Trakr Programming Manual

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A Crash Course in C Programming for the Spy Video TRAKR CONTENTS I.

So you wanna write an app for the TRAKR. ......................................... 0 JARGON ............................................................................................ 0 SYNTAX ............................................................................................ 0 FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................... 0 PARAMETERS ..................................................................................... 0 DATA TYPES ...................................................................................... 0 Reference Manuals ............................................................................. 0 Defining Functions: Creating a TRAKR program ...................................... 0 COMMENTS ....................................................................................... 0 COMPILER ......................................................................................... 0 STRATEGIES ...................................................................................... 0 II. Try These Example TRAKR Apps.......................................................... 0 Sleeping............................................................................................ 0 Moving under program control.............................................................. 0 Motor Speed ...................................................................................... 0 Display Voltage and Current with Text ................................................... 0 Polling the remote buttons ................................................................... 0 Night Vision ....................................................................................... 0 Audio Recording and playback .............................................................. 0 Video ................................................................................................ 0 Log files ............................................................................................ 0 III. TRAKR FUNCTION REFERENCE ............................................................ 0 ClearRectangle() ................................................................................ 0 ClearScreen() .................................................................................... 0 CloseFile() ......................................................................................... 0 CloseFileSystem()............................................................................... 0 CloseGraphics().................................................................................. 0 CloseImageRegister() ......................................................................... 0 CloseIR()........................................................................................... 0 CloseMotors() .................................................................................... 0 CreateFile() ....................................................................................... 0 DeleteFile() ....................................................................................... 0 DrawImage() ..................................................................................... 0 DrawRectangle() ................................................................................ 0 DrawText() ........................................................................................ 0 FlushFile() ......................................................................................... 0 GetBatteryVoltage()............................................................................ 0 GetLeftMotorCurrent()......................................................................... 0 GetRemoteKeys() ............................................................................... 0 GetRemoteKeyStatus()........................................................................ 0 GetRightMotorCurrent()....................................................................... 0 IsAudioPlaying() ................................................................................. 0 OpenFile() ......................................................................................... 0 OpenFileSystem()............................................................................... 0 OpenGraphics().................................................................................. 0 OpenImageRegister().......................................................................... 0 OpenIR()........................................................................................... 0 OpenMotors() .................................................................................... 0 ReadFile() ......................................................................................... 0

TRAKR Codebook:

ReadTimer() ...................................................................................... RegisterImage() ................................................................................. ResetTimer() ..................................................................................... SeekFile().......................................................................................... SetIR() ............................................................................................. SetLeftMotor() ................................................................................... SetLineWidth()................................................................................... SetMotors() ....................................................................................... SetRectangle() ................................................................................... SetRightMotor() ................................................................................. SetScreen() ....................................................................................... SetTextColor() ................................................................................... Show() ............................................................................................. Sleep() ............................................................................................. StartAudioPlayback() .......................................................................... StartAudioRecording()......................................................................... StopAudioRecording() ......................................................................... WriteAudioData() ............................................................................... WriteFile() ......................................................................................... Data Types ........................................................................................ TOOLS ..............................................................................................

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

So you wanna write an app for the TRAKR.

Well, you've come to the right place. The TRAKR Codebook wont turn you into a programmer overnight, but you will be able to build some basic apps for your TRAKR. When you're ready to learn more about the world of C programming, go online and take advantage of free resources like Wikipedia. Remember -- the capabilities of the TRAKR are as vast as your imagination! Read on for a crash course in TRAKR coding basics: TRAKR-specific software functions, some code examples, and even a few implementation guidelines. Pretty soon that genius app idea will be out of your brain and on your TRAKR.


Uh, WHAT?!? No, we're not writing in some robot language from the future -- that's a snippet of C, the programming language in which the TRAKR's software is written. Looks cool? Then keep reading.

