Palm Beach County School District Leave Policy
Palm Beach County School District Leave Policy
Palm Beach County School District Leave Policy
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RULES OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Title 6Gx50 Chapter 3. Personnel Section 3.80 Policy 3.80 Leave of Absence 1. A leave of absence is permission granted by the Board, or allowed under its adopted Policies, for an employee to be absent from duty for specified periods of time with the right of returning to employment on the expiration of the leave. All absences of School Board employees from duty shall be covered by leave duly authorized and granted. Leave shall be officially granted in advance by the School Board and shall be used for the purposes set forth in the leave application. Leave for sickness or other emergencies may be deemed to be granted in advance if prompt report is made to the proper authority. No leave, except military leave, shall be granted for a period greater than one (1) year. A new leave application may be filed and granted at the expiration of leave, but automatic renewals of leave shall not be allowed, unless a currently existing charter agreement provides otherwise. Requests for extensions of leaves may be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee based on the needs of the District. A leave of absence may be with or without pay unless otherwise provided by law, rules of the State Board of Education, specified by School Board policy, and/or negotiated contracts. If the terms of a collective-bargaining agreement differ from this Policy, the language of the employee's agreement will take precedence. The following types of leave are available to School District employees: a. Leave for personal reasons b. Annual leave (vacation) for 12-month personnel c. Sick leave d. Catastrophic leave (extended illness) e. Injury or illness in-line-of-duty leave f. Sabbatical leave g. Temporary military leave h. Regular military service leave i. Professional leave and extended professional leave j. Charter school leave k. Voluntary/extended military leave l. Leave of absence for the purpose of campaigning for political office m. Personal leave including maternity/recovery and child care n. Jury Duty (see School Board Policy 3.70) o. Domestic violence leave 2. Paid Leaves: Requests for paid leave of absences shall be made on form PBSD 0032, found on the District's Web site at, and this form is incorporated
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herein by reference as part of this Policy. a. Leave for Personal Reasons.-- An employee shall be allowed six (6) days paid leave for personal reasons each year to be charged against accrued sick leave, provided that such leave shall be noncumulative and does not interfere with the school/department operation. b. Annual Leave for 12-Month Personnel i. An employee who is employed on a twelve-month basis shall be allowed annual leave, exclusive of holidays, with compensation, as follows: A. An employee with less than five (5) years of continuous service at a rate of one (1) day per month, cumulative to twelve (12) work days per year. B. An employee with five (5) to ten (10) years continuous service at a rate of one and one-quarter (1 1/4) days per month, cumulative to fifteen (15) work days per year. C. An employee with ten (10) years or more of continuous service at a rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) days per month, cumulative to eighteen (18) work days per year. D. For the purposes of annual leave accrual in determining continuous service, total years of service will be recognized from other Florida Retirement System (FRS) agencies provided that the effective date of employment with this District does not exceed more than fifteen (15) business days from the termination date of the previous FRS employer. ii. Accrued annual leave shall not exceed sixty (60) work days on June 30 of each year, pursuant to Fla. Stat. 1012.65. Annual leave may be granted by the Superintendent or his/her designee upon the written request of the employee, with prior recommendation by the employee's administrative superior. Annual leave for an employee shall be scheduled so that there will be minimum disruption of the operation of the District school system. c. Sick Leave i. Extent of sick leave.-- A School Board employee who is in a position not included in an established bargaining unit shall be credited with four (4) days of sick leave as of the last day of the 1st month of regular employment of each appointive year, and shall thereafter earn one (1) day of sick leave at the end of each calendar month provided that the employee has been on duty or compensable leave a minimum of eleven (11) days within the month; and provided further, that the employee shall be entitled to earn no more than one (1) day of sick leave times the number of months of employment during the year of employment. A. Sick leave shall not be used prior to the time it is credited to the employee. B. If the employee terminates employment and has not earned the four (4) sick days available, the Board will withhold the average daily amount for the sick days utilized but unearned by the employee. C. An employee whose duty-day basis changes shall have sick leave balance as a permanent half-time employee converted at the rate of two (2) part days of sick leave to one (1) full day of sick leave. The same principle applies to a permanent full-time employee whose duty-day basis changes to a permanent half-time employee by converting all credited sick leave at the time of change to one (1) full day of credited sick leave to two (2) part days of sick leave. ii. Sick leave shall be cumulative from year to year with no limit on the number of days accrued; provided, that at least one-half (1/2) of this cumulative leave must be established within the
