Evaluation of em Propagation Models
Evaluation of em Propagation Models
Evaluation of em Propagation Models
Andrew J. Moys
September 2003
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth L. Davidson
Second Reader: Wendell A. Nuss
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September 2003
Masters Thesis
Evaluation of EM Propagation Models Using Data from Wallops Island
Experiment (2000)
6. AUTHOR(S) Andrew J Moys
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943-5000
11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official
policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)
The Royal Navy and the United States Navy emphasise utilising the environment to achieve a tactical edge. Such
approaches are outlined in Sea Power 21. This thesis recognises accurate characterisation of the physical
battlespace as vital to concepts of both self-defence (Sea Shield) and strike (Sea Strike). Electromagnetic (EM)
propagation is presented as a vital factor in the performance of a wide variety of ship, land, and airborne sensors
and weapon systems. Atmospheric influences on EM propagation are related to gradients of temperature and
humidity within the atmosphere. It is emphasised that modern maritime warfare is increasingly concentrated in the
coastal theatre, an area in which atmospheric variability is often at maxima in both the vertical and horizontal. This
thesis examines, using currently available technology and operational methods, how well the physical EM
battlespace is described. Propagation models from the UK and US are used to evaluate the propagation
environment within the coastal zone, using measured data, collected from the East Coast of the USA, at Wallops
Island during 2000, as a comparison. The main findings relate to the large potential errors, due the inability to
measure and characterise the variability of the coastal environment under simulated, operational scenarios.
14. SUBJECT TERMS EEMS, AREPS, RF Propagation, Refractivity, Coastal Variability, Wallops
Island, Surface Ducting and Evaporative Ducting Effects, Operational Simulation
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18
Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited
Andrew J. Moys
Lieutenant Commander, Royal Navy
B.Sc., Queen Mary College, University of London, 1987
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
from the
September 2003
Author: Andrew J. Moys
Approved by: Kenneth L. Davidson
Thesis Advisor
Wendell A. Nuss
Second Reader
Carlyle H. Wash
Chairman, Department of Meteorology
The Royal Navy and the United States Navy emphasise utilising the environment
to achieve a tactical edge. Such approaches are outlined in Sea Power 21. This thesis
recognizes accurate characterisation of the physical battlespace as vital to concepts of
both self-defence (Sea Shield) and strike (Sea Strike). Electromagnetic (EM) propagation
is presented as a vital factor in the performance of a wide variety of ship, land, and
airborne sensors and weapon systems. Atmospheric influences on EM propagation are
related to gradients of temperature and humidity within the atmosphere. It is emphasised
that modern maritime warfare is increasingly concentrated in the coastal theatre, an area
in which atmospheric variability is often at maxima in both the vertical and horizontal.
This thesis examines, using currently available technology and operational methods, how
well the physical EM battlespace is described. Propagation models from the UK and US
are used to evaluate the propagation environment within the coastal zone, using measured
data, collected from the East Coast of the USA, at Wallops Island during 2000, as a
comparison. The main findings relate to the large potential errors, due the inability to
measure and characterise the variability of the coastal environment under simulated,
operational scenarios.
I. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
A. NAVAL STRATEGY......................................................................................1
1. Defending Against the Threat..................................................................2
a. Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCM)/Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAV)..........................................................................3
b. Surface to Air Missiles..............................................................3
c. Surface Vessels..........................................................................4
d. The Sub-Surface Threat ...........................................................4
B. METOC OPERATIONAL/MISSION SUPPORT........................................4
II. BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................7
A. PURPOSE.........................................................................................................7
B. WALLOPS 2000 EXPERIMENT ..................................................................7
1. Basic Test Scenario ..............................................................................9
III. RELEVANT BASIC CONCEPTS OF RADAR SYSTEMS..................................11
A. BASIC PRINCIPLES....................................................................................11
1. Electromagnetic Waves .....................................................................11
2. Types of Transmission.......................................................................12
3. Frequency and Wavelength ..............................................................12
B. RADAR PERFORMANCE FACTORS ....................................................15
1. Signal-to-Noise Ratio .........................................................................15
2. Receiver Sensitivity............................................................................16
3. Pulse Width.........................................................................................16
4. Carrier Frequency .............................................................................18
5. Antenna Gain .....................................................................................18
a. Directive Gain .........................................................................18
b. Power Gain..............................................................................19
6. Antenna Aperture ..............................................................................19
C. THE SIMPLIFIED RADAR RANGE EQUATION...................................19
IV. METEOROLOGY OF RADIOWAVE PROPAGATION.....................................21
A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................21
1. Refractivity.........................................................................................21
2. Ducting and Super-Refraction..........................................................24
3. Sub-Refraction ...................................................................................24
4. Formation of Ducting Conditions.....................................................25
B. THE EVAPORATION DUCT......................................................................26
C. SURFACE-BASED DUCT............................................................................27
1. Marine Layer Temperature Inversions ...........................................28
2. Subsidence or Differential Advection...............................................28
3. Boundary-Layer Mixing....................................................................29
A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................31
B. SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS....................................................................31
1. Transmitter/Target Height ...............................................................32
2. Frequency ...........................................................................................32
3. Reciprocity Failure ........................................................................33
C. ASPECTS OF EVAPORATION DUCTS ...................................................34
D. ASPECTS OF SURFACE BASED DUCT ..................................................35
1. Surface-Based Systems ......................................................................35
a. Range Enhancement..............................................................35
b. ESM/ECM...............................................................................36
c. UHF Communications............................................................36
d. EMCON Policy........................................................................37
e. RADAR Holes .........................................................................37
2. Airborne Systems...............................................................................38
E. ASPECTS OF SKIP DISTANCE EFFECTS..............................................38
F. ASPECTS OF FADING................................................................................39
G. ASPECTS OF SEA CLUTTER....................................................................40
VI. PROPAGATION MODELS .....................................................................................43
A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................43
B. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA.........................................................................44
C. BULK EVAPORATION DUCT MODELS ................................................45
MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS..................................................................................49
SYSTEM II (MPMS II) .................................................................................49
B. METEOROLOGICAL SENSORS ON R/V SEALION..............................50
C. METEOROLOGICAL SENSORS ON R/V CHESSIE..............................50
AND CHESSIE...............................................................................................50
E. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL FLUX BUOY ..............................53
1. Mean Environmental Data System...................................................55
2. Turbulent Data System......................................................................56
3. Data Processing and Analysis Procedures.......................................56
VIII. SENSOR PERFORMANCE AND DATA SELECTION.......................................59
A. SENSOR PERFORMANCE.........................................................................59
1. Mast-Mounted Systems .....................................................................59
2. NPS Flux Buoy ...................................................................................59
3. Rocketsonde Profiles..........................................................................60
B. DATA SELECTION......................................................................................60
A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................63
B. SYNOPTIC EVOLUTION ...........................................................................64
1. 10 April 2000 ......................................................................................64
2. 29 April 2000 ......................................................................................69
3. 01 May 2000........................................................................................74
4. 03 May 2000........................................................................................79
X. PROPAGATION EFFECTS ANALYSES .............................................................85
A. PROPAGATION MODEL (EEMS/AREPS) INPUTS ..............................85
1. Environmental Inputs........................................................................85
2. EEMS ..................................................................................................85
3. AREPS ................................................................................................86
4. RF System Inputs...............................................................................86
B. MPMS II DATA.............................................................................................87
XI. PROPAGATION MODEL RESULTS VERSUS MPMS II ..................................89
A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................89
B. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .......................................................................91
1. 10 April 2000. S Band........................................................................91
2. 10 April 2000. X Band .......................................................................92
3. 29 April 2000. S Band........................................................................93
4. 29 April 2000. X Band .......................................................................94
5. 01 May 2000. S Band .........................................................................94
6. 01 May 2000. X Band.........................................................................95
7. 03 May 2000. S Band .........................................................................96
8. 03 May 2000. X Band.........................................................................97
C. PROPAGATION MODEL RESULTS........................................................98
1. 10 April 2000. S Band.......................................................................98
2. 10 April 2000. X Band .....................................................................102
3. 29 April 2000. S Band......................................................................106
4. 29 April 2000. X Band .....................................................................110
5. 01 May 2000. S Band .......................................................................114
6. 01 May 2000. X Band.......................................................................118
7. 03 May 2000. S Band .......................................................................122
8. 03 May 2000. X Band.......................................................................126
XII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................131
A. PROPAGATION MODEL PERFORMANCE.........................................131
B. RANGE DEPENDANT CONSIDERATIONS..........................................134
C. ATMOSPHERIC MODELLING...............................................................134
LIST OF REFERENCES....................................................................................................137
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST.......................................................................................141
Figure 1. An electromagnetic wave horizontal polarisation.........................................11
Figure 2. Radio wave band nomenclature. ......................................................................14
Figure 3. Schematic representation of received radar signals with noise .......................17
(from Frieden, 1985). .......................................................................................17
Figure 4. Effects of pulse width on target resolution (from Frieden, 1985)....................17
Figure 5. Refraction Categories.......................................................................................23
Figure 6. Schematic plot of a typical vertical modified refractivity profile with............26
Figure 7. Graph of M versus height, demonstrating example profiles for
evaporation, surface based and elevated ducts. ...............................................30
Figure 8. Types of inversions: (a) subsidence reaching the surface,..............................30
Figure 9. Skip distance effects. .......................................................................................39
Figure 10. Clutter from evaporation ducting.....................................................................42
Figure 11. Clutter from surface-based duct.......................................................................42
Figure 12. Rocketsonde components.................................................................................51
Figure 13. Rocketsonde assembly prepared for launching from USN ship. .....................51
Figure 14. NPS Flux Buoy. ...............................................................................................54
Figure 15. Map depicting positions of NPS flux buoy, the track run of R/V Sealion
and the approximate launch position of the rocketsondes for 10
and 29
April, 1
, and 3
May (actual distances along track were 33.5nm, 33.5nm,
35nm and 33.5nm respectively. .......................................................................62
Figure 16. 10 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 4mb spacing. ...............................................65
Figure 17. 10 Apr 1815Z. GOES-E visible satellite imagery. ..........................................65
Figure 18. 10 Apr 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................66
Figure 19. 10 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................66
Figure 20. 10 Apr 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................67
Figure 21. 11 Apr 0000Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................67
Figure 22. 10 Apr 1800Z Skew-T diagram. ......................................................................68
Figure 23. 10 Apr 1800Z Refractivity diagrams for M and N from EEMS......................68
Figure 24. 29 Apr 1200Z.Synoptic chart at 4 mb spacing. ...............................................70
Figure 25. 29 Apr 1815Z GOES-E visible satellite image................................................70
Figure 26. 29 Apr 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................71
Figure 27. 29 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................71
Figure 28. 29 Apr 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................72
Figure 29. 29 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. .................................72
Figure 30. 29 Apr 1800Z Skew-T diagram. ......................................................................73
Figure 31. 29 Apr 1800Z. Refractivity diagram of M and N from EEMS........................73
Figure 32. 01 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 4mb spacing. ..............................................75
Figure 33. 01 May 1815Z. GOES-E visible satellite image..............................................75
Figure 34. 01 May 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................76
Figure 35. 01 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................76
Figure 36. 01 May 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................77
Figure 37. 02 May 0000Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................77
Figure 38. 01 May 1800Z. Skew-T diagram. ....................................................................78
Figure 39. 01 May 1800Z. Refractivity diagram of M and N from EEMS.......................78
Figure 40. 03 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 4mb spacing. ..............................................80
Figure 41. 03 May 1815Z. GOES-E visible satellite image..............................................80
Figure 42. 03 May 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................81
Figure 43. 03 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................81
Figure 44. 03 May 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................82
Figure 45. 04 May 0000Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed. ................................82
Figure 46. 03 May 1800Z. Skew-T diagram. ....................................................................83
Figure 47. 03 May 1800Z. Refractivity diagram of M and N from EEMS......................83
Figure 48. Path loss curve for a near-surface transmission path. ......................................90
Figure 49. 10 Apr S Band coverage EEMS....................................................................98
Figure 50. 10 Apr S Band lowlevel coverage EEMS...................................................98
Figure 51. 10 Apr S Band. AREPS - Paulus Jenske..........................................................99
Figure 52. 10 Apr S Band. AREPS - NPS.........................................................................99
Figure 53. 10 Apr S Band, low-level coverage diagram MPMS II..............................100
Figure 54. 10 Apr S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.......101
Figure 55. 10 Apr X Band coverage EEMS. ................................................................102
Figure 56. 10 Apr X Band low-level coverage - EEMS .................................................102
Figure 57. 10 Apr X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske. .....................................................103
Figure 58. 10 Apr X Band. AREPS NPS. ....................................................................103
Figure 59. 10 Apr X Band low-level coverage MPMS II. ...........................................104
Figure 60. 10 Apr X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II. .....105
Figure 61. 29 Apr S Band coverage EEMS..................................................................106
Figure 62. 29 Apr S Band. Low-level coverage EEMS. ..............................................106
Figure 63. 29 Apr S Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.......................................................107
Figure 64. 29 Apr S Band. AREPS NPS. .....................................................................107
Figure 65. 29 Apr S Band. Low-level propagation factor EEMS. ...............................108
Figure 66. 29 Apr S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.......109
Figure 67. 29 Apr X Band. Coverage diagram EEMS. ................................................110
Figure 68. 29 Apr X Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS...............................................110
Figure 69. 29 Apr X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske. .....................................................111
Figure 70. 29 Apr X Band. AREPS NPS. ....................................................................111
Figure 71. 29 Apr X Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II............................112
Figure 72. 29 Apr X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II. .....113
Figure 73. 01 May S Band. Coverage diagram EEMS. ...............................................114
Figure 74. 01 May S Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS...............................................114
Figure 75. 01 May S Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske. ....................................................115
Figure 76. 01 May S Band. AREPS NPS.....................................................................115
Figure 77. 01 May S Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II. ..........................116
Figure 78. 01 May S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II......117
Figure 79. 01May X Band. Coverage diagram EEMS.................................................118
Figure 80. 01 May X Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS..............................................118
Figure 81. 01 May X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.....................................................119
Figure 82. 01 May X Band. AREPS NPS. ...................................................................119
Figure 83. 01 May X Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II...........................120
Figure 84. 01 May X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II. ....121
Figure 85. 03May S Band. Coverage diagram EEMS. ................................................122
Figure 86. 03 May S Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS...............................................122
Figure 87. 03 May S Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske. ....................................................123
Figure 88. 03 May S Band. AREPS NPS.....................................................................123
Figure 89. 03 May. S Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II. ........................124
Figure 90. 03 May S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II......125
Figure 91. 03May X Band. Coverage diagram EEMS.................................................126
Figure 92. 03 May X Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS..............................................126
Figure 93. 03 May X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.....................................................127
Figure 94. 03 May X Band. AREPS NPS. ...................................................................127
Figure 95. 03 May X Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II...........................128
Figure 96. 03 May X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II. ....129
Table 1 Military radar frequency band designators ......................................................13
Table 2 Civil radar and communications frequency band designators .........................14
Table 3 Guideline minimum surface duct width for trapping.......................................32
Table 4 MPMS II System Parameters...........................................................................49
Table 5 Rocketsonde and Radiosonde characteristics (from Baldauf, 1996) ...............52
Table 6 Rocketsonde/Radiosonde (MRS) Sensor Performance Characteristics
(from Baldauf, 1996) .......................................................................................53
Table 7 Flux Buoy Mean Measurement Systems. ........................................................55
Table 8 Flux Buoy Turbulent Measurement System. ...................................................56
I would like to offer my thanks and appreciation to all those persons who
extended their time and professional expertise as I produced this thesis. Heartfelt thanks
goes to Professors Davidson and Nuss, Paul Frederickson, Tamar Neta, Bob Creasey,
Wendy Townshend (MWC, UK), Janet Stapleton (NSWC-DD) and all the staff at NPS.
NPS faculty, staff and equipment participation in Wallops2000 was sponsored by
the Office of Naval Research (Code 322MM) through Naval Surface Warfare Command,
Dahlgren Division (NSWC-DD). The participation of NPS staff in the production of the
analyses and evaluations, was sponsored by the US Navys Space and Naval Warfare
Command (SPAWAR, PMW-150).
I would also like to thank the Directorate of Naval Surveying, Oceanography and
Meteorology for funding my attendance at NPS and the Maritime Warfare Centre for
allowing me to use EEMS for this study.
Finally to my parents and dog, Baggins, back in UK, and also to Tracey Delk and
Henry Howell for enduring throughout.
The Royal Navys, The Fundamentals of British Maritime Doctrine (Directorate
of Naval Staff Duties, 1995) emphasises, that it is the duty of Command to take account
and advantage of the environment, and that expertise in environmental prediction must
be available to a commander if he is to exploit the maritime environment fully and
minimize its adverse effects.
Surface based and airborne search radars and most command and control
communications and missile guidance systems all function within that part of the radio
frequency spectrum liable to propagation anomalies, as a result of meteorological
influences. Complementary electronic warfare, whether it is in a jamming role (electronic
countermeasures) or in an intercept capacity (electronic support measures), must be
conducted in these same frequency bands, and can be greatly increased in their
effectiveness by a thorough knowledge of the propagation characteristics present.