Jargon is the vocabulary of a specialty. It can be made-up words or regular words which have a different meaning to experts than to the rest of us. Experts use jargon as shorthand for complex ideas. Learning these special words is a big part of becoming an expert on anything. For example, if you didn't know anything about baseball and heard a radio announcer talking about "knuckle balls" and "bunts", you wouldn't have a clue as to what he meant unless you knew some baseball jargon. As you read through these pages and try some of the examples, you'll start using some jargon, too. You'll be amazed at how different a sentence can look when you have some simple jargon in your vocabulary. Jargon saves typing and makes things clear by associating complex processes with short words.

Syntax refers to the rules for making sentences in a language. Just like natural languages, programming languages use syntax to make sure terms are ordered in a way that can be understood. There are many special characters used to make syntactical distinctions in programming. For instance, a semicolon ";" is interpreted in C to be the end of a statement. You can separate two lines by a return, but they may be read by the machine as being one

statement without a semicolon. If you omit a semicolon, you will be looking for a "syntax error" when you read through your code checking that your statements all have ends. Most errors in your programs will be syntax errors. They are the easiest to make and the hardest to find. As you master the syntax, you'll find that coding gets a lot more fun!

In the C language, a function is a piece of code which is "called" upon to run when its name is invoked from another piece of code. Often times, the code which calls a function is expecting to get some data back from the function. The type of data expected should match the type of data the function will generate. For instance, if you had created a function called "TheCurrentTime()", you would expect to get some data back which represents the time of day. Sometimes a function does not return anything to the code which called it. It just runs its own code and then returns to the code which called it. You might expect a function named "Sleep()" to pause for a while and then return to the code without producing any data. The function "Sleep()" is, in fact, a function which the TRAKR understands.

Many functions expect parameters to work with. A parameter is anything passed on to the function from the code which called it. The parenthesis after a functions name are where the parameters are specified and multiple parameters can be separated by a comma within the parenthesis. In the example of the Sleep() function, there is the essential parameter of "...for how long?" which needs to be passed when we call it. We could write "Sleep(for 3 seconds)" but that is to wordy and not what the function expects. All we need to send is a number which the function can use. We could write "Sleep(3)" but this function expects the parameter to be in milliseconds. To get 3 seconds of sleeping, we should write "Sleep(3000)". This parameter is an integer (a whole number) which corresponds to the number of 1/1000ths of a second to pause our program.

Data is sent to a function when it is called and it needs to meet the expectations of the function. The main characteristic to regard is the type of data. "3 seconds", ,"3" "3000"ms, "3.0" or "00000011" could all be different ways of expressing the same time to Sleep(), but only the "3000" will get the expected result. Checking that you are sending the right kind of data in your function calls will be your first tactic in debugging.

Reference Manuals
No one could make any progress if they tried to remember every detail of every function they had used and made, so we store the vital statistics in a list to refer back to as needed.

When we look up Sleep() in the reference, we might find something like the following: Sleep() Description: Pauses the program for the amount of time (in milliseconds) specified as parameter. (There are 1000 milliseconds in a second.) Syntax: Sleep(uint32 us) Parameters: uint32 us: the number of milliseconds to pause (unsigned long, 0 through 4,294,967,295) Returns: nothing Example: #include "svt.h" void Start() { // nothing to do here } bool Run() { Sleep(1000); // do something Sleep(1000); // do something else return true; } void End() { // do nothing }

We can see from this example reference page that Sleep() expects to get a PARAMETER, which in this case is the value it will interpret as being the number of milliseconds to wait before returning to the program. Many of the functions in the TRAKR reference as well as most C reference sources will also include sample code which can be copied directly into your own code to make things easier.