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Palm Beach County School District (See paragraph (v) below). An employee returning to the system after a leave of absence or resignation shall be entitled to the accrued balance credited at the time of such leave or resignation, unless the employee received payment previously, either in part or full, for that time. iii. An employee may use accumulated sick leave for absence due to disability caused by pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, and recovery therefrom, all of which shall hereafter be referred to as pregnancy. Should sick leave be insufficient, personal leave provisions may be used for pregnancy. The employee will have the duty to inform the personnel office at least one month before expected date of leave so that a temporary replacement can be provided. Similarly the employee should keep the principal or supervisor informed as to the date of probable return to assignment after delivery and recovery. iv. An employee requiring more than thirty (30) working days of paid leave for recovery may be required to submit medical evidence at reasonable intervals supporting the need for additional leave. v. Out-of-county credit for sick leave.- Employees shall be entitled to 'transfer sick leave credit from other Florida school systems and State agencies which are participants in any of the Florida Retirement System plans with the restriction that at least one-half (1/2) of the cumulative leave shall be established within this School District. vi. Sick leave claims shall be honored as submitted by the employee for personal illness, as well as illness or death of father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, child or other close relative, or member of the employee's own household. vii. The Superintendent or his/her designee may require a doctor's statement of verification of illness. A request to the Superintendent or his/her designee for a verification of claim may be initiated by the principal or supervisor. viii. A false claim for sick leave shall be grounds for dismissal by the School Board. d. Catastrophic Illness or Injury Leave i. A catastrophic illness or injury shall be defined as a medical condition not covered by Workers' Compensation requiring absence from work greater than fifty (50) working days of consecutive absence for a single illness or injury. ii. An employee who sustains a catastrophic illness or injury may apply to the Department of Compensation and Human Resource Planning for and receive, for use on a matching basis, supplementary catastrophic illness or injury leave not to exceed the number of regular, unused sick leave days that the employee had accumulated on the first day of the regular sick leave applied to the catastrophic illness or injury. Section (2)(D) excludes absences due to injury covered by Workers Compensation. iii. Two (2) medical verifications of such catastrophic illness or injury shall be required. Employees shall fully cooperate with the Board and shall authorize the release of any medical records necessary. The Board shall satisfy itself that any claim for catastrophic illness or injury leave is legitimate and correctly states the facts. The Board may at its expense require an independent medical examination. iv. The School Board's granting of matching leave days shall begin on the fifty-first (51st) scheduled work day of catastrophic illness or injury. e. Injury or Illness In-Line-of-Duty Leave.-- An employee who is absent due to injuries or illness clearly received in the discharge of assigned duties shall be entitled to additional sick leave benefits as hereafter provided:
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i. An employee who is injured in-the-line-of-duty may be entitled to a maximum of ten (10) noncumulative leave days which shall not be charged against the employee's sick leave balance. This LOD leave will not exceed ten (10) school/business days per injury and ten (10) school days per school year.Requests for this leave shall be made on form PBSD 0032, which can be found on the District's Web site at, and this form is incorporated herein by reference as part of this Policy. All claims for such leave must clearly substantiate an injury received in carrying out assigned duties. Additionally, such paid leave shall only be awarded for the duty days for which the employee has been actively employed. After ten (10) school days have been exhausted, the employee may apply for unpaid leave if eligible. A. Leave will not be payable under this section if the injury occurs while the employee is intoxicated; or while under the influence of any narcotic drug, barbiturates, or other stimulus not prescribed by a physician, to such extent as to deprive the employee of normal faculties to drive, be in actual physical control of, or operate, while on duty, any automobile, truck, or other vehicle, and the injury is caused primarily by the intoxication or impairment of the employee. B. Leave will not be payable under this section to an employee when that employee willfully or intentionally causes injury to self or to others while on duty. C. If the injury is caused by the intentional refusal of the employee to properly use equipment or observe safety rules required by statute or this District, and said rules have been reviewed by the employee prior to the accident, compensation as provided by Fla. Stat. 440.09(4) shall be reduced by twenty-five (25) percent. ii. When an employee can clearly demonstrate that the contracting of a disease was from the school center or department to which he/she was assigned, then the employee may qualify for a maximum ten (10) days of non cumulative illness in-line-of-duty leave. iii. An absence for illness in-line-of-duty leave may be granted when the employee can clearly demonstrate the contracting of an infectious or contagious disease at the work location for which inoculations are not available and exclusive of upper respiratory infections or complications therefrom. Common colds, influenza or other illnesses common to the public are not to be considered as illness in-line-of-duty. Further, this contagious disease must be exclusive of upper respiratory infections or complications therefrom and must be one for which inoculations are not available. iv. In cases of unusual illness or injury in-the-line-of-duty, an employee may make a request to the Superintendent or his/her designee for additional compensated leave days. If the Superintendent or his/her designee is satisfied that the condition warrants, additional leave days shall be authorized. v. An employee who has a claim for compensation while absent because of illness contracted or injury incurred as prescribed herein shall notify the principal or department head as soon as such illness or injury is apparent and shall file a claim by the end of each month or pay period as requested during which such absence has occurred. The School Board shall satisfy itself that the claim correctly states the facts and that such claim is entitled to payment. An employee who has a claim under this policy shall fully cooperate with the Board and shall authorize the release of any medical records as necessary. f. Sabbatical Leave.