The meteorological factors that favour unusual radio and radar performance are
well established, although this is not to say that all the answers are known. Additionally
lack of high vertical resolution measurements in the surface layer and the paucity of
upper air meteorological data generally over the sea has posed, and continues to pose,
difficulties when attempting to identify and forecast such conditions. At the same time,
increased sophistication of the offensive and defensive assets available in fighting the war
at sea, has made knowledge of how the environment may be affecting the propagation
assume even greater importance. Within the framework of the 4-D Cube (a four-
dimensional, common picture compilation of the battlespace environment) such
information is vital to the warfighter in obtaining a clear, concise and accurate evaluation
of both weapons systems performance and the threat assessment.
Both the United States Navy (USN) and the Royal Navy (RN) have placed great
emphasis on the use of the environment for operations and strategic planning. The US
Navys Naval Transformation Roadmap, Sea Power 21 (2003), under the category of Sea
Strike and Sea Shield, and The Navy Strategic Planning Guidance With Long Range
Planning Objectives (Chief of Naval Operations, 2000) emphasize the need to build an
information and knowledge superior force to counter the ever-increasing diversity and
complexity of threats likely to be faced in the future. Potential adversaries are expected to
continue to acquire increasingly sophisticated and effective weapons, sensors and
platforms over the coming few decades. The performance of these systems against
defensive resources will become ever more dependent upon the atmospheric and oceanic
conditions than ever before.
At the time of writing, a number of sophisticated models are available to describe
the effects of the atmosphere on radio and radar propagation. These models utilise actual
meteorological measurements, or input data from environmental models, such as the UK
Met Offices Meso-scale Model or the US Navys COAMPS model.
This thesis examines the current level of predictability, using a comparison of
realistic operational methods and data collected during Microwave Propagation
Measurement Experiment (MPME) at Wallops Island during April and May 2000. This
dataset is unique in many ways, not least due to the fact that actual propagation
conditions and meteorological data were measured, during a number of different synoptic
meteorological conditions.
1. Defending Against the Threat
Potential adversaries are expected to pursue area denial strategies for the next 15
to 20 years. Unlike those of the previous generation, these challenges are expected to be
land-based and in the littoral environment, rather than in open ocean.
The level of sophistication and performance of future weapons is expected to
increase substantially, with the survivability of both weapon and platform increasing
through the use of advanced countermeasure designs and multi-spectral signature control
as demonstrated by the RNs Type 23 Frigate and future Type 45 Frigate. Increasingly,
these weapons systems will be supported by more sophisticated sensors, many of these
will be particularly sensitive to the variability of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary
Layer (MABL). The concept of Sea Shield currently identifies the threats as follows:
a. Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCM)/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
One of the most significant systems to consider both currently and in the
future is also one whose performance is significantly affected by the atmosphere. It is the
Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (ASCM). Such systems have been proven effective in the
Falklands Conflict during which, HMS Sheffield and the Atlantic Conveyer were sunk by
the Aerospatiale Excocet system. In the ensuing years both air defence and missile design
has improved significantly. The current design trends of the ASCM include:
Significant increases in the terminal velocity from predominantly sub-sonic
speeds to supersonic speeds in the next decade, and hypersonic speeds by
Reduction in Radar and IR signatures
Ever increasingly complex terminal manouevers.
Reductions in flight profile altitudes.
All of the above features are designed to make the detection and targeting
on incoming missiles more difficult. Future ship designs will require more advanced
sensors to detect increasingly stealthy missiles, improved stealth characteristics to
complicate enemy target acquisition, effective soft and hard-kill capabilities, and the
ability to sustain damage, whilst maintaining the ability to function and fight.
Increasingly such weapons are likely to be launched by UAVs, which by nature of their
small radar cross-section are difficult to detect.
b. Surface to Air Missiles
Advances in the design and effectiveness of basic missile design,
propulsion systems, guidance systems and warheads will all increase the capability of air
defence systems, both ashore and afloat. The countermeasures to both manned and
unmanned aircraft will improve rendering missile attack more difficult. Stealth measures
will also continue to evolve, but above all the use of Electronic Warfare support will
remain critical.
c. Surface Vessels
Current build specifications for naval surface vessels, include measures for
the reduction in radar cross-sections and multi-spectral low observability (IR, visual,
magnetic and acoustic). Fire control systems now encompass the entire spectrum of
electromagnetic/electro-optical (EM/EO) emissions including radar, EO, IR and laser for
anti-air warfare (AAW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW) and undersea warfare (ASW).
Increasingly the threat from smaller vessels, such as speed-boats or skiffs/Dows armed
with portable missile systems, or insertion teams, armed with surface-contact munitions
is being considered. Such vessels have a very small radar cross-section (RCS) and are
thus naturally difficult to detect.
d. The Sub-Surface Threat
The 1980s and early 1990s saw submarine technology advance to a state
where the tactical advantage of ship-borne sonars and towed arrays was severely eroded
and the detection of submarines by passive acoustic methods alone very difficult. A
number of other methods including detection of periscopes and masts through EM/EO
sensors has become of greater significance. Indeed, in littoral and coastal shelf regions,
the practice of radar flooding is a major tactic in the detection and deterrent of
Many of the capabilities outlined in Sea Power 21 require mission support
implicitly or explicitly from environmental products provided by the Meteorological and
Oceanographic (METOC) Branch. Much of the data will be input in to Tactical Decision
Aids (TDAs), which require high quality data to be input from in-situ observations or
from environmental models such as the Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Meso-scale
Prediction System (COAMPS) run by the Fleet Numerical Meteorological and
Oceanographic Center (FNMOC) at Monterey, CA. Environmental products are used for
a whole host of naval purposes including the support of flying missions, naval gunfire
support, ship safety and routing, EM/EO propagation conditions for the detection of and
vulnerability to various missile systems and aircraft, snort masts, periscopes, surface
vessels of varying sizes (including rigid inflatable boats) and swimmers.
EM/EO propagation is extremely sensitive to environmental variability and the
most critical to weapons systems deployment. Accurate assessment of the environments
effect on weapon system performance is dependant upon both, the ability of propagation
models to describe radio paths and interference patterns, and of production of four-
dimensional representations at high resolutions of the atmosphere. Recent research and
initiatives into the relative importance of various atmospheric parameters include:
The SMOOS (R) continuous shipboard measuring system;
The Aegis Class specific Shipboard Weapons System Performance System
The Tactical Dropsonde (T-Drop).
Each of the above suffers limitations to their operational use: the SMOOS(R)
shipboard measuring system requires a bulk parameterization, which may be unreliable
under stable atmospheric conditions; standard RAWINDSONDES provide accurate in-
situ soundings, but lack resolution near surface, are relatively expensive, require stores of
ancillary equipment such as helium and trained METOC personnel to operate the system;
rocketsondes and T-drops are also relatively expensive, but tactically more flexible and
require less ancillary equipment and manpower.
Many of the currently operating systems were developed independently of each
other and consequently suffer problems in the sphere of inter-operability. Thus the
systems are rarely tested against each other or evaluated as a complete product. This lack
of quantification leads to vital information often being discarded, by both operators and
the Command, in favour of using the same result that worked the last time around.
The thesis has been formatted to give detailed background radar and
meteorological/tactical effects information from Chapters III until VI, model descriptions
and experimental set-up can be found in Chapters VII and VIII, synoptic descriptions in
Chapter IX, analysis of results in Chapters X and XI and summary/conclusions in
Chapter XII.
A purpose of this thesis is to examine the meteorological influences that produce
variations in propagation, in particular evaporative, surface based and low-level elevated
ducts. The effects of the features will be examined principally by using a propagation
tactical decision aid (TDA) from the United Kingdom, called the Electromagnetic Effects
Modelling System (EEMS), and the results compared to measured propagation taken at
WALLOPS 2000. The standard US TDA Atmospheric Refractive Effects Prediction
System (AREPS) will also be used for comparison purposes. The AREPS TDA is used
by the Royal Navy (RN) and United States Navy (USN) as well as by other NATO
Any attempt to measure, and indeed, model the atmosphere and its effects will be
limited by errors in data collection and subsequent analysis. One of the main features of
any such exercise is to limit and minimize the errors to a satisfactory level. Broadly
speaking, the total error associated with the process of predicting EM propagation for
ship-borne sensors is the sum of:
Instrument and measurement error;
Errors associated with applying relatively coarse operational data to existing
theory of the MABL;
Temporal and spatial environmental variation;
Propagation model errors and initialization problems (target, transmitter and
receiver characteristics).
The thesis will examine the role of these errors and make conclusions regarding
their impact on operations and tactics.
During April and May of 2000, a number of radio frequency (RF) field tests were
conducted by the US Navys Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWC-DD),
Dahlgren, VA, at the US Navys Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC), Wallops
Island, Virginia. The tests supported the Office of Naval Research (ONR 351) funded
Interactive Adaptation of Fire Control Sensors to the Environment task by collecting
pertinent propagation and METOC data in environments designed to simulate those
encountered by a warship. In fact the experiments are all conducted within the littoral
environment and were subject to both synoptic and meso-scale meteorological influences.
Such an environment is typical of those in which littoral combat might take place, and
thus some significant tactical advice can be gleaned from the results. Experiment
objectives and designs are detailed in the Site Test Plan and Procedures for the
Microwave Propagation Measurement Experiment at the SCSC Wallops Island Test
Facility (NSWC 2000).
The principal objective of the experiments was to develop methods by which
ships could remotely sense low altitude propagation and clutter using ship-borne fire
control sensors and locally derived meteorological observations. This operationally
obtained data would be used to improve sensor and combat system performance through
a semi-automatic adaptation to existing conditions.
Two main elements of this objective, which apply to this thesis, were to:
Evaluate the degree to which meteorological data and meso-scale model data
can be used to accurately predict the true propagation conditions;
Validate various propagation models and meteorological data collection
A number of groups were involved in both the planning and execution of the
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, VA (NSWC-
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD
Naval Postgraduate School, Department of Meteorology, Monterey, CA
Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR) Systems Center, San Diego,
1. Basic Test Scenario
The basic field-test scenario consisted of a transmitter on the project vessel, R/V
Sealion, and receivers located ashore. The shore-based receivers were used to directly
collect propagation data over the sea as the vessel moved along a pre-determined path.
Meteorological data were collected from a number of platforms at various positions along
the path as below:
Onboard the R/V Sealion (operated by NSCWC-DD) as it traversed the pre-
determined propagation path.
Onboard a leased a helicopter (instrumented by JHU/APL) along the same
path as the R/V Sealion using a vertical saw-tooth pattern flight profile.
Onboard the R/V Chessie (operated by JHU/APL), which employed both
SEAWASP instrumentation and a towed instrumented catamaran.
From shore based tower, using NASA equipment.
From several buoys, including the Naval Postgraduate School Flux Buoy (this
is the main source of meteorological data used by the author due to its high
quality, consistency and continuity of data).
The collection of radar and meteorological data commenced on 03 April 2000 and
ceased on 12 May 2000. On the days when radar data was collected, there were generally
several collection periods or runs. At the beginning of a run, the R/V Sealion commenced
data collection immediately offshore near the receiver station. The vessel then followed a
predetermined path for each collection run, along one of three radials, 135 degrees, 150
degrees and 165 degrees (all radials are measured from true north). The radials were
selected daily to minimize wave impact on the collection vessel and its crew. Typical
collection runs extended approximately 20nm down-path, although in some cases this
was extended to 35nm. This thesis uses data collected from runs, undertaken on four
separate days.
1. Electromagnetic Waves
Radio waves are waves of electromagnetic energy. An electromagnetic (EM)
wave consists of an electric and magnetic field, which are mutually perpendicular to each
other (Figure 1.). The fields oscillate sinusoidally, and are in phase with each other i.e.
the maximum value of the sinusoids on the electric and magnetic components occurs at
the same time. The direction of propagation of the wave is perpendicular (transverse) to
the directions of oscillation of the electric and magnetic fields, and EM waves are
therefore known as transverse.
Figure 1. An electromagnetic wave horizontal polarisation.
When the planes containing the electric and magnetic fields are fixed in space, the
wave is said to be plane polarised. With radio waves, the plane containing the electric
field is conventionally referred to as the plane of polarisation. An aerial with horizontal
dipole elements will produce an electric field in the horizontal (as in the case of Figure
1.) and the radiated wave is said to have horizontal polarisation. Almost all radar systems
are horizontally polarised. Some communications systems employ vertical polarisation.
Circular (or more generally, elliptical) polarisation occurs when the plane of polarisation
rotates in space about the axis of propagation at the frequency of the EM wave. Circular
polarisation of the signal is sometimes used by radar systems to reduce the level of clutter
produced by precipitation.
Magnetic Field
Direction of
2. Types of Transmission
Radar systems employ two types of energy transmission: Pulse and Continuous
wave (CW). Pulsed radar transmits radio frequency energy in a series of pulses, separated
by non-transmission intervals, also known as rest time. Target echoes are processed
during these rest times. CW radar sends out a continuous signal with a separate receiver
capturing the returns. CW radar processes moving target information by analyzing the
Doppler shift of the return echoes. Pulse radar is used primarily for detection and track,
whereas CW radars are typically used for fire-control purposes. In the Wallops Island
experimental procedure, CW provided the best means to map the propagation path. Since
ducting conditions are wavelength (frequency) dependant, not pulse or shape-dependant,
the CW results can be extrapolated to pulse systems.
3. Frequency and Wavelength
Radio waves occupy the lower part of the electromagnetic spectrum, extending
from 300 GHz to below 3kHz, corresponding to wavelengths from 0.1cm to 100km
respectively. In view of this wide range of frequencies (8 decades), it is not surprising
that radio waves exhibit different properties in the way they propagate in, and interact
with, the atmosphere and Earths surface. Different technologies are also required for
their generation and detection. It is convenient to subdivide the radio spectrum into
frequency bands, each covering a decade in frequency; within each band, the radio waves
exhibit broadly similar characteristics. Figure 2 illustrates the standard radio wave band
nomenclature. In most instances it is most common to reference radio waves in terms of
An alternative, finer subdivision of the electromagnetic spectrum is commonly
used for radar systems. Each band has a single, NATO agreed, letter designator, as give
in Table 1.
Commercial radar and communications systems generally use different waveband
designators (Table 2). These designators were at one time also used within the RN.
This study concentrates of two frequencies, 3.7 GHz, and 9.1 GHz, which equate
to F and I band in the NATO nomenclature or S and X in the civilian. S (E/F) band radar
is predominately used for air search, whereas X (I/J) band is used for surface search, fire
control and navigation/air traffic control purposes. I band radar is also used by the RN in
their Airborne Early Warning (AEW) Sea King AEW 7 aircraft.
Waveband Frequency Range
A 0 250 MHz
B 250-500
C 500-1000
D 1-2 GHz
E 2-3
F 3-4
G 4-6
H 6-8
I 8-10
J 10-20
K 20-40
L 40-60
M 60-100
Table 1 Military radar frequency band designators
Figure 2. Radio wave band nomenclature.
Waveband Frequency Range
L 1-2 GHz
S 2-4
C 4-8
X 8-12
Ku 12-18
K 18-27
Ka 27-40
Table 2 Civil radar and communications frequency band designators
30 KHz
300 KHz
3 MHz
30 MHz
300 MHz
3 GHz
300 GHz
Extremely Low Frequency
Very Low Frequency (VLF)
Low Frequency (LF)
Medium Frequency (MF)
High Frequency (HF)
Very High Frequency "(VHF)
Ultra High Frequency (UHF)
Super High Frequency (SHF)
Extremely High Frequency (EHF)
1 Km
1 00 m
1 0 m
1 0cm
1 cm
1 mm
Long waves
Medium waves
Short waves
A number of different factors may affect the performance of a radar system. The
main ones are carrier frequency (f), pulse shape, pulse width and pulse repetition
frequency, the power relation (peak to average power), beamwidth, and scan rate. The
values of each of these for any given system will depend upon the use, accuracy, range,
practical size limitations and generation of and receipt of the signal.
1. Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Radar antennae transmit powerful pulses of EM energy, but only a small fraction
of this will be incident on a distant target. The return energy from this target will then be
reflected over a wide angle and thus, only a very small percentage of the transmitted
energy will return to the radar antennae.
The absolute lower limit of the sensitivity of a radar receiver is determined by a
phenomenon called noise. Noise consists of any unwanted voltage inputs to the receiver
that may ultimately obscure a weak return signal. Noise may be generated by a number of
sources, ranging from atmospheric disturbances to deliberate attempts made by and
opposing force to saturate or jam the return echo. These effects are generally transitory in
nature, and system performance is actually determined by the self-noise generated within
the radar circuitry itself.
The threshold level of a system, the level, which must be exceeded for a signal to
be registered, can be manually or automatically set within the radar. Noise signals vary
markedly in practice and a typical pattern is shown in Fig. 3. If a threshold level is set too
high to allow noise signals to register, the sensitivity of the radar will be considerably
reduced. If the threshold is set too low, then many false indications will register, and in
this case the noise signals will complicate the picture to the detriment of detecting the
actual target of interest. In this case, late or missed detections are likely as both operator
and processor will be overwhelmed with many false targets, and the elimination of these.
