Plugin Risk Management Plan Sample
Plugin Risk Management Plan Sample
Plugin Risk Management Plan Sample
Business Unit/Program Area: Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Date: 08/21/08 Nancy W Joe P
Risk Management 1.
Purpose and Objectives
Risk Management is the systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks. It includes maximizing the probability and consequences of positive events and minimizing the probability and consequences of adverse events to project objectives. A risk management plan defines how a project team will handle risks to achieve that goal.
There are a number of terms used in risk management that need we need to define to ensure clear communications.
An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a projects objectives. Risk is often a measure of the inability to achieve overall project objectives within defined project requirements and constraints and has three components: (1) the probability of occurrence, (2) the impact of the risk on the program, and (3) the time horizon during which the consequences will occur if the risk is not mitigated.
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Probability range 91% through 99% 61% through 90% 41% through 60% 11% through 40% 1% through 10%
Natural language expression Very likely to occur Probably will occur May occur about half of the time Unlikely to occur Very unlikely to occur
Numeric score 5 4 3 2 1
Risk Impact
The following table defines the risk impact categories and terms. For positive risks, consider the opposite of the impact description. The examples would remain the same except having a positive impact to the project.
Table 2 Risk Impact
Impact Description An event that, if it occurred, would cause project failure (inability to achieve minimum acceptable requirements) An event that, if it occurred, would cause major cost/ schedule increases. Secondary requirements may not be achieved. An event that, if it occurred, would cause moderate cost/ schedule increases, but important requirements would still be met.
Example * schedule adjustment >2 mo cost impact > 40% schedule adjustment >1 mo cost impact >20% schedule adjustment > 2wks cost impact > 10%
Numeric score
Cost of variance
Cost of variance
Cost of variance
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Cost of variance
Cost of variance
* These examples are simply rules of thumb and you should adjust them according to your specific project needs.
Risk Score
The risk score is a value calculated that is the product of probability of occurrence and impact. You use the score to compare risks as part of the risk prioritization process. Table 3 is the matrix used to develop the risk score. The values range from 1 (very low exposure) to 50 (very high exposure). Although there are no specific break points in the risk exposure ranking, those risks with an exposure value of less than 20 are generally considered low risks, those risks with an exposure value between 20 and 39 are generally considered moderate risks, and those risks with an exposure value between 40 and 50 are generally considered high risks. The definitions of Low, Moderate, and High are as follows: Low Risk: Has little or no potential for increase in cost, disruption of schedule, or degradation of performance. Actions within the scope of the planned project and normal management attention should result in controlling acceptable risk. No response plans will be made for these risks. The project will monitor for them and manage them as they come up. Moderate Risk: May cause some increase in cost, disruption of schedule, or degradation of performance. Special action and management attention may be required to control acceptable risk. The project will do some response planning for these risks. High Risk: Likely to cause significant increase in cost, disruption of schedule, or degradation of performance. Significant additional action and high priority management attention will be required to control acceptable risk. The project will do in-depth response plans for these risks.
Positive risks can use the same table and descriptions except instead of trying to avoid the risk, we will endeavor to make the risk occur and gain the positive impact.
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This section defines the roles and responsibilities for risk management.
Maintaining this Risk Management Plan Maintaining the Risk Management Data Base and distributing updates Briefing the team on the status of risks Tracking efforts to reduce moderate and high risk to acceptable levels Providing risk management training Facilitating risk assessments and Preparing risk briefings, reports, and documents required for Project Reviews
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Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): Responsible for implementing risk management tasks per this plan.
End Users
The end users will participate in the project through the SMEs. The End Users may identify risks and should pass the information through the SMEs or Project Team. All risk identification, tasking, and reporting will be handled through the project team member(s) assigned to the End User.
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Risk Assessment
Size: With a budget of $490,000, this project is a medium sized project
This project involves multiple divisions within the organization, but Complexity: does not involve any other agency or external organization. The project does work with complex formulas. We rate this medium complexity. Importance to This project is determined to be of high priority within the agency. Business: Visibility: While not directly public facing, delivers very important public information.
Agency Agency seldom does IT projects of this size or complexity History: Skill Levels ITD is updating an ITD based app. ITD has already done this with other Vendor: sections of the app, they are just moving the rest of the app off the mainframe system. Project Mgr.: Relying on ITDs internal PM. Agency staff has no formal PM experience.
Agency Project About 50% of the SMEs have done a similar project Team Summary Risk Management It has been determined that the project will spend a moderate amount Effort of time performing the following risk assessment activities. Decision:
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Qualitative Analysis
What Owner PM Time Estimate 2 hours to review 2 hours management 3 day lag
Review: The PM will ask the core team to review the risks to determine if they understand the risks enough to score. The team should notify the PM of any risk they are unsure of and the PM can clarify or get more information from the originator. The team will have 3 days to perform the review. Scoring: The project team will determine the impact and probability scores for each risk to calculate the risk score. They will use the tables in Section 2 of this document.
Project Team
2 hours
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Quantitative Analysis
What Owner Time Estimate
A moderate risk effort indicates that an Expected Monetary Value (EMV) Analysis will be performed for each of the risked passed onto this phase. Analyze: The project team and SMEs from the effected divisions will meet to perform a basic EMV for each risk. A decision tree will be developed for a risk as needed. Project Team SMEs 4 hours
The top risks evaluated in the Quantitative Analysis will be assigned out to the core project team, SMEs, and management if necessary. Each risk owner will be assigned to develop strategies avoid, if possible, or mitigate/transfer the risk. These responses should be documented in the risk register. Risk owners are given 1 week to complete. Stage Gate: Meet with the Executive Steering Committee to review the key risks and get a go/no-go decision to proceed with planning.
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1 hour
Project Team
The projects risk register is located in the project repository at (insert link location here) and covers the following points. Date Identified The date the risk was identified. Status Identifies whether the risk is potential, active, or closed. Risk Description A description of the risk. Risk Probability The likelihood that the risk will occur. See the Evaluating Risk Probability section of the below for possible values. In this category the descriptive words Low, Moderate, or High will be used. Risk Impact The effect o the project objects if the risk event occurs. See the Evaluating Risk Impact section of the table below for possible values. In this category the descriptive words Low, Moderate, or High will be used.
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Risk Response Plan Specific actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to the projects objectives.
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Risk ID
Risk Score 24
Quantification Comments Cost basis = 50%, $60,000 impact Schedule basis = 50%, 160 hrs
Description: There will almost certainly be general conflicts between project needs and normal business cycles of the agency. An example may be a cyclical peak in a given business process converging with a critical timeframe in system development or testing. Assessment: The project has not yet identified any conflicts of significance. The implementation plan and overall timeline have been developed to minimize these. However, testing and training will continue to require the involvement of various users, so scheduling will become critical in the later stages of each phase. Project management will monitor this issue and work with the business units and the Steering Committee to resolve any conflicts. Response Plan: Business process schedules and issues will be considered as part of the analysis leading to scheduling of future phases of the project. As specific conflicts arise during the life of the project, the project team will work with the affected business units to try to optimally balance the needs of both. Lessons Learned: This risk has not been active.
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