Genomic Library - Hongming Lam
Genomic Library - Hongming Lam
Genomic Library - Hongming Lam
Hon-Ming Lam
Vectors DNA
(cDNA: plasmids, phage Genomic: phage, cosmid, BAC, PAC, YAC, TAC)
Size Fractionation
Genomic Libraries
from genomic DNA frequency of hits independent of gene expression levels
cDNA Libraries
reverse transcription of mRNA dependent
may contain promoters and no promoters or introns introns expression is feasible if linked cannot express in to a suitable promoter heterologous system useful for genome analysis, useful for analysis of coding regions and gene functions map-based cloning, promoter studies, etc
n: total number of clones needed to ln (1 1/n)N = ln (1 P) cover the total genome if the clones are not overlapping (total size of genome divided by the N = ln (1-P) / ln (1-1/n) average size of a single cloned fragment)
cDNA Libraries
N = ln (1 P) / ln (1 m/T) P: probability that each mRNA will be represented once N: independent recombinant clones to be screened m: number of molecules of the rarest mRNA in a cell T: total number of mRNA molecules in a cell
cDNA Libraries
N = ln (1 P) / ln (1 m/T)
Since it is hard to estimated the total number of mRNA molecules and the number of rarest mRNA molecules, it is difficult to predict the exact number of clones to be screened. In general, to have at least one copy of every mRNA, 500,000 to 1,000,000 independent cDNA clones should be screened
Insert Size
YAC (yeast 230 - 1700 kb Propagate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; artificial (length of Three major elements: chromosome) natural yeast centromere for nuclear division; chromosome) telomeres for marking the end of Average: 400the chromosome; origins of replication for initiation of new 700 kb
DNA synthesis when the chromosome divides Previously an important tool to map complex genomes; Problems: chimera, instability (rearrangement)
With P1 plasmid replicon (single copy in E. coli) and Ri plasmid replicon (single copy in Agrobacterium tumefaciens) With T-DNA border and can transform plant directly
pAD10SacBII (30kb)
site-specific recombination
Similar to cosmid
Insert Size
Up to 20-30 kb (for replacement vectors) and 10-15 kb (for insertion vectors)
Maximum size for mRNA is about 8 kb, hence the capacity of DNA insert is not a major concern here; Insertion vector system is usually employed; Useful for study of individual genes and their putative functions Efficient packaging system, easy for gene transfer into E. coli cells, more representative than plasmid libraries, subcloning and subsequent DNA manipulation processes are less convenient than plasmid systems Relatively easy to transform E. coli cells although may not be as efficient as the phage system for large scale gene transfer; Less representative than phage libraries, subcloning and subsequent DNA manipulation processes are more convenient than the phage systems
linker-primer: reverse transcription, restriction site (XhoI) 5-methyl dCTP: protect internal sites
Addition of Adapter
+ EcoRI adapter; ligase
+ XhoI
XL1-Blue MRF
XL1-Blue MRF
XL1-Blue MRF T I
F The ZAP phage clone replicates in the host cell The fl helper phage protein nicks the fl replication initiation site I on ZAP and replication continues until reaching the fl replication termination site T
XL1-Blue MRF
F fl phage coats indiscriminately pack DNA molecules containing the fl replication origin; both fl genome and pBluescript fragments are packed
XL1-Blue MRF
F fl genome (contains an amber mutation) cannot propagate in the suppressor free SOLR and pBluescript containing cells can be selected by the ampicillin resistance marker
Screening by Hybridization
Plaque/colony lifting Making labeled probes Hybridization Pre-hybridization Hybridization Washing Detection Radioactivity Luminescence Florescence Chemiluminescence Rescuing clones and further analysis
Plaque/Colony Lifting
Nylon membrane
Plaque/Colony Lifting
Master plate Replica membrane Labeled nucleic acid probes (radioactive or non-radioactive) Hybridization
Wash off unbound probe Hybridization bottle Place Bio-Max film onto hybridized membrane
Develop film
Hybridization bottle
Original master plate
Making Probes
Methods of Detection Radioactive (e.g. P32, P33, S35) Non-radioactive (e.g. biotinylation, horseradish peroxidase, Digoxigenin)
Making Probes
Methods of Synthesis DNA Nick translation (E. coli polymerase I) Random priming (Klenow) Random labeling by PCR 5-end labeling (DNA kinase) 3-end labeling (T4 DNA polymerase, terminal transferase, modified T7 DNA polymerase, Klenow, reverse transcriptase)
Nick Translation
Nick Translation
Nick Translation
Nick Translation
Gaps filled by E. coli DNA polymerase I in the presence of dNTPs and labeled deoxynucleotides (5 to 3 polymerase activities, proofreading by 3 to 5 exonuclease activities)
Nick Translation
Random Priming
Random Priming
Heat denaturing + Random primers (hexamers); + Klenow, dNTPs, and labeled deoxynucleotides
Making Probes
Methods of Synthesis RNA Random labeling by in vitro transcription (DNA dependent RNA polymerase, e.g. Sp6, T3, T7 RNA polymerase) 3-end labeling (DNA independent RNA polymerase + ATP by polyA tail; RNA ligase)
Making Riboprobes
Gene of Interest
Clone gene of interest under the control of a strong, specific, and inducible promoter (e.g. Sp6, T3, T7)
Making Riboprobes
Gene of Interest
Cut with a restriction enzyme to generate a blunt end or 5 overhang at the 3 end of the gene of interest
Making Riboprobes
Gene of Interest
+ DNA-dependent RNA polymerase corresponding to the promoter used, in the presence of NTPs and labeled nucleotides, to generate randomly labeled cRNA probes
Duplex length Directly proportional to duplex length Maximum rate: 20-25oC below Tm for DNA-DNA hybrids, 1015oC below Tm for DNA-RNA hybrids Increase rate of membrane hybridization; 10% dextran sulfate increases rate by factor of ten Repetitive sequences increase the rate Little effect between pH 5.0 to 9.0
Mutant Transformant Transgene not induced Only the transformant survives on K+-limiting medium Both survive on K+-rich medium Anderson et al., 1992