Chapter 19 - Neuschwabenland and The Nazi Moon Base
Chapter 19 - Neuschwabenland and The Nazi Moon Base
Chapter 19 - Neuschwabenland and The Nazi Moon Base
regime met with a number of key scientists and members from the Vril Group to formulate a plan of action, as it was becoming increasingly imminent they were fighting a losing war. It was unanimously agreed on, that it's best to live today to fight another day and hence the agenda of the meeting was to discuss all plausible and strategic exit plans, this based on the status of various projects and missions which had been undertaken in the preceding years. So a second meeting was scheduled for December 1943 to bring upto date all their members on the following three projects. The Neuschwabenland base in Antarctica for which work had began in all earnest in 1938, a moon base which had been under construction since 1942 and a test trip to Aldebaran. According to Vladimir Terziski, the Germans had succeeded in reaching the moon sometime in 1942, and established a base on the dark side. Dean unsure if he's come across the name before "Who's Vladimir Terziski?" Agnus helps him with the question "Terziski is a controversial figure in the UFO community, but he has impressive credentials. He is a Bulgarian-born engineer and physicist. He graduated cum laude with an MS degree from Tokai University in Tokyo, and reportedly is conversant in English, Japanese, Russian and German in addition to his native Bulgarian, and is therefore uniquely able to do research in all these languages." Terziski further states "The Germans landed on the moon probably as early as 1942, utilizing their larger exo-atmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever type. The Schriever Walter turbine powered craft was designed as an interplanetary exploration vehicle. It had a diameter of 60 meters, had 10 stories of crew compartments, and stood 45 meters high. Terziski claims that after establishing the initial surface base they tunneled underground, and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the moon. The free energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunibu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people, materiel and the first robots to the construction site. He claims that the moon has an atmosphere, water and vegetation, and it is possible to get around without space suits, despite NASA propaganda to the contrary. If Terziski is right, it seems reasonable to suspect that the aliens played a large role in the Nazi moon adventure. While obviously this fantastic accomplishment would have had little wartime strategic value, it should be remembered that, in 1942, the Germans were supremely confident of winning the war, and were projecting their space travel (conquest?) plans well ahead into the thousand-year Third Reich. In December 1943 Maria Orsic attended, together with Sigrun, a meeting held by Vril at the seaside resort of Kolberg. The main purpose of the meeting was to deal with the Aldebaran project. The Vril mediums had received precise information regarding the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and they were willing to plan a trip there. This project was discussed again the 22nd January 1944 in a meeting between Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann a scientist and professor in the Technical University of Munich along with Kunkel of the Vril Gesellschaft. It was decided that a Vril 7 Jger would be sent through a dimension channel independent of the speed of light to Aldebaran. According to author N. Ratthofer, a first test flight in the dimension channel took place in late 1944. The test flight almost ended in disaster because after the flight the Vril 7 looked as if it had been flying for a hundred years. Likely from being stuck inside a dimensional vortex.
