Lesson 14 Final
Lesson 14 Final
Lesson 14 Final
s Create a geometrical representation of a thin-shell cylinder. s Use the geometry model to dene a MSC/NASTRAN analysis model comprised of CQUAD4 and RBE3 elements. s Prepare a MSC/NASTRAN input le for a Buckling analysis. s Visualize analysis results.
Model Description:
Below is a geometric representation of the thin-shell cylinder presented on Page 14-1. The cylinder has a 10 inch mean radius, sits 20 inches high and has a constant thickness of 0.03 inches. A compressive force is distributed to the cylinder via an RBE3 element (not shown). The cylinder is simply-supported at its base in all three translational directions. A similar constraint is applied to the top rim except the rim is allowed to translate in the Z-direction.
0.03 in
Exercise Procedure:
1. Create a new database called lesson14.db.
File/New Database... New Database Name: OK In the New Model Preference form set the following: Tolerance: Analysis Code: Analysis Type: OK lesson14
x Default
MSC/NASTRAN Structural
Viewing/ Angles... Method: Angles: Apply Cancel 2a. Use the Viewing/Named View Options... to create a customized view setting.
x Model Absolute
-67., 0, 34.
Viewing/ Named View Options... Create View... Create New View: Apply Close 2b. We will need one other customized view setting. nas120_iso
Viewing/ Angles... Method: Angles: Apply Cancel Viewing/ Named View Options... Create View... Create New View: nas120_side
x Model Absolute
-90., 0, 0.
Apply Also, change the view of the model. Select Named View:
Create a new point and use this point to dene the origin of a local cylindrical coordinate system.
x Geometry
Action: Object: Method: Point Coordinates List: Apply Action: Object: Method: Type: Rotation Parameters... Angle of Rotation: Angle of Rotation: Angle of Rotation: OK Origin: Apply [0, 0, 0] 0.0 0.0 0.0 Create Coord Euler Cylindrical Create Point XYZ [0, 0, 0]
s Auto Execute
Point List: Point 1
There is no need to click the Apply button since the Auto Execute button is toggled on. 3. Use Point 2 to create a curve by sweeping it 90 degrees about the Z-axis of the local coordinate system. Create Curve Revolve Coord 1 Coord 0.3 90.0
s Auto Execute
Point List: Point 2
Activate the entity labels by selecting the Show Labels icon on the toolbar. Show Labels
1 3 2 Z T Z Y X 1 1 R
Generate one-quarter of the cylinder wall by extruding the curve created in the previous operation. Create Surface Extrude Coord 1 <0, 0, 20>
s Auto Execute
Curve List: Curve 1
Now complete the model by rotating this surface about an local Zaxis. Action: Object: Method: Refer. Coordinate Frame: Axis: Total Angle:
s Auto Execute
Surface List: Your model should appear as follows: Surface 1
6 5
7 9 1
2 4
3 4 T 1 8 10 Z Y X Z 1 3 2 R
Before you mesh the model, plant mesh seeds to dene the size of the elements. Note that the mesh seeds will have precedence over the Global Edge Length parameter in the Create/Mesh form You may wish to make the nodes that will be generated during the meshing operation more visible. Do this by changing the node size using the Display/Finite Elements... option.
Create 18 elements along the bottom of the surfaces and 20 elements along the height.
x Finite Elements
Action: Object: Type: Number = Curve List: Apply Number = Curve List: Apply The mesh seeds should appear as follows: 20 Surface 1.1 18 Surface 1:4.4 Create Mesh Seed Uniform
6 5
7 9 1
2 4
3 4 T 1 8 10 Z Y X Z 1 3 2 R
Note: The node locations are to be specied with respect to our local cylindrical system (i.e. in r-z coordinates). Hence, we control this by designating the local coordinate system as the Reference Coordinate frame. However, it is desired to have our displacement results be generated with respect to our Global coordinate system. Therefore our Analysis Coordinate Frame references the Global coordinate system.
x Finite Elements
Action: Object: Type: Element Topology: Mesher: Node Coordinate Frames... Analysis Coordinate Frame: Refer. Coordinate Frame: OK Coord 0 Coord 1 Create Mesh Surface Quad4
x IsoMesh
Surface List:
Surface 1:4
Dectivate the entity labels by selecting the Hide Labels icon on the toolbar Hide Labels
Z T Z Y X 1 R
Remember to equivalence the model to remove duplicate nodes at common surface edges.
x Finite Elements
Action: Object: Method: Apply 6. Use the Viewing/Named View Options... to change the view of the model. Equivalence All Tolerance Cube
Viewing/ Named View Options... Select Named View: Close 7. Erase All FEM for clarity using the option in Display/ Plot/Erase..... default_view
Refresh the display when needed using the brush icon on the Top Menu Bar. Refresh Graphics 7a. Create a new node at Z=20 inches. The compressive load will be applied to this node. The Analysis & Reference coordinate frames are set in accordance with the previous Step.
x Finite Elements
Action: Object: Method: Node ID List: Analysis Coordinate Frame: Refer. Coordinate Frame: Create Node Edit 5000 Coord 0 Coord 1
s Label
T 1Z R 5000
Next, create an RBE3 element to distribute the load from the load application node to the cylinder walls.