-- After each six (6) consecutive years of satisfactory service in the District, an employee may apply by letter submitted to the Superintendent or his/her designee for a year's leave of absence for educational travel, or professional academic advancement. Authorized leave shall not break consecutive service. A person on leave may request and be granted sabbatical leave. A fraction of a year exceeding one-half (1/2) of the regular appointive period shall count as one (1) year's service.
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i. The Board will pay retirement and Social Security contributions on the amount of salary actually paid the employee and will provide employment benefits, excluding sick and annual leave, which are provided a regular employee; however, any additional cost will be paid by the employee. ii. Sabbatical leave for one-half (1/2) year may be granted if eligible under this provision with the further provision that said applicant shall not be eligible for additional sabbatical leave until eligibility is reestablished by six (6) more consecutive years of satisfactory service. iii. Subject to budgetary constraints and considering the subject matter of the request, sabbatical leave shall be granted to qualified applicants according to the following criteria: A. Sabbatical leave may be granted to the number of employees for the amount budgeted by the Board. B. Sabbatical leave shall be granted based upon points earned. Applicants shall earn one point for each year of continuous service in the District over six (6) years. Applicants shall be considered in descending order of points earned. C. Applications for subsequent sabbatical leaves after the first leave shall not be considered until all applications from employees with a lesser number of prior sabbatical leaves have been considered. D. If applicants for sabbatical leaves are tied in total points, selection shall be determined by the Superintendent or a committee appointed by the Superintendent or his/her designee for this specific purpose. iv. An applicant granted sabbatical leave shall receive one-half (1/2) of the annual base gross monthly salary according to the salary schedule. If it is found that a sabbatical leave recipient is violating the conditions of this leave, salary payments may be discontinued and the recipient shall repay all prior payments that were improperly received. v. Sabbatical leave may be carried over from one school year into the next on a continuous basis not to exceed the per annum number of duty days of the applicant. Salary and benefits for a sabbatical leave extending over two (2) school years will be pro-rated based on the salary schedules of the years involved. Such leave commencing during the school year shall not be granted until a suitable replacement is provided for the position being vacated. Any carry-over of sabbatical leave from one school year into the next is not to be considered a part of the quota of leaves possible the second year. vi. Requests for sabbatical leave applications shall be submitted to the Superintendent or his/her designee not later than February 15th of each year. Each applicant applying for sabbatical leave for professional academic advancement shall submit information relative to the type of work to be undertaken. Each recipient of such leave shall be required to take sufficient graduate work leading to an advanced degree as to be classified as a full time student by the college or university of attendance. At the termination of such leave, proof that such graduate work has been completed shall be filed with the Superintendent or his/her designee. vii. Sabbatical leave shall not be considered a termination or breach of contract of employment, and a person on such leave shall be returned to the same position held prior to the granting of such leave and the year of experience shall be counted for salary purposes; provided, however, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Board, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent in the event a position has been abolished, a category of positions has been eliminated, or it is deemed in the best interest of the school system, from reassigning such person upon return to duty, to a similar, in compensation and responsibilities, position as shall then be available. viii. An employee who is granted a sabbatical leave shall sign a contract with the District stating
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that: A. The employee shall return to the District and serve an additional three (3) school years following the expiration of the leave. B. The employee shall repay the full amount of money received for the sabbatical if the employee fails to return to the District. C. The employee shall repay two-thirds (2/3) of the full amount of money received for the sabbatical if the employee returns to the District, but stays only one (1) year. D. The employee shall repay one-third (1/3) of the full amount of the money received for sabbatical if the employee returns to the District, but stays only two (2) years. E. The Superintendent or his/her designee may decide not to require the provisions within subparagraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D) above based on the needs and operation of the District or if the condition of the employee's health is such that the employee files and is qualified for disability retirement from the Florida public schools. g. Temporary Military Leave.