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Super Plasticity I

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Chapter 6

Mechanical Properties of Metals

Mechanical Properties refers to the behavior of material when external forces are applied

Stress and strain


For engineering point of view: allows to predict the ability of a component or a structure to withstand the forces applied to it For science point of view: what makes materials strong helps us to design a better new one Learn basic concepts for metals, which have the simplest behavior Return to it later when we study ceramics, polymers, composite materials, nanotubes

Chapter 6

6.1 Elastic and Plastic Deformation

Metal piece is subjected to a uniaxial force deformation occurs When force is removed: - metal returns to its original dimensions elastic deformation (atoms return to their original position) - metal deformed to an extent that it cannot fully recover its original dimensions plastic deformation (shape of the material changes, atoms are permanently displaced from their positions)

F A0 L0 A L= L0+ L

Chapter 6

6.2 Concept of Stress and Strain

Load can be applied to the material by applying axial forces:

Not deformed



F L= L0+ L A L= L0+ L


L can be measured as a function of the applied force; area A0 changes in response
Chapter 6 3

Stress () and Strain ()

Stress () defining F is not enough ( F and A can vary) Stress stays constant

Block of metal



L= L0+ L

Force / area = N / m2 = Pa usually in MPa or GPa

Strain () result of stress F For tension and compression: change in length of a sample divided by the original length of sample


Chapter 6

Shear and Torsion (similar to shear)

Not deformed
A0 L0 L0

Pure shear
S A0 S L0



Note: the forces are applied in this way, so that there is no net torque If the forces are applied along the faces of the material, they are called shear forces
Chapter 6 5

Shear Stress and Shear Strain

If the shear force S acts over an area A, the shear stress :

( shear _ stress ) =

S ( shear _ force) A(area )

The shear strain is defined in terms of the amount of the shear displacement a divided by distance over which the shear acts:

a = tan h

Chapter 6

Elastic Properties of Materials

Most materials will get narrow when stretched and thicken when compressed This behaviour is qualified by Poissons ratio, which is defined as the ratio of lateral and axial strain

Poisson' s _ Ratio : =

y x = z z

the minus sign is there because usually if z > 0, and x + y < 0 > 0 It can be proven that we must have ; = is the case when there is no volume change

(l x + l x )(l y + l y )(l z + l z ) = l x l y l z
Chapter 6

Poissons Ratio,
For isotropic materials (i.e. material composed of many randomly - oriented grains) = 0.25 For most metals: 0.25 < < 0.35 If = 0 :means that the width of the material doesnt change when it is stretched or compressed Can be: <0 (i.e. the material gets thicker when stretched)

Chapter 6

6.3 Modulus of elasticity, or Youngs Modulus

Stress and strain are properties that dont depend on the dimensions of the material (for small ), just type of the material


( stress ) ( strain)

E Youngs Modulus, Pa
Comes from the linear range in the stress-strain diagram many exceptions Behavior is related to atomic bonding between the atoms Material Metals Polypropelene Rubber Hydrogels and live cells Youngs Modulus [GPa] 20-100 1.5-2 0.01 <0.00001
Chapter 6

Q.: A wagon of mass m = 1100kg is suspended from the bridge by a steel cable of d = 1cm and length L = 10m. E(steel) = 21011Pa (a) By how much will the cable stretch? (b) Can the cable handle this?

Chapter 6


Tensile Test

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Modulus of elasticity Yield strength at 0.2% offset Ultimate tensile strength Percent elongation at fracture Percent reduction in area at fracture

Chapter 6


Other tensile test characteristics:

Yield strength (at 0.2% offset)

Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS): the maximum strength reached in the stressstrain curve

F L = E A(original ) L

Percent elongation at fracture (measure of ductility of the metal) Percent reduction in area at fracture % _ reduction _ in _ area =
Chapter 6

Ainitial A final Ainitial


True and Engineering Stress

engineering =

F Ainitial F

= E


true =


Chapter 6

6.4 Hardness
Hardness: a measure of the resistance of a material to plastic (permanent) deformation Measured by indentation indenter material (ball, pyramid, cone) is harder than the material being tested (i.e.: tungsten carbide, diamond) indenter is pressed at 90o hardness is based on the depth of the impression or its crosssectional area

Several common hardness tests: hardness numbers can be calculated

Material strength and hardness are related Hardness test is nondestructive often used
Chapter 6 14

Hardness tests: hardness numbers

Chapter 6


6.5 Plastic deformations of single crystal metals

A rod of a single crystal Zn (hcp) stressed beyond its elastic limit: slipbands: slip of metal atoms on specific crystallographic planes (slip planes) slip is predominately along the basal planes

A rod of a single crystal Cu (fcc) during plastic deformation: slip lines: 50-500 atoms apart slipbands: separated by ~>10,000 atomic planes

Chapter 6

Other mechanical characteristics

Ductility: amount of plastic deformation that occurs before fracture - if ductility is high, the material can be deformed by applying stresses. Ex.: gold - if it is low, material breaks first, without significant deformation (material is brittle) - depend on T: at low T many metals become brittle and can break as a glass

Resilience: ability to have high yield strength and low E. Ex.: good springs

Toughness: ability to absorb energy up to a fracture

Chapter 6


Mechanism of Slip deformation

the group of atoms do NOT slide over each other during plastic shear deformation the process requires too much energy

The process takes less energy!!!