Sometime in late 1944 the Nazi SS moved the main components of their antigravity aircraft technology and their top scientists to their subterranean research base in the Antarctic, which they'd been preparing since 1938. The Germans had been assiduously patrolling and defending the sea lanes to Antarctica since early in the war as they moved men and materials there in their U-boats. They stationed their largest battle cruiser, the Graf Spee, off the coast of Argentina some time in 1939, and they were known to be sinking even merchant vessels sailing in those waters. By April of 1945, when the Allied troops converged on Berlin the very last bits of all equipment and personnel had been transferred across to Neuschwabenland from various harbors across Europe. Interestingly Maria Orsic also disappeared in mid March of 1945. The internal document for 11th of March of 1945 of the Vril Gesellschaft sent to all its members ends with: niemand bleibt hier (no one is staying here). This was the last announcement from Vril Group and signed by Maria Orsic, since then no one has heard again from either Maria or the rest of its members. It is believed they escaped to Antarctica. Linda "So guess that explains why the Allied armies found only superficial remnants of flying disc development as they overran Germany, and none of the important scientists." Nora "Yes, pretty much and that got them to speculate if Antarctica indeed had been the destination of the so-called Lost Battalion of 250,000 German troops that could never be accounted for." Jim thoughtfully puts forth a question "How did they manage to haul in all that equipment and such a large battalion, across the Atlantic Ocean without being spotted? Am sure the Allied forces would have been patrolling the waters too." Agnus takes cue and explains "The Germans had already been building the underground base since 1938 and therefore had a considerable workforce present there. So over the years they'd slowly been making these arduous U-boat trips with the goods, which also carried on all through the war. Though it's important to note that all these U-boats were the late construction Type XXI and Type XXIII U-Boats, with the "Schnorchel" or underwater breathing apparatus that allowed them to make the entire passage from Germany completely submerged. Many were also operating out of Argentina, possibly under the Argentine flag but crewed by the Germans. The Allied forces later learnt, during the last couple of months of the War ten U-Boats based in Oslofjord, Hamburg, Kiel and Flensburg were made available to transport several hundred German officers and scientists to Argentina. These officers were mostly involved in secret projects, and many of whom were members of the SS and Kriegsmarine itself and had sought to escape the "vengeance" of the Allies but wanted to continue their work abroad. The U-boats were filled with their luggage, documents and gold bullion plundered from countries to help finance their efforts. All the U-boats departed their home ports between 3 April and 8 May 1945 and were to proceed to Argentina where they would be welcomed by the friendly regime of Juan Peron and his charismatic wife Eva Peron. Seven of the ten of the U-Boats, based on the German/Danish border, set off for Argentina through the Kattegat and Skagerrak. None were ever seen again... "officially". It has however been documented that three of the boats did in fact, arrive in Argentina. These were U-530, U-977 and U-1238. U-530 and U-977 surrendered to the Argentine Navy at Mar del Plata on 10th July and 17th August 1945. U-1238 was scuttled by her crew in the waters of San Matias Gulf, off Northern Patagonia. Though recent research on the Kriegsmarine archives indicate that a total of more than forty U-boats are completely unaccounted for, all of which
were late construction, state-of-the-art craft and possibly could have made their way to either Argentina or Antarctica, completely submerged and unnoticed by existing "allied" technology of the time. Dean "Were any of these U-boats shot down during such voyages and in later years reveal any of their secret cargo?" Agnus "Several were torpedoed and sunk during the war but most wreckage though identified later, has never been retrieved for ethical reasons. The Allied naval war logs indicate between October 1942 and September 1944 sixteen German U-boats were sunk in the South Atlantic area, and that some of these submarines did appear to be engaged in covert activities." "The U-530 on 22 May 1944 left Lorient, France for operations in the Trinidad area. The crew was to rendezvous with the incoming Japanese submarine I-52 and supply her with a Naxos radar detector, Naxos operator and a German navigator to help navigate the end-leg of the journey. The boats met on 23 June in the middle of the Atlantic, some 850 miles west of the Cape Verde Islands, and the exchange went well except the Naxos radar detector fell into the Atlantic, being retrieved by a Japanese who jumped in after it. U-530 immediately headed for Trinidad, finally returning to base after 133 days at sea. The Allies knew of the encounter and had the escort carrier USS Bogue at the scene and its aircraft managed to sink the I-52 with Fido torpedoes with the help of sonobuoys. The I-52 seems to have been found in 3.2 mile deep water in 1995. The interest in this boat, especially at this depth is simple: As it contains 2 tons of gold in 146 bars plus an assortment of other valuable industrial metals. Recovery was planned but according to an article in National Geographic of Oct 99, it was