Defining Functions: Creating a TRAKR program

The TRAKR only calls 3 functions when it powers on. These functions are; Start(), Run()and End().The TRAKR will call each function in this order. Each TRAKR program you

create must have these functions defined by your code. How you define them determines what your program will do. The simplest TRAKR program that can be written, which does nothing but load the sct.h library and define the 3 functions, is: #include "svt.h" void Start(){} bool Run(){return true;} void End(){} The following code functions the same as the above but is much easier to read. By convention, coders add extra returns and spaces to reveal the logical structure as well as the order in which various operations occur. It is helpful to be able to understand which sections are contained within each other just by how indented the text is. It might not look much better now but, later on, your ability to debug code will be largely dependent on understanding the order of operations and subroutines. #include "svt.h" void Start { } bool Run() { return true; } void End() { }

Another tool to give your code clarity is the comment. Almost all code contains comments to help make the code legible or to keep sections of code not in use but available for reference. Your comments should be clear and true. They should be edited and revised as you work so that they remain accurate. They are there for you and others to help understand what your code is doing. They do not get used by the machine but you will find that if you can comment your code, you will have a much better understanding of how to improve and adjust it. Comments in C start with two forward slashes and end with a return. They can be on their own line or after some functional code. Most of the following examples will use comments to explain their workings. The same code as above with some comments: // we must include the svt.h file so that the compiler knows // how to handle all the special functions for the // Spy Video TRAKR.

#include "svt.h" // define the Start function: void Start() { // this is where things that need to happen at // start-up would go. } // define Run function: bool Run() { // This space would contain the main body of our code. return true; } // lastly, the End function: void End() { // and here is where we can do any final tasks before // closing? starting again? resetting? }

rough: A compiler is a program which converts our code into an executable program. The compiler runs when we type "make" into a terminal program's command line. The compiler then follows any instructions in the "makefile" within that directory to convert the "app.c" file into a TRAKR program. The compiler only looks for the "app.c" file in the current directory. This is the name we must always use for our programs. By separating our different programs into unique directories, we can keep all the various "app.c" files organized. If during the compiling process, the compiler encounters something it can not convert into the target format, it will stop trying and report the place at which it failed. This is often the first time you get a clue that there is a mistake in your code. By reading the compiler error and trying to identify what caused it, you can edit your code until the compilers gets through it with no errors. If the TRAKR is connected by USB while you run the compiler, it will also load the files onto the car and you will then be able to run it. The compiler omits all our code comments and stream-lines our text into an application but it can add information as well. The "#include" statement within our code is an instruction to the compiler to compile the file referred to. Every TRAKR application should have the line: #include "svt.h". svt stands for Spy Video TRAKR and is the file which defines all the functions which are native to the TRAKR hardware. Without the "svt.h" file, the compiler would not know what to do with anything but regular C functions.

This may seem more complicated than it needs to be, but consider that computers do not know anything which is not defined in advance for them. Even words which we might understand to have a single and clear meaning will have to be defined for the machine before it can do anything with them and every time we use a word, it will have to look up the definition again. This means we must be VERY specific when we define something. Our definition will have to be intelligible in all the foreseeable instances in which it may be referred to. We must use only previously defined terms in our definitions of new terms. Then we can use these new parts to create even more complex structures. Before we jump into the examples, take some time to ponder a few things we have covered and how they can be used. Programming is Language Come up with a great idea Write it down in your own words Translate (code) your idea into C Computers don't infer Syntax is key Capitalization and spelling are important Stay organized Names must match Directories must be located as expected Be Patient and Relaxed Be prepared to try everything a few times before it works Go slow and pay attention to each step Take notes on what steps you have already done looking for bugs is Very much like looking for bugs Stretch your body as often as you can remember That is where your brain lives Look away from the screen to see the forest through the trees

Try These Example TRAKR Apps

Ready to dig in to some code? The following examples are organized from the simple (so simple it doesn't even try to DO anything) to the complex. Even if you're new to programming, try running some code on your TRAKR by modifying these examples. Examples:

Sleeping: Simple timing Moving: Controlling the motors Speed: control PWM Text and Sensors: Printing to the screen and the ADCs Remote: buttons states IR LED: turning on and off the night vision Audio Recording and playback Video: recording a video Logging to file: writing text to a file

