Spring-Summer Sinai News 2012
Spring-Summer Sinai News 2012
Spring-Summer Sinai News 2012
A bi-monthly publication
In this issue
Rabbis Corner Cantors Notes Reflections, From the Co-Presidents Adult Learning School News Whats Happening Women of Sinai, Brotherhood The Green Team Social Action Committee Israel Committee My Sinai Scene at Sinai Supporting Sinai May Calendar June Calendar July Calendar August Calendar In the Sinai Family Those We Remember Summer at Sinai Contributions 2 3 4 5 6-8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22-24 25-26 27-28 29-30
Shabbat Beha alotcha Numbers 8:1 - 12:16 June 8 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm June 9 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Jenna Dorf Bat Mitzvah 10 am
Shabbat Emor Leviticus 21:1 - 24:23 May 11 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm May 12 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Behar Leviticus 25:1 - 27:34 May 18 Rockin Family Shabbat & Teacher Appreciation Service 6:15 pm Congregational Dinner 7:15 pm May 19 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Daniel Schiff Bar Mitzvah 10 am Jenna Waisbren Bat Mitzvah 4 pm
Shabbat Sh lach Numbers 13:1 - 15:41 June 15 Shabbat Service & Cantor Robins Farewell 6:15 pm June 16 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Korach Numbers 16:1 - 18:32 June 22 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm June 23 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Bamidbar Numbers 1:1 - 4:20 May 25 Affirmation Service 7 pm May 26 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Erev Shavuot Service 7 pm Shavuot Morning Service 9:30 am
Shabbat Chukat Numbers 19:1 - 22:1 June 29 First Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm June 30 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Noah Wolfe Bar Mitzvah 10 am
May 27
Shabbat Nasso Numbers 4:21 - 7:89 June 1 Tot Shabbat Service & Potluck 5:30 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Rabbi David B. Cohen Cantor Rebecca Robins Rabbi Emeritus Jay R. Brickman Director of Administration Karen Lancina Program Coordinator Jen Friedman Sinai News Nicole Sether Congregation Sinai 8223 N. Port Washington Road Fox Point, WI 53217 414.352.2970 414.352.0944 (fax) www.congregationsinai.org
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Spring-Summer 2012
Rabbis Corner
Sinai Sizzles in the Summer (and Winter!)
Recently, I was asked why I, a native of the East domiciled for many years in the West, came to Milwaukee. I explained I was attracted by the values of its founders which are today still powerfully evident: a community small enough to feel like an extended family, where education for all ages is a primary focus, and where the care extended inwards to congregants is matched by a commitment to act for the good of the community outside our walls. All that was clear when I interviewed seventeen years ago. Since then, Ive come to see that the strength of Congregation Sinai lies in its most valuable resource: its members. Our congregants are an extraordinary group - the level of talent, generosity, intelligence, experience, and kindness is remarkable. While the congregation is purposefully small in number, our members are a phenomenal group, diverse in their interests, powerful in their capacity to care. We are blessed by a heritage of outstanding lay leaders. Our co-presidents, Judi Ketten, who is retiring this May, and Marc Kartman, are excellent examples: they are committed, selfless, and care deeply about Sinai. And they bear the responsibility for this congregation with a measure of grace, dignity and good humor. We have a gifted and hardworking staff. While we are not flawless or immune from error, we care very much about, and are devoted to, our work. Sinai is a wonderfully diverse community, spanning the generations from the congregation's founders to their great-grandchildren. Native Milwaukeeans, transplants from the East and West, not to mention a few from Chicago, together create an amazing degree of diversity that engenders a creative tension that makes our congregation an engaged and vibrant community. Yes, Sinai is the sum total of its members. Yet, the verse from the Psalms that adorns the wall of the sanctuary signals that we aspire to be something more. The verse reads, Adonai, I love your house, your dwelling place. It refers to the ancient Temple in Jerusalem, the place where Gods presence, could especially be felt. Congregation Sinai, then, is not only a community we build for each other; it is also a home we build for God. We achieve this by fulfilling the brit, or covenant. The idea of covenant underscores that the synagogue is God's home, a place where the divine presence can be encountered, and higher purposes must be served. Paradoxically, we best serve God when we create a welcoming home for human beings. This means creating and maintaining a community founded on human dignity, wherein every person is valued as a unique individual, of ultimate worth created in Gods image; a community that does not distinguish between men and women, between those of different economic situations, between long time members and new members, between those who were born Jewish, those who came to Judaism later in life, and those who though not formally Jewish, participate in the life of our community. What else makes a synagogue a community of covenant? A community of covenant offers equal opportunity for service to all who are willing. It values every diverse opinion and contribution given due consideration and thanks. Only when human dignity is extended to each and every member can a community come together as one. A community of covenant is not contingent on services we receive, but on the relationships we build. A community of covenant encourages its members to apply their Jewish values in every aspect of the everyday, that the mundane might be transformed into the holy. A community of covenant exists to serve God, perpetuate Judaism and to insure the survival of the Jewish people. Is Congregation Sinai such a place? In many ways it is, and always has been, but there is a catch: a community of covenant cannot be handed down, one generation to the next. Instead, it must be lovingly built and maintained, year after year, generation after generation. It depends on whether we rededicate ourselves to the congregation, deepen our commitment to our covenant with God, and honor each other as we would honor our Creator. If we can do that, then Sinai will truly be a covenantal community. As this summer unfolds, I hope youll come enjoy Shabbat with us and ask yourself what ways you can help Congregation Sinai be a community of covenant in the year to come. Opportunities large and small abound through which you can help make our congregation a fitting home for God and the community. We look forward to seeing you! Rabbi David B. Cohen
Things to be discussed State of the congregation Financial Report 2012/2013 Budget Board Member & Volunteer Recognition
