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Like Open Doors? Leading Down Into My Core Where I've Become So Numb." Wow!!!

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1 [Untitled EvBookClub 2011 writing project] It was an otherwise normal and seemingly uneventful day at work.

. Just another sunny early mid-April day of 2003. I get to clean again while they play that silly pop-music top 40 hits junk. Oh how that music annoys me, I thought. As if cleaning day after day wasn't torture enough. Wait!!! What's this? I hear the voice of an angel or some goddess pouring out of the speakers. This can't be pop music!?! Damn! Now that girl can sing. "How can you see into my eyes, like open doors? Leading down into my core where I've become so numb." Wow!!! I quickly called the radio station and asked who that wonderful singer is, I was blown away. The DJ said that is Evanescence and the song is "Bring Me to Life". I said, Well play it again, Dude. It's incredible. He said he would put in the request for the all request show at 7 PM. I thought to myself, I must have that song. I went to my car and pulled out a blank cassette. Luckily I had it on hand. I went to the work radio and put the tape in the stereo and watched the clock for over 2 endless hours. Yay!!! 7 PM. I put the tape in and once again called the radio station, not taking any chances that they might forget my request. I said, Hey Dudes. I need that Evanescence to wake me up inside, please play Bring me to Life" and they said, Ok, coming right up. I pushed record and jumped up and down screaming like a school-boy that just got candy. Just as I heard that beautiful piano intro I knew that angel called Amy Lee would just melt me again. Ahh. So amazing!! Yay, it recorded. That is the day that changed my life musically and personally FOREVER. Noctura_Rocks *** I wish he would just leave me alone. I wish they would all just leave me alone. My life is stressful enough as it is right now with school and homework and just everything. Im sitting on my bed, still sulking over the bad day I had today and procrastinating over the homework that I know needs to be done when theres a knock on my door. My housemates saw me coming home from class, so I cant even ignore them and pretend to be out, so I answer, Yeah? Its open. The doorknob turns and the door slowly swings open and its him. Hes here to pick yet another fight. I wish he would just leave. What do you want now, Michael? I glare at him, but he takes no notice and invites himself in like he always does. Nothing, he says as he helps himself to some of the notes lying on my desk. Damn it, I wish he would keep his hands off my things. If its not coffee hes stealing from my food cupboard in the kitchen, then hes rifling through my papers. He picks up my Fallen CD my most prized possession. Without it Id have hurt someone by now. Stop it. What? Im not doing anything. Hes defiant and determined to get another angry reaction from me. I think he enjoys playing on my emotions the way he does. To think, there was a time when I thought I felt something for him. How glad I am now that nothing came of it.

2 Monica can have him. I just wish shed keep him away from me, but since were not talking I cant even ask her. I said stop it. Leave my things alone. If you have something to say, then say it. If not then I want you to leave. Michael turns to face me, still holding my CD, with that spiteful smirk on his face. Thats it, I cant take any more. Get out! I scream at him, throwing the heaviest book I could find at him, but he ducks and I miss. Ok, Ill come back and talk to you later when you arent psycho, he eventually gives up. Just before hes out the door I call him back, My CD, put it back! I hold my breath hoping he wont make me come get it from him and with great relief I see his hand put the CD on my desk before the door closes and he is gone. puppyangelkzn *** I spent the next few days busy with homework and school, which kept me so busy that I couldnt have time hang out with people. That was okay with me, though I did miss seeing my best friend Lee-Anne, but I figured that she would be just as busy as I am, so I decided not to bother her. I finally took a homework break and lay on the bed and listened to my most favorite CD in the world, Fallen by Evanescence. Suddenly the phone rang so I got up and took my time answering the phone. It was probably just another person trying to sell me something anyway, I thought. Hello, I spoke. Hi this is Lee-Anne, spoke the voice of my best friend on the other side. Oh, hi! Whats up? I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend? I miss you and havent seen you in a while. That sounds great! I miss you too, I just figured you were busy. I said so that I didnt feel so bad that I hadnt called her in two weeks. Awesome, Ill see you tomorrow at my house. Then we can go get some dinner, then maybe catch a movie. Lee-Anne always had the best ideas for when we get to hang out. I could really use a girls night out. Ok, see you tomorrow! We both said bye then I hung up the phone. I turned up the music again and then decided to make me a snack in the kitchen. The phone rang again. Hello I answered. Hey sexy psycho woman. How rude! Who is this? I demanded to know. Its just me baby. Im not your baby, Mike, we finished this a long time ago. Just leave me alone! I shouted. Wanna date me? He asked. No! You are dating Monica I thought. Now leave me alone. Not anymore, she broke up with me, so wanna date me now? You know I am the best thing for you. I told you NO!!!!! You dont know a thing about me and whats best for me, because if you did then you would know that leaving me alone is best. You are such a jerk! I was getting beyond furious now. He knew that I didnt want to date him, but I guess since he cant keep a girlfriend for more than a few weeks, here he is trying to get back with me. Dont be like that babe. I AM NOT YOUR BABE!!!!!! I shouted, then hung up the phone. Suddenly Going Under came on. I loved this song. Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself, Maybe I'll wake up for once. Not tormented daily defeated by you, truthfully I didnt need Michael, because

