Databases and Erp Selection: Oracle Vs SQL Server
Databases and Erp Selection: Oracle Vs SQL Server
Databases and Erp Selection: Oracle Vs SQL Server
IFS Wh it e Pa pe r
An enterprise application like enterprise resources planning (ERP) or enterprise asset management (EAM) is comprised of multiple technologies layers, but during a software selection process it is the database layer that can be the subject of some of the most heated discussions, at least among technologists. Technologists, like everyone else, have preferences and biases about a number of things, including databases. In this whitepaper, well try to sidestep these biases and preferences to compare how SQL Server and Oracle databases compare when it comes to their ability to support an enterprise application in small to medium-sized business (SMB), middle market and enterprise-level situations. Is one database platform really more complex to operate or expensive to run? How well does each platform scale to support additional users and business growth?
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querying and enterprise application search functionality than applications that support multiple databases. Enabling those powerful database features, if the application is not aware of them, is a very complex task. You will also see an improvement in overall performance if an application is designed specifically to run on a single database platform because the application is carefully tailored for the way a particular product performs. All of these things result in lower overall cost of ownership, higher reliability and a more satisfied end user because you will have greater uptime, greater performance, less maintenance overhead and system overhead by technicians.
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support for multi-site, global operations, scalability and high availability become even more important. There are many elements that contribute to the scalability and availability of the database: The size of the database must grow over time with limited DBA involvement, and without requiring changes to the application layer. Oracle provides many automated tools and features such as Automatic Storage Management (ASM) to dynamically adjust database size and resource allocations. These adjustments are made based on the operational characteristics of how the database is actually used, which of course varies from customer to customer. This substantially reduces the need to accurately forecast ahead of time exactly how the database will be used as well as the need for manual adjustments. If not configured correctly, a database can fail resulting in downtime. Oracle automated management features can help prevent this from happening. Concurrency, the degree to which the database controls multi-user access and updates, is critical to application performance and how the database scales. Concurrency is often referred to as locking, and if not handled correctly can cause application delays and reduced transaction volumes. Oracle has always included support for scalable concurrency controls, including row level locking, the most granular form of concurrency control. Other databases typically support page level, or even table level locking, which effectively locks out larger portions of the database during updates. This can lead to high levels of user contention for data and results in delays. Recently, SQL has added support for row level locking, but not all applications can take advantage of this feature. Redundancy, the ability of the database to continue operation in the event of a hardware failure, is critical to uninterrupted application operation. Oracle supports grid computing to meet this challenge. Grid computing is a database architecture that enhances scalability and load balancing. Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) allows a single copy of a database to be accessed by multiple nodes (servers) in a computing cluster. This means that multiple applications, multiple users, can access the database simultaneously in real time while controlling synchronization and concurrency internally by the cluster itself. In the event one fo the servers in the cluster fails, processing is automatically resumed on a surviving node in the cluster. Other databases support clustering, but in a less active manner. In some cases, a backup server is running in a stand by mode, meaning the application must be restarted in the event of a failure. Other approaches, including data federation, require the database to be split over multiple servers. This can help with scalability concerns but not high availability concerns. Scalability can also be seen as a licensing issue. Oracle provides four different editions of its database product: XE a free developer version Standard Edition and Standard Edition One Enterprise Edition
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The advantage of this tiered license is that an SMB can license SE One and move up to other versions as the business grows. However, each tired edition interacts with an enterprise application in exactly the same way, so there are no changes needed to the configuration or coding of the application layer of the solution as the edition of the database changes.
The database is an important aspect of an overall enterprise application solution, but it is only part of the solution. From a packaged application perspective, looking at any one part of the solution makes less sense than looking at the overall solution and how it addresses business needs. In the end, the specific database technology used to support an enterprise application should be of secondary interest in an application selection process as long as the database technology: Is open, supportable and has a clear future to prevent technology lock in; Does not come with any penalties or drawbacks in terms of cost, ease of use, scalability or deployability; Is fully supported by the application, and the application layer takes full advantage of the databases feature set; Is scalable and supports cost effective high availability needs consistent with the business requirements.
Rick Veague is Chief Technology Officer with IFS North America, and is based in the Schaumburg, Ill. headquarters. In this role, Veague provides direction for IFS use of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and works with IFS leading customers to leverage SOA to provide state-of-the-art ERP.
About IFS
IFS, the global enterprise applications company, provides solutions that enable organizations to respond quickly to market changes, allowing resources to be used in a more agile way to achieve better business performance and competitive advantage. IFS was founded in 1983 and now has 2,600 employees worldwide. IFS has pioneered component-based enterprise resources planning (ERP) software with IFS Applications, now in its seventh generation. IFS component architecture provides solutions that are easier to implement, run, and upgrade. IFS Applications is available in 54 countries, in 20 languages. IFS Applications provides extended ERP functionality, including supply chain management (SCM); enterprise asset management (EAM); maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO); product lifecycle management (PLM); customer relationship management (CRM); and corporate performance management (CPM) capabilities. IFS has over 500,000 users across seven key vertical sectors: aerospace & defense, automotive, high-tech, industrial manufacturing, process industries, construction & facilities management, and utilities & telecom. IFS also provides a cross-industry solution for retail & wholesale distribution. More details can be found at For further information e-mail [email protected]
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2008 IFS