This effect, or property, of the radar will be very difficult to determine when propagation
becomes enhanced. In such a case, a compromise has to be made by adjusting the radar
system, either manually or automatically, according to the specific conditions
encountered. The threshold level can then set the false-alarm rate of the radar.
2. Receiver Sensitivity
The sensitivity of a radar system is a dominant term of the radar range equation.
Equation 1 describes the relationship between the receiver sensitivity and the smallest
discernable signal (S
dbm y sensitivit
log 10 ) (
Eqn. III-1
3. Pulse Width
The width of the pulse will determine the range resolution of the radar, the
maximum and minimum detection ranges. Pulse width will determine the length of the
propagating pulse within the medium. The range resolution is found using the radar range
= range Eqn III-2
In this equation (c) is the speed of light, and (t) is the pulse width. In Fig 4, two
targets are less than the range resolution apart. The leading edge of the pulse will be
striking the farthest target, whilst the trailing edge of the pulse is approaching the closest
target. As the two pulses return to the radar, the leading edge of pulse B is hidden in
pulse A and thus only one target would be detected.
The foregoing discussion suggests that narrow pulse is desirable, but is not always
the case. For detection to occur, a target must return an echo that is strong enough to be
indicated on the scope or plan position indicator (PPI). The energy in the returned echo
may be increased by increasing the peak-transmitted power or by increasing the pulse
width. Increasing the pulse width is the more practical of the two options, as increasing
peak power will increase the weight, cost and energy requirements of the radar.
Figure 3. Schematic representation of received radar signals with noise
(from Frieden, 1985).
Figure 4. Effects of pulse width on target resolution (from Frieden, 1985).
T r a n s m i t t e d p u l s e F H ' e d
Echo from A - -J L
(^" MniTH -*-
Echo from 6 -
returning echo Pulses overlap
s t a n c e b e t w e e n l e a d i n g e d g e s r e m a i n s
t h e s a m e
4. Carrier Frequency
The selection of an appropriate carrier frequency is dependant upon several
factors, including the directivity and resolution desired, and the existing design
limitations on electronic equipment.
For quasi-optical antenna systems, the higher the frequency, the shorter the
wavelength and therefore the smaller the antenna required. Conversely, for an antenna of
fixed dimensions, using higher frequencies will increase the directivity. Higher
frequencies will also provide increased target resolution and enable the detection of
smaller sized targets because of the shorter wavelength.
The disadvantages of high frequencies include greater propagation loss and
inherent difficulties of generating and amplifying the RF energy. The greater resolution
provided by the higher frequency also creates greater sea-clutter and backscatter. The
operator is then presented with a major difficulty since the higher frequency radar will
better couple with lower duct heights, whilst simultaneously aggravating the clutter and
false alarm problem.
5. Antenna Gain
The gain of a radar system is a very important property. It is a measure of the
ability of an antenna to concentrate energy in a particular direction. Two different but
related definitions of antenna gain are the directive gain, (or directivity), and the power
gain (simply gain).
a. Directive Gain
The directive gain of a transmitting antenna (G
) is the ratio of the
maximum radiation intensity versus average radiation intensity, where the radiation
intensity is the power unit solid angle radiated in the direction (,) and is denoted
The directive gain and the beam-width are closely related. If
the azimuth and elevation angle half-power beam-widths, then Eqn III-3 gives the
Eqn. III-3
b. Power Gain
The definition of directive gain is based primarily on the shape of the
pattern of radiative transmission. The power gain (G) includes the effects of antenna
losses and any other loss that lowers the antenna efficiency. The power gain is defined
by the ratio of the maximum radiation intensity from an antenna of interest versus the
radiation intensity from an omni-directional source with same power input.
6. Antenna Aperture
A secondary effect of antenna design is its effectiveness as a collector of energy.
The amount of power available to the receiver is a function of the energy density of the
returning echo and the effective area of the antenna. The antenna effective area or
aperture (A
) is related to the carrier frequency of the radar, the construction of the
antenna, and the antenna physical size. The difference between the physical area of the
antenna and A
is a measure of its efficiency as given in Eqn III-4:
a e
= Eqn. III-4
The power gain and antenna aperture are related by Eqn III-5:
G = Eqn III-5
Several of the aforementioned factors affecting radar performance are combined
to develop the basic radar range equation.
If the peak power output of a radar transmitter (P
) radiates uniformly in all
directions, the power density (power per unit area) at any distance (R) from the radar can
be determined by dividing the transmitted power by the surface area of an imaginary
sphere of radius R as shown in Eqn III-6.
4 R
= Eqn III-6
Similarly, the power density of a directional antenna is related to P
by the power
gain as shown in Eqn III-7.
4 R
l directiona
= Eqn III-7
The above relationship defines the power that reaches a target at distance R from
the radar. The power reflected by the target is a function of the radar cross section of the
target () as shown by Eqn III-8.
4 R
et t
= Eqn III-8
The power returning to the radar is again a function of the surface area of a sphere
of radius R shown in Eqn III-9.
( )
4 R
= Eqn III-9
Finally, only the antenna captures only a portion of the returned echo power.
Given the effective area of the antenna (A
), then the echo power, (P
received at the
radar is given by Eqn. (III-10):
( )
4 R
e t
= Eqn III-10
If the smallest magnitude of echo power that the receiver resolves from the input
noise (S
) is equated to P
, then the maximum range of the RADAR is found by solving
Eqn III-11 and Eqn III-12.
( )
4 R
e t
= Eqn III-11
( ) (
4 S R
t e
Eqn III-12
In this chapter the meteorological and ocean surface factors that are known to
affect radio wave propagation will be considered. Conditions that lead to a phenomenon
referred to as ducting are of primary interest, as these have the greatest effect on the
coverage of radar and communications systems. The initial discussion will be based on
the meteorological mechanisms that lead to ducting (and super-refraction), rather than on
the type of duct formed (surface duct, elevated, or elevated layer surface duct). It is
important to note, however, that is the duct type (classified on the basis of refractive
index profile), rather than the originating meteorological mechanism that is important in
terms of operational effects (these effects will be dealt with in Chapter V).
1. Refractivity
Refraction modifies the direction of propagation of a wave-front. A ray describes
the wave-front propagation direction and is normal to the wave-front. Refraction is
described by the index of refraction, (n), and defined by the ratio of wave speed in free
space (c) to wave speed in the medium (v), Eqn. (IV-1). EM rays bend toward regions of
slower wave propagation speeds or higher n. Gradients in the index of refraction across
the propagation path cause refraction, or ray curvature, effects. For most conditions, the
responsible gradient of the index of refraction affecting operations is that occurring in the
vertical (dn/dz), where z is height.
Since the normal value of n for the atmosphere is close to unity, a more
convenient and useful index-of-refraction is used, refractivity N. Eqn. (IV-2) is the
relationship between the index-of-refraction (n) and the refractivity (N). For microwave
frequencies and below, Eqn. (IV-3) (Bean and Dutton, 1968) relates N to the routinely
measured atmospheric variables of absolute temperature (T), partial pressure of water
vapor (e) and total atmospheric pressure (P) where T is in degrees Kelvin, and P and e are
in millibars (mb).
n = Eqn IV-1
( )
10 1 = n N Eqn IV-2
10 73 . 3 6 . 5 6 . 77
N + = Eqn IV-3
Most applications of EM refractivity consider propagation between two points on
earth where the earths curvature is important. A useful parameter is modified
refractivity (M) which is the refractivity corrected for the gradient that would cause the
ray to propagate parallel to the earths surface. This refractivity gradient is
approximately 0.1568m
. Eqn. IV-4 is the expression for M where (r
) is the earths
radius (6.37810
m) and (z) is the height above the surface in meters.
z N
1568 . 0
+ =
+ =
Eqn IV-4
In a standard atmosphere (Bean and Dutton, 1968), the refractivity decreases with
height. In most situations, the behavior of the M profile is more complicated. The
vertical gradients of N or M (dN/dz or dM/dz) define the four general refractive categories
shown in Fig 3. Radar propagation is determined by the vertical gradient of M (dM/dz)
rather than by its absolute value. When dM/dz=0, the EM ray curvature is equal to the
earths surface; when dM/dz>0, EM rays curve away from the earths surface; when
dM/dz<0, EM rays curve downward toward the earths surface. If a negative dM/dz layer
extends to the surface, then EM rays are trapped between the surface and the top of the
layer, a phenomenon known as a surface duct, which significantly affects surface-based
transmitters. The propagation conditions illustrated in Figure 5, describe the general
effect of dM/dz.
= dn/dz
= dn/dz
and Refraction Categories
and Refraction Categories
Super-Refraction Super-Refraction
Figure 5. Refraction Categories
Standard refraction is related to a well-mixed atmosphere in which the pressure,
temperature and water vapour content of the air decrease steadily with height. The rate of
decrease of pressure with height varies little with height, so that variations in the
refractive index profile, compared with that under standard refraction, must result from a
temperature and/or a humidity structure that differs from that in a simple well-mixed
atmosphere. In general it can be stated that:
On any particular occasion both the temperature lapse and the hydrolapse (a
rapid change in moisture content with height) must be taken into account;
The hydrolapse generally plays a more important role than the temperature
2. Ducting and Super-Refraction
Ducting and super-refraction require a decrease in refractivity with height at a rate
greater than in the standard atmosphere, from Eqn IV-4, this will be satisfied by either (or
A lapse rate of temperature less than standard, or an increase in temperature
with height.
A hydrolapse greater than standard.
In practical terms:
A steep hydrolapse (i.e. a sharp drying out with height) favours super-
refraction or a duct: a weak hydrolapse normally leads to standard refraction
at best.
A temperature inversion (i.e. an increase of temperature with height) favours
super-refraction or a duct; a temperature inversion without a strong hydrolapse
seldom results in duct, except at low temperatures.
A combination of both a steep hydrolapse and a temperature inversion
provides the ideal conditions for duct formation.
A strong lapse rate of temperature (such as occurs adjacent to the surface
under convective conditions) opposes super-refraction or duct formation, but
if the hydrolapse is intense, the effect of the hydrolapse can override the
temperature lapse and a duct can form.
3. Sub-Refraction
Sub-refraction requires an increase in refractivity with height (or at least a
decrease at a rate less than in the standard atmosphere). This is satisfied by, either (or
A lapse rate of temperature greater than standard.
A hydrolapse less than standard, or an increase in moisture content with
In practical terms:
An inversion of hydrolapse (i.e. an increase of moisture content with height),
even if accompanied by a temperature inversion, will invariably lead to sub-
4. Formation of Ducting Conditions
As described in the previous section, IV A 2, ducting is associated with dry air
overlying relatively moist air and is enhanced by the overlying air being warmer. The
evaporation duct is the most widespread and persistent form of duct that is encountered in
the maritime environment. It is caused by the extremely large hydrolapse that normally
exists in the first few metres above the sea surface. This influence by water vapour
gradients is generally strong enough to form a duct almost irrespective of the temperature
lapse rate.
Differential advection and subsidence are two meteorological mechanisms that
can lead to super-refraction and the formation of ducts. Both lead to a large hydrolapse
and a temperature inversion that are normally required for a duct to exist. In coastal
regions, the relative role of these two factors will play an important role in the type of
duct formed, if any.
Although humidity decreases over a wet surface, advection and subsidence are the
main features and mechanisms leading to ducting in the open-ocean, there are other
causes of ducting that may be encountered. These tend to be more localized or of more
limited duration. Nonetheless these factors can be important in certain instances,
especially in the littoral zone. They are the sea breeze (a special case of advection),
frontal and land effects.
Apart from refraction there are other influences on radio wave propagation of
which are important to be aware of but will not be addressed in field test results in this
thesis. In particular, the effects of rain and atmospheric gases become important at the
higher microwave and millimetre wave frequencies, and can result in a reduction of
communication or detection range. Radar backscatter from rain also gives rise to clutter.
During the Wallops Island 2000 precipitation effects can be largely discounted as
can the effects of absorption by atmospheric gases, all the other mechanisms described,
however, play a measurable and major role in the refractivity at one time or another
during the field test. Each of these features and/or mechanisms will be addressed
separately in the following sections.
Modified Refractivity
Evaporation Duct Height
Figure 6. Schematic plot of a typical vertical modified refractivity profile with
corresponding evaporation duct height and trapping layer
(from Frederickson et al 2000b)
A trapping layer requires the air temperature to increase with height and/or
humidity to decrease with height. Above the ocean, these conditions exist almost
permanently producing the evaporation duct.
An M profile leading to a typical evaporation duct situation is illustrated in Figure
6. The top of the trapping layer, where dM/dz=0, is referred to as the evaporation duct
height. Since dM/dz<0 below this level, it is the 1
level level of the minimum value of
M above the surface. Further, it is not a distinct level since dM/dz ~ 0. The evaporation
duct approximates a wave-guide refracting (upper) and reflecting (lower) boundaries.
Such a wave-guide will cause EM waves to propagate over the ocean surface for
much greater distances than expected, over the geographic horizon. For this reason it is
obvious that information on the presence and properties of the evaporation duct is critical
to properly assess EM propagation conditions near the ocean surface.
The evaporation duct is the most common cause of anomalous propagation on
ship-based radar and communication systems in the open ocean situation away from the
influence of the coast. Even in coastal situations it is often the dominant mechanism,
except when localized coastal advection, or sea-breeze effects, become important.
Because of this, much effort has gone into understanding the evaporation duct. There are
well established boundary layer models based on the similarity theory of turbulence:
these enable the evaporation duct height to be estimated from a bulk measurement of sea
temperature, and the dry and wet bulb air temperatures and wind velocity measured
several feet above the surface. A detailed analysis of these models is undertaken in
Chapter VI, but the basic premise is that the level of turbulence is principally a function
of two parameters:
The wind speed.
The temperature difference between the sea and the overlying air.
The most common situation is an unstable boundary layer. In broad terms, this
occurs when the temperature of the sea is higher than that of the air. The temperature
lapse is usually much in excess of that in a standard atmosphere, which on its own would
produce sub-refraction, but the effect is outweighed by the strong hydrolapse. When the
air temperature is higher than that of the sea, the boundary layer is stable, and this can
give rise to large duct widths (30m or more).
Whereas the evaporative duct is formed by the strong, negative humidity gradient
immediately above the ocean surface, the surface-based duct tends to be the result of
synoptic weather conditions favorable for the creation of larger than normal gradients
some distance above the surface, i.e. elevated trapping layer. The feature associated with
the surface based duct is referred to as the temperature inversion. The direct causes of
duct or temperature inversion formation or temperature inversion, strong temperature and
humidity gradients, are the result of: a) subsidence or differential advection and b)
boundary-layer mixing. Figure 7, illustrates profiles of M versus height, for evaporation,
surface based and elevated ducts.
1. Marine Layer Temperature Inversions
A marine layer capped by an inversion is a common feature of the atmospheric
marine boundary layer. The increase in the temperature with height due to subsidence
aloft with mixing immediately above the surface can be large enough that the temperature
actually increases with height, creating an inversion. Temperature decreases from 0.6
to near 1
C per 100 meters with in the standard atmosphere (with no inversion). The
inversion region is hydrostatically stable because of the temperature increase so mixing
or overturning of the air column does not occur. Because of the subsidence of dry air
above and well-mixed marine (moist) layer below, the temperature inversion coincides
with a region of rapid decrease in humidity. Therefore, inversion formation over the sea
is conductive to duct formation because of its associated positive temperature gradient
and large negative humidity gradient.
2. Subsidence or Differential Advection
Downward vertical motion, called subsidence, acts to produce the positive
temperature gradients and more negative humidity gradients and thus promotes duct
formation (see Figure 8). Downward moving air, as often found in and near surface high-
pressure regions and immediately behind cold fronts, conserves its moisture content
during descent, but warms due to adiabatic (compression) heating. The resulting air has a
higher temperature, and thus by definition, lower relative humidity following descent.
This downward vertical velocity achieves its maximum at some distance above the
surface, since the vertical velocity of the air parcel must be zero at the surface. (The
parcel cannot penetrate the ground.). Both the increase in temperature and decrease in
relative humidity enhance duct formation by decreasing dM/dz. The same end result of
dry warm air over relatively cool moist air can be achieved with upper level horizontal
advection as would occur in synoptic scale circulations or in local land-sea circulations
where the flow aloft is from land to sea. This is referred as differential advection.
3. Boundary-Layer Mixing
Turbulence generated at the earths surface creates a boundary-layer capped by
a region of enhanced temperature and humidity gradients at its top (see Figure 7). The
region of strong gradients separates the underlying well-mixed layer from the overlying
non-turbulent regions. This often creates the strong gradients associated with a trapping
layer near the top of the boundary layer. The top of the trapping layer is also the top of a
duct or wave-guide. The responsible turbulence is created by the surface in two ways:
(1) Thermally generated turbulence: Heating of the earths surface heats
the air immediately at in contact with the surface. This creates hot
buoyant parcels of air that rise and mix the air above, thereby creating
(2) Wind generated (or mechanical) turbulence: The requirement that the
wind velocity must be zero at the surface creates a gradient in wind
speed close to the surface, thereby creating turbulence.
Figure 7. Graph of M versus height, demonstrating example profiles for evaporation,
surface based and elevated ducts.
