3D Reconstruction History

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3D Reconstruction from Electron Micrographs: A Personal Account of its Development

David DeRosier Contents
1. Viruses 2. Helical Structures 3. 3D Reconstruction of Helical Structures 4. Digital Image Processing 5. 3D Reconstruction of Asymmetric Structures References 2 7 10 12 17 24

Prior to the development of 3D reconstruction, images were interpreted in terms of models made from simple units like ping-pong balls. Generally, people eye-balled the images and with other knowledge about its structure, such as the number of subunits, proposed models to account for the images. How was one to know if the models were correct and to what degree they faithfully represented the true structure? The analysis of electron micrographs of negatively stained viral structures led to the answers and 3D reconstruction.

Thinking my manuscript would have to be a scholarly history of 3D reconstruction, I turned down Grant Jensens initial request to write an introductory article. For sure I would get parts wrong, which would annoy various older colleagues and I would wind up in the dog house. Worse, younger readers would take my version for gospel. Quoting Sarah Palin, I told Grant thanks but no thanks. He countered, However I was imagining something more personal rather than a comprehensive history of our field. I was imagining a description of the early days, for instance, as you experienced them, and reflections on how the field has developed and/or where it is likely headed. You know, it could be something like in the bad old days our computer filled the whole room and it took a week to calculate a
Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 481 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(10)81016-X

2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

David DeRosier

512 512 Fourier transform. And Aaron Klug kept bugging me about. . . I take this to mean that I am being given free rein (or is it reign?) and that Grant will take the blame. My recollection of some events will not be perfect or perhaps correct and it may be colored by my experience. What follows is not to be taken as an accurate history but rather as a way of understanding how and why the method of 3D reconstruction developed as it did in my view. I want to begin with the way images were interpreted before the 1960s, what methods were introduced along the way that led to 3D reconstruction, and what hurdles lay in the path to realizing 3D reconstruction. As a new Ph.D., I arrived at the Nobel-Laureate-laden Medical Research Councils Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England in the summer of 1965. I was drawn there to work with Aaron Klug because of his article with Don Caspar on the design of icosahedral viruses. Their quasi-equivalence theory explained how large viral capsids could be built from identical protein subunits, which would interact almost equivalently. The capsid designs were derived in a formal sense by folding a hexagonally symmetric sheet of subunits. Somewhere deep within, I believed that large complexes and structures would be important elements in cells and that understanding viruses was a beginning point. Prior to my arrival in Cambridge, I had little experience with electron microscopy and knew nothing about image analysis. I had seen ping-pong ball models of various macromolecular assemblies derived by eyeballing electron micrographs, which seemed to be a plausible method to interpret images, but I could not see how one could be sure that a particular model was correct (Fig. 1). Being a nave graduate student, I had assumed that the investigators, given their experience with their structures, could correctly interpret images. The acrid controversy over the structure of polyoma papilloma viruses set me right.

1. Viruses
Prior to Aaron and Johns analysis, there were two camps regarding the structure of the polyomapapilloma family of viruses: one camp argued that the viruses had 92 capsomers and the other argued that it had 42. Capsomers are rings of five or six subunits. In images of negatively stained virus particles, capsomers are seen as blobs that have either five or six nearest neighbors. Since the subunits making up the capsomers were not resolved, the number of neighbors was taken to indicate the number of subunits in each ring, which turned out much later not to be the case for this family of viruses. The 42 camp counted capsomers in puddles, which they hypothesized arose as virus capsids fell apart. They counted an average number around 40 (Fig. 2). The other camp counted capsomeric bumps on intact particles at least on those few images where counts could be made. They thought 42 was too

Development of 3D Reconstruction

Figure 1 (A) Electron micrograph of a negatively stained preparation of the E. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme complex. The view is down the fourfold axis of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase component of the complex, which lies at the heart of the complex. (B) Ping-pong ball model of the complex down the same axis. The two outer enzymes, the pyruvate dehydrogenase and the dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, are represented by the outermost balls. The images, which are taken from a review by Reed and Cox (1970), were reproduced with permission from Elsevier.



Figure 2 Electron micrograph of a negatively stained preparation of polyoma virus from the work of Finch and Klug (1965). The field shows a variety of polymorphic forms of the capsid protein: P for puddles, T for narrow tubes, W for wide tubes, and S for small isometric closed shells. They are also filled viral particles and empty viral shells. Images reproduced with permission from Elsevier.

small and argued for 92. The difficulty of counting capsomers on particles is that most intact particles did not present clear images of all the capsomers. Instead, the images looked disordered with confusion of detail; only an occasional particle seemed to reveal almost all the capsomers clearly. Even where one could make a reasonable count, one did not know whether to double the count in order to account for the other side of the particle or perhaps double the number of interior capsomers but not the number of

