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ARTICLE I -NAME The organization shall be known as the Justice Research and Statistics Association, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the Association.

ARTICLE II -MISSION It is the mission of the Justice Research and Statistics Association to promote the development, analysis, and dissemination of objective and accurate information to support the policy making process at state, local, and national levels. The Association serves individuals and organizations engaged in criminal justice research and policy analysis to inform the public and support policy development by: a) Assisting them to establish and enhance their technical and organizational capabilities; b) Fostering and coordinating the exchange of information and technology among them at the state, local, and national levels; c) Serving as a forum for expressing the common concerns and perspectives of these agencies and promoting the consensus of the states at the national level; d) Developing and disseminating methodologies to conduct empirically-based policy analysis in the states; and e) Establishing and promoting professional standards to enhance the work of criminal justice policy analysts.

ARTICLE III -OBJECTIVES The Association shall carry out activities to accomplish the following objectives: a) Training: Build the capacity of criminal justice analysts and policy makers to use appropriate methodologies in policy development and analysis. b) Data Quality: Improve the quality and usefulness of criminal justice information for policy analysis.

c) Advocacy: Serve as the collective voice of the membership on national issues relating to the development, analysis, and interpretation of criminal justice information. d) Coordination: Serve as the major link among the states for exchanging information on research and policy analysis in criminal justice. e) Information Systems: Promote the development of criminal justice information systems which support research and policy analysis. f) Research: Conduct research which supports the efforts of the states in addressing criminal justice policy issues. g) Standards Setting: Create a mechanism for the evolution of professional standards to enhance the work of criminal justice policy analysts.

ARTICLE IV -MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 -DEFINITION OF MEMBERSHIP The Association shall have two types of membership: state representatives and members. a) All interested individuals may apply for membership. b) Annual dues for the membership will be as prescribed by the Executive Committee. c) There shall be one state representative from each state, district, or U.S. territory. d) The state representative shall be the director of the Statistical Analysis Center, if one exists or the director of the functional equivalent agency if one does not exist. e) The appointment of a state representative must be designated by an official of the executive branch of state government. f) Any dispute relative to the status of a state representative shall be resolved by the state representative. g) The state representative may appoint an alternate if he or she can not attend the Association's meetings.

SECTION 2 -RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERSHIP a) The state representatives have the right to determine the scope and extent of the activities, policies, and affiliate member status of the Association. b) Each state representative shall have one vote. Members of the Association shall not be afforded voting privileges. c) The state representatives shall have the right to hold elected office in the Association. Non-voting members shall not be elected to an office of the Association.

ARTICLE V - GOVERNANCE SECTION 1 -OFFICERS The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer. SECTION 2-EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The governing body of the Association shall be the Executive Committee, also known as the Board of Directors. a) The Executive Committee shall consist of: the officers of the Association, each of whom will be a voting member; two elected delegates, each of whom will be a voting member; a third delegate with non-voting status who is appointed by the president with the advice of the Executive Committee; and the immediate past president. If the past president chooses not to serve, an additional voting delegate elected by the Association's state representatives may be a member of the Executive Committee. Only state representatives shall hold voting status on the Executive Committee. b) With the exception of the appointed non-voting delegate and the immediate past president, all members of the Executive Committee shall be state representatives. c) All members of the Executive Committee shall be state representatives or members of the Association. d) In order to serve as past president on the Executive Committee an individual must have completed the term to which he or she was most recently elected. If an individual ascends to the position of president, he or she must serve a minimum of 180 days as president in order to serve as past president.

ARTICLE VI - DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 1 -PRESIDENT The President of the Association presides at all general and Executive Committee meetings, is President of the Executive Committee, and is responsible for conducting the business of the Association. a) The president shall have the right to appoint committees as needed. b) The President may act as a signatory for the Association with regard to contracts, grant applications, statements of affiliation, cooperative agreements, and other such written agreements, provided that such agreements have been approved by the Executive Committee. c) The President shall be responsible for appointing a designee from among the Executive Committee to represent the Association in its affiliate member status with any association or group in which the Association maintains such affiliate status. SECTION 2-VICE-PRESIDENT The Vice-President serves on the Executive Committee, accepts administrative assignments from the President and has the same powers as the President in the President's absence. SECTION 3-SECRETARYITREASURER The Secretary/Treasurer maintains the Association's records (minutes, financial, etc.), serves on the Executive Committee and keeps the membership informed about the business of the Association. SECTION 4-EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall carry out the following responsibilities: a) Establish policies and procedures for the operation and control of the affairs of the Association. b) Represent the Association in dealing with the federal government, consultants, and other organizations. c) Undertake projects of note based upon the concerns of the membership. d) Establish policies and procedures for the operation, evaluation, and control of such projects.

e) Authorize the publication and dissemination of any report, or other document, prepared under the authority of the Association. f) Act upon applications for membership in the Association. g) Call meetings of the membership in addition to the annual meeting as necessary. h) Direct the work activities of the Justice Research and Statistics Association staff. i) Supervise the execution of formal, written agreements involving the Association. j) Prepare an annual management plan which describes the objectives for the year, the activities to be carried out, and the resources required to be presented to the State Representatives for their adoption. k) The Executive Committee members and former members are indemnified against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him/her in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which he/she is made a party by reason of being of having been an Executive Committee member.

