Family Welfare Program & Population Policy
Family Welfare Program & Population Policy
Family Welfare Program & Population Policy
j Objective
Reducing the birth rate to the extent necessary to t bili t stabilize th population at a l the l ti t level consistent l i t t with the requirement of the National economy. economy
Area Development Projects p j India Population Project-VIII & IX India Population Project-VIII & IX Differential planning scheme Differential Increasing involvement of NGOs UIP & CSSM TFA TFA
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1st and 2nd FYP- Clinical Clinical 2nd FYP - Target approach 3rd FYP Extension & Education approach 4th FYP - Post Partum scheme, reduce CBR to 32
5th FYP NFPP replaced by NFWP, reduce CBR to 30 6th FYP- Net Reproduction Rate (NRR) of 1, family FYP size to 2.3 7th FYP - spacing methods, community participation and promotion of MCH care
pp Approach
8th FYP stress on the involvement of NGOs to FYP-stress supplement and complement the Government efforts. 9thFYP stressed on reduction in population growth 10th FYP focused on reduction on IMR ,decadal g growth rate & increased literacy rate y
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Indicator If current trend continues If acceleration envisaged in Approach Paper to the Ninth Five Year Plan is achieved. achieved
Objectives: Reduction in the decadal rate of population growth between 2001 and 2011 t 16.2%; th b t d to 16 2% Increase in Literacy Rates to 75 per cent within the Tenth Plan period (2002 to 2007) Reduction of I f t mortality rate (IMR) to 45 R d ti f Infant t lit t t per 1000 live births by 2007 and to 28 by 2012
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Population Policy NRHM IMR,MMR,TFR Unmet Needs- Increasing Contraceptive choices Male involvement Social marketing Private sector involvement g Infrastructure strengthen Involvement of PRI IEC IEC Training
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XI FYP g Targets Reduce IMR to 28 and MMR to 1 per 1000 live births Reduce TFR to 2 1 Reduce 2.1 Provide clean drinking water for all by 2009 and ensure that there are no slipp backs Reduce malnutrition among children of age group 0-3 to half its present level Reduce anemia among women and girls by 50% by the end of the plan Family planning insurance Scheme Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh
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Goals: XI FYP
Reducing MMR to 100 Reducing IMR to 28 Reducing TFR to 2.1 Providing l P idi clean d i ki water f all b 2009 drinking t for ll by Reducing malnutrition among children of age group 0 3 to half its present level 03 level. Reducing anemia among women and girls by 50%. R i i th sex ratio f age group 0 6 t 935 b Raising the ti for 06 to by 201112 and 950 by 201617.
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p Contraceptives
The National Family Welfare Program provides the following contraceptive services for spacing births: Condoms C d Oral Contraceptive Pill p Intra Uterine Devices (IUD)
Terminal Methods: T b t Tubectomy i) Mini Lap Tubectomy ii) Lapro Tubectomy Vasectomy i) Conventional Vasectomy ii) No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Total Sterilization IUD Insertions Total OP Users Total CC Users ANC Registration ANC Registration within 12weeks ANC Registration Who have received 3 checkups TT(PW) Full Immunization u u a o
Source: Progress Report of FWP&NRHM/RCH II (2010-11)Demographic Unit, Directorate of Medical, Health &Family Welfare services, Jaipur SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified institution 20
All the untrained DGOs, M.D (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), M.S. (Surgery) will be trained in G naecolog ) M S (S rger ) ill Laparoscopic Sterilization. All the untrained MBBS doctors will be trained in tubectomy sterilization and N S l l V t ili ti d Non Scalpel Vasectomy. t At p present 254 Operation p theatres are
functioning in the Primary Health Centres. Steps will be taken to make the Operation theatres in all the Primary Health Centres functional in a y phased manner. SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified institution
Area specific approach will be adopted to identify village wise eligible mothers with three and above children and motivate them by a block level team to accept Family Welfare Sterilization. All the untrained VHNs and ANMs will be given training i i i i in insertion of IUD i f
Family Planning Insurance scheme: Compensation: (w.e.f 07.09.07) (w.e.f-07.09.07) In Govt. facilitiesCateg Intervention ory Accep Motivator Dru Surg Anes Staff OT Refr Cam tor gs eon thetis nurs Ass esh p t e tt. men mgt. t
200 150 50 100 100 75 25 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10
Vasectomy (all) 1100 Tubectomy(BP 600 L, SC/ST only) 250 Tubectomy( APL only)
50 100 100
100 75 75
25 25
15 15 15
15 15 15
10 10 10
10 10 10
In Pvt. facilities
Category Type of operation Facility Motiv Total ator High Focus States Non High focus states Vasectomy (All) Tubectomy (All) Vasectomy (All) Tubectomy (BPL+SC/ST) 1300 1350 1300 1350 200 150 200 150 1500 1500 1500 1500
Source: Manual for family Planning Insurance Scheme, Dept.of Health& Family Welfare (
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Creating Role Models: Jan Mangalcouples and PrernaScheme by JSK in some districts of Rajasthan NSV Champion in Jharkhand
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At Sub centre
