Integrating Sustainability Into Design Education: The Toolkit
Integrating Sustainability Into Design Education: The Toolkit
Integrating Sustainability Into Design Education: The Toolkit
March 2011
In October 2009, the Designers Accord convened 100 progressive individuals from academic and professional institutions all over the world for two days of highly participatory discussion, planning and action around the topic of design education and sustainability. The main activity was small-group brainstorming focused on answering these questions:
How can we continue to move design education forward? How can we create a common language? How can we communicate best? How can we design a sustainability curriculum? How can we update existing design programs? How can we turn abstract ideas into concrete actions? How can we help students work in more meaningful ways? How can we measure success?
Part of the outcome from the Summit is explored in the following pages. The complete content is available at, where site users can add examples of their own discussions, exercises, and projects, as well as adding feedback, comments, and illustrations to enrich or improve other posted examples. These examples are real-world educational activities that materialize the concepts described in this PDF and on the site. For more information about the Designers Accord, visit or email [email protected].
This Designers Accord project was made possible with generous support from the following: Summit Partners: Summit Sponsors Sustainable Minds KODA Summit Supporters: Alter Eco / Baggu / Communication Arts / GOOD / IDSA / New Leaf Paper / Peets Coffee & Tea / Yellow+Blue / San Francisco Green Map / Sacramento City College
Design thinking rather than design
Reject the what? and ask why? Design is an active process, not a conclusion. Design can provide innovative and enabling alternatives, not just the creation of artifacts. Create a learning environment where thinking-through is celebrated over looking-at. Tackle questions regarding how we should ultimately live, rather than how we can merely alter our present way of living. Highlight the relationship of the designer to the ideal behavioral outcomes of products, rather than the products themselves. Stress the value of synthesizing new ideas on the fly, and support safety in experimentation. Encourage strategic thinking in design, where the designers responsibility goes beyond form and function, to value and viability.
Change Agents
Transform companies, industries, economies through leadership training Individual products or services, no matter how sustainably designed, will still make only limited impact in efforts to stop global climate change. We must transform entire companies, industries, and economies. Contrary to the typical design program output of a portfolio of aesthetic excellence, the greatest measure of success in a sustainable design program is the number of change agents produced the number of people who go on to not just understand sustainability but to act on it, incorporating it into everything they design. Change agents do not just act individually, but enliven others and create a cascade that ripples out from small numbers of graduates to large numbers of projects, companies, and industries.
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Design in context
Create design challenges in context Not only should students engage with the people involved in real-world design challenges, but they should recast themselves as stakeholders too, not outside agents. Learning within context provides opportunities for asking questions, thinking with a systems perspective, and embracing other disciplines as part of the design experience. It promotes the idea of muscular design, possessing the power to affect all aspects of our planet and our society.
Tell stories
Students can create meaning and find work meaningful Facilitate moments that enable students to form narratives and storytelling experiences. Narratives provide a pause whereby students can contemplate meaning, form their opinions, and then express themselves in a manner that connects to the listener. Additionally, students should practice expressing themselves in non-visual language. As design becomes more artifact-agnostic, persuasive speaking and appropriate language will become increasingly important.
Teach soft-skills
The world of design is changing Students must become self-learners, selfstarters, facilitators, and motivators for sustainable change. Provide opportunities for students to practice and embrace these roles through facilitation of collaborative projects, creation of a studio-culture, exposure to student-initiated projects on other campuses, and support of projects outside the standard curriculum.
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The S word
Talking about sustainable design is not the best way to talk about it Focus on leadership skills, participation, transparency, engagement, networks, human centered design, respect, and active listening. Ask students to rethink current paradigms and to envision a better future.
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Texting + textbook
Augment with social media Embrace the casual conversational tone of social media over the highly structured crit. Use social media and its immediate short-form content like texting and twittering as learning tools. The seamlessness and accessibility of these avenues of communication can provide a means by which conversation can continue outside the classroom. Social media provides a more casual and non-committal medium, and a method to brainstorm ideas and new possibilities for a project amongst all stakeholders and co-creators.
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Listen Deeply
Employ empathy as a way to think differently School populations, like students and facilities, often see sustainability as an increase in workload. Recognize and empathize with their concerns. By listening empathically, you can find a common ground upon which to connect and then work to develop an innovative manner to start to change perceptions. The act of listening empowers the concerned individual or population, who was previously unheard. Listening will inform your next actions and choice of words, and will soften the group for you to be heard when you are ready.
Open source and share Transparency requires removing barriers to sharing and learning. Invite stakeholders to professional workshops, distribute curricula, publish successes and failures, share projects, examples, cases, and questions.
