Assignment Genetic
Assignment Genetic
Assignment Genetic
1) SENARAIKAN PERBEZAAN ANTARA MITOSIS DAN MEIOSIS Differences between mitosis and meiosis are: Mitosis Mitosis oocur in somatic cells Mitosis is a process of sasexual reproduction Meiosis Meiosis occur in gonad cells only Meiosis is a process of sexual reproduction
Mitosis will produce 2 diploid daughter cells at the end. In mitosis,the daughter cells produced are genetically the same with parent cell.
Meiosis will produce 4 haploid daughter cells t the end. In meiosis,the daughter cells produced are genetically different with the parent cell. There is synapsis occur in meiosis There is crossing over occur in meiosis(prophase 1) Cytokinesis occur twice in meiosis In meiosis, centromere split during anaphase ll Steps in meiosis consist of of interphase, prophase l,metaphase l,anaphase l,telophase l ,prophase ll,metaphase ll,anaphase ll,telophase ll Funtion of meiosis are for sexual reproduction
There is no synapsis occur in mitosis There is no crossing over occur in mitosis Cytokinesis occur inly once in mitosis In mitosis, centromere split during anaphase Steps in mitosis consist of interphase, prophase,metaphase,anaphase,telophase Function of mitosis are for cellularreproduction,growth,and repair
2)SENARAIKAN PERSAMAAN ANTARA MITOSIS DAN MEIOSIS 1. cytokinesis occur during both mitosis and meiosis 2. both mitosis and meiosis occur in eukaryotic cell 3. both mitosis and meiosis undergo interphse
3)JELASKAN BAGAIMANA DNA MENGATASI MASALAH PERGELUNGAN Supercoil is a phenemenon when double stranded DNA is separated causing one of the strand to relax and the other strand to become coiled and wound around itself. To overcome this problem ,an enzyme topoisomerase is used. There are topoisomerase l and topoisomerase ll. Enzyme topoisomerase have properties of both nuclease and ligase which can cut and seal the DNA strand respectively. Enzyme topoisomerase l can cut only one strand of DNA either positive or negative strand. Topoisomerase ll can cut both strand. Example are enzyme girase that relax the supercoiled double stranded DNA by cutting both strand, relaxing the tangled and wound up DNA and then seal back the nick at the separated strand.this process does not requires ATP.
4) JELASKAN PEMBUKTIAN REPLIKASI DNA SECARA SEMI KONSERVATIF In semiconservative theory the two strands of a DNA molecule separate during replication. Each strand then acts as a template for synthesis of a new strand .The experiment by Meselson and Stahl was done using E-coli bacteria DNA cultured in medium containing Nitrogen isotopes 15N(heavy).Now, the 15N will bind to purine and pyrimidine of the E-coli bacteria DNA and make it easy to identify. After that, E-coli bacteria DNA is transferred in to medium containing 14N and allow to replicate. E-coli bacteria DNA will be centrifuged and analysed. This will result in DNA with intermediate weight(between heavy and light)DNA strand.In order to prove the semeconservative theory and dispersive,the E-coli bacteria DNA was cultured again. This prove the semiconservative theory which produces hybrid strand of DNA consist of old(heavy) and new strand.