-- If the obligation for temporary military service cannot be met outside the time of contractual employment, temporary leave for military service with the United States Armed Forces or the Florida National Guard will be granted with pay not to exceed seventeen (17) days in any one annual period of compensation as provided in Fla. Stat. 115.07, or the member of the staff may request uncompensated military leave. All efforts should be made to prevent such leave being taken during the time school is in session. Requests for temporary military service should be made by letter and filed with the Superintendent or his/her designee for Board action. If possible, this shall be done prior to the Board meeting preceding the date of leave. h. Regular Military Service Leave.-- An employee who is required to serve in the United States Armed Forces or the Florida National Guard shall be granted military leave. Other than temporary personnel, an employee granted military leave shall receive full remuneration for the first thirty (30) days of active duty. After the initial thirty (30) day period, the employee shall receive partial pay in the amount equal to the amount necessary to bring the employee's military pay up to the level of his/her civilian pay minus supplements. The period of full pay and partial pay, collectively, shall continue for one calendar year and, thereafter, only at the discretion of the Superintendent or his/her designee and upon the approval of the School Board, based on the requirement of the efficient operation of the District School System and consideration what is fair to the employee. i. While on active duty, the employee shall retain all seniority rights, efficiency ratings, promotional status, salary classification, pension benefits, and retirement privileges, as if continuously employed. Upon returning to the school system following completion of duty in the armed forces, the employee shall be treated as not having had a break in service. During the period in which the employee receives partial compensation, however, the employee shall not accrue additional sick, annual vacation, or personal days. During the partial-pay period, such employees will be treated as personnel on approved leave of absence; they shall be given the option of converting to military benefits or retaining their medical, dental, and/or vision benefits by paying full premiums. j. Upon proper request for reemployment after returning from military service, an employee must be promptly reemployed. k. Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 43, an employee returning from military service must normally report to work and request reemployment within the following timeframes. i. For service of 30 days or less, not later than the beginning of the first full regularly scheduled work day following completion of service, after allowing for an eight (8) hour rest period following safe return to the place of residence.
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ii. For service of 31 days or more but less than 181 days, within 14 days after completion of service. iii. For service of 181 days or more, not later than 90 days after completion of military service. l. During a non-instructional employee's absence on military leave, the position may not be filled by an interim employee during the first 90 days. m. Professional Leave.-- Professional leave, as defined in SBER 6A-1.081, is leave granted to an employee to engage in activities which will result in professional benefit, advancements or job effectiveness including earning of college credits and degrees, or that will contribute to the profession of teaching. Subject to budgetary constraints, an employee may be granted three (3) consecutive weeks of professional leave during any fiscal year with compensation; such leave shall be cumulative not to exceed thirty (30) work days or not to exceed six (6) weeks. A professional leave request is made on form PBSD 0032 (TDE) that is located on the District's Web site at:, and this form is incorporated herein by reference as part of this Policy. 3. Unpaid Leaves. -- Initial requests and extension requests for leave of absence without pay for more than ten (10) days shall be made on forms PBSD 1666 and 1650 (if applicable),. Form PBSD 0032 should be used for unpaid absences of less than ten (10) days. Forms PBSD 1666 and 1650 can be found on the District's website at, and the forms are incorporated herein by reference as part of this Policy. a. Charter School Leave i. Only the following employee groups may apply for unpaid charter school leave: A. Instructional Personnel; or B. Personnel seeking employment at a conversion charter school (subject to the provisions of charter contract language). ii. All other personnel accepting full-time employment at a charter school must resign their position with the Palm Beach County School District. b. Extended Professional.-- Extended professional leave is leave without pay extending for more than thirty (30) consecutive duty days primarily for the employee's benefit and that of the teaching profession. Extended professional leave, upon approval of the Superintendent, may be granted to any employee who has served satisfactorily and successfully in the District; provided that such leave shall not exceed a period of one (1) year. c. Voluntary Military Service Leave/Extended Service.-- When an employee enters into active duty in the armed forces for temporary duty, training duty, or extended periods of service, military leave must be granted under the requirements of 38 U.S.C. Chapter 43. d. Leave for Political Campaigning.-- Any person who has filed to run for political office and is desirous of personal leave for political reasons shall make application for such leave and shall be entitled to personal leave. The person shall not be restricted to one leave during a political campaign; however, if possible, leave shall be requested for the duration of the campaign. Leave shall be taken for all absences for political campaigning. e. Personal Leave.-- An employee requesting short-term or long-term personal leave shall make written application to the supervisor, stating reasons for such leave. Requests for extensions may be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee on a year by year basis. The District shall satisfy itself in terms of the need for a requested leave.