Chapter 6 18

Motion of Dislocations

In the metal slip mechanism, dislocations move through the metal crystals like wave fronts, allowing metallic atoms to slide over each other under low shear stress deformation without fracture
Chapter 6 19

Slip Systems
Typically slip planes are the most densely packed planes (less energy is required to move from one position to another), which are the farthest separated

Combination of a slip plane and a slip direction: slip system

Chapter 6



Slip systems observed in crystal structures

For hcp crystals: 3 slip systems, restricts their ductility

Chapter 6 21

Schmids Law
Slip process begins within the crystal when the shear stress on the slip plane in slip direction reaches critical resolved shear stress c hcp (Zn, Mg): 0.18, 0.77 MPa fcc (Cu): 0.48 MPa

r =

Fr Aslip _ plane

Fr = F cos
r =

Aslip _ plane =

Ao cos

F cos cos F = cos cos = cos cos Schmids law Ao Ao

Chapter 6



Q.: A stress of 75 MPa is applied in the [0 01] direction on an fcc single crystal. Calculate (a) the resolved shear stress acting on the (111) [-101] slip system and, (b) (b) the resolved shear stress acting on the (111) [-110] slip system.

Chapter 6


Mechanical Twinning
Another important plastic deformation mechanism (low T)

Schematic diagram of surfaces of a deformed metal after (a) slip and (b) twinning

from G. Gottstein

Chapter 6



6.6 Plastic Deformations in Polycrystalline Metals

Majority of engineering alloys and metals are polycrystalline Grain boundaries act as diffusion barriers for dislocation movements In practice: fine grain materials are stronger and harder (but less resistant to creep and corrosion)

Strength and grain size are related by Hall-Pelch equation:

y = o +
o and k constants

k d

as grain diameter decreases, the yield strength of the material increases

Chapter 6 25

Pile-up of dislocations

Observed in stainless steel (TEM)

Grain shape changes with plastic deformation Dislocation arrangement changes

Chapter 6 26


6.7 Cold Plastic Deformation for Strengthening of Metals

The dislocation density increases with increased cold deformation New dislocations are created by the deformation and must interact with those already existing As the dislocation density increases with deformation, it becomes more and more difficult for the dislocations to move through the existing dislocations Thus the metal work or strain hardens with cold deformation

Percent cold work versus tensile strength and elongation for unalloyed oxygen-free copper

Cold work is expressed as a percent reduction in cross-sectional area of the metal being reduced.

Chapter 6


6.8 Superplasticity in Metals

Superplasticity: the ability of some metals to deform plastically by 1000-2000% at high temperature and low loading rates Ex.: Ti alloy (6Al 4V) 12% @ RT, typical tensile test load rates ~1000% @ 840oC, lower loading rates Requirements: 1. The material must possess very fine grain size (5-10mm) and be highly strain-rate density 2. A high loading T (>0.5 Tm) is required 3. A low and controlled strain rate in the range of 0.01-0.00001 s-1 is required

Chapter 6



Nanocrystalline Metals
Nanocrystalline metals: d < 10-50nm

y = o +

k d

Consider Cu: o = 25 MPa, k = 0.11 MPa m0.5 (from Table 6.5)

10 nm 10 8 = ? = 10 m 25MPa + 0.11MPa 5
Is this possible?

25MPa +


Different dislocation mechanism: grain boundary sliding, diffusion, etc

Chapter 6


Introduced stress, strain and modulus of elasticity




( stress ) ( strain)

Plastic deformations of single crystal metals

- In the single crystal metal - slip mechanism: dislocations move through the metal crystals like wave fronts, allowing metallic atoms to slide over each other under low shear stress - Slip process begins within the crystal when the shear stress on the slip plane in slip direction reaches critical resolved shear stress c - Schmids law:

r =

F cos cos F = cos cos = cos cos Ao Ao

Plastic deformations in polycrystalline metals

- Strength and grain size are related by Hall-Pelch equation:

y = o +

k d

Nanocrystalline materials
Chapter 6


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