ISPRSguidelines Authors

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M. O. Altan a, * , G. Toz a, I. Dowman b , S. Kulur a, D. Z. Seker a

a b

ITU, Civil Engineering Faculty, 80626 Maslak Istanbul, Turkey - (oaltan, tozg, kulur, seker) Dept. of Geomatic Engineering, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT UK [email protected]
Commission VI, WG VI/4

KEY WORDS: Manuscripts, Proceedings, ISPRS Archives, Guidelines for Authors, Styleguide ABSTRACT: These mandatory guidelines are provided for preparation of papers accepted for publication in the series of Volumes of The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences from ISPRS Congresses and Symposia, and other ISPRS sponsored meetings. These guidelines are issued to ensure a uniform style throughout the series. Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines is greatly appreciated by the host organizing committee of the meeting. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences will be produced either on an appropriate electronic media or printed in hardcopy on paper, according to the requirements of the meeting organizing committee, and distributed to registrants at the meetings. All papers that are accepted by the relevant scientific committee of an ISPRS event will be published provided they arrive by the due date and they correspond to these guidelines. Papers should be sent to the meeting organizers in digital form. Reproduction is made directly from author-prepared manuscripts, in electronic or hardcopy form, in A4 paper size 297mm x 210mm (11.69 x 8.27 inches). To assure timely and efficient production of the Archives with a consistent and easy to read format, authors must submit their manuscripts in strict conformance with these guidelines. The Society may omit any paper that does not conform to the specified requirements. There will be no opportunity for corrections or improvements of poorly prepared originals. These instructions have been prepared in the form that is internationally agreed on for volumes of the Archives. 1. MANUSCRIPT 1.1 General Instructions Maximum paper length is restricted to 6 printed pages. Invited papers can be increased to 12 pages. The paper should have the following structure: 1. Title of the paper 2. Authors and affiliation 3. Keywords (6-8 words) 4. Abstract (at least 100 words) 5. Introduction - including motivation, aims (and for long papers structure of the paper), overview and references to related work (in separate section) 6. Main body - explanation of methods, algorithms, data used, instrumentation (sensors, systems, etc.), results and discussion 7. Conclusions 8. References 9. Acknowledgements 10. Appendix All papers should be sent to the meeting organisers in digital form. However, if in exceptional circumstances, the paper cannot be prepared digitally, it must be prepared on A4 paper according to these guidelines, and sent to the organisers for scanning. 1.2 Page Layout, Spacing and Margins The paper must be compiled in one column for the Title and Abstract and in two columns for all subsequent text. All text should be single-spaced unless otherwise stated herein. Left and right justified typing is preferred. Setting Top Bottom Left Right Column Width Column Spacing A4 size paper mm inches 25 1.0 25 1.0 20 0.8 20 0.8 82 3.2 6 0.25

Table 1. Margin settings for A4 size paper 1.3 Preparation in Electronic form To assist authors in preparing their papers, styleguides for preparing digital versions of papers are provided in Word and/or LaTeX on the Archives page at the ISPRS Home Page. The size of the paper in PDF format should not exceed the limit in Mb specified by the organizer of the meeting.

Corresponding author. This is useful to know for communication with the appropriate person in cases with more than one author.

1.4 Hardcopy Preparation If the paper is transmitted to the meeting organisers in hardcopy version only, it must conform in appearance to these guidelines for authors. Each page must be output on a high quality computer printer. Avoid dot-matrix printer, but if you have no better choice, please make sure to set it for near-letter quality, so that the dots overlap. Simple dot-matrix printing, where the dots are separated from one another, does not reproduce in an acceptable fashion. Write the author's last name and the page number on the back of each page. Do not type the page number on the manuscript sheet. 1.5 Length and Font All manuscripts, except Invited Papers, submitted in hard copy or electronically are limited to a size of no more than six (6) single-spaced pages (A4 size) in the printed version of the Archives, including abstracts, figures, tables and references. ISPRS Invited Papers are limited to 12 pages. For any additional page, the extra expenses must be paid for by the author(s) according to the price-list set by the meeting organisers. For the printed version of the Archives, the font type Times New Roman with a size of nine (9) points is to be used. 2. TITLE AND ABSTRACT BLOCK 2.1 Title The title should appear centered in bold capital letters without underlining, near the top of the first page of the paper. The font type Times New Roman with a size of twelve (12) points is to be used. Use more than one line if you wish, but always use single-spacing. After one blank line, type the author(s) name(s), affiliation and mailing address (including e-mail) in upper and lower case letters centered under the title. In the case of multi-authorship, group them by firm or organization as shown in the title of these Guidelines. 2.2 ISPRS Affiliation (optional) For those authors affiliated with a specific Commission and/or Working Group of ISPRS, a separate title may be entered. The title should be centered in bold type after one blank line below the title affiliation, i.e. Commission #, Working Group #. The Commission number shall be Roman and the Working Group number should be the Commission Roman number, slash, WG Arabic number, e.g. Commission VI, Working Group VI/3 2.3 Key Words Leave two blank lines under the Title. Type "KEY WORDS:" in bold capital letters, followed by 5-8 key words, according to the list appended to these Guidelines or as provided on the ISPRS Archives Home Page. Normally only key words provided on this list will appear in the "Keywords Index" found at the end of each Volume of the Archives. 2.4 Abstract Leave two blank lines under the key words. Type "ABSTRACT:" flush left in bold Capitals followed by one blank line. Start now with a concise Abstract (limited to 250 words) which presents briefly the content and very importantly,

