Batch - Debugging Batch Jobs
Batch - Debugging Batch Jobs
Batch - Debugging Batch Jobs
4 This post applies to Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 (see version note below).
E. Version information.
Batch debugging on Windows Server 2003 works with Dynamics Ax 2009. However, ahot fix (from partners site) is needed for Windows Server 2008. The next release of Dynamics Ax will include a fix for both operating systems (2003 and 2008).
B.2 "Right-click on your chosen AOS instance name and choose Properties. On the properties window, choose the Logon tab. Select This account for the Logon As option. Enter your full Domain account {e.g. contoso\YourName } and password credentials. This account must be the same user account as the account used for debugging batch code." As i understand this regarding step B.2, only one user can debug, am i understanding this correctly? According to this "This account must be the same user account as the account used for debugging batch code."
Craig 7 Jul 2010 10:23 AM My apologies for the late response. Lobbi says: "As i understand this regarding step B.2, only one user can debug?" For clarity, I would like to note that any number of users can debug their X++ code outside of batch jobs. It is also possible to modify code that typically runs in batch mode and instead call it directly from a job although state could be different when code is executing on the client. In some rare cases, debugging a batch job on the server is the only way to reproduce errors with the proper state (application data, configuration settings, etc...) and in those rare situations, then only one account can be used to debug the batch code running on the server.
Rama 23 Sep 2010 7:19 AM Hi, I was in assumption that we can't debug the code running under batch process. As per my experience, i worked on so many batch job related tasks, and i solved the issues by trail and error. Anyways, after going through the above explanation, I came to conclusion that we can debug the batch job as well provided the AOS account logon credentials to be given as the one who is logging into the AX. I tried the above scenario in my local machine. But in the production environment, if two or more developers are working to solve the batch job issues, is it possible for them to debug the batch jobs? Right now in my machine, i am the only person who logs into the AX and i can play changing the AOS account to my credentials. Do we need to change each and every time as per the user who is going to debug the batch job?
Praveen 4 Mar 2011 6:55 AM I am trying to run an import job in the background. When I run the job, there is a 'Batch processing' checkbox. If enable this option and accept the job, it is added to the user batch list with a status of 'Waiting', but is never processed. The following is from the documentation: 'First of all, a job can not start before an Axapta is started as a batch executer (processing).' What does this mean? Does the AOS have to be started with certain settings, or does a client have to be started with some or other settings? Can more than one job be run at once (rather than waiting for each job to finish)? Thanks.