Food and Nutrition, 9 or 10, Open: Project Rationale
Food and Nutrition, 9 or 10, Open: Project Rationale
Food and Nutrition, 9 or 10, Open: Project Rationale
PROJECT RATIONALE The purpose of this project is to teach our students the reality of eating fast food. The students will not only learn the affect that fast food has on their health but also will learn how to read nutritional labels and create healthier versions of their favourite foods. With the easy accessibility to fast food, it is important to inform our students so that they are knowledgeable and can make wise eating choices. LENGTH OF PROJECT This project should take approximately 2-3 weeks Approximately 5 periods of in-class lessons Approximately 3 computer periods GOALS OF PROJECT Students will learn the negative impacts that fast food can have on your health and emotional well being. Students will compare fast food meals to a self-created alternative. Students will be encouraged to choose and create healthier food choices by follow Canadas Food Guide Students will learn how to read nutritional information charts Students will learn how to properly gather information, create and conduct surveys, compare results, and interpret data Students will present information using appropriate methods. Students will improve and further develop the follow skills and work habits: o Literacy- reading text, writing, computer use, oral communication o Numeracy- measurement and calculation, scheduling o Thinking Skills- job task planning and organizing, decision-making, problem-solving, research and information, technology, collaboration, communication o responsibility, independence, time management, teamwork, perseverance, resourcefulness, reliability, organization, self-advocacy PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Interview skills Computer literacy skills
Critical thinking skills Decision-making skills Effective communication & presentation skills Time management skills Problem solving skills Writing skills Know how to interpret, analyze and compare data Knowledge of food lab procedures A basic knowledge of food preparation and kitchen safety Knowledge of Canadas Food Guide Experience working in collaborative groups
* Students will identify the various reasons for the choices people make about food
* Categorize the reasons why people eat the foods they eat (e.g., cultural, emotional, environmental, nutritional, religious, social) * Explain how families, peers, and the media influence an individuals food choices and habits. * Describe the effects of food habits on physical, emotional, and psychological well-being * Evaluate personal eating habits; * Use appropriate food guides or other materials to plan nutritionally adequate meals in a group setting. * describe the influence of marketing and advertising on personal food choices * produce a compilation of reliable sources of nutrition information * organize, interpret, and communicate the results of their inquiries, using a variety of methods (e.g., graphs, diagrams, oral presentations, newspaper articles, hypermedia presentations, and videos) * Identify the process involved in social science research *demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills in a small group; * analyse and demonstrate effective roles in small groups * demonstrate collaborative problem-solving, conflict-management, and planning skills * demonstrate the ability to set achievable group goals and for each group member to make an equal contribution.
* Nutritional health and wellbeing; * Identify consumer responsibility in the investigation of current food issues
* Demonstrate appropriate use of social science research methods in the investigation of food- related issues * effectively communicate the results of their inquiries; * demonstrate effective collaborative group skills.
Modifications: Break assignments into segments of shorter tasks Reduce the amount of tasks Use concrete examples of concepts Adequate review Allow frequent conferencing to ensure student to comprehending the assignment Oral administration of assignment questions/scribing of responses One on one assistance with research tasks Accommodations: Visual aids Provide an EA Use checklists for organization Provide notes Increased time allowed for completion of tasks Allow access to assistive technology for written tasks Peer Helpers TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEFIES Interview Worksheets Journal Computer Assisted Learning MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IDENTIFIED Linguistic Kinesthetic Visual TEACHER PLANNING NOTES/SUPPORT MATERIAL Teacher should: Discuss accommodations with the Special Education teachers. Lead discussion and encourage participation Read all teacher support material on Health Canadas website Review all materials, handouts, articles and releveant information. Book all equipment and resources. Perpare all worksheets and rubrics Discuss expectations with the students Review revelant information
You will be required to design a final product that informs others about the dangers of fast food and provides a healthy alternative. Following the student/teacher contract (which is attached to the cover of your work folder) will ensure that you stay on task and meet all expectations for your cumulative task. Each expectation has a specific due date and requires your signature along with your teachers before proceeding to the next activity.
Question that this project is intended to answer: How can eating fast food affect your overall well being?
Step 1/Introduction: As a class we will discuss why we choose to eat fast food. We will discuss why fast food may be more appealing then a home cooked meal. As a class we will read the article __________. We will discuss and record the key points in the article. Article Link: Step 2: Survey time Students will create a survey to investigate whether or not most students eat fast food in their school. Students should be asking questions that will help them answer their intend question. (i.e. How often do you eat fast food, are you aware of the nutritional value of the items you are eating, how do you feel after you eat the food?). Students should be follow proper protocol when conducting their surveys (i.e. stating the purpose of research, being polite and respectful, ensuring that each participant is willing to answer all questions, keeping the questions and phrasing consistent). Once the student has interviewed 10 students within their school they must analyze the results and display their findings in the graphic organizer. See Appendix A for Survey See Appendix B for Graphic Organizer Step 3: Supersize me As a class we will watch the documentary Supersize Me by Morgan Spurlock. Students will then break off into pairs and discuss their thoughts and findings on fast food and the fast food industry. Students will be answering the following questions: What negative impacts can fast food have on your health? Why do most individuals eat fast food? What were the two most interesting facts you learned from watching the documentary After they have discussed their information with their partners, we will summarize the main points of the video as a class. For homework, using the Internet, books, articles or newspapers student will research a fast food restaurant of their choice. Students will record their findings and share their information with their group the next day.