Spring-Summer 2012
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Cantors Notes
When Zerek and I came to Milwaukee, we were so fortunate to be embraced by the loving community that is Congregation Sinai. During our time here, we have had the great joys of celebrating the beginning of our lives together with all of you and we have enjoyed all of the moments we have spent with you. Sinai has truly been a home for us, and we are overwhelmed by the number of meaningful friendships we have made here in Milwaukee. While we have been far from home, Sinai has become a family for us in many ways, and softened how difficult it has been to be far from our parents, siblings and life-long friends. During my time at Sinai, I have been fortunate to work as both cantor and cantor-educator. In the almost two years I have been working as cantoreducator, and directing the Youth Education Program here at Sinai, I have found my professional strengths and passions. My career in education began over a decade ago, and I have always viewed my role as cantor as that of teacher through music and prayer. The time I have spent here at Sinai directing our Youth Education Program and Kindergarten 9th grade religious school has helped me see that this should be my professional path. Combining my pastoral skills as cantor, and my love for all things Jewish, I can have the most success personally and professionally continuing my work as a cantor in the field of congregational education. The opportunity to return to Washington, DC as Director of Congregational Learning at Temple Sinai will also allow Zerek to work in his chosen field and grow professionally again, and it will bring us back to the east coast where our families and close friends all live. While we are excited for our personal and professional futures, we are deeply saddened to leave Sinai, the place in Milwaukee that has come to be a home and a family for us. I am so grateful to the entire congregation and lay leadership. It is nearly impossible to thank each and every one of you for the work we have done together, and the life moments we have shared. I am deeply indebted to Judi Ketten, who as president and co-president of Sinai, has been a source of strength, a sounding board, a bringer of mid-afternoon snacks and a cherished friend. Every day, I am so appreciative of our entire synagogue staff for making Sinai such a warm and enriching place. Our building runs so well under the talented leadership of Karen Lancina and the tireless work of Ilene Wasserman, Larry Mesta, Dick Kaeppel and Tracey Hassinger. In addition to being grateful to Karen, Ilene, Larry, Dick and Tracey for their incredible daily work, it is with thanks to Karen Lancina and Lori Jacobson that I came to Sinai. Their leadership as co-chairs of my search committee in 2008 helped me learn about this outstanding place. Karen Hintz has been an excellent source of support and organization for my clergy work, and Jeri Danz has been a remarkable partner in running our Youth Education Program. I am blessed to have learned from their talents, and have grown from their friendship. Jen Friedman, our program coordinator, has been an outstanding asset for our congregations growth. On a personal note, she has taught me the fine nuances of planning and implementing congregational programming, and has helped me, time and time again make my ideas and visions become a reality in synagogue life. I am especially grateful to Rabbi David Cohen for his friendship and mentorship over the last four years. Rabbi Cohen has helped me grow into my cantorate here at Sinai and supported my endeavors here in Milwaukee, and throughout the country. Most especially, Rabbi Cohen has given me many tools to build a successful future with I will miss our partnership very much, but am lucky to have built an enduring friendship. I most sincerely hope you will join me on Friday, June 15 at 6:15 PM for Shabbat services so we can pray together, sing together, and bid one another farewelluntil we meet again. I hope that you will stay in touch, as we are comforted in knowing that our Sinai family will always be an important part of our lives. Thank you all for sharing your lives with us, and allowing us to share ours with you. Bydidut (in friendship), Cantor Rebecca Robins
With gratitude and celebration, we invite you to join us as we say goodbye to Cantor Rebecca Robins and Zerek Schwartz, as they begin the next stage of their lives in Washington D.C. Kabbalat Shabbat Services, Friday, June 15th, 6:15 p.m.
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The anti-abortion stand of the Roman Catholic Church has represented a blight upon our political horizons. Jewish theology assumes that the soul enters the body at the moment of birth rather, than at conception. While the tradition frowns upon abortion, it is in no way identified with murder. The consequences of the present ban upon abortion have been a multitude of unwanted children who, in areas of economic scarcity, can not be fed, in most other areas, do not receive the care and guidance sufficient to bring them into responsible maturity. For the right to bear a child, parents should be married, financially stable, and emotionally capable of providing the guidance, discipline, and loving care which are essential for a childs spiritual well being. In the absence of such criteria, abortion of the fetus should be, if not demanded, at least actively encouraged. Rabbi Jay R. Brickman
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Ongoing Classes
Acheinu (Mens Spirituality Group)
Share coffee and bagels and discuss spiritual and practical matters concerning God, work, family and more Day: Tuesday, May 22 @ 7:45 a.m. & Tuesday, June 12 @ 7:45 a.m. With:Rabbi David B. Cohen & Joe Glassman
Seniors Havurah
Tuesday, May 22 & Tuesday, August 28 All Seniors Havurah meet at 1:00 p.m. With:Rabbi David B. Cohen
Spring-Summer 2012
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May 6
Bring your friends to check out Sinais school and warm community!
11:15 AM Parent Meeting RE: Mitkadem and Hebrew 2012-2013
Cantor Rebecca Robins, Director, Youth Ed Program [email protected] Jeri Danz, School Administrator [email protected] Judy Flegel, Youth Ed Co-Chair [email protected] Jenni Goldbaum, Youth Ed Co-Chair [email protected]
May 18
Teacher Appreciation Rockin Shabbat and Roll into Dinner (Please come sing, pray, eat and
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Spring-Summer 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012 12:00 PM
Immediately following religious school & Annual Meeting Hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie options and a make-your-own-sundae bar!
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Spring-Summer 2012
Join our clergy on the steps of the bima for a welcoming Kabbalat Shabbat full of music, instruments, and ruach (spirit)! Hear a great story and wish your friends Shabbat Shalom! Guests welcome!