Result of Sinking
Result of Mixing
Result of Sinking
Result of Mixing
Mixing Mixing
Figure 8. Types of inversions: (a) subsidence reaching the surface,
(b) subsidence above a mixed layer.
1 00
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The operational (tactical) effects of non-standard propagation depend upon
several factors. The presence of ducting or other refractive conditions is clearly of
primary importance. However, operational assessment must also take into account the
capabilities of the radar, communications, or electromagnetic spectrum surveillance
system. Because operational application is an objective of this thesis, this chapter
describes in general terms the operational effects of each type of duct.
An accurate tactical assessment ideally requires the use of a propagation
assessment tool (such as EEMS or AREPS), particularly if the meteorological
environment is complex.
For simplicity, the discussion will highlight the important features of individual
ducts. It is important to bear in mind that multiple ducts will often occur simultaneously:
In stable conditions, or near the coast, a surface based duct due to subsidence
or advection is likely to occur in conjunction with the evaporation duct. Since
this is likely to be stronger, and will certainly be deeper, than the evaporation
duct it will dominate, and thus tactical advice must be based on the surface
duct conditions.
Surface and elevated ducts may occur simultaneously. In this case the tactical
advice will depend on whether a surface or airborne platform is under
The occurrence of significant multiple ducts, makes the use of an accurate
propagation assessment tool vital for tactically significant forecasts.
The tactical importance of ducting cannot be assessed without considering the
configuration and capabilities of the system under evaluation.
1. Transmitter/Target Height
The most obvious factor is the height of the transmitter relative to the duct. To
obtain full reception/detection capability of a duct, the transmitter and receiver/target
should be situated within the duct. Thus the evaporation duct has most influence on
surface-to-surface paths whilst an airborne (AEW) system will obtain greatest detection
ranges in an elevated duct; however, surface ducts can adversely affect AEW systems due
to the occurrence of radar holes.
2. Frequency
The depth of a duct, (i.e. evaporative or surface-based duct), determines the range
of frequencies that are trapped by the duct. This frequency dependence is a critical factor
in evaluating the ducting condition. Eqn (V-1) is an approximation for the minimum
trapped frequency (f
) by a duct of depth (d):
2 / 3
2 / 3
10 6 . 3
= d
f Eqn V-1
Waveband Frequency Wavelength Minimum Duct Width (m)
VHF 200 MHz 1.5m 140
300 MHz 1m 110
UHF 400 MHz 70cm 85
1.5 GHz 20cm 37
3 GHz 10cm 23
SHF 4 GHz 7cm 18
10 GHz 3cm 10
Table 3 Guideline minimum surface duct width for trapping.
Duct versus trapped frequency relationships, shown in Table 3, indicate that the
typical evaporative duct of 10-20m depth will not appreciably affect the 2-4Ghz (E/F
band) search frequencies used by most three dimensional air-search radars. Long- range
two-dimensional radars that operate at frequencies below 1Ghz (C band) will not
experience ducting effects until the duct depth exceeds 40 meters. Only the highest
frequency radars (I/J band), which are associated with surface-search, fire-control radars
and missile-seeker illumination, truly benefit from the typical 10-15m evaporative ducts
found in most coastal and open ocean regions.
Note also:
That the trapping efficiency of a duct of a given width increases as the
strength of the duct increase i.e. with increasing M-deficit in the ducting layer.
That the corollary to stronger trapping within a stronger duct is that there will
be a reduction in the amount of energy that is propagated outside it. When
pronounced, this can lead to a radio or radar hole immediately above the duct.
3. Reciprocity Failure
Although the principle of reciprocity always holds (i.e. the path loss between
points A and B is the same as that between points B and A), system considerations may
result in an apparent failure of reciprocity in the presence of ducting. Consider a case of
an AEW helicopter using a narrow beamwidth radar against a surface vessel. If the
surface vessel is using an electronic support measures (ESM) receiver with a relatively
wide beam width aerial, the detection probabilities of the helicopter and the ship could be
affected very differently by the presence of ducting (a narrower beam will couple more
energy into the duct than the wider beam). Thus, it is not safe to assume that because an
adversary can detect your ship, then your systems will be able to detect him, even if this
is the case under standard atmospheric conditions.
The average evaporation duct is so shallow as to lie well below the level at which
most communication and radar aerials are situated in ships. Nevertheless, coupling of
energy into the duct does take place. The effect on system performance depends on
frequency, but with EM systems operating above 3 GHz (wavelength less than 10cm),
surface detection ranges and detection ranges versus very low flying aircraft and missiles
can be increased significantly beyond that under standard refraction.
For a given height of evaporation duct, range enhancement will not only depend
on the height of the aerial with respect to the duct, but will also increase with increasing
frequency of the transmission, and for a given frequency it will increase with increasing
thickness of the duct. At the same time, the distance at which transmissions can be
intercepted will generally be increased.
Transmissions, within the UHF wave-band frequency, are rarely affected by the
nature of the evaporation duct. However, if the duct is well developed some extension in
surface coverage is possible, but only with transmissions greater than 1 GHz .
Navigational radar is not particularly sensitive to the evaporation duct because of
the relatively low powers and fairly high system detection thresholds involved.
For a submarine at periscope depth, the aerials will normally be located within the
evaporation duct. This will increase the effectiveness of the duct in extending the
horizontal coverage of centimetric transmissions. Except in fog or drizzle (normally
indicative of sub-refraction) or in heavy precipitation (resulting in pronounced signal
attenuation), submarine surface search ranges will therefore be greatly increased
compared with those resulting from simple radio sight considerations, and depending
upon the height of the evaporation duct, complete trapping could occur. Although this
would suggest increased ESM intercept range against the submarine, it need not be
necessarily so. If the top of the duct is below the height of the ESM receiver, the signal
received could be extremely weak; if the transmission is confined to a single sweep, it
might even be missed. This is an example of reciprocity failure whereby a submarine
may be able to detect a surface vessel while an ESM receiver on board the vessel may me
unable to detect the submarines emissions.
Because trapping of energy in a duct is strongest for a transmitter in the duct, a
surface duct is of greatest significance for surface-based systems. The main effect for
surface-to-surface paths is range enhancement, which can be very significant. Surface-to-
air paths will suffer from radar holes. The effect on airborne systems will depend on the
heights of the transmitter and target relative to the duct.
Surface ducts have broadly similar propagation characteristics whether they are
caused by surface-based layers (advection, including sea breeze fronts), or by elevated
layers (subsidence inversions). The principle differences between surface ducts caused by
surface layers and by elevated layers are:
For an elevated layer to produce a surface duct, it must be much stronger than
is required of a surface advection layer (weaker elevated layers will give rise
to elevated ducts or super-refracting layers). Because the layer height (and
therefore the duct width) will generally be much larger than that of surface
layers, trapping of EM waves will be stronger. Indeed, elevated layer, surface
ducts will often trap all frequencies with which we are concerned,
Elevated layer, surface ducts will be accompanied by skip-distance effects.
For surface-to-surface transmissions this can lead to a blind zone between
the normal radio horizon and the range at which ducted signals return to the
surface. This blind zone does not occur for surface layer, surface ducts.
1. Surface-Based Systems
a. Range Enhancement
Surface ducts have the potential to produce greatly extended
communication and detection ranges when both transmitter and receiver/target are within
the duct. Even the shallower surface ducts are likely to extend to a height above most
ships aerials and will lead to complete trapping of all SHF (centrimetric) transmissions,
particularly at the higher frequencies. The enhancement will increase with increasing
frequency of transmission. Multiple-time-around radar echoes are likely if the duct
extends far enough.
Range enhancement for a surface-based radar will not necessarily increase
with increasing duct width:
Higher layers (particularly elevated layers) are generally weaker, giving rise
to weaker trapping.
Energy leaving a transmitter at a given elevation angle will arrive at a higher
layer with a greater angle of incidence (due to the Earths curvature), and is
therefore less likely to be trapped.
Both of these effects will reduce the amount of energy that can be
propagated forwards in the duct. Clearly, ranges achieved will be highly dependent on the
power of transmission.
In the case of advection and sea-breeze ducts:
Range enhancement will be most pronounced in directions parallel to the
The likelihood of diurnal variation in duct activity (maximum intensity during
the afternoon and evening) should be borne in mind.
In lower latitudes, with strong sea breeze effects, the resulting ducts may be
several hundred feet deep, resulting in complete trapping of surface based
SHF and UHF transmissions, possibly even affecting the VHF waveband.
ESM intercept ranges on surface-to-surface paths will be greatly extended,
as will the range at which electronic countermeasures (ECM) can be effective. Trapping
of UHF transmissions is possible, particularly on the higher part of the frequency range,
and for lower aerial heights.
c. UHF Communications
Effective UHF communications between a ship and another ship or low
flying aircraft is normally dictated by standard radio horizon considerations. In the
presence of strong ducts, UHF communications ranges can be greatly extended when
compared to normal conditions. This can allow a wider dispersal of a force or a helicopter
to maintain radio contact at extended ranges when flying at low levels. One disadvantage
of this effect is the increased level of interference.
d. EMCON Policy
The presence of a surface duct is a vital consideration in deciding emission
control (EMCON) policy. Although surface ranges would be greatly extended so would
intercept distance(s) by any adversary. The following should be noted:
Even low power sources such as flight deck communications have been
intercepted at quite extreme ranges under conditions of severe ducting.
In deciding whether to break or maintain radio silence, it should be
remembered that, in general, if a target can be detected, it will also probably
be capable of detecting own ship emissions. It may be, therefore, that a
passive policy is the one to be preferred.
If an active transmission policy is elected, then RADAR transmissions should
be confined to the lower frequency A and B band systems. These will be less
prone to trapping than the higher frequencies.
Much will depend on whether a significant surface duct is present.
Unfortunately positive identification of the deeper surface ducts and their dimensions,
requires refractivity data. If this necessitates launching a radiosonde, this will in itself
breaking radio silence.
e. RADAR Holes
Whenever range enhancement occurs in one direction, there must be an
associated reduction in range capability in another direction, since the total power
radiated by the radar or communication system is constant. In the case of a surface duct,
this often manifests itself as a radar or radio hole in the region above the duct. Normally
some energy will leak through the upper surface so that the region will not be completely
blind. However when the duct is strong, and the sea surface is relatively smooth,
leakage from the duct may be minimal and radio/radar coverage will be very weak. It can
be seen that the close an attacking aircraft flies to the top of the duct (but making sure not
to be in it), the closer it can approach a force or unit with a much reduced chance of radar
2. Airborne Systems
For AEW helicopters operating within the duct, detection ranges against surface
targets and airborne targets within the duct will be greatly extended, but at the expense of
targets above, where a reduction in detection ranges will occur.
For AEW helicopters operating above the duct, some extension in surface
detection capability is still possible due to coupling of energy into the duct, although it
will be, by no means as dramatic as that when operating in the duct. Range enhancement
under these conditions will depend upon aircraft altitude. The amount of energy trapped
will generally decrease with increasing altitude above the duct. This may mean that a
targets transmissions will not be interceptible by airborne ESM when operating at
altitudes above the duct. The roughness of the sea surface and its effect on the scattering
of EM energy can influence this situation.
A complicating factor that can arise with surface-to-surface transmissions within a
duct produced by an elevated layer is that the surface coverage is not always continuous.
Depending on the height of the layer, waves traversing the layer may not reach the
Earths surface within the maximum range of waves propagating directly along the
surface. This will lead to a blind zone between the direct and indirect waves. Blind zones
will not be apparent unless targets are known to be both within and beyond them at the
same time, with only the more distant targets being detected. Figure 9 shows the skip
distance effect.
By analogy with the corresponding ionospheric effect in the reception of medium
and short radio waves, the distance between the transmitter and the nearest point at which
an indirect wave reaches the surface may be described as the skip distance of the
transmission. As a rule of thumb, the skip distance will approximate to one fiftieth of the
height (in feet) in nautical miles (e.g. a 1500ft layer will give a skip distance of 30nm).
Figure 9. Skip distance effects.
Beyond the range at which the indirect wave first reaches the surface, enhanced
detection capability will occur, but it will not be uniform with range. If the strength of a
radar return falls below the system threshold for detection, further blind zones can occur.
This can happen with surface ducts caused by surface as well as elevated layers. A
predicted coverage feature is that the presence of an evaporation duct with the surface
based duct will remove the 1
skip zone.
A characteristic feature of signal strength measurements under ducting conditions
is that *while the signal maintains a high average level, it is often subject to frequent and
sometimes quite intense fading. A radar echo from a target at long distance might
therefore appear only intermittently. Fading results from:
Destructive interference between signals arriving at the detector via two or
more paths, known as multipath propagation.
Spatial irregularities and temporal variation in the height and intensity of the
ducting layer.
Multipath fading is caused by phase variations between the multiple paths that a
signal takes through the atmosphere between a transmitter and receiver during ducting
conditions. The interference between these signals results in fading of the combined
signal in an unpredictable fashion. One of the paths may involve a ground reflection in a
similar manner to the mechanism that gives rise to the interference lobes seen in a
coverage diagram. Phase variations in the atmosphere will cause the positions of the
lobes to vary and can give rise to fading. Severe multipath fading is common on overland
paths subject to ducting caused by nocturnal radiation inversions. The effect is
particularly strong during the formation and break-up of the ducting layers.
In the case of elevated layers, a particular fading mechanism is associated with the
temperature inversion which normally accompanies them: the inversion is a region of
sharp density changes and as such, over a given area or distance, will be prone to vertical
oscillations as a result of gravity waves. These waves can encompass a wide variety of
wavelengths and will be superimposed on the inversion layer, which in itself, may be
sloping. The effect of the wave motion is to compress and alternately stretch the depth of
the refractive layer so inducing variations in the refractive index gradient through the
layer. At any given point, therefore, the refractive layer will vary both in height and
strength with time. Gravity waves may be generated by vertical wind shear or by
turbulent processes from beneath. In this latter respect, it is likely that the wave motion
will be more marked over land and downwind from land-masses, than over the open
ocean. This last observation can have significant implications for the METOC
forecasting for the littoral environment.
The term sea clutter is used to describe the radar return received from the sea
surface. The strength of the return depends both on the roughness of the sea and the
overlying wave guide, Pappert, et al (1992). With wind speed less than 5kts, sea return is
minimal; it increases rapidly with wind speed between 5kts and 20kts and more slowly
thereafter. The clutter pattern is stronger and covers a larger area in an upwind direction
than either downwind or crosswind. The effects of sea clutter increase with increasing
frequency of the transmission because of both the scattering effects of the sea and the
wave-guide versus frequency trapped relationship.
Sea clutter adversely affects system performance: if the sea clutter return is
stronger than a target at the same range, then it will be difficult or impossible to detect the
target. Many radar systems employ a Moving Target Indicator (MTI) to enhance the
radars ability to detect a fast-moving target against a slower-moving clutter background.
MTI is normally sufficient to overcome the sea-clutter problem when no strong ducting is
present. However in the presence of a surface duct or of a strong evaporation duct, the sea
clutter return can be greatly enhanced and impair the ability of the MTI to be able detect
the moving target. In addition, enhanced propagation conditions can significantly extend
the ranges affected by sea clutter.
Evaporation and surface based ducts generally result in the continuous
enhancement of sea-clutter returns at all ranges. The strength of the sea return received
by a radar system will depend on the height of the duct. In general, for a given wind
speed, sea clutter becomes stronger and extends over greater distances as the height of the
duct increases.
In the case of elevated layer surface ducts, due to the skip effect, wave paths
traversing the elevated layer can lead to high sea returns being received from distances
significantly beyond the limit of the clutter accompanying the ground waves. There are
usually several discrete range interval of high sea clutter return because of the multi-hop
nature of the propagation in this type of duct. These discrete intervals are normally
independent of azimuth angle resulting in the appearance of a series of concentric arcs or
rings (referred to as sea clutter rings) appearing outside the more conventional continuous
pattern surrounding the radar when viewed on a PPI (plan position indicator) display. The
clutter rings can result in the masking of air target at particular ranges. Figures 10 and 11
demonstrate clutter from evaporation and surface-based ducting respectively.
Airborne radars above the duct will also experience enhanced and extended sea
clutter for a given wind speed under surface ducting conditions. In this case, clutter
appears beyond the central sea return, although clutter rings as such are not observed.
Their performance can be severely impaired, particularly for surface-search applications.
In coastal operations, land clutter may also be significantly enhanced and this can
cause target masking and general confusion to the radar operator.
age: March 11, 1998 Map # 031198-20 15:52:33.3
50 km
100 km
150 km
200 km
-100 0 100 200
Figure 10. Clutter from evaporation ducting.
age: April 02, 1998 Map # 040298-17 18:50:00.3
50 km
100 km
150 km
200 km
-100 0 100 200
Figure 11. Clutter from surface-based duct.
In principle, the propagation prediction for any EM wave problem is provided by
a solution of Maxwells equations. Such a predictive model will be deterministic in its
results (if the propagation medium is characterised exactly, the solution would also be an
exact description of the propagation conditions for the given path at the given time.