The program on the TRAKR runs as fast as it can. As soon as it finishes one operation it begins the next. It is often useful to slow things down. One way to do this is to simply stop the program for some specific amount of time. The Sleep() function does this by taking whatever integer value it gets and waiting that number of milliseconds (1/1000 of a second) before returning the processor to work on the next item. // don't forget the svt.h file #include "svt.h" // define the Start function: void Start() { // nothing to do here... } bool Run() { Sleep(1000); // do something Sleep(1000); // do something else return true; } void End() { }

Moving under program control

This example will show you how to program your TRAKR to move automatically. It will make the TRAKR Car take control away from the remote, pause for 1 second, spin CounterClockwise for 1 second, Pause for 1 second, spin clockwise for 1 second and then allow the remote to control the TRAKR for 5 second before repeating. To do this, we need to take and let go of control of the motors. Many of the functions which allow your code to control the TRAKR depend on the concept of opening and closing a connection to a particular device. This is like getting someones attention before asking a question; "Excuse me Mrs. President. Could you kindly tell me ...". Sometime you can skip this step but, if you really want to be understood and get an answer the first time, it is often necessary to explicitly "open" a dialog. Another important reason for take control of devices is so that our processes will not be interrupted. #include "svt.h" void Start() { // Take control of the motors: OpenMotors(); } bool Run() { // Pause 1 second Sleep(1000); // Set the Right motor speed to go full forward SetRightMotor(10000); // Set Left motor to go full backwards SetLeftMotor(-10000); // Pause 1 second Sleep(1000); // Stop both motors SetMotors(0, 0); // Pause 1 second Sleep(1000); // Set the Right motor speed to go backwards SetRightMotor(-10000); // Set Left motor to go forwards SetLeftMotor(10000); // Pause 1 second Sleep(1000); // Stop both motors SetMotors(0, 0);

// Release the motors so the remote can regain control CloseMotors(); // Do nothing for 5 seconds: Sleep(5000); // Take back control of the motors: OpenMotors(); return true; } void End() { // remember to let go before you finish... CloseMotors(); }

Motor Speed
A variable is name given to a place in the computer's memory where we can record and recall data. It is important to tell the machine what kind of data and how much of it we need to store so that enough room is set aside for it in advance. If we try to put a value into a variable which is not of the correct type, we often get an error, but even worse, we might be losing data and not even know it. This example will also declare a variable to store an integer. An integer is a positive or negative whole number. It can have no decimal point. A 32bit integer is a whole number between 2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 We will use the variable to keep track of the last speed value and add or subtract or invert it as appropriate. As we have seen, by setting the motors to 0 we are telling them to stop, 10,000 is full ahead and -10,000 is full reverse. As you might guess, 5,000 is half speed forward. In fact, any integer between -10,000 and 10,000 corresponds to a speed from fast to slow to fast again in the opposite direction. This example uses the for() function to count with. This is a very useful C function which is a part of most any program. You can learn more about it from any C reference guide. It will serve you well.

#include "svt.h" void Start() { // Take control of the motors: OpenMotors(); } bool Run() { // create and integer variable called "i" int i; // put a count from 0 to 10000 in "i" for (i=0; i==10000; i++) { // Pause 1 millisecond Sleep(1); // Set the Right motor speed to the current count SetRightMotor(i); // Set Left motor to the negative of the current count SetLeftMotor(-i); } // count from 0 to 10000 for (i=10000; i==0; i--) { // Pause 1 millisecond Sleep(1); // Set the Right motor speed to the current count SetRightMotor(i); // Set Left motor to the negative of the current count SetLeftMotor(-i); } // Release the motors so the remote can regain control CloseMotors(); // Do nothing for 5 seconds: Sleep(5000); // Take back control of the motors: OpenMotors(); return true; } void End() { // remember to let go before you finish... CloseMotors(); }

