2.6 Wind Energy Theory

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6 Wind energy theory: The speed of rotation of a wind turbine is usually measured in either rotation speed in revolutions per minute (N in rpm) or angular velocity in radians per second ( in rad/s) . The relation ship between the two is given by: = 2**N/60 (2.1)

Another measure of a wind turbine's speed is its tip speed, , which is the tangential velocity of the rotor at the tip of the blades measured in meter per second and it equals to: = *r where r is the tip radius in meters. A non dimensional ratio known as the tip speed ratio (TSR) is obtained by dividing the tip speed, , by the undisturbed wind speed, Vo. This ratio which provides a useful measure can be used to compare wind turbines of different characteristics. TSR = *r/Vo (2.3) (2.2)

A wind turbine of a particular design can operate over a range of tip speed ratios, but will usually operate with its best efficiency at a particular tip speed ratio. The optimum tip speed ratio for a given wind turbine rotor will depend upon both the number of blades and the width of each blade. A term describes the percentage of the area of the rotor, which contains material rather than air is known as solidity. Wind turbines with large number of blades have high solidity, but wind turbines with small number of narrow blades have low solidity. Multi blade wind pumps have high solidity rotors and modern electricity generating wind turbines (with one, two or three blades) have low solidity rotors. The turbines with low solidity have to turn much faster than the high solidity turbines in order to interact with all the wind passing through. Optimum tip speed ratios for modern low solidity wind turbines range between about 6 and 20. The energy contained in the wind is its kinetic energy and it is equal to: = 0.5 * m * V (2.4) where (m) is the mass of air in kilograms and (V) is speed of air in meters per second. Mass of air flowing through a certain area (A) per second ( =*A*V )is: (2.5)

where is the density of air in kilograms per cubic meter. So, kinetic energy in the wind per second which is equal to power (P) in the wind in watts is equal to: P = 0.5 * * A * V (2.6)

As it is appeared from the power relation, wind speed has a strong influence on power output. The power contained in the wind is not in practice the amount of power that can be extracted by a wind turbine. This is because losses are incurred in the energy conversion process , also because some of the air is pushed aside by the rotor and by passing it without generating power. 2.6.1 Wind speed distribution: Wind speed distribution, is calculated as a Weibull probability density function. This distribution is often used in wind energy engineering, as it conforms well to the observed long-term distribution of mean wind speeds for a range of sites. In some cases the model also uses the Rayleigh wind speed distribution, which is a special case of the Weibull distribution, where the shape factor (described below) is equal to 2. The Weibull probability density function expresses the probability p(x) to have a wind speed x during the year, as follows (Hiester and Pennell, 1981):

P(X)=( ) ( )

[ () ]


This expression is valid for k 1, x 0, and C 0. k is the shape factor, specified by the user. The shape factor will typically range from 1 to 3. For a given average wind speed, a lower shape factor indicates a relatively wide distribution of wind speeds around the average while a higher shape factor indicates a relatively narrow distribution of wind speeds around the average. A lower shape factor will normally lead to a higher energy production for a given average wind speed. C is the scale factor, which is calculated from the following equation (Hiester and Pennell, 1981):



where is the average wind speed value and

is the gamma function.

The relations between the wind power density WPD and the average wind speed are:

where year.

(2.9) (2.10)

is the air density and p(x) is the probability to have a wind speed x during the

2.6.1 Energy curve: The energy curve data is the total amount of energy a wind turbine produces over a range of annual average wind speeds. the energy curve is specified over the range of 3 to 15 m/s annual average wind speed, and is displayed graphically in the Equipment Data worksheet. Function of wind speed in increments of 1 m/s, from 0 m/s to 25 m/s. Each point on the energy curve, Ev , is then calculated as:


where is the mean wind speed considered ( =3, 4, , 15 m/s), Px is the turbine power at wind speed x, and is the Weibull probability density function for wind speed x, calculated for an average wind speed Unadjusted energy production The unadjusted energy production is the energy produced by the turbines at standard conditions of temperature and atmospheric pressure. The calculation is based on the average wind speed at hub height for the proposed site. Wind speed at hub height is usually significantly higher than wind speed measured at anemometer height due to wind shear. The model uses the following power law equation to calculate the average wind speed at hub height [Gipe, 1995]:.

( )
where V is the average wind speed at hub height H, is the wind speed at anemometer height , and is the wind shear exponent.


Once the annual average wind speed at hub height V is calculated, the unadjusted energy production EU is calculated simply by interpolating the energy curve at the value . 2.6.3 Gross Energy Production: Gross energy production is the total annual energy produced by the wind energy equipment, before any losses, at the wind speed, atmospheric pressure and temperature conditions at the site. Gross energy production is calculated through: (2.13) Where is the unadjusted energy production, and and are the pressure and temperature adjustment coefficients. and are given by:


(2.15) where P is the annual average atmospheric pressure at the site, is the standard atmospheric pressure of 101.3 kPa, T is the annual average absolute temperature at the site, and is the standard absolute temperature of 288.1 K. 2.6.4 Renewable Energy Delivered: Renewable energy collected: Renewable energy collected is equal to the net amount of energy produced by the wind energy equipment: (2.16) Where by: is the gross energy production, and is the losses coefficient, given

(2.17) Where a is the array losses, s&i is the airfoil soiling and icing losses, d is the downtime losses, and m is the miscellaneous losses. Absorption rate and renewable energy delivered: The model calculates the wind energy delivered according to: (2.18) where is the renewable energy collected (see equation 16), and is the wind energy absorption rate. The wind energy absorption rate is the percentage of the wind energy collected that can be absorbed by the isolated-grid or the offgrid system. For central grid applications, this rate is always equal to 100% since the grid is assumed to be large enough to always absorb all the energy produced by the wind energy project. absorption rate. It is found by interpolation in Table 1, where the Wind Penetration Level (WPL) is defined as:



Where WPC is the wind plant capacity and PL is the peak load. WPC is obtained by multiplying the number of wind turbines by their rated, or nameplate, capacity (power). Average wind speed (m/s) Wind penetration level (WPL) 0 10 20 30 0 100 100 100 100 4.9 100 98 96 93 5.6 100 98 94 90 6.3 100 98 93 87 6.9 100 97 92 84 8.3 100 96 90 82 Table 1: Suggested Wind Energy Absorption Rate for Isolated-Grid and Off-Grid Applications. As illustrated in Table 1, the suggested wind energy absorption rate varies according to the average wind speed and the wind penetration level. Note that it is based on the wind speed at the wind turbine hub height. Excess renewable energy available: Excess renewable energy available is simply the difference between the wind energy collected and the wind energy delivered : (2.20) Specific yield: The specific yield Y is obtained by dividing the renewable energy collected EC by the swept area of the turbines: (2.21) Where N is the number of turbines and A is the area swept by the rotor of a single wind turbine. Wind plant capacity factor: The wind plant capacity factor PCF represents the ratio of the average power produced by the plant over a year to its rated power capacity. It is calculated as follows [Li and Priddy, 1985]:



Where is the renewable energy collected, expressed in kWh, WPC is the wind plant capacity, expressed in kW, and is the number of hours in a year.

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