Radiotherapy Viva
Radiotherapy Viva
Radiotherapy Viva
Linear Accelerators
[1] What are the differences (disadvantages and advantages) between LINACS and Cobalt-60 machines e.g. dose rate? [2] Sketch the main components of a linear accelerator.
[3] Describe the theory of beam production and the part each component plays in the production of a clincally useful beam:
Modulator Klystrons & Magnetron Electron Gun Accelerator Waveguide Bending Magnet Target Flattening Filter Collimation (primary & secondary) Monitor Ionisation Chambers Wedges (physical/flying/dynamic)
[4] What changes are made to change the Linac from photon to electron mode? [5] What are the differences between the Varian 600C and the Siemens KD2?
[11] Explain the need for external filters. [12] What materials are used? [13] Why do applicators for x-rays (>150kVp) have a closed perspex end? [14] What is the Heel Effect? [15] Sketch depth dose curves for 300, 100 and 50kV x-rays. [16] What are the approximate 90% depths for low and medium energies?
Ionisation Chambers
[17] Sketch a free air ionisation chamber set-up. [18] What is the definition of exposure? [19] How does this affect the design of the free-air ionisation chamber? [20] What thickness of surrounding air is required at 200kV? 300kV? [21] Sketch a simple thimble chamber. [22] What is the air equivalent wall? [23] What is the calibration chain for ionisation chambers at your training hospital? [24] Describe the consistency checks using Strontium-90.
[32] What calculations must be made to change dose in air to dose in water? [33] Sketch graphs indicating the differences at increasing energy for bone and tissue. [34] Under what conditions can air kerma and dose be considered identical, when not?
Brachytherapy: Intracavity
[35] What is intracavity brachytherapy? [36] What are the advantages of this type of treatment?
[37] Describe the properties of an ideal source and relate to currently used Cs-137 & Ra-226.
[38] What are the advantages of afterloading brachytherapy devices? [39] What are the approximate dose rates for LDR, MDR & HDR afterloading systems? [40] What are biological effects of using a LDR or MDR machine? [41] Describe the Selectron suite and afterloading machine (plus applicators) at your training hospital. [42] What radiation protection devices are in place? [43] What is the purpose of catheterisation? [44] What are the anatomical origins and geometrical positions of points A & B in the Manchester system? [45] What are the dose limits to the rectal and bladder points?
Brachytherapy: Interstitial
[46] What are the major features of the Paris system of dosimetry (9 Rules)? [47] How does this differ from the Manchester system? [48] What are the properties of Ir-192? [49] In dose calculations what are the basal doserate, the reference doserate and the treatment volume. [50] What is the effective length of the hairpin taken to be?
QA Procedures (Megavoltage)
[55] List the daily checks performed and the tolerances for each result. [56] What additional checks are performed weekly? [57] List the checks performed monthly on the Linac (8). [58] What codes of practice are used? [59] Describe the experimental set-up including the field size, MU, build-up material, tolerances, etc. for each check. [60] What is the definition of TMR?
QA Procedures (Kilovoltage)
[61] What is the code of practice relating to kilovoltage output measurements? [62] How has this changed since the previous document? [63] How are the three energy ranges categorised? [64] Describe the procedure for checking the output reading. [65] What is the backscatter factor? [66] What corrections must be applied to the instrument reading? After multiplication by chamber calibration factor, mass absorption coefficient, ratio water/air, etc. [67] What are the differences between the measurement/calculation made for outputs at 90, 135 and 300kV? [68] What other QC procedures might be carried out on the kilovoltage unit (5)? [69] Describe the calibration chain for ionisation chambers & dosemeters. [70] Describe the procedure for consistency checks with Sr-90. [71] Briefly describe QC checks performed on the Selectron.
[1] Draw an ionisation chamber. [2] What is it measuring?
[3] Where is the charge collected? [4] What effects do temperature and pressure have on the readings? [5] Prior to an Sr-90 check, what else do you need to consider about the electrometer? (Leakage test). [6] Asked about the Heel Effect on the orthovoltage machine? What is it, explain the curve and how do we overcome this is our measurements? [7] Draw an electron depth dose curve. [8] Explain each part of the curve. [9] How does the curve vary with energy? Why? [10] Draw a treatment head (linac). [11] What are the purposes of the secondary collimators? [12] How is the field size defined? Is it a 10 x 10 cm field at the isocentre or at 100cm FSD? [13] How would you measure the field size? Film? (50%). [14] Can you determine the beam flatness from this film? [15] How would you do that? [16] Asked about head scatter measurements. Why are they performed? [17] Are they utilised in the treatment planning system? [18] Why do we do dmax profile scans and measurements? [19] If you had a particular area of a field blocked out, how would you calculates the required treatment time?
Radiotherapy III
[1] What is contained in IRR99 and IRMER? [2] Where does the medical physicist fit in? [3] What is the difference between the Manchester and Paris dosimetry systems for intracavitary brachytherapy?
[4] How are the Basal Dose Rates and Reference Dose Rates defined? [5] Illustrate on a single plane interstitial implant the relative dose distribution obtained with the Paris system.
[6] On the same diagram, what volume would the Manchester system address? [7] Define Air Kerma and Absorbed Dose. What are the units? [8] What does ICRU Report 50 address? Use a diagram to illustrate the different volumes. [9] What is the normalisation point? [10] Where is the reference isodose defined? (10 cm deep) [11] What is the Quality Index? [12] How is it measured? [13] How is this set-up different from measuring the HVL of a low kV beam? (Broad beam for QI, collimated for HVL). [14] Explain your choice of beam arrangement for the bladder plan in your Portfolio? [15] Why was a wedge necessary? [16] Why did you use three fields? [17] Why might growing a uniform CTV not be the best idea in some cases? (OARs, think about prostate plan).
9. 10.
What are the errors involved? Describe how you would determine the HVL for different orthovoltage energies? Why are the metal sheets placed about midway between the tube and the ionisation chamber? (Backscatter). What is the approximate shape of the radiation distribution in a plane parallel to the anode-cathode axis? (Heel Effect). Briefly describe the role of CT simulation in treatment planning. What is virtual simulation? Why would you expect the dose calculations to be slightly different for manual and computerised planning? Sketch the field layout for breast treatment based on two beams. Based on the environmental survey in your portfolio what is the dose limit for members of staff? How could your measurements have been made more accurate? (More measurements). What is a risk assessment? What should it address with respect to a RT department? What placements did you do during your training? (Non-Ionising Radiations, Vascular Labs and Instrumentation, Nuclear Medicine). What did you learn from Nuclear Medicine? Briefly describe a daily QA procedure on a gamma camera. What do you understand by Clinical Governance?
18. 19.