David DeRosier

peripheral capsomers. Given the uncertainty of dealing with puddles or with the matter of what part of a count to double, how was one to get the definitive answer? And how was one to explain why so many of the images seemed not to show capsomers clearly? The CasparKlug theory of capsid design (Caspar and Klug, 1962) showed the way; the theory predicted that symmetrical shells would have 10T 2 capsomers, where T h2 hk k2 and h and k are any integers. Plugging in integers, Caspar and Klug generated the possible values; T 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, etc. Thus, 42 (T 4) and 92 (T 9) were in accord with the theory. What is key to interpreting the images, however, is that the patterns of 5- and 6-coordinated capsomers are different for designs with different values of T (Fig. 3). Thus, an alternative to counting subunits was to determine the pattern, which Aaron and John did (Klug and Finch, 1965). The key was to locate one-sided images, that is, images where the negative stain was thin enough to reveal the capsomeric detail on the side of the virus closest to the grid. Aaron and John found a small percentage of such one-sided images. They showed that every one-sided image had the same T 7 pattern, and thus they argued that there are neither 42 nor 92 but rather 72 capsomers in the capsid. Aaron and John came under immediate crossfire from both camps who thought their own method was as valid as Aaron and Johns. It seemed clear to me, still a neophyte, that Aaron and John were right. But their case was not airtight. While John and Aarons analysis was correct for the images they could analyze, these images only accounted for a small fraction of the particles. What was wrong with the rest of the particles? John and Aaron argued that the one-sided images were rare, that most images were two-sided, and that the confusion of detail in the two-sided images was due to the superposition of the near and far sides of the virus capsid. To prove this, they produced analog, two-sided images from a T 7 model. They did so for many orientations showing that the confusing and varying patterns seen in micrographs could be accounted for in detail by their T 7 model (Finch and Klug, 1965). That still did not satisfy everyone. Others produced two-sided images for their T 7 models and produced patterns reminiscent of the two6 sided virus images, but if one looked at the details, the other models failed. Even though John and Aaron could account for essentially all the two-sided images, the case made by John and Aaron was not totally airtight. Perhaps, there was more than one structure that could give rise to the same patterns seen in two-sided images. Just because they had a structure that explained everything did not mean that their answer was unique. Intuitively, Aaron and John argued that tilts would prove the uniqueness of the model (Klug and Finch, 1968). They tilted virus particles in the microscope, tilted the model by the same amount and in the same direction, and showed that the images derived from the model accounted for the images seen in the microscope. Intuitively, they must have a unique model (Fig. 4).

Development of 3D Reconstruction

Figure 3 (A) Models for the T 4, 7L, 7R, and 9 designs for viral capsids (going from top to bottom). The models on the right are repeats of those on the left, except that the positions of the five-coordinated capsomers are marked with a black circle. The unmarked capsomers are six coordinated. Note that the pattern of moving from one five-coordinated capsomer to the next nearest five-coordinated capsomer is different for each of the four structures. For T 4, the pattern is a straight line move from 5 to 6 to 5. For T 7, the move is like a knights move in chess, 5 to 6 to 6 in a line and then a move left (L) or right (R) to the next five-coordinated capsomer. For T 9, it is again a straight line move from 5 to 6 to 6 to 5. (B) Electron micrographs of two one-sided images of negatively stained polyoma virus on the left. On the right, the clearly fivecoordinated capsomers are marked with Xs. The pattern is clearly T 7. The images are taken from the work of Klug and Finch (1965). Figures reproduced with the permission from Elsevier.

Here was the situation. Aaron and John had devised a method for solving the structures of negatively stained particles by electron microscopy: generate a model, use it to generate two-sided images, and show that upon tilting, the images of the model could account for the actual images seen when the structures were tilted in the same way. Don Caspar added to the method with his analysis of images of turnip yellow mosaic virus (Caspar, 1966). He took the most accurate physical model of the virus, which was made from corks to simulate protein subunits, coated it in plaster of Paris to simulate the

David DeRosier



Figure 4 The top two, two-sided images are obtained from a single polyoma virus particle that has been tilted by 18 . The bottom two images are from a T 7 model of the virus that has been tilted by the same amount and in the same direction. Note that the patterns of capsomers on the model and virus correspond. The images are taken from the work of Klug and Finch (1968) and are reproduced with permission from Elsevier.

negative stain, and took radiograms of the model with an X-ray machine to obtain two-sided images. The agreement was remarkable but not quite perfect. This then was the method for solving structures from micrographs of negatively stained specimens (Fig. 5). Aaron and John put the method to use on electron micrographs of fraction 1 (aka rubisco). One of my first jobs as an apprentice structural biologist was to help with the model imaging (i.e., the grunt work). John had taken micrographs of negatively stained preparations, and Aaron and John recognized the octahedral symmetry of the complex. They had the workshop build a model of their best guess of the true structure. My job was to slather the model with plaster and make radiograms. The features in the radiograms did not agree well with the EM images. Aaron and John decided on alterations to the model. So, I knocked all the plaster off the model and had the shop alter the wooden doweling subunits. When the shop was done, I replastered the model and made new radiograms. The fourfold view was better, but the threefold or perhaps the twofold view was worse. After a few weeks of trial and error, Aaron and John could not get the details right for all views. The reason why this structure was harder to solve than that of a virus had to do with the structure itself. In the virus images, it is easy to see the side views of the capsomer by looking at the edge of a particle and to see