Display/Plot/Erase... Plot All Posted FEM Erase All Geometry OK 8a. Use your mouse to place the top row of elements and their top most nodes into a new group called rbe3_region. Make this group current and post only this group to the display.
Apply Cancel Viewing/ Named View Options... Select Named View: Close To scale the view to t the window, click the Fit View icon in the Main Form. Fit View nas120_iso
Z Z Y X T 1 R
x Finite Elements
Action: Object: Type: Dene Terms ... Create MPC RBE3
x Create Independent
Node List: (Select remaining nodes) See Note Below
Apply Cancel Apply This operation should yield the following display:
Z Z Y X T 1 R
Create a new group consists of all the geometry called geometry_only and make it current.
Apply 9. Dene a material using the specied Modulus of Elasticity, Poisson ratio & density.
x Materials
Action: Object: Method: Material Name: Input Properties... Constitutive Model: Elastic Modulus = Poisson Ratio = Apply The Current Constitutive Models form should appear as below: Linear Elastic - [,,,,] - [Active] Linear Elastic 1.0e7 .3 Create Isotropic Manual Input aluminum
Cancel 10. Now, reference the material you just dened when you specify element properties for your analysis model. Remember to use the specied cylinder thickness.
x Properties
Action: Object: Method: Property Set Name: Input Properties... Material Name:
11a. Create displacement constraints and apply it to the model. Recall that the top and base of the cylinder have different boundary conditions. We will apply these constraints to the geometry model instead of the analysis model. First, we dene the base constraints:
x Load/BCs
Action: Object: Method: New Set Name Input Data... Translation < T1 T2 T3 > OK Select Application Region... Geometry Filter: Select Geometry Entities: Add OK Apply < 0, 0, 0> Create Displacement Nodal
x Geometry
Surface 1:4.4
x Load/BCs
Action: Object: Method: New Set Name: Input Data... Translation < T1 T2 T3 > OK Select Application Region... Geometry Filter: Select Geometry Entities: Add OK Apply
< 0, 0, >
x Geometry
Surface 1:4.2
12 12
12 12
123 T
Z 123 1 R
123 Z Y X 123
Display/Entity Color/Label/Render... (Scroll Down) Node: Apply Cancel Display/Plot/Erase... Erase All FEM Selected Entities: Plot OK Refresh the display when needed using the brush icon on the Top Menu Bar. Refresh Graphics Node 5000
s Label
Apply the compressive force along the local Z-axis of Node 5000.
x Load/BCs
Action: Object: Method: New Set Name: Input Data... Force <F1 F2 F3> OK Select Application Region... Geometry Filter: Select Nodes: Add OK Apply < , , -10000> Create Force Nodal load
Node 5000
10000. 12 5000
12 12
123 T
Z 123 R 1
123 123 Z Y X
For clarity, create a new group called fem_only that consists only of analysis model entities.
t Label
x Load/BCs
Action: Plot Markers
Select all the Load/BC sets in the Assigned Load/BCs Sets box by highlighting all of them. And post the markers onto the current group. Assigned Load/BCs Sets: Displ_base Displ_top Force_load fem_only
Change the Render Style of your model from Wireframe to Hidden Line.
Display/Entity Color/Label/Render...
14-24 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)
Click on the Analysis radio button on the Top Menu Bar and complete the entries as shown here.
x Analysis
Action: Object: Method: Job Name: Translation Parameters... OUTPUT2 Format: MSC/NASTRAN Version: Binary set accordingly, here it is 70
x Buckling
nastran cylinder.bdf scr=yes Monitor the run using the UNIX ps command. 16a. When the run is completed, edit the cylinder.f06 le and search for the word FATAL. If none exists, search for the word WARNING. Determine whether or not existing WARNING messages indicate modeling errors. 16b. While still editing cylinder.f06, search for the word: R E A L (spaces are necessary)
14-26 MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5)
What are the eigenvalues associated with the 2 buckling modes for our structure?
mode 1 = mode 2 =
Proceed with the Reverse Translation process, that is, importing the cylinder.op2 results le into MSC/ PATRAN.To do this, return to the Analysis form and proceed as follows:
x Analysis
Action: Object: Method: Select Results File... Filter Selected Results File: OK Apply When the translation is complete and the Heartbeat turns green, bring up the Results form. x Results Action: Object: Create Quick Plot select the desired .op2 le Read Output2 Result Entities Translate
Choose the desired result case in the Select Result Cases list and select the result(s) in the Select Fringe Result list and/or in the Select Deformation Result list. And click Apply to view the result(s) in the viewport.
MSC/NASTRAN 120 Exercise Workbook - Version 70 (MSC/PATRAN 7.5) 14-27
If you wish to reset your display graphics to the state it was in before you began post-processing your model, remember to select the broom icon. Reset Graphics Quit MSC/PATRAN when you have completed this exercise.