Enhancement of Loan Ceiling On Ewf Fin - Ms 131
Enhancement of Loan Ceiling On Ewf Fin - Ms 131
Enhancement of Loan Ceiling On Ewf Fin - Ms 131
Employees Welfare Fund Rules Enhancement of the existing ceiling of Loans sanctioned by District Level Committees in the State, Twin Cities Committee, Hyderabad and State Level Committee, Hyderabad, APEWF Medical / Education purposes from 10,000/- to 20,000/- and 50,000/- to 1,00,000/- Amendment - Orders Issued. FINANCE (EWF) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms No. 131 Dated:14-05-2012 Read the following
1) G.O.Ms.No.173, Fin. (PRC.VI) Department, dt. 28-05-1980. 2) G.O.Ms.No.137, Fin. & Plng. (FW: PC-I) Department, dt:24-5-1995. 3) Govt. Memo No.734/M/APEWF/2000, dt:30-12-2000. 4) Govt. Memo No.772/M/EWF/2001, dt:14-3-2001 5) Representation from the APNGOs Association, Hyd., dt:18-2-2012. 6) Representation from the TNGOs Central Union, Hyd., dt:18-2-2012. 7) Representation from the State Teachers Union, AP, Hyd., dt:18-2-2012. 8) Minutes of XXI SLC Meeting held on 18-2-2012 on Agenda Item 13. 9) G.O.Ms.No.61, Fin. (EWF) Dept., dt:13-3-2012. *** ORDER: In the G.O. 1st read above orders were issued for framing in the A.P Employees Welfare Funds Rules, 1980. In the G.O. 2nd read above, orders have been issued Amending the Rule 7 (1) (a) of A.P. Employees Welfare Funds Rules by providing a loan of 25,000/- in case of Educational Advance for prosecuting Higher Studies Abroad and .50,000/- in the case of Medical purposes in any one case. 2) In the Govt. Memo. 3rd read above orders have been issued sanctioning of loan to an extent of 10,000/- for Women Employees towards pro-natal care and post-natal care of the Mother and Child, by furnishing the Medical Certificate from any Assistant Civil Surgeon working in Government Hospital, recognized Private Practitioners and recognized private Nursing Homes 3) In the Govt., Memo. 4th read above, orders have been issued sanctioning of 50,000/- as Educational Loan to pursue the studies for Education of their Childrens at IIIT, Gachibouli, Hyderabad. 4) In the G.O. 9th read above, orders have been issued amending the Rule 7 (1) (a) of A.P. Employees Welfare Funds Rules, 1980, enhancing the existing loan limit from 5000/- to 10,000/- in any one case loans sanctioned by the District Level Committees in the State and T.C.C., Hyderabad.
::2:: 5) The Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers Association, Telanga Non-Gazetted Officers Central Union and State Teachers Union, AP, Hyderabad in their representations have stated that the existing sanction of loan amount needs revision as it is not sufficient to meet the purpose of the employees and they requested to enhance the ceiling limit of loans by the District Level Committees in the State, Twin Cities Committee, Hyderabad and State Level Committee, Hyderabad keeping view of the Revised Pay Scales from time to time. 6). After careful examination of the representations of the Associations in the references 5th to 7th read above, the State Level Committee, APEWF, Hyderabad has decided to enhance the existing ceiling limit of loans being sanctioned from the APEWF as follows: i) The APEWF loans sanctioned by the District Level Committees in the State and TCC, Hyderabad, for Medical/Education purpose is enhanced from 10,000/- to 20,000/-. ii) The APEWF loans sanctioned by the State Level Committee, Hyderabad for Medical / Education purpose (Education in IIIT, Gachibouli, Hyd. and Foreign Universities) is enhanced from 50,000/- to 1,00,000/iii) The APEWF loans sanctioned by the State Level Committee, Hyderabad for Medical purpose for women employees towards pro-natal care and post-natal care of the Mother and Child, by furnishing the Medical Certificate from any Assistant Civil Surgeon working in Government Hospital recognized Private Practitioners and recognized Private Nursing Homes is enhanced from 10,000/- to 20,000/-. 7) These orders shall come into force from the date of issue of these orders. 8) In pursuance of the above decision the following amendments are issued to the Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.173, Finance (PRC-VI) Department, dated 28-05-1980.
