Practice Final Exam For Natural Language Processing

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Practice Final Exam for Natural Language Processing


There are 10 questions, each will be worth 10 points. The maximum score on the test will be 100. You will have approximately 1:50 minutes to complete this test. If you feel that your test is complete, you may hand in your test and leave early. It is essential that you PUT YOUR NAME ON ALL TEST MATERIALS. It can be difcult identify the author of an unsigned test and it would be better to avoid this problem. The test materials will include this printout and one blank test booklet. I suggest that you ll in all answers directly on this printout and use the blank test booklet as scrap paper. However, if you run out of space, you have the option of using the test booklet. However, please include a clear note on the test so I know where to look for your answer. This test is an open book/open notes test: Please feel free to bring your text book, your notes, copies of class lectures and other reading material to the test. A calculator is also permitted. Answer all questions on the test. If you show your work and you make a simple arithmetic mistake, but it is clear you knew how to do it, you will get partial credit. Note that this is a sample test. It is intended to approximate the content of the actual test. Of course questions on the actual test may end up being more or less difcult for you.

(1) Write a single regular expression for identifying social security numbers in text. The social security numbers consists of 9 digits and must be followed and preceded by spaces, beginnings of lines or ends of lines. For example, one should not nd a valid social security number as a substring of a larger number. In addition there are certain restrictions: The rst three digits cannot be all zeros and cannot be all sixes The fourth and fth number cannot both be zeros The seventh, eighth and ninth number cannot all be zeros The nine digits can all be next to each other or there can be a delimiter between the third and fourth digit and the fth and sixth digit. This delimiter can be a space or a hyphen. The following are well formed social security numbers: 123456789, 123-45-6789, 123 456 789. The following are ill-formed social security numbers: 000-23-4567, 123-00-4567, 123-45-0000, 666-12-7788. There is no valid social security number on the following line: 12345678910 is a big number, 345-678-910 is a lotto number and 3333333334 is a 10 digit number.


Description Coordinating conjunction Cardinal number Determiner Existential there Foreign word Preposition or subordinating conjunction Adjective Adjective, comparative Adjective, superlative List item marker Modal Noun, singular or mass Noun, plural Proper noun, singular Proper noun, plural Predeterminer Possessive ending Personal pronoun


Description Possessive pronoun Adverb Adverb, comparative Adverb, superlative Particle Symbol to Interjection Verb, base form Verb, past tense Verb, gerund or present participle Verb, past participle Verb, non-3rd person singular present Verb, 3rd person singular present Wh-determiner Wh-pronoun Possessive wh-pronoun Wh-adverb

Table 1: Penn Treebank POS tags (2) Assign Penn parts of speech tags (as per Table 1) to all the words in the following two sentences using the notation word/POS: a. John b. It and was Mary purchased bought from a a refrigerator very small with store three near doors their . house .

(3) Mark the noun groups in the following sentence using BIO (beginning, intermediate, other) tags. Mary has a room with a view and a bottle of beer

(4) Draw a Phrase Structure Tree representing one parse of the following sentence. Make a list of the phrase structure rules that you are assuming. John and Mary bought a refrigerator with three doors .

(5) Calculate precision, recall and f-score (aka, f-measure) for the following system output and answer key. In this task, politicians are automatically extracted from a collection of documents and classied with a label (left, right or center) or are left unclassied. A correct instance is one in which the system output and answer key agree on a label. If no label is assigned in either the answer key or the system output, it will not be listed below and will not be considered in the score. Example System Output Answer Key Barack Obama center left Bill Clinton center left Bugs Bunny left George W. Bush right right Hillary Clinton center left Howard Stern center Jason Brown center John Major right center Jonathan Swift left Karl Marx left Mitt Romney right center Noam Chomsky left left Pippi Longstocking center Ralph Nader left left Richard Cheney right right Rush Limbaugh right Sarah Palin right right Shaquille ONeal center (6) Given the training data below, execute the following 3 steps, the rst two create the HMM and the third uses this HMM for decoding: (a) calculate the likelihood probabilities for each word given each POS; (b) draw a nite state machine where states are POS and edges are labeled with transition probabilities; (c) draw a chart where the columns are positions in the sentence and the rows are names of states (start, end, POS tags) and ll in the probability scores assigned by the Viterbi algorithm assigning POS tags to the string ying planes. Training Data: buffalo/NNS ying/VBG is/VBZ dangerous/JJ ying/JJ planes/NNS are/VBZ numerous/JJ I/PRP saw/VBZ Mary/NNP ying/VBG planes/NNS He/PRP planes/VBZ shelves/NNS