Display Voltage and Current with Text

functions: GetLeftMotorCurrent() GetRightMotorCurrent() GetBatteryVoltage() if() ClearScreen() DrawText() Show()


This example will take control of the remote display to show the data returned by the analog to digital converters (ADC) on board the TRAKR. The screen on the remote has a resolution of 160 pixels across by 80 pixels high. Everything we put on the screen needs to be placed by referring to the top left corner where we want to start drawing or writing as a set of coordinates. These coordinates are commonly referred to as "x" and "y". "x" is the number of pixels from a spot to the left side of the screen and "y" is the number of pixels from that spot to the top of the screen. By giving our function these parameters, we can tell each function call to place its data at a specific place. In the case of the DrawText() function, this data is text which is drawn in a font I do not know the name of which seems to be of a variable width but a consistent height of ? pixels. The first letter's top left corner will be placed at the "x,y" coordinates we specify and the rest of that text data will appear to the right until it reaches the edge of the screen at which point it will wrap down and to the left and continue. This example also incorporates the idea of checking for change to avoid needlessly rewriting the same data over and over. To do this we use 2 variable for each kind of data we want to evaluate. One variable to read the data into and another variable to store the last value. This way, by comparing them, we know when something has changed and can take action.

// This example with use the graphics functions to write to // the values of the ADCs to the Remote screen #include "svt.h" //declare some variables to use: int mVolts; int lastmVolts; int LMC; int lastLMC; int RMC; int lastRMC; void Start() { //take contro of the display: OpenGraphics(); } bool Run() { // read values of ADCs: LMC=GetLeftMotorCurrent(); RMC=GetRightMotorCurrent(); mVolts=GetBatteryVoltage(); //if values have changed:Update screen if (LMC!=lastLMC || RMC!=lastRMC||mVolts!=lastmVolts) { //clear graphcs buffer: ClearScreen(); //load the buffer with some new drawing instructions: DrawText(5,5,"Battery: %d mV", mVolts); DrawText(5,25,"Motor current"); DrawText(5,45,"in miliampres"); DrawText(5,65,"left: %d", LMC); DrawText(85,65,"right: %d", RMC); //Update buffer to screen: Show(); //reset "last" values: lastLMC=LMC; lastRMC=RMC; lastmVolts=mVolts; } //if no change, wait a little while before checking again: else { Sleep(100); } return true;

} void End() { CloseGraphics(); }

Polling the remote buttons

This example checks all the buttons on the TRAKR remote and uses the display to show which are ones are pressed. The two functions which return button states are; GetRemoteKeys() or GetRemoteKeyStatus(). This example uses the GetRemoteKeys() function which sets an 8 bit variable to represent the button states at that moment. Remember; a bit is a single place to store a 1 or a 0 and 8 bits are in a byte. Bytes are often represented as decimal integers where each bit is a digit in a binary number. TRAKR takes advantage of this easy conversion to be able to store every possible combination of button presses as a single number value between 0 and 255. We can then use a bit comparison (which is the ampersand logogram, "&") between that number and a values of the "KEY_*" constants to check if that bit is high or low. KEY_SELECT = go KEY_RUN = go KEY_HOME = picture of house KEY_MENU = button c KEY_INPUT1 = button A KEY_INPUT2 = button b KEY_LEFT_BACK = steering control (lower left) KEY_LEFT_FORWARD= steering control (upper left) KEY_RIGHT_BACK= steering control (lower right) KEY_RIGHT_FORWARD= steering control(upper right)