ARTICLE VII -ELECTION AND TERM SECTION 1 -OFFICERS/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTION PROCEDURES The procedures for electing Executive Committee members shall be written procedures recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the state representatives. SECTION 2 -TERM OF OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The term of office for all members of the Executive Committee shall be as follows: a) The president shall serve a one year term as president, and an additional one year term as past president. b) All other members of the Executive Committee shall serve a term of one year. c) Executive Committee members may run for re-election. The president and the non-state representative, however, may serve only two terms in succession. If a president is re-elected, the past president from the previous Executive Committee has the option of serving a second term. If the past president chooses not to serve, an additional delegate will be elected by the state representatives. If the most recent president does not meet the criteria for serving as past president, the person

who last served as past president may elect to continue serving in that capacity, even if it is in excess of two terms. Regardless of presidential succession, the current past president will not be replaced during a term unless he or she resigns. d) If a committee member is unable to complete a term of office, the committee shall appoint a replacement consistent with the Election Procedures for State Representatives.

ARTICLE VIII -COMMITTEES SECTION 1 -RESEARCH COMMITTEE There shall be a standing committee of the Association called the Research Committee. a) Duties and responsibilities of the Research Committee shall include developing the research agenda of the Association, reviewing the research projects of the Association, and completing other projects or activities as assigned by the Executive Committee. b) The Research Committee shall consist of a Chair and committee members, who shall be members of the Association appointed by the President. c) The terms of appointment for the Research Committee shall be two years for the Chairperson and one year for other Committee members.

ARTICLE IX -ASSOCIATION STAFF DIRECTOR A staff director may be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee and in accordance with contract provisions and the Association's policies and procedures. a) The staff director shall undertake such staff and secretariat duties as the Executive Committee shall from time to time direct. b) The staff director's compensation shall be set by the Executive Committee within amounts available therefore. c) The staff director may appoint staff to assist in performing his or her duties and may determine their respective compensations within amounts made available therefore by the Executive Committee, and as outlined in the policies and procedures of the Association. d) At the direction of the Executive Committee the staff director may sign contracts, cooperative agreements, grants, or enter into other financial relationships.

ARTICLE X -MEETINGS SECTION 1 -MEETINGS OF THE MEMBERSHIP a) An annual meeting shall be held at a time and place to be designated by the Executive Committee. b) Additional meetings of the membership may be called by the Executive Committee. c) One-third of the state representatives shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of conducting official business at any duly convened meeting of the Association. d) The meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. e) Meetings shall be preceded by a written notice to all participants. SECTION 2 -EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS a) The Executive Committee shall convene at least two times annually. Times and places for such meetings shall be determined by the President, acting on the advice of the Executive Committee. b) A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be two-thirds of the voting members. c) Any duly convened meeting shall be preceded by a written notice to all member participants.

ARTICLE XI -AMENDMENTS These by-laws and/or the Articles of Incorporation may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the state representatives present at a meeting of the Association, provided that the subject of the proposed amendment(s) has been disseminated to all state representatives of the Association, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which a vote concerning the amendments shall be taken.

ARTICLE XII -FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on the first day of July and end on the last day of June in each year.

JRSA Policies and Procedures Election Procedures for State Representatives

Revised October 2. 2002

Nominations Procedures: A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President at least 60 days prior to the annual business meeting to nominate officers for election at the JRSA annual meeting. Prior to the annual meeting, the committee shall distribute a solicitation for nominations to all state representatives to encourage nominations and competition for all elected offices. Nominations may be made from the floor of the annual meeting if the nominated person consents to the nomination in person or by letter. A person may be nominated for no more than two Executive Committee positions during the annual election. Nominations shall be closed by a successful motion from the floor for each executive committee position. Voting Procedures: Voting shall be by written or computer ballot. No names shall be printed on the ballot prior to the annual elections. The president shall designate two non-candidate members and one staff person to collect and count the ballots and report results to the President. Every successful candidate must have received a majority vote for election (though not necessarily on the first ballot if more than one is required). A majority shall be construed as more than 50% of the state representatives present, provided there are enough representatives present to constitute a meeting quorum. In votes which call on members to vote for more than one delegate on a single ballot, members may choose to limit their choice to one person, but may not list that person's name more than once. Any candidate receiving a majority vote on any ballot will be elected. If a vote for more than two candidates running for one of the (non-delegate) officer positions fails to produce a winner, the top two vote-getters shall run off against each other in a second election. For the delegate voting, if no one receives a majority of the first round ballots, the top three vote-getters will be run off against each other. In any tie that is not a runoff situation; the election shall be decided by secret ballot cast by the officers and voting delegates of the presiding Executive Committee, with the successful candidate receiving a majority of that vote. In the event that the vote produces a tie, it will be broken by the vote of the most immediate past president who is present. Eligibility Procedures: A state representative may appoint an alternate to attend the meeting and vote by proxy in his or her stead if the representative so notifies the President in writing in advance of the meeting. Should a state representative retire from the meeting, his/her ballot will be limited to the vote at issue at the time the state representative (or proxy) retired. The departing voter 8

will be responsible for getting his or her ballot to a teller before leaving. The vote will not be valid for subsequent ballots. Other Procedures: In the event of a vacancy in an officer or voting delegate position on the Executive Committee, the vacancy shall be filled by hierarchical succession among the remaining officers and voting delegates. For succession purposes, the highest ranking position shall be president, followed by vice-president, secretary/treasurer, the voting delegate with the longest length of service on the Executive Committee (or, if voting delegates have served the same length of time, the highest vote-getter in the last election). In any situation where the ranking of voting delegates for succession purposes is not determined by length of service on the Executive Committee or votes in the last election, it will be determined by presidential discretion. After each officer ascends into the next highest vacant position, the president, with the agreement of the majority of the Executive Committee members, shall appoint new persons to fill open positions. At the president's discretion, one voting delegate position may be left vacant provided fewer than six months remain until the next Annual Business Meeting. New officers will take office as of midnight on Saturday following the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting. Any election issues not addressed by the JRSA Bylaws or these guidelines shall be decided by the President.

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