Friday, May 4
5:30 - 7:00 PM Tot Shabbat Service & Stay for Dinner on Us!
Please RSVP by May 1 at: maytotshabbatdinner.eventbrite.com
Family Programming
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Spring-Summer 2012
Whats Happening
Sharing Sinai
What is it that YOU love about Sinai?
Warm, inclusive & musical worship Engaging, interesting and challenging learning Nights at the theatre, the ballpark or on the hiking trail with your Sinai community
Bring your friends and family into our congregational family! Share what you love!
*Religious School fees not included
u Join
A Taste of Sinai
Bring Friends to See Sinai in Action!
Come experience our religious school and sample the life of our congregation.
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
10:00 AM: Join us for a song-filled dynamic worship service 10:30-11:15 AM: Parents meet with our Rabbi and Cantor to learn all about
programs at Sinai. Children head down to our religious school for a morning of story, craft and fun learning!
11:15-12:00 PM: Meet our members, exciting committees and many social
groups with a variety of interests and schmooze over coffee and nosh!
Spring-Summer 2012
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Whats Happening
The Sinai Library has been getting many wonderful donations of materials from our congregants. Thank all of you who have contributed to the library. Many thanks go to Rabbi Brickman for sorting through the boxes and boxes of books to determine what we should keep for our collection and why. He has been invaluable in cataloging these materials. We will be donating some of our duplicate materials to Congregation Emanu-El of Waukesha, so none of your donations will be discarded. Please feel free to browse in the library and borrow (and of course, then return) our books. We have many wonderful resources for holidays, children, philosophy, novels and of course, resources to answer your Judaic questions. Call me if you need help finding something or if you have some extra time and like to hang out around books, we can always use volunteer help. Jayne Butlein 41-351-0930 - [email protected]
We Need Soup!
Thanks to congregants coming by and delivering soup to members who need a little TLC. Please consider making some soup and bring it to Sinai's freezer. We supply the containers and labels!
Like us on Facebook!
Congregation Sinai has a facebook page! Stay connected to other Sinai members and get up to date information on events. Find us at www.facebook.com.
Stay informed about all the happenings at Congregation Sinai! Each week you should receive a Sinai Enews about the upcoming events at Sinai. Be sure to open and read your Sinai Enews. All kinds of exciting things are happening at Sinai and you wont want to miss any of them! If you are not currently receiving the Enews, please email [email protected] or call Congregation Sinai at 414-352-2970 so we can update our distribution list. Also, visit our website at www.congregationsinai.org.
Spring-Summer 2012
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Sinai Committees
Women of Sinai
What is the history of Women of Sinai? How do the Women of Reform Judaism have an impact locally, in Israel and throughout the world? What is a sisterhood? How can I be a part of it and it be a part of me?
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Spring-Summer 2012
Sinai Committees
The Green Team
It is forbidden to live in a town that does not have a green garden. (Jerusalem Talmud, Kiddushim 4:12)
So... we will plant one, AGAIN. This month we launch the 4th annual Sinai Sukkah Garden!!! We are excited to uncover our Magen David shaped and rectangular raised beds, throw off the winter chill, and plant. The garden has been a tremendous success the last three years and we have no doubt that it will be even better this year! But we need YOUR HELP! Planting day this year will again be on the final day of Religious School, which is Sunday May 20th following the picnic after school and the Annual Meeting. Come join in the fun as we prep the beds, plant seeds and set the tending schedule for the summer. We will need congregants to sign up for watering and weeding throughout the growing season. Those who help can nibble the harvest! And speaking of harvest, the Stoney Meadow Farm CSA is returning to Sinai for a second season. Last year, things got off to a slow start due to a very cold spring. We asked for a warmer spring this year and boy did we get it! Here is a quick update from Andrea Levsen, one of the farmers, written at the start of April: Aside from lots of general spring clean-up stuff with brush, fruit trees and raspberries, we have started more than 2500 transplants such as leeks, celery, melons, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts etc. We will probably be starting the peppers and tomatoes this week (first week in April). The seed potatoes are set to arrive around the middle of the month (April) and we will begin planting them about two weeks after that. As soon as it dries off, we will begin to work up the soil. If you have not signed up for your share yet, there is still time if you act fast. Contact Deb Schermer at [email protected] or (414) 737-1005 for questions or to express your interest in purchasing a CSA share from Stoney Meadow Farm. Happy Spring! Deb Schermer The Green Team
Garden Keepers
May 20th September 15th Sign up for one week to be the garden keeper, to water and weed over the summer. Contact Naomi Cobb for questions or to volunteer at [email protected] or 414-964-3230.