However, in practice it is much more complex than this scenario. Approximations and
simplifications are required and no practical solution of Maxwells equation (i.e. one that
is analytically solvable or is numerically tractable) will be applicable to all propagation
environments or problems. Different propagation environments and mechanisms will
require different approximations and assumptions, and this has led to the development of
various methodologies for solving EM wave problems. Several models and computer
programs/packages have evolved to deal with different application areas. Two such
packages are EEMS and AREPS, which are used to analyse the Wallops Island dataset.
Deterministic models are particularly relevant when a prediction/forecast of a
specific system is required at a specific location and time (e.g. determining the optimum
altitude for an airborne raid to fly, in order to evade detection by an enemy radar). It must
be emphasised, however, that the accuracy of a prediction its critically dependant on the
quality and quantity of real-time environmental data available. The lack of such high
quality data is often likely to be more of a constraint on the final prediction, than the
accuracy of the propagation model itself.
Because the propagation environment is never known exactly, a deterministic
approach to the problem, may, in fact, be undesirable. Predictions are sometimes
required, when no direct measurement of the environment is available. In such a case, a
prediction may still be possible, but will be now, be based on climatological data, or on a
measurement of a similar system within a similar environment. This empirical type of
model will be sufficient for some applications, and due to its reduced complexity, be able
to produce near-instantaneous predictions. Such models will be useful in long-term and
system planning or for simulation purposes, where an average value is more applicable.
Tactical decision aids (TDAs), such as previously introduced EEMS or AREPS,
require system information in addition to a propagation model and environmental data.
Performance criteria for radar, communications and navigational systems is required as
well as target, background and clutter characteristics will be necessary to estimate the
detection capabilities of the system. The human is also an integral part of many detection
systems, and as such, the performance of the operator should be taken into account and
Measurement and assimilating information about the propagation environment is
an integral part of any TDA. In some cases such data may be essentially static and
obtained once (e.g. terrain data). However, the propagation medium itself will generally
vary with time, and thus sensor must be deployed to obtain timely and representative
measurements of the medium.
Direct sensing is currently the most widely available source of data in the
troposphere, principally by means of radiosonde, rocketsondes or screen. Recent
developments in remote sensing, however, show promise in obtaining refractive index
information with greater spatial (horizontally) and temporal resolution than is possible by
conventional methods (the vertical resolution is still not currently sufficient for
operational purposes). Such remote sensors are less prone to detection than conventional
methods and are thus ultimately the way forward.
Real-time deterministic prediction (now-casting) and forecasting models require
regular updates of meteorological data (such a system is envisioned within the 4-D Cube
framework). Forecasting of system performance will rely on accurate forecasts of the
state of the propagation medium, and as such improvements will rely heavily on the
development of numerical weather prediction models.
A description of the measurement and collection of environmental data will be
conducted in Chapter VII and a review of atmospheric models made in Chapter XII.
Direct measurement of the evaporation duct would require multi-level fixed
sensors starting near the surface and extending to heights that cover the normal
evaporation ducts vertical extent. Such an approach is, of course, unpractical, except
under experimental conditions. The common evaporation duct height range is from 2 to
40 metres, above the highest level on most small combatants. Operational shipboard
airflow measurements are the mean bulk measurements (wind speed, temperature,
humidity and pressure) are taken onboard ships at some reference height (marine screen-
level). Surface temperature can be and normally are obtained manually by METOC
personnel or continuously by systems such as SMOOS(R)/SEAWASP, as used by the
Bulk models for the surface-layer are what allow the use of mean single-height
measurements in conjunction with value for the sea-surface temperature (SST) to
estimate the temperature and humidity surface-layer profiles that are needed to calculate
near-surface refractivity profiles. The refractivity profile is then interpreted for the
presence and height of evaporation ducts. Empirically formulated models that relate the
profiles to surface fluxes, so-called flux-profile models, are used to relate bulk
measurement at a single level in the atmosphere and the surface. Monin-Obukhov
Similarity (MOS) theory establishes the approach for the models. According to MOS
theory, conditions are assumed to be horizontally homogeneous and stationary. The
turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible heat and latent heat are assumed to be constant
with height in the surface layer. The surface layer is the lowest 10% of the turbulent
atmospheric boundary layer, and generally extends upward to a height of roughly 10 to
As it turns out, propagation models applied in this thesis have different bulk-
models imbedded in them. The EEMS TDA uses Battaglias (1985) model for near
neutral conditions.
In this model the duct height d (m) is given by:
d = 0.96(Ta Ts) 3.4(ea es) Eqn VI-1
where Ta (K) is the air temperature measured at 10m above mean sea level, Ts
(K) is the SST, ea (mb) the water vapour pressure at 10m and es (mb) the water vapour
pressure at sea level.
The AREPS TDA uses the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) adapted LOB (Liu
et al. 1979 and Fairall et al. 1996) bulk surface-layer scaling model (Frederickson et al.
2000a) within the MOS approach to determine the near-surface M profile and also the
Paulus-Jenske model. The NPS model is also similar to a version described by Babin et
al. (1997), which was formulated directly from the LOB. The NPS approach computes
the modified refractivity (M) profiles and determines the evaporative duct height directly
from this profile. Babin et al. (1997) used an iterative method to determine the
evaporation duct height. The profile approach has the advantage that the M profiles
themselves provide operational users with useful EM propagation information. The
method also avoids the possibility that the iteration for duct height will not converge.
The EEMS TDA was originally developed as a technical demonstrator for a
replacement for in-service radar propagation models such as IREPS (Integrated
Refractive Effects Prediction System. It aims to provide greater accuracy in radar
propagation modeling, combined with the improved execution times, which are required
for operational use and the inclusion of operational parameters, such as target speed and
radar antenna rotation rate. EEMS is able to compute and produce a number of different
tactical decision aids. These cover airborne and surface-based probability of detection
against a plethora of targets, both surface and above surface, ESM vulnerability,
calculation of radar coverage against a threat to another unit (referred to as High Value
Unit (HVU) protection mode. It contains interfaces to allow both Digital Terrain
Elevation Data (DTED) and also data files from the Meteorological Office Meso-scale
Model to be used as input and display accordingly.
EEMS Version 2 was developed for the Maritime Warfare Centre (MWC) under
demand order agreement MWC/97/03, sub-task 030. Production and development of the
EEMS TDA was sponsored and funded by CINCFLEET N3 Division (RN Headquarters -
The propagation model used within EEMS is TERPEM (TERrain Parabolic
Equation Model). TERPEM is a propagation modeling tool for assessing the effects of
atmospheric and terrain diffraction on radar and communications system in the frequency
range 30 MHz to 100 GHz. Good agreement has been achieved between the output of
TERPEM and that of AREPS (Thompson, 2002). The TERPEM code solves a parabolic
form of the wave equation, which according to Dockery and Goldhirsh (1995) is the
standard method for assessing the effects of meteorological environments on naval radar
applications. Essentially the model solves a parabolic approximation to the wave equation
through the use of split-step Fourier transforms. Although there are some useful
simplifications made in TERPEM in order to improve run time where conditions are
favourable (Levy, 1989, 1995; TERPEM user Guide, 1998), the basic approach within
the ducting region follows that of Dockery (1998). TERPEM also allows for a rough sea
by applying a correction factor derived from the model of Miller et al. (1984), with a
root-mean-square (RMS) wave-height taken from the saturation curve spectrum of
Phillips (1966).
This thesis uses output from the TERPEM model in three different formats:
One-way-loss coverage diagrams.
One-way-loss propagation factor diagrams, in which signal attenuation that
would have occurred within free space has been factored out.
One-way-loss curves at three different heights within the surface boundary
These output products will be compared with the direct propagation
measurements from the Wallops Island MPME experiment and also output from the
EEMS/TERPEM can be used in either a range-independent or range-dependant
mode (single vertical profile vs. multiple vertical profiles respectively). This thesis
mainly concentrates on the range-independent mode in order to examine the data in the
light of current operational practices and data availability. Some limited range-dependent
runs will be made for comparison purposes, however.
The second assessment tool used in this study was the Advanced Refractive
Effects Prediction System (AREPS) developed by the Atmospheric Propagation Branch
at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SSC), San Diego. AREPS computes
and displays a number of tactical decision aids. These are for airborne and surface based
radar probability of detection, electronic surveillance measure (ESM) vulnerability,
UHF/VHF communications, simultaneous radar detection and ESM vulnerability, range-
dependent ray-trace, and a surface search range table. All decision aids are displayed as a
function of height, range and bearing. Detection probability, ESM vulnerability,
communications and surface search range assessments are based on EM system
parameters stored in a user changeable database. Paths containing land features depend
on terrain either obtained from the National Imagery and Mapping Agencys (NIMA)
Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) or specified by the user.
Calculations performed in AREPS depend on atmospheric refractivity data
derived from observations provided by radiosondes or other sensors. AREPS version 3.2
uses the Advanced Propagation Model (APM), to calculate range-dependent EM system
propagation loss within a heterogeneous atmospheric medium over variable terrain,
where the radio-frequency index of refraction is allowed to vary both vertically and
horizontally while accounting for terrain effects along the path of propagation. The APM
model is a combination of Fourier spectral and geometric solutions to the EM
propagation equation for accuracy and speed in an operational environment.
The Microwave Propagation Measurement System II (MPMS II) comprised of
both transmitter and receiver subsystems. The transmitter subsystem was located aboard
the R/V Sealion. It consisted of three co-located continuous wave (CW) transmitters each
with its own vertically polarized log-periodic antenna mounted in the horizontal axis so
that all antennas were at the same height. The transmitter assembly was mounted on a
platform that traversed a 30 ft (9.1 m) tower, presenting a 3 to 33 ft (0.910.1 m) height
above sea level. The receiver subsystem was located in a van that was positioned at the
edge of the beach to the north side of building V-24 at the test facility. It included a 100 ft
(30.5 m) tower with up to 4 receivers placed at heights typical of shipboard radar
systems. The S-band receiver, typical of search radars, and a C-band (not examined in
this thesis) receiver, typical of tracking radars, was placed 60 ft (18.3 m) above mean sea
level. The X-band receiver, typical of fire-control systems and surface search radars, was
placed 100 ft (30.5 m) above mean sea level. The receiver electronics were rack-mounted
with control and display functions operating on a desktop computer system. MPMS II
system parameters are summarised in Table 4.
Simultaneous Paths 40 (10 Transmitters, 4 Receivers)
Waveform Continuous Wave
Transmitter Power 20dBm
Antenna 1-18 GHz Log-periodic (Vertically Polarized)
Antenna Gain 7.0 / 6.5 / 6.0 dB (3.7 / 5.1 / 9.3 Ghz)
Antenna Beam Width 60 deg minimum AZ and EL
Height Resolution Transmitter 3-33 ft. Receiver fixed.
Receiver Bandwidth N/A
Table 4 MPMS II System Parameters.
The NSWCDD R/V Sealion is a 60 ft, ocean yacht equipped with the MPMS II
transmitter sub-system and an additional independent meteorological measurement
The meteorological data collected included wind speed and direction, air
temperature and relative humidity, pressure, solar radiation and water temperature. These
measurements were made 8.5 m (27.9 ft) above the water line. Water temperature was
obtained using a radiometer (8-14 m) and a surface temperature probe (thermistor).
The basic task during the experiment was to transit outbound, away from the
MPMS receiver tower on specified radials, to the distance of the radio horizon.
Rocketsondes were launched at the start (3nm), midpoints (8 and 20nm) and end (30nm)
of each radial run. Radials were selected to minimize sea-induced motion aboard the
The John-Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) project
boat, R/V Chessie, is a 50 ft (15.2 m) sport-fisherman type boat used to collect various
meteorological data to support computer modelling of the propagation environments.
The sensors aboard the R/V Chessie include the meteorological portion of the
SEAWASP system, an instrumented towed sled, balloon dropsondes, and rocketsondes.
These systems provided data from sea level to 3000 ft. Data from R/V Chessie is not used
in this analysis
The rocketsonde system was developed with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
hobby rocket components (Call, 1994). Figure 12 shows the component parts of the
rocketsonde including the rocket body, nose cone, engine, and instrument package
attached to a parachute. Figure 13 shows the rocketsonde assembly in the launcher and
Figure 12. Rocketsonde components.
Figure 13. Rocketsonde assembly prepared for launching from USN ship.
the data acquisition computer system during a launch from a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier.
The microprocessor controlled digital sensor package is carried aloft in a non-metallic
rocket that is fabricated of paper and plastic. No special approval is required to launch
rocketsondes as they are classified under the same rules as hobbyist model rockets. Table
5 lists dimensions, weight cost and other details for the rocketsonde. Similar information
is provided on the RS-80 series radiosonde used onboard U.S. Navy ships at-sea with the
MARWIN MW 12 Rawinsonde Set (MRS).
The accuracy, response time, and resolution of the both the rocketsonde and
radiosonde pressure, temperature, and relative humidity sensors approach those of high
quality laboratory instruments. The sensor responses are appropriate for the typical
ascent/descent rates. The sensor types and specifications for both sonde systems are
provided in Table 5. Both sonde systems transmit over a narrow 400-406 MHZ
frequency band. The rocketsonde transmits every 1 to 2 seconds using an FM
narrowband crystal-controlled transmitter. The slow parachute descent and high sampling
rate of the sonde, provides a high spatial resolution profile of the atmosphere. The
balloon launched radiosonde currently used onboard RN and USN ships ascends at
approximately 4 m/s and provides the atmospheric parameters of temperature, pressure,
and relative humidity roughly every 8 to 10 m. The rocketsonde on the other hand has a
slower 2 m/s descent rate and provides data at intervals of 5 m or less. The higher vertical
resolution will be demonstrated on the basis of refractivity gradient as well as refractivity
profile comparisons for simultaneously launched sondes and RPO outputs (Baldauf,
Dimension/Weight/Cost Rocketsonde Radiosonde (RS-80)
Length 660 mm 147 mm
Diameter 63.5 mm 55x90 mm
Total Launch Weight 453 g
Instrument Package Weight 113 g Less than 200 g
Parachute Size 91.4 cm
Rocket Propellant Ammonium percholate-
Propellant Weight 56 g for 757-m altitude
Total Cost Per Shot: $ 200 $150 (includes sonde,
balloon, helium)
Table 5 Rocketsonde and Radiosonde characteristics (from Baldauf, 1996)
Pressure Range:
Response/Lag Time:
Aneroid capacitance
1050 to 600hPa
<0.1 second
Capacitive aneroid
1060 to 3 hPa
0.5 hPa
0.1 hPa
Temperature Range:
Response/Lag time:
Bead thermistor
C to 50
>1.0 seconds
Capacitive bead
C to 60
< 2.5 seconds
Humidity Range:
Response/Lag time:
Capacitance polymer
0 to 100%
3% RH
0.1% RH
<1.0 seconds
Thin film capacitor
0 to 100%
2% RH
1.0% RH
1.0 second
Table 6 Rocketsonde/Radiosonde (MRS) Sensor Performance Characteristics (from
Baldauf, 1996)
The Department of Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), was involved
in WALLOPS 2000 experiments with the deployment of a flux buoy on the NSWC-DD
established propagation track. The buoy was deployed for the entire WALLOPS 2000
collection period and beyond, for a period extending from April through mid-June 2000.
The continuous and high quality nature of the data collected allows direct comparisons
throughout the period of the study. For this reason the flux buoy data is used for all
surface and near surface measurements throughout this thesis.
The flux buoy (FB), shown in Figure 14, was a 2-meter diameter disk buoy
instrumented with sensors to measure mean environmental parameters, atmospheric
turbulence quantities and one- and two-dimensional wave spectra. The buoy was moored
7 nautical miles off shore near:
37 45.8 N, 75 23.1 W
The actual buoy location at a given time varied slightly from the above location
depending upon the surface current, since the buoy is anchored with a 150-ft (45.7-meter)
scope of chain. The mean water depth at the FB location was approximately 14-meters
The FB was deployed on 1 April 2000 and recovered on 10 June 2000. Mean
meteorological and sea temperature data and wave spectra data were available for this
entire period. During the initial deployment on 1 April 2000 a turbulence sensor, the
sonic anemometer on the FB was damaged and was removed from the buoy. On 1 May
2000 a replacement sonic anemometer was mounted on the buoy at sea, allowing
atmospheric turbulence data to be collected from 1 May until 8 June 2000, when the buoy
was placed in hibernation mode prior to recovery (Frederickson et al. 2000a).
The FB contained two separate data acquisition systems. One system obtained
mean environmental data, and one obtained high frequency atmospheric turbulence and
platform motion data. These two separate data acquisition systems are described in the
next two subsections.
Figure 14. NPS Flux Buoy.
1. Mean Environmental Data System
The mean data acquisition system sampled environmental data from a suite of
instruments at 1 Hz. These 1 Hz values were averaged into one-minute blocks that were
then stored in the onboard computer. The wind direction and buoy heading were
averaged to take into account changes across 360 0 degrees. The flux buoy mean
sensors are described in Table 7.
Due to power constraints, the air temperature and relative humidity sensor
(Rotronic MP101A) was mounted within a passively aspirated radiation shield, rather
than a forced aspiration shield. For this reason the air temperature may have been
slightly positively biased and the relative humidity may have been slightly negatively
biased for low wind speeds during the day, and especially just after sunrise and just
before sunset. Bulk surface layer parameters were computed from these mean data using
the methods outlined sub-paragraph (3) below.