not possible to reach the gold and further attempts have been called off." Nora then recollects of another fascinating story relating to rediscovered cargo. "U-859 which on 4 April 1944 at 04.40hrs, left on a mission carrying 67 men and 33 tons of mercury sealed in glass bottles in watertight tin crates. The submarine was later sunk on 23 September by a British submarine HMS Trenchant in the Straits of Malacca and although 47 of the crew died, 20 had survived. Some 30 years later one of these survivors spoke to the media about the cargo and divers later confirmed the story on rediscovering the mercury. Not until decades later we understood the significance of this mercury, when we found its use as a fuel source for certain types of aerospace propulsion." Dean "Didn't the Americans get no wind of this new Nazi base at all? Surely, they would have had some kind of Intelligence inputs or retrieved documents of sorts right after the war. Maybe even some of these second rung of scientists who'd made their way across through Operation Paperclip, must have spilt some beans? "Indeed. In fact they didn't have to wait for any such Intel inputs, it was all over for everyone to see! Flying dics which later got dubbed as flying saucers or UFOs, were being sighted all over America and elsewhere by 1946 and 1947. Descriptions of which matched the some of the blueprints that had been recovered at abandoned Nazi bases. But the American government which obviously at that point was completely clueless to the advanced technologies, decided it best to cover up and ridicule such sightings such to avoid mass panic right after a long fought war." "Though we will cover much of that information later with President Truman, Eisenhower and JFK and the various classified Operations that took place under their regime." Agnus remarks "Another notable German scientist Ernst Zundel, like Von Braun had also entered the US under Operation Paperclip and at the end of the war had worked at Wright
Patterson AFB, where the infamous Roswell crash debris were eventually housed. He later in the 1970s authored 3 books and made claims about the nature of the Nazi activity in Antarctica. In his books UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapons, Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions (1978) and Hitler at the South Pole (1979) alleged that at least some of the Unidentified Flying Objects were the German secret weapons which were developed during the Second World War, and that some of them had been shipped out towards the end of the war and hidden away at the poles. Zundel was a guest on to countless talk shows where he shared his views on spaceships, free energies, electromagnetism, emergent technologies and some of the positive contributions made by the Germans in these fields." Jim "But did the US government then secretly do anything about such sightings and of claims of a Nazi base in Antarctica?" Angus decides to fill them in "Oh you bet, they in fact followed it up a highly classified operation, which remains to this day the largest expedition ever to Antarctica, code named Operation Highjump. It was led by the renowned polar explorer, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd which consisted of 13 ships, 23 aircraft and 4,700 men. According to a 30 December 1946 Navy memorandum, the official instructions issued by the then Chief of Naval Operations, Chester W. Nimitz was to: (a) train personnel and test material in the frigid zones; (b) consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent; (c) to determine the feasibility of establishing and maintaining bases in the Antarctic and to investigate possible base sites; (d) to develop techniques for establishing and maintaining air bases on the ice, (with particular attention to the later applicability of such techniques to Greenland) (e) amplify existing knowledge of hydrographic, geographic, geological, meteorological and electromagnetic conditions in the area. "For a scientific expedition, all that military power was pretty dubious a statement and what made it worse was the considerable loss of hands in the conflict that ensued in the polar region. Byrd's army was completely rolled over by the advanced technologies of the forces present there. Therefore the team made a hasty retreat within 8 weeks alone. On 5 March, 1947 the "El Mercurio" newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article "On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas" which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta: "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he "didn't want to frighten anyone unduly" but that it was "a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds." "In March 1955, he was placed in charge of Operation Deep Freeze which was part of the International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958, exploration of the Antarctic. He died, shortly thereafter on his return to the mainland in 1957 under very mysterious circumstances, just like the Secretary of Defense James Forrestall had sometime ago. Forrestall had been in loop on Operation Highjump and we believe was silenced as well, since he'd decided to go public with some of these operations." We'll conclude this chapter of the presentation, with the following quote from German Navy Grand Admiral Karl Dnitz who in 1945 at the Nuremberg Trials stated "The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Fhrer in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an
impregnable fortress." Could he have been hinting at the new Nazi base in Antarctica?