For Rule 7 (1) (a) of the APEWF Rules, 1980 the following shall be substituted in the maximum limit of loan namely; i) In the case of APEWF loans sanctioned to members, by the DLCs in the State and TCC Hyderabad for Medical / Education purpose, the maximum limit of loan shall not exceed 20,000/in any one case. ii) In the case of APEWF loans sanctioned to members, by the State Level Committee, Hyderabad for Medical / Education purpose, (Education in IIIT, Gachibouli, Hyderabad and Foreign Universities) the maximum limit of loan shall not exceed of 1,00,000/- in any one case.
::3:: iii) In the case of APEWF loans sanctioned to members, by the SLC, Hyderabad for Medical purpose (in respects of women employees towards pro-natal care and post-natal care of the mother and child by furnishing Medical Certificate from any Assistant Civil Surgeon working in Government Hospital, recognized Private Practitioners and recognized Private Nursing Homes) the maximum limit of loan shall not exceed of 20,000/- in any one case.
1) The Accountant General, (A&E), A.P. Hyderabad. 2) All Departments of Secretariat. 3) All Heads of Departments (including Collectors and District Judges) 4) All Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Parishad. 5) All the District Pancyayat Officers. 6) All DD, District Treasury Officers in State. 7) All District Educational Officers in the State. 8) All the Commissioners and Special Officers of Municipalities. 9) The Chairman A.P. Housing Board, Hyderabad 10) The Secretary, APPSC, A.P. Hyderabad. 11) The Registrar, High Court, A.P. Hyderabad. 12) The Secretary, Vigilance Commissioner, Hyderabad 13) The Secretary to Governor, Raj Bhavan, Hyderabad. 14) The Chairman Tribunal for Disciplinary proceedings, A.P. Hyderabad. 15) The Finance Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer, Nagarjuna Sagar Project Secretariat Buildings, Hyderabad. 16) The Registrar, A.P. Administrative Tribunal, Hyderabad. 17) All District Educational Officers/all Principals of Jr. Colleges. 18) The Prisiding Officer Labor Court, Guntur. 19) The Pay and Accounts Officer Govt. of A.P. New Delhi. 20) The Special Commissioner, A.P. New Delhi. 21) The Deputy Chief Commissioner, Nagarjuna Sagar, Right Canal, Vijayapuri North, Nalganda Dist. 22) The Deputy Chief Commissioner, Nagarjuna Sagar, Left Canal, Takulapalli, Khammam Dist. 23) The Deputy Chief Accounts Officer, Godavari Brriage Project, Dowlaishwaram, East Godavari. 24) The Director of Account, Srisilam Project, Srisilam Dam, Kurnool Dist. 25) The Director of Account Pochampadu, Nizambad Dist. 26) The Pay & Accounts Officer, Tungabhadra Project High Level Canal Stage one Ananthapur. 27) The Asst. Pay& Accounts Officer Vamsadara Project, Srikakulam Dist. 28) All the DDs/DTOs/MSTs, DLCs, APEWF O/o. Dist Treasuries in the State. 29) The Dy.PAO/MST/TCC, Hyd. APEWF O/o.PAO, Hyd. 30) All Collectors/Presidents, DLCs, APEWF in the State. 31) The Secretary to Govt. G.A (Services) Dept. 32) The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, AP.Hyd. 33) The Director of State Audit, AP. Hyd. 34) The Addl. Secretary to Govt. G.A (Services) Dept. 35) The A.P. NGOs Association 36) The TNGOs Central Union 37) A.P. Secretariat Association 38) The Progressive Recognized Teachers Union A.P. 39) The State Teachers Union, A.P. 40) The A.P. United Teachers Federation 41) The Twin Cities A.P. Govt. Vehicles Drivers Association 42) The All A.P. Govt. Vehicles Drivers Central Association 43) The All A.P. Govt. Class IV Employees Central Association 44) The Telangana Class-IV Employees Central Association 45) The A.P. Teachers Federation (Regd.No.1938) (P.T.O.)
::4:: 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) The A.P. Revenue Services Association The A.P. Secretariat Class-IV Employees Association The A.P. Gram Panchayat Employees Association The A.P. Economic & Statistical Service Association The A.P. Roneo Duplicating Operators Central Association The A.P. Panchayat Raj Diploma Engineers Association The A.P. Panchayat Raj Ministerial Employees Association The A.P. Junior Forest Officers Association The A.P. Agricultural Subordinate Service Association The A.P. Secretariat Officers Association The District and Divisional Panchayat Officers Association, Kakinada The A.P. Highway (R&B) Employees Union SF/SC