Activities/Services Maintaining Eligible g g Couple Register Counselling and service provision during ANC ANC, PNC & Immunization visits IUCD insertions Follow up services Referral Services Contraceptive supply, Support &Supervision of ASHA & AWW Areas to be strengthened Facility readiness y according to IPHS standards Training in IUCD (No Touch Technique) Provision of IEC Materials Supportive supervision by LHV / MO PHC Strengthening Referral
Activities/Services All FP services including i i l di Tubal ligation (interval & p p postpartum)& NSV ) Follow up services Counselling and appropriate referral f i t f l for couples having infertility Training and supportive supervision of field level staff like ANMs, MPWs& ASHAs Areas to be strengthened Ensuring availability of 24/7Services as per IPHS Ensuring availability of g y trained personnel in Minilap/NSV/IUCD insertion Fixed Day Static Services for sterilization Regular supply of drugs, equipments & instruments Referral Services SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified institution 36
Activities/Services 24 7 24*7 specialist services All FP services including Laparoscopic Sterilization p p services Follow up services Training and supervision of field level staff Regular supply of drugs Diagnostic Services Areas to be strengthened Up g p gradation as p per Strengthening of counseling component Rational posting of specialists p Operationalize District Clinical Training Centres Fixed Day Static Services for t ili ti f sterilization Strengthening of RKS Management of couples having infertility
Advocacy at all levels on importance of FP for improving maternal and child health Quality assurance committee (QAC) to be constituted at all the States/ Districts level as per norms set in Q alit Ass rance man al and Quality Assurance manual regular meetings to be held for assessing and ensuring the quality of services services. Facility up gradation as per the IPHS. Comprehensive training plan for MCH & FP services
Quality Assurance
Quality Design
Policy & Goals- NPP, NHP, NRHM, MDG Service Protocols/ Manuals/ Guidelines Standardized Operating Procedures Indemnity insurance scheme Compensation for loss of wages
Quality Improvement
Periodic Reviews/ Audit Remedial Actions Monitoring of progress of Remedial implementation, Program Evaluation Program
Quality Control
Supportive Supervision Periodic Reports Quality Assurance Committee HMIS Nationwide Surveys
Medium-term objective: j To bring the TFR to replacement levels by 2010, through vigorous implementation of inter-
1200 3.33 683 1000 4 439.23 800 600 400 200 0 1951 1961 1971 1981 361 1.09 548.16
27.03 102
Population Growth p
.15 20.
25. .76
4.01 44
56 6.47
68 8.62
Observation of World Population Day Prerna Awards at Dhaulpur and Jodhpur in Rajasthan and Nabarangpur in Orissa g p Working with the Private Sector Medical Specialists to enhance services for contraception. Induction of professional people [NGOs, CII, FICCI, IASP, IPHA, IAP & SM, FOGSI etc] p p y Material Development and display for IEC/BCC
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Motivate private gynecologists to perform 100 tubectomy /vasectomy, doctors are paid according y y g to already notified compensation rates (Rs 1500 per case) MOU is signed between the district CMHO and private facilities Funding is provided by JSK through the Collector and CHMO I iti t d i M dh P d h R j th and O i Initiated in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan d Orissa 64 MOUs and around 1600 sterilization operations [until Aug [ til A 09]
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Quality Assurance Committees (QACs) have been constituted in all the states and districts so that adequate standards of care are maintained in family planning services. yp g A new and better IUD-T 380 A, which has tenyear effectiveness, has been introduced along with better training, both as a short and long term spacing method
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Seema received counseling by a visiting team. The team that counseled Seema explained the importance of using contraceptives after d li i t f i t ti ft delivery to delay or prevent the next pregnancy, and told her about the copper-bearing IUCD which can be copper bearing IUCD, inserted within 48 hours after delivery. As a result of this counseling, Seema chose to deliver her g, baby at Womens Hospital, so that she could get an IUCD immediately after the birth of her daughter, Ri ik who i now three months old. d h Ritika, h is h h ld
For Seema, an IUCD was the best family planning choice because it was free under government policy, l t f 10 years and could b t li lasts for d ld be inserted while she was still in the hospital. Moreover, Moreover she appreciates that she doesnt need doesn t to remember to take an oral pill every day. Seema was so enthusiastic about her family planning y p g decision that while resting in the postpartum ward, she successfully counseled two other women who were sharing the room with h h h i h i h her.
They, too, chose to have an IUCD inserted. Seema not only feels strongly that other women in her community can benefit from this method of family planning, she is also optimistic that it offers a promising future for her own two daughters. One of four children in a poor family, Seema struggled to finish her schooling and became the most educated member of her family
Thank You
For more details log on to www. www Sihfwrajasthan com or contact : Director-SIHFW on [email protected] sihfwraj@yahoo co in