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Spring-Summer 2012
Sinai Committees
Social Action Committee
2011-2012 has been full of planning and activities at Congregation Sinai. Sinai is becoming known throughout the Jewish and secular Milwaukee community as a community that cares.and acts. We have: Proposed an Environmental statement adopted by our board and congregation Held a Social Action Shabbat featuring equality and acceptance Sponsored a film series Collaborated with other community groups and hosted a Voter ID program and a program about Israeli environmentalism Continued the Sukkah Garden project Introduced a Sinai community supported agriculture (CSA) program, which will be continuing into its second year. Donated an extra CSA share each week to the Tikkun Ha-Ir Food Justice Program, helping meet hunger needs in the Milwaukee community** Worked together providing programming, clothing, supplies and support for residents at the Milwaukee Womens Center Shelter Provided paper goods and summer meal programs for children and families at the Bethesda Meal Program Hosted a Community Immigration Seder engaging the Milwaukee Latino Immigrant Community and other faith-based groups Worked in collaboration with the Sunday School Outside memberships include Tikkun Ha-Ir and new this year, MICAH We will soon be planning for 2012-2013. Let us know what kind of issues YOU are interested in. Consider joining the Social Action Committee. Consider contributing to the Sinai Tzedakah Fund to support the work we do. Many thanks to our Social Action Committee Members: Davida Amenta, Naomi Cobb, Edith Gilman, Jay Larkey, Lois Malowsky, Rachel Nadel, Deb Schermer, Diane Slomowitz, Naomi Soifer, Amy Waldman, and staff advisor Rabbi David Cohen. ** Excess produce from your own gardens this summer can be donated to the Food Justice Program of Tikkun Ha-Ir. The THI Food Justice Coordinator, Pam Frydman Roza, can be reached at 414-916-4568. Idy Goodman and Craig Johnson, Social Action Co-chairs
Toiletries, Twin Sheets & Disposable Diapers (sz 3-6)
School Supplies
Spring-Summer 2012
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Sinai Committees
Israel Committee
My AIPAC 2012 (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Last year my friend Sandy, suggested that I attend the AIPAC PC convention in Washington DC. I thought, why not, though it sounds a bit crazy, I have until January 2012 to cancel and I get a discount for registering early. When I signed up, I really had no idea what AIPAC was about aside from several receptions that I attended, I received letters asking for donations and a Martin Luther King Memorial program. When January came, I attended the AIPAC convention, I did not feel like a grain of sand in the desert; although I was part of a group of 13,000 delegates comprised of people from all across the United States and Israel, including dignitaries such as President Obama, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres. I felt empowered and my fears appeased that Israel, although is under siege, was not facing a world of rising extremism alone. I felt the overwhelming support of the Jews, Gentiles, Whites, Blacks, Asians, young and old who had come to the AIPAC convention. Sixteen-hundred students from campuses across America, West Point Academy Cadets, and many volunteers like myself had paid their own way to attend. They all listened, cheered and rose to their feet in excitement. The AIPAC format was similar to scientific conferences I used to attend. After the plenary session, we were free to attend any of the numerous sessions on the political, civic, scientific and cultural aspects of Israel and the big world. While the Iranian Nuclear threat was the central theme, presented as well were topics such as the Arab Spring and its consequences, the recently discovered natural gas resources off the Israeli coast, and the strengthening diplomatic and cultural ties between Israel, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan and others. The most prominent concepts on display were bipartisanship and balance. Every discussion forum always included a representative from each side of the political spectrum. Everything was balanced; Democrats and Republicans, with people such as Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi, Liz Chaney and Jane Harmon. Lobbying was the next highlight of my trip. For the first time in my life, I was on Capital Hill with an assignment to speak directly with Wisconsin state representatives (Senator Kohl and Senator Johnson) and ask them to support Resolution 380 which prevents Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. It was all fascinating. If you wish to know more about my trip, or how to become more involved in AIPAC, please contact me at [email protected]. Eti Ganin Israel Committee Chairperson
Sinai Outside
ns ee T !
NFTY Northern Region Spring Kallah! Over 150 spent the day at Congregation Sinai!
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Spring-Summer 2012
My Sinai
Experience Nia
Your body & soul will thank you!
What is Nia? How does Nia help me connect to my Jewish identity? Nia is no ordinary fitness class. Nia technique blends Dance Arts, Martial Arts & Healing Arts. Discover ease, comfort and creativity in your body. Learn moves that are flowing, rhythmic and adaptable. Self-awareness plays a key role. Positively affect your whole life! Join others who find enormous personal benefit in weekly Nia classes.
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Spring-Summer 2012
Scene at Sinai
Roee & Michal Peled help make matzah at the Sinai Passover Experience.
Cantor Robins & Rabbi Cohen at Peace, Love & Purim Megillah Reading.
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Spring-Summer 2012
Supporting Sinai
t on t! D e g For
Support Sinai whenever you shop on-line at amazon.com. Go to the Sinai homepage: www.congregationsinai.org. Click on the amazon.com banner. Youll be linked directly to amazon.com by using the website link, your purchase will support Congregation Sinai. Bubbe says: Its a winwin!