(7) Fill in the CKY chart below for sentence The rain rains down assuming the following rules: 1. S NP VP 2. NP N 3. NP DT N 4. VP V ADVP 5. VP V 6. ADVP ADV 7. DT the 8. N rain 9. N rains 10. V rain 11. V rains 12. ADV down The 1 0 1 2 3 rain 2 rains 3 down 4

(8) Some dening characteristics of organization and facility as per the ACE guidelines are as follows: An Organization entity must have some formally established association. Typical examples are businesses, government units, sports teams, and formally organized music groups. Industrial sectors and industries are also treated as Organization entities. (ACE Entity Guidelines v6.6, page 7) A facility is a functional, primarily man-made structure. These include buildings and similar facilities designed for human habitation, such as houses, factories, stadiums, ofce buildings, gymnasiums, prisons, museums, and space stations; objects of similar size designed for storage, such as barns, parking garages and airplane hangars; elements of transportation infrastructure, including streets, highways, airports, ports, train stations, bridges, and tunnels. Roughly speaking, facilities are artifacts falling under the domains of architecture and civil engineering. (ACE Entity Guidelines v6.6, page 22) In the following text from the May 3, 2012 New York Times (A House Tour: Yes, That House) mark the organizations by underlining them and writing an ORG immediately above them; mark the facilities by underlining them and writing FAC immediately above. If a particular piece of text is difcult to mark only ORG or only FAC, mark it ORG/FAC. After the 9/11 attacks, the system changed radically. Now, anyone who wants to tour the White House must apply through the office of his or her representative in Congress, which forwards the names to the White House for clearance... Once they get the green light, visitors show up at the appointed time on 15th Street between E and F Streets and join the line to enter through the southeast gate. Anyone who has flown on an airline in recent years will recognize the familiar territory of identity checks and electronic scans, although here you do get to keep your shoes on. At the head of the line, rangers from the National Park Service check photo IDs against a list of names.

S VP MD could RB not VB believe VP NP PRP it

Figure 1: The 1st sentence: Mary could not believe it


S NP DT the NN picture VBD was IN of PP$ her VP PP NP NN nose

Figure 2: The 2nd sentences: The picture was of her nose (9) Figures 1 and 2 provide the parse trees for two consecutive sentences. Annotate the trees with arrows indicating the search for the antecedent of the possessive pronoun her using the Hobbs search algorithm, diagrammed as gure 3. Put an X through each NP that was considered as an antecedent, but was rejected (due to agreement, semantics, etc.). Circle the antecedent found by the Hobbs Search. Next to each arrow, indicate the number of the step associated with this move (as per gure 3).


1. Go to NP immediately dominating pronoun

2. Go up to 1st dominating NP or S node. This node = X path to X = p.

4a. Is X the highest S in the sentence? (Recursive) Yes No Yes No Antecedent Found?

3. Traverse branches below X to the left of p, lefttoright and and breadth first. Propose each NP n as an antecedent if there is an NP or S between n and X.

Antecedent Found? 4b. Searrch previous sentences in order from right ot left. Search each tree from left to right, breadth 1st, proposing each NP as antecedent 5. From Node X, go up to the 1st NP or S. Call this node X and the path to X p. Yes End No Yes 6. If X = NP and there is no N in p, propose X as antecedent Antecedent Found? 8. If X is an S node,traverse all branches of X preceding p, lefttoright, breadth first, but not going below any S or NP node found Propose each NP.

Yes End Antecedent Found?


7. Search for antecedent in branches below X, lefttoright, breadth first. Propose each NP.

Figure 3: Hobbs Search Algorithm for Finding Antecedents of Pronouns

(10) Given the following unigram and translation probabilities, what is the overall probability scores that a decoder would assign to dog bad being a translation of the Spanish perro malo? What would need to be added to the model to get the correct word order? Unigram Probabilities for English: dog: 1.7 105 cat: 8 106 bird: 5 106 bad: 1.6 104 good: 4.9 104 stupid: 1.1 105 Translation probabilities Spanish pjaro malo .01 .12 .04 .15 .8 .03 .02 .87 0 .11 .05 .05

English dog cat bird bad good stupid

perro .6 .04 .01 .01 .03 .05

gato .03 .55 .02 .03 .01 .05

bueno .15 .11 .02 .05 .83 .75

estupido .09 .11 .12 .02 .02 .05

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