TEM Principle

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INRA Nantes Plateform BIBS Microscopy

Principles of transmission electron microscopy

As opposed to a light microscope, the wavelength of illumination that is produced by an energized beam of electrons in TEM increases greatly the resolving capabilities. So, the main use of this technique is to examine the specimen structure, composition or properties in submicroscopic details so that this microscopy technique is significantly involved in numerous fields such as biological components, chemistry, materials science or electronics. Using an electron microscope offers the advantage of increasing both the magnification of an object and the resolution over other imaging tools. Resolution is defined as the ability to distinguish two separate items from one another. In a light microscope, to magnify the image, the deflection of the illumination from its path is accomplished through the use of glass lenses where the properties are determined by its shape and index of refraction. So, as the light travels into the lens, refraction occurs when it is travelling through a medium with a different refractive index. The situation in a TEM differs as their is no change in the refractive index of the medium when the illumination beam is deflected, the vacuum in the lens is the same as the vacuum in the column. Deflection is in this case only due to the electromagnetic properties of the lens which are defined by electromagnetic plates that are only able to influence the path direction of the electrons, since all of the electrons carry a negative charge. Then, they have similar function to glass lenses in that they do produce a deviation in the trajectory of the electrons from a point source which causes them to converge at a single focal point. By this way, the electron beam is influenced in order to focus it precisely. There are essentially three types of lenses used to form the final image in the TEM. These are the condenser, objective, and projector lenses. The mean function of the condenser lens is to concentrate and focus the beam of electrons coming off of the filament onto the sample to give a uniformly illuminated sample. The objective lens and its associated pole pieces is the heart of the TEM and the most critical of all the lenses. It forms the initial enlarged image of the illuminated portion of the specimen in a plane that is suitable for further enlargement by the projector lens. Also, the TEM builds an image by way of differential contrast. Those electrons that pass through the sample go on to form the image while those that are stopped or deflected by dense atoms in the specimen are subtracted from the image. In this way a black and white image is formed. Some electrons pass close to a heavy atom and are thus only slightly

INRA Nantes Plateform BIBS Microscopy deflected. Thus many of these "scattered" electrons eventually make their way down the column and contribute to the image. In order to eliminate these scattered electrons from the image we can place an aperture in the objective lens that will stop all those electrons that have deviated from the optical path. The smaller the aperture we use the more of these scattered electrons we will stop and the greater will be our image contrast. Finally, one uses the projector lens to project the final magnified image onto the phosphor screen or photographic emulsion. It is in the projector lens that the majority of the magnification occurs. Thus total magnification is a product of the objective and projector magnifications. For higher magnifications an intermediate lens is often added between the objective and projector lenses. This lens serves to further magnify the image. The image is then projected onto either the fluorescent screen or onto the photographic film. Remember that the image is focused up at the objective lens. It is the focused image that is projected so the plane in which the final image appears is not critical and the image remains in focus regardless. What does change is the relative size of the projected image and thus the magnification on the screen and that on the photographic film will differ. Another important element of the TEM is the vacuum system. There are three main reasons why the microscope column must be operated under very high vacuum. The first of these is to avoid collisions between electrons of the beam and stray molecules. Such collisions can result in a spreading or diffusing of the beam or more seriously can result in volatization event if the molecule is organic in nature. Such volatizations can severely contaminate the microscope column especially in finely machined regions such as apertures and pole pieces that will serve to degrade the image. When examination of a specimen has to be performed, the extreme conditions that exists inside the TEM have to be considered, as for ex. high vacuum or intense heat generated by the beam of electrons. For a conventional TEM analysis, a specimen has to be reasonably dried and thin for ensuring electron transparency. In general, a sample has to follow certain conditions including a complete lack of water (as high vacuum conditions are used), an ability to remain stable when exposed to e-beam damage and the presence of both electron transparency and electron opacity zones. For that, specific specimen preparation steps are usually employed, including the use of fixatives, embedding resins and ultramicrotomes for shaving off electron transparent slices of material. As part of this, it is important to try and keep the sample in as near a natural state as is possible. Brigitte Bouchet & Cdric Gaillard - 2005

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