CERT Brochure

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How will Community Emergency Response Teams benefit Communities in Clinton County?

Participation in Community Events ~National Night Out, Open Houses & many more. The sky is the limit! Knowledge of Hazards ~The old adage says Knowledge is Power. Knowing what hazards can affect our community will allow community members to be better prepared. General Training ~Even if a major disaster never happens, knowledge acquired in CERT training has many other day-to-day applications: -First Aid -Team Organization -Building Community -Knowledge of Hazards -Family Emergency Plans -Use of Fire Extinguishers The First 72 Hours After a Disaster ~After most types of disasters first responders may be overwhelmed. ~Additional resources, personnel, food or equipment, generally will not be available immediately following a disaster. ~Organization and just in time training of spontaneous volunteers.

Clinton County Emergency Management Agency 612 North 2nd Street, Suite 105 P.O. Box 2957 Clinton, IA 52733-2957 Phone: 563-242-5712 Fax: 563-242-3095 Email:
[email protected]

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training

Web Page: www.ClintonCounty-IA.gov/EMA


What is CERT?
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program helps to train people to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities. When emergencies happen, CERT members can give critical support to first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims and organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site. CERT members can also help with non-emergency projects that help improve the safety of the community. Who can become a CERT Member? Almost any citizen can become a CERT member, regardless of age or physical ability. In Clinton County there are a few qualifications to become a member: Individuals must be at least 16 years of age (if under 18 parental consent required), Individuals must submit to a background check, and Individuals must attend all basic training classes.

What do Trained CERT Members do after completing training? What topics are covered in the CERT Program? Unit 1 Disaster Preparedness Unit 2 Fire Safety Units 3 & 4 Disaster Medical Operations Unit 5 Light Search and Rescue Unit 6 CERT Organization Unit 7 Disaster Psychology Unit 8 Terrorism and CERT Final Class Disaster Simulation
Emergency Roles ~In an emergency, CERT Members are trained to do the following activities: -Locating and turning off utilities, if safe. -Extinguishing small fires. -Treating injuries. -Conducting light search and rescue. -Helping to relieve survivor stress. -Checking on neighbors and coworkers. Non Emergency Roles ~Prepare themselves, their homes and their workplaces for potential disasters by: -Identifying potential hazards in their homes and workplaces. -Reducing possible hazards -Developing a disaster supply kit. ~CERT Members also can help others by being actively involved in their community.

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