Development of 3D Reconstruction

Figure 5 The top shows an X-ray radiogram of the plaster of Paris coated model of turnip yellow mosaic virus shown at the bottom. The view is down a twofold axis. The middle frame shows an actual electron micrograph of a negatively stained preparation. The view of the virus particle is again down the twofold axis. The bottom frame is an image of the model. The subunits are represented by corks. The image is from the work of Caspar (1966) and is reproduced with permission from Elsevier.

the top views by looking at the center of a particle. With fraction 1, the length of the subunit and the lower symmetry with its smaller radius made it impossible to get a clear side or top view. It was impossible to mentally extract the end-on view of a subunit in the middle of the image from the superposed features coming from sideways-oriented subunits along the periphery and vice versa. Images of the subunits simply overlapped one another. Moreover, the smaller size meant that there were no recognizable one-sided views. The project was eventually abandoned, and we turned to the analysis of helical structures.

2. Helical Structures
A couple of years before my arrival at Cambridge, Roy Markham and his colleagues had generated improved images from electron micrographs by photographically averaging repeating features within the images (Markham et al., 1963, 1964). The effect of averaging was startling (Fig. 6).

David DeRosier

Figure 6 Tubular (helical) polymorph (often called a polyhead) of the capsid protein found in a preparation of turnip yellow mosaic virus. The inset shows the result of photographically averaging the repeated capsomers in the tube. In the original formulation of the method, the correctness of the shifts was judged by the appearance of the resulting average. In this example carried out later, the shifts used for photographic superposition/averaging were deduced from the optical diffraction patterns of the image, as introduced by Klug and Berger. The image is taken from the work of Hitchborn and Hills (1967) and reproduced with the permission of Science.

They began with an image in which features were not clearly seen and produced an image that revealed the regular features in beautiful detail. In order to correctly enhance detail, they had to guess at which directions and by which amounts to shift the image between exposures. They judged the correctness of the shifts subjectively by the appearance of hidden detail. Such trial and error and the subjectivity of picking in the process moved Aaron and Jack Berger to introduce optical diffraction, which in essence tried all possible directions and amounts of shift; if the structure was periodic, one would get a series of sharp reflections whose positions could be used to deduce the direction and amount of image shifting to enhance structural detail (Klug and Berger, 1964). The amplitudes of the reflections above the noise provided an objective way to determine that the periodicities did not arise by chance from the noise in the images (Fig. 7). Optical diffraction thus removed the subjective nature of determining the direction and length of shifts needed. But Aaron had the idea to select and then recombine the diffracted rays to generate a filtered image directly rather than by the more laborious process of shifting and exposing to generate photographically an averaged image. I was set to the task of getting this method, called optical filtering, to work. With two 150 cm focal length lenses, the optical diffractometer with its vertical I-beam construction was too tall to fit on one floor. It had instead been put into an old dumbwaiter shaft. The high-pressure mercury arc lamp

Development of 3D Reconstruction

Subject S

Diffraction plane D

Point source of monochromatic light

collimating lens



Figure 7 (A) Schematic of an optical diffractometer. A point source of light on the left is converted into a plane-parallel beam by the lens L1. The plane parallel beam is diffracted by the subject, and the diffracted rays are brought to a focus on the diffraction plane by lens L2. The modified image is taken from the work of Klug and De Rosier (1966) and is reproduced with permission from Nature Publishing Group. (B) An electron micrograph of a negatively stained T4 polyhead, a helical polymorph of the main capsid protein. The capsomers are not clearly seen, although regular periodicities can be seen by viewing the image at a glancing angle. (C) Optical diffraction pattern of the image in (B). The appearance of two sets of sharp reflections related by a vertical mirror line means that the image is a two-sided, flattened tube. The circles denote the set of reflections coming from one side of the tube. The diffraction pattern provides clear evidence that the confusion in the image arises from the superposition of details in the two sides. The two images in (B) and (C) were taken from the work of Yanagida et al. (1972) and are reproduced with permission from Elsevier.

used for illumination sat about level with my feet on the ground floor and the sample and camera were about chest high in the basement. The system was folded by a single mirror. We wanted to add a lens just after the diffraction plane. This lens would recombine the diffracted rays into an image. To generate a filtered image, we would replace the film in the diffraction camera with a filter mask that would pass only selected rays


David DeRosier

into the lens and hence into the filtered image. We were unsure what kind of lens to use. We wanted a lens that would correctly pass the rays without altering the all-important phase relationships needed to get the correct details in the filtered image. We consulted Professor Edward Linfoot, the head of the Cambridge Observatory. We stopped in at Linfoots house just after tea time. In one room in his house, he had set up a workshop where he could grind and test his own optical components. He showed us around in his museum of optical devices. After our tour, we settled down to the business of what kind of lens we needed. We told him that we needed to select rays from our approximately 3 cm-sized diffraction patterns and recombine them into a filtered image. We wanted the shortest focal length lens possible for space reasons. He said that we needed a 30 cm focal length achromat because lenses are good to about f10, where the f number is the focal length divided by the usable diameter, which as we had said, was 3 cm. He said that with monochromatic light, we did not need an achromat but that commercial achromats were generally better optically than commercially available singlet lenses. He said that camera lenses having smaller f numbers and shorter focal lengths were generally not so good because the purpose of the smaller f numbers was not to produce greater resolution but rather to have a large aperture to reduce exposure time without degrading the image sharpness. We bought two commercial achromats, which Linfoot tested for optical quality. We used the better of the two for our optical filtering apparatus. We applied the filtering method (Klug and De Rosier, 1966) to several helical structures to images of T4 polyheads taken by John Finch (De Rosier and Klug, 1972; Yanagida et al., 1972). The filtered images were pretty spectacular. For the helical T4 phage tail, we generated filtered images that showed only the front or only the back half of the structure, but the method was only a partial answer. The images were still two-dimensional, and although we could separate the front from the back, the features at different radii in the image of one half were still superposed. We needed something that could filter different radiiat least that is how we thought of it at that time (Fig. 8).

