VBD KKF Zelfstudie

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Fret met puntbloedingen Ddx: - Hyperoestrogenisme The average age for female ferrets (jills) with persistent oestrus

is one to two years old (48). Jills are seasonally polyestrous, induced ovulators. To stimulate ovulation, a vigorous, prolonged copulation is needed; it also can be stimulated artifical. Jills who are not bred remain in oestrus for the duration of the breeding season, which normally takes 6 months (49). Ferrets are susceptible for estrogen, and jills that remain in oestrus for a longer period than a month, have a great risk at developing estrogen-induced bone marrow hypoplasia (39, 50). The production of all blood cells will be affected, leading to thrombocytopenia, leucopenia and aplastic anemia. According to Lloyd, up to 50% of jills with a prolonged oestrus will develop aplastic anemia (49). The signs are similar to the signs of adrenal gland tumors, and include a swollen vulva (eventually with discharge) and bilateral symmetric alopecia. The signs may progress to anorexia, depression, lethargy and general weakness. Because of the aplastic anemia, other signs like pale mucous membranes, petechiation, ecchymosis and systolic murmer may appear (48). Death is often due to hemorrhage, especially when the platelet count falls below 20000 per mm (49). - Treatment exists of ovariohysterectomy. Jills which show signs of anemia must not be operated until the patient is stabilized. Stabilisation is performed by stimulate the ovaries to ovulate. This can be achievd by injecting the jills with human chorionic gonadotropin (50). The prognosis for recovery is dependent on the degree of anemia. Jills with a PVC of <15% have a poor prognosis (48). Cavia met jeuk Ddx: - schurft Konijn met dichte ogen Ddx: - Myxomatose - Pasteurella spp. Konijn met laesies aan de neus Ddx: - Myxomatose - Pasteurella - Syphillis venereal spirochaetosis Rat met een tumor Ddx: - Fibro-adenoom - Adenocarcinoom

Neoplasia in rats is a common presentation in practice, especially mammary tumors. Al thought mammary tumors are common in rats older than one year; the author of this thesis still finds this an

important disease to highlight, because of the high prevalence of the tumor and the advice that can be given in the chapter welfare recommendation to lower this prevalence. A study of Hotchkiss revealed a prevalence in sexually intact Sprague-Dawley rats of 47% (31). In rats 90% of mammary tumors are benign fibroadenomas, less than 10% are malign adenocarcinomas (14). The distribution of mammary tissue is extensive, and the tumors can occur anywhere from the neck to the inguinal region. The fibroadenomas are usually single and firm, and unattached to deep structures. They do not metastasize, but their size can be a problem if not treated early. The mammary tumors can affect both males and females. Recurrence of fibroadenomas is common in involved mammary tissue, and often surgeries are needed (9, 10).
Kale loopse fret Ddx: - persisterende oestrus - bijnier tumor

The second most common neoplasia in the ferret is the adrenocortical tumor. The adrenocortical adenomas are small and slow-growing and the adrenocortical carcinomas are large and grow locally invasive in ferrets. The tumor cells produce estrogenic and other steroid hormones; as a result the ferret will develop hyperadrenocorticism. Common clinical signs like bilateral and symmetric alopecia will develop in both sexes, vulvar swelling and discharge develops in neutered females. Less common signs include pruritus, sexual activity or aggression, stranguria and hind limb weakness. Females may develop a stump pyometra. Because of the high concentrations of estradiol, bone marrow suppression may develop and leading to anemia and thrombocytopenia which may result in death of the ferret (35, 39, 40). Konijn met plakpoep Ddx: - obesitas -

Diarree door verkeerde voeding = Mucoide enteropathie (ook vertellen wat de gewenste voeding voor een konijn is en in welke verhoudingen) Gastro intestinale hypomotiliteit Viraal o Calicivirus (VHD= RVHD) o Rotavirus o Coronavirus Bacterieel o Proliveratieve enteritis (Lawsonia intracellularis) o Clostridium Tyzzers disease (Cl. Pilliforme) Clostridium enterotoxinemie (Cl.spiroforme) o Salmonella (zeer onwaarschijnlijk sepsis en snel dood)

o Colibacillose (E coli) Dysbacteriose (door AB, vasten, verkeerde voeding of mucoide enteropathie) Parasieten - Helminthen/Protozoa (geven geen verschijnselen, hoeft niet uitgewerkt) - Coccidia - Cryptosporidia (Cryptosporidium parvum vnl op 30-40 dgn oud) Aceacotrofie (oorzaken en therapie van belang) Corpus alienum in MDK

Rat met korsten op de oren Ddx: - Schimmel: trichophyton mentagrophytes, microsporum canis - Mijten: Notoedres muri, Myobia musculi, radfordia affinis, R. ensifera - Luizen: Polyplax spinulosa - Demodex - Bijtwonden Ulcerative dermatitis is a common disease in pet rats. Most of the time, the dermatitis is caused by opportunistic bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Pasteurella pneumotropica and Streptococcus pyogenes. A porte dentre can be created by self-trauma, associated with scratching because of ectoparasites or more commonly, an inflamed salivary gland. Also fighting with other rats can cause a porte dentre (10). Malnutrition can also be harmful for rats. In a serie of studies from Galler et al , rats with history of many generations of protein malnutrition were found to be at a higher risk for the development of dermatitis with S. aureus infection than rats in the same colony maintained on a diet with adequate protein (26). There are three possible explanations. First, the high incidence of the dermatitis in the group may be a consequence of reduced ability to produce antibodies (26). Second, the integrity of the skin is a major factor to prevent infection. A low diet protein will influence the integrity due to impaired cross-linking and maturation of collagen. Research into premature death of pet rats and ferrets 11 - This results in increased skin friability which predisposes rats to trauma, secondary infections and delayed wound healing (27). Third, rats feed with a low protein diet are likely to decrease their total food intake, so a combined deficiency may result. In a second series of studies, Galler et al found that deficiency of protein for several generations increases susceptibility to dermatitis in female and male rats. So malnutrition over several generations has a cumulative effect (26). Kale cavia Ddx: - Schurft: trixacarus caviae - Luizen: Gliricola porcelli, gyropus ovalis - ovariumcysten - demodex - stress haren plukken

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