Sensor Type Manufacturer
and Model
Height Above
R. M. Young Wind
Monitor Model
3.90 meters
Air Temperature Pt 100 RTD Rotronic MP101A 3.94 meters
Relative Humidity Rotronic
Rotronic MP101A 3.94 meters
Barometer A.I.R. 2.10 meters
Sea Surface
IR Temperature
Everest Model 4000 2.40 meters
Bulk Sea
Hull thermistor NPS custom design 1.17 meters
Buoy Heading Compass TCM-2 0.39 m
Table 7 Flux Buoy Mean Measurement Systems.
2. Turbulent Data System
The flux buoy turbulence data system measured atmospheric turbulence and buoy
motion properties at a sampling rate of 5 Hz. These data were stored in the onboard
computer in files containing a 77-minute time series record. The turbulence sensors are
described in Table 8. These sensors had the capability to measure three-dimensional
wind speed and sonic temperature and the buoy three-dimensional linear accelerations
and angular rotations. Direct covariance momentum and sonic buoyancy fluxes and
wave height spectra were derived from these high frequency measurements.
Sensor Type Manufacturer
and Model
Height above
3-D Wind Speed &
Sonic Temperature
3-D Ultrasonic
Gill Instruments
Model 1210R3
5.23 meters
3-D Platform Motion Accelerometers &
Rate gyros
0.39 meters
Buoy Heading Magnetic compass TCM-2 0.39 meters
Table 8 Flux Buoy Turbulent Measurement System.
3. Data Processing and Analysis Procedures
Mean or average atmospheric and sea surface descriptions were those used for
comparisons in this study because the objective was to relate results to descriptions that
would be available in an operational environment. In this regard, procedures for
obtaining direct turbulence descriptions of the atmosphere surface layer will not be
described although such descriptions were possible from the sonic anemometers.
Similarly, detailed 2-dimensional surface wave descriptions were possible but will not be
The surface and near-surface measurements of wind speed, air temperature, float
SST (found to be the most reliable), relative humidity (RH) and atmospheric pressure
were inputted in to the respective TDAs to obtain bulk evaporation duct parameters. The
calculated evaporation duct was then appended to the respective rocketsonde profile and
the respective propagation model ran at varying combinations of frequency and height
parameters, according to the data in Table 4. Combinations of runs with rocketsonde and
evaporation duct properties only were then run to simulate operational data limitations.
The results of the various runs are analysed in Chapter XI.
1. Mast-Mounted Systems
Positions of the NPS flux buoy, R/V Chessie and R/V Sealion during the various
range tests on during April and May 2000 are shown in Fig 15. Continuously operating
instrumentation on the three spatially separated platforms, along with regularly spaced
rocketsonde launches, enabled examination of both the spatial and temporal changes in
the boundary layer. This thesis uses data from R/V Sealion and the NPS flux buoy.
2. NPS Flux Buoy
The flux buoy provided the most complete and continuous data set of surface-
layer and ocean surface properties for the entire experiment period. The fixed position of
the buoy provided an excellent record of the temporal changes in the atmosphere over the
recording period
Considerable differences in sea-surface temperature were found between the
reports by the IR sensors, float thermistors and hull-mounted thermistors. Such
differences in sea surface temperature results in greatly differing ASTD, which in turn,
implies profoundly different duct heights when computed using the bulk parameterization
methods. It is recognized that small changes in the ASTD result in dramatic changes in
the computed duct height (Frederickson et al., 2000b). The most reliable and accurate
measurement was found to be the float sensor on the NPS buoy and this data source was
used throughout this study.
Inputs of wind speed, air temperature (at 3.94m), float SST, relative humidity
(RH) and atmospheric pressure in to the TDAs are all taken from the NPS buoy.
3. Rocketsonde Profiles
The rocketsonde measurements were critical to this analysis on propagation data
and influencing meteorological conditions because rocketsonde derived profiles provided
information on the occurrence of a surface-based duct. Rocketsonde system reliability
and performance throughout the WALLOPS 2000 experiments was mixed and varied.
Of the 57 rocketsondes launched in total during the experiment; 18 failed to capture
usable data. Of the 32 files identified as good quality, 7 were marked as good with
resolution. All of the rocketsonde launches yielding data from WALLOPS 2000 were
examined for their suitability for this study. Reasons for disqualifying rocketsonde
launches included: empty or incomplete sounding files; patently inadequate vertical
resolution; obvious sensor failure; or failure to measure near the ocean surface. Four of
the 32 good rocketsondes were used for this study, each representing four different
complex meteorological situations on four separate days.
The objective of this thesis is to describe the accuracy of EM propagation models
in a realistic operational scenario, to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of current
methodology used by naval operators and make tentative suggestions for future solutions.
For this reason the choice of which rocketsondes came down to those profiles in
the position that a warship would most likely to be in an operational or exercise scenario.
During amphibious operations/supporting land based operations, naval warships
can be anything from nm to 70nm away from the coast. In recent conflicts, such as
Iraqi Freedom, UK and US vessels were often approximately 30nm from the coast, or just
beyond the horizon. Current standard naval practice is to stand off between 30-50nm
when supporting operations ashore.
In view of this distance, only those launches taken at the end of the run were
selected. Moreover to give the most complex and worst-case scenario, it was decided to
use those launches taken closest to the time of daytime maximum heating (approximately
2-3 PM local time or 1800-1900Z). At this time the meso-scale meteorological
influences are expected to be at their maximum effect. Thus the profile will be at its most
complex and challenging for the propagation models. In realistic terms, the time when a
propagation forecast might be expected to be at its most unreliable.
These two factors narrowed the selection down considerably. The final selection
being made to examine any difference between stable and unstable cases, and those with
no surface based ducting and those with.
The profiles chosen were:
April 10
at 1820Z. A stable case without strong surface based ducting.
April 29
at 1950Z. An unstable case with significant surface based ducting.
May 1
at 1910. A stable case with weak surface based ducting.
May 3
at 1930Z. An unstable case with strong surface based ducting.
It was deemed that the differences in stable versus unstable cases was an
important factor, as all the evaporation duct models are extremely sensitive to small
changes in temperature and humidity fluctuations. The static stability above the surface
boundary is also an important factor in determining the nature of propagation and this
also influenced profile choice.
Once chosen, each of the profiles was input into the respective propagation
models along with the data measurements from the NPS flux buoy. It was decided to use
a single profile in the range-independent- mode as this procedure most closely resembles
that currently used afloat by a METOC team.
This emphasis on considerations of selecting procedures for using data collected,
addresses part of the question that this thesis attempts to answer, which is: Using
currently available software and realistic operational methods, how well are the
propagation conditions modelled?
As a METOC officer, this is perhaps the most important question that one should
ask prior to giving tactical and defensive advice regarding the effect of the atmosphere on
the ships weapons and sensors.
Figure 15. Map depicting positions of NPS flux buoy, the track run of R/V Sealion and the
approximate launch position of the rocketsondes for 10
and 29
April, 1
, and 3
(actual distances along track were 33.5nm, 33.5nm, 35nm and 33.5nm respectively.
. " - ^
Wallops Island, VA
o NPS Buoy
This chapter is concerned with a description of the synoptic conditions pertaining
to the times, centered on, rocketsonde launch obtained refractive profiles. Since these
profiles determine the propagation conditions, it is important to relate significant features
in them to the responsible synoptic scale phenomenon, if possible.
The objective of the description is to give an overview of the mechanisms
responsible for the formation of the refractive conditions existing at the time of each
A synoptic evolution for each day will be considered using:
Synoptic charts at 4mb intervals with wind vectors appended for 1200Z each
day covering 10 degrees latitude and longitude from Wallops Island
Visible images from the GOES-E geostationary satellite at 1800Z each day.
Meso-scale charts at 2mb intervals with wind speed at 6 hourly intervals,
covering 5 degrees of latitude from Wallops Island.
Skew-T diagrams for 1800Z each day, from surface to 400mb.
Graphs of refractivity, both M and N, as output from EEMS.
Synoptic charts, skew-T diagrams and satellite imagery were obtained from the
NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) website (2003). The charts are based on archive
data from the NCEP Eta model. The horizontal resolution of the model was 40km, with
22 vertical levels and model output every 3 hours. Data from the ARL website is
displayed at 80km resolution and at 6 hourly intervals.
1. 10 April 2000
Initially a 990mb low, centred just to the north of Newfoundland moves steadily
northeast (Fig 16). The associated cold front, lies across Bay of Fundy and recurves
southwest toward Cuba, then continues to move east (Fig 17). This leaves the area of
interest (AOI) in a clear, moderate occasionally fresh, potentially unstable at low-levels
(LL) WNWly airflow. The Bermuda High, 1031mb, extends a ridge northwest toward
the AOI. As the day progresses (see Figs 18-21), pressure steadily rises over the AOI
with a small ridge over the area by 1800Z. Winds are generally from the northwest at 10-
15kts throughout the early part of the day but drop to 5-10kts by 1800Z.
The effects of this synoptic pattern (see Fig 22) would be to stabilize the vertical
profile in the medium levels (6500-16,000ft) due to the increasing ridging, with a
remnant layer of potential instability remaining at LL (below 6,550ft). By mid-afternoon
the land temperature exceeds the SST, and thus immediately above the sea, a small layer
of stability is expected due to offshore advection of warm air.
In terms of the refractivity (see Fig 23), the relatively warm, dry air flowing from
overland will be expected to give a fairly strong evaporation duct, which in this case has
a height of 37ft. Whilst the air is potentially unstable at LL, it is also dry aloft, and it
would thus be expected to produce a super-refractive layer, of moderate extent, above the
duct with no further ducting at LL, due to the potential instability. A series of super-
refractive layers/elevated ducts would be expected above 850mb (5000ft) due to the
subsidence associated with the ridging of high pressure.
Figure 16. 10 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 4mb spacing.
Figure 17. 10 Apr 1815Z. GOES-E visible satellite imagery.
Figure 18. 10 Apr 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 19. 10 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 20. 10 Apr 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 21. 11 Apr 0000Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 22. 10 Apr 1800Z Skew-T diagram.
Figure 23. 10 Apr 1800Z Refractivity diagrams for M and N from EEMS.
2. 29 April 2000
The general synopsis for 1200Z has a low 1005mb, centred 800nm east of the
AOI, moving rapidly east, continuing to deepen (Fig 24 and 25). High 1018mb, centred
over North Carolina extends a building ridge toward the region, so that a local area of
high pressure lies over the AOI by 1800Z. The area initially lies in a slightly unstable
NEly moderate flow that backs NWly and reduces to light by 1800Z (see Figs 26-29).
The synoptic pattern would be expected to produce an increasingly dry and stable
profile in the upper and medium levels, due to ridging, with some remnant instability at
LL due to the close proximity of the low-pressure system earlier in the day (see Fig 30).
Air at LL will be relatively cool and dry, as a result of its source region, making it
unstable given the warmer SST.
In terms of the refractivity (see Fig 31), medium and upper levels are expected to
produce super-refractive layers and possibly elevated ducting, due to adiabatic warming
and subsidence, whilst at LL the dryness of the air will be expected to produce some
surface based ducting.
Figure 24. 29 Apr 1200Z.Synoptic chart at 4 mb spacing.
Figure 25. 29 Apr 1815Z GOES-E visible satellite image.
Figure 26. 29 Apr 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 27. 29 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 28. 29 Apr 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 29. 29 Apr 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 30. 29 Apr 1800Z Skew-T diagram.
Figure 31. 29 Apr 1800Z. Refractivity diagram of M and N from EEMS.
3. 01 May 2000
The general situation is dominated by a high 1023mb, centred 200nm southeast of
the AOI, which moves fairly quickly to the southeast as a frontal system moves in toward
the area from the northwest (see Figs 32 and 33). The frontal system to the northwest
moves slowly lying approximately 250nm to the northwest by 1800Z. The region is
initially characterised by subsidence associated with the high pressure, which is slowly
eroded and reduced in strength steadily throughout the day.
Surface winds over the area are initially light westerly, backing and increasing
steadily throughout the day, ahead of the frontal system, to become fresh southwesterly
by 1800Z (see Figs 34-37).
The main synoptic influence on the vertical profile (Fig 38) is initially the high
pressure, producing subsidence and adiabatic warming. As the frontal system advances
from the northwest, cloud layers at the medium and upper level are expected to begin
moistening the profile. At the surface, the airflow is dry and relatively warm, conditions
conducive to the formation of a relatively strong evaporative duct and possible surface
ducting (see Fig 39) as the wind strength increases later in the day, resulting in a deeper
mixed layer. A number of super-refractive layers and possible elevated ducts would be
expected earlier in the day, due to the subsidence associated with the early ridging
conditions. These features would be expected to degrade as the front, moves closer,
causing a general moistening and areas of ascent.
Figure 32. 01 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 4mb spacing.
Figure 33. 01 May 1815Z. GOES-E visible satellite image.
Figure 34. 01 May 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 35. 01 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 36. 01 May 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 37. 02 May 0000Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 38. 01 May 1800Z. Skew-T diagram.
Figure 39. 01 May 1800Z. Refractivity diagram of M and N from EEMS
4. 03 May 2000
The general synoptic situation on this day is a cold front lying to the southeast of
the area, which is moving steadily to the southeast and away from the AOI (Figs 40 and
41). High 1029mb centred over New England extends a ridge southwest over the AOI,
which steadily builds during the day as the cold front progresses to the east.
Winds are initially light and variable, due to the location within the centre of the
high, becoming mainly easterly and moderate by the end of the period (see Figs 42-45).
A stable, dry profile throughout the majority of the atmosphere would be expected
(see Fig 46) as the ridge builds and general descent becomes dominant. Adiabatic
warming associated with the descent will give super-refractive layers and possible
elevated ducts, which may descend close to the surface, allowing a surface based duct to
develop (Fig 47).
The surface flow initially originates from the northeast, producing some potential
instability in the lower layers, though the lack of wind and the sea track will limit the
development of a strong evaporation duct.
Figure 40. 03 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 4mb spacing.
Figure 41. 03 May 1815Z. GOES-E visible satellite image.
Figure 42. 03 May 0600Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 43. 03 May 1200Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 44. 03 May 1800Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 45. 04 May 0000Z. Synoptic chart at 2mb with wind speed.
Figure 46. 03 May 1800Z. Skew-T diagram.
Figure 47. 03 May 1800Z. Refractivity diagram of M and N from EEMS.
1. Environmental Inputs
Both rocketsonde and bulk evaporation duct model refractivity profiles
(calculated from the NPS flux buoy data) described the atmosphere for the selected
periods that relate observed propagation factors to the observed atmosphere. Several
steps, not normal operational procedures, were deemed necessary to merge the two
descriptors. First, each of the four rocketsonde soundings from the four days of 10
April, 1
and 3
May were edited using a tested MATLAB algorithm designed to
remove invalid lines from the sounding file. This was necessary to create a file readable
by the environmental program within each propagation model (ascending soundings,
duplicate pressure levels, soundings below sea level, etc. were corrected).
The edited profiles were formatted and stored for use as the input file for the
EEMS/AREPS environmental programs. Because of the importance of EEMS/AREPS to
the results of this study, the procedures used to prepare the data and the procedures used
in obtaining results will be identified as they are within the application of EEMS/AREPS.
The advanced or In-depth mode of EEMS was used throughout this study. The
rocketsonde profiles were loaded into the environment section as M versus height
profiles. The meteorological inputs of SST (float), air temperature, relative humidity,
wind speed, and atmospheric pressure were all input to calculate the evaporation duct
using correct station height data for the NPS buoy. This duct was then appended to the
rocketsonde profile, using the option within EEMS, which merges the evaporation duct
with the upper air profile.
Once complete a research set-up was used to input the transmitter parameters,
frequencies and platform details into the model, which were then saved for multiple runs.
The model was then run at specific frequencies and heights to produce a number of
coverage, propagation factor and loss curve diagrams.
First, the custom columns feature of the environmental program was used to
create individual M-unit versus height profile which were then saved in an .ENV file for
use in AREPS. Once complete, two methods were then used to assess the effect of the
evaporation duct:
Firstly, the meteorological data was input and the Paulus-Jenske evaporation
model option checked, which appends this calculated duct to the rocketsonde
Secondly, the surface data was input and the Naval Postgraduate School
evaporation duct model option checked. This model is not appended to the
upper air profile, but merely appends a standard atmosphere above the duct.
Once each type of run was set-up, again using the research mode, the appropriate,
transmitter data was input and the frequency selected. A series of runs were then made
using different combinations of height and frequency to simulate the MPMS II data.
4. RF System Inputs
As already discussed the research/in-depth modes of each model were used to
recreate the MPMS II system using the parameters listed in Table 4. In order to make the
one-for-one comparison of the AREPS output with the MPMS II measurements, the
principle of reciprocity was applied. During the propagation tests all transmitters for the
MPMS II system were aboard the R/V Sealion, and varied in height from 1 to 10m (3 to
33 ft) and the receivers were on the shore. The S-band (3.7 GHz) receiver was at 18.3 m
(61 ft) and the X-band (9.3 GHz) receiver at 31.4 m (104 ft). The principle of reciprocity
allows the one-way propagation loss and propagation factor to be computed while
assuming the transmitter and receivers are in the opposite placement. That is, both
EEMS and AREPS computed propagation loss with the transmitters on shore at 18.3 m
(61 ft) for S-band, and at 31.4 m (104 ft) for X-band, and the receiver varying in position
from 1 to 10 m (3 to 33 ft).
