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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Marrakesh, Morocco, Mar.

2023, 2011 1731

Comparative Study of RF Dual-band-pass Filter

L. Bousbia, M. Mabrouk, and A. Ghazel CIRTACOM-SUPCOM-ISETCOM de Tunis Cit Technologique des Communications, Raoued 2088, Tunisia e

Abstract In this paper, the performances of RF dual-band-pass lter are studied using
ADS and HFSS simulators. Comparative studies between both simulators results are considered. Based on such comparison, the reection coecient magnitude S11 result from ADS simulation is of 32.0 dB and is better than the obtained one from HFSS simulation which is of 8.0 dB. Insertion loss less than 0.4 dB from ADS simulator result. However the insertion losses obtained by HFSS simulation are about 0.9 dB. The template lter obtained with both methods is not substantially dierent in general. 1. INTRODUCTION

The demand for advanced ltering especially multi-band RF lters has signicantly increased with the development of wireless communications standards and telecommunications equipments. Microstrip planar technology is the one of the suitable techniques to the design of RF lters [1]. Advancements in wireless communications require RF circuits with a dual band-pass operating. Therefore, the band pass lter is necessary to generate two or more transmission frequency bands [2]. Low insertion losses, low reected power and small size for high level integration are essential criteria for satisfying band pass ltering [2, 3]. For designing this kind of lters, several techniques and methodologies are available. Nowadays, the trend is to take advantage of the accessible full wave electromagnetic (EM) simulators, which can provide complete analyses of physical structure of lters [2]. Full wave electromagnetic EM simulators such ADS or HFSS are used to solve practical and complex design problems [2]. The rst simulator is based on the method of Moments (momentum) which converts the functional expressions to matrix equations. Momentum is numerical method which solves Maxwells equation for the design. The MOM is a numerical technique that can be used to solve dierential and integral equations. It is mainly used for solution of integral equations in EM problems [3]. The second simulator uses Finite Elements Method (FEM) which is mathematically used for nding approximate solution of partial dierential equations as well as of integral equations. The FEM is a general numerical technique to nd the approximate solutions to the boundary value problems. In the application of FEM, the entire volume is divided into sub-volumes in which the unknown functions are represented by simple interpolating functions [4]. This method splits surface into sub-regions most often triangular. The structure contains N number of triangle vertices of in the inner limits; we obtain a set of N equations with N variables. Both methods are the most widely used and the most often cited for lters simulation. In this paper, Comparison between both (ADS and HFSS) simulators results is made. The design process, as explained in Section 3, relies on simulations carried out using Advanced Design System (ADS) of Agilent and HFSS of ANSOFT [4].

The studied lter is composed of two ring-resonators loaded with two open-stubs. The used method is consisting of adding a half-wave length (/2) microstrip-line with an open-stub [5]. The principle of method is based on a total length of /2 for all of the sides of each ring resonator. Figure 1 illustrates the principle of the studied lter. Figure 2 shows the physical layout of the dual band pass lter using uniform microstrip lines. This lter consists of two microstrip open loops. Two open circuited stubs are attached at the center of the respective microstrip lines [5]. The total length of the resonator is around a half wave length (/2). The design parameters dimensions are chosen as following and illustrated below: W = 1.2 mm; W1 = 1.5 mm; W2 = 0.9 mm; L = 11.2 mm; L1 = 6.7 mm ; g1 = g2 = 0.3 mm. The structures of open loop resonators lter with center frequency 1.68 GHz and 2.81 GHz are designed on RT/duroid 6006 substrate with a thickness H = 0.635 mm and a relative dielectric constant r = 6.15.


PIERS Proceedings, Marrakesh, MOROCCO, March 2023, 2011

g1 L w2 w


w1 g2 L1

Figure 1: Principle of ring resonator design.

Ansoft Corporation

Figure 2: Topology of the studied dual band lter.

XY Plot 1
Curve Info dB(S(WavePort1,WavePort1)) Setup1 : Sw eep1 dB(S(WavePort2,WavePort1)) Setup1 : Sw eep1








-60.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Freq [GHz] 3.00 3.50 4.00

Figure 3: HFSS Simulated S21 and S11 parameters for the studied dual band lter.
0 -10 -20 d B (S (1 ,1 )) d B (S (2 ,1 )) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 freq, GHz 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

Figure 4: ADS Simulated S21 and S11 parameters for the studied dual band lter. 3. NUMERCAL STUDY: ADS AND HFSS SIMULATIONS

The full wave simulators are now inescapable in the design cycle of modern RF and microwave circuits. These simulators are making possible the design of several complex architectures operating in high frequency bands. The performances of the dual band RF lter have been studied using two full wave simulators, ADS and HFSS. The obtained S-parameters using both simulators are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively. The obtained characteristics of our studied lter with both methods are not substantially dier-

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Marrakesh, Morocco, Mar. 2023, 2011 1733

ent in overall. We can note that the obtained ADS simulated S-parameters are better than those obtained by HFSS. The major dierence between simulation trials is the return loss values at the resonant frequencies. From the reection magnitude we can deduce that S11 results from ADS simulation is of 32.0 dB and is better than the obtained one from HFSS simulation which is of 8.0 dB. The S21 obtained result from ADS simulator shows that the proposed lter has an insertion loss of 0.18 dB and 0.3 dB at the rst resonant frequency 1.68 GHz, and the second resonant frequency 2.81 GHz respectively. However the insertion losses obtained by HFSS simulation are about 0.4 dB and 0.9 dB respectively therefore they are not so impressive compared to those obtained by ADS. ADS momentum simulation tool is the best for this kind of lter, and seems it is far more ecient than HFSS. The ADS simulation has a much shorter simulation run time (typically 2 s) than the HFSS (10 s), which solves each frequency point separately but consumes far more system memory.

The EM simulators oer several advantages and disadvantages, depending on the parameters that must be simulated. For our studied dual band lter, ADS oered most accurate, ecient and fast solution. For the S-parameters, especially S11 and S21 , neither program will oer fully accurate results, but ADS appears to be more accurate compared to HFSS. We are seeing signicant reductions in the level of return losses obtained by ADS which have decreased fourfold compared to those ned by HFSS. The obtained S21 result from ADS simulator shows that the proposed lter has an insertion loss of 0.18 dB and 0.3 dB at the rst resonant frequency 1.68 GHz, and the second resonant frequency 2.81 GHz, respectively. However, the obtained insertion losses by HFSS simulation are about 0.4 dB and 0.9 dB respectively. So ADS has been successfully used for the design of planar lter especially dual-band RF lters.

1. Hong, J. S. and M. J. Lancaster, Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications, Wiley, New York, 2001. 2. Chen, Z.-X., X.-W. Dai, and C.-H. Liang, Novel dual-band bandpass lter using double square loop structure, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 77, 409416, 2007. 3. Kinayman, N. and M. I. Aksum, Modern Microwave Circuits, Boston, London, 2005. 4. Yu, M., A. Panariello, M. Ismail, and J. Zheng, 3-D EM simulators for passive devices, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 6, 5061, December 2008. 5. Zhang, Y., J. X. Chen, and Q. Xue, Dual-band bandpass lters using stub-loaded resonators, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 17, No. 8, 583585, August 2007.

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