3. 3D Reconstruction of Helical Structures

Ken Holmes had embarked on solving the structure of tobacco mosaic virus, a helical virus. Ken was collecting X-ray generated diffraction amplitudes from oriented fibers of the virus. He was using the method of isomorphous replacement to get phases (Holmes and Leberman, 1963). It might seem at first blush that this could not work because although the rod-shaped virus particles had their axes aligned, they could be rotated by different amounts around those axes, be staggered at different axial distances,

Development of 3D Reconstruction


B A Subject S Diffraction plane D Image plane I

O Point source of monochromatic light

L1 collimating lens


L3 Imaging lens

C 7 5 2 0

Figure 8 (A) Schematic of the optical filtering apparatus taken from the work of Klug and De Rosier (1966) and is reproduced with permission from Nature Publishing Group. The instrument was adapted from the optical diffractometer by adding an imaging lens L3, which combines the diffracted rays into an image of the subject. A filter mask, which was placed in the diffraction plane, permitted one set of the mirrored pair of sets of diffracted rays to pass into the imaging lens, L3, and produce a filtered image of one side of the tube. (B) The filtered, one-sided image of the polyhead is shown in Fig. 7B. The circles in Fig. 7C show the positions and sizes of the holes in the filter mask. The image is taken from the work of Yanagida et al. (1972) and is reproduced with permission from Elsevier. (C) An isolated T4 phage tail, its optical transform, and a one-sided filtered image. Although one side is removed, there is still superposition of features from different radii. What we said to ourselves was that some way was needed to separate radial features. The figure is taken from the work of DeRosier and Klug (1968) and is reproduced with permission from Nature Publishing Group.


.02 -1


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and at random be turned right-side up or upside down. The reason why it is possible to solve the structure from oriented fibers is that the transforms of helical structures have special properties. Their diffraction patterns are invariant with respect to rotation about the axis, to axial translation, and to up versus down orientation. The reason is that helically symmetric structures diffract planes of beams whose amplitudes are cylindrically symmetric and whose phases linearly vary with the rotation angle about the helical axis. Thus, when Ken measured amplitudes, it was as if he were measuring amplitudes from a single TMV particle. (Actually, the situation is more complicated due to layer plane overlap, which depends on the detailed symmetry operations, but I will not cover that here.) Ken could thus use isomorphous derivatives to determine phases much as one does for a p1 crystal. Kens work brought a possibility to our attention: if we could measure the amplitudes and phases of the optical diffraction pattern for any one T4 phage tail image, we could generate its 3D Fourier transform and then calculate the inverse transform to see the particle in 3D. We measured the amplitudes from the optical diffraction patterns, and we decided to obtain the phases optically by making holograms. In essence, we added a plane wave to the diffraction pattern. The resulting interference generated a fine set of fringes across every layer line reflection. The positions of the maxima encoded the phases (Fig. 9). Measuring the absolute positions of the fine fringes along layer lines, however, was a nightmare that seemed to take forever. After too many hours of mind-bewildering measurements, we had the phases and, using Ken Holmes FourierBessel inversion program, we computed our first 3D map. The subunit looked rather like a radially oriented dogs leg. We were excited, but we needed to do more particles.

4. Digital Image Processing

Needless to say, I was not enthusiastic about measuring phases optically. It was not just that it was slow tedious work; it was that I thought I would lose my mind gathering the one set of phases. The only thing that kept me going on the first set of phases was the thought of seeing the first 3D reconstruction from an electron micrograph. Aaron was sympathetic and we decided to look into the determination of phases by calculating the transforms of digitized images. Some of the crystallographers, who calculated Fourier transforms regularly, were not encouraging saying that a transform of the size of an image was impractical. We were unfazed because the alternative of measuring phases optically was too awful to consider adopting. Luckily, Uli Arndt of the lab had recently constructed a flying

Subject S

Diffraction plane D

O Point source of monochromatic light

L1 collimating lens


Figure 9 (A) Schematic for measuring phases using holography. The figure is adapted from the work of Klug and De Rosier (1966) and is reproduced with permission from Nature Publishing Group. The instrument is the same as that shown in Fig. 7A, except that a short focal length lens that focuses a bit of the plane-parallel beam into a strong point offset from the image in the subject plane. In the diffraction plane, this point is a plane wave, which interferes with the beams diffracted by the image. The positions of the maxima in the interference fringes record the phases of the beams diffracted by the image. (B) A hologram of a simple face-centered, 2D array of points. The inset shows an enlarged image of one of the diffracted beams. The interference of the diffracted beam with the plane, reference wave produces the set of fine fringes that cross the diffracted beam. Measuring the absolute position of the maxima in one beam relative to those in the other beams enables one to determine the phases. The figure is adapted from the work of Matthews (1972).


