KIN 363 Juggling LP2

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KIN 363: Instructional Strategies in Physical Education Spring 2010 St.

Joseph-Ogden Middle School Lesson Plan #2 Teachers Name: Josh Toon Content/Unit: Juggling Equipment Needed: Open gym space 60 scarves 60 bean-bag balls 60 tennis balls 21 cones Student Prerequisites: Willingness to learn Active listening Student Objectives: The student will be able to 1. (psychomotor): Students will be able to successfully juggle three scarves with control. 2. (cognitive): Students will be able to recall the cues for juggling when asked by the teacher at the end of the period. 3. (affective): Students will be able to be attentive to the teacher while the demonstration of juggling is being presented National Standards: Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning performance of physical activities. ISBE Standards: 19.A.2 Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns. 19.B.2 Identify the principles of movement (e.g., absorption and application of force, equilibrium). Safety: Students will stay in their own space when juggling. Students will use the juggling equipment appropriately. Students will listen to the teachers instructions and do what the teacher says. Teaching Date: 3/10/10 Score: /5

School and Grade Taught: St. Joseph-Ogden Middle School, 8th Grade

Health-Related Fitness (HRF) Component & Activities that Support Learning of HRF: Hand-Eye Coordination- Juggling requires good hand-eye coordination to be able to catch and throw the objects being juggled. Good hand-eye coordination may improve your reaction time and may also improve cognition. Set Induction: 3 minutes Who here has juggled before? What objects have you juggled before? Instant Activity: 5 minutes Builders and Bulldozers Cones are spread out on the gym floor, half of them up and half of them down. The class is split into two teams. On the go signal, one team will try and knock the cones down with their hands, while the other team will try to put them back upright with their hands. After 30 to 45 seconds give the freeze signal and count the total of how many are down compared to how many are up. Then ask each team to try and knock more down on this next run. Repeat the game once or twice more. Activity 1: 5 minutes Task Development: Juggling 3 scarves Extensions (E): Faster speed Start with the scarf on your face and blow it up in the air to start Refinements (R): Toss the scarves just above the top of your head Control where the scarves are going to go Application (A): Who can juggle 3 scarves for the longest period of time without dropping any scarves? Activity 2: 8 minutes Task Development: Juggling 2 bean-bag balls Extensions (E): Add another ball Spin around and try to catch the balls before they fall Refinements (R): Height of the balls Throw first then catch Application (A): Who can walk the length of the gym and back first without dropping a ball? Activity 3: 8 minutes Task Development: Juggling 2 tennis balls off the wall while kneeling Extensions (E): Add another ball Alternate which hand you start with

Refinements (R): Dont throw the ball too hard off the wall Control the balls so that they land right in front of your hands Application (A): Which group can juggle 3 tennis balls from the kneeling position and the standing position the fastest? Activity 4: 8 minutes Task Development: Juggling 2 tennis balls while standing Extensions (E): Add another ball Alternate the height at which you throw the balls Juggling while walking Refinements (R): Control the balls so that they stay within your body Keep your eyes on the balls Application (A): Juggling Iron Man Relay Race- First juggle 3 scarves run to the next cone and juggle 3 tennis balls off the wall while kneeling, then run to the next cone and juggle 3 tennis balls in the air while standing. Closure: 2 minutes Ask the students what they learned about juggling. Ask why hand-eye coordination is important in juggling. Ask them if they liked juggling and what they didnt like about juggling.

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