3 all he ever did was bring me down. I could only hope that he would leave me alone and stop bugging me like the annoying jerk he is. At least I can look forward to seeing Lee-Anne tomorrow, which is the only thing going right in my life right now. DolphinDreamer3 *** Tomorrow finally came as I was hoping it would, dark cloudy chilly skies, the perfect weather to spend a day with my bestie Lee-Anne. As I drove to her house, you could bet I was blasting Everybodys Fool rocking out to the gorgeous day ahead of me. Pulling into her driveway, I saw her walk out of her house and immediately attacked her with a hug. Its been way too long since Ive seen that face of hers. Hey Ive missed you so much! Lee-Anne exclaimed You have no idea how much I have missed you Lee-Anne, schools been insane and my social life has been a migraine. Same here buddy, so where would you like to go eat before we see that new horror movie that came out, Midnights Creed. Starbucks sounds good, I suggested Starbucks it is! She yelled heroically, laughing while getting into the passengers seat. As we drove off to Starbucks, rocking out to Fallen and an old Evanescence track, Understanding, my phone began to ring. I didnt want to answer so I ignored the call. My love for you still grows This I do for you Before I try to fight the truth My final time We're supposed to try and be real And when you feel alone, you are not together And that is real, Then it rang again, Can't fight it all away cant hope it all away cant scream it all away Oh! It all away Oh! It all away Lee-Anne told me it was Michael; I rubbed my forehead in distress and answered the phone with anger, Dammit Michael! Leave me ALONE! In the moment of all the anger I accidentally floored the accelerator instead of the brake and veered off the road. I could hear Lee-Anne screaming. I could hear a yelling coming from my phone. I saw a white light and saw Lee-Anne barely moving with blood dripping down her face, mouthing help me, help me, but most of all I could hear the faint repeating of Amy Lees voice saying, God, just don't hate me Because I'll die if you do 'Cause I'll die if you do 'Cause I'll die if you do 'Cause I'll die if you do Because I'll die if you do The only thing I could think was God please dont kill Lee-Anne because Ill die if you do, then everything faded to black. SiEVlla521 Black.