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spot densitometer, which Tony Crowther programmed to scan X-ray diffraction patterns. He obligingly wrote a program to scan our images. We needed additional programs to process the digitized images. I had never written a computer program before and taught myself both machine and FORTRAN programming to carry out the work. The densitometer was under the control of the labs Argus computer, a room-sized device programmed in octal using punched paper tape. Octal was not a language; it was the bit pattern fed into the instruction register encoded in octal rather than binary. Argus had real-time capabilities or perhaps it was time-sliced; I have forgotten the details, but it did more than one thing at a time. It ran several X-ray diffractometers, a magnetic tape deck, the punched paper tape reader, a teletype, and the flying spot densitometer. In those days, there was always the danger that your program could do bad things and overwrite someone elses program or data or simply hang the machine. Programming was more nerve wracking especially if one accidentally ruined the X-ray diffraction data being collected, for example, by Max Perutz, who still personally mounted hemoglobin crystals and collected data. To ease the situation, time was set aside for programmers to test and debug their programs. Max, if he wished, could still run his diffractometer but with the understanding that bad things could happen. I needed to do a bit of programming on Argus for our work. Even after fully debugging my programs and therefore running them outside the testing time, I was apprehensive because of the programmers rule: there is always one more bug. We put the optical densities from our images onto large reel magnetic tapes driven by Argus. Our Fourier transforms were calculated at the Imperial College in London on an IBM 7090, which had 32 k of memory and could do 33,000 divisions per second. Programs were loaded onto punch cards, and indeed even our image data was dumped from magnetic tape onto punch cards. There were two computer runs a day; one of the computer staff would take the cards and tapes into London on the train in the morning and would return with line printer output, cards, tapes, etc., in the afternoon. We would pour over the output and scramble to get ready for the afternoon trip to London. The output would return later that evening. When we began our processing of digitized images, no FORTRAN programs existed to box images from the rough scanned data, to calculate Fourier transforms from images, to correct the phase origins, to pick data off of layer lines, etc. We had to write these ourselves, and luckily we had a lot of help from good programmers, especially Tony Crowther. I got a copy of a book on FORTRAN. It was not a book on how to write FORTRAN programs but rather a manual that told me what each FORTRAN statement did. It did not tell me why I might want such a statement or when to use it. Some statements were obvious like if statements or do loops. Others like equivalence statements seemed idiotic; why would you want two different and differently named chunks of data to be in the

Development of 3D Reconstruction


same memory locations where they would overwrite each other? Programming proved amusing and frustrating, and with time, I found uses for all the FORTRAN statements, even the idiotic ones. With two runs a day, debugging my Fourier transform program was slow. The first draft of my Fourier transform program timed out; I had to set a time limit for the execution of my job, which prevented any one program from using all the time allotted for the whole lab. My program timed out producing no output other than the timed out error message. I had no idea where in the program the end had come or what to fix in the program. Naively I inserted a print statement at the start of the outermost loop in the transform calculation so that I might see how far the computation had gone before it timed out. The program again timed out, but with the print statement, I thought I could figure out how far it had gotten. The output was an unhelpful one. It had timed out somewhere just after entering the first of about 100 loops. Clearly, whatever bugs might be present in the code, I needed to make things faster. Eventually, I sped up the program so that it could do a 100 by 40 transform in a reasonable time, probably measured in minutes. I had produced a couple of other crude programs, enough to get amplitudes and phases from the transforms, but all the corrections for phase origin and so on were done by hand. The first transform was exciting; it looked like a digital version of the optical transform (Fig. 10). I extracted the phases and amplitudes along the layer lines and calculated our second 3D map of a single phage tail. The first map of the particle, which we had done with optically measured phases, was somewhat different from the second, all digital maps presumably due to differences in the phases. The bigger features were similar but the finer details were changed. The computer-generated phases were more rigorously obtained and we believed them, but we needed to look at 3D maps generated from images of other T4 tail particles. We computed about half a dozen maps, which varied quite a bit because of differences in stain penetration, shrinkage, and flattening. Yet, the underlying structure was quite evident. It was early 1967, and it was an exciting time. Here is how our early digital processing went. We selected for densitometry the best particles or segments of particles based on their optical transforms. Then, we had our densitometered images dragged into London. After lunch, we rushed to our output, an analog display of the image. There were no graphic monitors; we simulated a graphical display using the overprinting capability of the line printer. There was a FORTRAN format statement that prevented the line printer from advancing the paper and allowed us to print one line on top of another. By choosing the right characters to print and print on top of one another, we generated a poormans gray scale for each pixel and thus could print a gray-scale image of what we had scanned. The line printer image was immense, about 2 by 3 ft