The EEMS and AREPS propagation loss fields were sliced at the 1.8 m (6 ft),
6.4 m (21 ft) and 9.1 m (30 ft) altitudes using the propagation loss vs. range output
option. The 1.8 m height was selected to correspond to the terminal phase of a typical
sea-skimming anti-ship cruise missile. The 6.4 m and 9.1 m heights were somewhat
arbitrary, intended to sample the remaining part of the column evaluated by the MPMS II.
Neither, EEMS or AREPS could produce a three-dimensional propagation loss or
propagation factor field that could be directly compared with the three-dimensional field
provided by the MPMS II system. However, two-dimensional slices from EEMS and
AREPS and MPMS II could be created for comparison. The propagation loss data and
free-space reference data from EEMS and AREPS were then saved to files for
comparison to the MPMS II files. The AREPS propagation factor coverage diagrams
presented in the next two chapters were produced by saving the propagation loss data to
an output file, converting the data to propagation factor, and plotting as a contour
diagram using MATLAB.
The MPMS II data was provided by NSWC-DD, courtesy of Janet Stapleton.
These data consisted of three-dimensional data arrays containing height, range and
propagation loss. As neither EEMS nor AREPS could match the output method of MPMS
II, it was necessary to reduce the data to individual two-dimensional slices. Range versus
propagation factor vectors were extracted from the 6, 21 and 30 ft array rows. MATLAB
was then used to display the MPMS II loss curves against the computed EEMS and
AREPS loss curves.
The following section details the results from propagation model predictions
using available METOC data with the EEMS and AREPS TDA, as previously described
in Chapter X. The presented results address the modeling of the atmosphere influence
(with EEMS and AREPS), the predicted and observed propagation effects in terms of
coverage diagrams and loss curves, and the frequency affected (S-, and X-band) by the
atmospheric influences. The same atmosphere input was used in all cases even though
the bulk models used to derive the profile and the profile merging approaches differed.
Results are presented separately for each day and include:
EEMS propagation coverage diagrams for 0-80nm and to 0-1000ft for S and
X bands.
EEMS propagation coverage diagrams for 0-40nm and 0-35ft for S and X
bands (low-level, for direct comparison with MPMS II results).
MPMS II propagation coverage diagrams for 0-40nm and 0-35ft for S and X
Propagation loss curves showing results from EEMS, S and X bands at 6, 21
and 30ft.
AREPS propagation coverage diagrams for 0-80nm and 0-1000ft for S and X
bands, using both the Paulus-Jenske evaporation duct calculation with
rocketsonde data appended, and the NPS evaporation duct model only.
Combination propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS (PJ), AREPS
(NPS), MPMS II measured data, free space, and standard propagation curves
for each model.
A discussion of the results from EEMS is the first presented for each day,
comparing model performance against actual measured results, from MPMS II, with
particular reference to frequency. A discussion of performance results for AREPS using
the Paulus-Jenske ED model merged with the rocketsonde profile, AREPS (PJ), and
AREPS with the NPS ED model with no merging with a rocketsonde derived profile,
AREPS (NPS), follows the discussion of EEMS performance results. Finally, discussion
of combined results, EEMS, AREPS (PJ) and AREPS (NPS) completes the performance
discussion. An important consideration in the analyses/interpretation will be to evaluate
the need for the AREPS (NPS) to have the ED-upper level profile merging. It is
important to emphasise that the premise of this thesis is to simulate model performance
under operational type scenarios. The presented errors and critique are not intended as an
indictment of model performance. The fact that both EEMS and AREPS both fail on
occasions to replicate the MPMS II observations could have less to do with the abilities
of the models, than with the spatial and temporal complexities of environment, and the
method by which it has been sampled and analysed.
For reference purposes Figure 48 shows the main features of the propagation loss
curve, the interference, diffraction and troposcatter zones.
Figure 48. Path loss curve for a near-surface transmission path.
_ ^'i-" ~" Radar
Distance (n ml)
1. 10 April 2000. S Band
The 10
April had little evidence of the existence of a surface based duct. It was,
however, characterised by fairly strong humidity gradient above the surface, resulting in
above average propagation due to the evaporation duct (ED). Although there was no
marked strong surface based ducting (SBD) there was super refraction above the ED (see
Fig 23 in Chap IX).
The coverage diagrams for S-Band, from EEMS and AREPS (PJ), Figs 49-50 and
51-52 show small range extensions due to the ED and the overlying super-refractive layer
with stronger horizontal energy propagation in the near surface zone. Both models predict
conditions of above average radar propagation range, by virtue of the calculated ED
height (EEMS, 11.4m and AREPS (NPS), 8.2m). AREPS (PJ), however, qualifies as an
average radar weather category, by virtue of a calculated 6m evaporation duct. It is noted
that another difference, besides different bulk models for the evaporation duct, between
these two AREPS predictions is that AREPS NPS only has the evaporation duct as an
influencing factor while AREPS PJ has the Paulus-Jenske evaporation duct merged with
the rocketsonde profile.
At low-levels, it can be seen that the MPMS II (observed) loss (Fig 53) results
show a clear interference pattern with distinct nodes and anti-nodes (seen as alternating
zones of high and low loss), which are also evident in the EEMS modelled results, but at
slightly different locations (Figs 49 and 50). The comparison of propagation loss curves
demonstrates significant differences in the modelled propagation at low-levels (see Fig
54). At ranges less than 8 nm, and at both 21 and 30ft, AREPS (PJ) and EEMS show
significant interference patterns in the near field, with the EEMS pattern being
significantly more pronounced. At distances greater than 8nm, EEMS and AREPS (PJ)
are in close agreement (within 3dB at 30ft) although this difference widens with altitude
(4-6dB at 21ft). EEMS agrees best with observed results (MPMS II), although by 35nm it
over-estimates the loss by 10-12dB, too much with respect to most operational criteria.
AREPS (NPS), which includes effects of ED only, diverges very quickly from the MPMS
II results (and also the EEMS and AREPS (PJ) model predictions), over-predicting the
loss by 15-18dB at 10nm and 30-35dB by 35nm.
Closer to the surface, at the 6ft height, all three model predicted losses diverge
even further, with EEMS again agreeing best with the observed (MPMS II), The low
level relatively good performance of EEMS modelled propagation loss does not apply to
ranges within the near field interference pattern but almost coincides with the MPMS II
loss patterns after 10nm., albeit slightly smoother. In this longer-range region, AREPS
(PJ) predicts greater losses of 13-15dB, whilst AREPS (NPS) over predicts even greater
losses of 10-12dB.
2. 10 April 2000. X Band
At this higher frequency, the effects of different evaporation duct (ED) bulk
models within the propagation models are much more apparent (in Figs 55-58), as
expected since higher frequencies are more sensitive to the evaporation duct. The EEMS
bulk model specifies an ED, which will trap nearly all of the X band energy, whilst the
NPS model specifies an ED, which is close to having a significant effect on X-band. The
Paul-Jenske model specifies a weaker ED, which, in turn, has the least effect on X-band,
ducting the least energy. The respective coverage diagrams clearly demonstrate this
specified duct strength versus effect factor. The EEMS generated coverage diagrams (Fig
55 and 56) show multi-path interference patterns with significant node and anti-node
patterns, a significant anti-node occurs at 18nm with a reciprocal node at 26nm. Neither
of the AREPS (PJ or NPS) produced coverage diagrams (Figs 57 and 58) containing such
features. The observed (MPMS II) coverage diagram for X-band (Fig 59) also indicates
significant multi-path interference patterns throughout. A significant anti-node occurs at
20nm and an anti-node at 25-28nm. The MPMS II pattern contains several weaker such
multi-path patterns throughout the diagrams at a number of different heights.
The generated propagation loss diagram (Fig 60) reveal that the EEMS model has
a much more complex interference pattern than AREPS (PJ and NPS), Fig YY, and
diverges most from the MPMS II loss curve, this becoming most pronounced at 6ft.
Further, it is clear that the MPMS II profile also exhibits considerable multi-path
interference structure. The MPMS II amplitude extrema are not as pronounced as in the
EEMS generated loss curves, or at the same locations. This is expected, as always,
because MPMS II curves reflect sample averages. EEMS does however converge with
MPMS II by 35nm.
Neither AREPS (NPS nor PJ) runs exhibit the interference patterns observed in
the MPMS II data, but do more closely follow the mean of the loss curve out to 20nm,
apart from a significant null at 8nm. By 35nm AREPS (PJ) is 8-10dB under-predicting at
30ft and 18-20dB at 6ft. AREPS (NPS) fares much better, almost exactly flowing the
mean curve at 21 and 30ft, and only being 3-5dB too low at 6ft.
3. 29 April 2000. S Band
The primary influencing refractivity feature for this case was a strong surface
based duct (Fig 31 in Chapter IX). Both EEMS and AREPS (PJ) address the surface-
based duct influence by including the rocketsonde profile, but with differences in the
merging of it with the ED. Both these models are expected to perform better than
AREPS (NPS). Referring to the coverage diagrams for EEMS and AREPS (PJ) (Figs 61
and 63), both account for the surface based ducting and have a number of skip zones
throughout the range up to a height of approximately 200ft. AREPS (NPS) (Fig 64), by
virtue of considering only the ED, cannot replicate the surface-based ducting pattern, and
would thus be expected to perform the poorest of each of the model runs. Interestingly,
the MPMS II coverage diagram exhibits little evidence of ducting or multi-path
interference patterns within the first 20nm of the run, indicating perhaps that the surface-
based ducting strength reduces significantly toward the shore, as would be expected from
the off-shore flow regime. Both AREPS (PJ) and EEMS are thus expected to under-
predict the loss initially, whilst AREPS (NPS) will over-predict the loss.
Examining the propagation loss curves (Fig 66), they indeed demonstrate
considerable multi-path interference patterns for both the EEMS and AREPS (PJ) runs.
Both models predicts too low a loss at 35nm by up to 20-25dB at 6ft. AREPS (NPS)
predicts too high loss 5nm and seaward, reaching an error of over 40dB by 30nm. This
clearly shows the need to have a merging of the ED with profiles in order to get
reasonable propagation predictions at longer ranges, beyond 10 nm.
Whilst both AREPS (PJ) and EEMS appear to have too much amplitude in
interference patterns, a spatial smoothing of these loss curves would actually cause them
to be relatively close out to 25nm. Further, an average of the smooth curves (MPMS II)
would not be two different than the observed, out to 25 nm (Fig 66).
4. 29 April 2000. X Band
The coverage diagrams shown in Figs 67-69 show that X band is clearly strongly
trapped, again in the lowest 200ft by the refractive profile. Both AREPS (PJ) and EEMS
exhibit significant interference patterns and skip zones. AREPS (NPS) does not show the
effects of the SBD (Fig 70), but by virtue of the calculated evaporation duct, 23ft (7.1m),
is predicting some trapping of the X band energy. The MPMS II observed coverage
diagram (Fig 71) shows an interference pattern between 15 and 30ft in the first 20nm, and
then a stronger interference pattern at the surface from 20nm out, suggesting ducting is
stronger as distance from the coast increases.
The loss curves generated by the EEMS and AREPS (PJ) models describe the
MPMS II pattern well at both 21 and 30ft. Again, this applies to spatially smoothed since
the nodes and anti-nodes are often too strong and in the wrong locations. At the lower
level, at a height of 6ft, there are large operationally unacceptable differences in EEMS
and AREPS (PJ) losses from those observed by MPMS II (up to 25-30dB). Further, the
differences indicate that the models significantly under-estimate the loss. AREPS (NPS)
ED influenced only model, whilst again, not exhibiting the interference pattern caused by
the SBD, is actually as close to MPMS II as either of the other two full profile influenced
models out to 20nm. At 20nm AREPS begins to significantly diverge by up to 30-35dB
at 35nm.
5. 01 May 2000. S Band
The general refractive pattern for this day is a weak surface based duct (Fig 39,
Chapter IX), shows a generally uniform (no trapping layer) profile with a fairly strong
evaporation duct, giving an above average surface weather category, and super-refractive
conditions at low-level. Both AREPS (PJ) and EEMS generated coverage diagrams (Figs
73-75) show extended ranges and interference patterns near the surface, indicative of
weak ducting/super-refraction. AREPS (NPS) generated coverage diagrams (Fig 76)
exhibit near standard propagation patterns with little evidence of interference patterns
above or near the surface.
The propagation loss curves, for all runs as shown in Fig 78, generally exhibit
little evidence of interference patterns except for the now familiar EEMS generated
features in the first 8nm. Beyond 8nm and at both 21 and 30ft, EEMS is within 3-4dB of
the MPMS II results, which is quite acceptable for operational system performance
application. Both AREPS (PJ and NPS) models over-predicted the loss by 5-6dB at 10nm
and 13-18dB at 20nm. Again, these differences between observed and predicted are too
large for most weapons system performance applications beyond 10 nm. Further, at 6ft,
predicted versus observed differences are high for all models, with EEMS under-
predicting the loss by 8-10dB and AREPS over-predicting it by 10-12dB.
6. 01 May 2000. X Band
As expected, generated and observed X-band coverage diagrams are considerably
more complex than those at S band because the dominant feature was the ED to which X-
band has more sensitivity (Figs 79-81). The MPMS II results exhibit an interference-
pattern at low-level, lying from 10ft at the start of the run, rising to 35ft at 24nm (Fig 83)
At the surface the general surface pattern is horizontally elongated, indicating enhanced
The EEMS generated coverage diagram is much more complex in the near field
than those generated from both AREPS (PJ and NPS), much of this being due to the
difference in the specified evaporation duct height. EEMS specified an evaporation duct
of 41.6ft (12.8m), producing above average surface radar weather conditions, whereas
AREPS (NPS) produces a duct of 25.35ft (7.8m) and AREPS (PJ), 19.5ft (6m). Both
AREPS specified ED conditions were on the border of average to above-average
RADAR weather conditions.
The propagation loss curves from MPMS II (Fig 84), display very significant
interference patterns for the 21 and 30ft levels, but none for the 6ft level. The height
dependence of interference pattern occurrence is reflected in the coverage diagrams, Fig
83, and is due to the most distinct interference pattern being elevated from the surface.
This pattern is very reminiscent of the EEMS near field pattern. Beyond 8nm the EEMS
generated loss curve tracks the MPMS II loss curve very well at 30ft, with 3-5dB.
AREPS (NPS) generally under-predicts the loss until 30nm, at which point the curves
crossover and the model then over-predicts.
At 21ft, the MPMS II observed loss profile shows some fade at 10-15nm, which
none of the models manage to predict. Both EEMS and AREPS (PJ) begin to converge
toward the MPMS II loss curve from 25nm onwards. AREPS (NPS) generally over-
predicts the loss over the whole range, i.e. throughout the loss profile, which was
surprising for the ED dominated case.
At 6ft, and out to 15nm, EEMS generated loss curve does not agree with MPMS
II loss curve. However, the AREPS (PJ) is close to MPMS II throughout (within 3-5dB),
which is acceptable agreement over such a long range. EEMS does agree with MPMS II
until a distance of 25nm.
7. 03 May 2000. S Band
Refractivity profile conditions experienced during this day were the most complex
of the four days chosen (Fig 47, Chap IX). For this reason, analyses and interpretations of
predictions and comparisons based on this profile are expected to be the most
challenging, and be the most error prone of the thesis set.
At the surface, conditions were unstable so mixing caused a smooth near-surface
profile with an ED. However, above the surface layer, the profile had a trapping layer of
approximately 100ft in width, above which had an associated surface-based duct. This
duct was of sufficient thickness to affect both S and X band frequencies strongly, as
evidenced by both the EEMS and AREPS (PJ) generated coverage diagrams (Figs 85-
87). As with earlier cases with surface-based ducts, the AREPS (NPS) model cannot be
expected to replicate observed interference patterns (Fig 88). The MPMS II observed
coverage diagram (Fig 89) exhibits an anti-node at 16nm and a node at 27nm, both of
which are also in evidence in the EEMS generated diagrams.
The resulting propagation loss curves (Fig 90), for heights of 21 and 30ft, for both
EEMS and AREPS (PJ) exhibit very similar patterns, being within 3-5dB. Both models
under-predicted the loss out to 25nm. EEMS then under-predicted the loss by 10 dB of
the MPMS II observed loss from 25 to 40nm. AREPS (PJ) had very good agreement with
MPMS II, being within 5dB over this range. Beyond 40nm, both models under-predicted
the loss. AREPS (NPS) is generally in good agreement until 10-12nm, and then
significantly over-predicts the loss from this point out. In general, at the lowest level, 6ft,
AREPS (PJ) performed best, within 5 dB, and AREPS (NPS) did reasonably well over
the whole range, whilst EEMS under-predicted by 10-15dB. The ED influenced AREPS
(NPS) model does the best of all the model runs out to 15nm (Fig 90), but, again,
significantly over-predicts after this distance since the influence of the surface-based duct
is not accounted for.