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Lead by example
And seek out great examples Imagine what your school would ideally be, fearlessly and optimistically. Manifest that vision in your behavior and conduct. Look for examples of what other schools are doing, and emulate successes. Initiate conversations and projects that contribute to the well-being of the school. Promote efficiency and cost-savings, and emphasize the value of sustainability as it relates to ROI, retention, endowments, and marketing opportunities. Highlight the actions and achievements of role models.
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Sustainability Trio
From thinking to craft In an effort to fully integrate sustainability into the DNA of a design program, consider restructuring course sequencing to accommodate coursework in thinking, doing, and applying each term. These must be taught in a cross-disciplinary and collaborative way: (Thinking) Design-relevant thinking: theory, history, math, science, literature (Doing) Trans-disciplinary: studio, applied projects (Applying) Skills: discipline-specific craftbased activities
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Choose a new theme each term or year to explore Take a multi-semester or term approach to sustainable design using themes for each new term or year. Themes could include food systems, renewable energy, reclamation, health care, and transportation. Each semester or term would require coursework in thinking, doing, and applying relevant to the selected theme.
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Respect your departments culture
Work within department tradition to restructure and to rethink Respect the work that preceded you. Sensitivity to the past will provide a deeper understanding of your departments history, and give insight into its current biases. Keep your intentions transparent and your conversations open so that you may empathize with concerns from others, and gain the most support possible.
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1 degree of change
Its not really that different than what you already have Changes needed to fully integrate sustainability into the DNA of a course or program are often just 1 degree from the existing curriculum. For instance, the sustainability version of real-world experience model may just be as simple as creating new partnerships with nonprofits, social/environmental justice groups, and community service groups.
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Question authority
Interpretations are debatable Theory must be understood and taught as a living and changing framework, rather than as a set of prescriptive codes. Students must be free to openly challenge and debate existing theories. In a nonthreatening environment, students can feel free to experiment with new ideas. They are free to question, and to ask for clarification and help. Continuous and varied feedback applied throughout the design process can help students to gain the self-confidence needed to formulate their own point of view, building on the theoretical foundation. Reflection is crucial for developing the insights that guide future actions and generate new concepts.
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Big-picture thinking
Systems design can avoid a slippery slope Infuse systems thinking into the iterative process. Sustainable design addresses problems that are not only complex, but also contradictory with elusive and changing requirements. Understanding and actively registering the context in which objects, services, artifacts, and people interact promotes empathy and more well-developed perspectives. Systems are based on collaboration, reciprocity, and a primary concern for the community. Students learn the art of concession and compromise, in order to work collectively towards a shared goal. Their active involvement in the design process creates an emotional connection, which in turn produces a greater investment in the process. As new ideas emerge, new patterns of behavior develop which can lead to change and the development of new theories.
Theory as a unit of measurement Theory can be a qualitative evaluation tool to validate an idea or action. Locating and tracing the strands of theory throughout the design process can provide a means for assessment and accountability. In order to do this, the basic principles of a theoretical framework need to be clearly understood (if not necessarily agreed upon) early on in the design process. Then theory can become a tool, rather than an abstract set of constraints and rules.
Aspiration to action
Adding a tangible context to theory Process or project-oriented learning such as contests or competitions can also help students to connect theory with action. Experiential learning can help students and practitioners to understand the role of theory in planning, evaluating, and taking action. Make theory visible in the real world by encouraging students to incorporate narrative structures like stories and scenarios into their critical/reflective feedback and in their applied work. Use theory to inspire opportunity.
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You are responsible for the consequences
Considering intention and ethics As part of the design process, challenge students to consider and articulate various potential consequences of their work, including an ethical analysis of the designers intentions and the designs consequences. Ignite subjective passions amongst students through meaningful interactions with broader ethical considerations in lectures and reading assignments.
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Challenge assumptions
Encouraging active engagement through design iterations Active engagement relies on needssolving rather than problem-finding. Needs are supported by primary research, field research, and empathic interactions with real people, rather than depending on what students or faculty perceive as needs. These opportunities for gathering new insights have deep and variant feedback loops, which should be duly recorded, acknowledged, and incorporated into design iterations. The iterative and responsive quality of the design process stimulates ongoing exchanges between stakeholders, and encourages co-creation at all levels. This mindset requires that projects be adaptable to real world dynamics in structure, processes, and assessments.
Emphasize the importance of articulating process than merely outcomes in portfolios. Designers often begin a project with an understanding of the broader picture but through the phases of development, that context is lost. Whether intentionally (as a means of simplifying the process) or unintentionally (resorting to logical norms of problemsolving hierarchies) marginalized, those elements are often the ones that add the impact of sustainability to the design.