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i. Personal leave may be used to extend a leave of absence due to sickness when that sickness has extended beyond all compensable leave for the duration of up to one (1) calendar year when supported by doctor's statements verifying the necessity of the extended leave. ii. An employee requesting return to duty who has served efficiently and exhibited those qualities called for in the position held prior to such leave will be given every consideration for reemployment provided the conditions of employment have been met and the request is supported by a doctor's statement certifying that his physical condition is satisfactory to return to normal duties. f. Maternity/Recovery and Child Care.-- As set forth in greater detail in School Board Policy 3.76, an employee who is pregnant, adopting a child, or is receiving a foster child into the home, may request and be entitled to a leave of absence without pay for maternity or child care reasons to begin anytime during pregnancy (normally after recovery) or, in the case of adoption or foster child care, the receipt of custody. Leave may be granted for the remainder of the employee's term of appointment and may be extended for one (1) additional year provided that the total time away from the job is not more than eighteen (18) months. It is the responsibility of the employee to keep the supervisor informed so that appropriate administrative arrangements can be made prior to return to duty. g. Domestic Violence i. Pursuant to Fla. Stat. 741.313, if the employee, or a family or household member of an employee, is the victim of domestic violence, said employee may request and take up to three (3) working days of unpaid leave from work in any 12-month period for the following reasons: A. to seek an injunction for protection against domestic violence or an injunction for protection in cases of repeat violence, dating violence, or sexual violence; B. to obtain medical care or mental health counseling, or both, for the employee, or a family or household member, to address physical or psychological injuries resulting from the act of domestic violence; C. to obtain services from a victim-services organization, including, but not limited to, a domestic violence shelter or program or a rape crisis center as a result of the act of domestic violence; D. to make the employee's home secure from the perpetrator of the domestic violence or to seek new housing to escape the perpetrator; and/or E. to seek legal assistance in addressing issues arising from the act of domestic violence or to attend and prepare for court-related proceedings arising from the act of domestic violence. ii. Except in cases of imminent danger to the health or safety of the employee, or to the health or safety of a family or household member, an employee seeking leave from work under this section must provide to his or her employer notice, as appropriate, along with sufficient documentation of the act of domestic violence. iii. An employee seeking leave under this section must, before receiving the leave, exhaust all annual or vacation leave, personal leave, and sick leave, if applicable, which is available to the employee. iv. All information relating to the employee's leave under this section is confidential and exempt from disclosure to the extent authorized by Florida law.