May 2012
Finance Committee Meeting 7:30 am Yoga 8:45 am Rabbi Brickmans UWM Class 5:30 pm
Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am
Mitkadem Parent Meeting 6 pm Executive Committee Meeting 7 pm
Nia 8:30 am Through the Eyes of Women 9:45 am Tot Shabbat & Dinner 5:30 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Justin & Riley Strauss Bnei Mitzvah 10 am
Religious School (K-7th grades) 10 am Pray & Play 10 am Taste of Sinai 10 am Sinai Outside 2 pm Affirmation 4 pm Mini-U 4 pm Tribal Blends Coffee Order Scrip Sunday
Yoga 8:45 am Rabbi Brickmans UWM Class 5:30 pm Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am
Nia 8:30 am Through the Eyes of Women 9:45 am Social Action Committee Meeting 12 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Mothers Day Religious School (K-7th grades) 10 am Affirmation 4 pm Tribal Blends Coffee Pick Up
Yoga 8:45 am Rabbi Brickmans UWM Class 5:30 pm Women of Sinai Dinner 6:30 pm Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am
Brit Nashim 7 pm
Nia 8:30 am Through the Eyes of Women 9:45 am Rockin Shabbat & Teacher Appreciation 6:15 pm Congregational Dinner 7:15 pm
Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Daniel Schiff Bar Mitzvah 10 am Jenna Waisbren Bat Mitzvah 4 pm
Last Day of Religious School (K-7th grades) 10 am Annual Meeting 10 am Affirmation Rehearsal 4 pm Mini-U 4 pm Scrip Sunday Yoga 8:45 am Seniors Havurah 1 pm Rabbi Brickmans UWM Class 5:30 pm Bnei Mitzvah Parent Meeting (August 2013-June 2014) 7 pm
Memorial Day Office Closed
June 2012
Nia 8:30 am Summer office hours begin: Office closes at 1 pm Tot Shabbat & Potluck Dinner 5:30 pm Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Tori Cayle Bat Mitzvah 10 am Midreshet Shabbat 3 pm
Yoga 8:45 am Executive Committee Meeting 7 pm Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am
Planting Day @ Community Advocates Shelter 10 am Bible Study w/ Rabbi Brickman 9:30 am
Mens Spirituality Group (Acheinu) 7:45 a.m. Yoga 8:45 am
Brit Nashim 7 pm
Fathers Day
Yoga 8:45 am
Board Meeting 7 pm
Yoga 8:45 am
Nia 8:30 am CSA Pick Up 4-6 pm Builders & Founders Wine & Cheese Reception 5:30 pm First Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm
July 2012
Yoga 8:45 am Executive Committee Meeting 7 pm
Independence Day Office Closed
Nia 8:30 am CSA Pick Up 4-6 pm Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm
Yoga 8:45 am
No Yoga
Board Meeting 7 pm
Yoga 8:45 am
Erev Tisha bAv Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Tisha bAv Service & Study Session @ CEEBJ 7 pm
Tisha bAv
Yoga 8:45 am
August 2012
Executive Committee Meeting 7 pm
No Nia CSA Pick Up 4-6 pm Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm
Yoga 8:45 am HHD Choir Rehearsal #1 7 pm
Yoga 8:45 am HHD Choir Rehearsal #2 7 pm
Board Meeting 7 pm
Yoga 8:45 am HHD Choir Rehearsal #3 7 pm
Nia 8:30 am CSA Pick Up 4-6 pm Outdoor Softball Shabbat Service & BBQ 6 pm
Spring-Summer 2012
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Jenna Waisbren
Jenna Carol Waisbren will become a Bat Mitzvah on May 19th, 2012. Jenna is the daughter of Lisa and Ben Waisbren, sister of Henry, and granddaughter of Florence and Burton Waisbren of Bayside, Wisconsin and Penny and Jerry Sugarman of Northbrook, Illinois. Jenna is an 8th grade student at Whitefish Bay Middle School. Jenna plays flute in her school band and participates in volleyball and softball. Jenna enjoys being outside and spending time with friends. Jenna and her parents thank Rabbi Cohen, Cantor Robins, Linda Ross, and Susan Rosengarten for preparing her for her Bat Mitzvah.
Daniel Schiff
Daniel Jake Schiff will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 19, 2012. Daniel is the son of Sari Schiff and Kevin Schiff (Jami), brother of Morgan and Matthew, grandson of Cheryl and John Lubotsky and Eileen Schiff (Mike Lichtenstein) of Boca Raton, FL and Barry Schiff (Ruth) of Oxford, CT. Daniel is a 7th grader at Bayside Middle school. He enjoys and plays various sports, movies and family time. He is passionate about baseball. For his Bar Mitzvah Project he is collecting baseball gear for kids to use in other countries. He is excited for his special day and thanks his family, along with Rabbi Cohen, Cantor Robins, Marilyn Kraar and Jen Friedman for making it so special.
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Noah Wolfe
Noah Wolfe will celebrate becoming a Bar Mitzvah on June 30, 2012. Noah is the son of Rona and Gary Wolfe. He is the brother of Anna, David and Sadie and the grandson of Shirley Wolfe and the late Morton Wolfe of Coral Springs, Florida and Cheryl Kader of Milwaukee, and the late Sherwin Kader of Shorewood. Noah is a 7th grader at Milwaukee Jewish Day School. He enjoys participating in many sports, including baseball, basketball, and volleyball. He also enjoys playing the guitar and video and computer technology. For his Mitzvah Project he plans on working with Best Buddies. Best Buddies is a volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Noah and his parents would like to thank Rabbi Cohen, Cantor Robins, Linda Ross and Noah's teachers at MJDS for their constant guidance and support.
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Noah Borkin is holding a book drive to collect new and gently used children's books for the Next Door Foundation's "Books for Kids" program. The Next Door Foundation serves nearly 500 children daily and distributes 55,000 books to the Milwaukee community annually. Their goal is to increase the number of books in the homes of children with great need. Please consider donating new or gently used: Baby Board Books, Childrens Picture Books, Childrens Fiction and Non-Fiction, Juvenile Literature/Chapter Books, Multicultural Childrens Books. There is a special need for board books and early childhood picture books (such as Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss). Please place your book donations in the bin in the foyer.
