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May 2012 Newsletter

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The Church of the Holy Family May 2012 Newsletter

Dear friends, We are blessed at Holy Family with outstanding music. Our choir is made up of dedicated volunteers, who rehearse every Wednesday evening and lead worship on Sundays and special occasions. Our Minister of Music, Terri Karlsson, is one of the most knowledgeable and talented church musicians with whom I have served. Music is important to us as Christians. The Latin phrase, Qui cantat, bis orat is often attributed (but probably inaccurately) to St Augustine of Hippo The one who sings prays twice. Standing in the Anglican tradition as we do, we enjoy a rich heritage of hymnody. The Episcopal Hymnal that we use today was adopted in 1980, and has been supplemented several times since then. A hymn selected for a worship service has four qualities: it is seasonally appropriate, it fits with the readings of the day, it is scripturally accurate, and it is musically sound. Terri keeps each of these in mind as she plans our worship music. Youve probably noticed that we dont sing Christmas hymns in June or Lenten hymns in November. The point of our music is to allow the text of the hymn to bring the readings of the day to life to reinforce or amplify them. And the music is an essential part of worship, not something extra. There are many beloved songs that are deeply meaningful to us. But mine are most likely different from yours! Terri and I get requests from time to time for certain music to be included in Sunday worship. Gospel songs and renewal music can bring back warm memories and good feelings. And not all of them are appropriate for inclusion in a service. In The Garden, for example, is loved by many yet it has no scriptural basis. Surely The Presence is another cherished song that doesnt have a biblical reference. In most Anglican hymnody youll finds that the text is through-written, meaning that it is composed as a complete thought without a refrain. Our best hymns also function as poetry, some of the best in English literature. Our musical tradition also emphasizes the communal aspect of Christian life, rather

than the individual. In other words, were more likely to sing we than I when the subject is relationship with God. Im grateful to be at Holy Family, where we sing so enthusiastically. As a music major myself, I love to hear the 4-part harmony and the sense that the room is filled with voices making a joyful noise. Thank you for being part of such a tuneful community! Holy Family Episcopal Church Yours in Christ, Rob+
419 Turnpike Rd Mills River, NC 28759 (828)-891-9375 www.ourholyfamily.org The Rev Robert Lundquist, Rector

On Sunday, May 20, Holy Family will celebrate the ministry of Deacon Jody Tomberlin with us. Diocesan Archdeacon Kristi Neal will join us for worship she will preach and serve as the deacon of the Eucharist. Kristi is appointed by Bishop Taylor as the coordinator of the deacons in our Diocese. Jody came to us from Texas a little more than 2 years ago. In addition to serving at nearly every Sunday and holy day service during that time, she has made hospital visits to parishioners and assisted with outreach and other ministries. Jody volunteered as a chaplain at Pardee Hospital as part of her larger ministry to the community. She is now at Hendersonville Health & Rehabilitation 104 College Dr., Flat Rock NC 28731 - for at least another week, recuperating from her recent illness. She is in Room 608, and would delighted to have visitors for no more than 20 minutes at a time, as longer stays have proven to be tiring. Thank you for your prayers!

Alcoholics Anonymous meets

at Holy Family on Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Both meetings are open.

A big thank you to everyone for your donations of healthy snacks for the BakPak program at Mills River School! Thanks to your generous donations I was able to completely fill and deliver 60 BakPaks last week due without having to supplement with purchases. These 60 are in addition to the ones we provide from Hearts with Hands. The number of students who depend on the BakPaks for weekend nourishment is growing, and your commitment to this vital ministry has met the need. We have been able to provide more than 225 extra BakPaks this school year.

Cissy Ford

Faith Formation Road Trip

Holy Family will sponsor a trip to see the Bob Jones University Art Collections, Wednesday, May 23. The European Old Masters Collection is one of the largest and most interesting in America. These works of art from the 14th through the 19th centuries beautifully trace the religious, artistic, and cultural history of Western Europe. Over 400 paintings include important works of many major artists such as Rubens, Tintoretto, Veronese, Cranach, Gerard David, Murillo, Ribera, van Dyck, Honthorst, and Dor. We will also enjoy M&Gs exhibit, at Heritage Green, From Rubley to Faberge: The Journey of Russian art and culture to America. The Museum and Gallery's icon collection will be exhibited for the first time since 2003. We will carpool from the church at 9:30 am, enjoy lunch between visiting the two museums, and return by 5:00pm. Admission is $6 per person for the two museums. Sign-up sheet is on the info table. See Rita VanZant for more information or check www.bjumg.org Thanks, Michele Burnette

