6 Guidelines For Marking Questions in Paper 2
6 Guidelines For Marking Questions in Paper 2
6 Guidelines For Marking Questions in Paper 2
Read the answer script given. Check to see if the task is relevant to the assessment objectives specified. All answers should be considered at sentence level. All types of errors should be noted. Pupils abilities to express ideas and usage of interesting expressions should be given due consideration. Pupils may or may not use all the words given. Pupils need not comply with the word order given. The quality of the answer should be given greater consideration over the quantity or length of the answer. Checklist For Marking Read the answer script as a whole. Place in bands. Reread and identify the errors. Use the given symbols to highlight the errors or additional details like new words or interesting expressions. Award marks accordingly. Guidelines For Marking Question 1 The answer script must be assessed at sentence level for marks to be awarded. Teachers must consider the coherence of each sentence before awarding marks. Pupils must show their ability to construct a grammatically correct sentence. All given words may or may not be used. Pupils should not be penalized if they change the order of the words given as long as meaning is clear throughout. All types of errors must be noted using the given symbols to highlight them.
Marking Scheme
Question 1 BAND EXCELLENT ACHIEVEMENT LOW ACHIEVEMENT DESCRIPTORS Task fulfilled Excellent and confident use of language. Words used correctly. Hardly any spelling or punctuation error. Able to use variety of sentences. Ideas are well presented and well-planned and relevant to the stimulus. Task mostly fulfilled. Satisfactory use of language. Most sentences are constructed correctly. Words used are mostly correct but with a few single word errors found in sentences constructed. A few spelling and punctuation errors found in the script. Ideas presented are satisfactory and relevant to the stimulus. Task partially fulfilled. Correct use of the language. Most words used correctly and meaning is clear. Sentences constructed are satisfactory with single word errors found. Some spelling and punctuation errors found in sentences constructed. Ideas presented are relevant to the stimulus. Task is almost fulfilled. Poor use of the language. Disorganized sentence structure but meaning is still clear. Some words are used correctly. Many spelling and punctuation errors. Ideas are incomprehensible even after a few reading. MARKS 9-10
Question 2a Full mark awarded is 10. Award one mark for each correct answer. Do not accept answers with spelling or punctuation errors. Do not award half marks.
Question 2b Full mark awarded is 5. Mark is awarded according to the band scale given.
4.1 Marking Scheme For Section B Question 2b BAND EXCELLENT CREDIT ACHIEVEMENT LOW ACHIEVEMENT DESCRIPTORS Excellent and confident use of the language. Reasons conveyed clearly through a variety of sentence structures. Confident use of new words to express reasons. Sentences are well-planned, relevant and are linked so as to sustain the interest of the reader. Overall accurate use of spelling and punctuation. Confident use of language throughout. Attempts made to construct a variety of sentence structures but occasional errors occur. Sentences are well-organised, relevant and conveyed clearly. Punctuation and spelling errors may occur occasionally but meaning is still clear. Correct and confident use of the language. Simple sentences with minor errors but meaning is still clear. Satisfactory presentation of ideas. Vocabulary is adequate to convey meaning. A few punctuation and spelling errors may be found in the script. Poor use of language. Multiple word errors found in sentences. Ideas incomprehensible even after a few readings. Limited and incorrect use of language. Many spelling and punctuation errors. MARKS 5
GUIDELINES FOR MARKING QUESTION 3 This question carries 15 marks. The answer script must be assessed as a whole for marks to be awarded. Teachers must consider the coherence of each sentence before awarding marks. Pupils are expected to show their ability to construct a variety of sentences as stipulated in the syllabus. Pupils are required to write their answer in paragraph. Pupils should be able to add new words and interesting expressions to make their script interesting. All given words may or may not be used. Pupils are encouraged not to change the tense used in the question as the change may cause a major distortion in the overall meaning. Well organized ideas are considered as strength whereas repetitions of ideas are considered as weakness.
DESCRIPTORS Excellent and confident use of the language. Ideas conveyed clearly through a variety of sentence structures. Confident use of new words to express ideas. Ideas are well-planned, relevant and are linked so as to sustain the interest of the reader. Overall accurate use of spelling and punctuation. Proficient and confident use of the language throughout. Attempts made to construct a variety of sentence structures but occasional errors occur. Most ideas are well-organised, relevant and conveyed clearly. Few spelling and punctuation errors may occur. Ideas are well-planned but links may be absent or inappropriate but overall meaning is still clear. Correct use of the language. Simple sentences with minor errors but meaning is still clear. Satisfactory presentation of ideas. Vocabulary is adequate to convey meaning. A few punctuation and spelling errors may be found in the script. Poor use of language. Multiple word errors found in sentences. Ideas incomprehensible even after a few readings. Limited and incorrect use of language. Many spelling and punctuation errors.
MARKS 13-15