the news and results of the paper in words understandable also to non-specialists. Type text single-spaced, without blank lines between paragraphs, as shown at the beginning of these Guidelines under ABSTRACT. Start paragraphs flush with left margin. After the English abstract follows - whenever possible - a translation of it to one or two of the other two official languages of ISPRS: to French (RSUM) and/or to German (KURZFASSUNG). 3. MAIN BODY OF TEXT Type text single-spaced, with one blank line between paragraphs and following headings. Start paragraphs flush with left margin. 3.1 Headings MAJOR HEADINGS Major headings or section headings are to be centered, in bold capitals without underlining, after a triple line space (two blank lines) and followed by a double line space (one blank line). Subheadings Type subheadings flush with the left margin in bold upper case and lower case letters. Subheadings are on a separate line between two single blank lines. Subsubheadings: They are to be typed in bold upper case and lower case letters after one double line space (one blank line) flush with the left margin of the page, with text following on the same line. Subsubheadings may be followed by period or colon, they may also be the first word of the paragraph's sentence. Decimal numbering of all sections is recommended. If bold printing is not available to you, use underlining, instead, but only for subheadings and subsubheadings, not for Major Headings. 3.2 Footnotes Avoid footnotes, but if you need them, mark footnotes in the text with an asterisk (*); use a double asterisk (**) for a second footnote on the same page. Place footnotes at the bottom of the page, separated from the text above it by a horizontal line. 3.3 Illustrations 3.3.1 Placement: Figures must be placed in the appropriate location in the document, as close as practicable to the reference of the figure in the text. While figures and tables are usually aligned horizontally on the page, large figures and tables sometimes need to be turned on their sides. If you must turn a figure or table sideways, please be sure that the top is always on the left-hand side of the page. 3.3.2 Captions: All captions should be typed in upper and lower case letters, centered directly beneath the illustration. Use single spacing if they use more than one line. All captions are to be numbered consecutively, e.g. Figure 1, Table 2, Figure 3. 3.3.3 Line Drawings: Drawings in papers prepared in digital form must be in the appropriate location in the document.

3.5 References and/or Selected Bibliography

(i+1)5 (i)4 Hi (i-1)3 Z Y X 2 1 Hi Yi

References shall enable a librarian to supply the quoted paper/book to the reader. References should be cited in the text, thus (Smith, 1987b), and listed in alphabetical order in the reference section. The following arrangements should be used: References from Journals: Smith, J., 1987a. Close range photogrammetry for analyzing distressed trees. Photogrammetria, 42(1), pp. 47-56. Names of journals can be abbreviated according to the "International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations". In case of doubt, write names in full.

Figure 1. Figure placement and numbering For the best reproduction of line drawings of papers prepared in hardcopy, the original drawings should be made on white paper and carefully mounted in an appropriate position within the text. (Use rubber cement or pressure sensitive wax, not glue, mucilage or scotch tape). Make lines wide enough and lettering large enough to remain legible after any reduction in size, i.e., at least as large as capital letters. Do not use any low contrast photocopying process, because the figures will reproduce poorly after scanning. 3.3.4 Photographs: For papers prepared in digital form, images must be placed in appropriate positions in the paper. Type the caption directly under photos. 3.3.5 Tables: Tables should be produced directly within the text. Each table should have a number and a caption. 3.3.6 Copyright: If your article contains any copyrighted illustrations or imagery, please include a statement of copyright such as: SPOT Image Copyright 19xx (fill in year), CNES. It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary copyright permission. The copyright of your article remains with you. 3.4 Equations, Symbols and Units 3.4.1 Equations: Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. The equation number is enclosed in parentheses and placed flush right. Leave two blank lines before and after equations. E.g.

References from Books: Smith, J., 1989. Space Data from Earth Sciences. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 321-332. References from Other Literature: Smith, J., 1987b. Economic printing of color orthophotos. Report KRL-01234, Kennedy Research Laboratories, Arlington, VA, USA. Smith, J., 2000. Remote sensing to predict volcano outbursts. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, Vol. XXVII, Part B1, pp. 456-469. References from websites: Moons, T., 1997. Report on the Joint ISPRS Commission III/IV Workshop 3D Reconstruction and Modeling of Topographic Objects, Stuttgart, Germany. (28 Sep. 1999). 3.6 Acknowledgements and Appendix (optional) Acknowledgements of support for the project/paper/author are welcome. Any additional supporting data may be appended, provided the paper does not exceed the limits given in 1.5 above. 4. TRANSMITTAL AND FURTHER INFORMATION 4.1 Transmittal The electronic version of the complete paper should be transmitted in .pdf format via ftp server of the web site of the event. The final date for submission will be determined by the meeting organizers and will be given in the authors kit. Adherence to the specified due date for submission of papers is essential. Papers not received by the due date will be omitted from the ISPRS Archives. 4.2 Further Information If you have questions about the technical content, submission procedure, layout, or editorial requirements, please contact the relevant individual of the meeting organising committee as listed in the authors kit.

X X0 x = x0 c Z Z0 y = y0 c Y Y0 Z Z0



c = focal length x, y = image coordinates X0, Y0, Z0 = coordinates of projection center X, Y, Z = object coordinates in ground coordinate system

3.4.2 Symbols and Units: Use the SI (Systeme Internationale) Units and Symbols. Unusual characters or symbols should be explained in a list of nomenclature.

Revised July 2011

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