The Holy Family Stream keepers will be meeting Saturday May 26, from 9Noon. Please bring gloves, loppers, pruners, saws and, water. No need for shovels, or spades. All are welcome! We will be attacking the invasive species along Sweetwater Creek, namely: multi flora rose, oriental bittersweet (vine), and privet. We are currently working on the area next to the pavilion. Many thanks to Barbara Neal who was instrumental in our receiving part of Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy's grant for the recently-planted pollinator patch! This will benefit all plants growing in the Riparian Zones surrounding church property and our 2 creeks, not to mention Gene Davis garden right next to it! Thanks all for your help and support! It is much appreciated! We have come along way from 3 years ago, and have many plans still for the future! God Bless! Diane Carter

Hernandez Family Speaks May 15th Dont miss this opportunity to put a face on immigration. The Hernandez family, Sotero and Isabel, and their two children, will tell us their story about immigrating to the US some 13 years ago. They will also talk about their dreams for the future, and their ideas of solutions to the broken immigration system in this country. Holy Familys immigration discussions group; Becoming the Church Together, Immigration, the Bible, and Our New Neighbors is sponsoring this event. As we approach elections in November, it is important that we are informed about this important issue in our community, state, and across the country. North Carolina is being observed by the rest of the country to see how we resolve some very serious immigration issues, affecting our economy, our agriculture industry, and our treatment of immigrants from around the world. Even if you have not been involved in this ministry, this is a presentation you will not want to miss. Tuesday evening, May 15th, 6:30 to 8:00.

Happenings around the Church Mary Beth (Jim & Evie Brushs daughter) is graduating at the top of her Emergency Medical class and will be home for ten days in June, working with a local recruiter until she leaves for her first Army assignment at Tacoma, WA. Her family (Dustin, Emilie & Kannon) will join her in mid to late June. Our prayers go with them on this great new journey. The Holy Family Lunch Group will meet at the P.F. Chang Restaurant in Biltmore Park off Long Shoals Rd. in Arden on May 16th

Used BOOK SALE @ Holy Family on Saturday, May 19, 9am-3pm. (and after the service on May 20) Hardcover $1-2, paperback 50, CDs & vinyl disks $1
Donations of books received at the church this week. Proceeds support childrens ministries @ Holy Family.

On Saturday, April 28, Holy Family members helped the Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy volunteers put a Pollinator Patch in place on our north border of Boyleston Creek. The task force of older and younger volunteers joined in with heavy spadework, with planting, and with watering; great progress was made and by noon the patch was all in place. One hundred and fifty plants put in, ready to grow and bloom. They will provide sustenance and shelter to butterflies, bees and other insects. This marks the initial part of a management project funded by a grant obtained by the Conservancy. In turn, CLMC has selected us as one of four program recipients. Funding and project help will also be used for future projects - extending our stream buffer and planting more plants and trees within the buffer. This will help us maintain a healthier stream environment. In addition, we plan to use these projects to educate our parish members. In fact, we are already doing this as we incorporate earth care in our childrens Faith Formation classes. Barbara Neal, Holy Family/CMLC Project Coordinator

Since being accepted into the Green Faith Certification Program in December, the Holy Family Green Team has attended three webinars offered by the Green Faith Certification and Sustainability Program, written a Mission Statement and performed audits of 13 areas of our operations. The team is currently documenting the results of those audits and discerning what Holy Family needs to do to meet Green Faith Certification requirements in each of those areas and to accomplish 25 tasks related to preserving and protecting Gods creation. The teams mission statement is: Green Faith Team Mission Statement Recognizing that we are all called to be stewards of Gods creation, Holy Familys Green Team is dedicated to preserving and protecting our environment so that future generations and we may appreciate and enjoy Gods most generous gift. Joining the Green Faith movement and working through three mission areas - Spirit, Stewardship and Justice - we will seek to involve and educate our parish and community through worship, religious education and spiritual practices. By learning and adopting proper environmental practices and by joining other advocates of environmental stewardship we will ALL be working together to make our island home a better place. One task has been accomplished - the planting of a pollinator garden near the vegetable garden (see related article) and another is under way the teaching of creation and caring for the environment to the 9-12 year old class. More activities will be announced as we move forward. Jim Neal Team Leader

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