Step 4: How to read nutritional information As a class we will review the different parts of a nutritional label, website nutrition guide and discuss key terms. Student will record this information in their journals and fill in their worksheets with the information. Students will break off into groups and will be required to state the nutritional information of a given food item and state whether or not it is good for you. Students will be required to compare the nutritional information from their restaurant of choice to the recommended servings of the Canadas Food Guide. Students will report their findings with their groups. See Appendix C for guide nutrition label Step 5: A Healthy Alternative In their groups, student will begin to discuss which fast food item they are choosing to replicate. Once they have made their decision they must research the nutritional information for their item. They must discuss how they can improve the item, while keeping it relatively similar. Students must create a compare and contrast chart to record their data. Step 6: Creating a Finished Product Students will now determine how to present their findings and finished product (PowerPoint, oral presentation, video, skit), and etc. The final product must have a creative title, meet the expectations of the project, give the audience a understanding of the purpose and findings, and provide the audience with a healthy food alternative. Step 7: Presentations Students will now presentation their final project to their classmates and teacher within the 3-5 minutes timeframe. Each student must have an active part in the presentation to receive full marks. The final project must include A summary of what they have learned through their investigations, experiments and interviews. Visual proof,; graphic organizers, survey sheets, references A description of their healthy alternative, in the form of a compare and contrast chart An answer to their intended question ** Groups may choose to bring in food samples. Please no nuts! At the end of the presentations, each group member will receive a self and peer evaluation sheet to complete and to be handed in. See Appendix D for self-evaluation
Step 1:
Gathering information on why people choose to eat fast food opposed to a home cooked meal. Sources of Information & Ideas found: Source: Idea found: Source: Idea found: Source: Idea found: Teacher Signature: ___________________ Student Signature: ____________________ Due Date: __________________________
Step 2:
Create a survey that investigates whether or not most students eat fast food. You should include questions that states how often they eat fast food, why they eat fast food, whether they are aware of the nutritional value of the food, how they feel after eating fast food and so on. Show your survey and graphic organize to the teacher
Show your completed surveys and graphic organizers to the teacher Due Date: ___________________________
Step 3:
Using the Internet, books, articles or newspapers student will research a fast food restaurant of their choice.
Step 4:
Present your completed group nutritional worksheets to the teacher. Present your restaurant nutritional worksheet to the teacher. Due Date: _________________________
Step 5:
Choose a fast food item and create a healthier version. Page 7 of 14 T.Francis-Grant Food and Nutrition 9/10
Fast food item: Nutritional breakdown: Healthier item: Nutritional breakdown: Teacher Signature: ___________________ Student Signature: ____________________ Due Date: _________________________
Step 6:
Final Presentation How will you present your project? Project Title: Two important pieces of information:
Step 7:
Self Evaluation Complete a self evaluation by rating personal performance on a scale of 1-5 (1-rarely, 5-always) in the following areas: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Using Time Effectively Participation in Group Work Research Experiment Conducting a Survey Contribution to Presentation Due Date: _________________________
Teacher Signature: ___________________ Student Signature: ____________________ Page 8 of 14 T.Francis-Grant Food and Nutrition 9/10
Appendix A:
Survey Template
Age: __________
Gender: _________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you typically feel after you eat fast food? a) tired/sluggish b) energetic c) somewhere in between 3. Do you know the nutritional information of the fast foods you eat? a) yes b) no 4. Do you perfer to eat fast food or a home cooked meal? Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you feel comfortable cooking or following a recipe? a) yes b) no 6. What is your biggest food challenge? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 14 T.Francis-Grant Food and Nutrition 9/10
Appendix B:
Example of Graphic Organizers
Do you know the nutritional information of the fast foods you eat?
10 or more 6 to 9 2 to 5 1 or less
Appendix C:
Example of a nutritonal label
Appendix D:
Self Assessment
Appendix E:
Graphic Organizer Rubric
Appendix F:
Oral Presentation Rubric
Appendix G:
Written Report Rubric
REFERENCES Convention on Biological Diversity. (2007, April 17). Retrieved from Fast Food Creates Fat Kids: Kids Can Gain 6 Pounds a Year From Fast Food. (2004, Jane 5). Retrieved from Ontario Ministry of Education. (1998). The Ontario Curriculum: Social Science and Humanities, Grades 9 and 10. Toronto, ON: The Queens Printer. Ontario Ministry of Education. (1999). Course Profile: Food and Nutrition Grade 9 or 10 Open. Toronto, ON: The Queens Printer. More American Kids Eating Fast Food. (2011, August 11). Retrieved from Understanding Today's Food Label: Label (2009, October 28). Retrieved from Page 14 of 14 T.Francis-Grant Food and Nutrition 9/10