Condolences to:
Hamakon YNachemMay God Comfort
Bill Domer on the death of his mother, Dorothy Domer Jeff Fielkow on the death of his step-father, Selwyn Sonny Smitt Nancy File on the death of her mother, Marian File Janet Greenebaum on the death of her husband, Don Greenebaum Sharon Hiken & Susan Stuckert on the death of their brother and uncle, Neal Lebow The Padway family on the death of Rena Padway Bill Rhead on the death of his mother, Marie MacPherson Judith and Sandy Saltzstein on the death of their brother-in-law and uncle, Dick Folz
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Spring-Summer 2012
Those We Remember
May Yarhzeits
May 4, 2012 Miriam Baum David Becker Helen Butlein Max Feuer Itzhak Friedlander David Graves Bernice Greenspan Dr. Benno Gruenberg Norman Jaques Edward J. Kelly Sr. Ben Kolbur Faye Kolbur Edward Levy Hyman Wolfe Madnek Ruth Mayer Efrim Medvedovsky Marilyn Meissner Edwin Meltzer Lester J. Meyer Mel Newald Leonard Stein Edith Steuer Pearl Stolzer Shirley Wile May 11, 2012 Florence Boorstein Mollie Friedland Erwin Grossmann Robert Hersch Beatrice Rabinovitz Kapper Hinda Larkey Paul F. Meissner Bessie Kaplan Mendelson Frances Pories Paul Pugach Ann Barbara Rice Bess Rosenberg Nina Rotman Maurice Stemerman Rose Taitelman Barbara Zeligs May 18, 2012 Rae Baily Susann Colton Gerald Flegel William Friedman Wolfe Gershan Sylvia Jacobs Eva Jolton Louis Kahn Jack Kohlenberg Mathilda Luff Gladys Nemson Ann Recht Abe Sevak Corrine Smith Ann Stein Howard Tenin Erno Weisz Etalka Weisz Izsador Weisz Joey Weisz Jupi Weisz Linka Weisz Mimmi Weisz Leo Wexler Sara Yerukhimovich May 25, 2012 Dr. Irvin M. Becker Maurice Kimmel R. Todd Lappin Joseph Lieberman Siegfried Lowin Leah Mlavsky Rachel Porter Edward Portnoff Harriet Propper John Keith Roberts Arthur Ross Kathryn Ross Charles Schapiro Samuel E. Schechter Gertrude Schulner Gene L. Suvalsky
June Yarhzeits
June 1, 2012 Goldye Arnoff Borkovitz Maurice J. Ansfield Sabilia Bibbye Lieberman Robert Brill Fanny Frank Arthur Goldstein Sara Goldstein Sol Gollin Martin Jacobs Tillie Jacobs Lee Kass Bessie Kohlenberg Marvin Mandel Milton Peterman Manny Rotter Edith Sarah Schermer Max Schulner June 8, 2012 Edith Bilsky Fran Morris Boxer Louis Cohen James Davis Robert Eiseman Frieda Friedman Murray Glass Louis Greenebaum Sr. Bessie Hiken Sam Kaufman Edward Loewenthal Joseph Sadowsky Sophie Smuckler Harry Soifer Jack Stark June 15, 2012 Sadye Brown Solomon Brown David Fishkin Myron Fromstein Helen Goldberg Robert Hindin Beatrice Hoffman David Lipshultz Robert Pereles Sylvia Sawin Dick Schulhof Dr. Sidney J. Silbar Evelyn Silverstein Abe Simon Theodore (Ted) Stroiman Dr. Eugene (Jack) Usow Morton Wolfe Earl Zechman June 29, 2012 Daniel B. Albert Beverly Bender Dr. Theodore Cayle Murray Denemark Ardell Eisenberg Rose Fishkin Avram Gelbart Helen Grossmann Grace Gruenberg Dr. Raymond Henkin Milton Hoffman Selma Joy Kay Izzie King William Kopans Herman Larkey Bessie Mendelsohn William E. Miller Ida Montag Marian Newald Dr. Harold Ottenstein Judith Peck Lisa Phillips Yeva Pinsky Morris Rabinovitz Eric Rofes Elza Roth Flora Rotman Irving Sanderson Ruth Schmidt Sam Sevak Leo Shafton Esther Tarnof Doris Tishberg Nathan Weinberg Ben J. Wiener Min Ziskind
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Spring-Summer 2012
Those We Remember
July Yarhzeits
July 6, 2012 Sheldon Baily Jeanette Barnow Nellie Cherniack Selma Cherniack Nasberg Frances Fershtman Marc Andrew Flesch Eugene (Gene) Frank Allen Goldmann Morty Greenspan David Holman Gerald Kahn Jack D. Levin Robert W. Mann Seymour Meltzer Miriam Miringoff Mamie Muchin Andrew Jackson Roach Louise Rofes Harry Scklore Arthur Stone Kate E. Wiener Ida Zechman July 13, 2012 Bunny Abelson Henrietta Aronow Murray Bein Theodore Friedlander Helen Goldstein Ellis Hassel Ben Klein Lillian Koven Norman E. Lank William Luff Esther Mandel Laura Peterson Irwin Porter Nathan Schapiro Joseph Sherman Ervin Teplin William Werbel July 20, 2012 Anne Berger Clarice Chard Mae Fine Michael E. Freeman Nat Goldsmith Harold Horowitz Molly Komisar Ruth Levin Saltzberg Freda Levine Willard (Bud) Pollak Robert Rice Sam Rosenbloom Judee Ross Steven Stone Lillian Wiener May Winter July 27, 2012 Joel Bilsky Harry Boorstein Elaine K. Doyle Ben Feld Susan Folz Simon Gelbart Molly Halper Leon Hirsh Myne Minnie Hootkin Katherine Gollin Miller Sylvia Razeper Mintz Ben Peterman Nancie Stern Peterman Jay Schmidt Ruth Simon Howard B. Tepps I. Mark Zeligs
August Yarhzeits
August 3, 2012 Gregory M. Cheplin Dan Fried Joseph Lauwasser John Mann Harry Meissner Ruth Pereles Edna Polacheck Slava Porat Max Recht Leonard Roth Rena Schechter Molly Scklore Howard Silver William Stern August 10, 2012 Ceil Baum Sally Bodanskya Eva Eisenberg Dorf Bertha Falk Barbara Fox Bill Goldberger Margaret Kaufmann William Kaufmann Neel Wehe Laing Isabelle Polacheck Ari Porat Rachel Presley Lucia K. Schaub Robin Temkin Ethel Veit Albert Willis Sam Winick Arthur Zechman August 17, 2012 Jack Brandes Agatha Calisch Lawrence Chudnow Laurence Eiseman John Feldman Faye Gershon Gerald Goldbaum Eleanor Goldberg Peter Goldberg Marie (Mickey) Green Ida Heifetz Berman Louis Lebow Jay Lieberman Larry D. Lieberman Joseph Lubar Abraham Melamed David Orenstein Melvin Orenstein Ruth F. Orenstein Jacob Schapiro Molly Schwartz Janet Shlimovitz Edna Sigal Hyman Stern August 24, 2012 Samuel Bender Helen Blesser Bernard Borkovitz William C. Heller Jr. Murray Herman Rose Hoffman James Jay Katz Roland Meissner Fanny Mossman Ronald Padway Marvin Resnick Ben Stein Sylvia Stern Louis Temkin Yetta Usow Leo Weiss August 31, 2012 Richard Cook Sheldon Frank Dr. Mary Zeldes Friedman Ruth Gelbart Esther Gilber Robert Glick Sherwin J. Kader Irving Malawsky