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h. Sick leave without pay may be granted, based upon the needs of the District, for employees who have used all accumulated sick leave, but who would otherwise qualify for sick leave. 4. Sick Leave Donation to Family Members.-- The District shall allow an employee to authorize his or her spouse, child, parent, sibling, domestic partner, or domestic partner's child who is also a District employee to use sick leave that has accrued to the authorizing employee. The employee will use form PBSD 1791, which is found on the Districts Web site at, and is incorporated herein by reference as part of this Policy. a. The recipient family member may not use the donated sick leave until all of his or her own accrued sick leave has been depleted (excluding leave available from a sick leave pool, if the recipient participates in such leave pool). b. Donated sick leave under this section shall have no terminal value, as provided in 1012.61(2)(e); however, the remaining received credits may be donated to another family member under this section, or to another employee under section (5) below, or to a sick leave pool if the departing employee is a member thereof under section (6) below. 5. Transfer of Annual or Sick Leave to Another Employee for Sick Leave.-- A regular non-bargaining-unit employee may donate unused accrued annual leave or sick leave, in whole-day increments, to another regular non-bargaining-unit employee to use for leave for the recipient employee's serious illness, accident, or physical injury. The employee will use form PBSD 2175, found on the Districts Web site at and incorporated herein by reference as part of this Policy. a. A regular employee may donate unused accrued sick leave under this section as long as the donating employee has completed at least six (6) years of service. b. A regular employee may donate unused accrued annual leave under this section as long as the donation would not prevent him or her from taking any minimum required annual leave during that fiscal year. c. Such donations shall be processed using an appropriate District form signed by the donor employee. d. The donated leave shall not be accessible to the recipient until his/her own accrued sick leave and annual leave have been exhausted. Once accessible, the donated leave shall be transferred to the donee on an as-needed basis. e. Donated leave under this section shall have no terminal value to the donee. f. Any donated leave credits not used within twelve (12) weeks after donation shall revert to the donor. 6. Sick Leave Pool -- To allow participating full-time non-bargaining-unit employees to pool accrued leave and disburse pooled leave to any participating non-bargaining-unit employee who is in need of leave beyond the amount he or she has personally accrued, the Board hereby authorizes Superintendent to establish a sick leave pool in accordance with the following provisions pursuant to Stat. 1012.61(3)(a)-(i): sick sick the Fla.
a. The pool program shall be based upon the maintenance of reliable and accurate records showing the amount of sick leave which has been accumulated and is unused by employees. b. Participation in a sick leave pool shall at all times be voluntary on the part of employees. c. A full-time employee shall be eligible for participation in a sick leave pool after one (1) year of employment with the District, provided the employee has accrued at least twelve (12) days of unused sick leave and provided that a sick leave pool is established that allows participation by that
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particular employee. d. Any sick leave pooled shall be removed from the personally-accumulated sick leave balance of the employee donating such leave. e. Participating employees shall make equal contributions to the sick leave pool. The initial contribution shall be one (1) days amount of sick leave. After the initial contribution that the employee makes upon electing to participate, no further contributions shall be required except as may be necessary to replenish the pool. Any further contribution shall be equally required of all employees participating in the pool. f. A participating employee is not eligible to use sick leave from the pool until all of his or her personally accrued sick leave has been depleted. g. An employee may withdraw up to sixty (60) days of credits from the sick leave pool during any one fiscal year. h. A participating employee who uses sick leave from the pool is not required to recontribute such sick leave to the pool, except as may be required of all pool members on an equal basis as necessary to replenish the pool, as provided in subsection (e) above. i. An employee who chooses to no longer participate in the sick leave pool is not eligible to withdraw any sick leave already contributed to the pool. j. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by a participating employee must be used for that employees personal illness, accident, or injury on an as-needed basis and shall have no terminal value to the employee. The Superintendent/ designee is authorized to investigate the use or alleged abuse of sick leave by a participating employee. Upon a finding of misuse or abuse, the employee shall repay all of the sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool and be subject to such other disciplinary action as determined by the School Board to be appropriate, up to and including termination. k. Sick leave pool will not be paid in conjunction with Workers' Compensation. STATUTORY AUTHORITY: LAWS IMPLEMENTED: 1001.32(2); 1001.41[(1) & (2); 1001.43(11); 1012.22(2); 1012.23(1); 1012.61 (2)(e); 1012.61(3); 1012.66, Fla. Stat. 115.07; 741.313; 1001.32(2); 1012.61; 1012.62; 1012.63; 1012.64; 1012.65; 1012.66; 1002.33(12)(e), Fla. Stat.; Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 U.S.C. 2602 et seq., 29 C.F.R. Part 825; Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. 11/29/76; 6/26/82, 12/11/85, 7/7/93; 4/28/2003 [1/18/2006, emergency rule adding sections 4, 5, and 6]; 4/5/2006; 2/27/2008