Oneness State and The BRAIN
Oneness State and The BRAIN
Oneness State and The BRAIN
When the frontal area of the brain is activated and supplied with large amounts of high grade
energy there is an awakening to a higher state of consciousness, also called the Oneness State.
This shift in brain dominance, we suggest, is the biological foundation of Enlightenment or
Awakening as we prefer to call it.
In the above figure there is a comparison of baseline brainmaps (with closed eyes) from 1) a
normal person, 2) a person with a strong ego and 3) our awakened subject (Maneka). We, of
course, realize that the use of these terms are subjective in nature. It can be seen that the ego-
oriented person has a powerful concentration of Alpha activity in the rear part of the brain while
the awakened person shows a more even balance of Alpha between the rear and frontal parts of
the brain - or between the OAA and the AAA areas. The 'normal' or average person has an alpha
distribution which falls between the two others.
We hypothesize that as the Ego is diminished and a higher level of consciousness steps in
through the brain's frontal area, Alpha activity is reduced in the rear and increased in the frontal
part of the brain. In that case Alpha power will be more evenly distributed over the whole brain
as we can see in Maneka's brainmap to the far right in the above figure.
This author has found in his research that when people grow psychologically and spiritually
through therapy, meditation or brain wave training, their Alpha activity begins to spread from the
back to the frontal parts of the brain reflecting an increased level of energy and awareness in the
frontal lobes. This process is in most cases slow and gradual but it seems, as we shall see, that it
can be speeded up tremendously through the Deeksha process.