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Spring-Summer 2012
Summer at Sinai
Summer Shabbat Service Schedule
Shabbat Balak Numbers 22:2 - 25:9 July 6 Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm July 7 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Shabbat Eikev Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:25 August 10 Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm August 11 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Shabbat Reeh Deuteronomy 11:26 - 16:17 August 17 Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm August 18 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Noah Borkin Bar Mitzvah 10 am Shabbat Shoftim Deuteronomy 16:18 - 21:9 August 24 Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm August 25 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Maya Goldbaum Bat Mitzvah 10 am Shabbat Ki Teitzei Deuteronomy 21:10 - 25:19 August 31 Outdoor Softball Shabbat Service 6 pm Sept 1 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Pinchas Numbers 25:10 - 30:1 July 13 Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm July 14 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Matot Numbers 30:2 - 36:13 July 20 Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm July 21 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
Shabbat Devarim Deuteronomy 1:1 - 3:22 July 27 Outdoor Shabbat Service 6 pm July 28 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Tisha bAv Study Session & Service (@ Cong. Emanu-El Bnei Jeshurun) 7 pm
Shabbat Vaetchanan Deuteronomy 3:23 - 7:11 August 3 Outdoor Shabbat Shabbat 6 pm August 4 Torah Study 8 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am
How joyous are we, how good our portion, how pleasant our lot, how beautiful our heritage From our sacred past..
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Spring-Summer 2012
Summer at Sinai
Important Fall Dates
Mark your calendars now! 1st Day of Sunday Religious School
(K-7th grades)
Smore Shabbat!
Friday, August 31, 2012 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012 Monday, Sept. 17, 2012 Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012 Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012 Wed., Sept. 26, 2012 Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012 Monday, Oct. 1, 2012
Bring the family and make a smore with the Rabbi following services!
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Spring-Summer 2012
Donations received from 1/31/12-4/13/12 Adult Programming & Education Fund In memory of Francine Adolf In memory of Joseph Weiss Merle Wasserman In honor of Robin Hoffmans 60th birthday Kate & Chip Mann Miriam Miringoff Kitchen Fund In honor of Judi & Michael Kettens new granddaughter Beth & Ron Shapiro Tzedakah Fund In memory of Lillian Allschwang Shari & Allen Luck In memory of Kenny Kahn Howard Weiss In memory of Hirsh Larkey Lois Malawsky & Jay Larkey In memory of Tessie Luck Shari & Allan Luck In memory of Hazel Mishelow In memory of Edward Mishelow Lois Malawsky In memory of Isaac Mlavsky Alla Pinsky In memory of Mort Newald Joan & Mike Friedman In memory of Sadie Weiner Naomi & Mort Soifer Rabbis Discretionary Fund In memory of Ben Berger Sanford, Daniel, & Lauren Berger In memory of Nanette Berlin Barbara Shafton In memory of Lawrence Bodner Andrea & Bob Mandel Family In memory of Adolph Emerman In memory of Mollie Fromstein Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Fromstein In memory of A. Leon Fishbach In memory of Sylvia Fishbach In memory of Pearl Stolzer Sue Fishbach In memory of Richard Folz Tamara & James Folz In honor of Eli Franks Bar Mitzvah Bernice Fagan & Family In memory of Ellen Friedlander Jean Friedlander In honor of Sam & Gina Goldings Bnei Mitzvah Anne & Larry Golding In memory of Donald Greenebaum Toots Hassel In memory of Eugene Horenstein Beverly Rattner In memory of Anita Horwitz Ann & Fred Horwitz In memory of Hirsh Larkey Susan Higgins-Larkey In memory of Charles Lubotsky Barbara Shafton In memory of Morton Newald Toots Hassel Sylvia Pasch In honor of Jacob Newmans Bar Mitzvah Amy & Dan Newman In memory of Bertha Peterman Jim Peterman In memory of Raymond Rattner Beth & Gary Rattner In memory of Margaret Schlossmann Robert Schlossmann In memory of Anne Shapiro In memory of Max Shapiro Donna Resek Cantors Discretionary Fund In appreciation Jeffrey Frank and Family Tracy & Michael Lappin In gratitude Jill & Mike Weinshel In honor of Sam & Gina Goldings Bnei Mitzvah Anne & Larry Golding In honor of Jacob Newmans Bar Mitzvah Amy & Daniel Newman In memory of Raymond Rattner Rattner Family Passport to Israel Fund Speedy recovery of Gerry Cherniack Marlene Kagen & Howard Karas In memory of Donald Greenebaum In memory of Rosalyn Zaret Sheri & Lloyd Levin In memory of Sherwood Temkin Kim Temkin-Taylor & Richard Taylor Family Contributions made to the Temple In memory of Joseph Jubar Madeleine, David, Patrick, & Hannah Lubar In memory of Morton Newald James K. Heller In memory of Marcia Segal Marianne & Sheldon Lubar Floral and Oneg Fund In appreciation Jeffrey Frank & Family Tracey & Michael Lappin In memory of Ida Beckerman Laura Waisbren In memory of Andy Brickman In memory of Harriet Sederbaum Rita & Rabbi Jay Brickman In memory of Hanna Cheplin In memory of Harry Cheplin In memory of Rose Feld Dr. Muriel Silbar In memory of Dorothy Domer In memory of Donald Greenebaum In memory of Leslie Unger Bobbi & Paul Rector In memory of Donald Greenebaum Muriel Silbar In memory of Rose May Helen Padway In honor of Rebecca Robins Bobbi & Paul Rector In memory of Lee Waxman The Waxman Family Chesed (Caring) Fund In memory of Benjamin Alberts In memory of Esther Alberts Goldberg Bunny & John Fried In memory of Dorothy Domer Rosalee & Herbert Bratt Dorothy & Al Meyers In memory of Morris Fredlich Lauri & Rob Roth In memory of Belle Fried Fried Family In memory of Donald Greenebaum In memory of David Meyers In memory of Max Meyerowitz In memory of Rena Padway Dorothy & Al Meyers In memory of Neal Lebow Dorothy & Al Meyers
