I. Problems of Pronunciation
I. Problems of Pronunciation
I. Problems of Pronunciation
a. Mother Tongue b. Habit of Mother Tongue c. Different pronunciation between first language and target language (TL)
c. Similar phonetic features but different for distribution between both of languages Example : Bat Pick Cap = = = bad pig cab
d. Similar phonetic features but have different allphones. Example : Pill/phil/ Take/thaek/ Aspirated = upper/ ppa(r)/ = but/bt un-aspirated
e. Similar sound of the phonetic features but different slightly in pronouncing. Example : Twelfths Listening Speaking World
PHONETICS TRANSCRIPTIONS A. Short Vowels 1. // 2. // 3. / / 4. // 5. // D. Voiceless Consonants 1. /p/ 2. /t/ 3. /k/ 4. /t/ 5. /f/ 6. // 7. /s/ 8. // E. Voiced Consonants 1. /b/ 2. /d/ 4. /:/ 5. /:/ C. Diphthongs (Double Vowel Sounds) 1. /I/ 2. // 3. /aI/ 4. / I/ 5. /a/ 6. /e/ 7. // 8. /eI/ 3. /d/ 4. /g/ 5. /v/ 6. / / 7. /z/ 8. F. Other Consonants 1. /m/ 2. /n/ 3. // 4. /h/ 5. /e/ 6. /r/ 7. /w/ 8. /j/
Organs Of Speech
1. Organs of speech are components which the sounds produced related to the characteristics of symbols. 2. The function of organs of speech is to produce the sounds which can be comprehended. 3. There are three main organs of speech : a. Mouth cavity b. Nose cavity c. Throat ( vocal cords ) PLACES OF ARTICULATION
: two lips (up-bottom) : /b/, /p/, /m/, /w/. : bottom lip and upper teeth : /f/, /v/. : tip tongue and alveolar ridge : //, //. : tip tongue and hard palate : /t/, /d/, /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /l/ /n/. : tip tongue and rim of tongue and alveolar ridge : /r/ : mid of tongue and alveolar ridge/hard palate : /j/, //, //. : back of tongue and soft palate : /k/, /g/, / /. : vocal cords : /h/.
c. Stress Stress word : - contrast : Noun = contrast Verb = contrast Stress sentence : Do you know about that?
d. Juncture Example : Night rate / nait-rt / open juncture Nitrate / naitrt / close juncture