Plenary 5 - Louie Malixi

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Environmental and Social Management Systems Leading w/ the Heart

The views in this presentation are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the government they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this presentation and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. Terminology used may not necessarily be consistent with ADB official terms.

Agenda g
Louie Intro ESMS Lead w/ the Heart 1st Break All the Rules A few success stories Some tools

Who is Louie?

Background Lead with the Heart Intel Inside I l I id

1st Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham 1 Rules Dane Parker Intel Worldwide EHS Director for US Roll Out Lucy Dodd Intel EHS Ireland for EU Roll Out Louie Malixi Intel EHS Philippines for Asia Roll Out

What is your most important resource?

People Focus: The Hearts & Minds approach
Leadership is about the people leading? Teaching is about teachers? Teaching Project Management is about the Project j g j Manager?

Leadership Primer By gen. colin powell (LESSON 8) 8)

Organization doesn't anything. "Organization doesn t really accomplish anything Plans don't accomplish anything, either. Theories of management don't much matter. Endeavors succeed or fail because of the th people involved. O l b attracting th b t people will l i l d Only by tt ti the best l ill you accomplish great deeds."
In a brain-based economy, your best assets are people. We've heard this expression so often that it's become trite. But how many leaders really "walk the talk" with this stuff? Too often, people are assumed to be empty chess pieces to be moved around by grand viziers, which may explain why so many top managers immerse their calendar time in deal making, restructuring and the latest management fad. How many immerse themselves in the g g y goal of creating an environment where the best, the brightest, the most creative are attracted, retained and, most importantly, unleashed?

The Basic Foundation of the Lead ith the H t P L d with th Heart Program: Gallups 1st Break All the Rules
For more than 60 years, The Gallup Organization has been a world leader in providing measurement, consulting and education f many of th worlds lti d d ti for f the ld largest companies. 1st Break All the Rules took 25 years in the making Performance measures, 360 feedback and interviewed more than 1 000 000 employees 1,000, employees. Also 80,000 managers in leadership positions, midlevel managers and front-line supervisors. After a mountain of data What do great managers know?

1st Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham

Learn the rules well so you can y break them properly

HH Dalai Lama

So What are the Rules?

Do unto others as you would have done to you. You can do anything if you just work hard at it and anyone is trainable trainable. Focus on their weakness to attain perfection.

Do you agree w/ these statements?

Skills and knowledge are things we can learn and acquire. However talent is very different. Talent is a recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior that b h i th t can b productively applied. It i a be d ti l li d is behavior you find yourself doing often. It is what you are. are

What do you see?

MILL1ON PAY one in a million a raise in pay

TEMPERATURE a drop in temperature GRACE 1) THOUGHT BUT 2) THOUGHT a fall from grace But on 2nd thought g

So lets break the Rules?

Do unto others as you would have done to you. The world you see is seen by you alone. What entices you & p y g y what repels you, what strengthens you and what weakens you, is part of a pattern that no one else shares. Oscar Wilde You Yo can do anything if you just work hard at it and anyone is an thing o j st ork an one trainable. People dont change that much. Dont waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw what was left in. That is hard enough. At best you can train skills and knowledge but not talent. If at 1st you dont succeed try & try again, then quit! Theres no sense being a damned fool about it! it! W.C. Fields ocus o t e ea ess atta perfection. Focus on their weakness to attain pe ect o Accentuate the strength and work around the weaknessLet them become more of who they really are.

Why are great managers so good at selecting talent? t l ti t l t?

Th know what talents they are looking for and They k h t t l t th l ki f d they look beyond the job title and description Th think about expectations and who they are as They thi k b t t ti d h th managers They think about the other people in the team They spend more time w/ their best

So what do great managers know?

They know the difference between skills, knowledge vs. talent They let them become more of who they really are They often break the golden rule and spend more time w/ their best performers Great managers turn a harmful weakness into an irrelevant non-talent Casting is everything & the art of tough love: Great managers know how to terminate someone and still keep the relationship intact.

Where are you on the Mountain?

Base Camp (Basic Needs) 1. Do I know what is expected of me at work? 2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right? First Camp (Building Confidence and Self Esteem) 3. In the last seven days I have received praise or recognition for good work? 4. Does my supervisor or someone at work seem to care about me as a person? 5. Is there someone at work who encourages my development?

Successful ESMS Programs: Leading / the Heart Examples L di w/ th H t E l

1. Lafarge Haulers

2. Aureos Tea Plantation in Sri Lanka

3. Puerto Princesa Tricycles

Successful ESMS ProgramsLeading w/ the H t Example #1 th Heart: E l

Road Transport Safety R dT tS f t The Lafarge Way Nov 11, N 11 2011

5 Pillars in the Logistics Advisory

Selection/procurement Contract management Incentives/penalties g Dialogue/communication KPIs & audit Visible leadership & commitment Logistics staffing/supervision Road safety management skills Fleet management Contracting process/documentation gp Management review

Loading within limits Load stability Movable weights Securing of loads Load size/pre trip check Passengers as load Dis/embarking



Vehicle standards Vehicle selection Vehicle inspection Maintenance standards Suitability Specific risks (tires, brakes, etc)

Journey planning Driving/resting hours Route hazards mapping Authorized routes & rest points OBC/GPS for trip monitoring Visibility (weather, time of day) Shift & trip times Road checks



Driver selection Driver behavior Driver competence Judgment/risk assessment Fatigue/concentration Shift patterns/times tt /ti Physical/mental fitness 18 Discipline/incentives Dialogue/communication

The Project Manager - Nicson Tan j g 10 Years Chevron Logistics H&S g p w/ great passion
1. 1 Clear Expectations 2. Tools & Knowledge to be successful 3. Care for driver 4. Recognition: When things go well share credit. When things go wrong take responsibility 5. Development Plan

Haulers Engagement on Road Transport Safety Management System Luzon Hauler RTA Engagement: 2nd Round Completed Sept 2011 1st Round Completed July/Aug 2011 p y g Mindanao Hauler RTA Engagement 1st Round Completed, Sept 2011 Engagement session focused on: Compliance to Road Safety Requirement and Logistics Advisory Mentoring of Setting up Haulers Road Transport Management System S stem Benefits of a Road Transport Safety Management System Improving Driver Behavior through Road Transport Safety Engagement.