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Spring-Summer 2012
In memory of Morton Newald Bunny & John Fried and Family Dorothy & Al Meyers In memory of Bea Padway Helen Padway In memory of Arthur Saltzstein The Saltzstein Family In memory of Lillian Stone Nancy, Scott, Stephanie, & Andrew Phillips Anita & Bob Stone Music Fund In memory of Dorothy Domer Doje Sherman In memory of Hazel Loewenstein Jody Kaufman Loewenstein & Paul Loewenstein Jacob M. Fine & Family Library & Technology Fund In memory of Sarah Bender In memory of Frida Bratt Rosalee & Herbert Bratt In honor of Eric Butleins 70th birthday Eileen & Jerry Teper Margo Winter In memory of Albert May Helen Padway In memory of Ansel Schmidt Lori & Marc Jacobson Dorothy Schmidt In memory of Monroe Zarne Pauline Zarne Janet Greenebaum Scholarship Fund In memory of Donald Greenebaum Bobbe, Diane, Louise & Miriam Rosalee & Herbert Bratt Eve Dicker Eiseman Joan & Michael Friedman Sharon & Robert Goldstein Peggy Goodman Stan Jolton Marlene & Marv Lauwasser Nancy & Bob Mandel Audrey Mann Helen Padway Jane & Jack Shlimovitz Gerry & Art Schmidman Dorothy Schmidt Doje Sherman Barbara & Dick Simon Anita & Robert Stone In memory of Muriel Greenebaum Donald Greenebaum Robert Grant Marks Youth Fund In memory of Dorothy Goldberg In memory of Anne Goldstein Betsy, Shelly, & Jessica Goldberg Landscape Fund In memory of Morris Mendeloff, Jr. Lola & Alan Mendeloff In memory of Mort Newald Sue Freeman & Dick Kahn In memory of Lois Schatz In memory of Sidney Schatz Carol & Marc Schatz In memory of James I. Schulhof In memory of Pearl Schulhof The Schulhof Family Prayer Book Fund In memory of Gertrude Levin Deborah & Jim Gollin Lieberman Memorial Arts Fund In memory of Sheba Jacobson The Saltzstein Family Congregation Sinai Endowment at the Jewish Community Foundation In memory of Brian Adair Madeleine Kelly Lubar, David Lubar and Family In memory of Lillian Allschwang In memory of Tessie Luck Elyse & BJ Cohn Family In memory of Morris Friedman Joan & Mike Friedman In memory of Eunice Kartman Cynthia & Marc Kartman Broadway on the Bima In memory of Milton Padway In memory of William Padway Janet & Nick Padway In honor of Rabbi Jay and Rita Brickmans 60th Anniversary Marjorie Ballent Roberta & John Fried Nancy & Gary Gorchoff Andrea & Robert Mandel Jane Martinsons Bonnie Neulight Julie & Michael Sadoff Caroline & William Schulhof Nancy & Mark Stall
Those making donations will receive recognition for their generosity in the Sinai News. Those honored or the family of someone remembered will receive notice in the mail from Congregation Sinai.
We are pleased to announce that Congregation Sinai will be sending you electronic invoices
in addition to the current paper invoices we mail in the months of June, October, December and February along with a fiscal yearend invoice and a calendar year-end statement. Effective July 1, 2012, you will receive your first electronic invoice. From July forward, you will receive an electronic invoice each month. It is our hope that in time, we will be able to make this process greener by eliminating the paper invoices.
We would like to include our loved ones for the 1st time or we have changes to make to last years information.
Our Name:________________________________________________ Our Phone:________________________________________________ Check #______________________ Amount:________________ NAMES TO BE REMEMBERED (please print clearly): __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
(Attach additional pages if needed)
Minimum suggested donation is $18. If you choose to list several names, please consider a larger donation. Donations will benefit the Passport to Israel Fund. Please send your donation & your completed Yizkor Book Form to the Sinai office no later than Friday, August 24th. Make checks payable to: Congregation Sinai. MAIL TO: CONGREGATION SINAI 8223 N PORT WASHINGTON RD. MILWAUKEE, WI 53217
Congregation Sinai
8223 N. Port Washington Road, Fox Point, WI 53217
Member of the Union for Reform Judaism
The form below may be used when submitting your donation. Those remembered will be promptly informed of your thoughtfulness. Please return form to the Sinai office. Please make checks payable to Congregation Sinai. Note: Suggested minimum donations is $10.00.
Adult Programming & Education Fund Andy Brickman Museum Fund Barbara Eiseman Memorial Fund for Spiritual Growth Cantors Discretionary Fund Chesed (Caring) Fund Congregation Sinai Endowment (@ the Jewish Community Foundation)* Congregation Sinai Operating Fund Floral & Oneg Fund Jacob M. Fine & Family Library & Technology Fund
Landscape Fund Lieberman Memorial Arts Fund Miriam Miringoff Kitchen Fund Music Fund Passport to Israel Fund Rabbis Discretionary Fund Robert Grant Marks Youth Fund Tzedakah Fund Other_________________
*Please make checks for Sinai Endowment Fund payable to Congregation Sinai Endowment Fund.