#include "svt.h" int LastKeyState; void Start(){ OpenGraphics(); } void End(){ CloseGraphics(); } // consolidating code by declaring a custom function: void display(int keyState) { ClearScreen(); DrawText( 5, 0, "Key: %d", keyState ); //show the 8 bits of keyState as an integer int y=30; // variable to increment text display downward if(keyState&KEY_LEFT_BACK){ // if bit in "keyState" associated with "KEY_LEFT_BACK" is high DrawText( 5, y, "LEFT BACK" );// draw text y=y+15; //move text "pen" down } if(keyState&KEY_LEFT_FORWARD){ DrawText( 5, y, "LEFT FORWARD" ); y=y+15; } if(keyState&KEY_RIGHT_BACK){ DrawText( 5, y, "RIGHT BACK" ); y=y+15; } if(keyState&KEY_RIGHT_FORWARD){ DrawText( 5, y, "RIGHT FORWARD" ); y=y+15; }

y=y+15; } if(keyState&KEY_RUN){ DrawText( 5, y, "GO" ); y=y+15; } if(keyState&KEY_MENU){ DrawText( 5, y, "MENU" ); y=y+15; //move draw "pen" down } if(keyState==0){ DrawText( 5, 30, "NONE PRESSED" ); } Show(); } bool Run() { int KeyState = GetRemoteKeys();// load button states if(LastKeyState!=KeyState)// if buttons are in new state... { display(KeyState);// show the names of pressed buttons LastKeyState=KeyState;// update the old state to the new } Sleep(100); no need to keep the radio working constantly. return true; }

Night Vision
The TRAKR camera can perceive light beyond the range which is visible to us into the Infra Red (IR) spectrum. The TRAKR has an IR light next to its camera. When it is active, there will be a faint red glow visible to the naked eye, but to the camera it is a bright flood of light. The camera automatically switches to night vision mode when the IR light is activated. The image is rendered in gray tones with the brightness representing the amount of IR light being detected.

#include "svt.h" int BlinkSpeed=3000; // Variable to set frequency of blinknig bool state; // variable to toggle IR LED state void Start() { OpenIR(); // Take control of IR LED } bool Run() { //As long as the INPUT1 key is not pressed... while (GetRemoteKeyStatus(KEY_INPUT1)==0) { if (ReadTimer()>BlinkSpeed)// If enough time has passed { state = !state;// toggle the value of "state" SetIR(state);// Set IR to new state ResetTimer();// reset timer to 0 } } // If the INPUT1 key is pressed: return false; } // When The Run() function returns false, the TRACKR calls the End() function void End() { CloseIR(); }

Audio Recording and playback

#define int while() ClearScreen() DrawText() Show() Sleep() OpenGraphics() CloseGraphics() GetRemoteKeyStatus() StartAudioRecording() WriteAudioData() StopAudioRecording() StartAudioPlayback() IsAudioPlaying() ResetTimer() ReadTimer() To record audio, a file needs to be created which will be written to. Since audio can take up allot of space in memory very quickly, it works best with a flash memory card inserted in the TRAKR car to write the file to. In this example, the audio will start recording 3 seconds of audio when the remote "GO" button is pressed. It will then play whatever was recorded when the "GO" button is pressed again. #include "svt.h" #define AUDIO_FILENAME "A:\\Test\\Audio.wav" int length = 3000; void Start() { OpenGraphics(); } bool Run() { ClearScreen(); DrawText( 35, 5, "Press Go" ); DrawText( 35, 30, "to record" ); DrawText( 25,55, "%d seconds", length/1000 ); DrawText( 30, 80, " of Audio"); Show();

while (!GetRemoteKeyStatus(KEY_RUN)) { Sleep(10); } StartAudioRecording( AUDIO_FILENAME ); ClearScreen(); DrawText( 15, 30, "Recording" ); Show(); ResetTimer(); while( ReadTimer() < length ) { WriteAudioData(); Sleep( 10 ); } StopAudioRecording(); ClearScreen(); DrawText( 15, 30, "DONE" ); Show(); Sleep(1500); ClearScreen(); DrawText( 35, 5, "Press Go" ); DrawText( 25, 30, "to playback" ); DrawText( 15,55, "Audio tecording" ); Show(); while (!GetRemoteKeyStatus(KEY_RUN)) { Sleep(10); } ClearScreen(); StartAudioPlayback( AUDIO_FILENAME ); DrawText( 15, 30, "Playing" ); Show(); ResetTimer(); while( IsAudioPlaying() ) { Sleep( 10 ); } Sleep( 1000 ); ClearScreen(); DrawText( 5, 80, "DONE" ); Show();

