Uav Conops
Uav Conops
Uav Conops
different concepts for employment of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), and can deliver significantly different deployed combat power for a given force structure. The Armys existing Sky Warrior Program will deliver 132 MQ-1C air vehicles (and 77 ground stations). Using this as a baseline for comparison, each Service has indicated if it owned these 132 UAVS, it would retain 12 for initial operator training and assign the remaining 120 to operational units. From there the models rapidly diverge. The Army CONOPS is based on their current force structure planning model called Army Forces Generation (ARFORGEN). It assumes one third of their forces will be deployed in combat operations, while the remaining two thirds are at home station split between available status, and post deployment reset status. Their approach enables them to sustain 12 CAPs steady state or 21 CAPs during surge operations. The Air Force uses a remote, split operations concept to employ its UAVs. Under this approach, the Air Force flies the UAVs from home station via satellite links. It only maintains a small deployed footprint at consolidated operating locations to launch, recover and maintain its aircraft. This approach has many advantages over the Army AFORGEN model. First, it does not require reconstitution of the UAVs at home station, enabling deployment of the vast majority of its force structure. Second, the majority of the personnel operate from home station and require no reconstitution following deployments. Finally, consolidation at the forward location enables substantial maintenance efficiencies, allowing the Air Force to field one CAP for every 3 deployed aircraft instead of the 4 aircraft required under the Army model. By using remote split operations, 85% of the 120 operational UAV would be forward deployed for combat operations. The remaining 15% would support two training CAPs at each operational base. This approach enables the Air Force to deploy up to 34 CAPs in steady state operations and 40 CAPs during surge operations. Using this concept the Air Force is able to deliver almost three times the combat power from the same force structure in steady state operations and twice the combat power during surge operations by employing remote split operations. The Army will indicate that the Air Force employment concept does not enable integrated operations at the tactical level. This concern neglects the fact that the Air Force integrates Tactical Air Control Parties (TACPs) at the Division, Brigade, and Battalion level, and often lower when supporting Special Operations Forces. These TACPs coordinate directly with the Predator operations center via UHF radios on the aircraft or via satellite communications. They enable direct, responsive, integration of ISR and weapons employment with ground force operations. When this is coupled with the significantly larger deployed force structure and more efficient operations allowed by remote split operations, the TACPs can ensure that the tactical echelons of the ground forces receive significantly more capability than the Army model provides. Note: The operational effect of deployed ISR is generally measured in the number of Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) that a given deployed force structure can support. A single CAP represents the capability to sustain one air vehicle airborne in support of a given objective for an indefinite period of time.
Army AFORGEN Model Total Force Structure Initial Operator Training Operational Forces Basing Unit Training Non Deployable Deployment CAP Requirements Steady State Deployment Surge Deployments 132 UAVs, 77 Ground Stations 12 UAVs 120 UAVs 10 Army Posts (1 per Division) 12 UAVs per Division 3 Divisions= 36 Ready UAVs 3 Divisions= 36 Reset UAVs
AF Remote Split Operations 132UAVs, 77 Ground Stations 12 UAVs 120 UAVs 3 AF Bases 40 UAVs per Base 6 UAVs per Base = 18 UAVs None
4 Divisions= 48 Deployed UAVs 34 UAVs per Base = 102 UAVs 4 Air Vehicles per CAP 48 UAVs - Deployed Only 12 CAPs 21 CAPs 3 Air Vehicles per CAP 102 UAVs 34 CAPs 40 CAPs ~1,100 ~ $1.6B
Manpower Cost
~1,400 TBD
MQ-1 PREDATOR 157 # A/C Produced ** NOT AVAILABLE Attritted (Includes Mishaps and Combat Losses) 10 Awaiting Delivery Owned by US Navy A/C in Modification, Testing, or Depot Repair - Museum ** AVAILABLE Training Assets (FTU/FTD) -- Committed to Non-CENTCOM Missions Committed to OEF Committed to OIF -- Committed to Broader GWOT
57 3 19 7
22 0 14 20 5
MQ-9 REAPER (Includes Pre-Production and Interim Combat Capability Aircraft) 13 -- # A/C Produced 0 5 2 4 2 -----Destroyed A/C in Modification or Testing Training Assets Committed to GWOT Preparing for Deployment