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Keeping it real Because sustainability measurements only have meaning when comparing particular products, services, artifacts against comparable others at a certain time, benchmarking is crucial for gauging success or failure, and for establishing priorities for problem-solving.
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Aftetr shock
Measurements that push beyond today thinking Aim not just to minimize negative impact, but instead to create positive outcomes. Less bad is not enough. By measuring a projects ability to create positive ripples throughout the rest of the system, students can find inspiration for nuanced and innovative design.
Interdisciplinary Forays
Ask not what your discipline can do for you. Require students to take classes that expose them to other disciplines, the outside community, perhaps even companies and/or other educational institutions that represent different expertise. The goal is not for the student to master the other disciplines material (as a practitioner of that discipline would). Instead, evaluate these interdisciplinary forays by observing how the student applies that disciplines knowledge to their own design work in their core classes, and shares that information and insight within their community.
Measuring is creative
Measuring can offer design opportunities Measuring quantitative and qualitative data can lead to design explorations in data visualizations, interactive, and real-time measuring displays, and 3-dimensional objects that transform complex data into understandable narratives. Strive to present measurements with appropriate interfaces, design, or storytelling, in an appropriate context and at an appropriate time.
A Designers Accord Project Please visit to find examples of real-world activities
On October 23 and 24, 2009, the Designers Accord convened 100 progressive individuals from academic and professional institutions all over the world, for two days of highly participatory discussion, planning, and action around the topic of design education and sustainability. While the group was predominantly U.S.-based, there were representatives from the UK, Sweden, Mexico, Columbia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and Australia. This group of thought-leaders, design educators, and experts discussed, challenged, and conceived of a new path for undergraduate and graduate design programs to integrate sustainability. We tackled topics ranging from creating curricula and writing grants, to communicating to trustees and motivating students. These topics were culled from pre-Summit meetings and brainstorm sessions, and were refined as specific questions that a group could tackle together in this workshop format. The main activity during the Summit was smallgroup brainstorming focused around the topics. In addition, we had eight guest speakers sharing their perspectives how designers can influence and impact social and environmental issues. We also built in time to socialize and network, and held an open exhibition to share projects and perspectives.
The workshop consisted of a highly choreographed series of small group brainstorm sessions focused on the eight prevailing topics of interest to this community.
What is our common language? Create a shared definition of terms / best ways to communicate about sustainability How can we communicate best? Best practices for communicating with and aligning stakeholders within your department and school Designing the core sustainability curriculum Understanding the landscape and drawing out the best Transitioning legacy department curricula Methods for initiating new programs, courses around sustainability What constitutes a meaningful design challenge? Structuring and enabling the ideal student projects and assignments Connecting the theory with action Methods for better effectiveness in the classroom, and ultimately in design practice Measurements of success Marking progress, maintain momentum, setting up appropriate goals Whats next? Creating a shared point of view about the future of design education, in the context of how design is used to solve broader challenges, in different kinds of collaborations
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The 100 attendees were distributed into 8 different groups on each day for the workshop portion of the programming. Four sessions were held on each of the days. The groups were balanced by considering a number of factors, including: discipline, type of design program, undergraduate/graduate, professional/ activist/student, region, country, teaching experience. Each person had the chance to work on each topic, from a different perspective. This relay model used multiple lenses to structure each brainstorm session. The function of the lens was to articulate the specific goal of each brainstorm session, and create a boundary around it so that the session would be more productive. Each breakout session used one lens, and each session built on the output of the previous one. At the start of each session, the group facilitator and note taker would provide a 2-3 minute summary of the point of view built in the previous session. At the end of each session, the group as a whole would decide on 2-4 point summary of their work to be passed onto the next group. This framework was designed to iteratively develop a tangible and actionable outputsummarizing real-time.
The Lenses were used in this order, and were designed to mimic the convergent and divergent pattern of a design process.
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On each persons Summit name badge, his or her group assignments were listed.
Each person received a matrix for each day that mapped groups to certain topics at different times.
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While groups moved to different topics in different orders, the lenses remained consistent and linear. In other words, each group used the same lens to work through a different topic each rotation.
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Each Topic was mapped to a consistent physical location within the Autodesk Gallery. All notes, illustrations, post-its remained in the space and were built upon over the course of the 2-day workshop.
At the conclusion of the Summit, each group facilitator and note taker reviewed their accumulated notes, and edited them into 5-10 page summaries.
Those summaries were synthesized into a common format, clarified and further developed, and reviewed by a small editorial team. This website represents the collective perspective of those in attendance at the Summit.
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