Sleep(2000); return true; } void End() { CloseGraphics(); }

Video is even more memory intensive than audio. Recording video is done one frame at a time... #include "svt.h" void Start() { } <br>bool Run() { return true; } void End() { }

Log files
A log is a list of entries made as events occur. Just as weather and the passage of time is logged in a ships logbook, a program can use a text file to record events by writing to it as thing happen. Sometimes it can be very useful just to log the number of times the Run() function is called. In this example, we will do that as well as log each press of the remote keys. Files are limited in size by available memory and so caution must be exercised in writing too much to a file causing it to get to big. #include "svt.h" void Start() { } <br>bool Run() { return true; } void End() { }


The body of this section is being organized in a spreadsheet here:









































Description: Pauses the program for the amount of time (in milliseconds) specified as parameter. (There are 1000 milliseconds in a second.) Syntax: Sleep(uint32 us)

Parameters: uint32 us: the number of milliseconds to pause (unsigned long, 0 through 4,294,967,295) Returns: nothing Example: #include "svt.h" void Start() { // nothing to do here } bool Run() { Sleep(1000); // do something Sleep(1000); // do something else return true; } void End() { // do nothing }

Description: Syntax: Parameters: Returns: Example: #include "svt.h"

Description: Syntax: Parameters: Returns: Example: #include "svt.h"

Description: Syntax: Parameters: Returns: Example: #include "svt.h"



Data Types
Name Description Size Range

char short int int

Character or small integer. Short Integer. Integer.

1byte 2bytes 4bytes 4bytes 1bit 4bytes 8bytes

long int Long integer. bool float double long double Boolean value. It can take one of two values: true or false. Floating point number. Double precision floating point number.

signed: -128 to 127 unsigned: 0 to 255 signed: -32768 to 32767 unsigned: 0 to 65535 signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647 unsigned: 0 to 4294967295 signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647 unsigned: 0 to 4294967295 true or false +/- 3.4e +/- 38 (~7 digits) +/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits) +/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits) 1 wide character

Long double precision floating point number. 8bytes 2 or 4 bytes

wchar_t Wide character.

borrowed from:

TRAKR car and remote USB cable Computer with Operating System: Windows, Mac, Linux Software: text editor, command line terminal program

Files: TRAKR directory

The TRAKR's on-board computers are a pair of ARM 9 processors with 8MB of RAM. These microprocessors are preloaded with the TRAKR firmware which allows you to code in C and use the library of TRAKR functions. The computer you use to upload code to the TRAKR must support USB. You must have administrative privileges so that you can move, write and erase files in the root directory. You should use a text editor which is able to save files as plain text. there are many editors for coding which have extra features for organizing your ideas and formatting your code but the free editors which come with most computers are fine as well. In order to get your code from a text editor on your computer to the TRAKR microprocessor, you will need to compile your text file into a binary file (.bin) and then upload it via a USB cable connection. The program which does this is run from a command line prompt in a terminal program. In Windows, this is the "Command Prompt" program in the start menu and in Mac it is called "Terminal", located in ../applications/utilities. The compiler is run from the command prompt by typing "make" while in the directory were your app is located. The compiler then reads the "makefile" in that directory for instructions on how to name and where to place the new .bin file it will create. All the files which allow this functionality as well as templates, operating specific instruction as well as all the example programs used in this introduction are available as a single directory at " URL ". Follow all the instruction contained in the download for your operating system. Pay special attention to the location of the directories and the order of each operation.

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