Sex Tourism: Morality VS Culture

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The document discusses sex tourism, defining it as travel for the sole purpose of having sex. It also provides statistics and discusses the issue from moral, cultural and victim perspectives.

Some of the major destinations cited for sex tourism are Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Netherlands, Philippines, Colombia, and Thailand. These are mostly poorer countries where tourism is a major source of income.

Reasons cited for why sex tourism occurs include increased travel for recreational purposes, the economic needs of people in poorer countries, and the matching of tourists' sexual interests with the economic interests of local women. The government of some countries also allow it due to the income generated.


Tourism VS Culture Morality

Sex Tourism Dened: those who travel to a country for the sole purpose of having sex Especially with children Paid for sex

Mostly in poorer countries, especially ones where tourism is the countries main income. Less in European and United States because of laws & money Hot spots are Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Netherlands, Philippines, Columbia, & Thailand

Several reasons
Increased traveling for recreaRonal purposes The poor countries need the money ,the people have nothing else as easy to sell the sexual interests of North American and European men are a perfect match for the economic interests of a considerable number of local women in third world countries Government allows it for income

An esRmated 1.2 million single male tourists arrive every year. Exactly how many of them buy sex services is unknown One million children are brought into the sex trade every year worldwide according to UNICEF According to Department of JusRce gures, child prosRtutes serve between two and 30 clients per week, totaling 100 to 1,500 sex clients per child, per year. "Craigslist is becoming America's biggest pimp," Franzblau said. "Their users have posted lisRngs of prosRtutes for sale which can be found with a simple search." Sexual tourism is not a crime. No country has a law against it, only if caught with a minor can someone be prosecuted. Studies released have illustrated that Sex Tourism is one of the most prevalent catalysts for the spread of teen pregnancy, but also the transmission of sexually- transmiaed disease on both naRonal and internaRonal levels.

Comparing what we learned

Most sex tourist are men it doesnt men women dont like sex but, It just reects the fact that women, as long as they are aaracRve, do not have to migrate to nd men interested in a sexual relaRonship. Most male sex tourists, on the other hand, are men with a low sexual market value. Sexual SelecRon Men compeRRon among genders Women preferenRal choice of male
UnaaracRve, poor men, pay for beauRful young women in another country hap:// v=hwfA1CpXhMw
Riga, LaviRa- 0:40- 2:19 , 9:59-10:32

Older women are seen as unaaracRve and sexually useless in our world, they can go to another country and nd love and good sex hap:// v=6W8l_uKldCU
Kenya 3:30 -6:34-Women Sex Tourist

Sex & the law

Sex with Children Can this be dened as prosRtuRon-which we view as selsh for money or is this their only income?

Morality View
We Westerners, products of ChrisRan inuence, have moralized sex, unlike in some other countries, including some Southeast Asian naRons, where it is seen in more neutral terms.
Selsh EgoRsRcal ExploiRve

The men/women could be given these girls/boys/men/women money to beaer themselves

Most see child sex tourism as the greater evil, while Adult Sex tourism is their own business What do you all think??

Child Sex tourism

hap:// v=nR8pXCNnIww
Morocco Begins at 1:30-4:40

hap:// v=qpXrJHShcnE
Sex tourism-0:58 -2:00, 2:34-3:28

hap:// v=Xo8qbxUhGfI
Against child sex tourism

Culture View
government ocials actually support it because it helps to bring prosperity and economic wealth into an otherwise poor country. Reporters are paid o not to speak Government workers check the health of service providers None of the bars/message parlors are being shut down The people want/need the money Sell their own children Want what everybody else doesnt have Trying to get to another country through the tourist raRonal choice theory human beings are raRonal beings, and will choose their raRonalized behavior by using a cost benet analysis. it is raRonal for governments and government ocials to support sexual tourism. In order to survive economically, naRons and ocials allow prosRtuRon and sexual tourism to conRnue without prosecuRon.

Sex tourist View

Many sex tourists, who wouldnt even be eligible for a date back in Germany, Canada, Australia, or wherever else they come from, nd solace in the fact that their money buys their egos back, at the expense of someone elses health or happiness. They are helping the poor child/woman/man who need this money to live Between consenRng adults Less restricted of my preferences

Real life Examples Sex tourist

Sure, were actual sex tourists. We come over here to Mexico for the sole purpose to have a good Rme with liquor and women. Some of the younger ones dont have it gured out yet. They think the lovely, young Mexican girl siqng next to them is their girlfriend. As soon as he climbs back up in that tractor-trailer and takes o, shes with another trucker. It doesnt maaer that hell be back next week or if he says he loves her, if hes paying her bills or even if he marries her. She has to make money while hes gone. I gure its a service Im paying for. I dont have much Rme o the road. They get paid and I get what I want. Everybody wins. (Personal communicaRon, April 20, 2008).

VicRm/Service provider example

Female-Havana ,Cuba
Hermita, 28, a secretary at a school who earns about $8 a month, was trolling for tourists near the Hotel Inglaterra in Old Havana on a recent evening. She has a 2- year-old daughter from a marriage that did not last, and she said she needed money for food, clothing and shoes. When I am with a foreigner, I try to be with them for the whole Rme they are here, she explained. Above all its about the money. Ideally, however, she would meet a foreigner, marry him and be able to travel, without having to leave the country forever.
Nobody does this because they like it, she said, drawing on a cigareae. I would marry someone to get out.

Male-Senegal, Africa
"I'm a thing, her object, her toy, her property," he said. "If I had the choice nancially, I wouldn't date her. I would never have started this." "I'm not aaracted to her, he said. I tried to avoid sex but she insisted. She complained. She says she loves me. She has helped me a lot, so now I feel like I have to give her something." "Once I nd a good job, I will get my dignity back. But for now, I'm a prosRtute."

InternaRonal Students (Paraphrased)

Young girls and boys 15 and up start to have sex with tourist just because they know they will support them economically w/ money and material things-Cuba Women tourist come looking for Rastas with Dreads, like their own Bob Marleywhen others see how good their living, their own house and car, they want to do it too Jamaica I remember a girl who thought she was leaving for a real Job, but the man made her stay in his house and he and his friends raped her for months unRl the Job was over-Kenya I saw girls begging on the street and oering sex for moneythe biggest thing is that police dont do anything about it! -Brazil

Is this a moral or cultural issue? What do you think the age of consent is around the world?
Age of consent hap:// File:Age_of_Consent_-_Global.svg

How do you feel about the women as sex tourist? Do you believe this is exploitaRon if the man or woman or child in our sense of the word is ok with it?

Why does the tourist come looking for sex with a local when he could have a healthy sexual relaRonship with a companion? Why do the rich come looking to exploit the poor? Do you think Sex Tourism leads to Child sex tourism?

hap:// index.en.shtml hap:// shameful-truth-about-sex-tourism/ hap:// Child_sex_tourism hap:// globalissues-stp hap:// id=3385318&page=1 hap:// hap:// s-senegal-tourism-sun-sea-and-sex hap:// cuba_sex_tourism_and_cuban_prosRtutes/ hap:// india-cambodia-and-thailand-sex- tourism.html hap:// around-the-world/ hap:// facts-that-you-need-to-know-about-sex- tourism hap:// hap:// raRonalizing-sexual-tourism-how-some- countries-benet-from-selling-sex

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