8. 03 May 2000. X Band
At X band, strong effects of the SBD are again very ably demonstrated by both
the EEMS and AREPS generated coverage diagrams (Figs 91-93). The MPMS II
coverage diagram (Fig 95) also indicates these SBD effects, with extremely complex
patterns of multi-path interference. As with earlier patterns, the MPMS II interference
patterns strengthen with distance offshore, once more indicating that the strength and
development of the duct significantly increases with offshore distance.
None of the model resulting X-band loss curves are in particularly good
agreement with the MPMS II loss curve (Fig 96). AREPS (PJ) has the best agreement
with MPMSII, but is 15-20 dB off in section. EEMS significantly over-predicted the loss,
by 20-30dB from 10-15nm, before generally converging with distance from thereon.
EEMS agreed best, of all the models, from 40-50nm. AREPS (NPS) does comparatively
well out until 15nm, at which point it begins to significantly over-predicts the loss. The
latter comparison result over a range distance, which is operationally significant,
substantiates the decision to have the NPS ED model be the standard in AREPS. Again,
this points out that a remaining step is for the AREPS (NPS) to have merging of ED and
the upper air profile, in this case a rocketsonde derived profile.
1. 10 April 2000. S Band
Figure 49. 10 Apr S Band coverage EEMS.
Figure 50. 10 Apr S Band lowlevel coverage EEMS
Figure 51. 10 Apr S Band. AREPS - Paulus Jenske
Figure 52. 10 Apr S Band. AREPS - NPS.
Figure 53. 10 Apr S Band, low-level coverage diagram MPMS II.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: S-Band, 1 0 Apr, Run 1
15 20
Range (nmi)
1 1 0 1 20 130 1 40
1 50 160 1 70
Figure 54. 10 Apr S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
10 Apr, Run 1: S-Band, Tx Ht = 60 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 21 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 6 ft
15 20
Range (nmi)
2. 10 April 2000. X Band
Figure 55. 10 Apr X Band coverage EEMS.
Figure 56. 10 Apr X Band low-level coverage - EEMS
Figure 57. 10 Apr X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.
Figure 58. 10 Apr X Band. AREPS NPS.
Figure 59. 10 Apr X Band low-level coverage MPMS II.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: X-Band, 10 Apr, Run 1
15 20
Range (nmi)
110 120 130 140 150
160 170
Figure 60. 10 Apr X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
tfl 130
O 140
IT 130
O 1 40
tn 1 30
O 140
10 Apr, Run 1: X-Band, Tx Ht = 104 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 21 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 6 ft
15 20
Range (nmi)
3. 29 April 2000. S Band
Figure 61. 29 Apr S Band coverage EEMS.
Figure 62. 29 Apr S Band. Low-level coverage EEMS.
Figure 63. 29 Apr S Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.
Figure 64. 29 Apr S Band. AREPS NPS.
Figure 65. 29 Apr S Band. Low-level propagation factor EEMS.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: S-Band, 29 Apr, Run 3
15 20 25
Range ( nm i )
110 120 130 140
( dB)
150 160 170
Figure 66. 29 Apr S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
tfl 130
O 140
" 1301-
O 140
tn 1 30
O 140
29 Apr, Run 3: S-Band, Tx Ht = 60 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 21 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 6 ft
15 20
Range (nmi)
4. 29 April 2000. X Band
Figure 67. 29 Apr X Band. Coverage diagram EEMS.
Figure 68. 29 Apr X Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS
Figure 69. 29 Apr X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.
Figure 70. 29 Apr X Band. AREPS NPS.
Figure 71. 29 Apr X Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: X-Band, 29 Apr, Run 3
Figure 72. 29 Apr X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
tfl 130
O 140
tfl 130
O 140
tfl 130
O 140
29 Apr, Run 3: X-Band, Tx Ht = 104 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 21 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 6 ft
15 20
Range (nmi)
5. 01 May 2000. S Band
Figure 73. 01 May S Band. Coverage diagram EEMS.
Figure 74. 01 May S Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS
Figure 75. 01 May S Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.
Figure 76. 01 May S Band. AREPS NPS.
Figure 77. 01 May S Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: S-Band, 01 May, Run 1
15 20
Range ( nm i )
110 120 130 140
( dB)
150 160 170
Figure 78. 01 May S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
01 May, Run 1: S-Band, Tx Ht = 60 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 21 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 6 ft
15 20
Range (nmi)
6. 01 May 2000. X Band
Figure 79. 01May X Band. Coverage diagram EEMS.
Figure 80. 01 May X Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS
Figure 81. 01 May X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.
Figure 82. 01 May X Band. AREPS NPS.
Figure 83. 01 May X Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: X-Band, 01 May, Run 1
15 20
Range (nmi)
110 120 130 140
150 160 170
Figure 84. 01 May X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
tfl 130
O 140
IT 130
O 1 40
tn 1 30
O 140
01 May, Run 1: X-Band, Tx Ht = 104 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 21 ft
10 15 20 25
Target Height = 6 ft
15 20
Range (nmi)
7. 03 May 2000. S Band
Figure 85. 03May S Band. Coverage diagram EEMS.
Figure 86. 03 May S Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS
Figure 87. 03 May S Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.
Figure 88. 03 May S Band. AREPS NPS.
Figure 89. 03 May. S Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: S-Band, 03 May, Run 1
20 25 30 35
Range ( nm i )
40 45 50
110 120 130 140
( dB)
150 160 170
Figure 90. 03 May S Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
tfl 130
O 140
" 1301-
O 140
tn 1 30
O 140
03 May, Run 1: S-Band, Tx Ht = 60 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Target Height = 21 ft
15 20 25 30 35
Target Height = 6 ft
20 25 30
Range (nmi)
8. 03 May 2000. X Band
Figure 91. 03May X Band. Coverage diagram EEMS.
Figure 92. 03 May X Band. Low-level coverage - EEMS
Figure 93. 03 May X Band. AREPS Paulus-Jenske.
Figure 94. 03 May X Band. AREPS NPS.
Figure 95. 03 May X Band. Low-level coverage diagram MPMS II.
MPMS One-Way Propagation Loss: X-Band, 03 May, Run 1
Figure 96. 03 May X Band. Propagation loss curves for EEMS, AREPS, MPMS II.
tfl 130
O 140
" 1301-
O 140
tn 130
O 140
03 May, Run 1: X-Band, Tx Ht = 104 ft
Target Height = 30 ft
15 20 25 30 35
Target Height = 21 ft
15 20 25 30 35
Target Height = 6 ft
20 25 30
Range (nmi)
The results derived from interpretations of predicted and field-test observed data
demonstrate two main outcomes relative to operational applications:
That each one of the model configurations converged during one or more runs
to an acceptable result in comparison with the MPMS II measured data (i.e.
within 2-4dB).
Notwithstanding the above result, the models diverged away from the MPMS
II measured data, far more than they converged.
The first result demonstrates that each of the models, with test data, is capable of
producing accurate representations of the propagation conditions when the environmental
conditions are relatively homogeneous and when accurate and high quality data is
available for input.
The second result makes it abundantly evident that even realistic METOC data, in
a complex coastal environment, will yield modelled propagation that is very significantly
at odds with reality. Under normal operational conditions, data will be scarce and the
METOC officer will often be faced with using only the limited data available. While this
may be acceptable in areas farther out to sea, within the littoral zone, the normal
operational practice is likely to produce results which are at best, inaccurate and at worst,
potentially dangerous. This could only be demonstrated with a study such as this.
Each of the profile combinations was selected for its level of complexity and
variation in both synoptic and meso-scale meteorological forcings. The resulting vertical
ascents and refractive profiles were intrinsically dependant on the pattern of previous
synoptic events. Atmosphere profiles adjust to various environmental forcings with a
certain time lag. Such considerations can result in very complex vertical profiles, with
multiple areas of hydrolapses and inversions, wide variations in static stability, each of
which will affect the refractive profile. The model results clearly show that the sampled
environment was generally extremely complex and varied significantly in a relatively
short spatial scale.
That the models not only diverged significantly from the measured losses, but
also from each other, is an important result and of great interest. Previous studies have
indicated that the propagation models (TERPEM and APM) generally produce similar
results, for example Thomson (2002). In this study considerable differences occurred
between the propagation models (TERPEM and APM) predicted 2-way losses, using
identical METOC input data. Where the models must be differing is in their application
within AREPS and EEMS. EEMS and AREPS use a variety of evaporation duct models,
and the varying results of the ED calculations were discussed in Chapter XI, where
significant differences in the results were found. The process of merging the resultant ED
and the rocketsonde profile also varies within each TDA, and again this must play a part
in causing the differing results. The role of the evaporation duct is vital in determining
the surface propagation conditions for examined frequencies, especially X-band.
Because of the impact of a surface-based duct, the effect of refractivity was seen to be
extremely sensitive to small variations in the vertical profile. Both the near-surface
evaporation duct and the both factors were seen to be likely dominant causes of error in
the resultant model output.
The performance of AREPS, using the NPS ED model only, was on occasions
remarkable, most often being capable of exceeding the accuracy other two model runs on
a number of occasions within 15nm. This implies that it would be extremely useful and
productive to be able to examine the results of this model appended to the upper air
profile, which must certainly improve the final accuracy of the modelled propagation.
Of the four sampled days, only two (10
April and 1
May) produced conditions
under which any of the model predictions might be deemed to be of an acceptable
accuracy, i.e. spatially smoothed loss profiles within 3-5 dB of the observed profiles.
Further, even during these days, the S band results were acceptable, but the X band
results diverged significantly. Of importance, on the 1
May, the wind was considerably
stronger than on other days; 9.83 m/s (each of the other runs did not exceed 4m/s), and on
this occasion the EEMS run was particularly accurate (within 2-3dB). This demonstrates
that the sea clutter (roughness) effects algorithm incorporated within this model worked
extremely well on this particular occasion.
On the other two days, 29
April and 03
May (which were both characterised by
strong surface based ducting), the varied nature of the differences between measured and
modelled results, was very significant, often varying by 20-30dB. Much of this variability
is undoubtedly due to the complexity and presumed temporal and spatial variance of the
atmosphere along the MPMS II measurement path. During these two days containing
strong surface- based ducting, the MPMS II obtained loss profiles exhibited multipath
interference, signal fade and skip zones. These areas were not distributed evenly, but
rather, increased in their strength, or actually began down-profile in an offshore direction.
The conclusion is that this was caused by, an almost classical development, of an
offshore duct.
The coastal or littoral environment, in which naval and joint military operations
are being increasingly conducted and concentrated, often exhibit a great deal of
inhomogeneity, a principle which can often be neglected when operating in an air mass
far offshore in open water. In such a case a single profile may produce a representative
sample of the environment, which can be extrapolated for many miles in each direction.
This thesis has clearly shown, however, that even in a relatively straightforward synoptic
situation, the resultant atmospheric profile, within coastal regions, is potentially
extremely variable in both the horizontal and vertical spatial scale. The consequences of
this fact mean that the characterization of the battlespace environment for the warfighter
is liable to be fraught with error.
Command requires accurate, timely and dependable tactical advice regarding the
effect of the environment on weapons systems and sensors. The fact that the coastal
environment demonstrates such a large amount of vertical and horizontal, variability,
inevitably leaves the consequence that this may not always be the case. This study has
shown that the coastal environment, can occasionally be well described by a single
profile, but this is by no means the normal situation. More often, the modelled
environment is significantly in error in respect to the actual conditions. The operational
and tactical effects of the environment were discussed in Chapter V, which outlined how
features such as the evaporation duct or surface based duct can be used for significant
tactical advantage. If, however, the presence of such features is not accurately forecast,
then any tactical advantage the environment may provide is lost to the warfighter.
This thesis has concentrated on a range-independent method of calculating the
propagation conditions. This limitation was brought into several discussions on range
dependent differences between observed versus model predicted interference patterns.
The rationale behind this decision was, simply, that this is how the majority of naval
operations are supported. Under operational conditions, the luxury of multiple vertical
ascents, whether measured by rocketsonde, radiosonde or dropsonde is unrealistic. The
collection of such data under fire would be time consuming and potentially hazardous.
On occasions under periods of heavy operational activity, the use of a single rocketsonde
or radiosonde may be prohibitive, due to EMCON policy or indeed, flying movements. In
such a case, only the surface meteorological measurements may be available for use in a
propagation model. This makes the fact that AREPS, using just the NPS evaporation duct
model, often exceeded the accuracy of the other two runs (in the 5-15nm range) in a
number of runs of greater significance.
In the absence of high quality data, the production of tactical forecasts must often
rely on one of two options:
A highly experienced and skilled METOC forecaster, who is able to interpret
the results and adjust advice accordingly to their judgement.
The input of various parameters, output from atmospheric models.
There are disadvantages to both approaches:
Forecasters vary significantly in experience, and for that matter, also ability,
and thus there is likely to be little consistency in the advice given to
Current models, such as, the US Navys COAMPS or the UK Met Offices
Meso-scale model have yet to prove their ability to accurately and consistently
handle the complexities of the land/sea boundary, or to produce sufficient
vertical resolution for accurate inputs in to EM propagation TDAs.
The RN and USN currently use a suite of atmospheric models to forecast various
environmental parameters, not least the state of the atmosphere, or more normally, a
weather forecast. Both EEMS and AREPS are designed to directly ingest data from
COAMPS or the Meso-scale model. Both models are proven to produce good
approximations to the state of the atmosphere. The characterization of the refractive
profile and subsequent propagation conditions is particularly sensitive to small errors.
The spatial scales over which horizontal and vertical changes occur, are very small in
relation to current model parameters, with important features often smoothed or missed
by the resultant forecasts. In particular, within the coastal boundary, the description of the
marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) is frequently poorly modelled. As discussed
in Chapter V, this zone is characterised by strong temperature and humidity gradients,
which undergo significant variation in relatively small horizontal scales. The coast of
California is dominated by variations in this MABL, for much of the year, and both the
weather and refractive conditions are intrinsically dependant upon its character. Current
models rarely produce satisfactory and reliable forecasts of the variation of this feature,
which is potentially significant for the concept of port protection.
This study has illustrated, using high quality in situ measured data, that in a
simulated operational scenario, there are still significant problems in forecasting
propagation conditions in the littoral zone. This is a region in which both the Royal Navy
and United States Navy are increasingly engaged, often in coalition. The threat from
potential adversaries is becoming increasingly diverse, and technology increasingly
lethal. Surface vessels are vulnerable to attack from submarines, surface, air, and land
launched sea-skimming missiles, the traditionally posed threat. However, recent events
have shown that adversaries in small craft armed with shoulder-launched weapons,
limpet-type bombs and/or simply packed with explosives are increasingly a threat. Such
threats can also be directed at ports and other major coastal installations, such as oil
Radar can and is used to detect and protect our assets by the detection of aircraft,
missiles, un-manned airborne vehicles, periscopes, small-craft and potentially swimmers.
The concept of Sea Shield, Sea Strike and also Homeland Defence, whether in protection
of UK or US interests, can be intrinsically dependant on the effectiveness of radar and the
description of the battlespace environment. The effectiveness of radar is undoubtedly
dependant on the accurate portrayal of the refractive medium in which it is being utilised
and the temporal and spatial variations that subsequently occur.
Propagation models have been shown to be capable of producing excellent results,
in both this study and others, but the variability of the atmosphere, especially in the
littoral region produces significant challenges to accurate predictions. To achieve the goal
of an accurate characterisation of the littoral zone, requires further research, such as that
conducted at Wallops Island, with emphasis on the production on atmospheric models
which concentrate on the very fine detail required for propagation forecasts and also
propagation models that fully utilise the near surface data field to accurately predict the
evaporation duct.
Until higher quality data and models are available, the Royal Navy and United
States Navy must continue to rely on the decisions made by highly trained, experienced
and specialised forecasters to provide the tactical edge to the warfighter.
Babin, S. M., G. S. Young and J. A. Carton, 1997: A New Model Of The Oceanic
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1. Defense Technical Information Center
Ft. Belvoir, VA
2. Dudley Knox Library
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA
3. Director of Naval Surveying, Oceanography and Meteorology
London. United Kingdom
4. Ms Wendy Townshend
Maritime Warfare Centre
PORTSMOUTH, Hants. United Kingdom
5. Professor Kenneth L. Davidson
Meteorology Department, Code MR
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
6. Professor Wendell A. Nuss
Meteorology Department, Code MR
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
7. Professor C. H. Wash
Meteorology Department, Code MR
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
8. The Oceanographer of the Navy
United States Naval Observatory
Washington, DC
9. Commanding Officer
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
Monterey, CA
10. G. Daniel Dockery
The John Hopkins University
Laurel, MD
11. Richard Paulus
San Diego, CA
12. Wayne Patterson
San Diego, CA
13. Janet Stapleton, Code T44
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD)
Dahlgren, VA
14. Commander
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (PMW-155)
San Diego, CA
15. Kenneth Andreson
San Diego, CA
16. Dr Spephen Burk
Naval Research Laboratory
Monterey, CA
17. Robert E Marshall, PhD
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Dahlgren, VA
18. Lt Cdr Andrew J Moys RN
Monterey, CA