Baby Food Charts
Baby Food Charts
Baby Food Charts
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should be awakened to feed. Crying is a late sign that an infant is hungry. Other signs or cue that an infant is ready to feed include:
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fussiness agitation tongue movement lip movement fists in mouth opening his mouth when the skin around his mouth, cheeks or lips is touched
Babies between the ages of 1 to 4 months will be feed less frequently than newborns. They usually feed 6-8 times a day (or every 3-4 hours). They may also begin to sleep through the night without feeding. How Much Breast Milk is Enough? It is impossible for mothers to know exactly how much a newborn is drinking during a breastfeeding session. The best way to know if a newborn infant is receiving enough breast milk is:
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by counting the number of wet diapers produced in a day. by measuring the weight gain.
A newborn infant may only have 3 wet diapers in a day during the first days of life. Wet diapers should increase in frequency and volume each day. After the first week, he should have 6-8 wet diapers a day. Infants between the ages of 1 to 4 should produce 6 or more heavy, soaked diapers per day. Weigh gain is a good indicator that an infant is getting enough nutrition from breastfeeding. Infant Formula For parent choose not to breastfeed, formula is the most acceptable alternative. There are many different types of formula available in the marketplace. They are different according to the food source on which they are based. They are described below. Cows milk based formulas: Cows milk based formulas are one of the most common types of infant formula on the market. These formulas come in both low-iron type and iron-fortified varieties. Most health authorities recommend using iron-fortified formula for infants who will be consuming formula exclusively until they are 9-12 months old. Example:
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Infant formulas with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids These formulas come in cows-milk-based and soy-based varieties. They have added DHA (docosahexanoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid). These two fatty acids, which support normal brain, eye, and nerve development, can also be found in breast milk. There is a lack of evidence at this time to
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support the claim that healthy children will have better visual acuity or mental test scores because they consumed formulas with DHA and ARA. Example:
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Enfamil A+, Similac Advance, Good Start with Omega 3 and Omega 6, Isomil with Omega 3 and 6
Soy-based Formulas You can choose soy-based formula if your infant suffers from milk protein allergy. However, soy-based formula may not be tolerated by children with non-IgE medicated cows milk intolerance. Yu need to speak to your doctor about what type of cows milk allergy your child may have. Soy-based formulas are not recommended as the first choice for healthy term infants who are not being breastfed. However it is recommended by America Academy of Pediatrics as save alternatives to breast milk or cows-milk-based formulas to provide appropriate nutrition for normal growth and development. Example:
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Protein Hydrolysate Formulas, casein-based This is a hypoallergenic formula. It is a better choice for non-breastfed infants with cows milk protein allergy. The protein of this type of formula is broken into very small units called peptides and free amino acids. This type of formula is very expensive. Example:
Protein Hydrolysate Formulas, whey-based This type of formula contains larger. Because of that, it is not appropriate for children with a confirmed allergy to cows milk protein. The taste of this formula is similar to cows-milk-based formula. The cost is not as expensive as casein-based protein hydrolysate formulas. Example:
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Lactose-free Formulas Lactose-free formulas are based on cows milk. The lactose is removed. It is then added with corn syrup
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solids. This formula is for infant who suffer from primary lactose intolerance. It is can be used as an alternative for infants who develop secondary lactose intolerance. Example:
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Follow-up Formulas This type of formula can be based on cows milk or soy. Follow-up formulas are iron-fortified. They are better choice than whole cows milk for older infants between ages of 6 to 12 months. They contain lower renal solute load than wholes cow milk and are therefore easier on a babys kidney. It is proven that follow-up formulas offer more benefits than traditional infant formulas. Parents can comfortably use the same starter formula from birth until 12 months of age. Example:
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Added-rice Formulas Added-rice formulas combine rice starch and a conventional cows milk based formula. This formula is for healthy infant who occasionally spit up as the added starch is intended to help the formula settled in the childs stomach. If your child spit up persistently, you should seek advice from a physician or a pediatrician. Example:
Specialty Formulas Specialty Formulas are for those infants have difficulty in digesting or absorbing carbohydrates, protein, fat and other nutrients. Generally these formulas are used under the supervision of a doctor or a dietician. Example:
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How Much Formula is Enough? The formula consumed by an infant will increase with age. It will also vary depending on infants size and activity level. The following table shows an example of estimated intake:
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Feeds / Day
Quantity / Feed (estimated) 2 to 3 oz / 60 to 90 ml 3 to 4 oz / 90 to 120 ml 4 to 6 oz / 120 to 180 ml 6 to 7 oz / 180 to 210 ml 7 to 8 oz / 210 to 240 m
6 to 10 6 to 8 5 to 6 4 to 5 3 to 4
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Very ripe mashed fruits such as banana or avocado 6 to 7 tablespoons / 90 to 105 ml per day Plain yogurt Cottage cheese or grated hard cheese 1 to 2 tablespoons / 15 to 30 ml per day Thickened cereal Finely mashed Soft solids Avoid honey, added sugar and salt
Milk products
Milk products
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Cottage cheese or grated hard cheese 2 to 4 tablespoons / 25 to 60 ml per day Soft minced foods Diced foods Avoid honey, added sugar and salt
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