4 Somewhere in the distance I can hear voices, it sound like a faded echo of someone calling my name. I dont recognise the voice, where is it coming from? Open your eyes, why cant I open my eyes? A jagged pain penetrates my legs and I want to scream at the top of my voice but not a sound comes from my mouth. Whats going on, where am I, what happened? Wake me up Wake me up inside I cant wake up Wake me up inside Save me Call my name and save me from the dark It feels like Im in limbo, my eyelids are so heavy, like a ton of bricks are rested on them, not to be moved any time soon. Slowly I managed to open them. A sharp light blinds me; everything is so bright but yet hazy at the same time. It takes a minute but finally I am able to focus. White coats, machines beeping incessantly, where am I? I want to talk but it feels like there is something stuck in my throat, I think I am going to choke. I want to get it out; I have to get it out. I try to lift my hand to yank it out but nothing happens. Then the voice speaks again, this time more clear and I can actually make out what he is trying to say. Calm down Miss Wilson, relax your throat and try to breath normally. After a short pause the voice starts again. Im Doctor Brown, your physician. Doctor? What do I need a doctor for, why am I in hospital? From the corner of my eye I can see another body in the room. It looks kind of familiar. With great effort I turn my head, its Mike; what is he doing here? Theres a sad look in his eyes almost like a look of pity, no perhaps a look of guilt? Then it dawns on me, the accident, where is Lee Ann... Ooh Im so sorry And you forgive me again Youre my one true friend And I never meant to hurt you laetitiamoller *** "Mike! Wake up! Wake up!" this is how my day started. My roommate Jason yelling. We've been best friends since primary school. He turned into a nerd once we hit puberty but he has stayed my friend through the worst times. He can be annoying sometimes so I ignored him wanting me to wake up. "You NEED to wake up! Today's the day you will tell her the truth." My eyes opened immediately when I heard the name he called her, mocking me. My mind froze and I gave Jason a puzzled-panicked look, "I can't! She doesn't want anything to do with me!"

5 Jason had coffee for encouragement. We talked till late last night. The plan was that I would call her in the morning. I dialled her number and it rang and rang. She eventually picked up. Dammit Michael! Leave me ALONE! Not shocked at all I heard an engine roar and someone gave a deafening scream. "Hello! Hello?! but the line was dead. *** "Matt had a car accident." That's what my mom told me. "What happened?" I asked with confusion. She talked a lot and somewhere I stopped hearing and just saw mom's mouth moving. The only phrase that stuck was: "He's not coming back..." *** The last week has been hell. From the corner where I was standing, I go over to the CD player on her nightstand. The hospital was kind enough to allow her to have a CD player in her room. I know this always made her feel better in the past, so I figure it could help her now. It was worth a shot, right? I press play to hear those eerily familiar words come from the speakers: "I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real There's just too much that time cannot erase..." dblommie3 *** I cant do this again. And its so much closer now. Matt was closer, but in a different way. He was my hero, my brother. I guess Ive changed, grown. Hu, I am older, at least in age. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like, how I would be, if I had an older sibling. Jason still sometimes call me a jerk. Especially when I act all jock, like back in high school. He might have turned all nerdy but he makes sense when I make an effort to listen. Im starting to realise how much hes done for me. Hes been at the hospital, put up with my silent crawling into my shell, brings me coffee. She lies there all hurt. I still hear her screams. I try to drown it out by playing her Evanescence CD in her hospital room. As much for her as for myself. The cleaning guy is so disturbing, his music is so loud I can hear it from the other side of the room. Even though he has earphones on, really. Hey dude, would you turn your music down? He just keeps mopping. Excuse me, your music! I poke him in the ribs, he lifts the one side of his earphones. The music comes blaring out and for a moment overwhelms me. Then I recognise it, Evanescence. Ow The kid just stares at me with a scowl.

6 Is that Evanescence? I hear him ask. Im not sure what hes at, hes look changed to one of interest. Recognition, maybe? I turn my cassette player off, pull my earphones from my head. Yes, the music of an angel, my man. Changed my life. Do you have other albums beside Fallen? Michael asks. Yea, started saving and buying every album they made so far, replied Isaac. You a fan too? No, Michael replied, I started listening when my friend came to hospital. She was always listening when it was going a bit rough. Thought I would bring it here. Hey, can I ask you a favour? Can you bring a CD over for me to borough? So I can play it for Ryden. Excellent idea my man. Sharing is caring. See you tomorrow. karinq7

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