which clearly identifies the club from all other clubs in the same municipality or equivalent governmental subdivision. The distinguishing designation will be affixed after the governmental municipality and separated within parentheses on the official records of the association. c. The term Host Club shall be a title of prestige and recognition of the parent club in the municipality. It shall carry no other special priority, benefits or privileges. d. Lions clubs shall not be named after living individuals except those individuals who have served in the position as president of Lions Clubs International. No Lions club may add International as a distinguishing designation to its name. e. The term Leo may be added as a distinguishing designation to the name of a Lions club. 6. Club Boundaries The boundaries of the club shall be the boundaries of the municipality or equivalent governmental subdivision in which the club is located, or within the boundary of a single, sub, or provisional district within the jurisdiction of the district governor, with approval of the district cabinet as provided by the multiple district and/or district constitution and bylaws, where the club is located. 7. Charter Approval Date The date the charter application is approved will be the charter approval date. This date will appear on the club charter and on the official association records. 8. Charter a. The president and the secretary of Lions Clubs International shall sign all charters for new clubs. The sponsoring club or district cabinets or district committees name will also be shown. b. Charters for new clubs shall be sent directly to the district governor or coordinating Lion. An approved charter for an undistricted club shall be sent to the president of the new club. 9. Dues Charter member dues begin the first of the month following the date upon which the members name was reported to the sponsoring club, coordinating Lion and Lions Clubs International. The new Lions club will be billed for dues shortly after its charter is closed. 10. Charter Application Deadline Complete charter applications received by the International Headquarters at Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, on or before the close of business on June 20th will be processed for the current fiscal year. 11. Ensuring Viable New Clubs A district that charters ten or more new clubs in a fiscal year must provide verification that the new clubs will be supported for long-term growth and therefore shall be required to 1) submit a detailed plan outlining the support that the new club will receive; 2) provide payment of one-half the annual International dues when the charter applications are submitted; 3) have the charter applications certified by both the district governor and the vice district governor. Policies are subject to change. Please contact the Membership Programs and New Clubs Marketing Department for updated information. Membership Programs and New Clubs Marketing Department Lions Clubs International 300 W 22nd St Oak Brook IL 60523-8842 USA Phone: 630.571.5466, ext. 602 Fax: 630.571.1691 E-mail: [email protected]

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