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B IFI 360 180 0 03



0 1




Figure 10 (A) Line printer output of the amplitudes from the Fourier transform of a digitized T4 phage tail (middle image in Fig. 8). The amplitudes are scaled from 0 to 9 so that there is one character for each reciprocal pixel. Only the top half of the transform is shown; the bottom half is identical. Taken from the work of DeRosier and Moore (1970) and reproduced with permission from Elsevier. (B) A trace through the first layer line above the equator in Fig. 10A. The top trace shows the relative amplitude. The bottom trace shows the phases. Both the amplitude trace and phase trace have approximate mirror symmetry about the point 0 as expected for an even order layer line. (C) Balsa wood model of a three-dimensional reconstruction of the T4 phage tail. (B) and (C) are taken from the work of DeRosier and Klug (1968) and are reproduced with permission from Nature Publishing Group.

and required some distance to comprehend the levels of gray. We set up a cork board at one end of the hall outside our office, pinned up the image, and backed down the hall until our eyes saw the levels of gray rather than the overprinted characters. To mask off the area we wanted to transform, we picked one corner of the particle in the image. We walked back up the hall keeping our eye fixed on the desired point. We marked it with a large red china marker. We went back down the hall to work on the next corner. After four trips up and down the hall, we had the coordinates of the four corners of our mask. The image on punched cards was then carted into London to be windowed and transformed. Since transforms were expensive, we saved the transform on punch cards. Our output for viewing the Fourier transforms was again done with the line printer. The amplitudes were scaled from 0 to 9 so that only one character was needed per reciprocal pixel.

Development of 3D Reconstruction


The amplitudes were put out as one map (see Fig. 10A to see such a map). The phases were scaled in 10 intervals, and a separate map was generated with one character per phase using the characters AZ and 09 for the 36 possible phase intervals of 10 . We happily contoured the amplitudes by hand onto clear plastic and then put the plastic contours over the phase map. We then handpicked phases along the layer lines. We computed 3D maps for six different particles, which were similar but had differences due to variable stain penetration and shrinkage. We averaged them crudely by overlaying the density contours and drawing a conservative subunit.

5. 3D Reconstruction of Asymmetric Structures

In early 1967 while working on the phage tail reconstructions, Aaron and I had no idea how to use micrographs to generate 3D images of nonhelical particles. The use of FourierBessel transforms somehow hid the essential connection between the transform of an image and the transform of the 3D structure until, as often happens and for no particular reason, the answer came in a real aha moment. The Fourier transform of an image, which is a projection of the 3D structure, is a central section of the 3D Fourier transform of the structure. By combining data of different views, we could build up the 3D transform and hence generate a 3D image of the structure. The helix is a special case because one view of a helical object can present many views of that helical object, and thus, one view can be enough to generate a 3D structure. The section/projection theorem was known to crystallographers and to us. It is hard to say why its application was not totally obvious from the start, but one factor may lie in the terminology used to talk about images of negatively stained virus particles. Images were described as one-sided or two-sided. The difficulty in interpreting the two-sided images lay in the confusion of detail arising from a superposition of features on the near and far sides of the particle. Realizing how to do 3D reconstruction certainly involved recognition that the terms two-sided and superposition meant that the images were projections with the obvious implications for 3D reconstruction (Fig. 11). Figuring out the minimum number of views one needed was straightforward by analogy with the collection of data in X-ray crystallography. In Fourier space, we needed to collect data spaced by no more than 1/D, where D is the dimension of the structure. The higher the resolution, 1/d, the smaller the angle needed between views. If we could tilt through 180 , the total number of tilts would be simply n % pD/d. So, for an asymmetric structure like the ribosome, about 30 views would be needed for a resolution of about 3 nm.


David DeRosier

3D structure

Directions of view 2D projections

Fourier transforms Central sections of 3D Fourier structure Inverse Fourier transform

Reconstructed 3D object

Figure 11 A schematic representation of the principle of 3D reconstruction from electron micrographs. One collects views of the unknown structure over a wide angular range either by tilting a single particle or by using different particles, which are viewed in different directions in the electron micrograph. The Fourier transforms of these views, which are projections, are central sections of the 3D transform of the 3D structure. By combining all the data into a properly sampled 3D transform, one can calculate an inverse transform to obtain the 3D structure. The figure is taken from the work of DeRosier and Klug (1968) and is reproduced with permission from Nature Publishing Group.