Compliance on Road Transport Advisory Compliance 3rd Party Inspection Giga, Maptan, BAC completed, while other haulers are on the waitlist of the 3rd Party Inspection Company Driver Health and Medical Screening& Drug Test Driver -Giga, Eon, BAC, Great Sierra, South Sea already completed their program Training Program Defensive Driving, First Aid Training for Drivers Other Haulers program in progress include review on 2nd round RTA engagement

Initiatives for RTA Compliance p

First Aid Training

Improvement of Driver Rest Area in Pampanga Depot

Defensive Driving Training

Medical and Drug Screening

3rd Party Inspection

Pampanga Depot
Before Cooking Area After


The Results
1. Close to ZERO downtime: 0 Fatalities & LTI 2. Truck reliability up to 90% following PMS 3. 3 Improved driver morale: Reduced sleep deprivation: 4 to 7 Hrs of sleep Reduced medical illness Significant reduction of drug- & alcoholrelated incidents 4. Professionalized Haulers from 70+ to 26 5. 5 Cost reduction of about Php 18M a year for hauling!

Successful ESMS Programs g Leading w/ the Heart: Example #2 Aureos Tea Plantation, Sri Lanka
31 MARCH 2010

CompanyDescription:TheCompanyisaleadingplantation C D i i Th C i l di l i companyengagedinplantations,manufactureoftea/ palmoilandwholesaledistributionofteasandother palm oil and wholesale distribution of teas and other FMCGitems. CompanyPerformance:TheCompanysperformance plummetedduring2008/9,butcurrentlyitisongood plummeted during 2008/9, but currently it is on good recoveryphasewithcommoditypricespickingupandalso duetoincreasedcontributionfromretailbusinesses.

Environmental Assessment
WPPs plantation businesses have several medium and long term initiatives to improve the environment over and above compliance. compliance These include a forestry program to source own firewood to run factories and introduction of SALT technology when replanting crops. In addition, all plantations and factories are closely monitored by the Central Environmental Agency for strict compliance with the laws. Its tea rubber and palm oil factories are in compliance with the tea, relevant regulations and ISO 9001 and FSMS 22000 Certified (Performance Standard 1: Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems). The WPP is fully irrigated by rain and does not impact the groundwater in the area (3. Performance Standard 3: Pollution Prevention and Abatement).

Health and Safety Assessment Good high-level management support for Environmental
Health & Safety by no less than the General Manager and Directors of Watawala Good housekeeping very clean and orderly Tea Factory Inspiring signage showing care for employees well-being and focus is on family ISO FSMS 22000:2009 Certified Tea factory Machines have proper safety features: Guards, gates and emergency shutdown trip locks at the Tea Factory h td t i l k t th T F t

Successful ESMS ProgramsLeading w/ the Heart E ample #3 / Example Puerto Princesa Tricycles

A P blic Pri ate Partnership bet een Public-Private between: Puerto Princesa Cit P l P t Pi City, Palawan Researchers from UP Private tricycle drivers


Before Overly crowded Polluted Unsafe


The Solution: Thinking Outside the Box Color code: Green & White MWF & TTHS p Collaboration w/ UP Transport Taking away the emotion w/ data Cooperation & trust

After Less traffic Less pollution Higher morale for the drivers Less cost & effort for the drivers Increased profits by about 200%


The Future electric tricycles


Background Material
Just a few Tools When the only tool you have in your When tool box is a hammer, everything looks like a nail nail

Lead with the Heart (Intel)

Linking Focus Areas and OHS Questions EHS Focus Area Focus me Equip me OHS Question

Th goals and objectives f my work are clear The l d bj ti for k l I receive ongoing feedback that helps me improve my performance My job makes good use of my skills and abilities I feel that my contributions are appreciated When I do a good job, my accomplishments are recognized Management shows a sincere interest in me as a g person, not just an employee

Help me see my value Care about me

I am satisfied with my opportunities to develop and Help me to p grow at Intel grow (career In the last 12 months I was able to take advantage of path program) opportunities to develop and grow

Charter Document Mission Team

CharteringGroup ADB Sponsor James TeamLeader LouieMalixi TeamKick OffDate OffD t April19,2012 Sunset Date D t Nov30,2012

Problem Statement Mandate / Mission Statement Success Indicators

What are we trying to fix? 1.The critical few that is real value add? 2.The 20/80 Rule 1.What doesnt get measured doesnt get done. 2.Tangible 2 Tangible results? 3.Accountability & Timelines 1.Quarterly Monthly Meetings? 2.Can have Huddles o updates as needed? Ca a e udd es on eeded 1.Team consensus? 2.Dictatorship? 3.In case of differences escalation to? Direct team players Additional resources Quarterly/monthly updates to ADB (as necessary or requested)

Procedures/ Meeting eque cy Frequency How Decisions are communicated Team Members Extended Team Members /Resources Team Review Schedule

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