Thus at one fell swoop, we had answered all those questions posed by the work on the polyomapapilloma viruses. We knew how many tilts it took to prove a structure, which depended on the dimension of the structure and the resolution of the model. Better still, we had a way to directly generate the 3D structure from the images rather than having to guess at a model, make it, plaster it, take radiograms, and then guess why the agreement was not perfect. Even though we could not tilt a single particle through 180 , a field of particles usually offered a variety of views, and we could use those to fill up Fourier space. That was the good news. The bad news was that we needed Fourier coefficients on a regular grid of positions and not on a set of irregularly spaced points, which undersampled some regions of Fourier

Development of 3D Reconstruction


space and oversampled other regions. The algorithms to correct uneven sampling were already in hand, but the calculations were beyond the capabilities of the computers of the day. We needed to come up with about 3500 Fourier coefficients in the 3D transform of say a ribosome solved to $3 nm resolution. We thus needed to invert a set of 3500 simultaneous, linear equations to obtain the 3500 unknown Fourier coefficients, given the many amplitudes and phases obtained from the images. On inverting the set of equations to get a least squares solution, we would determine from the eigen value spectrum whether the equations were ill-conditioned, that is, whether we had enough views at the right angles. Ill-conditioning arises when regions of reciprocal space are undersampled and thus when one is extrapolating from one region to fill in for the missing observations in an undersampled, neighboring region. A consequence of such extrapolation is that errors in the observations can be amplified in the values obtained for the unknowns. Sadly, the inversion of this large set of equations seemed beyond the capabilities of the computers of the day. Our first thought was to try the method on an icosahedral virus, where each view was 60 views given the symmetry of the virus. Thus, only a few particles would be needed to generate a 3D map of the structure. One idea was to use the icosahedral harmonics since they embody the symmetry and would reduce the number of unknowns and hence the number of equations by a factor of 60 to about 60 simultaneous equations. But then, how could one get to a higher resolution? The use of icosahedral harmonics was not the answer. There was one good piece of news, though. Since each image of a virus particle corresponded to 60 symmetry-related images, the transforms of these 60 images intersected in common lines where the Fourier coefficients must be identical. Hence, the notion of common lines could be used to determine the orientation of a virus particle with respect to the symmetry axes. The gloom remained. How could the set of equations be solved? Hugh Huxley suggested a form of back projection in which we would use a bunch of slide projectors and cigar smoke. Each projector would send out beams of light from transparencies of the images along the directions of view for the images. The cigar smoke would allow the intersecting beams to be visualized in 3D. The problem with such a solution was that one would not know whether the equations were ill-conditioned, meaning that there was an insufficient set of views. Since 3D reconstruction was a new method, it was essential to establish ways of proving that the answer was the right one. Simply reprojecting the 3D answer to generate images that could be compared to the images used in the reconstruction is a circular line of reasoning. It only tells one whether something is wrong with the program and not with the completeness of the data set. The solution to the problem came from out of the blue and from our intimate relationship with Fourier Bessel transforms. The solution of one


David DeRosier

3D set of 3500 simultaneous equations could be changed to many small 1D sets of equations. Each set corresponded to a ring of FourierBessel coefficients with fixed values of R (radius) and Z (height above the equator); the input values occurred at irregular angular points. The solution was a set of FourierBessel coefficients that could be used in a FourierBessel inverse transform. The only penalty to reducing the dimensionality was that some of the data were thrown away but the method was tractable: the largest set of equations could be inverted with existing computers. The inversion of the equations would provide eigen values whose magnitude would uncover any ill conditioning due to lack of data in regions of reciprocal space, and the result would be a least squares solution. Moreover, the eigen values for each set of equations would reveal which rings in Fourier space were undersampled. Such rings might be eliminated or additional views could be found to fill in the missing data (Fig. 12).

Figure 12 By sampling the Fourier transforms obtained from images on a set of concentric rings on a stack of equally spaced planes, one can set up a set of linear equations for each ring. These equations, when solved, will yield a set of FourierBessel coefficients that describe the Fourier transform in 3D. There will be one small set of equations to invert for each ring, making the problem of solving the equations tractable. The image is taken from the work of Crowther (1970) with permission from the Royal Society of London.

Development of 3D Reconstruction


In August 1967, after Aaron and I had figured how to do reconstruction of particles with any or no symmetry and to know the solution was tractable, we wrote up the principle of the method with the example from the helical T4 tail structure. We puzzled over what name should be given to the method. We considered 3D electron microscopy, but that suggested that the microscope itself generated 3D images rather than needing to reconstruct the original 3D structure given a bunch of different views. We decided on 3D reconstruction. We gave the paper to Hugh Huxley and Max Perutz, who not only read it thoroughly but also did a masterful job of editing and helping with the verbiage. We mailed the paper to Nature at the end of December. It was received on January 3, and to our surprise, it was accepted immediately. The editor wanted to read the proofs over the phone in order to get it into the next issue. We said we would like to see the proofs, and so the publication was delayed until January 13, 1968 (DeRosier and Klug, 1968). We were not the only ones thinking about and having solutions for generating 3D maps from electron micrographs. Walter Hoppe also published his ideas in 1968 (Hoppe et al., 1968) and Michael Moody had thought along our lines all unknown to us. Later in 1968, Roger Hart published his reconstruction method, which he called polytropic montage (Hart, 1968). It was aimed at extracting 2D z-sections from tilted views of microtome-sectioned material. In his method, each tilted image is stretched by the inverse of the cosine of the angle of tilt. The stretching compensates for the foreshortening due to tilting. The stretched views are then shifted perpendicular to the tilt axis and added up to extract the image of a particular z-section within the 3D structure. Different shifts extract different z-sections. Thus, Hart could stack up the z-sections to get a 3D reconstruction. The resolution perpendicular in the z-direction was determined by the largest tilt angle in analogy, with the angle of illumination gathered by the objective lens in a light microscope. Even though the method seems quite different from the method that we described, it is simply the real space equivalent of the reciprocal space method that we described. To prove the equivalence of the methods, consider Harts manipulations in Fourier space. In 1968, Peter Moore, who worked with Hugh Huxley, joined the programming effort in order to produce a 3D map of actin decorated with the motor end of myosin. The programming goal was to automate many of the procedures and make them faster. By this time, the computing had moved from London to a faster IBM 360 operated by the astronomers at Cambridge University. Although we thought everything would be straightforward, there were some surprises. The amplitude map looked almost exactly like the optical transform of the actomyosin images, but the phases did not obey the expected phase relationships for helically symmetric objects. We had enforced the helical phase relationships by moving the origin of the transform to lie on the helix axis. Of course, we did all these


David DeRosier

calculations initially by hand. The phases were still not perfect. We wondered if the helical axis was tilted out of the plane of the projection. We worked out the math and figured out the corrections needed and applied them. Lo and behold, the phases of almost all the strong peaks were nearly perfect except those from one image. Annoyingly in that image, the phases of one very strong pair of symmetric peaks on the transform were disturbingly far from the expected values. How was this possible for just one pair of strong reflections and not the rest, some of which were weaker? Was it some bizarre distortion of the particle? It did not seem so, for the image looked perfectly good, except that the particle axis in the densitometer was slightly tilted relative scanning grid and hence to the edges of the mask we used to window the particle. We noticed that the masked edges of the boxed area gave rise to a strong spike of intensity in the Fourier transform. Because the image is digitized, this strong feature is convoluted with the transform of the sampling grid and is thus effectively folding back into the transform at the transform boundaries. The strong spike of intensity fell across one of the strong pair of reflections, thus perturbing its phases. This effect is known as aliasing, and we had discovered the need for floating the image to remove abrupt changes in density at the edges of the boxed image. We floated the image and, voila, the phases now obeyed helical symmetry. The effects of aliasing were knownjust not to uswhen we started. This and other mysteries made the programming of reconstructing an engrossing puzzle as addicting as a crossword puzzle. We spent time writing, debugging, and rewriting programs to make them better, faster, and more automated, obviating the need to do corrections by hand. When we had finished our final suite of programs, we celebrated by treating ourselves to an expensive and outstanding meal at a local French restaurant. We enjoyed a bottle of Chateau Haut Brion vintage 1936 (not a typothe wine was older than we were). Our protocols (DeRosier and Moore, 1970) and the actomyosin map (Moore et al., 1970) were published in early 1970. In 1969, Tony Crowther returned from a stint in Scotland, and with Linda Amos, took up the implementation of our algorithms to solve the first icosahedral virus. The work involved the use of those handy common lines to determine the orientation of each particle with regard to the symmetry axes. They applied the method to a tomato bushy stunt virus and to a human wart virus. No assumptions were made as to the T number of either virus and indeed for human wart virus, the results clearly showed that there were 72 capsomers (Crowther et al., 1970). Thus, my story has come full circle (Fig. 13). Before ending, I want to add that when the papers on T4 tail, viruses, and actomyosin came out at the end of the 1960s and the start of the 1970s, I never dreamed that anyone would ever be able to do better than about 2 nm resolution. The reason is that a negative stain was needed to produce contrast and to provide a radiation-resistant casting of the specimen. The resolution would be limited by the ability of the stain to make a faithful

Development of 3D Reconstruction


Figure 13 A contoured 3D map of the human wart virus. Each blob in this lowresolution map corresponds to a capsomer. The T 7 design is easily verified. The image is taken from the work of Crowther et al. (1970) and is reproduced with permission from Elsevier.

casting of the features of the particle. It is a marvel that with the advances in methods, machinery, and image analysis in the intervening years, workers in the field have eliminated the requirement for stain and are now able to see details in viruses and other macromolecular structures to better than 0.4 nm. It is possible to do chain tracing with such maps. It is also possible to see features on viruses that do not obey the icosahedral symmetry such as specialized, tiny portals and even to detect and image conformational variations. An equal marvel are the 45 nm resolution tomograms of frozen hydrated whole cells, of sections of frozen hydrated cells, and of organelles. Averaging 3D particle images cut out of tomograms has lowered the resolution to 23 nm. What will the future bring? One of our biggest needs is for a clonable marker that is the equivalent of the clonable markers for light microscopy so that we might identify the macromolecules we are visualizing. There are multiple groups working on such markers. We need better cameras that capture every electron in a digital format, and there are multiple groups working on them. We need phase plates to generate contrast without the need for defocus, and there are several groups working on that. We need more automated software and there are groups working on that. I imagine that one day, electron cryomicroscopy will be like light microscopy, a tool that anyone can use without any specialized training. I imagine a day when any undergraduate will be able to follow a recipe for sample preparation and labeling, insert the specimens in the microscope, and have 3D maps with identifying labels come out from the other end. Will this come to pass in the future? I think so, but to repeat a quote attributed to Yogi Berra, It is hard to make predictionsespecially about the future.


David DeRosier

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